What does a queen ant look like? Queen of Ants L2 how to get there

The epic boss Ant Queen lives in the Gludio Wasteland. This place has undergone changes due to the magic of Beleth. The ants have grown to large sizes, dug a huge cave, forming a colony, and guard the Queen. She spends her entire life in a cave, guarding eggs and larvae.

Boss level 40. Has vulnerability to fire. There are many farming tactics. The easiest way to kill is with twinks 40+ (Wizards). The fact is that high-level characters turn to stone as soon as they enter the river.

The area behind the river is guarded by Guardians (they run quickly). They are usually the first to be killed. Nurse Ants are constantly running around the Queen. They treat at high speed. They are taken far from the queen to any place, after which farming begins.

Ant Queen spawn time – 24 hours +/- 4 hours

Correct epic farming in the realities of Gracia Plus

farm party 1. forty 2. forty 3. forty 4. forty 5. forty 6. forty 7. forty 8.she (if it’s not there), for pov, if it’s there, then she of the party just throws em 9.bd with siren, in general, the more sorts the better, if you don’t allow a party, collect a second one, the SD will be able to transfer to both parties

At the farm, all the sorceans summon Cats, who fill MP with the owner

and a patch for healing: 1. tank 2. any healer (ee, she, bish)

3.PP is definitely needed to buff both the tank and the farmers themselves

And we need a party for protection, which will stand on the bridge, quite far from the AK itself, so that at the end of the farm the hai vars do not come and demolish the farmers.

In an ideal variant, farming proceeds according to the following scheme: the buffers, bd, svsu, she, ee (I mean high lvl) need to stand a little higher than the rise, so as not to catch the stone first, a full buff for the farmers and the hero, dances, songs for the hero, after which the bd Svs go to the farmers The hero kills all the guards, a tank with a healer sequentially runs after him, the ocher is demolished right down to the guards at the lechinka, BUT if you did not have time to demolish the ocher at the lechinka, then it’s okay, the tank will stand fine under the healer.

Further! Until all the nurses come close to the treatment, AK CANNOT be touched! as soon as all the nurses are intensively healing the lechina and move towards it, 1 sorets drags the ak to the river, IF the nurses return, you need to STOP hitting the AK, and wait until they move back to the lechina (this happens when the ak begins to drag prematurely, when the nurses have not yet we reached the cure).

If AK also has twinkies, then they are killed at the moment when Hiro kills the guards!!! not earlier! this is so that they stupidly do not have time to reach the AK during farming and do not disrupt the farming process. BUT after the necessary spells have been collected, DO NOT FORGET THAT WHEN FARMING ANY EPIC, EVERYONE who is online in this case VISITS IT.

PS. It’s better to let 1 person collect the drop, so as not to hesitate later in handing over the trash. (the party leader should have loot for the finder)

After killing AK, go off with twins (if there is a var), IF there is NO var, then in this case you must wash the twin’s PC, fill it with full mp and leave them with buffs!

We regularly post on the forum - the time of death of the AK, who killed it and whether there was a ring... ^^

Another way to farm. Simplest.

We pump up forty to 40-42 (but not 43!)

The tank runs around the queen and collects goosebumps at one point. The magpies massacre and kill the first group. Then the tank runs into the back room and gathers the remaining ones - they kill them with massive skills. He begins to beat the larva so that the nannies can heal it. All. After this, the miniums drive the AK to the river and voila. All about everything in a few minutes. There are still nuances that I cannot talk about, but for Rashi this should be enough.

Ant's Den Map

The main reward is a unique Ring of the Ant Queen

Gives the following effects: MP +21, increased resistance to poisoning by 30%, increased chance of poisoning by 30%, increased Accuracy, increased Critical Power. Atk., increased hold resistance by 20%, increased hold chance by 20%. If a character wears two of these rings, the effect will appear on only one of them. Magic protection 48.

Video on how to get to the queen + farm.

Zerg wizards. I'm glad 😀


ANT QUEEN (Ant Queen) - the first RB who will kill you

Epic bosses in Lineage 2 are a group of bosses whose drop is epic jewelry, which gives your character additional characteristics. It compares favorably with the sets offered for crafting..

Ant Queen (Ant Queen) - raid boss lvl 40, lives in the Ant Nest location, outskirts of Gludio. Use the teleport (Gatekeeper) in Gludio, from there you can move to the entrance to the anthill. RB will be in the central room surrounded by his guards - guards and nanny ants. Behind the epic in a separate room is a larva (Queen Ant Larva).

RB location:

Where to find ANT QUEEN Map of where the Queen of Ants is located.

Ant queen received the lowest level among epics, which is why the spider is often found first on new servers.

Queen Ant Boss Stats:

  • Phys. attack: 329
  • Phys. defense: 1615
  • M.attack: 77
  • M.protection: 655
  • Speed: 278
  • Exp: 2179535
  • SP: 2179535
  • HP: 229898
  • MP: 667
  • Experience: 2179536
  • Attack range: 45
  • Respawn 24 hours +/- 4 hours.
  • Weakness - vulnerability to fire.

Loot from an anthill

The drop of this boss is one of the most successful trophies. Ring of Queen Ant is necessary for all individuals. classes in the game. Jewelry increases an important indicator for these professions - crit power. A must-have item for archers and daggers.

Ring characteristics:

Ring Grade B - Ring of Queen Ant

  • Drop chance 30%
  • Weight: 150
  • M.Def: 48
  • MP Bonus: +21
  • Resistance to poison: +60%
  • Bonus to Accuracy: +2
  • Bonus to Critical Damage (damage on a critical hit): +15%
  • Resistance to immobilization spells (Hold): +40%

Farm Ant Queen.

The maximum level of attacking RB heroes is 42. The party consists of forties, a tank, plus a full buff and a group to defend the main roster. Farming is most effective with Sorcerers - the most standard and working method. Mages must be equipped with the Karmian Set armor and armed with a Homunkulus's Sword with Acumen SA. Try to keep players with high levels away, they can reduce the chance of a ring drop to zero.

Behind the central room (Ant Queen's spawn point), there are smaller bins, the Queen Ant Larva larva is hidden there from prying eyes. Having hit her, Nurse Ant will stop healing the Queen, and will immediately rush to heal the larva and be distracted from healing the boss. The task is to separate AQ from her retinue and methodically destroy the guards and the queen herself.

The difficulty lies in the Ring of Queen Ant itself - there are more than enough people willing to get the trophy. The abundance of Queen's Guards and Ring Hunters turns the Ant Nest location into a battlefield.

Support is needed to protect the anthill from attack by others. The fight for the right to kill Ant Queen is a much more serious task than farming the boss itself.

I would like to note that on frishkas this location may have different settings. Most often, the difference lies in the distance of movement of mobs in the anthill and the restriction of access to the lair for high levels.


Ant Queen - Lineage 2

Queen of Ants or simply ant queen is an epic raid boss of level 40. Ant Queen is the smallest level epic raid boss. Therefore, of all the epic RBs, AKs are usually killed first.

You can find the ant queen in the Ant nest location, which is located in the vicinity of Gludio. From the gatekeeper of Gludio you can make a teleport directly to the entrance to the anthill. Ant queen will be waiting for you in the farthest cave, surrounded by her faithful soldiers, the ants.

Rep ant queen is 24 hours +\- 4 hours. The queen ant's spawn time is the shortest, so this rb is farmed quite often.

Farming ak is quite simple, in order to quickly farm AQ we will need a good buff for mage, em, akumen, magnus (or pof EE), clara, DB and svs (an option with a weaker buff is also possible). As you know, Ant queen is weak to fire attacks, so magpies are best suited for farming.

To kill an AK quickly enough you need 6-7 forty and 2 bish. Magpies call cats, which flood MP. On average, such a party composition kills an AK in 8-10 minutes (if wars and other enemies do not interfere). It’s better, of course, to have 2 parties of forty people, it will be faster. This main farming party will directly hit AK. You can also additionally create a tanking party from one tank and a couple of heals. We also need one high lvl character.

The problem is that AK has numerous guards, you can kill forty people with massive skills, or you can use high levels. The protection of the AK will be taken care of by a specially designed charm, it can be a tank, all that is required of him is simply to take all the guards away from the AK (towards the river, but without crossing it). At this time, the buffed party of forty quickly takes out the AK. I almost forgot that sorcee should be no more than lvl 42, if they are higher it may affect the drop of ant queen rings. The AK guard heals very well, and for a few heals it can restore the RB to full HP, so be careful.

On the chronicles, Interlude AK is farmed with the help of destroyers merged under frenzy. The tactics there are completely different. I described one of the simplest methods of farming, perhaps there are other ways to farm AK, if you know a better method, write in the comments.

Other epics of RB:

  • Antaras L2
  • Freya L2
  • zaken l2
  • Valakas L2


Lineage 2 - Lineage2 Knowledge Base – Queen of Ants description, RuOff chronicles

All monsters

P.Atk (physical attack)329
P.Def (physical protection)1615
M.Atk (magic attack)77
M.Def (magic protection)655
Attack typefist
Attack distance80

Load image...
Brandish Queen Ant
Decrease Speed
Decrease Speed
Temporarily slows movement. Effect 3.
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The ant queen is the main one in any anthill; its functions are to lay eggs and ensure the continuation of the ant family. Therefore, almost all the inhabitants of the colony take care of providing it with nutrients and other necessary means for survival.

Appearance and Features

It is not for nothing that the queen of the anthill occupies the supreme place in her nest. After all, it is thanks to it that the ant population increases. Forest blacks have only one queen in the settlement. She does not take part in obtaining food and generally does not leave the anthill anywhere, focusing exclusively on the production of offspring. But in insects, ant queens can live several individuals in each colony, without conflicting with each other.

As can be seen in the photo of the uterus of house ants, in appearance it is very different from working individuals in its size and body structure: it is 2 times larger than them and can reach a length of 4-4.5 mm, its chest is much wider due to the presence of flight muscles, color The body is dark brown, with light red bandages visible on the back of the round abdomen.

Due to its size, the queen is very clumsy and less mobile compared to working ants; she practically does not leave the nest, regularly accepting food from others and replenishing the supply of eggs. Therefore, it is almost impossible to get it from the depths.


Young females are initially born and grow up with small ones, like the queen ant in the photo, which has not yet had time to shed them. After the colony is founded, these parts either fall off on their own, or they are nibbled off and eaten, thus obtaining additional food.

Colony Formation

Every year, in an ant colony, many females and males are born from pupae. Afterwards, in the summer, each fertilized female ant begins to look for a place to found her family, flying with the help of wings. Having settled, the queen of red ants lays the first eggs, from which workers hatch, who are engaged in obtaining food and building materials for the anthill.

Autonomous groups coexist in complete peace and understanding. Therefore, it is possible to destroy such a complex settlement, consisting of several colonies, only by finding all the nests and queens in each of them, which will have to be killed.


Due to the fact that there are a large number of reproducing queens in a colony of pharaoh ants, its inhabitants treat the queen with less respect; they often drive the queens between nests, and in a situation where one of them becomes infertile, they can kill her. Thanks to this natural selection, the reproductive efficiency of the domestic ant species is very high, which allowed them to successfully conquer the whole world.

How to detect the queen and nests

The small red ants that a person sees in his apartment or house are just working individuals, scurrying around in search of food for the entire colony. Their destruction will have virtually no positive effect, because in a short time the number of emerging young people will fill this gap. To completely defeat pests, you should search for their nests.

Knowing what the queen of ants looks like, in order to completely neutralize the pests that have settled in the house, it is necessary to find and destroy all the nests and all the queens living there.

The most likely places for the settlement of pharaoh red ants are warm, damp areas in the kitchen, bathroom, and darkened and hard-to-reach places are chosen: cracks between tiles, the space near electrical outlets, channels through which electrical wiring runs, etc. Ants often establish colonies between floors in ceilings. Observing the movement paths of insects will help to facilitate the search, because they carry prey exactly to their “home”.

On a note!

How to find the queen ant among a large number of ants: in the nest you should look for the largest and singlest individuals. Young females also have wings. If access to the found anthill is free, then you can use a regular vacuum cleaner to destroy it.

It is very difficult to get all the queens out of the anthill, so it is best to use. It is necessary to treat the entire colony with insecticidal agents: aerosol or spray, use gels, poisonous baits or folk remedies.

To the question whether ants can live without a queen or not, the answer can be this: among red domestic species in the colony there will always be young females ready to reproduce and take on a new role - to become the next queen. Therefore, for effective control, it is recommended to destroy all members of the colony without exception: workers, females, and queens.

How to catch?

For those who are interested in how to catch a queen ant and make an incubator for her, we can recommend preparing a long glass flask with cotton wool soaked in a small amount of water. You can search for the queen purposefully, waiting for the moment when the young emerge from an anthill in the forest, or you can find it on the street completely by accident.

For the incubator, it is best to find ant queens that have already shed their wings, which means they are fertilized and are looking for a place for their colony. You should catch it carefully, do not pick it up, but push it with a branch or blade of grass towards the flask.

Having placed an insect in an incubator, after a few days you can observe how the queen lays eggs, and then, after a certain time, larvae and workers are formed. Observing the life and behavior of ants will allow you to see their division into castes. According to scientists, it is precisely this social hierarchy in the anthill that allows them to be considered the most developed order of insects in the world, resistant to adverse natural phenomena.

Ants have a clear hierarchy in their society, headed by the queen. It is she who is primarily responsible for the survival and spread of her colony. The queen ant does not build a home, does not store food, does not protect its habitat from uninvited guests. However, all other ants primarily observe her interests, ensuring the prosperity of the anthill and its regular replenishment with new residents.

This is probably one of the reasons why these insects were able to spread across the planet so quickly and stronger than others.

How does she look?

It is not difficult to distinguish the queen ant from all other insects. Usually, it is much larger than other individuals.

In addition, she has a fairly large round belly of a darker color with thin light stripes. Its size is 3-4 mm, and it is intended for laying eggs.

The queen looks more massive and less mobile than worker ants. Another significant difference from other individuals is the wider and more developed thoracic region (in simple ants the chest is no larger than the head part).

This structure is a consequence of the original presence of wings.

Young females that have not yet gone through fertilization and do not own a colony of their own have wings. When founding an anthill, they are shed, or the females chew them off on their own.


Once a year, ants produce a large number of females and males, which have the ability to reproduce. Mating occurs during flight. After fertilization has occurred, the female no longer returns to the home anthill, but tries to find a place to found her own colony. There she can lay her first eggs, from which she can hatch worker ants. Males in any anthill are always present in small numbers, but the attitude of other insects towards them is not very respectful.

At this moment, the future queen loses her wings - she can simply shed them, or chew them off to obtain additional nutrients.

It is worth noting that female red ants sometimes may not leave the anthill, but live with the rest of the queens, which is why their number within one colony can reach 200. At the same time, low-fertile queens can be destroyed - there are always those willing to take her place, but super-fertile ones can even be loaned to neighboring colonies.

Over time, the anthill grows so much that small groups of insects will separate from it, forming a kind of “branches”, but at the same time maintaining contact with the mother colony. It is very difficult to destroy such settlements, since it is necessary to find all such formations and kill the queen in each of them.

REFERENCE! The average lifespan of a queen red ant is 10-15 years. She can lay eggs throughout her life, which will amount to more than 500 thousand eggs over all years.

Composition of individuals in the colony the uterus itself regulates. To do this, she pollinates the laid eggs with special pheromones, as a result of which worker ants emerge from them. They are the ones who distribute eggs, help young individuals hatch, and obtain food.

When the anthill grows seriously, the queen no longer has enough pheromones, as a result of which individuals begin to appear again, capable of reproducing and founding new colonies.

How to find an ants nest in an apartment?

Red ants, which usually scurry around the apartment in search of food, are simple workers. They can be destroyed, but this will not give any significant effect - the queen will quickly replenish her family. Therefore, it is most important to find and destroy the nest itself, killing the queen in the process.

However, in reality it is not so simple. Ants usually organize it in a warm, humid place - in the bathroom or kitchen. In addition, it should be dark and difficult to access for others. These could well be cavities under tiles, channels for electrical wiring, sockets for sockets.

It may also happen that the anthill will be located not in the apartment, but somewhere in the ceilings between floors. As a result, it will either be impossible to find the nest at all, or you will have to acquire a full set of plumbing and installation equipment.

Nevertheless, it is still worth spending the effort to search. You need to carefully observe the movements of the ants around the apartment, noticing the directions in which they leave with their prey. Holes in the walls can be treated with polyurethane foam or silicone sealant - this will cut off the ants from their usual feeding places.

IMPORTANT! If it was possible to find a red ant nest in an apartment and destroy all the queens in it, the colony is usually removed from its place and leaves its home, which has become dangerous.

But in cases where this still cannot be done, you can take a defensive position by adding poisoned food and thereby trying to poison the queens directly.

Domestic red ants are a big disaster in the apartment. Thanks to the queens, they reproduce very quickly, and when separated from the main nest, they can form “branches”. In any case, at the head of each colony is a queen ant. It differs from other individuals in its larger size, large dark abdomen, and developed thoracic region. Young unfertilized females have wings, which they shed or chew off after establishing their nest. Finding a nest at home is a big problem, because it can be located in any warm, protected place - in ceilings, under tiles, cable ducts. However, its detection and destruction of all queens is guaranteed to force the ants to leave their dangerous place of residence.


Next you will see a photo of what the queen uterus of red house ants looks like:

Most ant species are social insects, living in large cooperative groups called colonies. Two or more generations may overlap in a colony. These ant colonies are divided into three privileged classes: males, workers and queens. Each class performs specific tasks. Ants that have more than one queen in their nests are called polygons ((Social insect) having more than one queen "clutch" in each colony). Colonies with only one "oviparous" queen are known as monogenic ((Social Insect) having only one queen to lay eggs in each colony).

Queen ants and males are part of the reproductive classes. They are the most important members of the colony because they ensure the survival of their species. The queen ant, regardless of species, is often larger than other members of the colonies. The body of queens is thicker than that of other ants, which makes queens easily distinguishable. Queen ants have a larger abdomen than other ants and have the wing muscles characteristic of their class.

Most queen ant eggs grow into wingless, sterile ants or workers. Winged male and female ants mate, after which the males die, and in many species the females lose their wings, creating new colonies. Queen ants do not typically feed, but use proteins from their decaying flight muscles as a food reserve. When the ants become adults, they forage for food for their dams.

In some species of ants, queens can live for more than ten years and are the longest-living members of the three colonies. They are capable of producing thousands of eggs in one lifetime.

And thus it turns out that the ants are divided into two groups:

  1. Polygons. Lots of queens.
  2. Monogenic. One queen.

The main differences between the queen and other ants are:

  • Plus size queens.
  • Wings.

It is important to note that there are species of ants in which it is difficult to determine the queen, because their queens are not particularly different from worker ants. To do this you need to be a professional and have knowledge.

What does the company "Anti Bedbugs" offer?

If you have decided to destroy the ants yourself, it is better to initially find and destroy the queen of the ants, this is important so that the pests do not multiply in the future and your work gives the desired result. Be careful: ants always protect their queen. If you are threatened, insects may bite you.

If you cannot fight the ants yourself, contact the specialists of the Anti-Bedbugs company in Moscow, Klin, Korolev, Sergiev Posad, Domodedovo, Lyubertsy, Mozhaisk, Mytishchi, Peresvet, Podolsk, Fryazino, Khotkovo, Chernogolovka and other cities and towns of the Moscow region Anytime. Disinfectors from the Anti-Bedbugs company will help rid your home, apartment, garage or other premises of ants forever. SES ant specialists quickly recognize the queen ant. Pros of professional wrestling: saving time, money, health. Plus you get a guarantee!

Ants are gregarious insects. There are no solitary or hermit ants. All varieties of these small workers live in colonies. Each resident of the anthill has his own specific responsibilities, but all efforts are aimed at only one thing - protecting, strengthening and prosperity of his large family.

Ant "table of ranks"

Communication and mutual contact between fellow tribesmen is carried out using channels (signal and food). The colony is conventionally divided into “detachments”:





At the head of this legion is the queen, aka the queen.. The uterus has the largest size. This is a real egg production conveyor. The working group of ants is required to care for eggs and pupae, search for and prepare food, repair and strengthen the anthill. A detachment of guard ants, the so-called soldiers, perform protective functions, guard entrances and deal with strangers. Females and males are destined for the role of participants in the process of reproduction.

Anthill defenders are a subspecies of the worker ant, but with slightly larger dimensions. Some ant species have insect soldiers that are unable to feed on their own. The workers are forced to feed them.

The main function of a soldier is protective. It protects the anthill, food supplies and foraging ants. A secondary task is to help dismember large prey into pieces if the worker ant is not able to carry it away entirely.

Worker ants

This is the largest group of inhabitants of the anthill. The first ones to appear after the queen lays the first chamber of the future anthill are the builder ants. He expands and strengthens the future underground kingdom, takes care of future offspring.

Working ants are divided into several subgroups in their group. Who performs what duties depends on the individual qualities of each insect. For example, individuals with proactive inclinations and reactions become hunters or scouts. The more sedate ones graze and spread aphids to plants and collect their sweet honeydew. The change in activity can only be influenced by age, when the old ant is no longer suitable for reconnaissance or hunting, or the sudden death of most of the colony.

Young specimens work underground, inside the anthill. They build new cells, dig passages, and care for larvae and females.

They say about some people: “Works like an ant.” And it does not mean that the result of his work is microscopic. On the contrary, it is praise denoting a gigantic job done alone. The comparison with insects is not accidental. Few in the animal world can boast of such strength and endurance. The little ant is able to lift and carry weight 50 times its own! And if several insects join forces, the number increases to 70-80! This is because the ant's body structure is dominated by muscle tissue. Considering the size of the anthill and the number of “freeloaders” that the worker ant provides with food, it is clear that it is not at all superfluous in strength. A stubborn insect, if unable to lift and carry large prey, will drag it along the ground behind it until help arrives.

It’s amazing that when an obstacle appears on the way, the ants cling with their paws and form living bridges up to several meters long. This is usually necessary to overcome a stream, a crevice, or any place where it is not possible to walk on the ground. So, such a bridge can withstand a load of several kg.

Who's in charge?

The formation of a new colony begins with the uterus. This is the queen of the colony. It does not perform any functions (harvesting, protection, construction), except one - to increase and maintain the number of the ant family. The uterus is formed from an ordinary female who was fertilized by a male, and she was able to organize her own “kingdom”. The queen is the only one with wings, which she will bite off herself after nursing her first litter.

The lifespan of a queen ant reaches two decades or more. As long as the queen is alive, the colony has every chance of rising from the ashes after any, even the most devastating losses.. Over the entire biological cycle, she lays half a million eggs.

Following the Queen Mother in status are the workers, the most numerous livestock of the colony. Then come the security troops. And males and females close the chain, among which, of course, there are individuals who, upon successful fertilization, will themselves become queens and form their own ant kingdom.

Video "The first steps of a soldier ant"