How to fix a ridge on a corrugated roof. Metal roofing units

The final stage of roof construction is the installation of the ridge. A mounted ridge for metal tiles will give the roof an aesthetic appearance and prevent water from penetrating underneath. roofing material. Its installation is carried out with additional ventilation parts. A properly fixed ridge element will provide a ventilated area of ​​the roof with a constant exchange of air, preserving the roof elements from rotting and fungus formation.

To complete the roof installation, install the ridge. This concept has two meanings, although they are sometimes combined into one:

  • The roof ridge is formed at the top point where the slopes meet.
  • The roofing ridge device provides a covering for the gap formed at the junction of the roofing material. The product is usually installed from a material identical to the roofing. Select the ridge element to match the color of the roof, taking into account architectural style buildings.
The additional element of the ridge covering is called a ridge strip. The plank structure consists of an outwardly curved corner made of profiled metal sheet. The edges of the product are finished with 15 mm edges in the form of pressed folds.
The complete set of metal tile ridges includes special fastenings and seals. The use of seals provides a tight connection that prevents water from penetrating into the under-roof space.
Metal roofing tends to form condensation due to temperature changes. Therefore, the roofing material is laid on a 50 mm raised sheathing, creating a ventilated space between the lower surface of the metal tile and waterproofing film. A sealant must be installed on the roof under the ridge of the metal tile. This device will protect against insects and debris getting into the under-roof space. The function of the material is to preserve the roof structure, protecting the ventilated space from the influence of negative factors. The high chemical resistance of the sealant prevents rotting of the material and the formation of mold.

Main types of ridge strips

The roof structure of different buildings differs in shape, so the types of ridges for metal tiles may also vary:
  • A semicircular ridge is installed at the junction of the roof slopes, covering the ends with decorative caps. They create a finished look.
  • Installation of straight strips is carried out in all types pitched structures, without requiring the installation of decorative plugs. It is less expensive, but inferior in beauty to its semicircular counterpart.
  • The narrow bar is primarily intended for the device decorative finishing tent structures. It gives an aesthetic appearance to spiers and gazebos.
  • Curved ridges of metal tiles T- and Y-rev different shapes are used to fasten straight planks on the roof at the points of their connection.
  • End elements are used to cover the gables.
A properly installed roof strip is almost invisible.

Varieties of semicircular planks

Today you can find semicircular planks on sale non-standard sizes. So the manufacturer is trying to reduce the price of an additional element by saving metal. The non-standard strip is slightly narrowed, so in some cases its installation is not recommended. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages:
  • A standard size strip creates more overlap on the metal tiles. This means that it better protects the roof joint from the penetration of rainwater and snow. It also allows you to sometimes refuse to use a seal for the sake of economy and good ventilation.
  • When using a ridge ridge aero element, it will be completely covered by the side flaps of the standard element. The edges of the aero element will peek out from the narrowed strip, spoiling appearance roofs.
  • The resulting large gaps at the joints due to mistakes can easily be covered with a standard plank. But you need to lay a seal under it to protect the ventilated space under the roof.
  • A narrowed element is more profitable to buy due to its lower cost. But it overlaps the gap less with the side shelves. In any case, you will have to push a seal under such a bar. The costs of purchasing it again increase, plus ventilation under the roof worsens.

Calculation of the number of slats

Knowing the dimensions of the roof and the ridge of the metal tile, it is necessary to make simple calculations of the ridge strips installed on the roof. This can be done using the formula N=Lс.÷(Lп. – 10), where:
  • N – number of strips;
  • Lс. – length of all roof slopes (mm);
  • Lp. – length of one strip (mm);
  • 10 – overlap of planks at joints (mm).
Before installing the ridge, you need to pay attention to its appearance. The minimum shelf width should be 150 mm, which will create additional protection from snow getting inside the attic during strong gusts of wind. The plank must have a stiffening edge. If you cover the roof with planks without trim, they will lose their even shape and will look ugly from the ground. Fastening the ridge of metal tiles requires a team of three people, since the work requires frequent movement on the roof. Taking a construction cord with a screwdriver, get to work:
  • At the very beginning, using a stretched cord, make sure that the bend of the ridge axis does not exceed 20 mm. Detected deviations are corrected.
  • A sealant is attached to the grooves of the ridge elements. If you want to save money, you can lay a loose layer of glass wool.
  • Two assistants on both sides of the roof lift the ridge strip. Not allowing large gap vertically, the third assistant lays the ridges of the metal tiles on the outer edge of the roof. In this case, the bar should be flush with the outer sheets.
  • From the opposite side of the roof, an assistant observes that there is no distortion of the inner edge. The outer edge of the element is screwed to the roof.
  • The construction cord is pulled along the edge. Aligned along the line of the cord, screw it onto the roof internal sides skates
  • The remaining elements are mounted strictly along the tensioned cord. The skates on the metal tiles are fixed with screws every second wave, periodically checking that they do not flap on the roof from the wind.

The nuances of installing ridge elements

When installing roof slats, you need to pay attention to various nuances:
  • Flat ridges on metal tiles are mounted on the roof with an overlap of 30–50 mm. Semicircular elements are attached along the profile lines.
  • The construction of a gable roof (a gable structure supported by two walls of the same height) requires a combination of the roof slope with a ridge strip model.
  • Triangular and trapezoidal roofs require adjustment of the ridge strip by bending or straightening.
  • For all its advantages, the seal under the ridges on metal tiles prevents good ventilation. Therefore, it is advisable to install it for a roof with a flat slope. Under roofs with a slope angle of more than 45°, you can do without a sealant.
  • If it is impossible to refuse the seal, providing air to the ventilated space will help additional installation roof outlets for ventilation.

Here you can see the order of work: Having completed the installation of the ridge, the aesthetics of the ridge rib are examined from below. Decorative caps are placed in semicircular strips. You don’t have to buy them; you can easily cut them from leftover metal. Most roofers do just that. Now roofing can be considered completed.

Every building detail or structure has a purpose. The ridge for corrugated sheets is designed to protect the roof from bad weather. The service life of the roof, and, consequently, the entire building, directly depends on its characteristics. In this article we will talk about how to correctly design a roof ridge made of corrugated sheets and install it in such a way that the roof lasts a long time and properly performs its functions throughout its entire service life.

Installation of a roof from any roofing, including metal tiles, must be made in such a way that ventilation of the under-roof space is carried out. This need is due to the fact that the air from the outside penetrates through the eaves under the roof and heats up. According to the laws of physics, it rises up and dries the roof.

If the air that has picked up moist vapor is constantly under the roof, then ideal conditions the occurrence of condensation, rust and mold, which will lead to roof failure. To avoid this, the air must have a path to escape at the highest point of the roof. Such a place is the convergence of the upper edges of the roofing material.

The presence of cracks at the top of the roof allows precipitation, insects and even birds to enter the attic. This doesn't bode well. Therefore, you should install the ridge of metal tiles, just like for any other roofing materials.

Installing a ridge on metal tiles and roofs made from other roofing materials allows you to create conditions under which air freely escapes through the ventilation into the atmosphere, and nothing unnecessary gets under the roof from it.

In addition to its practical function, installing a roof ridge made of metal tiles and other roofing materials allows you to give the structure a more elegant and finished appearance. Thus, a correctly selected and correctly installed ridge also has aesthetic significance.

Roof ridge made of corrugated sheets

As a rule, the ridge on metal tiles must be made of the same material. It is not difficult to select a ridge structure made using the same technologies as metal tiles. Most often they are sold together. Of course, you can choose the appropriate color.

As a rule, the ridge on corrugated sheets is available in three variations:

  • regular corner;
  • semicircular;
  • U-shaped.

The semicircular ridge is quite often equipped with a flat or cone-shaped end cap. In addition to the above types of skates, there are other types of sections.

Often, such additional roofing elements are produced in lengths from 2000 to 3000 millimeters. The width of the skate shelves varies from 10 to 30 centimeters. The radius of a semicircular ridge can also be different.

You can buy skates in the store, but if the owner of the house wishes, it is possible to order custom production this additional roof element. In addition, if you have special equipment (a sheet bender) and some experience, you can make a roof ridge element yourself. If there is no such opportunity, then do not despair. Purchase finished product it won't cost much more.

A ridge is a roof part that must have good rigidity. To achieve this, manufacturers bend the edges of the shelves inward by 2-3 centimeters along the entire length of the product. This allows you to avoid damage to the roof ridge element during sudden gusts of wind during construction. installation work.

Construction tools and materials for installing a ridge on a corrugated roof

The use of one or another form of ridge depends on a lot of different factors: from the aesthetic preferences of the owner of the house to the design rafter system. But regardless of the shape of the ridge, its installation will require a number of additional building materials and tools that need to be prepared in advance and taken with you to the roof so as not to descend from it several times. So, for installation work you will need:

  • a ladder equipped with L-shaped protrusions at the ends, thanks to which it will not slide down the roof slope;
  • roofing screws. With their help, the ridge is attached to the roof;
  • screwdriver or shaped screwdriver. The first is preferable, since with the help of a screwdriver, everything necessary work can be done much faster;
  • prefabricated ridge elements, the number of which directly depends on the length of the roof and dimensions;
  • tape measure or any other measuring instrument;
  • scissors for working with metal;
  • seal.

The L-shaped ledge on the stairs is usually made at an angle of 90 degrees. At the same time, the angle between the roof slopes is not always equal to this value. There's nothing wrong with that. If the angle is less than 90 degrees, then the main load falls on top part corrugated sheeting, which is laid on the sheathing, so nothing threatens this part of the roof. At the same time, if the angle is more than 90 degrees, then the end of the L-shaped protrusion can severely damage the polymer coating of the roofing material. This point must be taken into account and the metal tiles must be protected from damage. At a minimum, for this you need to wrap the ledge of the stairs with fabric or any other similar material.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of screws. They come with a sharp end for working with wood and a drill for fastening metal structures. If the ridge is attached to wood, then the self-tapping screw will still have to be drilled through the corrugated sheeting. Therefore, one important subtlety should be taken into account. A self-tapping screw with a drill will pass through the metal and crash into the wood, at the same time drilling a channel in it. A sharp self-tapping screw will not be able to pass through the metal, however, it will screw into the wood, pressing into it.

Thus, a sharp self-tapping screw will hold tighter and, therefore, allow you to fasten the ridge more securely. For places where strong gusts of wind are common, this can play an important role. In this regard, the installation of the ridge should be carried out using sharp self-tapping screws. In such a situation, it is recommended to drill the corrugated sheet and only then screw in the screws.

To ensure that the aesthetic characteristics of a corrugated roof are not compromised, you should select self-tapping screws with a head of the appropriate color. Stores that sell roofing materials will probably have these roof fasteners in a suitable color.

When preparing a screwdriver for work, you should not forget to equip it with a head of the required size, or better yet, take a spare one with you. It often happens that during work, the tightening of the screwdriver becomes loose and may fall out.

Additionally, we should talk about the seal, it is very important detail ridge roof structure made of corrugated sheets. Essentially, it acts as a barrier for insects and small birds. In addition, it prevents precipitation from penetrating under the roof. At the same time, it can be used to create a ventilated ridge, because it allows air to pass through unhindered.

It is important to choose the right seal, because its shape must correspond to the profile of the profiled sheet. It should be noted that such a seal is produced not only for ridges, but also for cornices and valleys. The cornice is adjacent to the roof from the bottom side of the corrugated sheet, and the ridge is adjacent to the top. Therefore, the shape of the seal may differ. This must be taken into account when purchasing in order to select the required material.

Installing the seal is quite simple. It is easy to cut and adheres well with glue, sealant or double-sided tape. If you couldn’t find a seal with a special shape, you can replace it with a universal self-adhesive material.

Installation of a ridge on a roof made of profiled metal sheets

It is required to start installing the ridge on the leeward side. You need to think about the shape of the ridge even at the stage of installing the rafter system, but it is possible to make adjustments during the installation of the corrugated roofing. They are expressed as follows:

  • if it was planned to install a regular corner ridge, then it is necessary to lay the corrugated sheeting in such a way that the dimensions of the uncovered sheathing are minimal. Otherwise, the middle may shift down. The greater the angle between the slopes and the distance between the edges of the corrugated board, the greater the likelihood that this will happen;
  • if you want to use a semicircular or U-shaped ridge, then you need to slightly modify the rafter system. How to do this? At the point where the rafters converge, you need to install a board that will support the ridge, resting against it at the top;
  • During the process of installing corrugated sheets on the roof, a wide variety of unpleasant situations may arise, for example, during the work, it may turn out that the length of standard sheets of metal tiles is not enough for the upper edges of the roof to meet at a distance that makes it possible to use a corner ridge. In such a situation, you can also install a support board and purchase ridge elements of a different shape.

Most owners of private houses install a ridge on a roof made of corrugated sheets themselves, because there is nothing complicated about it. This is confirmed by the video below:

Installation of a ridge on a roof made of corrugated sheets must be carried out taking into account a number of rules:

  • before installing the ridge elements on top of the roofing material, it is necessary to glue the sealant;
  • ridge elements must be laid on top of each other with an overlap of 15-20 centimeters;
  • the ridge is attached to the roof with self-tapping screws every 20-30 centimeters. The fasteners must be screwed into the top of the waves;

If there is excess length of the ridge element, then it must be installed with the cut end inward. It is advisable to treat the cut lines with a special paint and varnish material.

Imagine what will happen if the ridge is not attached to the corrugated sheeting. Snow, rain, all natural precipitation will fall under upper layer roof, destroying its structure. A gusty wind, flying into the gap between the corrugated sheeting and the waterproofing film, singing a song, will try to tear off the roof. Hardly sensible person wants to have a roof without a ridge element.

Laying the ridge is necessary and is done with an overlap of 15-20 cm, with installation starting on the leeward side of the roof.

Necessary materials

A roof ridge is an additional element designed to connect the roof slopes and protect it from precipitation and strong gusty winds. It also has aesthetic significance and gives the roof a finished look. It is fastened on top of the corrugated sheets.

Nowadays, there are many manufacturers on the roofing materials market offering different kinds additional elements for roofs, the construction of which includes corrugated sheeting and additional elements, without which installation of the ridge is impossible. But still, from the entire assortment, three main types stand out:

  1. Simple.
  2. With a U-shaped rib.
  3. Semicircular.

A simple skate is metal corner with shelf widths from 100 to 300 mm ( standard sizes). It is desirable that they be equipped with a border - metal bends along the edges of 15 mm. This gives the skate the necessary rigidity. By using a rigid element, the final installation occurs more accurately and quickly. Installation becomes easier because... gusts of wind do not bend it.

The design of a skate with a U-shaped rib differs from a simple one in appearance. It has the same shelf dimensions, but its rib is made in the form of the letter P. The rib size is usually 20 by 40 mm or 20 by 30 mm. Many manufacturers have the opportunity to produce an element according to custom sizes. This device makes its installation more convenient. The U-shaped rib is screwed with self-tapping screws to the ridge beam. The timber is fastened in advance, the roof is installed and the corrugated sheet is laid.

A semicircular ridge has different rib diameters, but a mandatory component of this type is a cap, or in other words, a ridge end element.

When making a ridge for corrugated sheeting, a material such as corrugated sheet is used, or it is made from galvanized steel. Standard length is 2 m.

Another mandatory element that makes up the roof structure is the ridge seal. It is designed to seal the gap separating the ridge sheet and, in our case, corrugated sheeting.

Based on their appearance, seals are divided into three categories: for corrugated sheets, for metal tiles and self-adhesive universal seals. The first two types repeat the pattern of roofing iron.

Each has its own seal and its own installation. The universal tape has the shape of a rectangle or square when cut. Some manufacturers also offer ridge ventilation tape. It is often in the form of a semicircle.

The seal is made of LDPE foam or polyurethane foam and does not interfere with air circulation.

To attach the ridge to the corrugated sheet, special roofing screws, painted in the color of the roof, with a silicone gasket are used. Because this additional element is always under open air, the use of gasket is a must. It not only acts as a barrier to water trying to penetrate under the roof through microscopic cracks near the screw head, but also makes it possible to tighten the protection and corrugated sheeting more tightly. The length of roofing hardware is from 80 mm.

Required tools and equipment

Directly when installing the ridge, you will need tools and equipment:

  • a ladder having triangular projections at the upper ends, due to which it is attached to the roof;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • screwdriver with a head for roofing screws;
  • metal scissors;
  • lace.

Stages of work

The work begins with checking the finished roof. The upper parts of the slopes should be level and lie on the same horizontal line. Differences of 2 cm are allowed.

From one gable to the other it is necessary to tighten the lace. It is advisable that you have an assistant. Without it, it will be quite difficult to cope with this type of roofing work. The string is leveled using a level and temporarily secured with self-tapping screws on opposite corners of the roof. If necessary, it can be raised higher later.

A sealing strip or ridge ventilation tape corresponding to your type of sheet is attached to the edge of the corrugated sheet.

The first element is laid on the opposite side from winds and rains. It is screwed with roofing screws at a distance of 200-300 mm (depending on the pattern of the corrugated board) through the upper corrugation to the bars pre-attached under the corrugated sheet, running parallel to the ridge axis.

To perform as much as possible high-quality installation For a material such as corrugated sheeting, you do not need to screw in all the screws at once. It is advisable to bait the elements with 2-4 hardware each. The subsequent ones are fastened with an overlap of 100-200 mm. After this, you need to check again using the cord and a level, and only then tighten the remaining fasteners. There is no need for your roof to have extra holes.

If your roof structure is semicircular, then in order to complete the installation, you need to attach plugs to the ends of the ridge element.

It needs to be done well. A correctly installed ridge guarantees the dryness and durability of the roof, and as a result, a warm and comfortable environment in your home.

On last stage When covering the roof with corrugated sheets, the ridge ribs (ridges) are formed. The ridge is formed at the line of intersection of the slopes, therefore it is an attribute pitched roof. A special additional element is mounted on top of it - a ridge strip or roofing ridge.

This work is not difficult for professionals. But if you plan to install a ridge on a corrugated roof yourself, you will have to deal with some technological subtleties.

Roofing terms can sometimes get confusing, especially when one word refers to different things. This is what happens with the term “ridge,” which can mean a structural part of the roof or an additional roofing element.

The ridge, as part of the roof, is the top edge formed at the intersection of the slopes. Therefore on gable roof, where there is one such intersection, one skate is formed. On the four-slope there are already two skates. And on more complex multi-pitched roofs - even more.

A ridge is also a component used to cover the structural ridge of a roof (rib). Its other name is ridge strip. It closes the gap between the slopes and can have different shapes. Most often, skates with a triangular and figured flat section are used for corrugated sheeting.

Therefore, in order to fully design the ridge on a roof made of corrugated sheets, it is necessary to arrange the edge of the intersection of the slopes (structural ridge) and cover it with a ridge strip.

Formation of the ridge rib

A ridge rib is formed by connecting the rafter legs of adjacent slopes. It represents a line passing through the upper connecting points.

Several methods are used to connect rafters in a ridge:

  • Butt - when rafter legs at the junction they are cut at an angle corresponding to the angle of inclination of the slopes. When mating, the joint is knocked down with nails and additionally connected with overlays - wooden or metal.
  • Lap - the tops of the rafters are placed on top of each other and sewn together with nails, bolts or studs.
  • “Half-tree” cutting – at the edges of the stops (at the joints) notches are cut to half the thickness of the timber. Then these recesses are placed on top of each other and connected with any through connection, for example, a bolt passed through both rafters.

In combination with other fastenings, the method of cutting into ridge run. Cutouts are made on the rafters, thanks to which they are “put on” ridge beam. In this case, the rafters can be secured to each other overlapping, end-to-end with overlays, or half-timbered.

The ridge girder can also be used as a support for rafters, without the need for cutting.

After installing the rafters, the ridge is formed in accordance with the structure of the roofing pie. For corrugated sheeting, the sequence of layers is usually as follows: rafter system, waterproofing, sheathing, ridge strip.

Ridge strip and its functions

The ridge strip is an outer corner (of different cross-sectional shapes) made of galvanized steel. There are products with polymer coating(colored) or without it. As a rule, the ridge is matched to the color of the profiled sheet, so that after installation the plank merges with the general covering and becomes almost invisible.

Since the ridge strip serves to bridge the gap in the structural ridge of the roof, it performs the following functions.

1. Protection of the under-roof space

This is the most important function, which is almost impossible to implement without a skate. Moisture that can get into the gap between the slopes causes corrosion of the metal, damage to the sheathing and the entire rafter system. Therefore, without covering this gap with a ridge, the service life of the roof and its thermal insulation properties will decrease significantly.

2. Providing under-roof ventilation

When laying the plank, gaps remain between its sole and the profile of the corrugated sheet (the height of the gap is equal to the height of the profile). IN ventilation system they play the role of exhaust holes through which air exits from the under-roof space. Air flow is carried out through holes in the eaves. Thus, if there are cracks in the ridge and near the eaves overhangs, continuous air movement is started to ventilate the under-roof space. This is especially important for insulated roofs.

Despite modern vapor barrier films, which must be included in roofing pie if there is insulation, some part of the warm vapors from interior spaces still ends up in the under-roof space. Colliding with the surface of the metal, with a difference in temperature inside and outside, warm steam cools and turns into water droplets, that is, into condensation. Ideally, it should be dried quickly so that it does not cause damage to the roof. To do this, an air flow is created in the under-roof space, moving from top to bottom: from the eaves overhangs to the holes in the ridge.

It is worth noting that moisture in the under-roof space is not always the result of condensation alone. Profiled sheet (and others metal roofs) are not completely sealed. Therefore, moisture also penetrates under the material from the outside - during strong winds and rain, for example. But this moisture is also dried by properly organized ventilation.

3. Decorative function

The ridge bridges the gap between the slopes and, accordingly, makes the roof visually complete. Merging with the corrugated sheet covering, the ridge strip looks like an organic continuation of the roof.

Ridge strip shapes

For roofs made of corrugated sheets, ridges can be used:

  • triangular (simple flat);
  • U-shaped (curly);
  • round (semicircular).

The triangular strip is the simplest part, it looks like an ordinary one metal corner with rolled edges.

The U-shaped (curly) ridge in cross-section forms more complex figure with a fold at the top in the shape of the letter P. This fold creates a U-shaped ventilation “pocket” that helps ventilate the ridge from the ends. A figured ridge looks more interesting on corrugated sheets, but requires more metal consumption. Therefore, its cost is slightly higher.

Round skates are the most decorative and are used for wave corrugated sheeting. In appearance they resemble a semicircular gutter with side shelves for fastening. They require the use of semicircular or cone-shaped side plugs, which have holes for ventilation. Round ridges form the largest ventilation “pocket” compared to straight ridges. But their cost is the highest, also due to the need to use plugs.

As a rule, the length of the ridge element is 2-3 m. During installation, they are assembled by overlapping along the entire line of the ridge rib. The shelf width of the ridge strips is 100-300 mm. The most practical width is 150-200 mm, it allows you to protect the vulnerable part of most roofs from external factors.

Narrower slats look good on smaller roofs, but unfortunately their functionality can be poor. The same planks, the width of the shelves reaching up to 300 mm, as a rule, look too massive. For this reason, they find their use on large roofs covered with highly corrugated corrugated sheets.

Application of sealant

Ventilation gaps, unfortunately, allow more than just air to pass through. In case of heavy rain (snow) and wind, moisture can get under the ridge and seep into the under-roof space. Also, debris, dust, insects and even birds (with a high profile) can get into the gaps. This is especially true for roofs with flat slopes and a slight slope.

Therefore, a sealant is installed in the gap under the ridge - a porous material that has the property of filling voids. There are several types of them:

  • The seal is universal - it is a tape made of foamed polyurethane foam, characterized by open porosity. One side of the tape is often made self-adhesive, which increases the ease of working with it. According to manufacturers, the universal seal does not interfere with normal ventilation of the ridge, however, this statement is controversial and practical builders question it.
  • The profile seal is a shaped tape made of foamed polyethylene, it has a rigid structure with closed pores. It follows the profile of the corrugated sheet, so it completely fills the gap between the ridge and the roof. In order not to block the ventilation in this way, there are holes in the profile seal (they can be left closed if the ventilation of the under-roof space is carried out through point ridge or pitched aerators).
  • Self-expanding sealant (PSUL) is a tape supplied in rolls. Made from polyurethane foam impregnated with acrylic. Initially, the seal is supplied compressed. Its expansion (up to 5 times!) occurs after installing the tape under the ridge. One side of the tape is self-adhesive and has protective strip, which is removed to allow gluing to the installation site.

Basic information about the features of ridge seals is presented in the video:

Installation of a ridge on corrugated sheets

The installation of the ridge strip begins after the completion of laying the corrugated board. In this case, the corrugated sheets should not reach the ridge edge (the line of intersection of the slopes) by 50-100 mm. This allows air to move freely in the under-roof space and exit at the ridge.

To securely secure the ridge, one additional sheathing bar is mounted on the top of both slopes. They will serve as a support for attaching the ridge strip.

Before attaching the ridge, you need to make sure that the line of intersection of the slopes (edge) is smooth. To do this, use either a cord or a laser rangefinder. Small horizontal errors are acceptable, but not more than 2% of the width of the ridge flange. For example, if you plan to install a ridge with a flange width of 200 mm and a length of 2 m, then the permissible deviations along the line of intersection of the slopes cannot be more than 0.02x200 = 40 mm.

If we allow the existence of a larger discrepancy, then the roof in such a place will be prone to leaks. In other words, if significant irregularities in the ridge ridge are detected, they will have to be eliminated or a ridge strip with an increased width of the shelves will be used.

The procedure for installing the ridge:

  1. Work begins from one edge of the ridge rib, the direction of laying is opposite to the movement of the prevailing winds.
  2. Install the seal. As a rule, it is glued to the ridge strip, with reverse side shelves, at a distance of 3 cm from the edges. Sometimes the seal is mounted directly on the profiled sheet, in the area of ​​the ridge.
  3. Ridge elements are laid along the structural ridge of the roof (rib) with an overlap of 150-200 mm. The overlap of round skates is carried out along stamping lines.
  4. The elements are fastened to the upper corrugation (wave or trapezoid) of the corrugated sheet, passing self-tapping screws through the sheathing. The fastening pitch is 300-400 mm. Self-tapping screws are driven into the ends of the ridge strip shelves, at a distance of a few centimeters from the edge.

For fastening, roofing screws with a rubber sealing washer are used. Since the ridge is secured through the upper corrugation, the length of the self-tapping screw is calculated based on the profile height of the grade of corrugated sheet used.

Use the formula:

L=H+L 1 +L 2,

where: L – the required length of the self-tapping screw; H – wave height (trapezoid) of corrugated sheeting; L 1 – length of the part of the self-tapping screw immersed in the sheathing (about 2.5-3 cm); L 2 – thickness of the washer with rubber gasket (about 4 mm).

It is not recommended to use nails to attach the ridge, since in strong winds there is a risk of such an element being torn off from the roof covering.

The work is carried out by laying the ridge elements one after another, up to the edge of the ridge rib. Upon completion of installation, check the evenness and correctness of installation, after which the ridge roof assembly is considered complete.

Video example of installation work

We invite you to watch a video that shows how to install a ridge on the roof frame house:

A properly installed ridge will protect your roof from many unpleasant factors and will be the key to its durability and strength. Therefore, it is necessary to begin installing the ridge strip only after studying all the features of the material and combining it with the profiled sheet.

Over the years of using metal tile roofs, it has established itself as a durable, reliable and affordable roofing material. It is more often used for gable roofs, since sheets of thin and light metal with extruded relief are perfect for DIY installation. The only thing weakness such a roof is the corner between the slopes, unprotected from moisture and blown through. To quickly and aesthetically eliminate this defect, you need to install a stacked metal ridge.

Reasons for installation

I call the junction between two roof slopes a ridge joint. No matter how ideally the installation of the roofing material is carried out, there remain small cracks, gaps. Not only does it look unaesthetic, but an unsealed ridge causes the following problems in the operation of a metal roof:

  • Penetration of moisture into the cracks between sheets of metal tiles. Water seeps into any, even minor, gaps, penetrating under the roofing material and destroying wooden elements rafter system.
  • Blowing cold air under the roof. An unsealed ridge is an abyss into which heated air from a heated house goes; this is a gap not only in the roof, but also in the budget, because in order to maintain optimal temperature more fuel and energy resources will be required.
  • Ventilation problems. Installation of a type-setting ridge on a metal tile will help to establish effective ventilation attic or attic space. The air there will be fresh, without drafts.
  • Noise. The air, entering under the sheets of metal tiles through the ridge, circulates and is divided into streams, due to which the roofing material is deformed and makes popping sounds.

Installation of a ridge makes the appearance of a metal tile roof harmonious and complete, preserving the healthy condition of the wood of the rafter system, increasing its service life.

Assortment of inlaid skates

If previously you had to think about how to equip external corner between the roof slopes, now it’s enough to go to a hardware store and pick up a ready-made ridge in the color of the metal tile of the shape you like. Manufacturers offer the following options:

  1. Semicircular models. Metal that is pressed into a semicircular shape. WITH end sides It is necessary to attach plugs to a typecast ridge of this shape to close the voids into which snow, water or wind can get in. The most expensive of the entire range of skates.
  2. Straight models. Made in the shape of a rectangle, it is used for hips, gables, and to decorate the ridge. Fastening a rectangular profile will cost less than a semicircular one, but such a connection will look simple.
  3. Triangular models. They completely repeat the geometry of the angle between the slopes, so their installation does not involve the use of plugs. Most cheap way finish roofing work on a metal roof.
  4. Decorative models. They differ from other types of skate in their purpose. Fastening decorative elements with narrow shelves does not solve problems with waterproofing the gap between the joints, but simply gives a neat look.

When choosing a metal ridge connection, you need to pay attention to the width of the shelves and the presence of edging. Models without a wrap are not rigid enough to remain level when secured with self-tapping screws. And narrow shelves, the width of which is less than 150-200 mm, are not able to effectively protect against the penetration of water and snow.

Selecting a seal

Professional roofers advise inspecting the condition of the ridge groove before starting work. If the installation of metal tiles was carried out correctly, then there should be no gaps thicker than 20 mm. Otherwise, a sealant must be used. The following types are suitable for this:

Even if the joint between the slopes seems smooth, insulating it with a sealant before you start attaching the ridge will never be superfluous, because the life of the roof and its safety depend on the tightness of the connections. interior decoration attics.

Installation sequence

In order for the skate to perform the functions assigned to it, you must follow the recommended installation technology. It’s difficult to do high-altitude work alone, so it’s better to have a couple of assistants. Installation must be performed in the correct order:

When working with metal tiles, you need to screw in self-tapping screws at the crest of its wave, use a rubber seal to isolate the holes from moisture or special self-tapping screws, the rubber head of which does the same protective functions. When performing installation, do not screw the screws too often or rarely, find a middle ground so that the metal tiles do not “whirl” from an excess of fasteners and do not “slam” in windy weather if there is a shortage.

Installing metal additional elements on the ridge will protect the roof from moisture and save heat, however, during installation, do not forget about safety precautions when working at height.

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