What goals should be in life: a list of main goals. Organization goals setting

The purpose of the firm, in essence, is the specification of the mission of the organization. The system of the company's goals includes principles, spiritual values, long-term goals - all this determines the mission of the organization in society. The principles are as follows: 1) the growth of the firm due to the mutual benefit of it and its consumers 2) making a profit due to the mutual benefit of the firm and its customers.

Goals Is a specific condition individual characteristics organization, achievement cat. is desirable for her and to achieve a cat. its activity is directed.

Classification of the goals of the organization.

An organization can have a variety of goals, especially when it comes to different types of organizations.

1. By level:

Mission strategic objectives tactical operational

2. Classification by direction. In this case, the goals are divided according to the nature of the actions that they intend to take to achieve them.

ü The objectives of the functioning are aimed at maintaining the working condition of the organization and its divisions. Targeted operational programs contain tasks to create constant inflow resources, maintenance, constant monitoring of the activities of members of the organization. As a rule, tasks of this kind are designed for long time... Such goals can cause difficulties in motivating the behavior of members of the organization, since their achievement is not associated with one-time efforts, but require constant exertion of forces.

ü Improvement goals. Any goal that includes active action can be considered an improvement goal. These goals include increasing labor productivity, increasing the share of the organization's goods on the market, etc. Usually, such goals are well understood by employees, but their implementation is not always possible to provide with appropriate resources (especially when it comes to deliberately overestimated goals). If the improvement goals are unattainable (especially if they were widely covered in the organization's divisions), negative consequences are possible, which are expressed, in particular, in the loss of the authority of leaders, a decrease in the motivation of members of the organization, etc.

ü Development goals are similar to improvement goals, but refer to specific forms of growth, expansion, learning, and progress. These goals may include an increase in the number of names of new products introduced into production, the introduction of new ideas in the field of management, cardinal

3. Classification in the time domain. Management activities in the organization should be clearly time-oriented, i.e. it is necessary to highlight the priority goals, constantly monitor how the medium and long-term goals are being implemented. To ensure the implementation of the entire target complex, the leader needs to correctly allocate resources in time, which makes it possible to concentrate efforts at the right points and achieve continuous, progressive actions of the members of the organization. Opportunities for this are provided by the classification of targets in the time domain.

Current goals usually refer to those tasks that need to be achieved within one year. These goals are well accepted by members of the organization if they are realistically achievable, supported by appropriate motivation. Typically, current goals are guidelines for product organizations.

Medium-term goals cover a period of one to three years. The goals, the implementation of which is designed for such a period, require a thorough analysis of the operating conditions (primarily the market environment), the organization's existing resources and the possibilities of attracting them.

Long-term goals usually refer to the planning period of the organization over three years. Long-term work is not relevant for all organizations.

  1. by areas of activity:

ü technological, production, marketing, economic.


To successfully achieve goals, they need to be correctly formulated. For this, there are a number of techniques that can be used to set truly “quality” goals. One of the most common and effective ways- this is the setting of "smart" ( from English "Smart") goals, i.e. goal setting using S.M.A.R.T. criteria ...

Thus, the goals should be:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achivable
  • Result-oriented
  • Timed

Specific Objectives (S) The goal must be clearly stated. Otherwise, in the end, a result may be achieved that differs from the planned one.

Measurable targets (M) If the goal does not have any measurable parameters, it will be impossible to determine whether the result has been achieved.

Achievable goals (A) The goals are used as an incentive to solve some problems and, thus, further progress forward through the achievement of success. You don't need to set goals that, on the contrary, would lead to an increase in stress in your life. It is worth setting fairly challenging goals that involve effort, but keep in mind that they should be achievable.

Results-oriented goals (R) Objectives should be characterized in terms of the result, not the work being done. In this way, efficiency is achieved. You can set yourself a goal to come to work an hour earlier, but if you do not determine the expected result from this, then this hour can be spent drinking coffee or just chatting.

Timeline-specific targets (T) Any goal must be achievable in a certain time dimension.

The entire system of goals of the organization should be an interconnected system, which is achieved by linking goals, building "Goal tree" at the first stage of goal-setting in the organization, the goal of the activity is determined; then (stage of decomposition, division into subgoals) one goal is split into a system of goals for all spheres and levels of management and activity. At the very "top" is the general goal (mission) in the "foundation" - tasks, work that can be performed in a known way and within a specific time frame.

On the basis of the main goal, the mission, the strategic goals of the organization are formulated, that is, a detailed understanding of what the organization wants to achieve in the future. A well-formulated mission clarifies what an organization is and what it seeks to be, and also shows how the organization differs from others like it. Further, within the framework of strategic planning, resources are allocated, adaptation to the external environment, internal coordination, and the organization of strategic foresight.

Mission ---- strategic objective ---- tactical objectives ---- operational objectives

Similar information.

Good day, dear readers of my blog! We discussed the need for goal setting many times, learned to do it right and point by point, adhering to the plan and classification. And today, for example and motivation, I have prepared a list of 100 goals in a person's life, some of the points of which you may find useful and inspiring. After all, if you remember the article "" - such an irresponsible and unconscious way of life can lead to depression. And so, when there is a plan for many years, there is no time to even get sick.

Fundamental rules

For a successful , harmonious development and advancement, and it is for this that a person sets a goal for himself, I have identified 5 main areas, ignoring which will not provide a feeling of fullness and quality of life. The basic rule is not to keep this list in your head, it is imperative to put it on paper. This will give responsibility to the process, and will also remind you of some things that you can completely forget, trying to fulfill the most pressing dreams for this period.

The list can be hung in the room or office so that it is in front of your eyes, or you can keep it out of prying eyes if there is information that you do not want to share with others. I wrote down other people's goals, they can serve as examples for you, because everyone has different interests and needs. Just try each item on yourself and listen to whether it fits or not.

Let me remind you that I am writing about my goals.


1.Spiritual development

To better understand why we need it, I recommend reading the article. In short, I can say that it is thanks to him that we can call ourselves not just a person, but a person, raise our self-esteem and the level of self-confidence.

  1. Practice positive affirmations
  2. Start / finish learning a foreign language
  3. Deal with the accumulated grievances, realize them and let go
  4. Read the top 100 books for development
  5. Listen to your feelings and sensations in order to correctly recognize, each evening remembering at least 5 feelings that you experienced during the day
  6. Learn to concentrate for a long time by practicing daily meditation
  7. Take driving courses
  8. Create a collage with wishes
  9. Go to church once a week
  10. Practice alpha visualization method daily
  11. Learning to accept other people's imperfections by accepting them for who they are
  12. Realize the meaning of your destiny
  13. It is better to know yourself by researching with the help of various methods and noticing your mistakes, analyze them
  14. Watch 50 films based on real events and motivating achievements
  15. Start keeping a diary, writing down the most significant events and thoughts
  16. Make acquaintance with a new and interesting person once a week
  17. Conquer your fear of public speaking
  18. Learn to argue your opinion
  19. Learn sign language and basic manipulation techniques
  20. Learn to play the guitar

2.Physical development

In order to be enough energy for accomplishment, it is very important to monitor your health and keep fit.
  1. Do the splits
  2. Learn to walk on your hands
  3. Visit the gym at least 2 times a week
  4. Quit drinking, smoking
  5. Add to the diet healthy foods, and minimize the consumption of fatty and sugary foods
  6. Go to self-defense courses
  7. Take a daily contrast shower
  8. Walk at least 30 minutes a day
  9. Learn to swim in different styles
  10. Go to the mountains and go snowboarding
  11. Visit the sauna once a week
  12. Try yourself as a vegetarian for a month
  13. Go on a two-week hike all alone
  14. Complete a complete medical examination
  15. Have a cleansing diet every three months
  16. Exercise for 10 minutes in the morning
  17. Learn to do push-ups with claps and on one hand
  18. Stand in the bar for 5 minutes
  19. Take part in the marathon
  20. Lose 5 kilograms of excess weight

3.Financial development

  1. To buy a car
  2. Create an alternative, passive source of income (rent out an apartment, for example)
  3. Increase your monthly income several times
  4. Pay off the last loan from the bank and never apply for a new one
  5. Renovate the apartment
  6. Buy a plot on which to build a summer cottage
  7. Control waste by making only necessary and deliberate purchases, without reacting to marketing tricks in supermarkets
  8. Create your own business
  9. Save money and put it in the bank at interest
  10. Invest in a good idea
  11. Accumulate an amount for a trip around the world
  12. Start to work additionally in the field of IT, in your free time, creating and promoting sites
  13. Give parents a ticket to a sanatorium
  14. Give children a good education
  15. Buy a house by the sea and rent it
  16. Every year to travel with loved ones to the sanatorium
  17. Do charity work (donate money for treatment to those in need, distribute toys and unnecessary things)
  18. Purchase nursery products once a month
  19. Found a charitable organization
  20. Purchase several hectares of land and lease it to farmers

By the way, if you have financial problems, then I highly recommend watch this "series"... It will take your knowledge of finance to the next level. You can even make it a goal if you want.

21. Improve your financial literacy. (Take a course in financial literacy).

4.Family development

The role of the goal is to strengthen relations with the family, not only with their own, but also with their parents. This is the basis, so to speak, the foundation, thanks to which we perform feats and withstand the difficulties that fate presents.

  1. To give my wife a small gift or pleasantness every day
  2. Celebrate your wedding anniversary by the ocean
  3. The whole family gather for every holiday
  4. Visit parents and help with household chores on weekends
  5. Baby grandchildren
  6. Celebrate a golden wedding with your spouse
  7. Raise children happy and loving
  8. Travel with family
  9. It is imperative to spend every weekend with your family outside the home, in nature, on a trip or in the cinema.
  10. Help my son learn martial arts and support at championships
  11. Play games with family on Saturday nights
  12. Teach children to ride a bike
  13. Give your wife a romantic evening once a month
  14. Teach children to drive and repair a car
  15. Together with his wife and children, draw a family tree and tell the kids stories about their ancestors, which we remember ourselves
  16. Several times a week, instead of a wife, help the children with lessons
  17. To rent a hotel room with my wife once a month, so that the two of us can relax and change the atmosphere
  18. Write letters of gratitude to relatives for some holiday
  19. On weekends, go to a restaurant, or cook lunch and dinner with the whole family
  20. Go with my sons to the kennel and choose a dog for them

5 pleasure

In order to feel joy and have an interest in life, it is important to take care of yourself, do unexpected things and allow yourself to relax. In this case, there will be enough energy to realize other goals, and the level of pleasure and the value of life will go off scale. Allow yourself to fulfill even minor fantasies, some childhood dreams, and you will feel how your state of health changes. What they are, you can look at my examples:

  1. Visit Antarctica
  2. Feed the sharks
  3. Ride in a tank
  4. Swim with dolphins
  5. Go to a desert island
  6. Visit some kind of festival, for example, Oktoberfest in Germany
  7. Swim in 4 oceans
  8. Hitchhiking
  9. Visit the base camp at the top of Everest
  10. Take a cruise
  11. Fly in a hot air balloon
  12. Live in an eco village for a couple of days
  13. Milk the cow
  14. Jump with a parachute
  15. Saddle the horse by yourself
  16. Travel to Tibet and chat with the Dalai Lama
  17. Visit Las Vegas
  18. Take a quad bike ride in the desert
  19. Try scuba diving
  20. Take a general massage course


Each checkmark placed in front of a certain item will bring satisfaction, joy and pride in the fact that he was able to achieve what he wanted. Life is very multifaceted, so add your spheres, your options, and in order to speed up the process of realizing your desire, I recommend reading the article. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates.

As far as possible, I write reports on the achievement of my goals, perhaps you will be interested or you just decide to support me with a comment on the article. to my articles on moving towards goals. Good luck and dreams come true!

In continuation of our conversation about life without haste (see article) - a new trend of our era, a new outlook on our life, I want to say this.

The idea of ​​"slow life" does not mean "doing nothing" while lying on the lawn. Against. Adherents of this lifestyle specifically choose a job that will NOT “take away” from them all the time, but only a small part of it. For what?

Yes, just in order to most of all have time to do and try in your life. To have balance in life between work (business), personal life... To have more free time to communicate with family, to achieve their goals, fulfill desires. To make your dreams come true.

Other helpful articles: * * *

1. Are you interested in knowing what are the 50 most popular goals in a person's life now among people from different countries?

Target list collected online publication 43things.com... On this site, more than 3 million people from all over the world share their goals. It is interesting to know: what is the purpose in the life of a person from another country, or rather, many people from many other countries ?!

Here they are, 50 goals in a person's life - the most popular in the world:

  1. Lose weight,
  2. Write your book
  3. Do not put off dreams, things for later (the problem is called "procrastination")
  4. To love
  5. Become happy man
  6. Get a tattoo
  7. Travel spontaneously without planning anything
  8. Get married or get married
  9. Start traveling around the world
  10. To drink a lot of water
  11. Keep your diary
  12. See the northern lights
  13. Learn spanish
  14. Keep a personal blog
  15. Learn to save money
  16. Take a lot of photos
  17. Kissing in the rain
  18. To buy a house
  19. Make new friends
  20. Learn to play the guitar
  21. Run a marathon
  22. Learn french
  23. Find new job
  24. Repay loans
  25. Read a lot of books
  26. Become confident
  27. Live actively
  28. Write a story
  29. Jump with a parachute
  30. Go for a healthy diet
  31. Do sport
  32. Learn Japanese
  33. Learn to cook deliciously
  34. Start your own business
  35. Quit smoking
  36. Visit 50 states
  37. Learn sign language
  38. Swim with a dolphin
  39. Learn to play the piano
  40. Become a surfer
  41. Correct your posture
  42. Find 100 things besides money for happiness
  43. Do not bite your nails
  44. Define an occupation for the rest of your life
  45. Learn to dance
  46. Learn to drive a car
  47. Change, improve life
  48. Get financial independence
  49. Learn italian
  50. Be organized

It amazes me that there are so few financial goals on this list. The first places are taken by the goals of travel, self-development, love and happiness.... It's great that more and more people in the world have stopped listening to stupid advice at training sessions on personal growth, that supposedly all people, without exception, should set high demands and goals for themselves, achieve them in order to become very rich. It seems to me that such recommendations are disturbing and not bring happiness.

2. Why do we need goals in a person's life (examples) and how can they change life?

In this question there is, I would say, some kind of mysticism. Do you know what unites successful people who have become happy because they have been doing what they love all their lives? They are united by a common quality inherent in all of them - determination and an irresistible desire to achieve their dreams or goals. All of them very early, in childhood or adolescence, set themselves and wrote down a list of goals and did everything to achieve them.

An example is the life of John Goddard - the Guinness Book of Records holder, explorer and traveler, an outstanding anthropologist, holder of scientific degrees in anthropology and philosophy.

But don't be embarrassed and compare yourself with this hero. Such people are the exception rather than the rule. It's just that the example of John Goddard clearly shows how written goals help to live more interesting and brightly.

How many goals should a person have? The more you write them on your list, the easier it will be for you to find your innermost desires and dreams, realize them and become happy.

3. Which goals are more important, financial or goals of spiritual and personal growth?

This question is very similar to the question "Which came before, the chicken or the egg?" Let me explain why. Materialists will say that with money, you can easily fulfill all your dreams and goals. For example, start traveling the world. To buy a house. Learn languages. Therefore, first you need to fulfill your financial goals - find a new job, build your own business, and the like.

For information: who are Materialists and Idealists. Materialists believe that matter is primary and gave birth to consciousness. Idealists, on the contrary, say that consciousness is primary and it created matter. This contradiction is called by many the main question of philosophy.

But my grandmother always told me (without knowing it, she belonged to the Idealists) that if God is in the first place, then everything else will be added and will be in its place... She also said: “You don’t have to wait for financial well-being in order to give birth to a child. Because if God gives a child, he will also give a child! "

Using logic, prudence, pragmatism, it is difficult to grasp this grandmother's principle and even more difficult to apply it in life. Because it is difficult, impossible to explain it from a scientific, materialistic point of view.

But sayings and proverbs (I call them the quintessence of the centuries-old experience of our ancestors) seem to try to convey to us the knowledge and wisdom of previous generations.

This wisdom is based not on logic and pragmatism, but on observing the connection between actions and events, both in the life of one person and entire generations:

  • Man proposes, but God disposes (Russian proverb)
  • Easy come easy go (English proverb "What is easily acquired is easily lost")
  • What Happens Happens on Time (Chinese proverb "Accidents are not accidental")

The list of proverbs of different nations can be continued indefinitely. But how, from the point of view of logic and materialism, can even these three proverbs of different peoples be explained?

Based on these considerations and being an idealist, I made up goals for myself in the following sequence: Spiritual development -> Personal growth and relationships -> Physical health -> Financial goals.

Spiritual development:

1. Do not judge, watch your thoughts

2. Defeat your talkativeness, listen to others

3. Charity: monthly transfer money to those in need ( Orphanage, children's hospital, old neighbors)

4. Completing the house for the parents, helping the parents

5. Help the children until they get to their feet

6. Do not interfere in other people's affairs, if you do not ask for advice

7. Giving alms to those begging for alms - do not pass by

8. Do not retell other people's sins (Hamov sin)

9. Go to the Temple for Sunday services at least 2 times a month

10.Do not store, but give unnecessary, but good things to the needy

11. Forgive insults

12. Fast not only on fasting, but also on Wednesdays and Fridays

13. Visit Jerusalem for Easter

Personal growth and relationships:

16. Get rid of your laziness, stop procrastinating

18. Do not rush, live in a "slow-life" style, leaving time for communication with family, contemplation, reading and your hobbies

20. Learn to cook delicious food for family and friends, go to master classes

21. Learn to grow herbs, vegetables, fruits and flowers in your garden

22. To go with her husband to Latin American dances

23. Learn to take professional photos

24. Improve your English - watching movies and reading books

25. To go spontaneously together with my husband on a trip by car, without planning anything

26. To learn to do daily cleaning for 15 minutes instead of general cleaning of the whole house

27. Meet more often with children and friends, go to concerts, performances, exhibitions

28. Travel the world 2 times a year with her husband, children and friends

29. To go on a trip with my husband not for 2 weeks, but for several months to Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Bali

30. Ride an elephant, swim with a dolphin, a huge turtle, a sea cow

31. To visit together with her husband the Serengeti park in Africa

32. To be together with her husband in America

33. To make a cruise with my husband on a multi-deck ship

Physical health:

34. Take a periodically massage course

35. Exercise every day

36. Go to the sauna and pool once a month

37. Every evening - a brisk walk

38. Give up harmful products completely

39.1 time per month - 3-day hunger strike

40. Lose weight by 3 kg

41. Drink 1.5 liters of water a day

Financial goals:

42. Increase income from a vending company - a network of payment terminals

43. Increase your monthly blog income

44. Become a professional webmaster

46. ​​Raise the traffic of your blog to 3000 visitors per day

47. Earn on affiliate programs

48. Write one blog article every day

49. Purchase products in wholesale stores

50. Change a petrol car to an electric car

51. Build the work of your projects so as to receive passive income

52. Learn to save, open a savings account and top up monthly

You can of course write all of your goals in any order. Actually, that's how they should be written. I divided them into 4 groups so that it was clear that in life you need to maintain a balance between goals for Business and Finance, Relationships, Health, Spirituality. In general, I always write all the cases, goals, dreams in a row. Below in section 4, "How do I list my goals?" I will talk about this in detail.

I have given my goals just as an example. They are all different and change over time. For example, there are no parenting goals on my list. This is because they have already been fulfilled - our children have grown up and are already living on their own.

4. How do I list my goals? 50 goals in a person's life list in the present tense

Working in large banks, on large IT projects, I went through many interesting trainings on psychology, motivation, stress management, time management, emotional intelligence, and personal growth. At these trainings we were taught staging techniques goals and intermediate tasks to achieve them.

But I especially liked this simple and effective technique:
  • You need to mentally "turn off your consciousness" and, without hesitation, start writing by hand on a blank sheet of paper all your desires, goals, tasks - large and small.
  • You need to write as much as possible, the main thing is not to turn on the brain and not stop.
  • Write "today's" problems, for example, "so that the son passes the test" or "take out the trash from the garage" or "buy for the new year live tree in a pot ". And global, for example, "so that children choose a profession to their liking", "so that they successfully graduate from universities."
  • Then, break down the goals into short, medium, and long term. Also highlight the actual goals and what can be called tasks to achieve these goals.

By the way, I often met this idea in the books of successful people, but did not attach any importance to it. They all say that it is important to write down desires and goals, and this helps in some incomprehensible way to fulfill them.

If you are thinking about goals, then for sure you will also be interested in this useful article. It will help you to take a different look at personal finance goals. After reading the article, you will understand how easy it is to secure yourself a decent "pension" without even waiting for the retirement age! Be sure to pass on this simple but valuable knowledge to your children, because in our schools it is not customary to teach personal finance issues.

5. How to fulfill goals, slowly and to the joy of yourself and your loved ones?

We know that all people are different. They have different psychotypes, abilities, charisma, efficiency, intuition. Therefore, everyone lives, creates, embody their dreams and goals DIFFERENTLY, based on their abilities and character.

Let's look at a small example. I will now describe the "portrait" of my successful friend:

  • He is an optimist, it helps him a lot in business.
  • He has good abilities, but he is lazy.
  • At some moments, when you need to pull yourself together, do something important, laziness recedes and he becomes assertive and purposeful.
  • He is also a very spontaneous person. If he lights up with some idea, then immediately embodies it, without reasoning. Because of this, there are often losses, but in general, the job was quickly done.
  • He often relies on intuition and if some business “does not go”, he easily puts it off, knowing that in “due time” it will be done easily.
  • He does a lot of things absolutely disinterestedly, helping people.

Now you can roughly imagine (based on this characteristic) how my friend achieves his goals: sometimes lazily, sometimes impulsively, sometimes assertively and purposefully, sometimes relying on intuition. But he never goes against his nature, character, his moral principles. And this is the secret of his success.

Do you understand what I'm getting at? I want to say that we are all different and what exactly should not be done in achieving our goals - it is not necessary to break yourself. No need to drive yourself into a state of stress, no need to reproach yourself for slowness. And never go against the dictates of your heart and not do what you don't like just because everyone has such a goal on the list.

For example, I don't like doing sports in the gym. Let everyone walk, but I won't, because I tried several times and made sure that it does not bring me pleasure, and therefore no benefit.

Do not listen to anyone that you need to devote so much time to your goal a day that you need to schedule everything by day and hour. In this case, you will turn into a slave to your ambitions. You need your goals in order to live interestingly, to love, to be a happy person, to do what you love.

Live slowly, enjoy life, give up the rush at home, at work and in relationships with all people. To this slow life idea many progressive people have already come from many countries. And stop blaming your children for their sluggishness the way your parents reproached you (I recommend an article on how to raise children happy and unleash their intellectual and creative potential :). Since we are talking about children, I also recommend that you read the article about the progressive and about that will be in demand in 10 or more years.

Conclusion: In order to start living more interestingly, without delay, sit comfortably now and write, without hesitation, as many small and large things as possible, goals, objectives and desires.

And then, if the mood appears, you can divide them into financial, personal and others. Big and small. But I will tell you that I always write down my life goals, desires and dreams in a row. And I divided them today for the 1st time only for this article, so that it becomes clear what goals are.

Do you like this approach to business? No boring! I love this new positive approach to life - to do everything with joy, as your heart tells you!

Finally, I propose to watch a wonderful video describing the ingenious and easy way, how to happily and at the same time effectively achieve results in 4 directions of life goals. I loved the idea of ​​setting small goals on the way to big and celebrating the accomplishments of each one! At the same time, cover all 4 areas of your life and set only one goal at the beginning. I take this cool idea into service!

I wish you all inspiration and confidence!

See you soon!



1.1. The Importance of Setting Life Goals 4

1.2. Analysis of knowledge on setting life goals 7

1.3. The role of personal strategic management in setting life goals 10


2.1. The main stages of the search for life goals 14

2.2. The process of finding L. Zavert's goals 18

2.3. Technology for building and implementing a life strategy 23






For the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality, the achievement of life success in all spheres of life, an important component is the setting and achievement of worthy goals. In our time in society, few people set goals and few people appreciate the importance of goal setting in life. But for every person, self-determination and self-affirmation in life is always very important, and therefore people who know exactly “what and how to do?” Are the most successful. That is why the study of the technology of searching for life goals has now acquired special relevance.

The purpose of the work is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the technology for finding life goals.

To achieve this goal, a range of tasks has been determined:

1. Study of the theoretical aspects of the search for life goals.

2. Research of technologies for finding life goals.

3. Considering the formulation of life goals as final stage their performances.

The object of the course work is life goals.

The subject of the course work is the technology of finding life goals.

Course work consists of an introduction, main content, including three chapters, conclusions and applications. The term paper contains 5 tables and 1 illustration. The list of used literature includes 15 titles.


1.1. The value of setting life goals

For every person, self-determination and self-affirmation in life is always very important, and therefore people who know exactly “what and how to do?” Are the most successful.

Prominent manager Lee Iacocca states: “To succeed in business, as well as in almost everything else, the most important thing is to be able to focus and use your time efficiently. And in order to use your time expediently, you must firmly realize what is the main thing in your work, and then give yourself entirely to the implementation of this main thing. "

A person who clearly sees his goal will certainly achieve it with some effort and developed abilities.

When we want to achieve something, sooner or later we will do it, if we do not hesitate, be lazy. We are driven by a goal that does not allow us to relax. The goal is our guideline, towards which our life activity is directed, which leads us through the difficulties and obstacles of reality. The goals are the motivators of our actions, the motives that determine our activity.

Goal setting means looking into the future, orienting and concentrating our strength and activity on what needs to be achieved. To keep up with the pace of social and economic change, everyone needs to carefully and regularly reassess their goals. All people are different from each other, each operates in a unique environment, so the work of setting goals must be individual.

Goal setting requires expressing explicit and latent needs, interests, desires and tasks in the form of clear intentions and in precise formulations, as well as orienting actions and actions towards these goals and their implementation. Without goals, there is no yardstick by which you can measure your work. The goals are also a criterion for assessing what has been achieved. Even the best method of work is worthless unless you clearly and unambiguously define what you want in advance.

Goals are not set once and for all. Goal setting is an ongoing process. They can change over time, for example, if implementation monitoring reveals that previous beliefs were incorrect, or that requests were overestimated or underestimated.

Goal setting is an unconditional prerequisite for planning, decision-making and daily work.

Thus, setting personal goals allows you to:

Better understand the career choices available;

Make sure of the correctness of the chosen path;

Better to evaluate the effectiveness of actions and experiences;

Convince others that your point of view is correct;

Get extra strength, motivation;

Increase the likelihood of achieving the desired results;

Concentrate on strategic directions... Objectives serve to concentrate forces in key areas.

Knowing your goals and consistently striving for them means concentrating your energy on really important matters instead of wasting your energy. Awareness of your goals can define significant self-motivation for work.

People who do not have clear personal goals are usually dominated by the demands of the moment, they are more busy with routine than with important, promising problems.

Setting goals helps us to insulate ourselves from the demands of the situation or others, while pursuing goals that are important to us personally.

There are stages in the life of a leader when he especially needs to clarify his personal goals. Usually these stages coincide with the age range, for example:

Stage 1: 20-24 years - early career;

stage 2: about 30 years - the acquisition of a certain competence;

stage 3: about 40 years old - reviewing achievements and considering opportunities for major change;

stage 4: about 50 years - summing up the results of a professional career and preparing for its completion;

stage 5: about 60–65 years - the transition to off-duty activities.

Formulating personal goals becomes more important when you pursue one of these life stages... In the same time creativity to life requires constant openness to everything unexpected and a willingness to analyze and search for the best solutions attainable at one time or another.

Setting specific goals increases productivity because the person in this sense has clear expectations about the result. According to the theory of probability, if people have a clear idea of ​​what results are expected of them, and if they feel a strong likelihood that, with some effort, they will be able to achieve a given level of productivity and receive appropriate rewards, then their motivation for completing the task will increase significantly. If you truly believe in what you are doing, you should persevere even in the face of obstacles that arise.

Goal setting means looking into the future, focusing and focusing our strength and activity on what needs to be achieved. There is a tremendous difference between the hard self, which is necessary, and the exorbitant self, which can be destructive. A person with a solid "I" knows his strengths... He is confident in himself. He has a clear idea of ​​what he can achieve and is determinedly moving towards achieving his goal.

Thus, the goal describes the end result, i.e. it is not about what you are doing, but about why and for what you are doing it.

1.2. Analysis of theoretical knowledge on setting life goals

Consider what knowledge exists in our society for purposes, how it is communicated to people and how accessible it is to everyone.

Let's take science. Philosophy should deal with the issues of goals, while its section - ethics, as a rule, considers not the goal as such, but as part of the category of "goal setting", and either in the historical aspect, or from the standpoint of some philosophical direction, for example, determinism. If you look at dissertations on goals and textbooks on ethics, they are written in a complex professional language with a lot of special terms, are practically inaccessible to a wide audience and what is written in them does not give people life necessary knowledge, what to be guided by when setting goals and how to achieve them. In textbooks on philosophy for universities, the issues of setting and achieving goals are also not considered. That is, philosophical treatises serve the philosophers themselves, but they do not bring practical knowledge to society. Psychologists also do not single out the goal separately, but consider it in the section of motivation, paying more attention to the study of the needs and motives of human behavior and activities, without offering a person scientific knowledge to achieve goals. Even in the ones that appeared in Lately methodological aids such as "The ABC of Psychology", intended for schoolchildren and offering the introduction of a course in the basics of psychology as optional classes in schools, addresses issues related to the study of personality: temperament, character, abilities, professional orientation, etc., and attention is not given, while goal setting is the most difficult task for thinking, the result of knowing oneself and this world and the main question that every person must answer is the meaning of his life. Thus, science does not provide specific practical knowledge on achieving the goals vital to each person, whereas it is science that should bring true knowledge about the world, a person into education (at all its levels), give answers to the main questions - what is it worth live, what to believe, what to strive for, what goals lead to a dignified life and give respect for people and recognition of society, personal development and full disclosure of their potential.

In popular science literature, the issues of setting and achieving goals are addressed mainly in books on management, solving the practical problems of "search technology" and achieving goals for career management and achieving life success in professional activity- in the field of self-realization, and the question of goals, as a rule, occupies about 1/100 of the entire text.

There are many different schools and centers of success, schools of leadership, centers of positive psychology, training academies, etc., which develop psycho-trainings, business technologies, provide consultations, and, as a rule, offer to make from an ordinary person leader, which initially does not inspire confidence, since the process of forming new qualities cannot be instantaneous and depends on many factors. Working with goals is a small part of the overall program and does not provide a comprehensive coverage of all issues related to goals.

How much attention and time is devoted to the issues of working with the goals of the media - newspapers, magazines, television? It is difficult to remember at least one TV show where the issues of setting and achieving life goals were at least slightly touched upon. And in the education system there are no programs for goals. Modern schools and universities provide deep professional knowledge, but they do not teach the art of life on earth, although people's success is determined not by their profession, but by their achievements in it and their attitude to life in general. The education system practically does not teach future citizens of society what it is worth living for, moral ideals, spiritual culture, ethics of relationships, how to set and achieve goals, how to reveal your potential and develop your abilities. At the same time, programs for setting and achieving goals are vital, they must be created and implemented at all stages of the education and upbringing system of the younger generation, if we want to have spiritually developed people in the future and live in a beautiful, highly developed country. Teaching spirituality, the formation of a person's system of spiritual values, norms, ideals, aspirations should become one of the main tasks of education.

Let us summarize what has been said and denote several global problems existing in society for purposes.

Many problems of society (drug addiction, drunkenness, etc.) are directly related to the aimlessness of people's existence, selfishness, consumer attitude to life.

Few in society today appreciate the importance of setting life goals for the purposeful formation of a harmoniously developed, highly moral, happy personality and the further development of society.

The media, books pay little attention to the issue of goals, usually they only talk about goals for self-realization. There is no completeness of goals - coverage of all spheres of human life in the available information. The goal is development, the goal is service (to God, society), the goal is relationships - very few people think about this at all, and even more so consider them as a goal.

There is practically no scientific knowledge about setting and achieving goals, complete, structured, available to a wide audience.

In the education system, there are still no training programs for setting and achieving goals, for forming oneself as a person, a citizen.

Ways of solving problems - introducing into education (at all its levels) programs for teaching the setting and achievement of life goals.

What will this give a person - the acquisition of the meaning of life, instead of despondency, depression and dependence on external circumstances - the formation of oneself and one's life - a feeling of its fullness and richness, inspiration and satisfaction in the heart. This knowledge will help a person not to be afraid of life, but to enjoy it - "to be the master of his own destiny."

What will this give society - its progress, the growth of positivity, the way out of society to a new level of development. Society does not exist by itself. Society is a collection of human personalities that directly or indirectly influence its development. There is a critical mass of individual manifestations of people, which forms the direction of development of society, its mental health and prosperity, its spiritual and material life. Therefore, a very important concern of society should be concern for the spiritual health and development of its members. Society should form a system of life values, which are the launching pad for the rise of the human soul, the maximum disclosure of its potential - creative, intellectual, social, thereby forming for itself a new member of society capable of influencing the further development of society itself. A person must be taught to set goals, including socially significant ones, to awaken the desire to live not only for himself, but also to do something important for this world.

1.3. The role of personal strategic management in setting life goals

Personal strategic management is a set of means, forms and methods for a person to achieve their life goals. Using this toolkit, a person can try to optimally form and effectively implement a personal life strategy.

The ideology of personal strategic management (PSM) is based on the idea that everyone wants to achieve something in life. Realizing his needs, he sets and solves certain tasks, thus achieving his goals.

The nature of actions to set and achieve goals is different for different people, it also changes for a particular person over time. But despite this, these processes have common features and patterns, which allows, based on the analysis of empirical information regarding individual ways of developing and implementing life strategies, to formulate a uniform toolkit.

So, many Western researchers talk about the three-phase model life cycle person, and Japanese experts distinguish four phases (from birth to the end school education; going to work and starting a family; working life; old age). By purposefully managing the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the phase change, a person can maximize the usefulness of the return from each stage.

The content of self-government at different stages of the life cycle has different content... In childhood, a person is completely dependent on his parents; he, as a rule, is not able to independently make the most important decisions. In adulthood, independence is gained, and the degree of responsibility for decision-making increases significantly. In general, PSM must be divided into exogenous (exo-PSM), when third parties help a person to develop and implement a life strategy (on early stage- usually parents, later friends, teachers, leaders and respected people join them), and endogenous (endo-PSM), when a person is relatively independently engaged in this work.

The following factors are key in achieving personal life goals:

Having a life strategy;

Possession of technologies for its implementation;

Ability to work with tools for managing the formation of personal human capital.

Having a life strategy is important because in order to achieve some life goals, it is imperative to take a number of successive steps, and sometimes sacrifice the current consumption of certain goods in order to receive a greater amount and variety of benefits in the future.

Investments in human capital are usually highly profitable. Moreover, the more developed it is, the more resources it allows to involve in the process of personal investment. According to the American economist W. Bowen: “Investment in human capital is like investment in physical capital in several important respects. Both are accumulated as a result of the application economic resources that could be used for the production of other goods and services for the sake of current consumption; for a long time, both the one and the other make profits; finally, both of them are limited by their lifespan: cars wear out, people die. "

Sociologists define the concept of "life strategy" as a symbolically mediated ideal education that goes beyond consciousness in terms of its impact, realizing its guidelines and priorities in human behavior. V Everyday life the most common are three types of such strategies:

Wellbeing. It is based on the receptive (acquisitive) activity of the individual, aimed at providing full of necessary benefits, calm, comfortable, measured and stable life;

Success. This strategy is designed for public recognition of the activities of its bearer and presupposes an active, eventful, prosperous life;

Self-realization. It is characterized by creative activity aimed at creating new forms of life, regardless of their external recognition (non-recognition), and presupposes a beautiful, harmonious, free life, close in content to art.

Generalized model of the mechanism for developing and implementing a strategy human life is shown in Fig. 1. It reflects the relationship of the main stages of the cycle of personal strategic management.

Rice. 1. The main stages of the personal strategic management cycle


2.1. The main stages of the search for life goals

So, you want to do more in your life. Do you realize that the realization of your intentions will require from you full surrender, abandonment of something familiar to you and the exertion of all spiritual and physical forces, possibly for a long time? Is this really what you want? Otherwise, all your efforts may be wasted.

However, one desire to work with full dedication is not enough, you will immediately be faced with dozens of questions that you must answer. Here are at least the first of them:

What goals do you want to achieve?

Are they consistent with each other?

Are there a so-called higher goal and certain intermediate goals on the way to the main one?

Do you know what you yourself can do for this (strengths) and what else you need to work on (weaknesses)?

To find personal and professional reference points, first of all find out what exactly you want, i.e. achieve clarity of purpose. This is a prerequisite for success in business and personal life. Finding and defining personal life goals is about giving your life direction. For example, one of the conditions for a successful career is right choice profession. In this case, you can embody your own values.

The collapse or absence of a life goal is the strongest psychotrauma. The one who does not know for what and for whom he lives, is not satisfied with fate. However, disappointment often befalls those who set themselves unrealistic goals that are unattainable for subjective and objective reasons.

A solid order in the written presentation of an idea is the first step towards its implementation. In a conversation, you can, often without realizing it, express all kinds of vague and ridiculous ideas. When you put your thoughts on paper, something happens that prompts you to delve into specific details. This makes it much more difficult to mislead yourself or anyone else.

Objectives are usually set for a specific period, so it is useful to observe the process of defining, approving and enforcing them in the following sequence.

The first step is to clarify the needs.

You need to set goals in a situation that does not satisfy you or may become one. Setting personal goals requires analyzing the current situation and answering the question of what you would like to achieve. This requires imagination and a certain freedom from those unreasonable restrictions that were previously accepted without any objection.

Step two is to clarify the possibilities.

Most leaders choose from a range of options in all walks of life. Some of these opportunities may conflict with your values ​​or be difficult for those around you. The first step in clarifying the possibilities is to identify as many of them as possible. This can be partially achieved by straining your own thoughts, but you can expand the list by studying the situation and attracting others. Smart choices cannot be made until all the options are identified.

Step three is deciding what you need.

The feature list is not enough; you need to know what you are striving for and what you want to achieve. This may seem obvious, but determining what you need is not always easy. There are 3 key questions to answer:

What is important to you?

What risk are you willing to take?

How will your decisions affect those around you?

In this case, the first question is related to the definition of your personal values ​​and positions. Here it is only necessary to emphasize that the quality of decisions about choosing a lifestyle largely depends on the depth of self-study.

The second question will help you determine the personal boundaries and limits that affect your choices. You may decide that some opportunities are too risky and it is better to turn to methods of action with more reliable results. However, this forces people to avoid risky opportunities without even assessing the real degree of risk.

The third question looks at who and how might be affected by your decisions. It should be determined whether the result is worth the costs that are caused by this influence on others. Discussing ideas and possible actions with those who are likely to be affected, and observing their reactions, will help make difficult decisions more accurate.

Step four - choice.

When the range of available possibilities has already been determined and the needs and desires are clear, a choice must be made. Setting a goal is an active step, so at the time of choice you make a commitment that the course of action you take will deliver a satisfactory outcome. It also means that the following steps can be followed.

Step five - clarifying the goal.

Objectives are useful as a reminder of what actions are being taken. Often a variety of actions are needed to achieve one goal. In this case, you can lose sight of the desired end result and plunge into the turnover. If this happens, the leader can usually work for hours, exerting all his strength to achieve success, and yet he does not succeed very much. Mapping logical relationships between common tasks and specific workflows can reduce the overhead of refining goals.

Step six - setting time boundaries.

Time is a resource that should be used wisely, but which can be seriously misused. Doing too much at the same time, it is difficult to achieve results in everything, so it is necessary to rationally allocate time. This process is influenced by many factors, including the following:

Normal job requirements;

Extraordinary or additional requirements arising in the work;

Expectations of others;

Personal hopes and aspirations;

A sense of duty and commitments already made;

Habitual practice.

Since many decisions about a particular use of time are made spontaneously, time is often wasted without any assessment of the real usefulness of such costs.

People should treat time as valuable resource like money in the bank. Time provides opportunities, and time management will ensure that those opportunities are expanded.

Step seven - monitoring your achievements.

There are the following benefits of monitoring personal achievement:

Feedback appears with the results of work;

There is a feeling of satisfaction as you move towards the goal;

An opportunity is created to rethink the chosen strategy and plan new method action.

The seven steps discussed above can serve control tool to clarify goals.

2.2. The process of finding goals by L. Zaivert

1. Development of general ideas about life aspirations.

4. Inventory of goals. Let's take a closer look at this process.

1. Development of ideas about life aspirations

Try to portray for yourself the present and possible (future) picture of your life, for example, in the form of the so-called "curve" of life, noting the greatest successes and failures in personal and professional spheres. Mark on the curve where you are now, and write your success or failure keywords near the extremes of your life curve. Try to imagine your future and continue the curve further.

Then name the five most important points (goals) that you want to achieve.

2. Differentiation in time of life goals.

Divide your life goals by time criteria, for which you can use a time series (Table 1). In this case, you should take into account the persons from your immediate environment (partners, children, parents, boss, friends, etc.) and the events with which you must reckon.

Table 1

Time series for finding personal goals

3. Development of key views in professional field.

Define your personal and professional goals (benchmarks) according to the scheme:

personal desires:

Medium-term (5 years);

Short-term (next 12 months); professional goals:

Long-term (life goals);

Medium-term (5 years);

Short-term (next 12 months).

In this way, you will take an inventory of your ideas, while filtering out the most important positions, i.e., personal and career goals.

Be sure to highlight your professional reference points, since if there is anything fateful in life, it is the choice of a profession, which is one of the main conditions for a successful career.

Try to answer the following questions:

What would you most like to do professionally?

If you could freely choose your position, title, industry, organization, enterprise or institution, who would you most like to become?

It is very important to give objective answers, because a professional orientation is the key to professional and personal success, as it:

Strengthens the motivation for work achievements;

Directs your activity, professional aspirations when choosing a profession in a certain direction;

It is a guide for the subsequent performance of your official duties.

Once you have established personal and professional goals for yourself, take up your personal resources, that is, the means to achieve your goals. L. Seivert calls this process situational analysis.

Human abilities are determined by a combination of various factors: heredity, upbringing, health, environment. Moreover, abilities do not remain unchanged, they can be developed, but they can also be lost.

You should determine where you are currently on your "life curve", noting your biggest successes and failures, indicating which qualities were required for this and which were lacking. As you determine your real location, answer the questions.

In the personal sphere:

My Life Path: What have been my biggest successes and failures?

What is the influence of the family (childhood, adolescence, parents, siblings, loved ones)?

What are friendships? An unfriendly relationship?

Under what circumstances do I feel strong, defeated, weak?

What measures do I want to take to prevent dangers, difficulties, problems?

How can my possibilities be revealed? What can they not? What can I do?

What do I want to do specifically to benefit others?

In the professional field:

Do I know the tasks for working in my position?

Do I know what is expected of me?

Do I know routine, monotonous things related to my field of activity? Am I planning them?

Am I prioritizing?

Am I completing my tasks on time?

What are the main benefits of my job?

4. Inventory of goals.

The next step is to group your strengths and weaknesses and highlight two or three major strengths and weaknesses (Table 2).

table 2

Balance of personal success and failure

Such an analysis of personal qualities is a prerequisite for planning further steps and measures to achieve goals.

It is very important to assess yourself correctly, which can be helped by special testing systems that make it possible to understand your advantages and disadvantages (Table 3).

In the process of analysis, the means (personal, financial, time resources) necessary to achieve the desired goals are compared with the real situation. For example, select the five most important goals and determine the necessary funds for them (Table 4).

Table 3

Test "my abilities"

Check what else you have to achieve or what to start to get closer to the corresponding goal, indicate the necessary qualifications to achieve the goals. Now set specific, realistic, practical goals for gaining the experience and ability that you still lack.

Table 4

Purpose-Means Analysis

Using these tabular forms, you can determine the ratio of your desires and your personal qualities and abilities and, based on the results obtained, develop your own individual algorithm for searching for personal and professional goals.

2.2. Technology for building and implementing a life strategy

The analysis of the environment is usually considered the initial process of strategic management, as it provides the basis for defining the mission and goals, and also allows you to develop a strategy of behavior that makes it possible to fulfill your mission and achieve the set goals.

In the course of such an analysis, it is supposed to study two components:


Internal capabilities of the individual.

Studying aspects of his external environment, a person needs to be convinced of what opportunities life opens up for him, what spheres of social and economic functioning attract him, what obstacles he can meet on the path of life and what consequences may have certain steps that he will take in life.

By analyzing his internal capabilities, a person needs to find out which strategic competitive advantages he can look into perspective, developing the potential that he possesses at the moment.

The mission of a person can be called the main goal of his life, which, according to A. Thompson and A. Strickland, should be formulated “primarily from the point of view of increasing social role»This individual.

Vision is an ideal image of the future state of life, which a person can achieve under the most favorable conditions. According to B. Karlof, it "can serve as a basis for determining the level of claims in the process of strategic planning."

In the PSM concept, a key factor that can radically influence the formation of the entire life strategy, along with the analysis of the environment, is the presence of a person's formed personal ideology. This term is usually understood as "a system of ideas and views: political, legal, philosophical, moral, religious, aesthetic, in which the attitude of people to reality is recognized and evaluated." In PSM, the validity of the adoption and implementation of both strategic and operational decisions depends on the quality of personal ideology.

At the stage of determining strategic goals, the primary decomposition (sectorization) of the mission is carried out into two logically separate groups depending on the sphere of life - professional and social. Further decomposition and operationalization of the life mission takes place within the framework of these areas. The strategic goals in the PSM concept are long-term in nature and are formed based on the state of a person's life within the maximum possible time horizon.

In general, the process of determining the strategic life goals of a person according to the PSM concept is described by a scheme developed on the basis of an algorithm for the step-by-step reconstruction of the life strategy of an individual, in the form of a "gradual renewal of the life strategy by sequential" development "and" assembly "of its initial components - images, meanings of life, life values, norms and goals ”(Appendix).

In the figure, the stages of the formation of goals are presented in the form of a number of structurally related procedures, similar to the sequence of elements of the strategic orientation system:

transformation - combines the emotionally sensitive perception of real life and the search for new images; at this stage, the strategic choice of the individual is characterized by a radical change in the way of perceiving life and the corresponding figurative representations;

rethinking - accompanied by the refusal (partial or complete) of the personality from the previous life-meaning orientations and the formation of a new idea of ​​the meaning of life;

overestimation - there is a change in the value orientations adopted for the long term, as a result of which a change in the value paradigm of the personality, its higher dispositions is carried out;

normative reorientation ("renormalization") - characterized by a revision of life norms, as well as the corresponding principles and rules;

target reorientation ("retargeting") - means the selection and development of strategic life goals, i.e. the formation of new target orientations.

At the development stage, there is a formation of general and specific tools for the implementation of a life strategy. First of all, a concept for achieving strategic goals is created (it is a generalized statement of the main approaches, principles and methods). Then a general life strategy is developed. After that, it is decomposed into a number of interconnected component strategies that pursue their own goals. Thus, there is a consistent operationalization of the stages of all component strategies with a single time and quality interconnection. On this basis, general program implementation of a life strategy. Moreover, the component subprograms operate with a number of specific and general PSM technologies that are used in both exogenous and endogenous personal strategic management.

At this stage, the operationalization of the three main strategic assets of a person, available to him at the time of the development of the strategy, is also carried out: human capital; financial resources; time. In light of this, among the subprograms developed at the stage, I will note the following:

Investing in personal human capital;

Efficient allocation of personal time based on its opportunity cost;

Optimization of personal finance;

Educational and labor (helping to optimize the costs of obtaining the necessary education and pursuing a professional career).

The strategy developed at the previous stage is implemented by executing component subroutines in deadlines with the simultaneous achievement of the parameters stipulated by the strategic goals.

At the stage of adjusting the life strategy, its adaptation to new strategic guidelines is carried out, modern requirements and the challenges of the external environment, as well as those qualities that a person discovered in himself.

Personality, aware of their capabilities, using positive sides nature and deliberately adjusting individual qualities in one direction or another, can radically change the course of his life in the desired direction.



The last phase goal setting process - the concrete formulation of practical goals for the subsequent planning stage. "Purpose" in its deepest essence is anticipation real events reality. Each goal is translated into action. At the same time, the implementation of the goal into action is a complex process.

Explaining his actions, a person usually refers to certain reasons that forced him to do this and not otherwise, and tells himself and all people interested in this that he was striving to achieve some goal.

Analysis of human behavior shows that there is no one-to-one correspondence between purpose and action. One and the same goal can be achieved in many ways, and one path leads to different goals. Each person should have a more or less stable system of goals: some goals are more preferable, others are relegated to the background. In the aggregate of the goals of each person, main and intermediate goals are found, subordinate to the main ones, but without which it is impossible to achieve the final goal. A person shows extreme interest in some goals and is ready to sacrifice the most expensive to achieve them, while other goals bother him little, without affecting the emotional sphere. In the language of control theory, such a system of subordinate goals is called a goal tree.

French sociologist B. Gurney distinguishes four types of personal goals of a person who has entered management organization:

1. Striving for safety, for the exclusion of personal risk threats.

2. Striving to improve living standards. To understand this goal, it should be borne in mind that employee satisfaction with their wages depends not only on the absolute value of remuneration, but also on the ratio with the salaries of their colleagues.

3. Striving for power. This goal breaks down into a number of interrelated subgoals: striving to expand the scope of their powers, achieve autonomy, and move up the career ladder.

4. Striving to increase and strengthen prestige. This goal is broken down into two sub-goals: strengthening personal prestige and the prestige of the organization itself.

The chances of success in setting goals are increased when the following potential weaknesses are avoided:

1. Lack of realism. The goals should be achievable, although it is preferable that they require some strain on the person's capabilities.

2. Uncertain time frames. Well-established goals contain a time frame for achieving them. The latter may be revised periodically.

3. Lack of measurability. Whenever possible, goals should be expressed in measurable terms. This allows for a clear assessment of what has been achieved.

4. Inefficiency. Objectives are meaningful only if they clearly fit into broader work objectives. Therefore, the main criterion here is efficiency, not effectiveness, and such goals should have their place in the tasks of the organization.

5. Lack of joint interest. People who come together to work together to achieve a common goal can gain additional strength from group work.

6. Conflict with others. The goals of individual or group work are defined in such a way that they contradict each other. There are few ways to overcome these conflicts, and a lot of effort is wasted.

7. Lack of awareness. Large organizations are especially vulnerable to information disruptions. The board of directors sets goals, often expressed in financial indicators, but then does not inform about it. Perhaps some fragmentary news is leaking out to subordinates, but they lack convincing goals expressed in universal terms.

8. Use as a punishment. Goal setting can be used to harass and punish people. When such a philosophy is widely disseminated, the goal-setting process is perceived negatively and artfully sabotaged.

9. Lack of analysis. Big advantage goal setting is to lay the foundation for systematic analysis. Consulting enables people to be trained, resulting in changes in resources and systems.

Usually there are 5-8 basic positions for achieving the goal. Basic positions are, in a sense, a more detailed goal. For the greatest success in achieving the goal, write down for yourself your general goals and the main positions for achieving them.

Targets set the direction of movement. One can imagine a large ocean-going ship. Although it has everything it needs to carry heavy cargo from one point to another, it cannot move without a rudder. Goals are the steering wheel in individual and group movement. Without it, existing abilities are misdirected and, accordingly, wasted.

Each goal makes sense when the time frame for its implementation is set and the desired results are formulated. Try to formulate them in relation to your desired and practical goals, and check your plans for realism.

An example is the following life plan (Table 5).

Table 5

Life plan

When formulating practical goals concretely, it is necessary to keep in mind aspects such as physical condition, since good health is a prerequisite active life and successful self-management. To do this, you need to provide in your periodic plans (annual, monthly, weekly and daily) activities to promote health: daily jogging in the fresh air, treatment, swimming, ski runs, preventive examinations, etc.

One should not forget about self-education, raising the level of knowledge and qualifications, one's own cultural enlightenment (travel, participation in cultural events, etc.).

Many managers believe that personal goals drive big change when they meet the following criteria:

The person feels personally interested in achieving them.

It is possible to successfully advance towards them in small steps.

Time limits have been set.

The specific end result is clearly stated.

The main characteristics of the goal: determination accuracy, the ability to measure, attainability, realism, indication of time intervals for its implementation.

Let's briefly dwell on each of these components.

Target definition accuracy. Leads to a specific result.

The ability to measure. It is supposed to use numbers and other generally accepted standards that allow a clear comparison of what happened before and after the goal.

Achievability. The question arises: how to achieve this goal? If you have little experience or low qualifications, then you should think about it and sign up for special courses.

Realism. Remember that it will take more than one evening to achieve the goal.

Specifying time intervals. Determine exactly how long your goal is.

The consistency and importance of goals in a person's life are different. Some of them are fundamental and last for generations (for example, the desire for profit), others are more superficial and temporary in nature (for example, the desire to have a pleasant Christmas).

One way or another, consciously or not, you have been thinking about your goals in life all your life. However, thinking about them and writing them down are two different things. Unrecorded goals often remain vague and utopian dreams, such as thoughts like "it would be nice to travel", "it would be nice to be a millionaire." Writing requires you to be more specific in expression, the goals are narrowed: you must express your aspirations in a few words, and not in the multitude of them that passed in your thoughts.

The document that will help you establish what you really want to achieve is the Declaration of Life Goals. She will give your life a purposeful direction, help you feel like the master of your destiny.

Everyone knows that it is easier to set goals than to achieve them. Many are careless and unrealistic in formulating goals, because they take their obligations too lightly and are ready to forget about them at any time. The behavior of a person who is effective in setting goals is characterized by a careful study of possible obligations and the reality of their implementation before he takes on them. Such a person is responsible for his obligations and for the efforts required to achieve goals, no matter what difficulties he encounters. This attitude is also valuable if it extends to goals shared with others.

The goal, formulated in general terms, can serve useful guidance but she is not always able to draw attention to what needs to be done to be successful.

Here are some examples of personal goals, summarized in general terms:

Be lucky at work.

Have a good relationship with your work group.

Be able to relax at home.

Enjoy sports.

These statements cannot be said to be sufficiently definite and time-bound, although they indicate a common goal and an area in which success can be achieved. For such statements to be useful, they need to be turned into something more concrete by asking how these general goals can be achieved and setting specific goals that are clearly timed out.

Realistic goals should be set. However, do not take on too much, as in this case, personal tasks have little chance of being completed. The more goals you set for yourself, the more you will have to change in your previous life, the more you will have to develop activity.

You must also install short term goals aligned with your long-term global goals. When pursuing long-term goals, you must reckon with change external conditions and the emergence of new trends. Therefore, along with general goals, it is important from the point of view of psychological motivation to set short-term achievable sub-goals and achieve intermediate successes.

Goal setting introduces elements of directive planning into people's lives. Attempts to set clear goals should not be allowed to suppress immediacy and limit freedom of response to new situations. The best way certain goals are those that allow you to be more open about the opportunities available.

When you find insurmountable, in your opinion, obstacles in achieving goals, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

Are your goals really important to you? Goals that you are not really interested in are usually not achieved.

Are your goals realistic? It happens that people set goals that are almost impossible to achieve, and then they are surprised at their failure.

Have you invested enough energy and attention to achieve your goals?

Quite achievable goals may not be realized due to insufficient efforts to overcome obstacles.

Are your goals still relevant? New circumstances can make some of your goals obsolete.

Did you involve people around you enough in your work? Without help and support, many projects are doomed to fail. Establishing relationships with others in the early stages of work helps to move forward.

Is it too early you want to give up? In many cases, people "admit they are defeated" too early, when persistence could lead to success.

Choosing clear, clear and, most importantly, the right goals is a very important process for every leader. Not every person can clearly identify the main aspirations in their life and career. For this, it is necessary to have a certain type of thinking in order to put particular goals at the service of the general.


So, as a result of the course work, the theoretical and practical aspects of the technology for finding life goals were investigated.

In conclusion, the following should be noted.

Goal setting is not just a rewarding activity, but completely necessary element successful activity. Winners in life know where they are headed. The losers only go where they are sent, or stay where they are. They spend their lives working towards the goals of others. The goal organizes the effort. Fixing in the mind and permeating the entire subconscious, it begins to automatically influence your behavior, directing it towards achieving a result. The psychological effect of this will be that the task will become entrenched in your subconscious mind so much that it will be taken as a model and plan of action, which will eventually dominate in all your life and will consistently lead you to achieving the goal.

Exists various technologies search for life goals. Each person chooses has the right to choose any of them. As the saying goes: "Your life is in your hands, and you can make it the way you want."

The technologies outlined above will allow you to concentrate all your attention, strength, energy on achieving the set goal, and will help you to show yourself from the best side.


1. Vikhansky O.S. Strategic management. - M .: Prospect, 2003 .-- 405s.

2. Glukhov V.V. Management. 3rd ed. - SPb .: Peter, 2008 .-- 608s. Dorofeeva L.I. Management. - M .: Eksmo, 2007 .-- 192s.

3. Gurney B. Introduction to the science of management. Per .: Yakovlev G.S., Ed .: Piskotin M.I. - M .: Progress, 1969 .-- 430s.

4. Zayvert L. Your time is in your hands. Tips for business people on how to effectively use their working time: Per. with him. - M .: INFRA-M, 1995 .-- 265 p.

5. Lee Iacocca. Manager's career (translated by R.I. Stoller) // electronic resource. Access mode: http://lib.rus.ec/b/76377/read

6. McKay H. How to survive among the sharks. Business strategy: concept, content, symbols / B. Karlof. - M .: Unity. - 2003 .-- 338s.

7. Mikhaleva E.P. Management. Lecture notes. - M .: Yurayt-Izdat, 2009 .-- 192s.

8. The productive forces of man: structure and forms of manifestation. - SPb., 1993 .-- 120s.

9. Reznik T.E., Reznik Yu.M. Personality orientation: analysis and counseling // Sociological research... - 2006. - No. 6. - S. 112-119.

10. Reznik T.E., Reznik Yu.M. Personal life strategies // Sociological studies. - 2005. - No. 12. - S. 101, 103-104.

11. Rogov E.I. Human's psychology. - M .: Gumanit publishing house VLADOS Center, 2001 .-- 320 p.

12. Modern vocabulary foreign words... - M .: YuraytIzdat. - 2009 .-- 714s.

13. Stolyarenko L.D. Psychology: Textbook for universities. - SPb .: Leader, 2006 .-- 592 p.

14. Thompson AA, Strickland AJ Strategic management. The art of developing and implementing a strategy. - M. - 2008 .-- S. 562.

Zayvert L. Your time is in your hands. Tips for business people on how to effectively use their working time: Per. with him. - M .: INFRA-M, 1995 .-- S. 48.

Vikhansky O.S. Strategic management. - M .: Prospect. - 2003 .-- S. 40.

Thompson A.A., Strickland A.J. Strategic management. The art of developing and implementing a strategy. - M. - 2008 .-- S. 562.

McKay H. How to survive among the sharks. Business strategy: concept, content, symbols / B. Karlof. - M .: Unity. - 2003 .-- S. 244.

Modern dictionary of foreign words. - M .: YuraytIzdat. - 2009 .-- S. 223.

Reznik T.E., Reznik Yu.M. Personality orientation in life: analysis and counseling // Sociological research. - 2006. - No. 6. - P. 119.

Reznik T.E., Reznik Yu.M. Personality orientation in life: analysis and counseling // Sociological research. - 2006. - No. 6. - P. 112.

Gurney B. Introduction to management science. Per .: Yakovlev G.S., Ed .: Piskotin M.I. - M .: Progress, 1969 .-- P. 16.

Glukhov V.V. Management. 3rd ed. - SPb .: Peter, 2008 .-- S. 359 - 360.

Dorofeeva L.I. Management. - M .: Eksmo, 2007 .-- P. 97.

One of the best pieces of advice you can give you is “look to the future with confidence - in the direction of your dreams” and set the right goals in life.

Most of us live like the wind - moving back and forth from one day to the next.

But I believe that our life is not just an accident, and that we should all be involved in "designing" it. You could call it lifestyle design.

Ever since The Bucket List (featuring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman - I recommend watching) came out, more people started writing their own goals list.

Goal setting isn't just about writing a list. This is the starting point towards designing the life we ​​live. Maybe it's time for you to think about all the big and small things that you would like to accomplish in your life.

Every year, usually in December, people make a list of things they would like to achieve in next year... However, these are short-term. 100 life goals will give you more ambitious goals. Some will be short-term, while others may take your entire life to complete. Some tasks you can start and do right away, some will take more time.

The 100 Life Goals should be so exciting to you personally that it will be difficult for you to fall asleep at night! If you are not enthusiastic about your goals, then you will not strive for them at a high enough level.

I'll give an example of 100 aspiration goals (both basic and exotic), but I highly recommend making your own list. So, be patient ...

100 goals of a person's life

  1. Create a family.
  2. Maintain excellent health.
  3. Learn to speak English language(With the help of a native speaker or by yourself).
  4. Visit a new country in the world every year. Visit all continents.
  5. Invent and patent a new idea.
  6. Receive an honorary degree.
  7. Make a significant and positive contribution to peace.
  8. Take a boat trip.
  9. See the earth from space + Get the experience of zero gravity.
  10. Take a parachute jump.
  11. Participate in a marathon.
  12. Create a passive source of income.
  13. Change someone's life forever.
  14. Participate in the Olympics (or World Championship).
  15. Make a pilgrimage to Israel.
  16. Help 10 people achieve their life goal.
  17. Give a birth to a baby. Raise a child.
  18. Be a vegetarian for a month.
  19. Read the entire Bible.
  20. Dine with a famous.
  21. Speak at a conference (+ give a speech to over 100 people).
  22. Write and publish a book.
  23. Write a song.
  24. Launch a website on the Internet.
  25. Learn to ride a motorcycle.
  26. Create your own business.
  27. Climb to the top of the mountain.
  28. Learn to play tennis.
  29. Learn digital photography and learn how to photograph.
  30. Donate blood.
  31. Get rid of bad habits (alcohol, smoking).
  32. Meet an interesting person of the opposite sex.
  33. Own your own 5 hectares of land.
  34. Feed the sharks.
  35. Find a job you love that won't be stressful.
  36. Go snorkeling (go diving or maybe even go submarine).
  37. Ride a camel or ride an elephant.
  38. Fly by helicopter or hot air balloon.
  39. Swim with dolphins.
  40. See 100 best films of all time.
  41. Visit the Oscar.
  42. Lose weight.
  43. Go to Disneyland with your family.
  44. Take a ride in a limousine.
  45. Read the top 100 books of all time.
  46. Go canoeing in the Amazon.
  47. Visit all the games of the season of your favorite football / basketball / hockey \ etc. teams.
  48. Visit all the most big cities country.
  49. Live without TV for a while.
  50. Retire and live a month like a monk.
  51. Remember the poem "If only ..." by Rudyard Kipling.
  52. Have your own home.
  53. Live without a car for a while.
  54. Fly in a fighter jet.
  55. Learning to milk a cow (don't laugh, it can be a rewarding life experience!).
  56. Become a foster parent.
  57. Take a trip to Australia.
  58. Learn belly dancing.
  59. Found a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people.
  60. Learn to make home repairs (and do it).
  61. Organize a European tour.
  62. Learn to rock climbing.
  63. Learn to sew / knit.
  64. Take care of the garden.
  65. Go hiking in the wild.
  66. Master the martial art (possibly become the owner of a black belt).
  67. Play at the local theater.
  68. To star in the film.
  69. Take a trip to the Galapagos Islands.
  70. Learn archery.
  71. Learn to confidently use a computer (or help your girlfriend, mother)
  72. Take singing lessons.
  73. Taste French, Mexican, Japanese, Indian and other cuisines.
  74. Write a poem about your life.
  75. Learn to ride horses.
  76. Take a gondola ride in Venice.
  77. Learn to operate a boat or boat.
  78. Learn to dance the waltz, tap dance, etc.
  79. Post a YouTube video that gets 1 million views.
  80. Visit the headquarters of Google, Apple, Facebook, or more.
  81. Live on an island + Live in a hut.
  82. Get a full body massage.
  83. During the month, drink only water and juice with meals.
  84. Become the owner of a% stake in a profitable company.
  85. Have zero personal debt.
  86. Build a tree house for your kids.
  87. Invest in gold and / or real estate.
  88. Volunteer at the hospital.
  89. Go on a trip around the world.
  90. Get a dog.
  91. Learn to drive a racing car.
  92. Post a family tree.
  93. Achieve Financial Freedom: Have Enough passive income to cover all costs.
  94. Become a witness to the birth of your grandchildren.
  95. Visit Fiji / Tahiti, Monaco, South Africa.
  96. Take part in dog sled races in the Arctic.
  97. Learn to surf.
  98. Make a twine.
  99. Go skiing with the whole family in Aspen.
  100. Take a professional photo session.
  101. Live in another country for one month.
  102. Visit Niagara Falls, the Eiffel Tower, North Pole, pyramids in Egypt, Roman Colosseum, Great Wall of China, Stonehenge, Sistine Chapel in Italy.
  103. Take a nature survival course.
  104. Own your own private jet.
  105. Be happy in this life.
  106. …. your goals ...


The question may arise: why are 100 goals in life so many? Setting so many goals can really test your motivation and talents in many areas and areas of life. Life is so multifaceted, and goals should demonstrate your discipline and a responsible attitude towards it.

You are the one who takes control of your life. And goals are like GPS in life. They provide direction and help you choose where to go in this life. Your vision of an ideal future can turn into reality.

When you set 100 life goals and then measure your achievements, you can see what you have done and what you are really capable of. The very process of achieving goals will give you confidence and faith in yourself. After you have achieved one goal, you will try to achieve other goals, possibly higher ones.

You will see the great progress you have made when you look back over time. Goals are the starting point for success. Just start ...

And a good start, as you yourself know, is half the success!