What is the best coffee: reviews, ratings. Coffee beans: rating of the best varieties, types and brands

Julia Vern 39 337 0

Rarely do coffee gourmets, while enjoying another portion of their favorite drink, think about which province or corner of the globe the coffee beans were delivered from. Meanwhile, only ideal for coffee trees conditions - fertile lands, favorable high-mountain climate, plenty of sun - are capable of ensuring impeccable quality of grains.

  • Bourbon was brought from the island of the same name near Madagascar.
  • The famous Blue Mountain is from Jamaica.
  • The controversial Luwak is from the coast of Indonesia.

Coffee beans can be different varieties and degree of roasting

Species diversity

The coffee genus includes several dozen plant species. Several species are used for food. But only two of them are being developed on an industrial scale.

Interesting to know!
About 70% comes from Arabica coffee, about 30% from Robusta, and about 2% from other types.

Arabica beans are extracted from the fruits of low trees growing in foothill and mountainous areas. The grain is quite large, oblong, very dense, smooth. It is characterized by the presence of a curved line in the center of the grain.

The robusta variety is less susceptible to natural conditions and pests. And the variety has a higher yield due to the high growth of plants. Tropical regions of Africa and India have an ideal climate for cultivating this species. The rounded beans are smaller than Arabica beans. They have a light brown or greenish tint.

To determine which coffee beans are better, you need to focus on taste preferences. Lovers of exquisite aroma and soft taste choose Arabica varieties. Robusta contains twice as much caffeine. Admirers of the fortress choose it. Often varieties are successfully combined in carefully selected mixtures. Such a union makes it possible to achieve best characteristics drink

Three varieties are most famous bean coffee

Ripening of coffee beans

Despite the availability of coffee types for cultivation, the process of growing and harvesting the fruit is a troublesome task. The fruits are almost whole year are tied, then ripen for 8 months. Moreover, ripening often occurs unevenly. To get delicious bean coffee, you have to use manual labor. Ingested unripe fruits give an unpleasant aftertaste and bitterness. To preserve the crop, it is necessary to process it directly on the plantation. There are two processing methods, carried out at different times:

  • Dry. It is carried out during the dry season. In Brazil, for example, it happens twice a year. There is one in Yemen. After harvesting, ripe fruits are placed in the sun to dry and stirred periodically. Coffee enzymes bring the beans to condition. Coffee gains strength and taste. Only after this the pulp is removed from the fruit.
  • Wet. You can collect the fruits during the rainy season. This is what they do in India and Colombia. Fully ripe fruits are treated with a strong stream of water, and the pulp is removed at the same time. The resulting raw materials are poured into special pits and subjected to fermentation. Then they are washed again with water. Next comes the drying process and final fermentation. This is the main stage on which the strength of the coffee depends.

Coffee beans ripen unevenly, so it is important to choose red berries

What determines the quality of coffee?

So, the fruit goes through all stages of growth and processing, giving the manufacturer the final product - grain. Buy bean coffee good quality The grain size will help. The larger it is, the better the quality of the berry, the tastier the drink you can brew from them. The grains are sorted into fractions at the production stage.

The next most important stage is roasting. It is important to maintain the temperature and frying time. All taste and aroma characteristics of the product depend on the roasting stage:

  • Cinnamon. Coffee beans are slightly brownish in color. The taste is light, the aroma is slightly spicy and bready.
  • American. Inherent sourness. The surface of the beans is dry. The color is light brown.
  • Full City. The color of the beans is brown. The taste is balanced. Oil traces appear on the surface.
  • Viennese. Bright brown shade. Drops of oil on grains. The taste is strong, deep, with muted acidity.
  • Espresso. The surface of the beans is dark, shiny, with oil drops. The predominant taste is bittersweet.
  • French. Almost black color. Strong caramel and bitter taste.
  • Italian. The coffee has almost no aroma. Burnt taste predominates.

Roasting beans in a special machine

Rating of the best brands

How many people - so many opinions. Everyone prefers a pleasant bitterness, a heady aroma, hints of sweet cream and caramel, or a light alcoholic aftertaste. The main thing is that a cup of freshly brewed coffee gives pleasure and invigorates a sleepy morning.

Coffee lover turns creation and consumption aromatic drink into a kind of ritual. Coffee makers are purchased not to speed up awakening, but to increase the number of drink recipes. The type and degree of roasting of coffee for the coffee machine has great importance. By choosing the right ratio of grains of different varieties, you can get high foam, amazing aroma and unique taste.

Ground coffee retains its aroma for only 10 minutes and begins to lose it. Whole bean coffee retains all its qualities unchanged for a year or more. proper storage. At large quantities varieties, on packs of coffee you can see 3 varieties:

  • arabica,
  • robusta,
  • liberica.

Each of them has its own characteristics and popularity.

Oblong grains with an even score on the flat side. The aroma is weak, the foam does not whip up well, but the taste is pronounced and rich, has many shades. The caffeine content is low. The density of the bean depends on the height of the coffee trees. The higher the plantations are located, the denser the coffee berry seed.

Gourmets prefer single-origin coffee beans grown in a specific area. They have a subtle taste of flowers, cocoa, chocolate and others. Arabica coffee's flavor depends on the area where it is grown. For example, “Monsoon Malabar” has almost no sourness.

The sourness is also faintly felt in coffee beans grown in Cuba and the Dominican Republic. It is most strongly felt in Arabica beans from Mexico, Ethiopia and Kenya. Brazilian varieties have a nutty flavor. Coffee from Uganda and Guatemala with a dark chocolate flavor.

Robusta has smaller, more elongated grains. The beans contain 2 times more caffeine than Arabica, and coffee made from them is bitter. Robusta must be added to coffee for all coffee machines to obtain high cream crema and aroma.

Liberica contains almost no caffeine. The grain is almost 2 times larger than Arabica, up to 4 cm in length and 1.5 cm in width. The drink turns out bitter and watery. The aroma surpasses everything famous varieties. Liberica trees grow north of the equator, reaching a height of 16-18 meters, and only 2% of the soil is suitable for them. Coffee beans are not exported. It is mostly drunk local residents, used by confectioners. Liberica coffee is used as an additive in blended formulations. A small amount of grains gives a strong aroma.

Arabica coffee with the addition of 10–30% robusta is suitable for coffee machines. This is enough to obtain good foam, strong aroma and mild bitterness.

Degree of roasting of beans

The taste depends on the degree of roasting. The lower the processing temperature, the more sourness, the less bitterness and vice versa. On the package you can see 3 degrees of roasting:

  • light,
  • average,
  • dark.

In fact, there are many more options. Dark French and Italian roasting gives the beans a chocolate color and a buttery sheen. Spanish and Cuban producers process the beans at 250°C and they are similar to coals. This coffee does not have any sourness or other flavor variations, only bitterness and strength.

The most common roast is medium Viennese. Processing temperature 225–230°C. Beans roasted at this temperature are more suitable for coffee machines and are popular among coffee lovers. The taste has a balance of sourness and bitterness, rich with various shades. The drink is quite strong.

All the nuances of the monosort are revealed during light roasting. It has several options from different manufacturers. The popularity rating is topped by:

  • American - 210–220°C;
  • Scandinavian roasting - 200–210°C.

Light American roast is suitable for coffee machines, especially for those who like a sour drink. Scandinavian processing is not very popular, it has a strong sour aftertaste, especially when making espresso.

When purchasing bean coffee, you should pay attention to the integrity of the beans and the absence of chips. The color should be uniform.

A low-quality product is most often masked by dark roasting: grains of different sizes and shapes, without shine, with chips and uneven grooves.

The packaging must have a one-way valve that allows gases to escape and does not allow air to enter the package.

Ground or beans

Coffee makers operate on ground coffee, and some models of coffee machines can be loaded with both raw and ground beans. Which one to prefer and why.

After roasting, coffee, even in high-quality packaging, retains its aroma and taste with all its nuances for an average of 2–3 weeks. After a month it begins to lose its aroma. In coffee that has been sitting for 4-5 months, the coffee lover will not hear some flavors. After 10 months, the coffee will lose a lot of taste. After a year, one can only hope that the lingering caffeine will perk you up. This kind of coffee will not give you pleasure, even if it is beans or freshly ground.

The advantage of coffee machines is that they grind the beans immediately before preparing the drink. Therefore, preference should be given to grains. Use ground coffee It’s possible, you just need to look in the instructions for the unit to see which varieties are preferable.

Popular manufacturers

The largest amount of coffee is imported from Brazil. Colombia and Mexico supply inexpensive and high-quality grains. Products from the Hawaiian Islands have an exquisite taste, aroma, and are highly expensive.

What type and grade of coffee is suitable for your beverage preparation equipment is written in the instructions for the unit. The most popular varieties are:

  • Italkafe,
  • Musetti,
  • Malongo,
  • Wintergreen,
  • Bristol,

Positive reviews about these varieties from owners of carob coffee makers and complex coffee machines with cappuccino makers.


Available for all types of coffee machines, including capsule ones. There is grain available, including green. The bulk of products are ground coffee. Mostly medium Viennese and dark Italian roasts are produced.


The Musetti trading house is based in northern Italy. Currently they produce Viennese roasted coffee beans with different sizes grinding Musetti products are suitable for all types of coffee makers.


French coffee, Arabica 100%. Most species are monovarieties. Italian roast. Ground makes up the largest portion of the huge selection of coffees. The grains are collected on plantations of different countries and continents. Suitable for coffee machines.


Popular with lovers of cheap drinks. Sold mainly through online stores and specialized Wintergreen tea and coffee houses. Rather, they are complementary products to various teas, suitable for brewing in Turks and drip coffee makers.


A blend of Arabica and Robusta. Large selection of grains varying degrees roasted and ground with different degrees of grinding are intended for making cappuccino. You can choose the one suitable for different types coffee makers and machines.

Italian LavAzza has a composition: pure Arabica and a mixture with Robusta, up to 70% of the latter. A wide selection for different types of machines, there is grain for cappuccino and espresso.

How to understand whether the selected coffee variety is suitable for your machine

You can determine the appropriate coffee based on its degree of grinding and roasting of whole beans using an experimental method. When using ground raw materials, do not use dust or coarse grinding. They are not suitable for coffee machines.

If the stream flows weakly, the coffee is small and does not fit, it clogs the funnel. Grains that are too oily cannot be used in coffee machines, especially those that are flavored or with flavoring additives.

The grains must be the same size. Roast levels for espresso are light to medium. Cappuccino will turn out better when roasted heavily with the addition of robusta.
If, when using a certain type of coffee, it does not turn out to be tasty and aromatic enough, or problems arise in the operation of the machine, it is not suitable for this coffee maker.

Having purchased a new coffee machine, the first thing its owner decides on is the capabilities of the unit and the number of recipes. It is important to immediately find optimal type grinding and type of coffee.

  1. Read the instructions to see which varieties, roast level and grind size are recommended for the machine.
  2. If you want to experiment and create new tastes, buy 100 g of grains of the varieties indicated in the instructions and several with similar characteristics.
  3. Try and observe the condition of the coffee machine.

Hard grains are not suitable for ceramic millstones. It is advisable to avoid dark roast and high-altitude coffee, especially with the addition of liberica.
Shiny grains contain a lot of oils, which accumulate on the millstones, clogging them. They should not be used with a metal coffee grinder.
It is necessary to ensure that the grains are well dried. Moisture causes corrosion on the millstones. It destroys them and ends up in the ground raw materials.

5 best brands of ground and bean coffee

Coffee beans for coffee machines have the following rating according to customer opinions and reviews.

The TastyCoffee monosort is intended for gourmets, connoisseurs of a wide palette of tastes and lovers of a coffee drink with a slight sourness and slight bitterness. Has a medium roast. Suitable for coffee machines.

Italian Carraro beans can also be purchased decaffeinated for brewing in a Turkish coffee pot. Regular grain is suitable for coffee makers and machines. Has different degrees of roasting. Ground is available in tin packaging, which guarantees the preservation of aroma and taste.

Australian Julius Meinl with Viennese roasting of Arabica and Robusta beans guarantees excellent foam and the presence of sourness. Suitable for all types of machines.

The Jardin brand is popular among lovers of not very expensive drinks. In the list of varieties you can find 5 types of roasting. Available in grain and ground.

The LavAzza brand is widely known to lovers of all types of coffee drinks. You can choose any composition, from 100% Arabica to 70% Robusta. According to customer reviews, LavAzza is the best. Everyone chooses ground or grains for themselves. Brews well in Turks, machines and coffee makers. The cost is average, the quality is high.

The choice of coffee is large. The best option for the owner of a coffee machine is to choose bean varieties suitable for the machine and use them to create recipes to suit your taste.

Coffee connoisseurs prefer only a natural drink; it is much healthier and more aromatic than instant. There are two groups: ground and beans. The first type is less expensive, since it is not always made from high-quality raw materials. The taste of coffee beans is influenced by the type of beans, the country and area in which they are grown, the degree of roasting and other factors. To choose a product that will suit your personal preferences, you need to know taste qualities different types. The compiled rating of coffee beans will enable buyers to navigate in choosing a quality product.

Most companies that offer coffee beans are roasters and packers. Manufacturers from those countries where the product is grown are especially valued.

  1. Most coffee trees are grown in Brazil. Some consider its taste too simple, others love it for the presence of notes of cocoa, the absence of bitterness and impurities. Arabica and Robusta are grown in Brazil. Very often, when roasting, Brazilians add cinnamon or cloves. This is done in order to remove the specific smell (they have varieties grown on iodine soils) and deepen the taste.
  2. Guatemala specializes in the sale of green coffee, which is grown without the use of chemicals. The taste depends on the region where it is grown. Almost all coffee grown in this area has a subtle hint of smoke and characteristic hints of various spices. The most common Arabica variety is Typica.
  3. Ethiopia is the country where coffee first appeared. Mostly wild Arabica beans are harvested here. Approximately 40% of the harvest comes from man-made plantations. Coffee beans are cleaned using dry processing. The drink has a sour taste and a berry aftertaste. The best coffee beans are wet processed.
  4. Coffee production in Kenya is strictly controlled by the government. The most delicious drink is obtained from grains grown on the slopes of Meru and Kilimanjaro. It has a slight sour fruity taste.
  5. Colombian coffee varieties are highly valued throughout the world. Almost all plantations are located in high mountain areas, which has a beneficial effect on the quality of the product. For beans grown in the country, the name “Colombian coffee” is used; this trademark was registered in 2007. Thanks to the unique climate, special growing traditions, collection and processing of beans, the drink has an expressive aroma. In Colombia, only Arabica is grown.

Many well-known brands of bean coffee are grown in the Caribbean, in Yemen (the drink has fruity notes), in India (the taste of the coffee is mild but tart), in Cuba. Which one is better is difficult to answer, since connoisseurs choose according to personal taste preferences.

Varieties of coffee beans

There are two main types of coffee beans that are intended for making drinks: Arabica and Robusta. Sometimes they are mixed and guarana is added. Robusta has a bitter taste and a weak aroma. Compared to Arabica beans, the beans contain twice as much caffeine and amino acids. Due to chlorogenic acids, Robusta has a more astringent taste. It is used most often in mixtures, making the drink stronger. Robusta is often used to produce instant coffee.

As for Arabica, the drink made from it has a deeper aroma and comes with a nutty, chocolate, fruity and other aftertaste. The taste largely depends on the fertility of the soil and climate. Arabica, unlike robusta, contains more aromatic oils and less caffeine. It is more difficult to grow beans, since this type of coffee tree is sensitive to pests and various diseases. 70% of the world's coffee production is Arabica.
The grains are also visually different. In Robusta they are small and round, have a greenish or light brown tint. Arabica coffee beans are larger, oblong, smooth and dense. There is a curved line in the center.

There is another type of coffee tree - liberica. Its berries are large - about 3 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. The quality of the beans is not good enough to enjoy the drink. Liberica is intended only to be added to various mixtures.
It is impossible to definitively answer which coffee beans are the most delicious. It all depends on personal preference. Some will like the tart drink originally from India, while others will like Brazilian coffee with notes of cocoa.

Roasting degree of coffee beans

The taste of the finished drink is affected by the specific roasting of the beans. Raw beans are light green in color. When heat treated they turn brown. Under the influence of temperatures, the chemical structure changes. During heat treatment, grains open and moisture evaporates from them.

There are several stages of roasting coffee beans:

  1. 1. Light roast. A drink made from these beans will be invigorating, as this processing retains the most caffeine. There are the following degrees of light roast:
  • - the first (Scandinavian) - the beans are roasted at low temperatures for a short time, the drink turns out to be pale brown in color with a subtle taste of coffee;
  • - second (New England or American) - roasting lasts until the beans are first cracked, eventually they become light brown, and the drink is not particularly expressive in taste;
  • - third (urban) - the treatment lasts longer than the first click, but does not reach the second; coffee and herbal notes are felt in the drink.
  1. 2. Universal (medium) roast. Suitable for any coffee recipe. Beans grown in Brazil, Ethiopia and Colombia are roasted this way. Universal roast levels:
  • - first (city full) - the grains are fried before the second cracking, the drink has beautiful colour, the taste has sourness and a nutty aftertaste;
  • - second (French light, corduroy, Viennese, velvet) - the beans become glossy, dark brown in color, the aroma of roasted coffee is felt in the drink, there is a bitterness and a caramel aftertaste.
  1. 3. Deep roast. The beans are chocolate-colored. Cuban, Brazilian and Guatemalan Arabica varieties are roasted this way. The following degrees of deep roasting are distinguished:
  • - first (French, Turkish) - roasting lasts until the second cracking of the grain and stops as soon as the smell of burnt coffee is felt, the drink is viscous and strong, has a bitter aftertaste and caramel notes;
  • - second (continental, New Orleans, European) - the grain darkens, cracks and smokes, the drink turns out thick with bitter-smoky notes.
  1. 4. Dark roast. With this heat treatment, the moisture from the grains evaporates to the maximum. They become fragile and thin. The coffee turns out very strong. Beans processed in this way are most often used to create coffee blends.
  1. 5. Italian roast. A stream of cold air quickly cools heavily roasted grains. The beans are aired for three days and then packaged. Beans that are processed in this way are added to espresso blends.

The most popular and most delicious medium roast coffee beans. It is widely used to prepare popular drinks in many countries.

Bean coffee rating

Each gourmet has his own rating of coffee beans. There are many manufacturers on the market and it is difficult for inexperienced buyers to make a choice quality product. Rating the best manufacturers V different countries may vary.

According to reviews and based on sales information, the most popular brands are:

  1. Lavazza. This is an Italian brand that is popular in 80 countries. The brand has a hundred-year history and during this time has received universal recognition. These coffee beans are good and of high quality, since the company controls all stages of production, from collecting the beans to packaging the goods. This brand produces both single-origin varieties and original blends. Coffee has a refined taste, light aroma and moderate strength.
  2. Paulig. The bean coffee of this brand is based on high-quality Arab coffee from Central and South America. 3rd and 4th degrees of roasting are used. Paulig has coffee beans (Italian dark roast) designed exclusively for making espresso. Rich aroma and taste is distinctive features this brand of coffee.
  3. Carte Noire. This brand produces good bean coffee, which consists of Arabica coffee (Central and South America, Africa). The drink is very invigorating and not bitter. The beans are used at a medium roast level. Carte Noire coffee goes well with milk.
  4. Jardin. There are several types, including both single varieties and blends. About eight varieties of beans of varying degrees of roasting are used. Depending on the type, fruity, vanilla, spicy and other notes are felt.
  5. Ambassador. This is a German brand that uses medium roast Colombian Arabica beans. There is a slight sourness and fruity notes, no bitter aftertaste.
  6. Kimbo. This is an Italian coffee that combines Arabica and Robusta beans. The drinks are distinguished by the absence of sourness and bitterness. Coffee is characterized by a rich aroma and deep taste.
  7. Gaggia. An Italian brand that uses coffee varieties from India, South and Central America. The drink turns out to be very tasty, as it is prepared from selected Arabica beans in combination with Robusta.

It's hard to say what the best coffee beans are. The choice of a particular brand depends on personal taste preferences.

Is soluble. Buyers do not want to waste time on grinding beans and all the nuances of preparation - from whipping with sugar into foam and ending with the brewing ceremony. It is much easier to pour boiling water and drink.

In this case, when buying ground coffee, you can often encounter counterfeits. Ground beans, barley, and dyes are added to the granules. The trouble is that you will only find a fake at home, because no one will brew coffee in the supermarket.

Even ground coffee on sale can be fake. The same barley, chicory, and starch are found in its composition.

Therefore, an extra 10 minutes of your time to prepare a coffee drink from beans is not such a big waste of time. But as a result, you will get a truly rich, aromatic and tasty drink.

Varietal differences

Nowadays, more than 200 different varieties of coffee are produced in the world. Their taste characteristics depend on the place of growth, climate conditions and even the plants that grow next to the plantation.

The two main types are the familiar Robusta and Arabica. Robusta coffee beans can be used to make strong coffee with a strong invigorating effect. Often, to smooth out the strength, it is mixed with Arabica beans, which have less pronounced taste characteristics - light, not bitter, with a barely noticeable sourness.

To determine the taste characteristics of a variety, carefully read the labels on the packaging: it indicates the full name with the location of the plantation, country, city, and port of departure.

Coffee beans must be uniform in shape, without damage or stains

If you start from the place where the coffee beans grew, you can determine their approximate taste qualities:

  • Costa Rica. The drink has an amazing coffee aroma and high density.
  • Guatemala. A coffee drink with chocolate flavor and a light aroma of spices and herbs.
  • Kenya. Here they produce a product with a berry flavor and a slight wine sourness.
  • Brazil. This country is known for its strong, tart drink with a nutty flavor.
  • Ethiopia. Coffee with berry aroma and slight bitterness.
  • Colombia. The drink has an exquisite taste with barely noticeable sourness.
  • India. Varieties of grains grow here that have a chocolate flavor and high strength.

Mixtures of different varieties

For a more stable aroma and improved taste characteristics, manufacturers mix different coffee varieties. A good quality mixture usually consists of no more than 6 individual species, where both robusta and arabica are present. The main rule is that each species must be collected and roasted separately on its own plantation, and then mixed at processing plants.

There are mixed Arabica beans - several varieties of the same type, or Arabica mixed with high-quality Robusta beans. The cost of the latter coffee is slightly lower, but most often the taste of the drink improves, it turns out stronger with dense foam and imperceptible sourness.

Espresso as we know it is 90% Arabica and 10% Robusta. To increase the strength, the mixture can contain up to 30% robusta. However, the varieties must be of high quality.

If low-quality Robusta is added to Arabica, the resulting drink will be bitter and astringent. But even this kind of coffee has its buyers. Therefore, it all depends on your own preferences. Experiment!

Gourmets often purchase grains of different varieties by weight at specialized points of sale and prepare their own drink in order to select the ideal ratio through trial and error.

Attention! In stores you can find coffee with beans specially mixed to make a drink for breakfast, lunch or dinner. For example, Kenyan and Colombian coffee with a slight degree of roasting is ideal for the morning, and for afternoon coffee drinking it is better to purchase a mixture with different varieties Arabica beans from Africa, dark roasted.

Choose by appearance

Directly in the store, holding a pack of coffee in your hands, you can determine the quality of the future drink in your cup.

  1. Ideal shape. Coffee beans must be the same in shape, without damage or stains. It should feel velvety to the touch.
  2. Size. Arabica is larger in size than robusta. If you choose one variety of Arabica, the beans have an identical appearance. A mixture with small grains indicates the presence of cheap Robusta varieties.
  3. Aroma. When you open the package, you should feel a strong coffee aroma. If the coffee smells rancid, it is expired.

Advice. Read the labels on the packaging carefully. On a coffee drink High Quality you will see all the data about the origin of coffee beans, expiration date, roasting level.

Good coffee is only packaged in Vacuum package with a valve. This valve performs an important function - it facilitates the release of essential oils and protects the grains from air.

Roasting level

The taste of coffee depends not only on the variety, but also on the level of roasting. The packaging contains information in numbers - from 1 (light) to 5 (heaviest frying).

When coffee beans are cooked, essential oils appear, of which there are more than 600 types. And the level of roasting affects the flavor expression of each of them.

On sale you can find green coffee, not roasted. In appearance, the beans are gray-greenish or gray, odorless. Often used in diet.

Roasting happens:

  1. Scandinavian. The beans are light brown. This super-light roast produces smooth, smooth coffee with increased levels of caffeine. It is better to dilute the drink with milk.
  2. American. When roasted this way, the beans acquire a dark chocolate color, but essential oils have not yet released from them. Therefore, the drink has a slightly bitter taste. Ideal for filters and French presses.
  3. Viennese. The grains are much darker and shiny. The coffee takes on a sweetish taste.
  4. French. Deep roasting gives the beans dark color, and the drink has astringency and pleasant bitterness. The most delicious espresso is made from these beans.
  5. Italian. Black, oily beans that turn into truly bitter coffee. Ideal varieties for oriental drinks and espresso.

It also happens that deep frying is used to hide a low-quality product. You can recognize it by the noticeable smell of burning. It is better to purchase well-roasted varieties that are not too dark in color.

AND last tip- just trust well-known manufacturers coffee. In this case, you are guaranteed to buy high-quality beans that will turn into the most delicious coffee. Enjoy your coffee!

How to choose coffee - video

It's nice to start the day with an invigorating drink. Coffee beans for a coffee machine will save your time, and the aroma will be remembered for a long time. The tonic, tasty drink is loved by many people. Good bean coffee grows in countries with tropical climates and is exported to other regions where there is no favorable conditions for its cultivation. But grains are also used for other purposes; they are used to produce essential oil and make original blends.

Types of coffee beans

Experts count about 200 varieties of coffee beans. The growing region is important factor, on which taste and aroma depend. An experienced barista, when preparing a unique drink, combines several varieties, adding a little amaretto, which can give a slight sweetish aroma. Even a small amount of this drink will allow you to feel energetic all day long.

The most famous and recognizable varieties:

  • Arabica. Coffee beans of this variety are grown on plantations in Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, and India. Arabica is characterized as a strong, bitter drink. The Kona variety is characterized by sourness, a sweet, velvety taste. Arabica Mysore boasts an unsurpassed aroma and softness.
  • Santos is a Brazilian variety. Coffee beans are small and greenish in color. This is a very strong and soft drink.
  • Robusta. Contains a lot of caffeine. Robusta will provide you with energy for the whole day after one cup in the morning.
  • Cumana, Merida, Coro. They are based on expensive varieties grown in Venezuela.
  • Zambia AA Lupili. This species is rightfully considered the best variety of sunny Africa. This type has a pleasant orange bitterness.
  • Tapanchula and Maragojip are the best Mexican varieties. .Coffee beans with this marking have a very light taste and aroma.

How to choose coffee beans

A barista or an experienced coffee shop consultant will tell you how to choose bean coffee and what variety to take. To enjoy the unique aroma and wonderful aftertaste every day, you need to choose the right variety. A few simple recommendations will help you choose the right coffee beans yourself:

  • It is better to make purchases at specialized points of sale. As a rule, there is a large assortment and experienced sellers.
  • It is worth feeling the packaging carefully - the grains must be intact in order to retain their properties. Smell the pack: it should not have a rotten or sour smell. It is better to give preference to a product whose packaging has a transparent window - this way you can visually assess the quality of the beans inside the pack. The packaging must be sealed to prevent air from getting inside.
  • Don’t forget to read the contents of the coffee label; it should indicate the variety, degree of roasting, and the presence of flavorings.
  • Remember: a good quality drink cannot be cheap. The price of coffee per 100 grams should be high. If you are in doubt about the choice, there is always the option of buying beans by weight; such coffee will be inexpensive. Only in order for the grains to retain their quality, the packaging must be tightly closed.

Rating of coffee beans

To find out which bean coffee is the best, you can survey lovers of the invigorating elixir or trust the rating. You should prefer beans from top sellers; they will not disappoint you with taste and aroma. There are many Italian and French made, they please with exemplary quality. Coffee bean rating:

  • Lavazza - this variety was grown on coffee plantations in South America. It is sweet with a slightly sour tint. Lavazza will conquer lovers of a soft aroma.
  • Carte Noire is a synthesis of grains from Africa and America. The drink is not sharp like espresso, perfectly invigorating, and goes well with milk. The aroma of this drink will help you mentally find yourself in exotic countries.
  • Ambassador is a 100% medium roast Arabica. Fruity notes are the main flavor characteristics. A slight sourness may be felt.
  • Jardin. Contains a blend of Arabica beans different regions and is distinguished by a special roasting process. Lovers classic version will appreciate the Dessert Cup, which is deeply roasted. Absolutely everyone will like this single variety with sourness and persistent taste.
  • Saeco is shining example quality use real Indian Arabica. The taste of spice and nuts, and at the end a slight bitterness, refreshes you before the start of a busy day.
  • Jockey is a medium roast variety with pronounced acidity and rich color. After a cup of this drink, a nutty aftertaste may remain. The beans can make a delicious drink with a sweet aftertaste.
  • Coffee, which is called Black Card, is a mixture of several varieties: Colombian and Brazilian. Grains are light citrus notes, which can impart a velvety sweetness and nutty aftertaste. An organic drink can be prepared using a special coffee machine or a Turk with a strainer.

Elite coffee beans

High-quality bean coffee costs a lot of money. This product will cost more than ground or instant coffee. Gourmets carefully choose the best varieties, because after trying just once the invigorating and tonic elixir of wonderful taste, no one will be able to refuse it. The range of elite coffee beans is wide: Blue Mountain, Kopi Luwak, Old Java, Ruiruiru, Yellow Bourbon, Yemen Matari, Ecuador Vilcabamba. It is profitable to buy elite, large coffee beans in the online store.

Coffee bean price

The boost of energy and pleasure from a cup of coffee beans directly depends on the quality. On the package they write what characteristics the prepared drink has. To save money, you need to buy a pack big size in the online store: to do this, you need to select from the catalog and order on the website. You can then receive it by courier or by mail, delivery is fast and takes from 3 to 5 days.

The price of coffee beans is not the same. The cost consists of many factors, the main ones being brand, manufacturer, composition. A small table will help you figure out how many rubles you will need to pay for a pack weighing 1 kg.