Which entrance door should be installed in the apartment? How to choose a metal entrance door - advice from a professional

Quite rare cases the right choice metal entrance door that fully complies with the conditions of use and purpose. We have collected several tips and rules that will help you accurately choose the right door in accordance with your requirements and not overpay.

The cost and complexity of the entrance door should be determined by its burglary resistance. It, in turn, must correspond to the value of the property and the likelihood of an attempted illegal entry. In any case, it is necessary to accept as a golden rule not to provide excessive resistance to hacking and carefully check whether the proposed technical solutions capable of performing their functions.

What size should the door be?

The actual size of the door is determined by the dimensions of the opening, from which the values ​​of the technological gaps and the thickness of the pillar elements are subtracted door block. The width of the opening, according to SNiP, should not be less than 910 mm, the height can vary from 210 to 230 mm, taking into account the 70 mm thick stand, which cannot be knocked down. However, these standards are directly related only to secondary housing; in new buildings and private properties, the sizes of openings can be completely arbitrary.

Therefore, it is so important to ensure that the technological gaps are observed when taking measurements for correct installation. The opening in panel and prefabricated monolithic buildings must be at least 10 mm larger than the assembled door block on each side, in brick buildings - 25 mm. It is advisable that the gap be no more than 50 mm, this will lead to a “suspended” installation method, reduce the strength of the fastening and will not allow the door to be used for the first time after sealing.

What thickness of canvas should I choose?

The thickness and grade of sheet steel in the door leaf is one of the most important factors in burglary resistance. In general, the thicker the door, the more reliable it is, but you shouldn’t bend it. Firstly, vandal opening of the canvas is carried out only if comparable forces failed to break the locks. Secondly, due to the increased weight of the door, the hinge group will need to be strengthened. Door leaves weighing over 150 kg require the installation of a closer and an opening limiter. Optimal thickness sheet ranges from 1.5 to 3 mm, and for doors of burglary resistance class III and IV - at least 4.5 mm.

The material used to make the canvas is much more important. The hardness of the steel to withstand axial tools must be at least 55 HRC; for resistance to most cutting edges, 35-40 HRC will be sufficient. The resistance of steel to drilling and cutting plays virtually no role for composite blades, in which a layer of abrasive material is laid between two relatively thin sheets of steel. You also need to remember that the hardness of steel below 60 HRC is not decisive for resistance to abrasive and oxy-fuel cutting; most so-called burglary-resistant blades can be burned through with a manual balloon cutter.

Which stiffener system is better?

The high rigidity of the fabric is one of the most important obstacles to spinning. Most budget doors only have a thin angle steel frame and a stamped surface. In this case, the door really bends with difficulty, but if the metal thickness is less than 1 mm, it can simply be crushed.

It is optimal if the door is reinforced along the contour of the narthex with a rectangular profile measuring at least 40x40 mm with a wall thickness of at least 2.5 mm. You can also focus on the cross-section of the reinforcing element; it should not be lower than 400 mm 2. In addition to the framing frame, it is desirable to have one or two horizontal struts and diagonal braces in the formed cells. There is no need to build a reinforcement system that is too sophisticated: stiffening ribs negatively affect heat and sound insulation and increase the weight of the canvas.

Do doors need insulation and what kind?

It would be more correct to call the so-called insulated doors filled, because the material inside the door provides not only a reduction in heat loss. It is also a sound insulator, in some cases interspersed with layers that make it difficult to make a full passage.

Thermal insulation is a mandatory option for the front door of a private house, even if there is a vestibule. In other cases, the presence of filler is not necessary. The best performance qualities, in ascending order, are cellular corrugated cardboard, expanded polystyrene and PUR filler. Mineral wool is not entirely suitable for doors: after several years of use, it shrinks with the accompanying formation of cold bridges.

Why are safe doors needed?

The safe door is a canvas that does not protrude beyond the plane of the installation box or platband to prevent the possibility of pressing with a lever tool. At the same time, the inside of such a door is filled with concrete to increase vandal resistance.

Almost all safe-type panels belong to the fifth, highest class of burglary resistance. However, it makes sense to install such a door only if it is equipped with locks of the appropriate class; moreover, such a choice should always be determined by practical necessity. Otherwise, a safe door becomes a useless investment: it is 2-3 times more expensive than a regular door due to the complexity of organizing the unlocking system and the need to install a reinforced hinge group.

Which hinges are the most reliable?

There are quite a lot of hinge designs, but in general they can be divided into two groups: hidden and external. The latter variety is simple and inexpensive; most heavy but inexpensive metal doors are equipped with visible hinges. This is due to the fact that they can withstand the high weight of the leaf much better; moreover, the door frame is cheaper due to the uselessness of using a hollow profile and device seats for hidden mechanisms. However, visible hinges are worse in terms of resistance to burglary; it is recommended to purchase a hinge group made of hardened steel with rotating pins, which are very difficult to cut.

Loops hidden installation- complex multi-part hinges. Their advantage is the lack of direct access to the loop group and maintaining the integrity of the outer side of the fabric. Providing high burglary resistance, they have characteristic shortcomings: need adjustment and maintenance, may creak and sag over time due to metal fatigue. If, when assembling a canvas weighing over 200 kg, the choice fell on hidden hinges, it is better to purchase the highest quality products possible, thereby guaranteeing a long service life.

Which locking system should I choose?

Modern doors are closed not only directly with the lock pins. In the cavity of the door leaf there is usually a synchronous locking mechanism, which, when the lock is turned, pushes the bolts apart on three sides of the narthex. This is good and bad at the same time: a door with such a system is less susceptible to pressing, but a burglar can gain access to the mechanism through a window cut out in the leaf, thereby bypassing the secret of the lock.

It is optimal if the locking mechanism is located in the cavity of the profiles that act as stiffening ribs, or if the central unit together with the lock is covered with an armored lining. A system of passive crossbars located on the hinge side will also not do any harm.

How many locks should a door have and what kind?

To answer this question, let us turn to the configuration of classic factory-made doors, which are often unknowingly called Chinese. They have three locks: an upper one, otherwise called a quick one, a lower one, which drives the locking mechanism along the vestibule, and a “night” latch, which does not have the physical ability to open from the outside. This set of locks is basic; in modern doors it could not be more scarce.

Burglary resistance can be increased, for example, by replacing the central cylinder lock with a lever lock. The highest class of burglary resistance is typical for locks with the ability to be reprogrammed for a new key, as well as those equipped with a secret trap that resets the locking bolts when an attempt is made to move the levers separately. Such locks can only be opened by making a duplicate key using a cast. You can further increase resistance to burglary by installing a radio lock or a hidden drive for the locking mechanism, but in this case it is necessary to monitor the technical condition and maintain the charge of the built-in battery.

Does the presence of a peephole affect burglary resistance?

There is an opinion that the hole for the door peephole greatly reduces the opening time. Indeed, if a burglar is familiar with the structure of a typical door, by knocking out the peephole, he can manually set the internal mechanism in motion. Also, the hole under the peephole serves as a vulnerable point in case of vandalism: through it you can quietly and extra effort Start cutting the fabric using lever scissors.

Of course, you can avoid inserting a peephole only if you install a video intercom or a hidden surveillance camera. In other cases, it is recommended to purchase a visor modern type with separate fastening of the body halves. Its peculiarity is that the diameter of the installation hole does not exceed 5-6 mm, which is not enough for the scissors to fit in. Also, instead of a peephole, you can install a camera, for connecting which a hole of 2-2.5 mm will be enough; through such a gap, manipulations with the internal mechanism are absolutely impossible.

Which fastening system to choose in the opening?

If neither the door leaf nor the locks can be hacked, attackers may try to vandalize the entire door block. This is all the more possible if technological clearances are not observed during the installation process, or due to filling assembly seams foam, not cement mortar. You can complicate the task of burglary by ensuring high-quality fastening of the door block.

We are talking about a system of anchors buried in the body of the wall by at least 1/4 of the width of the canvas. For anchors, ordinary steel reinforcement is suitable, which was inserted into the holes before installing the block in place in increments of 80-100 cm around the perimeter of the opening. After positioning and securing the door, its frame frame is welded to the anchors, thereby the block acquires an almost monolithic connection with the wall. Naturally, this installation method will not work when installing doors made of thin sheet metal.

How important are aesthetic qualities?

Don't be surprised, but the exterior decoration of the door has a direct bearing on ensuring high resistance to burglary. The presence of an overlay glued over the entire plane allows you to hide the manufacturer and model of the door, the type and quality of steel. Also, burglars will not be able to appreciate such specific subtleties as welding marks or the location of hidden hinges.

The overlay should not be provocatively pretentious; a smooth one is sufficient. MDF sheet with chamfers. It is recommended not to install branded pads on the keyholes that come with the locks. It is much better to use fittings without identification marks, this will make it difficult to determine the lock model.

What should be the complete set of a quality door?

The door installation process must be monitored personally, ensuring compliance with the geometry and positioning of the door block. In this case, the installation team is obliged to remove the internal decorative overlay, demonstrating the presence and compliance of the type of insulation, as well as showing the customer clearly the principle of operation of the synchronous locking mechanism.

The classic set of a door block is as follows: the leaf assembly with locks, hinges and other fittings, a frame and external trims. The finishing of internal slopes is carried out by the customer independently using additional materials for interior doors. Another important point: You must ensure that the set of keys is sealed in an opaque bag with factory markings and safe seals. All locks undergo the first test at the installation site; in the event of a manufacturing defect, the door manufacturer is obliged to replace them within the agreed time frame.


As a summary, all that remains is to remind you that when choosing a door you definitely need to know when to stop. The right blade, locks and installation system can provide truly high resistance to burglary, but the more difficult it will be for emergency personnel to act in the event of an emergency.

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Those who want to protect their apartment or house inevitably face the question: “How to choose a metal front door?. It's really not easy. The canvas itself doesn't solve much. It is important to approach all purchases responsibly components. In addition, it is worth thinking about more than just security.

Choosing metal door, many nuances should be taken into account. The reliability and durability of the structure depends on the responsible approach. To end up with a product that will not disappoint, you need to pay attention to the following details.


Much depends on where the structure will be installed: in an apartment, a country house or in a country house. In the first case, attention should be paid to locks and insulation from noise and foreign odors from the entrance. When it comes to private buildings, the overall reliability of the structure and its resistance to weather conditions are important.


Steel, aluminum and various alloys are used to make metal doors. The choice depends on the desired strength and price. Hot-rolled metal is cheaper, but quickly rusts. Hot rolled does not corrode and looks attractive even without treatment. Materials without excess carbon and alloying elements last the longest.


What matters here is the thickness of the canvas, the presence of various parts and their features. It is important to check whether the products comply with the parameters specified in the documentation.

Protection level

Depending on the needs, the strength of the metal elements and the complexity of the locks and hinges are chosen. High-tech parts are much more expensive, and they don’t always make sense.

Decorative qualities

A metal door is an expensive pleasure. When installing it, you should understand that it will not be possible to change the product often. Therefore, it is important to choose a design that will match the interior of the hallway or the exterior frame of the house. It should be a pleasure to look at for many years to come.

Preparation method

Custom-made products meet individual needs, but are much more expensive. In addition, it will take time to produce them. There is no need to wait for finished products, their prices are more affordable, and a variety of shapes and designs will help you choose the most suitable product. True, maximum protection in this case cannot be expected.


The seller must ensure installation in as soon as possible and provide a guarantee for materials and work performed for a period of at least six months. Before choosing a company, it is useful to study customer reviews. An important role is played by the technical savvy of the consultant and the willingness to draw up a preliminary estimate. A professional will also advise you on how to choose a metal entrance door.

Main characteristics of a metal door

Every element of the door has a meaning. Together they provide long service life, protection and insulation.

Metal frame elements

Aluminum is often used to make metal doors. It is lightweight, so it is easy to transport and install. Its plasticity is used in design. Aluminum products are inexpensive, but their strength and reliability are low.

Steel is the most preferred material. It is more expensive, but more durable. This metal provides reliable protection, well insulates from cold and noise.

The frame can be made of a U-shaped profile, rectangular pipe or corners. The pipe is the strongest. Place on the canvas a metal sheet. Its thickness must be at least 2 mm, otherwise the layer is easy to cut. By individual order make protective layer up to 5 mm in thickness. This significantly makes the structure heavier, makes it noisy when closing and requires the installation of expensive moving elements.

Sometimes the sheet is placed with inside. This makes the structure stronger, but the same effect can be achieved by installing a thick outer plate. This will reduce the load on the hinges, and the quality will not suffer.

Strengthening ribs also add strength. They are placed between the outer sheet and the inner panel. There must be at least 2 vertical and 1 horizontal parts, but the more, the more reliable. True, the weight of the door can increase significantly because of this. To avoid this, take ribs with a complex profile. In addition, they are more difficult to bend. If these elements are located in only one direction, an inner sheet will be needed to provide rigidity.

It is important to remember that it is not advisable to install doors that are too heavy in apartments where children and the elderly live. In addition, there is a risk of abrasion of the hinges and deformation of the frame.

The box must have a protected cavity for the tongues of the locking device. Otherwise, the burglar will deal with the lock by breaking part of the wall.

Door hinges

There are internal and external hinges. The first ones are hidden and almost impossible to cut. They move smoothly and look more aesthetically pleasing, but are much more expensive.

External hinges. Robbers easily knock them down with a crowbar. To increase reliability, parts with steel pins are used. They are welded to the canvas and when the door is closed, they are tightly fixed in the frame. This provides a locking function and prevents the door from being removed after a break-in.

Movable joints must be made of thick metal. It would be good if they had the ability to be adjusted to prevent the structure from warping.

For a standard product weighing 70 kg, 2 loops are enough. If the product is very heavy or bulletproof, you will need 3-4 parts. Also mounted more connections if doors are opened and closed more than 50 times a day.

Door locks

Parts suitable for apartments have 4 burglary resistance classes. But you need to remember that there are no 100% secure locks. An experienced burglar will open any device, the only question is how long it will take. The longer the attacker messes around, the more likely he is to be caught. Therefore, the main goal is to delay him as long as possible or scare him off with the complexity of the design.

The best option is to install two types of locks. Their unauthorized opening will require more skills from the robber. Levelers are equipped with three or more crossbars. The more there are, the more reliable. There are “crab” models. With the turn of the key, the latches enter into the connectors on all four sides of the box at once. But they have a significant drawback. If the top bolt jams, you will most likely have to install new door. You can choose a model that provides recoding in case the key is lost.

English, or cylinder, locks are used for locking for a short time. They are not resistant to strong impacts, but the presence of larvae makes opening difficult. If such devices break down, it is enough to replace only the inner cylinder.

To prevent the lock mechanism from being drilled or knocked out, a special cover is installed. It is placed between the locking device and the door leaf. It is important that the parts have front and end fastening.

All locks must be easy to use. There is often a situation in which two devices are installed, but in the end only one is used, because the second one is complex or of poor quality.

Imported models are considered the most reliable. They really provide good protection, but they are not cheap. And there is no point in them if the steel layer is flimsy. It is easy to cut, and even a very expensive lock will not help. In turn, thieves open an overly simple device even when installing a durable frame.


You can’t do without a seal, because its functionality is wide. It protects against extraneous noise and odors, allows you to close the doors softly and tightly. Thanks to the device, drafts, moisture and dust do not enter the apartment. Warm air does not erode. In case of fire, an obstacle to the spread of fire is created.

Rubber is usually used to seal metal doors. It performs the necessary functions and is cheaper. Silicone is also used. It is environmentally friendly, does not emit harmful impurities and is suitable for apartments where children and allergy sufferers live. Polyurethane is easy to install. Foam rubber and plastic are not suitable. They are inexpensive and have a number of advantages, but due to the weight and rigidity of metal doors they quickly deteriorate.

Perimeter insulation is installed. Some manufacturers offer two- and three-circuit profiles. But this makes no sense if the parts are installed correctly and are of high quality.

Based on the type of fastening, there are magnetic, self-adhesive and with an additional clamping mechanism. Magnets are most often used, but it is important to choose a quality product. A strong attraction will make it difficult for children and the elderly to open the door, while a weak attraction will not ensure proper sealing.

The reliability of the material is checked by pressing. It should immediately regain its shape after pressing. It is important that there is no excessive rigidity. This will make it difficult to close the door. A seal that is too soft will wear out quickly.

Manufacturers offer a wide range color scheme products, which allows you to choose the most suitable product for the door and the surrounding interior. But it is important to remember that coloring negatively affects strength. The best option is a regular black seal.

The quality of sound insulation can only be checked after the furniture is installed in the apartment. IN empty walls very good acoustics, so during the renovation stage, entrance noise will still be audible.

Insulation materials

Metal does not retain heat well, so installing insulation between the outer and inner sheets of the fabric will not interfere. Standard doors Usually they come without them, so you will have to buy the material separately. Thermal insulation is also pumped inside the box.

For these purposes, polyurethane foam or mineral wool. They have low thermal conductivity and do not allow moisture to pass through. Such materials are non-flammable. A cheap substitute is polystyrene foam. But it is important to remember that it is easily susceptible to fire.

The joints between the insulation are sealed polyurethane foam, which contributes to better insulation. Cold bridges still remain around the perimeter of the door and at the stiffeners, so additional seals are installed.

External and internal finishing

Previously, leather substitutes were widely used for finishing doors. Now this material has faded into the background. It is not distinguished by a variety of colors and textures, is easily damaged and wears out quickly. In addition, leatherette does not provide additional strength and insulation.

The most popular are plastic panels. They are inexpensive and look stylish and aesthetically pleasing. Modern materials wear-resistant and shock-resistant. Panels made from fine particles are environmentally friendly. Their thickness reaches 20 mm, which provides additional soundproofing and strength. If damaged, such a covering is much easier to replace than the entire door.

Polymer painting – inexpensive option. The coating does not scratch and lasts a long time. In addition, you can choose the color and design to suit your taste. There are different degrees of roughness. Unlike this design method, painting under varnish does not last long, but it is not difficult to restore it yourself.

Solid wood or plywood are environmentally friendly types of coating. They are expensive, but look the most impressive. In addition, their thickness contributes to better impermeability. Possibility of varnishing, tinting and protective film extends the service life of these materials.


An additional security feature that helps you control the situation outside the door and avoid inviting uninvited guests into your home. The size of the device depends on the thickness of the web.

The main requirement is to ensure a viewing angle of 180-200 degrees. You can choose a plastic or glass peephole. The latter is more expensive, but more durable.

A special damper is also required. It helps to discreetly observe what is happening in the entrance and does not let light in from the apartment. The part should tightly cover the eyepiece, while opening easily and silently. It is important that it does not come into contact with interior decoration, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid damage.

Choice specific model depends on taste preferences and safety requirements. There are standard peepholes, hidden and bulletproof. Parts with increased aperture allow you to stand at a distance from the device and at the same time maintain a viewing angle.

Features of fire doors

The essence of fireproof metal doors is that they serve as a barrier to the spread of fire and prevent smoke from entering the apartment. The time during which the structure holds a fire is regulated by SanPiN and is prescribed in the technical documentation. It ranges from 15 minutes to several hours.

The design of such products has its own characteristics. For their manufacture, two metal sheets are used, between which a non-flammable material is laid that protects against carbon monoxide. It also helps the surface remain relatively cool. Minimal gaps are left between the canvas and the box.

This product can withstand extreme high temperatures and is not deformed by fire. The filler remains intact. The door does not require repair after a fire and, in the event of a second fire, copes with its protective functions.

The fittings of such structures are designed for extreme situations. It is important that a person in a state of panic can open the door with one click on the handle or a special button. For automatic closing, the installation of closers is required.

It is generally accepted that fire doors are much more expensive than regular doors. But actually it is not. If a manufacturer uses modern technology, its production costs do not increase much. Therefore, the final price does not change significantly.

Metal doors help protect your apartment from burglary and fire. Such structures are durable and have a long service life. If you choose and install parts wisely, all costs will more than pay off.

High quality iron doors – the best option both for apartments and private houses. They are durable due to different ways The finishes are attractive. There are just a lot of manufacturers, which makes it difficult for buyers to choose. Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the rating of the best manufacturers of iron doors, find out their strengths and weak sides. We bring to your attention the top best steel doors on the Russian market.

Entrance doors from different brands differ in the materials used, production technology, hardware features and price. The reliability of the design directly depends on the cost. Iron doors are usually divided into mid-price, premium, and budget products. The most affordable designs are rarely purchased. Since the metal used for their production is too thin, such an entrance door cannot be reliable.

To compile a rating of metal entrance doors 2018, the opinions of experts and consumer reviews are taken into account. What matters is the experience and popularity of the company, as well as the width of the product range. In the middle price segment, Forpost, Neman, Stal, Bravo are considered the best. In the premium segment, the rating of the best iron doors includes the brands Guardian, TOREX, Elbor. These are Russian door manufacturers whose quality is not inferior to imported products.


The 2018 steel door rating is topped by Forpost products. The first products were released by this company in 1998. Starting in 2009, production was moved to China to reduce manufacturing costs. This made it possible to produce 500 thousand units of goods annually. Unfortunately, since that time, low-quality fakes have appeared. Therefore, when purchasing an entrance system, you should always ask for a certificate, inquire about the warranty, and purchase iron doors only through official representatives.

Forpost metal doors are included in the review due to the following advantages:

  • low price (even for the most elite models);
  • wide range, products can be selected for private houses and apartments with different interiors;
  • There are a sufficient number of service centers, so if necessary, you can seek advice or call a specialist to your home.

Outpost iron doors have their drawbacks. First of all, this applies to fittings, which are manufactured at the same plant. It is difficult to replace it with other analogues. Sound insulation is present only in some models. Also, we must not forget that there are fakes.


This is one of the brands of Bravo, a famous company for the production of iron doors. It is she who continues the rating of metal doors for apartments in 2018. The main advantage of Groff products is the use of steel of considerable thickness. In addition, the structure is reinforced with stiffening ribs. Non-flammable mineral wool is used as insulation.

The manufacturer pays attention to the aesthetic characteristics of its products. Due to the combination of appearance and strength, Groff is considered one of the best metal entrance doors. All products are guaranteed for up to 10 years, during which the service department is obliged to service the structure installed in the house or apartment.


Bravo is considered one of the leaders in the Russian market of iron entrance systems. Metal entrance doors are among the top best, according to consumers. The company is ready to provide customers with more than 350 various models, including those manufactured using unique 3D technology.

The main advantages of entrance structures of this brand:

  • there are available models with veneer finishing;
  • reliable and high-quality steel doors;
  • excellent draft protection due to seals and insulating materials High Quality.

At the same time, in the most budget options Sound insulation is only average.


The Neman brand continues the rating of metal entrance doors. This is a company that produces truly reliable and safe products. The brand has a wide selection of models. The products have reasonable prices. At the same time, the manufacturer pays great attention to the external characteristics of the product. Neman entrance systems compare favorably with their competitors in their decorative characteristics.

To produce the best steel doors, alloy steel of considerable thickness is used. All models are equipped with two locks; if necessary, their number can be increased. Therefore, there are no questions regarding the safety of the product.

In addition to good value for money and interesting design solutions, Neman is included in the top metal doors because it meets all safety requirements. This is confirmed by certificates.

The only downside worth mentioning is the insufficient strength of the most budget products from this manufacturer.


The rating of steel doors is also not complete without the Steel brand. Products from this manufacturer are distinguished by good reliability and a sufficient level of resistance to burglary. In these parameters, it is a little reminiscent of Elbor. However, unlike this brand, the manufacturer Steel does not have very expensive goods. Due to this, the company's products are popular and have received many positive reviews from consumers.

Professionals also praise this brand, although there are not the most successful models in its line. But in the price segment it is worthy of attention a manufacturer that is rightfully included in the rating of metal entrance doors to apartments.

The main advantages of Steel products:

  • wide range of models;
  • many options using different finishing materials;
  • good level of service.

The main disadvantage is the presence of unsuccessful models, which requires careful choice from the consumer. Before purchasing, you should ask managers about all technical characteristics.


The rating of metal doors for apartments would also be incomplete without the Guardian brand. The plant began producing iron structures back in 1994. Guardian entrance structures are popular among buyers who value beauty. Therefore, they will be useful to those who are looking for something original and want everything in their house or apartment to be in harmony. In terms of safety parameters, there are also no complaints about the product of this brand. Indicators fire safety, resistance to burglary, noise insulation, service life - all these characteristics are confirmed by international certificates.

Among the advantages that made it possible to include the entrance systems of this brand in the quality rating of steel doors 2018, it is also worth noting:

  • the ideal combination of the door leaf and the door frame, the gaps between them are minimal, which guarantees a tight fit of the door;
  • in any price segment there are many models to satisfy the demanding consumer;
  • products comply with Russian and international requirements;
  • a mineral wool slab is used as a filler for the canvas - non-flammable material with high insulating properties.

Everything is good in reliable Guardian metal doors. The only thing customers are not happy with is the service. If even the most complex breakdowns occur, they cannot be quickly eliminated. Customer Service efficiency is no different.


A review of steel doors for an apartment would be incomplete without the TOREX brand. This is another popular Russian manufacturer, whose production is located in Saratov. The first products were produced on it back in the Soviet Union in 1989. The plant is constantly developing, so entrance systems have become popular not only in the CIS countries. The company has 8 warehouses.

  • good service;
  • high quality products;
  • compliance with all safety standards, including heat resistance for some models up to 5-6 hours;
  • wide assortment range, attractive design products.

The main disadvantage of the products is their considerable cost.


Manufacturer of iron doors Elbor is also included in the rating of the best metal entrance doors. The company has an excellent reputation, which he has worked on since the founding of the plant in 1976. At first, the company produced various goods for military purposes, then retrained to protect private property. Due to this specific nature of production, all Elbor products are highly resistant to burglary.

The company does not produce budget models. All products are made using special technology to increase their reliability. The coatings are fire-resistant, and the filler inside the sash is non-flammable mineral wool. Moreover, the products have an attractive design. A review of steel entrance metal doors and high test scores also allow us to include products of this brand in the ranking of the best.

Imported Fortus and DIERRE products

In addition to Russian-made products, the rating of steel apartment doors includes popular brands from Germany and Italy. Fortus is fundamentally different from most manufacturers in that it specializes in the production of custom doors. Minimum finished products and maximum opportunities to assemble systems at your own discretion. The buyer can choose the number of sashes, locks, other fittings, door finishes, and so on. Due to this, more than 1000 combination options are available to the consumer. This approach allows you to choose the best metal entrance doors for your apartment or country house. Any one of them will have high strength, sound insulation, will protect property and heat.

DIERRE is a company from Italy that specializes in producing high-quality metal entrance doors with a special design. The manufacturer monitors all new products on the market, introduces the most advanced technologies. Their line even includes “smart doors”; they are controlled via remote control.

High-quality metal doors from Italy are distinguished by high aesthetics; the finishing of the door leaf is complemented by exquisite fittings. The cost is as follows entrance structure Not everyone can afford it, but the DIERRE system will be the highlight of any room.

What to consider when choosing?

The brand is not the only parameter that the consumer should focus on. The choice of steel doors should be based on other parameters.

Taking into account your financial capabilities, you need to pay attention to the following technical characteristics:

  1. Locking mechanisms. One lock is good, but good steel doors to an apartment should have two such mechanisms. Moreover, both must have a high burglary resistance class (3 or 4), and their mechanisms must be different. This approach will greatly complicate the work of burglars.
  2. Additional protection. Such simple elements as a chain or a night latch should also not be neglected. They strengthen protective functions designs.
  3. Door hinges. When deciding which metal entrance doors are best for an apartment, you need to pay special attention to this parameter. Hidden hinges are good because they are not visible and cannot be cut off during a break-in. However, this design significantly increases the cost of the product.
  4. Insulating materials. Without filler, even good quality steel doors will let in noise and cold. Therefore, it is worth clarifying what exactly the sash is filled with inside. The best option is mineral wool, which can absorb noise and cold. It is also good for residential premises because it does not burn.

Finishing material is important not only from a purely aesthetic point of view. It must protect the metal surface and be resistant to external factors, this is especially true for private houses. After all, even the best steel entrance doors will be subject to sunlight, frost and precipitation. For an apartment, it is important that the coating is resistant to minor impacts and scratches.

Buying an iron door for your home is a responsible step. The product costs a lot and should last a long time. Therefore, you should carefully study the rating of iron doors to your apartment, all the parameters of the model you like, trust only well-known brands that have been on the market for many years and are ready to provide a long guarantee for their products.

How to choose entrance doors to an apartment? Each of us has our own idea of ​​​​products. But everyone considers reliability, quality and design to be the main qualities. You can secure your apartment from intruders with additional actions: carry out security, arm the apartment and install it. These are additional costs that can be avoided. However, there are nuances that affect reliability. It is heat and burglary resistant. To select the best product, we conducted a market analysis and compiled a rating of entrance doors to the apartment and consumer reviews to help make the right decision.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the material used to make the doors. Wood or metal is most often used in production. Let's look at the features of each. Quality input wooden doors apartments are expensive. They are quite reliable, and it is precisely such products that create prestige for their owners. Not every wood is suitable for making a high-quality structure. Better to use:

  • ash;
  • mahogany and ebony.

Products made from other types of wood are significantly inferior in strength and performance characteristics. In this case, it is better to purchase doors made of metal. Price category different. We will tell you further how not to get confused and know what to look for when choosing.

Main technical parameters of entrance doors

The front door must meet two criteria - reliability and security. Therefore, when choosing, it is important to consider the thickness of the base and outer sheet. It is important that the structure has stiffening ribs. It would seem that the higher these parameters, the better. Excess weight will lead to wear on the hinges due to rapid inertia when opening.

Let's consider the main characteristics of metal entrance doors to an apartment in more detail.

Sheet thickness

Not every metal is suitable for entrance doors. Medium-carbon and medium-alloy alloys are considered optimal. You can check the sheet thickness in the technical data sheet, but you should know the basic classification:

The optimal weight of the product should be within 70 kg. Structures weighing about 100 kg are installed in cans.

Canvas design

The canvas consists of a frame rectangular shape with two steel sheets. Manufacturers sometimes replace the inner panel with MDF or veneer. If, you should choose an all-metal structure, since temperature changes and humidity will quickly render the wooden panel unusable.

It is mandatory to install steel casing and vestibules that will hide all areas and protect the premises from unauthorized entry.

Stiffening ribs are installed between the sheets. The minimum set is 2 vertical and 1 horizontal. As their number increases, the reliability and weight of the structure increases.


When selecting a product, it must meet the following criteria:

  • The quality of the lock must match the door. A model assembled from cheap materials will not protect even the most expensive structure from hacking. And, conversely, it is useless to install a premium lock on Chinese products;
  • needed for front door mortise lock, overhead models will not work. A latch is required;
  • Manufacturers install 2 locks. This is necessary to protect against burglary, because opening two locks for a burglar is much more difficult and takes longer. There is another reason - reinsurance. If one breaks down, you can use the second lock during repairs;
  • locks must be selected from different designs. It is recommended to install a lever and cylinder lock.

You should choose a lock only from reliable manufacturers. They guarantee high quality and reliability of the models.

Hinges and trims

For urban conditions or private houses, installing 2-3 loops is sufficient. They must be supplemented with ball bearings. This increases their service life. Elements can be hidden or external, which are attached to the stand and canvas by welding. External hinges spoil appearance products, and they can be easily cut. Hidden ones are much more reliable. However, they have their drawbacks:

  1. the price of the door increases;
  2. the hinges are hidden in special grooves, this reduces the opening of the structure;
  3. smaller opening angle.

The hinges are closed with a platband, which makes it difficult to break the door.


The main thing when choosing is the design of the canvas. The finish must be practical, resistant to mechanical damage and weather conditions. This is especially important for private houses and cottages. Vandal-proof powder coating meets these requirements.

The inner fabric should fit harmoniously into. Manufacturers offer designs with removable internal panels, which can be changed if necessary.

How to choose the right entrance door to your apartment

Many manufacturers are engaged in the manufacture of structures. How not to get confused and choose the best steel entrance doors for an apartment in terms of price-quality ratio? We have compiled several rules that will make it easy to navigate this market segment:

  1. The base should be made of high-strength steel, sheet thickness 2-3 mm. In addition to reliability and durability, it has additional noise and heat insulation.
  2. Finishing can be made of MDF, powder coating, wood.
  3. When choosing, you should know in which direction the door will open and the location of the handle.
  4. Moisture and moisture criteria.
  5. You should pay attention to what materials the heat and sound insulation is made of.
  6. Addition of locks to the design, degree of burglary resistance.
  7. Door fittings: hinges, chains must be of good quality, otherwise they will quickly fail.
  8. When choosing a product, it is important to choose a model from well-known manufacturers. They will provide a long warranty period not only for the canvas, but also for the accessories.
  9. Installation should only be entrusted to professionals.

Additional functions of entrance doors

A high-quality door must not only meet the requirements of reliability and safety, but also perform additional functions. For city apartments, it is important that outside sounds and smells from the entrance do not penetrate into the room. Therefore, you should pay attention to these parameters.

Metal entrance doors to an apartment with sound insulation

Sound and heat insulation of the entrance door is made with mineral wool, polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam. In addition, they will protect the room from external sounds. According to professionals, the best design is one filled with polyurethane foam. In addition, to ensure sound insulation, it is necessary to maintain a tight seal between the canvas and the frame. To do this, you need to install 2 rubber sealing contours around the perimeter of the frame. You can, if necessary, check with the seller about how to add an additional metal entrance door to the apartment.

Another important parameter is the thickness of the door. It must be at least 60 ml, then the product will meet all the required characteristics.

Entrance metal doors to an apartment with a mirror

Entrance door designers have developed completely new model with a mirror cloth. In addition to the fact that it is convenient to have a full-length mirror, it does not take up space and visually increases the space. Such products can be divided into several types:

  • with mirror panel, which is attached using a special adhesive composition;
  • with built-in mirror– the mirror surface partially covers the panel.

You should know this! The only drawback of the designs is the inability to install a peephole. If necessary, a video peephole can serve as an alternative.

Rating of steel entrance doors to apartments and customer reviews

You cannot skimp on the safety of your home. The front door must fully meet all the requirements of modern life. To better navigate the models, we have compiled a rating of the best manufacturers of 2017-2018. in different price segments.

Manufacturer: Forpost

The products first entered the market more than 17 years ago. In addition to manufacturing steel entrance doors to apartments, they produce locks. The product is in great demand thanks to high quality and reasonable price.

The manufacturer offers 3 types of designs:

  • standard− designed for installation in apartment buildings;
  • reinforced− recommended for private houses;
  • construction– for installation during the construction of houses or.

All models have hidden hinges, which increases their safety.

Advice! If you need to remove elements, you should contact the manufacturer directly or a service center.

As proof of the above, here is a consumer review of Forpost products.

xumuk032 Russia, Bryansk, door “Forpost” 228: Advantages: durable coating, good insulation, looks decent.

Disadvantages: the keys to different locks are almost the same in shape and color.

This steel door with metal thickness outside 1.5 mm. The inside is also metal, but a little thinner. Filling: polyurethane foam. And also a bunch of locks.

The outer side is made of steel 1.5 mm thick with weather-resistant coating. That is, this one is suitable for installation directly on the street. Interior canvases and boxes with polymer coating. Which is also very successful, because... when installed between the street and a heated room, there will be condensation, and polymer coating is not harmful, unlike MDF...

More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_2983317.html.



Manufacturer: Torex

The company produces metal constructions more than 25 years. The product range can be divided into 3 categories:

  • for private houses. Expanded polystyrene is used as insulation. You can also choose doors with a thermal break, this will help save heat;
  • for apartments in high-rise buildings;
  • fire protection They are able to hold an open fire for up to 6 hours. In addition, they are equipped with an “Anti-panic” mechanism, with which the doors can be opened from the inside.

Here is one of the many reviews about the models:

Hela, Russia, metal entrance door “Torex”: Advantages: no noise or smell.

Disadvantages: none.

We bought the entrance door to the apartment with sound insulation from Torex. These products are not very cheap, but quite high quality. The door cost us 24,000 rubles. It has 2 locks, 1 latch. There is a peephole. True, we ordered a metal curtain for it. I like the door hardware. Everything works quite reliably, and it looks normal...

More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_1405347.html.

Manufacturer: Elbor

The history of the Elbor manufacturer begins in the 70s of the last century. The following series of doors are currently produced:

  • luxury;
  • premium;
  • Standard products;
  • Optimum with a minimum set of functions;
  • economy class.

High quality sets the product apart from the market of similar products.

Manufacturer: Guardian

The manufacturer first began production in 1994. The products are highly expensive, which is not surprising. It has received the highest awards for quality and durability. The products have a fire safety certificate. Currently, the market offers products of different designs in a wide price range, but if funds allow, you should choose the premium class. On the manufacturer's website you can see photos of entrance doors in different price ranges.

Manufacturer: Condor

This manufacturer produces doors in a good price-quality ratio. Mineral wool is used for thermal insulation. The design is resistant to external influences, the canvas is painted with a special varnish composition. Doors can be installed. No obvious shortcomings were identified, and therefore it is worth paying attention to the product when choosing.

Manufacturer "Stal"

Metal doors from the manufacturer "Stal" are similar to those produced by the Elbor plant. The only difference is the model range. The manufacturer does not produce premium models; the main production is designed for the average consumer. The products are made from sheets with a sheet thickness of 2 mm; a profile of complex design is used, which increases the strength of the doors.