Kalanchoe care at home: how to prune. Proper pruning of Kalanchoe at home

PHOTO 1. First of all, determine the type of your Kalanchoe, because different varieties have different attitudes towards pruning. The common Kalanchoe Blossfeld, which blooms with red flowers, can be picked without restrictions. Even if you leave only one stump, after a while it will sprout and curl.

PHOTO 2. Be more careful when caring for rare hybrids with yellow, pink, white flowers; they may even die as a result of improper pruning.

PHOTO 3. If the plant has overgrown (this often happens in sunny places), has lost its compact shape, and an ugly, frail top has formed, remove it. After each flowering, be sure to cut off all flower stalks.

PHOTO 4. This will also give the plant decorative look. Remember: after cutting off the top, the Kalanchoe will begin to grow to the sides and will no longer stretch upward.

PHOTO 5. To form buds, place the plant on a dark windowsill (you can even cover the flower with a bucket or box at night) and keep it practically without watering for a whole month. Then move it to a bright place and start watering; such a change in regime has a beneficial effect on the Kalanchoe, and it will almost certainly bloom.

PHOTO 6. In order for Kalanchoe to grow as a dense bush, carefully observe the shoots. As soon as they start to grow, pinch off two of them. top sheets. After a while, two shoots will appear at the pinching site; let them grow until the third pair of leaves appears, and cut them off at this level. Wait for two more shoots and a third pair of leaves to appear, and pinch again. Do this until a neat, dense bush of a rounded (or required) shape is formed.

PHOTO 7. Trim the Kalanchoe shoots for the last time in November (on the south window) or in winter (on the west or east window). Please note that in winter it is advisable to keep Kalanchoe in a cool place, optimal temperature 10-15C.

PHOTO 8. Kalanchoe can be propagated or simply renewed by cuttings. To do this, cut young shoots from 10 to 15 cm long with a sharp blade or knife. Remove the leaves from the bottom of the cutting and dry it for 1-2 days.

PHOTO 9. Prepare a place for the flower in a pot with a mixture of sand and wet peat. Place the cutting at a depth of about 5 cm, and press the soil around well. Do not cover the cutting with plastic or a jar, or spray it with water. Just water it moderately and keep it at a temperature of 20-25 C.

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Svetlana Melnikova 05/24/2016 | 13805

The question of how to prune Kalanchoe can be heard quite often. The reason for this is the fact that this plant very popular among everyone who deals with flowers. This flower flaunts on the windowsills of almost every home that loves living flora.

Why do gardeners love this plant so much? The answer is simple: firstly, it is not capricious at all and does not require any complex care, and secondly, the medicinal abilities of Kalanchoe are so diverse that it is impossible to list all the options for its use.

Despite the fact that the flower is not picky, it still needs basic care. It needs to be properly watered, fertilized, loosened the soil under it and trimmed.

In this article we will focus on pruning the plant. It is important to know some mandatory rules so as not to destroy the plant.

Why is the pruning procedure necessary?

Before starting any work, let's figure out what this procedure means. This is, first of all, cleaning the flower from faded buds and leaves, which are considered unnecessary.

What is it for? In order for the plant to look neat, well-groomed and at the same time have a crown shape oval shape. This form looks much more attractive than randomly protruding branches.

Moreover, in addition to beauty, pruning kalanchoe The flower needs it for proper growth and development. By removing excess moisture consumers, you give the plant the opportunity to saturate more important organs, branches, roots with moisture, and the flower will become stronger and juicier.

You need to know that there are several pruning options, and they depend on the reason and time of the procedure:

  • primary;
  • for prevention purposes;
  • cleansing.

Do not pick off the leaves under any circumstances! This has a very bad effect on Kalanchoe and leads to complete wilting. For this purpose, you need to take a simple knife that is well sharpened and carefully cut off the leaves at the base.

Influence of plant type on the procedure

The fact is that different varieties of plants behave differently when pruning and therefore it must be carried out based on the requirements of the species. Modern flower growers know about the existence of about two hundred species of Kalanchoe, but not all can live in the house.

Most popular variety- This Blossfeld. The flowers of the plant are bright red. They take the pruning process easy and you can do almost whatever you want with it. It is so tenacious that even if it loses all its branches and leaves, it can recover from one stump.

But there are times when pruning Kalanchoe at home should be extremely gentle and should be done very carefully. Most often this happens with plants that have white and yellow flowers. If the procedure is carried out incorrectly or too many leaves are removed, it will destroy the flower.

Before pruning, decide on the variety of your plant. Basically, most of the procedure goes quite calmly for the flower, but if you do damage the plant and damage the stem, then it is better to immediately sprinkle the cut with wood ash.

First pruning, as well as the prevention process

As soon as Kalanchoe comes into your home, you must immediately pinch it to give the direction of growth and set the shape of the crown. To do this, you need to remove a couple of outer leaves on each branch.

After this, new shoots will grow and pruning will become preventive. Prune regularly to create a beautiful shape, and do this until you achieve the desired result.

It is important to remember that in winter period Pruning is not recommended, as the plant is dormant. But in spring period You can begin to lightly “clean” the plant.

The main thing is that the Kalanchoe does not start to bloom, otherwise the procedure will have to be postponed until the end of flowering. And you don’t have to wait for the young shoots to grow. You can trim the branches and form a flower as soon as you see new leaves.

Another important point when pruning is that until you achieve the final result, after the initial pruning, you do not need to place the flower in a strongly lit place. Sunlight provokes rapid growth and the flower may become too elongated.

Cleaning pruning

Before pruning your Kalanchoe, make sure the flowering process has finished. Removing faded buds is necessary not only to make the flower look neat, but also to make the plant lighter.

As for the leaves, everything is done as standard, only a couple of outer flowers are removed. The buds are removed from the stem itself. Before doing this, make sure that the flower does not begin to rot. Do this every time after the Kalanchoe has bloomed, so as not to destroy the entire plant.

There are a few more important points things to consider:

  • carry out the procedure in the morning, or at least before lunch - this is the most favorable time;
  • After pruning the plant, let it rest;
  • After pruning, it is not recommended to water Kalanchoe;
  • Kalanchoe needs to be removed from a sunny place;
  • wait about a month after pruning, this is the period of time the plant needs to fully recover.

Does pruning help rejuvenate the plant and stimulate its growth? Yes, after pruning, Kalanchoe begins to produce new branches on which new flowers will appear. The plant will become lush and fresh.

Remember that proper pruning is a guarantee of healthy growth and development of Kalanchoe. But do not overdo it, otherwise the result of your activity will be a dead flower.

Popular kalanchoe plant wonderfully combines decorative and useful qualities. Beautiful lush flowering brings into the interior of the room bright colors, and the leaves and flowers help cope with a runny nose, skin lesions, ear inflammation and many other ailments.

At the same time, the plant very unpretentious and demands minimal care. But the development and growth of Kalanchoe, of course, should not be left to chance: to form an elegant, even bush and enhancing decorativeness Regular pruning is necessary. This procedure is an important point in keeping the flower in room conditions.

Does Kalanchoe need pruning? Features of the procedure

Kalanchoe in progress home grown pruning required. The specifics of this event depend on depending on the plant variety. For example, Kalanchoe Blossfeld tolerates the removal of leaves and shoots well, and it is permissible to trim it no limits, thus giving the bush a “silhouette” that fully matches your aesthetic tastes. This variety can even be shortened to the stump– anyway, a fresh, renewed plant will soon grow.

But rare species of Kalanchoe, in particular, hybrid ones, with yellow, pink and white inflorescences more capricious, and they should be “cut” with great care, otherwise there is a risk of withering and even death of the green pets. Usually such Kalanchoe is cut off only the top.

For pruning, you must first prepare the instrument. Perfect option– a garden knife with a carefully sharpened blade. But an ordinary knife for cutting paper is also suitable, but, again, very sharp and certainly disinfected. It is strictly not recommended to tear off excess leaves with your hands, as this may let loose green inhabitant of the room.

Basically, Kalanchoe can do without and without trimming. However, then the bush will look elongated, ugly, and outdated parts of the plant will interfere with the development of young ones. So, this procedure for Kalanchoe pursues following goals:

  • Maintaining beautiful and correct form bush. From sunlight, the top of the flower stretches upward, violating the overall harmony. Therefore, it must be removed periodically;
  • Giving the plant rest after flowering. Removing dried flower stalks removes excess stress from the plant and allows you to properly organize the dormant period;
  • Rejuvenation. Cuttings from shoots allows you to get several new mini-Kalanchoes that will bloom much earlier than the main old plant.

How to trim a flower correctly?

The specifics of pruning depend on what you want to get from this procedure. Many gardeners prefer to see Kalanchoe as a round, dense bush, and therefore without regular formative pruning is indispensable. The procedure is carried out in the spring, when the dormant period ends and the plant enters the active phase.

It is necessary to pay attention to new shoots. As soon as they will begin to appear, you need to cut off the top 2 leaves from each.

At the removal site, a pair of shoots soon forms, where you can see a third pair of leaves: these too should be subjected to pruning And so on until the plant takes the shape you prefer.

The last formative pruning is carried out In November, if the Kalanchoe is placed on the south window, or in December - if on the east or west. In the cold the flower rests. His don't worry about cuttings or anything else, it is best to take it out onto a glassed-in balcony and keep it at a temperature +12-+14 degrees.

Cutting top part Kalanchoe is produced if the flower stretches upward, begins to bend and generally becomes ugly. But it is worth remembering that after removing the top the plant is larger will not stretch in length, but will begin to spread out exclusively in breadth. If you don’t want to remove dried side shoots, you can simply root the top in a new pot with nutritious soil. Thus, a new plant will appear, which will soon delight you with luxurious flowers.

Pruning after flowering

As important aspect preparing the plant for hibernation is mandatory pruning of flower stalks after each flowering. The green pet does not need any extra weight. Peduncles need to be removed fully, with careful but confident movements. Shoots that begin to grow must be pinch. The next line of escapes too. And so on until the onset of the rest period.

Many people are interested in how stimulate another Kalanchoe flowering. There is nothing complicated here. It is necessary to keep the plant in extreme conditions and, paradoxically, it will react positively. So, you will need to place the pot in the darkest corner for one month, or cover it with a large box or non-transparent fabric every half day at night. . Don't water at all. After the due date it should completely change maintenance conditions: return the plant to a well-lit area of ​​the room and abundantly nourish with moisture. From the stress experienced, the Kalanchoe will certainly bloom.

You can also use a more gentle method. The plant will need to be provided with strict light regime. In greenhouses this is very easy to do, but at home you will have to work hard. To gently stimulate the development of buds, change of illumination during the day. From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Kalanchoe should be illuminated with phytolamps, and at seven o’clock, any light coverage, not transmitting light. Repeat everything again in the morning. This light regime should continue for 2-2.5 months.

As we see, in order for the plant bloomed successfully every year, he needs timely pruning and well-organized lighting regime.

Rejuvenation and propagation of flowers by pruning

There is nothing easier than renewing and propagating Kalanchoe using regular cutting cuttings. New plants take root and grow well without needing special conditions. What will you need to do?

  • Cut a 10-15 cm cutting from a young shoot;
  • Remove all leaves from the bottom of the cutting;
  • On outdoors dry the cut for 24-36 hours;
  • Prepare a pot with a substrate of peat and sand;
  • Plant the cutting to a depth of approximately 5 cm;
  • Gently crush the future plant, do not spray it with water;
  • Grow at a temperature of 20-25 degrees; it is not necessary to build a greenhouse.

To summarize, we can say that Kalanchoe is a plant extremely durable. Many of its species tolerate pruning well, reproduce easily and do not require the creation of a special microclimate. This largely explains undiminished popularity this flower, like among experienced flower growers, and among amateur beginners.

Optimal summer temperature for flowering Kalanchoe - in the range from 23 to 29 degrees. More heat is acceptable, but it would not hurt to increase the frequency of watering, since if there are flowers, they may dry out.

Although plant - tropical, low temperatures it tolerates well. In winter and autumn at temperatures above 10 degrees it can be set to Fresh air.

However, given the harsh climate of many areas of our country, during the cold season it will be safer indoors, away from sudden frosts and freezing winds.

After frostbite, only the root may remain alive. You will have to cut off almost everything except the root, and then wait for a miracle to happen and shoots to appear.


The Kalanchoe houseplant is quite unpretentious in care, including regarding lighting. It can be placed almost anywhere in the room that receives direct sunlight. Favorable conditions can be called both partial shade and diffused light.

Straight sunlight most time safe and even recommended, How best option lighting. Direct rays are dangerous from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. from March to September.

The fact is that the leaves contain a lot of moisture and therefore can get burned from intense lighting. These burns can cause growth to stop. At the very solar time During the day, bright but diffused light is recommended.

If sufficient lighting, the leaves should have a reddish outline. Otherwise, when there is not enough light, the stems stretch and the leaves noticeably turn pale.

Watering Kalanchoe

How often water the Kalanchoe at home?

Kalanchoe - succulent, that is, it is able to accumulate moisture and in this way survive drought. You don’t have to worry too much if you forgot about watering once.

And here excessive watering is harmful. You need to water so that the water completely wets the ground, and drain off the excess.

In hot weather, you can increase the frequency of watering, but still monitor excess water.

In winter, twice a week will be enough.

Excessive watering leads to rotting of the roots, the formation of mold and fungi.

The bay is detected by the following signs:

  1. The leaves turn pale and wither.
  2. Dark spots with yellow edges appear on the leaves.
  3. The earth doesn't dry out.

The danger of flooding primarily lies in the fact that all negative processes occur at the bottom of the pot (out of sight), and the consequences appear very late, when a rescue operation may no longer help.

Before starting a life-saving operation, you should find out reasons for the gulf so as not to make the same mistake after recovery.

The reasons for the flood may be the following:

  • the plant was not transplanted from purchased soil, which was too moisture-intensive;
  • the soil in the new pot turned out to be unsuitable;
  • excessive frequency of watering;
  • the pot is in a too dark and humid place;
  • no drainage;
  • The pot is too spacious.

How to save:

Air humidity

In summer in no need for spraying, and in winter it is even dangerous.

To rid the leaves of dust, as well as to prevent some diseases and pests, it is recommended to wipe them with a damp cloth.


No need for heavy feeding– it is enough to fertilize every month.

None special requirements no to fertilizers. Use regular fertilizers for succulents and cacti.

Excessive fertilizing is even harmful, and in winter it is completely dangerous to fertilize.


Pruning is necessary for flowering. How undercut Kalanchoe? Moreover, it should be drastic - the peduncle should be removed as low as possible to prevent rotting of the remaining part.

Flowering greatly weakens the plant, therefore, all tarnished and dried parts should be cut off immediately upon detection.


How to prune Kalanchoe:

How to pinch Kalanchoe:

Care after purchase

For indoor flowers, and especially for decorative Kalanchoe very important good care at home. First landing(transplantation) Kalanchoe requires special attention. Immediately after purchase, the plant should be transplanted into another pot with new soil.

Most likely, it has long outgrown its old pot, but remained in it for economic reasons. The soil should be changed, since it is unknown what its composition is. For cultivation, pots with a diameter of 9 to 18 cm are used.

The most common sizes are 12-15 cm. The pot should not be too large, as this can cause flooding and death. But it's too much small pot will not be so critical.

The worst that can happen is the plant will not bloom.


Kalanchoe grows very quickly and therefore it is very important to replant it in a timely manner.

It is advisable to do this at least once a year, at the end of March.

Each new pot should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

Replanting must be done very carefully so as not to damage the fragile stems and leaves.

The optimal soil composition should include sod land, sheet and sand in equal proportions.

How to properly care for blooming Kalanchoe at home?

Keeping a Kalanchoe alive is quite easy, but in order for it to bloom as often and as long as possible, additional knowledge and effort will be required.

Flowering conditions

Flowering begins in November and ends in March, when the dormant period begins.

Conditions for keeping Kalanchoe for abundant flowering:

  1. Water moderately and correctly - moisten the soil no more than once a week. Do not wet leaves and flowers. Make sure there is no excess liquid.
  2. Proper lighting. That is, provide good access to the sun, but do not leave it in direct rays for too long. A normalized light regime is very important for flowering.

    In winter, daytime should be extended with artificial lighting to 12 hours, and in summer it should be shortened by using a canopy or moving to a dark corner.

  3. Protect from cold and drafts.
  4. Fertilize only from June to November no more than 1-2 times a month.
  5. Trim old leaves and flower stalks.

Pruning Kalanchoe blooming

Is it necessary and possible to prune Kalanchoe? Appearance pests or diseases sometimes forces pruning during flowering.

The process is quite simple - you just need to cut off the diseased areas at the junction with the healthy ones.

How to prune Kalanchoe after flowering?

Flowering greatly weakens the plant.

In order for it to bloom in the future, it needs to have a period of rest.

How to trim correctly decorative kalanchoe at home? For this:

  • all flower stalks are cut off;
  • the pot is moved to the shade with coolness;
  • not watered for 1.5 months.

After a period of rest plant returned to the old place and with early summer fertilize.

How to form a crown?

Formation of Kalanchoe– it’s a simple and lengthy matter.
How to form Kalanchoe? All that is required is to pinch off the tips of the shoots as they grow.

How to form a Kalanchoe flower if it has stretched out? Shoots that are too elongated need to be plucked off more radically, while sprinkling the sections with ash or charcoal. Thus, volume will gradually appear.

How to pinch Kalanchoe?

So, is it necessary? pinching Kalanchoe? Many owners often complain that their Kalanchoe does not bloom again.

They don’t even realize that the lack of variegated buds may be just the least of many problems.

If some owners take a close look at their plant, they may notice thinning shoots. This means that minerals are poorly supplied to this area.

And this can lead to the shoots drying out entirely. It is to solve this problem that we need pinching Kalanchoe.

Weak shoots can be plucked off anything: fingers, scissors, etc. It is advisable to do this slowly and carefully so as not to pinch off excess.

But even if this happens, the wound can be easily healed, sprinkling it with ash or charcoal.

Planting and care in the garden

Few people know that Kalanchoe can be kept not only indoors, but also in the garden. However, growing (reproduction) at home much easier than open ground.

How to care for a Kalanchoe flower in the open ground? The plant cannot withstand temperatures below zero. The soil must be neutral or slightly acidic in composition with a nutrient layer thickness of at least 12 cm.

The seedlings must have a height of at least 10–12 cm and about 6 developed leaves. Before planting, you should fertilize the area rotted manure, superphosphate and potassium salt.

After engraftment, in July and August need feeding in the form of nitrogen fertilizers. The distance between plants is approximately 30 cm, and the row spacing is 50 cm.

Before flowering you need to loosen the soil at least 5 – 6 times.

What to do if it doesn't grow?

In such a situation, the owner should ensure that he follows all recommendations for Kalanchoe care.

It's also possible Kalanchoe does not grow due to existing diseases and pests.

They get rid of diseases and pests by pruning the affected areas and treating them with insecticides.

Useful video

A little about how to properly care for Kalanchoe:

Kalanchoe - incredible beautiful plant, which can be found in almost every home. The flower is very popular among flower growers, not only for its amazing flowering, but also Kalanchoe has beneficial properties. Caring for this amazing plant is quite simple, since it is demanding in terms of maintenance conditions, but still some rules of care must be followed. Proper care at home includes: pruning, watering regimen, fertilizing. Pruning Kalanchoe is a simple process, but there are various nuances that you should be aware of.

Why do you need to prune?

Thanks to pruning, you can give the plant a beautiful bush shape. Pruning also stimulates good flower growth and development.

There are 3 types of pruning:

  1. Initial;
  2. For preventive purposes;
  3. After flowering.

How to pinch Kalanchoe? To prune Kalanchoe at home, you need to use a sharp blade. It is not recommended to pick leaves with your hands, as you can damage the flower and it will begin to fade. Thanks to pruning, you will form a beautiful and lush bush.

Pruning depending on the type

Today there are about 200 varieties of Kalanchoe, but only a few of them are grown at home. Almost all varieties of Kalanchoe are pruned in the same way, but for some varieties there are certain rules.

Most popular view counts . This variety is quite often grown at home; it blooms with red flowers. Kalanchoe Blossfeld can be cut off almost completely at the root, and only a “stump” can be left; nothing bad will happen to the plant. On the contrary, it begins to develop more intensively and increase green mass. His bush will become lush and beautiful.

But varieties that bloom with yellow and white flowers need to be pruned differently. It is also worth mentioning that such species can rarely be found at home, and they are also very capricious. You should pinch the bush wisely, since excessive removal of foliage can cause harm to the plant. Before pinching a flower, you should accurately determine its variety.

Pruning must be done correctly. Basically, this process occurs painlessly for the plant. But if you notice rotting in the cut areas, then the damaged areas must be immediately treated with charcoal.

Step-by-step instructions for initial and preventative pruning

In order for the bush to have a lush and rounded shape, pruning must be carried out. Most novice florists are interested in how to pinch Kalanchoe correctly so that the plant develops well? A young specimen needs to be pinched almost immediately, as soon as it adapts to new conditions and begins to grow. To do this, cut off 1 - 2 leaves from each stem of the plant. This is considered the initial pruning.

Then, preventative pruning is performed as necessary. In the places where the cuts are made, after some time you will be able to see new stems and young leaves on them. Professionals recommend doing this procedure at home several times until the plant forms a lush bush.

With the onset of winter, it is best to stop pruning. But in mid-spring the procedure can be resumed. But usually at this time of year the Kalanchoe begins to bloom, then in this case pruning is not recommended. Trimming in preventive measures can be performed immediately when new leaves appear on the stems. You don't have to wait for them to grow up.

When forming a plant at the initial stage, it is not advisable to keep it in a room where there is very bright light. This can be explained by the fact that good lighting gives the flower very rapid growth, as a result of which the flower simply outgrows.

Proper pruning after flowering

How to prune Kalanchoe correctly after flowering? Pruning is always required after flowering. Thus, you will not only rid your handsome man of excess leaves, but also free your handsome man of flower stalks. After flowering, the pruning process is carried out in the same way as at the initial stage.

Before you start pruning your home beauty after flowering, you need to make sure that it has actually completely bloomed. Peduncles can be removed almost at the root to prevent plant rotting. After each flowering, it is recommended to get rid of all flower stalks.

Thanks to this procedure, there will be excellent formation of the bush and will allow the plant to get new shoots. At the end of pruning after flowering, you need to give the flower a rest. He enters a period of rest. During this period of time, it is necessary to minimize the frequency of watering and protect the flower from direct sun rays. Usually Kalanchoe regains its strength in about a month.

It is best to trim leaves and flower stalks in the morning.

In order to form a lush Kalanchoe bush, it is necessary to perform pruning in a timely manner. Proper pruning is a successful key to flower development.


Need to get it right abundant flowering. In addition to pruning, the plant must also be properly watered, fertilized and maintained at the optimal temperature.

Watering mode and humidity

Kalanchoe is a plant that retains moisture in its leaves. Therefore, the flower normally tolerates a certain period of time without moistening the soil. However, Kalanchoe has an extremely negative attitude towards the bay, this can have a detrimental effect on the plant.

It is necessary to ensure that the flower grows and develops well. When watering, the water should thoroughly saturate the earthen ball. Do not allow excessive moisture in the ground. It is best to water the plant in the summer once every 3 days. In winter, watering is carried out as the soil dries.

Kalanchoe, in principle, does not need spraying. In the cold season, it is generally not advisable to spray. To eliminate dust on the leaves, Kalanchoe should sometimes be bathed in the shower. And also use a damp cloth to wipe the leaves, as a result of which you will protect the flower from various pests.


For good growth, Kalanchoe must be fertilized - approximately once every 3-4 weeks. In order for the plant to bloom profusely, you should use complex fertilizers, but you need to apply half the dose than indicated on the package. Just feed the plant carefully, otherwise it may negatively affect the Kalanchoe. IN winter time The flower should not be fed.


Kalanchoe tolerates heat well, but to avoid drying out of the soil, the frequency of watering must be increased. In warm weather, the flower pot is taken out into the fresh air or placed on the balcony; in these places, Kalanchoe feels great. In summer the temperature should be about 25 degrees, and in winter - 13-15°C.

Now you know how to form a lush Kalanchoe bush, as well as achieve abundant flowering.

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