We make the blast freezing chamber with our own hands. Household blast freezing refrigerators: description, characteristics, reviews

Entry into the food industry fast-freezing equipment became a kind of small revolution. Blast freezing is currently considered the most effective way to preserve the biological, taste and physical properties of food. The speed of this process affects the preservation of the usefulness of the product, its smell and the degree of drying.

During emergency freezing, the effect is achieved by converting water molecules in the product into ice microcrystals. Thus, the cellular structure is not destroyed, as with slow freezing. This technology is used for any product: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, berries, semi-finished products, confectionery and ready meals.

Rapid freezing chambers They are quite widely represented on the technology market and are distinguished by a wide variety of dimensions, freezing temperature, speed and direction of air flow, etc. All equipment is selected and calculated based on the needs of a specific customer.


By its design, the blast freezing chamber is a prefabricated installation made of heat-insulating sandwich panels. By type: dead-end and tunnel versions. The internal and external surfaces are made of galvanized painted steel, which has high anti-corrosion properties. Thermal insulation - polyurethane foam. The entrance door of the unit is equipped with heating to protect against freezing. The floor of the chamber is usually covered with a sheet of corrugated aluminum or stainless steel. There is a ramp for importing products. Air pressure equalization is provided by a special valve.

Technically, the chamber is equipped with a refrigeration compressor, an air cooler and automatic control. Additionally: air cooler defrost, drain pipeline and its heater.

Refrigeration compressors There are three main types: piston (hermetic and semi-hermetic), spiral and screw. The optimal price-quality ratio is a semi-hermetic piston. Reliable under variable loads and resistant to adverse conditions. It has a simple design, so in case of breakdown it can be easily repaired. Scroll and screw compressors are more powerful units and are used in medium and large refrigeration installations from 100 to 1000 kW.

Air cooler
Only industrial type is used for the blast freezing chamber. It provides low temperature and airflow of the product. If necessary, it is defrosted using special heaters. The same goes for the drain pipe for defrosted water. In order to prevent it from clogging with frozen water, it is equipped with a heater.

Based on their configuration, cameras are divided into industrial and basic (commercial). The first ones are more expensive, the second ones belong to the economy class. Industrial models include: a unit based on two-stage semi-hermetic piston compressors, an air cooler, automatic control and accident protection. All this is built into the camera body at the production stage. The commercial series has a standard semi-hermetic piston compressor, air cooler and automation. The assembled refrigeration unit is installed on the chamber by the supplier on site.

In general, a well-assembled blast freezing installation with properly selected equipment will always provide its owner with ideal food preservation.

Types of cameras and their applications

There are several main types of quick-freezing equipment and methods for quickly freezing products:

Large-capacity stationary freezers. Used for freezing meat and fish products in boxes or on overhead tracks. They are also used for hardening ice cream. The duration of deep freezing varies from 6 to 20 hours depending on the volume of products. Small quantities can be cooled and frozen (+90°C to -18°C) in just 240 minutes.

Blast freezing chambers of trolley and tray type

These are periodic installations. Used for shock freezing of semi-finished products, dumplings, ready-made dishes, as well as fresh and chilled meat. The products are placed on trays or trolleys inside the chamber, where they are quickly frozen to -25-40 °C. The productivity of such an installation is from 20 to 500 kg/hour. Complete freezing, based on the thickness of the product, takes from 12 to 24 hours.

Continuous quick freezers
This is the most powerful type of blast freezing chamber. Equipped with spiral or conveyor refrigeration units. They are used for freezing a wide range of semi-finished and ready-made foods. The productivity of such installations is from 500 to 3000 kg/hour.

Tile freezers
Freezing in them occurs by contact method. That is, the products are turned into blocks of fish, meat, minced meat, etc. Capacity: from 200 to 900 kg/hour.

Large food manufacturing companies don't just stop at freezers. They equip entire warehouses with refrigeration units, having previously finished them with environmentally friendly, non-flammable, heat-insulating materials resistant to water absorption and temperature fluctuations.
If you do not save, then such premises can be used for years without fear of a decrease in thermal conductivity characteristics.

To ensure the required freezing capacity in such warehouses, the best choice is a refrigeration unit based on screw compressor. And, if you create a low-temperature central station from parallel-connected screw compressors, you can increase the power several times more. This is an excellent option for large meat processing plants and poultry farms. In rooms with a large area, the problem of uniform freezing may, of course, arise. However, there is a solution for this too. Highly efficient low-temperature floor shock freezers are installed as an air cooler (main or additional). They provide the same speed and uniformity of freezing, ultimately reducing the overall freezing time.

The blast freezing chamber is a professional technological equipment and is designed for rapid cooling of food products. Quick-freezers are used for blast freezing of agricultural, bakery products and semi-finished products in order to increase their shelf life. In them, the temperature drops to -30 degrees in a short time, which eliminates the destruction of the cellular structure of products that have passed the freezing stage: fish, meat, berries, semi-finished products and other products.

Stores willingly accept deep-frozen products for sale from suppliers, since they are stored longer, and after defrosting, the product retains its original consistency. This is explained by the high cooling rate, as a result of which the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms is blocked.

Agricultural and food products processed using this technology in a blast freezing chamber will be available to stores and enterprises located at long distances. The Agropromkholod company offers the manufacture of blast freezing equipment according to individual parameters, which will meet the requirements of any industry. We supply blast freezing chambers on trolleys throughout Moscow and throughout Russia.

Prices of blast freezing chambers and offered equipment

The price of blast freezing chambers on trolleys is calculated individually for each client. It is defined:

  • the type and volume of products produced by a particular enterprise;
  • requirements for the accuracy of maintaining temperature conditions;
  • technology for packaging and transporting products at the enterprise, as well as the method of loading the camera;
  • internal volume and power of the cooler;
  • additional customer requirements.

We will develop, manufacture, perform installation, wiring, commissioning and accept equipment for warranty service in Moscow and other localities in Russia:

  1. dead-end chambers with periodic operation, equipped with special transport trolleys or hooks for small industries;
  2. quick-freezing tunnel chambers equipped with horizontal conveyors for the required type of product;
  3. tunnels with bogies for medium-sized production;
  4. freezers with built-in spiral or multi-tier conveyors and automatic control systems. Effective for loads exceeding 250 kg/hour;
  5. multi-tier freezers with a capacity of up to 12 tons/hour, designed to work with products packed in boxes;
  6. fluidization chambers - for working with bulk or crushed products: berries, all kinds of salad and soup mixtures, green peas and the like. After rapid freezing, the product retains its crumbly structure. Such a blast freezer can have a capacity of 300-2000 kg/hour.

Chambers of all types are made of high-quality 12-centimeter sandwich panels with polyurethane filler, which ensures reliable thermal insulation. The compressor-condensing unit, air cooler and control panel are designed taking into account the availability of free space at the installation site of the refrigeration equipment.

We provide advanced options for cameras on carts

Our customers can buy a blast freezing chamber with additional options that allow them to be used even more efficiently:

  1. LED lighting to reduce energy consumption;
  2. rapid defrosting systems using hot air to reduce sanitization time between production runs;
  3. sealing - if there are increased requirements for the quality of sanitary inter-cycle treatment, it will be possible to wash work surfaces with disinfectant and washing solutions under high pressure directly from a hose;
  4. coating of internal surfaces, and, upon request, external surfaces, with food-grade stainless steel;
  5. reinforcement of the floor when using trolleys with a total weight of more than 100 kg. Waterproof plywood 28 mm thick is used, covered with 2 mm thick sheets of aluminum or AISI304 steel;
  6. equipping doors with RAHRBACH fittings for maximum tightness;
  7. installation of ventilation deflectors to increase the cooling efficiency of products on trays or hooks by 30%;
  8. adjustment of fan performance depending on the load of the blast freezing chamber;
  9. additional attached or stationary ladders for trolleys to overcome the threshold of the chamber if it is installed above the floor level by 10 mm or more;
  10. false ceilings for cells accommodating more than 4 carts.

What additional options a specific blast freezing refrigeration chamber will contain depends on the characteristics of the technological process at a particular enterprise and the wishes of the customer. Each option improves operational efficiency and safety.

Benefits of purchasing blast freezing chambers

Whatever the price of a blast freezer, its use in food production is economically beneficial:

  1. Freezing time is reduced up to 10 times compared to using conventional refrigerators;
  2. Losses of finished products are reduced by 2-3 times;
  3. the area under refrigeration equipment is reduced by 1.5-2 times, and sometimes more;
  4. 25-30% of service personnel are released;
  5. The company's products have a good presentation and retain the consistency of the original raw materials after defrosting. This naturally leads to an increase in sales and a 15-20% reduction in the payback period for production costs;
  6. the duration of the technological cycle for manufacturing semi-finished products at the final stage is reduced. If an industrial blast freezing chamber brings dumplings or cutlets to condition in 25-30 minutes, then a conventional refrigerator takes 2.5 hours.

Our advantages

  • The level of qualification of our employees allows us to develop, manufacture and modernize freezers of any type at the request of the client;
  • we deliver equipment to the site, install it, perform wiring and launch;
  • We provide warranty and post-warranty service;
  • We provide technical support and promptly advise on all issues related to the use of our equipment;
  • We modernize equipment at the buyer’s request when technology or production volumes change.

Now in any supermarket you can find a huge amount of frozen semi-finished products, vegetables and fruits. Many products are frozen: fish, meat, confectionery, bakery, even first and second courses.

What is the advantage of freezing?

Why did chilled semi-finished products become fashionable? First of all, it is very convenient for both buyers and manufacturers. People can cook a good and tasty dish without much time. As for manufacturers, frozen products are very profitable for them. There is no need to spend money on a large number of personnel, and there is practically no unsold goods, which means losses are reduced and income increases. Blast freezing is currently used to cool food. What it is?

Blast freezing of food

Why is this type of storage so good? The fact is that during normal cooling, water molecules turn into crystals. The faster the freezing process itself occurs, the smaller these crystals will be. Why is it important? Yes, because only with microscopic water crystals the molecules of the products are not destroyed at all.

This freezing is carried out in special devices. They are called shock freezers. Products are cooled in them at a temperature of -40 degrees Celsius. This allows you to freeze the core of vegetables or fruits in just two hundred and forty minutes. Thanks to this, the structure of the products remains the same. After defrosting, there is no effect of loss of liquid, neither the taste nor the consistency changes.

Benefits of blast freezing

Compared to traditional refrigeration chambers, the blast freezer allows you to:

  • Reduce food losses several times.
  • Reduce the freezing period by up to ten times.
  • Reduce production area by half.
  • Reduce staffing by thirty percent.
  • Reduce the payback period by twenty percent.

Product structure

Blast freezing is, first of all, a high cooling rate. The temperature in the chamber reaches minus thirty-five degrees. This allows the product to quickly transition from the liquid phase to the solid phase. In this case, small crystals are formed, and the cellular tissues remain undamaged. As a result, the properties of a fresh product are preserved, unlike conventional freezing.

Blast freezing technology eliminates the need for thermal and chemical processing of products. As a result, the type of proteins does not change at all, and therefore the biochemistry of the substances remains unchanged. The low temperature of blast freezing and the very speed of the process reduce the activity of environmental bacteria. With slow cooling, traces of bacterial activity may remain on berries, fruits and vegetables. Shock freezing virtually eliminates the development of such an effect.

Weight of products

With a long freezing process, food loses weight. This happens due to the evaporation of liquid. Usually up to ten percent is lost. Blast freezing has an accelerated cooling rate, reducing moisture loss to one percent. The difference is noticeable.

Does taste change?

Since the product does not dry out during quick freezing, the nutritional and aromatic properties are practically not lost. This means that both nutritional qualities and taste remain the same.

Shelf life

Products chilled using the shock method have a longer shelf life than those frozen in conventional freezers. In addition, they are able to retain all qualities for a longer time. It should be noted that quick freezing is the best way to prepare for the winter.

Popularity of frozen foods

Quick-frozen semi-finished products, products and ready meals have gained immense popularity all over the world. Their production increases every year. The range of products that are frozen around the world is unusually wide. Moreover, each country produces those vegetables and fruits or semi-finished products that are characteristic of a given region, climate, and traditions.

Currently, the range of frozen products consists of:

  • Vegetables, fruits, berries, melons, herbs, as well as various mixes of them.
  • Ready-made second and first courses, pies, confectionery and bakery products.
  • Fish and meat semi-finished products: steaks, entrecotes, cutlets, hamburgers, dumplings, sticks, dumplings, sausages.
  • Juices, desserts, jellies, puddings, ice cream, etc.

The popularity of frozen foods is due to a number of reasons:

  • Easy storage and quick readiness when needed.
  • Cooking does not take much time.
  • Good taste.
  • The product is packaged and dosed.
  • No additional preparation (such as peeling or cutting) is required.
  • Almost the entire product is edible (except for the packaging).


Blast freezing technology provides completely new opportunities for activity. We can say that business conditions are becoming more comfortable. When using this technology, the number of losses is significantly reduced. Moreover, the timing of the sale of the same agricultural products increases significantly, and the place of processing may be located in a completely different region.

The product can be sold in different places and even countries. There is no restriction on the seasonality of goods. In addition, the sale can be carried out with a delay in time in order to wait for a more favorable price. At first, the frozen food market in Russia consisted of imported raw materials. And now, gradually, priorities have shifted towards domestic producers.

Freezing equipment

When talking about quick freezing, you need to understand that it is only possible with special equipment. The advantage of this technique is a quick payback. The blast freezer allows you to cool semi-finished products, vegetables, and fruits.

There are different types of freezing equipment. It is divided into the following types:

  • Fluidizing devices designed for freezing small raw materials from vegetables and fruits, berries, soup mixtures and stews. It is possible to cool small fish, shrimp, and mushrooms. Equipment of this type has the highest freezing speed, which means it preserves the best quality of products.
  • Conveyor cabinets are used for freezing fish, meat, flour, dairy semi-finished products, as well as ready-made dishes: puff pastry, pancakes, cutlets, steaks, dumplings and dumplings.

  • Cradles freeze packaged semi-finished fish and poultry products, cutlets, steaks, confectionery, second and first courses.
  • Spiral freezers are designed for cooling portioned products from vegetables, fruits, meat and fish, and breaded semi-finished products.

Freezing semi-finished products

Since semi-finished products are especially popular among consumers, shock freezing of dumplings, dumplings, pasties, and pancakes makes up a significant share of production.

However, a new type of activity has also appeared. The frozen food market has expanded with semi-finished bakery products. Baking from frozen ingredients is very popular and in demand. There are more than a hundred items in the assortment. These include buns with additives, baguettes, and bread. Such products only need to be warmed up a little before eating. The taste of frozen baked goods does not differ from freshly baked ones.

Experts in this field claim that such bread is made from natural products and does not contain special additives. The correct technology for the production of baked goods from blanks makes it possible to obtain a crispy and tasty product. Naturally, obtaining good frozen semi-finished products is only possible if you have high-quality and correct equipment.

It is impossible to imagine the windows of modern grocery stores and supermarkets without departments with Manufacturers of semi-finished products subject various types of food products to special processing, which allows them to preserve their gastronomic qualities for a long time. For the producers themselves, blast freezing is beneficial, first of all, for economic reasons. And this is exactly the case when the financial feasibility of using new product processing technologies completely coincides with the needs of the consumer.

Description of blast freezing technology

The freezing process involves several stages during which the product is exposed to temperature influences in different modes. The first stage involves cooling in the range from 20 to 0 °C. It is important to note that the decrease in the temperature of the product occurs in proportion to the amount of work aimed at collecting its heat. The second stage involves the transition from a liquid to a solid state. In this case, the temperature can drop to -5 ° C. At this stage, shock freezing also provides heat extraction, but at the same time crystallization of liquid fractions in the product is performed. This stage can be called freezing. The final stage ensures freezing at temperatures down to -18 °C. And again, the decrease in degrees occurs in proportion to the efficiency of the main function performed by the refrigeration unit.

Features of the technology

In its classic form, shock freezing is carried out using low-temperature refrigeration machines in an average of 2.5-3 hours. It is the high speed of the freezing process that is the main distinguishing feature of the technology. The increase in cooling dynamics is not only due to the desire to optimize the process. According to research, the speed of freezing affects the formation of ice crystals, as well as the quality of enzymes and the structure of products. Speeding up the stages of cooling, freezing and freezing is ensured by increasing the rate of heat intake. At the same time, blast freezing units must operate with optimal acceleration of the coolant. The fact is that deviation from the optimal temperature reduction intensity indicators can lead to unjustified power losses and, most importantly, to product deformation. Therefore, in the process of performing blowing and cooling effects, it is very important to maintain uniformity and balance, maintaining moderate

Benefits of blast freezing

Subject to compliance with technological rules and nuances, the manufacturer can count on high quality of the final product. And this is not to mention the advantages that shock freezing implies from a financial and logistics point of view. In particular, the payback period of the enterprise is reduced by almost 20%, the need to use large areas for organizing the processing process is eliminated, the time for freezing is reduced, etc.

The advantages of this approach are most obvious when comparing it with traditional freezing technologies. For example, conventional techniques for ensuring such processes require much more time. Thus, a blast freezing conveyor serves an average batch of dumplings in 20-25 minutes, while traditional means of similar processing perform the same operations in 2 hours or more. It is obvious that savings affect both productivity indicators and the profitability of the enterprise in general.

Blast frozen products

The range of food products that can be frozen this way is quite wide and varied. Of course, the most popular are meat and fish semi-finished products, but this range has expanded significantly in recent years. Today, frozen vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs, melons, all kinds of juices and desserts are produced. Blast-frozen products in the form of ready-made soups and main courses are presented in a separate category on the market. It should be noted that manufacturers strive to completely exclude the presence of inedible elements in the product, not counting the shell itself with packaging. Particular attention is paid to the stages of packaging, dosing and portioning. All this makes the products convenient for the consumer in terms of handling and further consumption.

Technical support

To implement the blast freezing process, several groups of refrigeration equipment are used. The most effective are quick-freezing fluidization units, which are used when working with crushed or small-piece fruit and vegetable products. The features of such devices include high freezing speed with minimal drying. The most popular type of equipment in this niche is the blast freezing conveyor freezer, which is used to process about 80% of the entire range of semi-finished products. A special class of such equipment is represented by spiral devices, which ensure freezing of portioned dishes and breaded semi-finished products.

Manufacturers of blast freezing equipment

There is no shortage of specialized equipment for blast freezing, since the market is represented by a wide range of manufacturers of different levels. The segment leaders include Nemox, Liebherr and Polair. In the families of these manufacturers you can find quick-freezing cabinets designed for different volumes and capacities. Irinox installations are also in high demand. Blast freezing on devices of this brand allows you to get quick results with maximum preservation of the original properties of the product. In addition, Irinox equipment differs from competitive offerings in its multifunctionality. For example, the additional ability to perform heating operations.

Installation of equipment

Setting up a production site does not require a lot of space or special requirements for communication support. To install the cameras, it is enough to use heat-insulating panels with a paint coating. This cladding of the equipment serves as a supporting structure and at the same time provides moderate thermal insulation. Depending on the modification, the blast freezing device may include elements of a supporting frame as standard. For example, there are devices on special frames that can be simply placed indoors or even outdoors if the device has a remote condenser. If you plan to install a high-performance conveyor, then it makes sense to initially pay attention to quick freezing complexes, which provide for the combination of several chambers in order to minimize the cost of the project.


The advent of blast freezing has opened up new opportunities for manufacturers, raising the level of development of the food industry to a higher level. In particular, technology makes it possible to delay implementation in time. In a sense, blast freezing is a means of transport, allowing distributors to distribute products without being tied to specific regions and harvesting seasons. This is also beneficial for the consumer, since he has the opportunity to purchase a fresh product of any origin, regardless of the time of year. Most importantly, the quality remains quite high. Of course, there is no talk of a complete comparison of the gastronomic characteristics of frozen products with fresh analogues, but modern technologies are constantly reducing this distance.

Blast freezers will help preserve fresh food for a long time. Vegetables, berries, and herbs are placed in the cold from summer to winter. Scientists have noticed that if sharp cooling is carried out, then after thawing the products taste fresh.

Positive aspects of the storage method

Blast freezing devices are widely used due to the preservation of important properties of products after thawing. Other methods do not provide optimal product quality. The taste and smell change. Structural changes often occur.

Blast freezing devices also preserve:

  • appearance;
  • physical qualities: elasticity, cell integrity;
  • and, most importantly, all the vitamins and beneficial microelements.

In terms of quality of food preservation, instant freezing ranks higher than other methods. In comparison, common canning changes the appearance and many vitamins are lost. And with prolonged cooling, structural changes often cannot be avoided.

Using a blast freezer, it is impossible to maintain the original freshness of food. But this method provides the most harmless storage known to date. Many manufacturers often use it to move vegetables, meat, and berries over long distances without losing their quality.

Cooling principle

The blast freezer is often used to preserve summer vegetables. Everyone loves to eat them in late autumn, winter and early spring. This device is installed in the sales areas of catering establishments and restaurants.

The blast freezing chamber has a powerful cold emitter and fans. As the name suggests, the process takes no more than a few minutes. Due to this, more than 90% of the beneficial properties of the products are preserved.

When slowly cooled, the water molecules of vegetables, berries and other fresh foods are transformed into large crystals that practically break the microstructures. This does not happen with blast freezing. The particles freeze in small forms and melt without changing the composition of the cells.

Models of devices on sale

Most often, equipment for blast freezing is professional. Manufacturers offer volumetric chambers from 80 kg and above. In domestic conditions such capacity is not required. After all, this is comparable to the volume of the entire refrigerator. Whereas it takes up a third and rarely half of the used space.

Equipment is divided according to the principle of operation:

  • tunnel - products move along a conveyor system;
  • standard - in the form of an ordinary closed chamber.

Within 15 minutes, vegetables and fruits are frozen at a temperature of minus 40 degrees. This method has been used since ancient times by the Eskimos. True, for them this is the only method of storing meat and fish.

Now blast freezing is used by fast food manufacturers. Chilled products are heated for 3 minutes, they look perfect and taste the same as fresh ones. This technique has been successfully used since 1925 by manufacturers around the world to produce frozen food products.

Optional equipment

The standard version includes a chamber where freezing directly occurs. Additionally, ultraviolet emitters for disinfection are built into the equipment. Some models may be equipped with a stainless steel baking tray.

The control can be manual or with automatic adjustment of the cooling temperature. The devices can be supplemented with transportation lines. To track the quantity of products at the entrance and exit, weighing equipment is installed.

The freezing process can be fully automated. To do this, you will need to equip the equipment with a programmable controller. Accordingly, each additional item increases the cost of the final equipment.

Quality control

Shock-frozen products can be found on sale. However, it is necessary to check the quality of the purchased product, which may have been damaged during transportation or under inappropriate storage conditions. You can determine proper freezing by touch - vegetables or berries should not be stuck together inside the bag.

Ice floes and lumps should not form with proper shock freezing. If we assume that the main cooling was successful, but there are still lumps, then unexpected thawing has occurred in the warehouses. All these shortcomings will later affect the taste of berries, vegetables or meat.

When touched, a quality product should be crumbly, each piece should have standard sizes, and there should be no pieces of ice present. Shock freezing produces microscopic crystals. It is impossible to feel them. The hard vegetables in the bag should be identified by hand.

To implement a simple business idea, a blast freezer is the best choice. The price of the simplest freezer starts from 100 thousand rubles. There are cheaper options, but their performance is too low for industrial use.

According to consumer reviews, the cost of a normal cabinet is about 200 thousand rubles. - the optimal method of preparing carrots, cabbage and other vegetables for storage. The quality of products is affected by the reliability of the freezer. Therefore, you should trust positively proven equipment suppliers.

General principles for preparing food before refrigeration

Before blast freezing, vegetables must be processed. Several stages of cleaning must be carried out. The ideal shape is cubes with a diagonal of no more than 2 cm.

The vegetables are scattered in an even layer through a chamber with a temperature of minus 40 degrees. With this thickness it is possible to achieve high performance without increasing the cooler power. According to buyers, it is more convenient to use small pieces immediately during the cooking process without wasting additional time on pre-defrosting them.

Beetroot, broccoli, and green beans are processed this way. Carrots and mushrooms are frozen in the same way. You can also find more exotic root vegetables and berries on store shelves. Thanks to the shock cooling method, it is now possible to deliver various products from distant countries practically fresh.

However, strict requirements are imposed on the storage conditions of products. One defrosting and the quality of freshness will be lost forever. The shelf life, while maintaining the technology parameters, is limited to a year from the moment of freezing at a temperature not exceeding -18 degrees.

Some models

There are refrigerators with quick-freezing chambers for home use. One of these is the device Liebherr model CN ​​3913. This option is suitable for storing berries and vegetables in a chamber with a volume of 150 liters. The temperature rises to -38 degrees. According to customer reviews, this is one of the most frequently purchased models. It is also convenient to use because the main camera is separated from the general space.

But for the convenience of quick freezing, many advise purchasing a separate cabinet and storing frozen berries in a regular freezer. There are more economical options for refrigerators with a similar function on sale. Eg, Electrolux EUF 23391W. According to consumer reviews, this device does a good job of preserving fresh berries and fruits.

The freezing temperature drops to -35 degrees. To prevent bacterial growth, it is recommended to periodically defrost such freezers and treat the internal surfaces with antiseptics.