Paintings in the interior according to Feng Shui. What paintings are best to hang in an apartment according to Feng Shui?

It is difficult to imagine the interior of a house without decorative elements. The most popular of them are paintings and photographs. However, not all images will fit harmoniously into your living space. There are paintings and photos that literally suck out positive energy.

We often choose paintings and photographs as decorations without thinking about the meaning or energy of the image. Meanwhile, all plots carry their own energy charge, which can help or harm the inhabitants of the house. Esotericists know which images would be inappropriate in an apartment or house. Be careful when choosing so that you don’t have to perform energetic cleansing of the space and your biofield.

What paintings and photographs bring negative energy into the house?

Photos of deceased people are inappropriate in a residential building. The afterlife energy will prevent residents from feeling good. Esotericists note a deterioration in health, changes for the worse, as well as the possible settlement of spirits of deceased relatives in the house. Make sure your home is comfortable and avoid posting such pictures. It is better to have a separate photo album for them.

Energy that is alien to you may come from posters and paintings depicting your idols. Singers and actors have powerful energy field, which can harm you and make the energy at home negative. This is especially true for those famous personalities whose lives were cut short due to suicide.

Paintings and portraits in a gilded frame will not serve you well. Their energy will block the flow of positive energy and also block access to financial success. The Universe may decide that you are rich enough and will direct the energy of prosperity to other people.

Images of natural disasters, martial arts or scenes of hunting and violence against animals - all of this carries the negative energy of destruction, illness and even death. Hunters, fans of extreme sports and combat sports should remember this. If you don’t want to litter your space with negativity, avoid such paintings and photographs. They can be placed in separate room, for example, in a hunting lodge or garage.

Photos or paintings of destroyed buildings will also not bring positive impulses to your home, even if these are paintings or photos depicting monuments of art. Any disruption could be very real to your life and home. Don't spoil your relationship with the Universe and don't attract trouble.

The absence of paintings or photographs with elderly people will help you preserve your beauty and youth. Avoid such portraits so as not to deteriorate your energy and not to accelerate the aging process.

Paintings given by people with whom you have frequent conflicts will not bring positivity to your home. The image may be the most neutral, but the gift will depress you with just the memory of the giver. The same goes for images that you simply didn’t like. Even if you received a gift of a painting with the most good wishes, but you didn’t like the image itself, don’t rush to decorate your house with it. Your peace of mind and inner harmony are much more valuable.

It would be imprudent to hang several paintings in one room at once. Their energy may come into conflict, which will negatively affect your emotional and physical state.

Pictures of bright autumn colors or snowy winter can be very beautiful. However, these objects of art speak of withering and the completion of another natural cycle. If you don't want depressive thoughts to become frequent guests, remove such images out of sight.

Paintings depicting death, illness, unfavorable periods of past years bring only destruction. Even a skillfully written Moon, in the light of which one can see a gloomy medieval castle, can highlight your problems and intensify them during Full Moon periods.

Take special care with all kinds of inscriptions and phrases made in unknown or dead languages. Symbols and signs that you cannot decipher can cause you a lot of problems.

Choosing a painting and photo for your home begins with emotions. Objects of art should please you, and not frighten you with their mere presence. Choose the right images that capture exuberance and joy: bright summer landscapes, rainbow flowers, portraits of energetic, smiling people.

Esotericists recommend decorating the interior of the house with their drawings, made in the most complacent mood. A piece of positivity contained in them will become a guarantor of prosperity and good luck. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.05.2018 01:01

The ideal place to relax can be created using ancient teaching Feng Shui. Find out what paintings in...

The hallway passes through itself a huge flow of energy that fills the entire home, which is why special attention should be paid to the arrangement of this room.

It is very important that the very first room in the house evokes positive emotions among the owners, as well as people who come to visit, creates an atmosphere of joy and comfort, but at the same time is practical enough for Everyday life. From this material you will learn which paintings can be hung in the hallway so as not to break any rules.

Depending on which room you are going to place a painting or other piece of art in, you should definitely listen to the rules listed below:

  1. The most important guideline for you should be the personal emotions that arise inside when you look at this picture. The image should be light and positive; looking at it, a person should feel calm, happy, and at peace. After all, only in this case will the painting attract positive events into the life of its owner. If, for example, you like the image of a painting, but you feel hostility towards its donor, then it would be more correct to refuse such a decorative element.
  2. At the same time, overly aggressive subjects are prohibited. You cannot hang pictures in your home that depict various natural disasters with similar unpleasant phenomena, because they will have an extremely negative impact on the energy of your home. This also includes paintings depicting predatory animals and birds sitting in an aggressive pose.
  3. Under no circumstances hang a portrait of a deceased person (whether a relative, a celebrity, or anyone else) on the wall. No matter how you feel about this person during life, the picture will fill the home with the energy of death.
  4. Abstract plots evoke contradictory emotions: they have neither positive nor negative energy and are completely neutral. But in some situations this will be enough to upset the fragile balance. Therefore, Feng Shui does not recommend placing various incomprehensible symbols in your home, because even the most beautiful hieroglyph or rune can carry an encrypted negative message that will have a bad impact on the health and well-being of the inhabitants of the house.
  5. Paintings depicting collapsing houses are also unfavorable. broken dishes and elderly people. According to Feng Shui, such paintings are also characterized by destructive energy.
  6. Frames that are too voluminous and have intricate carvings will interfere with the free circulation of energy. It’s right to choose a light, almost weightless frame for your favorite canvas.
  7. Do not hang several paintings in one room at once, otherwise their energy will mix and it will be more difficult for you to get the expected effect.

Features of the color scheme

When choosing a painting for the hallway, first of all, you need to focus on its color. It is important that color palette the painting was quite pleasing to the eye and fit harmoniously into the overall color scheme rooms. In the photo below you can see harmonious option hallway, in which there is a smooth transition of the color scheme of the picture into color scheme rooms.

Be sure to avoid dark, dirty colors in your paintings. After all, the hallway is a room that demonstrates the hospitality of the owners of the house; it is designed to give people who come to the house good mood and leave only positive emotions.

Suitable scenes for Feng Shui

An important point is the choice of a suitable subject for the picture. It is worth abandoning scenes of violence, images of different natural Disasters as well as broken items. It will be favorable to use still lifes, landscapes, as well as portraits of happy and cheerful people in decoration.

A pretty good alternative is to hang family photos in the hallway.

It is necessary that the painting in its style does not violate the overall concept of the hallway. Flirty versions of paintings that fit perfectly into the entrance area will look very touching.

Different styles of paintings for the hallway

Abstract art is pretty unusual solution for the hallway, but it will be quite appropriate for a home decorated in a minimalist style. In this case, you can hang paintings made in modern style without the use of frames or framed in narrow simple metal or plastic frames.

The ideal solution for classic hallway will be the use of creations of impressionism, romantic paintings, as well as images of baroque and realism. Paintings of these styles must be placed in beautiful wooden or gilded frames.

Required attribute English interior there will be images of horses or dogs

It must be said that the paintings would be quite appropriate even in an ordinary village hallway. In this case, it is worth focusing on panoramic options placed in wooden frames, which depict the structure of wood in detail.

Interesting point. It is not at all necessary that the paintings be independent hanging elements. You can easily purchase furniture decorated with different images or choose functional elements: key holder, clock or lamp.

Paintings can be hung not only on walls, but also on hanger hooks, and also placed on shelves or tables.

Separately, we need to talk about the frescoes. With their help, a significant visual expansion of space is possible, which is created by the perspective of the drawing. This solution is quite attractive, but it is very important to carefully select the subject of the fresco. After all, if you want change, it will be much more difficult to do so than in the case of paintings.

Correct placement

The easiest option for placing paintings is one painting on one wall. Here you need to comply next rule- the painting in its area should occupy no more than one third of the width and height of the free area.

Empty walls can differ in different dimensions and area. If we're talking about long wall And narrow corridor, then it is best to hang the pictures horizontally. Thanks to this, the wall will become visually more diverse and interesting. And due to the shine of the glass, the illusion of more space will be created.

If you need to place several paintings of different sizes in one row, they should be aligned along the central axis. But when taking on such complex plans, you need to at least have ideal taste and a good sense of style.

It is impossible not to mention modular paintings. They have elements of different sizes and proportions. And thanks to the combination of such complex decor, a very unusual but rather interesting design. But it is better to place such variants of paintings only in spacious hallways, because in order to consider everything that is drawn on it, enough space is needed.

An interesting nuance. Artists use special techniques that allow them to view their creations from different angles. They are the ones who will ideal option for the front room.

Concerning big houses with a staircase, in which paintings are hung in steps along the stairs, as the photo below demonstrates.

Very often you want to fill the empty areas of the wall above the cabinets, ottomans or sofa with something. Place a stick or other protruding decorative elements not very convenient, because they will interfere with the use of the seat. But the option with a flat picture will be just what you need. But in this case, you also need to take into account some nuances:

  • you can hang one large picture;
  • if you want to place several small pictures, do it horizontally. Paintings can be either framed or used without one. Family photos will look best in this situation;
  • You can also place multiple paintings vertically.

Now you know what an ideal Feng Shui hallway should be like. Use this knowledge to improve your life and create a stylish and interesting interior in my house. Finally, watch this useful video on this topic:

Feng Shui paintings are not just a beautiful interior detail. Any image is a child produced by the author’s imagination, and it does not matter at all whether it is created in oil on canvas or using a program on a computer and printed as a photo. In each case, such work involves internal energy the artist, a piece of his soul and perception of the world. The circulation of such energy in contact with the biofield of other people and with the energy flows already existing in the house largely determines our lives. Sometimes, to attract good luck, love or money, it is enough to hang pictures correctly at home; practice will help with this Feng Shui.

Feng Shui is one of the Chinese teachings that helps to adjust life energy in the right direction. Once upon a time, more than several hundred years ago, ancient Chinese sages identified four elements that continuously generate energy for all life on the planet. Subsequently, many schools and branches were formed to study its properties. Followers of Feng Shui have studied in detail the question of how you can use the energy of the elements to improve your life. Many treatises and books have been written about this, including what images should be hung in the house and how to correctly place paintings according to Feng Shui.

A few general rules

Any Feng Shui master and expert will tell you that to attract happiness, money or good luck into your life, it’s not enough to just read a large number of literature and rush to follow directions. First of all, you need to listen to your own feelings. Choosing picture or ready beautiful photo, you need to close your eyes and think about them for a few minutes to understand your feelings and reaction to the color, the nature of the image and even the frame. Based on your emotions, the right solution may come on its own, and then it is your own biofield and subconscious that will tell you where it is better to hang the picture, own photo or a family photo - in the living room, office at the desk or above the bed in the bedroom.

  1. In none of the rooms should you hang images with fights, battles, wars and other aggressive subjects. If you hang such a drawing in the bedroom above the bed, it is unlikely that the people relaxing there will be able to get a good night's sleep. It will also not be beneficial if you place, for example, a reproduction of the “Battle of Kulikovo” on the kitchen wall. Perhaps not immediately, but for some time all family members will certainly notice that the atmosphere at the table is gradually heating up, and some kind of “proceedings” are happening all the time, or the usual favorite food begins to constantly burn or lose its taste. The only place where such paintings may be appropriate is in gyms or training rooms for athletes, or at the desks of businessmen, lawyers and bankers, who often require a “combat” attitude and a lot of aggressive energy in order to “win” their client’s point of view or a certain point. amount of money.
  2. You should never hang photos or paintings of deceased relatives in your home. We all remember very well how sadly centuries-old stories ended, where several generations of heirs decided to hang such portraits above the bed, in the living room, in office at the desk or along the stairs leading to the upper floors. Oh, these endless tragedies and deaths worthy of Shakespeare's pen! Don't repeat their mistakes.

    Advice! Above the bed or in the living room is betterhang not images of people, battles or predators, but banal landscapes or flowers - at least the simplest peonies, which will bring happiness and a surge of passion.

  3. Clearly correlate goals and rooms. For example, you should not hang pictures of a bag of money in the bedroom above the bed or in the kitchen; this can ruin relationships by shifting the emphasis to the material sphere. If you want to more money, it makes sense to attract them by placing a painting or photo with their image in the hallway, living room, and best of all, near the desk of the study or office.
  4. Correctly correlate the cardinal directions and elements. To do this, you will have to buy a compass if you don’t already have one. First of all, you need to determine the parts of the world in each room of the apartment. Next, you need to look at which of the existing interior items is located on these sides and whether there is “overload” or incorrect things in any zone of the elements. For example, if in the southern sector there is a fireplace, and in the northern sector, for which the element of water is responsible, there is nothing or even a picture of a flame hangs, you should not be surprised at frequent scandals. In such a situation, you need to change the picture of fire to a picture of flowing calm water. Or another example: many people who complain about a constant lack of money simply do not understand that the area of ​​their desktop where the picture of money hangs is located on the north or south wall, so all their efforts “burn out”, or the profit “flows away” " This can be easily corrected by transferring the painting to the area of ​​wood or metal - to the east or west.

    The Chinese determined the relationship between the cardinal directions and the elements:

    West – metal/air.

    north – water;

    south – fire;

    east – tree/earth;

  5. Frames. They should be light so as not to interfere with the circulation of the energy of the paintings.

    Having understood the general simple basics of how to hang pictures correctly according to Feng Shui, you can move on to the details.

    Rooms and drawings

    1. Hallway - landscapes, still lifes, non-predatory animals or birds, the same universal peonies or other flowers. The place where guests come for the first time should carry a neutral or unobtrusive positive charge.
    2. Living room - running water, beautiful cozy parts home interior(fireplace, hearth, house with a front garden, etc.), city square, etc. You can hang unifying and spiritually uniting biblical scenes like “The Last Supper.” Peonies or other flowers also work well.
    3. – nature, calm running water, love stories, flowers.

      Advice! Above the bed you cannot hang paintings or photos depicting swamps, ponds and other standing water and fading nature.. This can lead to “stagnation” and decreased sexual activity in bed. The water in the paintings should be running, but calm and bright. No tsunamis, waterfalls or dark clouds with thunderstorms and storms!

    4. Kitchen - fireplaces, fields, trees, still lifes, scenes on the theme of cozy cafes.
    5. Children's - nothing is simpler if you approach the issue with sensitivity. Here it is best to focus on the preferences of your favorite children; just gradually observe them and find out their favorite activities and colors.

The ancient Taoist teaching of Feng Shui advises: harmonize your life by harmonizing the surrounding space. Simply put, everything that is in our home should help us live, and not interfere. Of course, this applies to paintings, photographs and any images with which we decorate the walls of our home. Even if you regard Chinese philosophy with some irony, you should not neglect some quite reasonable advice and hinder the movement of life-giving qi energy in your personal universe.

Absolute taboos

The founders of the teachings of Feng Shui believe that human thoughts are material. If you think about bad things all the time, everything will be bad. And if you cultivate positive thoughts in yourself, then life will improve.

For example:

Ruins. Even a castle, even a once luxurious one. Ruins are ruins, they are a symbol of death. An excellent example is Vasily Maksimov’s painting “Everything is in the Past.” In the foreground is an old lady who dreams of memories of past luxury, and in the background is a crumbling house with columns and a dried-out garden. Look, breathe, be glad that you still have everything ahead of you, and move on.

Photo: painting by Vasily Maksimov “Everything is in the Past”

Broken dishes. Are comments needed here at all? Broken cups, vases, plates are the most common symbol of quarrels, squabbles, ruined lives, and mistakes.

Broken or dried out trees, wilted flowers. If you constantly look at what life has gone from, you will not become an optimist. A constant reminder that everything is perishable makes you depressed.

Poverty in any form. Rags, humiliating poses - is this what you dream of? Firs Zhuravlev’s painting “Beggar Children” is a true work of art, but it belongs in a museum.

Photo: painting by Firs Zhuravlev “Beggar Children”

Image of standing water. Feng Shui categorically does not accept ponds and swamps. The word “stagnation” has never had a positive connotation. In stagnant waters, the life-giving energy qi does not circulate.

Images of any vices. All these "absinthe drinkers" usually end up badly. For example, they cut off their ear, paint their self-portrait with a bandaged head... And then their paintings are posthumously sold at auctions for crazy money, and the late author did not have enough to buy bread during his lifetime... In a word, drunkenness, prostitution, drug addiction and other decadence should not flash before through the eyes of a person who strives for purity, physical and moral.

Photo: Pablo Picasso’s painting “The Absinthe Drinker”

Incomprehensible signs, writing, meaningless images. Firstly, the inscription may have a bad meaning. Secondly, the constant feeling that you don’t understand something will bring discord into your soul.

Pictures that you just don't like. The subject of painting can be the work of a famous and recognized artist, it can be beautifully designed, executed with impeccable taste, but at the same time it can tell you absolutely nothing. You are either bored, anxious, or just not at all. This means that this image cannot harmonize your universe and inspire you. Why should you live someone else's life? Let it be a rug with swans on the wall, let it be any kitsch, but only you and your soul sang at the sight of it.

For the benefit of prosperity

Photo: painting by Eugene Petit “Bouquet of Peonies”

The Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui offers a lot of options for images that bring prosperity and development to a person’s life. For example, a plot with a road going into the distance. Or snow-capped mountain peaks illuminated by the sun. According to Feng Shui theory, a mountain is a symbol of constancy and solidity. Or an elephant is a beautiful, strong animal, a symbol of wealth and stability.

The Chinese philosophy of harmonizing the world attaches particular importance to plants, in particular flowers. The feng shui guru's favorite flower is the peony. The words “blooms and smells” literally evoke the appearance and aroma of this plant. Feng Shui theorists advise placing images of peonies anywhere and everywhere, especially in the bedroom: this will inevitably entail the fall of the shackles of celibacy, passionate love, the awakening of sexuality in experienced spouses and, in general, a continuous fireworks display of feelings.

Now let's go through the rooms.

What paintings to hang in the living room

Photo: painting by Isaac Levitan “Spring in Italy”

In this room you welcome guests, think, communicate with family members. The living room is begged for images symbolizing movement: dancing people, running horses, flying birds, ships sailing on the sea, and so on. This will refresh your life and attract an influx of new energy.

If you have a common goal, a dream, hang a picture in your living room that will encourage you to strive for your goal. Thoughts are material, remember?

Are you planning to build Vacation home– choose an image of your dream mansion and place it in the most visible place

Image hearth and home, where you just want to warm up, will also do. Reproductions depicting fluttering butterflies promise profit - the fluttering of butterfly wings has a good effect on the movement of qi energy.

Forest landscapes (without lead clouds and broken trees) are also an option for the living room. Your favorite paintings should be hung in well-lit areas.

If the family is religious, spiritual themes would be appropriate in the living room.

How to decorate a bedroom

Relaxation is what a painting in the bedroom should bring you. No aggressive, battle scenes. And no volcanoes or waterfalls in frames. The waterfall does not lull you to sleep; it is a warlike state of water. Ponds and swamps kill sexual energy; we don’t need stagnant water here.

If you have already decorated the wall in the bedroom with loving peonies, you can add to them some romantic motifs on the canvases: couples in love, cooing lovebirds, a sultry beach with two walking figures.

Living water flow has always been of great importance in the East: in any picturesque garden or estate there was certainly a stream or fountain.

According to Feng Shui, a waterfall is of great importance in the overall flow of all living energies in a person’s home, because it clearly symbolizes the element of water. It is simply impossible to achieve a harmonious atmosphere in your home or apartment if the balance of all living elements has been disrupted.

What does a waterfall mean according to feng shui?

According to Feng Shui, a waterfall represents a living, rushing stream water element. This is an important component of the entire natural balance, one of the fundamental elements of the five elements of all things. It is noteworthy that it is the element of water that is highlighted by eastern practices most of all: it is believed that it is she who personifies the ancestor of all life on earth and is an integral part of the living energy of Qi.

The element of water, placed in residential decoration, can attract harmony, health and peace of mind, even well-being and happiness. The fountain and waterfall are of great importance according to Feng Shui: it is believed that these two forms of the element of water represent living energy, in constant motion. Living, fast-moving and changing water invariably improves the emotional situation in an apartment or house; a flowing stream can instantly transform the vibrations of invisible energies in a home.

Feng Shui practitioners also claim that even a photograph or drawing of a waterfall carries this powerful charge of living energy. Therefore, you should not be upset if the dimensions of your living space do not allow you to install even a small waterfall in your house. Images of fountains, rushing rivers, waterfalls or streams will come to the rescue.

The main condition is that you should not place pictures with “dead”, stagnant water in your apartment. Lakes or ponds are traditionally avoided when decorating residential furniture in Feng Shui; such paintings should not be placed on the walls of residential premises, because the water depicted on them is stagnant, and therefore does not have any positive energy.

A waterfall is a symbol of perpetual motion, a catalyst for the process of renewal and regeneration, a powerful source of original vital energy and rebirth.

If you want to harmoniously arrange your home and adjust the flow of living vibrations in it, then you should definitely resort to paintings and photographs depicting a waterfall.

Feng Shui paintings with water

Feng Shui waterfall (pictures are presented in the article) - this, as mentioned above, is a source vitality and constant changes in better side. If you notice that there is stagnation in your life, things stubbornly do not move forward, and you yourself seem to be endlessly marking time in one place, then the element of water will help you give a tangible impetus.

Place a painting or photograph of a waterfall in your home, and you will be surprised to find that positive changes will not be long in coming. In particular, Feng Shui advises those people who live in densely populated cities, remote from wildlife, to resort to this trick. And for residents of apartments in high-rise buildings, this technique will allow them to regularly relieve the stress that accumulates during the day and eliminate the feeling of immobility of life and stagnation (this is very important in apartment buildings, where the flow of Qi energy is initially disrupted).

In addition, water is also a symbol of abundance, wealth and good luck. It attracts material well-being, a favorable outcome of any financial transactions, prosperity and luxury into the home. A picture of a waterfall has no less power than a real one decorative waterfall, if it is placed in the right place, from the point of view of Feng Shui philosophy.

Waterfall painting: where to hang according to Feng Shui

Before you go to choose a suitable painting or photo, it will not hurt to know some of the features. Thus, the ideal pictures of waterfalls are those where the water is depicted as naturally as possible, where living and pristine nature reigns.

A good solution would be those paintings that also depict trees, sky, birds and animals. It is better that no traces of a person are displayed on them. Household objects, buildings, people or vehicles (for example, a boat at a waterfall) - all these nuances can damage the original flow of Qi energy. In a correct picture of a waterfall, nothing from the human world should be visible.

Pay attention to the paints, shades of gouache or watercolor with which the landscape is drawn. It’s good if they have natural shades, and the picture is rendered in the most natural tones. In other words, the grass should be green, the sky should be blue, and the clouds should be white. No innovative ideas or special vision of the artist are welcome here and will even be completely inappropriate. Ideally, a picture of a waterfall should highlight a picturesque natural area with flowering vegetation and a clear sky. It’s good if this picture depicts daylight hours.

And a little more about the water itself: make sure that the flow in the drawing or photograph does not have any obstacles. The waterfall should be solid and smooth, continuously falling down. It’s bad if in some places the water sheet is interrupted, if stones or ledges are visible from under it. The surface of the water should be smooth, as if silky.

Waterfall according to Feng Shui: in which zone to attach the painting

So, the correct image of water has already been selected, and only one question remains - where will your waterfall picture fit best, where should you hang this decor according to Feng Shui so that it works correctly and brings positive flows of Qi?

Let's start with the places where you should definitely not place paintings with waterfalls:

  • In the bedroom. Water is a powerful energy; it has no place in a room where peace and a good night’s rest are needed. Therefore, hanging pictures and images of waterfalls in the sleeping area would not be the best solution.
  • On the sides of the apartment located in the south. The element of the south is fire, and it is logical that water will come into conflict with the energy of flame. Therefore, waterfalls or their images should not be placed in these areas of the premises either.
  • In the hall. Ideal place In order to hang a picture or a photograph of a waterfall, there is a hallway. Namely, the wall located to the left in relation to front door. This place will provide an influx of powerful new events and incidents bearing positive character, Qi energy will circulate more actively in your home and spread throughout the rest of the living spaces.

You can also place an image of a waterfall near the door (or doorway) leading into dining area. As an option, a waterfall is suitable for decorating any wall of your kitchen (except the south one).

Once again, it is worth noting that such techniques of Eastern practice only work if they do not come into conflict or confrontation with other energy flows in your living space. Therefore, take seriously and responsibly the choice of the place where your painting will be displayed in the future.

After all, water is the source of life for all things, and it would be foolish not to use it to attract harmony and abundance into the world. own house. And here a waterfall will always come to the rescue; according to Feng Shui, it has simply incredible positive power and strength.