Catalog of projects of houses and cottages with an attic. Cozy house with an attic: projects, photos of interiors and useful tips

Modern projects one-story houses with attic often created with a complex roof shape to make attic spaces as functional as possible. The ceilings of these rooms in any case have a slope, which in most cases is used to create original design interior If the walls of the attic part of the building are high enough, then the slope of the ceilings can be covered with plasterboard.

The popularity of one-story buildings with an attic has increased with the advent of improved materials, with which the roof can be reliably insulated and protected from leaks. With the right approach, rooms under the roof can be even more comfortable and cozy than the rooms on the first floor. Mansard type The building, in addition to being cheaper than a standard two-story building, also looks more advantageous due to the high roof slopes. In addition, the low weight makes it possible to build two-level houses on simple, inexpensive foundations and in areas with problematic soil.

There are certain building standards that must be taken into account by designers when developing single-story projects. attic cottages. These standards are aimed at ensuring that the living area under the roof meets the standards of high-quality and comfortable housing. So, for example, the wall of the floor must be at least 80 cm, and the highest point must be at a height of at least 230 cm. The floor of the under-roof floor must be laid out at the level of the support beams, and in no case lower.

You can order or buy a turnkey project from us

In order to get into the attic part of the house sunlight, front and roof windows are used. Frontal lighting is possible with a gable roof shape. Dormer windows are mounted in slopes. In any case, the glazing of a high roof makes the building even more solid, stylish and attractive. The more windows, the lighter and more elegant the design of the house looks. In popular turnkey house projects, the rooms on the roof floor, especially with inclined lighting, receive more light than the rooms on the lower level, so it is easier to create a cozy, warm interior in them.

A house with an attic is now a very common option. People, not wanting to lose priceless space, equip an attic. So small cottage IR can turn into a full-fledged cottage. This article will present the advantages of a house with an attic, as well as give advice on planning such a structure and present house designs.

Important points when building a house with an attic

When building an attic, it is imperative to think about good thermal insulation and bring your ideas to life, since the upper part of the building is subject to constant temperature changes. Waterproofing will also be an important aspect.

All materials must be light. There is no need to overload the walls and foundation with heavy roofing, furniture and insulation materials.

Usually this room is a spacious solid room; sometimes it is necessary to arrange partitions. This can be done from lightweight drywall, again, so as not to overload the structure.

Windows are made according to inclined surface. And the installation of such windows is not cheap, so it is worth calculating the costs in advance so that there are no unpleasant surprises. It is difficult to do this on your own and you can ruin the entire structure, so it is best to pay extra and turn to professionals.

Pros and cons of an attic in a house

An increasing number of people want to equip an attic in their home, and there are good explanations for this:

  • Savings during construction and finishing
  • Increasing the usable area of ​​the house
  • Ease of communication to the attic
  • Reducing heat loss through the roof
  • When arranging the attic, there is no need to move out during the renovation; all residents can safely stay on the ground floor
  • Possibility to place an additional bedroom or non-residential premises
  • The opportunity to show your creativity when designing such an unusual room

But, despite all the advantages, such houses also have a number of disadvantages:

  • If you build an attic not according to the rules, then problems associated with freezing and heat loss may arise.
  • High cost of attic windows
  • Possibility of reducing lighting during snowy winters

Layout of a one-story house with an attic

A one-story house, in all its apparent simplicity, is not at all so simple and has a lot of nuances that must be resolved at the design stage.

Basic rules for designing a house with an attic

When creating a plan one-story house with an attic, you need to take into account the following rules, which will help you in the future get a beautiful and durable house with high functionality:

  1. The additional load must be calculated. If the house is already ready and it is decided to build an attic, then you need to calculate in advance the load that will be placed on the walls, since if this is not taken into account, then the first floor simply may not be able to withstand what will be higher.
  2. It must be designed in such a way that the roof is high enough, approximately 2.5 meters, so that an adult can comfortably stay in this room.
  3. Correct roof. When designing a roof, you should take into account that a gable roof can increase the usable space of the room by 67%, but sloping roof will make the space 90% larger in relation to the ground floor. The most the best option, which will give a 100% increase in area will be a roof rise of 1.5 meters.
  4. Heating, the supply of electricity, water and other communications must be carefully thought out. All this is transferred from the first floor and must be shown in the plan initially.
  5. It is imperative that if there is a need for partitions, their places are fixed in the plan, as are the places for windows.

Important! All must be complied with fire safety requirements and an evacuation plan from the attic was drawn up.

Staircase device

Projects of houses with an attic must include a staircase layout that will allow access to the attic. If there is no comfortable ascent and descent, then living in such a house will be inconvenient for its owners.

If the attic is conceived during the construction of the house, then you need to immediately think about where to install the stairs, depending on the correctness and convenience of placement. It is worth considering the fact of not only comfortable ascent and descent, but also taking into account the saving of time spent on ascent.

An attic in a one-story house is, as a rule, a room in which a bedroom or children's room is located. In such houses, you can avoid installing a large massive staircase, but save precious space by installing a staircase with a small width or a spiral type, with minimal platforms between flights.

If you plan to build a 6*6 or 8*8 house, then it would be most advantageous to make the exit near the roof ridge. House designs 8*10, 9*9 and 9*12, as well as 10*10 are less sensitive to arrangement staircase design, since it will occupy a smaller percentage of the entire area of ​​the first floor and will fit better into the design and project.

When designing a staircase, remember that the space should also include approaches to it. In many projects with an attic, proposed now, at first glance, everything is in order, but weak point is precisely the staircase device.

Even if the house is being built according to a ready-made and verified project, you should definitely pay attention to how the staircase structure is located and whether it interferes with free movement and exit from other rooms of the house.

Examples of projects of one-story houses with an attic

An attic can act as a residential or non-residential space, but regardless of its purpose, it must be built according to the rules and pre-designed. Below are photos of several of the most common ones with an attic.

Projects of houses with an attic 8*10

This size of houses is suitable for those whose plot is not too large, but there is a desire to build a full-fledged house.

Project 1

After completing the construction for this project, you get a completely full-fledged and very functional attic floor with several rooms, which, at the owner’s discretion, can be converted into children’s or guest bedrooms, a bathroom and a master bedroom. The presence of large windows helps to better illuminate the attic even on winter days.

Project 2

This is a cottage project in an ecological style. On the ground floor of the house there is a spacious dining-living room. On the attic floor there are three rooms, a bathroom, a hall and access to a balcony. Following this project will help create a complete home for big family.

Projects of houses with an attic 9*9

If the area allows, you can slightly increase the size of the house.

Project 1

At first glance, this is - ordinary house, no different from all the others. But inside, on the ground floor, there is an office and a living room - dining room, and in the attic there are three rest rooms and a bathroom. Distinctive feature this design is dormer window with a balcony above the entrance.

Project 2

A small village house with a dining room, kitchen and toilet on the first floor and recreation rooms and an additional bathroom on the second. A wide staircase, comfortable for descending and ascending, leads to the attic. It will fit perfectly into the landscape of a calm country village.

Projects of one-story houses with an attic 9*10

These houses are larger in size and require sufficient space, but at the same time, the interior layout is highly functional.

Project 1

A laconic house with a large living room on the first floor and bedrooms with a bathroom on the second. The attic is equipped with a balcony. Spacious windows do not prevent light from entering the premises. This option is not too expensive, but incredibly beautiful and practical.

Project 2

A simple house with a calm design, the eye stops at the presence of a bay window and a balcony. The house is intended for a large family. On the ground floor there is an entrance hall, which smoothly turns into a hall, from where you can get to the nursery, kitchen and bathroom. There is also a wide staircase to the attic, where there is a bedroom, 2 dressing rooms and a fairly large bathroom.


There is nothing better than a spacious and comfortable home. In order not to disappear effective area, Can attic space equip it as an attic, where spacious rooms with various functions can be perfectly located. All you have to do is look at house designs and choose the right one, bring it to life and new house will delight its owners for many years.

* Attic - residential mezzanine under an insulated roof.

3. Coziness and comfort
. Attic rooms indescribably cozy, which cannot be said about country premises with flat ceilings, which are no different from city apartments. For romanticism, silence and privacy from common rooms children and youth adore them.
. In our projects of houses with an attic the height of the walls at the lowest point is always more than 1.5 m. This allows you to fully use the entire floor area, conveniently arrange furniture and move freely around the rooms.

Please note: if the design of a house with an attic you have chosen does not quite coincide with the “dream house”, we can always correct it, bringing it closer to your ideal.

Projects of attic two-story houses up to 150 square meters

Attic projects two-story houses up to 150 sq. m. - best option economical housing. They are cheaper than city apartments, but more spacious. If the cottage has a bedroom on the ground floor, then it is as convenient as city housing. This condition necessary for comfort is met in all projects of our houses for permanent residence, both attic and two-story.

Houses with an attic are the embodiment of a comfortable and pleasant country life. Such cottages allow greater freedom in the choice of materials, design and layout of the house. In this article you will find necessary recommendations, as well as projects of houses with an attic, free drawings and photos.

Features of a house with an attic

One of the most important features of a house with an attic is that the upper part of the structure is subject to temperature changes. It is equally important to take care of the waterproofing of the room. Select lightweight materials for the attic floor. This applies to interior decoration, and even furniture. Do not overload the foundation and walls due to the possible appearance of cracks.

It is best to form a small attic area into a single space, but if it is necessary to create internal partitions You should give preference to drywall. This material will not cause additional load on the foundation of the house.

How to build a house with an attic?

When creating a project for a house with an attic, it is necessary to take into account the features of this building. Subject to following rules you will get a beautiful and reliable durable home.

  1. Calculation of additional load. You cannot arbitrarily attach an attic to a one-story house, as this will lead to cracks and subsequent destruction of the foundation. If you decide to complete the attic on an already existing walls, take care of strengthening them.
  2. Calculation of attic height. Minimum value height from floor to ceiling 2.5 m.
  3. Correct design roofs. When designing it, it should be taken into account that the gable structure will add only 67% of the base area of ​​the house. The so-called “broken” roof will add approximately 90% of the area of ​​the first floor. But raising the roof by 1.5 m can increase the area by 100%.
  4. Provide communication communications between the base and the attic;
  5. Think it over layout, places for and windows;
  6. It is very important to comply fire safety requirements, evacuation plan from the attic.

Projects of a one-story house with an attic: drawings and photos

In one-story houses, the attic most often acts as a workshop or. Often a bedroom is located on this level, due to the comfortable location in a room with low ceilings, as well as additional insulation and a beautiful view of the starry sky from the windows. We picked 10 best projects houses with an attic, below are free drawings and photos, as well as their description.

Project No. 1. The project of this house provides functional room on the attic level, which contains a bedroom, a bathroom and two additional rooms, which, at your discretion, can be arranged as living rooms or children's rooms. Cosy frame house involves making it from brick and expanded clay concrete. Big windows make the interior of the house well lit. The building fully meets all the requirements of a residential building.

Project No. 2. A cozy eco-style cottage with a large dining-living room on the ground floor. The project allows you to place three rooms, a bathroom and a small hall in the attic, as well as access to the balcony. A convenient wide staircase is provided. There is also a second exit to the veranda on the ground floor. This house is perfect for a large family for a comfortable country holiday.

Project No. 3. A small and at the same time functional one-story house with a living-dining room and an office on the ground floor. The attic space is occupied by three adjacent rooms and a bathroom. The simple form of the building is enhanced by a bay window in the living room and a roof window with flat roof. The house is perfect for both relaxation and work.

Project No. 4. Compact house V rustic style. On the ground floor there is a living room with a dining area, a kitchen and a toilet. The attic can be reached via a comfortable wide staircase. There are three bedrooms and a bathroom.

Project No. 5. A functional one-story house with an attic is suitable for a large family. The project includes a spacious dining room, office, bathroom and kitchen on the ground floor, as well as three adjacent rooms and a bathroom on the attic level. The shape of the house is complemented by a bay window on the ground floor in the living-dining room and access to the balcony, as well as a window with another additional balcony and a gable roof.

Project No. 6. Budget project houses with an attic are perfect for living and relaxing. On the ground floor there is a large, spacious living room (48.6 m2), which can also serve as a dining room. In the attic there are three bedrooms, a bathroom and a spacious balcony.

Project No. 7. A simple one-story house with functional layout designed for a family of five. Simple form complemented by a bay window and a balcony. The entrance through the hallway leads to the hall, where there is a staircase to the attic and doors to all rooms on the first floor: living room, bathroom, kitchen and children's room. On the attic level there are three bedrooms, a spacious bathroom, and two dressing rooms, one of which is adjacent to the large bedroom.

Project No. 8. By choosing a house project with an attic and a garage, you will save money on construction work due to the combination of capital walls. In addition, the two-in-one solution reduces garage heating costs thanks to warm walls Houses. And besides, there is no need to go outside in bad weather to get into the garage - the main part of the house is connected to the garage through a storage room. Large windows make the house bright, and two small terraces will contribute to a pleasant outdoor recreation.

Project No. 9. Project of this cozy home provides for the installation of a twin house in a mirror design. A distinctive feature of this simple structure is the garage roof, which extends over the entrance terrace and is supported by three wooden beams. The exterior of the house stands out wooden frame classic window openings. On the ground floor there is a living room, a kitchen combined with a dining room, and a bathroom; the attic level is occupied by two bedrooms and a bathroom.

The garage is directly connected to the house using a folding staircase, which saves space for storing tools and other necessary things.

Two-story houses with an attic have a presentable appearance. Such houses are designed for a comfortable country or country holiday. Typically, the layout two-story house with an attic provides for the arrangement of rooms common use on the first level (this could be a living room, dining room, kitchen), and personal apartments on the second floor (master bedrooms, bathroom, children's rooms). When choosing materials, you can choose concrete, brick or wood. Possible combined options, where one floor is made of timber and the other of brick. Below is project No. 10, the final one in our selection.

Construction own home- not an easy task. Everything must be thought out, from the design to the nails for interior decoration. It is important at the first stage to choose a suitable plan and decide on the number of floors. Stopping attention, additionally mount ground floor and add a garage to increase the functional area. To increase the living space, choose a house with an attic, projects, photos of which will be given below. Such designs do not require large additional material investments; it is enough to plan a large gable roof.

An attic is an attic converted into living space. It is planned at the project development stage: it is necessary to design the roof so that there is enough space inside for a room, and sometimes more than one. Below are photos finished houses With attic floor:

Beautiful, comfortable and additionally made loggia

Variant of modern country house

Classical country option

Combining a house and garage under one roof

In classic designs of houses with an attic, the photo shows that it occupies the entire floor, however, there are options for partially occupying the roof. Here are some examples:

Two-story structure, where half is an attic floor

Wooden structure, where only part of the roof is given over to living space

Original project: several areas for rooms have been allocated

Cottage in Hi-Tech style

To bring such beauty to life, building projects are being prepared. Moreover, they necessarily include several aspects:

  1. Architectural section– display of the external and the architect’s ideas.
  2. Constructive– exact plans with the dimensions of each floor, roof or basement.
  3. Connection to communications. The diagrams of all electrical wiring, etc. are described in detail.
  4. Project passport– a copy of the copyright license for the development of the structure, photos of facades and floor plans.

Important! Ordering finished project, make sure that all documentation is in order, because the strength and reliability of the entire house depends on this.

The attic floor is actively used not only in houses for permanent residence, but also when erecting buildings on summer cottages, where you want to see a comfortable cottage in a small area.

Projects of country houses with an attic: advantages and disadvantages

Equipped space under the roof for living or recreation - good decision not only for cottages, but also for country houses. Usually plots in cooperatives do not differ large sizes, but I also want to leave it in place.

Consumers pay attention to small buildings with an attic 6x6 or 9x9 m. This is enough for the whole family to relax, and adding a heating system not only in summer, but also in winter period.

The use of the attic floor included in the project gives the owners of the building several advantages:

  • increasing living space by installing an attic;
  • with proper construction, the house will retain heat longer due to the additional room;
  • the general appearance of the house looks laconic and beautiful;
  • on the attic floor you can bring interesting ideas to life.

However, structures of this type also have negative sides:

  • not all architectural design ideas for the exterior of a house can be realized using an attic;
  • you should carefully monitor the correctness of the roof so that the attic floor is comfortable at any time of the year;
  • With heavy precipitation in winter, the amount of natural light may decrease.

If all construction requirements are met, the additional living space will be comfortable, convenient and beautiful. Here are some projects country houses with attic and:

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In the article we will consider: projects and prices, photos best models houses, how to choose the material and subtleties of constructing a domed structure, instructions for construction non-standard construction and other useful recommendations.

Photos of one-story houses with an attic: choosing material for construction

When thinking about building your own house, you should decide not only on the number of storeys, the presence of an attic, veranda and garage, but also on the materials used. When answering the question of what is best to build a house from, it is worth considering several points:

  • Material costs. A properly prepared estimate will allow you to save on construction. So, when choosing a lightweight material for walls, you can make it less deep.

  • Thermal insulation. If you plan permanent residence in the house, pay attention to choose the material according to the climatic conditions. Cold walls will require a large layer, which is unprofitable.
  • Construction costs. The total cost comes not only from the amount of material, but also from the amount spent work force and time. For example, block structures much faster to assemble than to do brickwork.
  • External and internal finishing. This item is also calculated at the drafting stage. The decor is thought out in advance in order to obtain a building suitable for use.

Among the materials that are used for projects of one-story houses with an attic and a garage, as well as simple cottages, there are:

  • : service life from 100 to 150 years, holds its shape perfectly and is not affected by temperature changes;

  • ceramic blockmodern material, cheaper than the first option, but at the same time not inferior in its characteristics;

  • – element thickness is 30÷40 cm, has good thermal insulation;

  • – naturalness and comfort, but the need to strictly adhere to the technology of building a house and processing the material;

  • Perfect for simple country houses, easy and quick to install, there are options made of wood or metal.

To make it easier to evaluate the final version of each material, here are some photographic examples of finished buildings with an attic:

Brick house with attic floor

Neat housing made of ceramic block

Small house made of aerated concrete blocks

Country wooden cottage

Projects of houses with an attic made of foam blocks: the advantage of the material

By design mansard roof may be triangular or polygonal. The shape is symmetrical or not, while occupying the entire roof area or only a section of it. If you want to build an inexpensive one, opt for foam blocks.

This material has a number of advantages:

  • has fire-resistant properties and is not susceptible to the formation of fungus and mold;
  • build walls quickly and easily;
  • high thermal insulation rates, which means no additional costs will be required for;
  • less labor consumption, since one block is quite light and can be lifted without special equipment.

When choosing material for construction, it is worth considering the negative points:

  • necessary good layer ;
  • the foundation must be rigid;
  • masonry is carried out using reinforcements and expansion joints, which requires certain knowledge in construction;
  • in climates with severe frosts external walls need to be insulated with polystyrene foam.

Here are a few interesting photos projects of houses with an attic made of foam blocks:

Choosing house designs with an attic: photos with drawings

If you want to order a ready-made house project with an attic, keep in mind that there are standard and custom options. Among the small standard solutions are:

  • construction 6 by 6;
  • 9x9 m;
  • 10x10 m;
  • 8 by 10 m.

Individual projects are developed to order and prepared taking into account the area of ​​the site and your wishes for the appearance of the building. The number and location of rooms is also thought out in advance in order to correctly distribute the floors and calculate the depth.

Here are some layout options different houses:

House with an attic: layout 6x6 m with photo

The smallest and neatest house. This design will fit into a plot of any size and is perfect for a summer residence. In the layout of a 6 by 6 m house with an attic, there are practically no corridors. Most often there is one bedroom, a living room and a kitchen. The “attic” floor is equipped as a children’s room or recreation area.

The plan of a house with a 6 by 6 m attic must be well thought out so that living or spending the summer in it is comfortable. Classic version when from the hallway there is immediate access to the bathroom (it is combined to save space) and to. Hidden behind is a bedroom or kitchen. To enlarge the living room, you can combine it with a cooking area by making.

Ordering a project country house 6x6 with an attic, pay attention to the number of rooms, the material of the house and the area of ​​the upper floor. If the cooperative does not have a connection to the central sewer system, then it is not necessary, since it can be taken outside and placed elsewhere on the site. You can also make a kitchen and one large room recreation. The second floor is reserved for sleeping.

Here are a few interesting projects houses with an attic 6x6 m:

For a dacha, frame houses with a 6×6 attic will be optimal in terms of price and quality; the projects and cost of finished structures are presented below:

Name Photo Short description Cost, rub.
Frame house K-5
Living space36 m²405 000
General45 m²
Construction time2 weeks
Wall thickness182 mm
Sealant15 cm
Exterior finishingDry lining
One-story house in the company “Russian Construction” Project – 1
Living space35 m²460 000
General44 m²
Construction time25 days
Wall thickness20 cm
Sealant10 cm
Exterior finishingLathing from

Dmitry, Tula:“I ordered a house K-5 for my summer cottage, they built it quickly. The interior decoration had to be modified, but otherwise it was a great option.”

Maria, Moscow:“I ordered turnkey Project 1 for my dacha, it was built quickly and efficiently. Additionally, I asked you to do interior decoration. The guys work well and efficiently.”

Depending on the footage, wall thickness, layer and time to complete the work, the cost will vary. How thinner than the wall, the cheaper the construction. You can watch a video review of the finished product frame house 6 by 6 m with internal and external finishing:

Photo of the layout of a 9 by 9 m house with an attic

Among the design options, consumers give preference, which are cheaper than brick, but at the same time have good properties thermal insulation, so the designs are inexpensive.

There are already more options for layouts with an area of ​​9 by 9 m. Can be done small corridor, divide the space into 2 bedrooms and a living room, with a separate bathroom and kitchen. Here are some simple and comfortable models of partition placements:

An interesting option is the layout of a house 8 by 10 m with an attic, photos of which are presented below. For residential and total area This design corresponds to the 9x9 m option, but is more convenient for placement on elongated areas.

Photo of the layout of a 10 by 10 m house with an attic: design features

Projects for a 10×10 house with a foam block attic are the most affordable in price compared to other construction materials. The plan itself with detailed documentation costs from 15 to 25 thousand rubles, and the construction of a turnkey house ranges from 1,500,000 to 2,400,000 rubles.

When purchasing a project, be sure to pay attention to the communications layout. It should include:

  1. Connection to electricity, distribution of wires and floors.
  2. Water supply. If there is no main water supply nearby, then the possibility of installation and space for water intake on the site.
  3. Heating. How will the house be heated: gas, water, solid fuel. And where will the batteries be located?
  4. . Is there a main line or is it necessary to install septic tanks?

Arrangement of utilities

All these nuances are thought through at the stage of drawing up the project, estimates and all necessary documentation.

As for the distribution of rooms, it may be different. Here are some photo examples of layouts:
