PVA glue - types and technical characteristics. PVA glue: operating conditions, types and properties PVA glue after drying

There is probably not a person today who is not familiar with PVA glue. It is used by almost everyone and everywhere: children in kindergartens, gluing paper crafts, adults, using it in painting and construction work. This glue is non-toxic and has a number of properties that put it on par with best discoveries in the field of chemistry.

Who invented PVA glue

In fact, it was discovered by two people, independently of each other.

It all started in Germany. In 1912, Dr. Fritz Klatt discovered the production of vinyl acetate by extracting it from acetylene gas. This gas readily polymerized to form a solid. And accordingly, he glued dissimilar surfaces together.

Vinyl acetate became most widely used after it was patented in 1912. Later, entrepreneur Farben organized the production of polyvinyl acetate (PVA) on a large commercial scale. At that time, Farben worked only with film-forming adhesives. The first production of this glue was established in the USA in 1937 at Monsanto. PVA glue was then used to preserve car glass.

Two years later, Korean scientist Lee Seung Gi, a student of Professor Ichiro Sakurada, together with Japanese colleagues Kawakami and Masahide, discovered a fiber that was soluble in water. The fiber was called vinalon and was based on polyvinyl alcohol. In 1941, Lee Seung Gi received a patent for the discovery of a new material, which would later become the main component in PVA glue.

This is how, independently of each other, two scientists - Fritz Klatt and Lee Seung Gi - became the discoverers of the most popular glue in the world.

Chemical composition glue

The basis of the glue is Vinalon - synthetic fiber, the main component of which is polyvinyl alcohol. This substance is not toxic, and therefore PVA glue is safe for health. In limited quantities, of course.

Vinalon is converted into polyvinyl acetate, which is then diluted. The result is exactly the glue we buy in the store. Depending on its purpose, various components are added to it. These may be alcohols and minor elements that enhance the bonding of surfaces.

You can also find a so-called plasticizer in the composition. This substance is necessary to impart plasticity to the adhesive film and frost resistance. The glue itself contains about 1-2% plasticizer.

PVA glue is a fireproof adhesive, frost-resistant and moisture-resistant, with the exception of some types. As a rule, the glue drying time is 24 hours. PVA has a low consumption - from approximately 100 g/m2 to 900 g/m2 of surface.

The most common types of PVA

There are several main types of PVA used in various areas. This:

- Household PVA (wallpaper);

This type of glue is used for gluing paper and wallpaper on wooden and plaster surfaces. It has strong frost resistance. Household PVA is the most popular; it is used for wallpapering and other works with paper.

- universal PVA glue (PVA-MB);

PVA-MB glue is used for gluing products made of wood, paper, porcelain, cardboard, and fabric. Unlike household look, PVA-MB can be used for gluing fabrics and paper to glass and porcelain. Also added as a binding component in concrete mixtures water based, putties, primers. It is good to have this type of glue in stock, as it can become good help in any job and will save you in unexpected situations.

- PVA stationery glue (PVA-K);

Stationery PVA is used for working with papers and other small items. household work. This is what you should buy for children - it is the least toxic and does not have impurities such as plasticizers. It is not frost stable and easily dissolves in water.

- super PVA glue (PVA-M);

This type of PVA is considered the highest quality and has a high percentage of additives and a thick consistency. Used for gluing products made of cardboard, paper, porcelain, wood, metal, plastic, leather, fabrics, facing tiles. Capable of fixing linoleum and other similar coatings. More viscous compared to other types of PVA. It should be purchased for expensive and demanding work.

- homopolymer polyvinyl acetate dispersion;

This is essentially the base of PVA glue. Has the strongest adhesive ability. Contains plasticizers. This type of glue is fireproof and has a third toxicity group (moderately hazardous substance). PVA dispersion is used as an additive in mortars in the textile, printing and glass industries. As a rule, the most frequent consumers of this type of adhesive are industrial enterprises.

How to choose the right quality PVA glue?

When purchasing PVA glue, you need to consider what work it will be used for.

It is worth paying very close attention to the consistency of the glue itself. PVA should not contain any lumps or mechanical inclusions. The color should be white or slightly yellowish - a yellowish tint is caused by an admixture of plasticizer. In high-quality glue, the mass will be homogeneous, without noticeable impurities, and viscous. If any lumps are visible in the total mass, such PVA is not worth buying.

Perhaps, on top, on the glue itself, there will be a transparent, uniform film - this is an indicator good quality. Before work, the film must be removed and the glue must be mixed.

And there are several basic rules for working with PVA glue:

1. Degrease surfaces! PVA glue is not stable when working with oily surfaces. And cleaning the bonded surfaces from dirt and dust will be very useful.

2. After the material is glued to the surface, press it with something heavy for 1-2 minutes. This will give the glue good adhesion to the surface.

3. It is better to apply glue to hard surfaces not with a brush, as many do, but with a wide-toothed spatula. For paper, use a roller.

4. When gluing wallpaper with PVA glue, you do not need to apply glue to the walls! It is advisable to apply glue to the walls only if the walls have an uneven structure. In this case, the glue will need at least 24 hours to dry.

In general, due to its safety and ease of use, PVA glue is very popular among the population, despite a large number of its existing competitors. And many technologists today consider the most promising way to improve PVA instead of developing fundamentally new types of glue.

PVA glue - universal remedy, used for gluing various materials. It is an emulsion of polyvinyl acetate in water using additives. It has a characteristic faint odor.

Chemical composition of PVA glue

All components of PVA glue are absolutely safe for human body, non-toxic. The adhesive contains the following components:

  1. Polyvinyl acetate - 90-95%. Thermoplastic polymer, tasteless, colorless, odorless. The main characteristics are wear resistance, weather resistance, adhesion to various surfaces, optical properties. Insoluble in gasoline, water, mineral oil.
  2. Plasticizers (dibutyl phthalate, diisobutyl phthalate, etc.) - 1-2%. Provides resistance to low temperatures, high ductility.
  3. Special additives - 3-7%. They are used to obtain the required thick consistency of the glue and increase the adhesion strength during surface treatment.


  • Adhesive ability high level meets the requirements of GOST 18992-450 N/m;
  • storage duration - 6 months;
  • complete hardening time - 24 hours;
  • low consumption - from 100 to 900 g per 1 m², depending on the type of work.

Properties of polyvinyl acetate

  • Resistance to sub-zero temperatures;
  • fire/explosion safety;
  • non-toxic composition;
  • resistance to increased levels of moisture/water resistance;
  • formation of a thin durable film after hardening;
  • during the drying process, minimal shrinkage and filling of gaps occurs;
  • affordability.

Types of PVA glue

Name Properties and application
Household (wallpaper) Gluing wallpaper on paper, vinyl, non-woven base. It is possible to glue other products, but it is advisable to use it only for its intended purpose. Resistant to low temperatures.
Universal (PVA-MB) Suitable for gluing numerous materials (paper, wood, fabric, leather, metal, etc.). Used in the production of putties, concrete mixtures, primer compositions. Plasticization of water-based compositions is possible. Withstands minus temperature up to 20°C.
Stationery (PVA-K) It is used in domestic conditions mainly for gluing paper, cardboard and other products. Not universal, susceptible to low temperatures, water, moisture.
PVA dispersion It is used primarily as the main component for all adhesives. It can be plasticized or unplasticized. Used in carpentry and furniture production, in woodworking factories.
Super (PVA-M) Low temperature (up to 40°C) resistant universal adhesive. Used for installation of linoleum based on felt material, ceramic tiles and other products.

Use as a dry mixture

Dried PVA dispersion is used as the main component for dry building mixtures. Composition of mixtures:

  • filler ( quartz sand, expanded clay, chalk);
  • chemical additives (dispersed powder);
  • binder (gypsum, cement, lime).

Features of applying the composition

The substance is applied in the direction from the center to the edges of the product. This technology prevents PVA from getting onto the front side of the material being processed. On paper, glue dries much faster compared to other materials, so the mixture should be applied as quickly as possible. It is recommended to apply the substance to a surface with a less porous texture - the absorption of the glue occurs more slowly.

Problems that may arise when working with glue

To ensure that the materials stick together firmly and evenly, press them tightly against each other. A vice or press will help with this. Drying the adhesive under pressure prevents deformation of the products. During processing thin materials(paper, etc.) one of the layers can bend under the influence of the second. If we take thin and thick sheets of paper as an example, then when gluing, the thin sheet quickly gets wet under the influence of the adhesive mixture. As a result, it bends the denser material. To avoid deformation, glue with reverse side a thick sheet and another thin one - it will serve as a counterweight.

When using PVA, it is recommended to study the composition and properties, since there are several varieties of this substance. Pay attention to the acid-free glue. The most simple formula(common composition, widely used in Everyday life) is prone to yellowing over time. The acid-free composition does not change the shade. This category includes PVA, used for wallpapering. There are also acid-free stationery adhesives, but they are not easy to find.


Depending on the area of ​​the surface to be treated, you can use a brush, foam sponge or roller to work with glue. For spot application, the glue container is usually equipped with a special nozzle. If it is missing or has become unusable, you can use a pipette or a regular syringe, having first removed the needle. To treat the floor, it is most convenient to use a trowel with wide teeth. After working with the tool, you should not throw it away - to clean the brush or roller from the adhesive mixture, rinse it under clean water and dry. After complete drying, the instrument is ready for use.

  1. Before applying the mixture, it is important to treat the surface - remove dust, dirt, and make sure that the moisture level does not exceed 4%.
  2. If a smooth wall is to be processed, the surface is pre-cleaned to increase adhesion.
  3. The rough surface is pre-primed.
  4. In accordance with the instructions on the package, the mixture is diluted according to the recipe. When working with plywood/fibreboard, it is allowed to use the composition without thinner.

An aqueous dispersion of polyvinyl acetate with plasticizers and special additives is called PVA glue. This mixture is used for gluing different types surfaces: paper, leather, fabrics, wood, etc.

Types of PVA glue

  • Household (wallpaper). Used for gluing paper-based products to cement, plastered or wooden surfaces.
  • Building. Used for gluing paper, vinyl and fiberglass wallpaper. PVA M construction adhesive can be added to the primer composition in order to increase the adhesive and technological qualities of dry construction families, putty and plaster compositions.
  • Universal (MB). Externally, it is a viscous homogeneous mass of yellowish or white. It is used for gluing fabric or paper to wooden, metal and glass surfaces, and also as a component of primers, putties, and water-based cement compositions. Universal PVA glue specifications has those that allow you to glue carpet, linoleum, tiles, synthetic wall coverings onto paper base, traffic jam, construction mesh, vinyl and paper wallpaper, etc. The composition can also be used for gluing laminated paper decorative plastic to chipboard, fibreboard, MDF.

  • . It can be used to glue products made of vapor-permeable materials in cases where increased demands are placed on the strength of the adhesive seam, but it does not require special gluing technology and the use of processed products.

PVA M super glue is used in cladding ceramic tiles, installation floor coverings, when working with wood carpentry, chipboard and fiberboard.

  • Also, this composition is intended for gluing glass, leather, fabric, porcelain products. Externally, it is a white or yellowish viscous mass without foreign inclusions. The frost resistance of super PVA glue is 6 cycles at -40°C.
  • Stationery (K). Designed for gluing cardboard, paper, photographic paper. The disadvantages of this composition include low resistance to action negative temperatures and moisture.
  • PVA glue extra E. It is used to glue products made from vapor-permeable materials, which are not subject to special requirements concerning gluing technology and further operation of products. PVA E extra glue is designed for working with wood, fiberboard, plywood, cardboard, paper, etc. It is used as an additive in putty, plaster, and cement compositions to increase strength. Surfactant glue E is used to work with fiberglass, vinyl, cork and paper wallpaper, serpyanka, construction nets.
  • PVA dispersion. Acts as an additive for mortars, used in the printing textile, glass, shoe industries, in the production of packaging, water-dispersed paints, household chemicals, for gluing paper, cardboard, wood, etc. Adding this dispersion to solutions increases their adhesion, gives the product plasticity and strength.

PVA glue - technical characteristics

  • High adhesive ability (must meet the requirements of GOST 18992-80 - 450 N/m).
  • Frost resistance of the adhesive joint (more than 4 cycles).
  • Shelf life is on average 6 months.
  • Low consumption (per 1 m2, depending on the type of work, 100-900 g of composition is required).
  • Complete hardening time is 24 hours.
  • Fire and explosion safety.
  • High elasticity of the adhesive seam.
  • Non-toxic.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • When hardened, it does not become excessively brittle, which makes it possible to work with gaps reaching several millimeters.
  • The emulsified component is soluble in organic solvents, acetic acid, and the mixture itself is partially soluble in water.

Due to its high versatility and affordable cost, the composition becomes even more popular every year.

For spot application of the dispersion, use a special nozzle or syringe.

The mixture should be applied from the center to the edges.

To increase the strength of the adhesive joint, the treated surfaces should be pressed tightly against each other. Depending on the type of glue, this can be a short-term strong compression or a long-term impact (for example, clamping the material in a vice).

You can get rid of air bubbles under pasted wallpaper by smoothing them with a roller through a clean sheet of paper.

If the composition gets on the front surface of the material, remove it using anti-glue.

The speed and quality of gluing surfaces depends on how correctly PVA glue is selected.

When you hear the word “glue” mentioned, the first thing that usually comes to mind is PVA. It is this type of glue that has become the real symbol of this word, all of it has become a universal and irreplaceable type of adhesive for many - it is used both by schoolchildren and children to make crafts, and by carpenters, masons and other builders for use in their field. The secret to the popularity of this glue is very simple - it is quite easy to use, very affordable, and also has no toxic emissions. And all this because the composition of this substance consists of polyvinyl acetate, as well as an aqueous dispersion.

In this article we will take a detailed look at the properties and composition, technical characteristics and other parameters of PVA glue. After reading this article, you will know everything about this legendary adhesive.

PVA composition

Back in 1912, for the first time, the German scientist F. Klatt obtained a substance - polyvinyl acetate, and a few years later, the idea of ​​​​the substance was picked up by another German entrepreneur, starting the production of PVA glue on a large scale. In fact, PVA glue is over 100 years old, and even today, this type of glue remains one of the most popular and widespread.

But, let's return to the substance that is part of PVA. Polyvinyl acetate is present in the adhesive in an amount of 95%. To obtain it, you need to mix in strictly specified quantities substances such as vinalon and synthetic fiber based on so-called polyvinyl alcohol. But the variance is obtained based on the purposes for which it is needed. Thus, it can consist of plasticizers that will provide plasticity and frost resistance to the film of dried glue. This may also include substances such as:

- d isobutyl phthalate;

- T rickresyl phosphate;

- Eh DOS and other chemicals.

Technical characteristics of PVA

Among the technical characteristics of PVA glue, the following features should be highlighted:

- uh then low glue consumption, which of course depends on the work, but in general it is approximately 100-900 g of glue per 1 sq.m. surfaces;

- To the pouring capacity of PVA is about 450 N/m;

- V The time for complete drying of PVA is up to 24 hours (depending on the surface area and volume of glue);

- With The shelf life of PVA glue is about 6 months (may vary, depending on additional components).

The PVA glue dispersion is absolutely explosion-proof and also fireproof, so the use of this chemical is safe. However, when using PVA glue based on plasticizers, a small amount of acetic acid and other chemical elements may be released into the air.

Using PVA at home

Today, PVA is used very widely - for example, it is used in a wide variety of fields of activity. If we take repairs or construction, then PVA is used as a means for wallpapering walls, as well as for laying ceramic tiles. Not infrequently, PVA glue is used for gluing wooden surfaces, so it is used both in carpentry and in construction. Of course, it is worth remembering that PVA is used in clubs, labor lessons and other extracurricular education activities - in this area, it is, in fact, the only glue used for this (superglue is used a little less).

Well, if we put together the entire range of uses of PVA glue, we get the following picture:

- To PVA glue is used as wallpaper glue, which is used for washable and paper wallpaper with various surfaces;

- y universal PVA, which is used for gluing wooden and cardboard surfaces, leather products, and also included in putties or primers;

- ToPVA lay, which is used for installing floor coverings, as well as covering surfaces with ceramic tiles;

- Tostationery PVA, which is used for gluing cardboard and paper, photographs and other objects;

- With carpenter's PVA glue, which has high adhesion to wood materials, this glue is very waterproof;

- G homopolymer dispersion of PVA glue, which has a very high adhesive force and is used in the porcelain and glass industries;

- P VA glue, which is used during the installation of parquet or laminate.

PVA construction adhesive

Among the given types of PVA glue, indeed detailed attention costs construction adhesive. It is used by both professionals and novice builders and craftsmen. When using this glue, the main and mandatory rule is to degrease the surface before applying the glue. In addition, it is also better to pre-clean the surface of objects from dust and other particles that may interfere with gluing.

This glue is applied with a roller or with a notched trowel, but not with a brush. After gluing the two surfaces, they need to be pressed very firmly together for up to 2-3 minutes. This, in turn, will ensure very good adhesion and further bonding quality.

Among the advantages of this type of PVA glue, it is worth noting its affordable price and environmental friendliness. This glue is non-toxic, so when using it there are no restrictions on the worker being in the same room with the glue, or any other restrictions. It is for this reason that this glue is so popular among the population. Let us note that today there is not even a need to invent other types of construction adhesives, since PVA copes with this task very well, plus, it has the ability to be improved, which can be done if necessary.

Tips for working with PVA construction adhesive

So, if you decide to use construction PVA to cover the surface of the walls with wallpaper, for example, you should know how to properly apply the glue. As we said earlier, the glue needs to be applied with a roller or with a notched trowel, but if you don’t have either, you can also use a brush, although in this case the work will be somewhat inconvenient.

Also, you should know that the glue mixture is correctly applied in the direction from the center to the edges of the wallpaper, and not vice versa (although everyone does it in their own way). To increase the adhesive bond, you can press the surfaces not even a short time with strong pressing, and with long pressing and little force. Here, you need to proceed from how much time you have for this. To get rid of any air bubbles that form, you need to smooth the wallpaper with a roller or a dry piece of cloth. It’s even better if you do this through a sheet of paper - then the bubbles will come out much faster and new ones will not form.

Polyvinyl acetate glue is a white suspension with a slight, specific odor, water-based, perhaps the most common type of adhesive composition. Its popularity lies in affordable price, versatility of use, environmental safety and ease of use. Its scope of application is wide, from paper gluing to fastening wooden bases, tiles, foam and other materials.

Technical characteristics of PVA

The main characteristics include:

  • Low consumption. Depending on the scope of application, consumption can vary from 100 to 900 g. per sq.m.
  • High adhesion. Often, water-based PVA glue is not inferior to its alcohol-containing counterparts.
  • Fire and explosion safety. But it should be noted that PVA dispersion, on the contrary, is explosive due to the release of acetic acid and vinyl acetate into the air.
  • Frost resistance, more than 4 cycles. However, the dispersion itself is less resistant to frost and, when frozen, loses its adhesive ability.
  • Minimal shrinkage during hardening.
  • Environmentally friendly due to the absence of harmful chemicals.
  • Moisture resistance

To the technical characteristics you can also add the low cost of the composition, which means accessibility to consumers. The glue is non-toxic and can be used in many areas, even children's production and everyday life. Perhaps this is the most versatile and popular glue with a wide range of applications, and most often it can be found in a student’s pencil case.

Types of polyvinyl acetate glue

Any polyvinyl acetate adhesive is a homogeneous, viscous mass, white or cream in color. Conventionally, it can be divided into household and construction, depending on the composition of the adhesive base; one or another type is used in various fields.

  • Household polyvinyl acetate adhesive for paper or various paper-based products (including wallpaper). Frost resistance at t -40 °C, no more than 6 cycles.
  • Stationery polyvinyl acetate (PVA-K) for household needs and creativity, most often it can be found in a schoolboy or student’s pencil case. Adheres well to paper, cardboard and other paper-based products. It has minimal water resistance and frost resistance, which determines its narrow specialization.

  • Universal polyvinyl acetate (PVA-MB) has a wider range of applications. Frost-resistant and moisture-resistant. They can be used to glue paper, cardboard, leather, fabric, glue them to wood, glass or metal surfaces. Can be used in construction as an auxiliary substance. Adding PVA-MB to a primer or putty increases the adhesive properties of the material. Frost resistance at t -20 °C, no more than 6 cycles.
  • Super PVA glue (PVA-M). It can be used to glue all paper bases, porcelain, fabric, leather, wood products (chipboard, MDF), as well as linoleum, parquet, and tiles. Application in construction industry Due to the minimum pressing time, the adhesive sets quickly and guarantees maximum adhesion in a short time. Frost resistance at t -40 °C, no more than 6 cycles.
  • PVA dispersion. An aqueous polymer solution stabilized with polyvinyl alcohol has high adhesion. Moderately toxic, with low frost resistance. Widely used in construction as an additive in mixtures and solutions. The production of packaging, household chemicals, paints, fabrics, and shoes also cannot be done without the use of dispersion. It can be used to glue wood and thick paper base (photos, cardboard, etc.), fabrics.

Mode of application

Most important point when using PVA, this is surface preparation:

  • Clean the gluing area from contamination, remove all dust, dirt and other debris. The base must be dry.
  • Degrease with acetone or another solvent.
  • Prepare the area where the adhesive will be applied. Smooth surface it is necessary to sand or apply a concrete-contact mixture to create lock connections, and on the contrary, sand the rough one.
  • Carefully follow the instructions when diluting the mixture. Any deviations will reduce quality and reduce adhesion.
  • To apply the composition, use a brush or roller.
  • Surplus glue mixture remove with a dry cloth.
  • When connected wooden structures Observe the pressing time; it is better to leave them under a load until completely dry.

If we are talking about paper bases, for example wallpaper, then using it is much simpler. Adhesive composition Apply to a paper base in a thin and uniform layer. If the wallpaper is thin, one application is enough, but if the paper is thicker, the composition is applied in two layers.