When and how to plant thuja - a step-by-step description of the best technology. Thuja Smaragd: description of varieties of evergreen shrubs and features of its planting

Increasingly, in dachas and garden plots you can find such a plant as Thuja Smaragd.

This beautiful evergreen tree is so unpretentious that it is loved not only by professional designers, but also by ordinary amateur gardeners.

Application in landscape design

This type of thuja is an evergreen narrow tree of the cypress family in the shape of a pyramid. The needles are green in color, which remains even in winter. The height of the plant ranges from 3 to 5 m.

Thuja grows slowly, its growth per year is only 10 cm. But this tree is a long-liver, it can live up to 150 years.

Considering also that it is unpretentious, tolerates both cold and heat, and grows on soils of any quality, you can understand why it is so popular in landscape design.

This type of thuja is most often used to create. If you plant trees every half a meter or meter, then over time the crown will grow and create a dense, impenetrable wall.

Can also be used for single plantings or in mixed flower beds. As neighbors for this plant, you can choose both tall flowers (for example, roses, dahlias, astilbe) and small flowers (petunias).

Can also be combined with various shrubs (, dicentra), other types coniferous plants.

Varietal composition

In design summer cottages The following varieties of thuja Western Smaragd are most often used:

  1. Golden– this variety has all the characteristic characteristics of the species. The only difference is the presence of yellowish needles.
  2. White– this variety also has all the properties and characteristics of the classic variety, but differs in the color of the needles. In this species it is silvery-green in color.
  3. Variegata- a type of thuja emerald with a conical shape and emerald-colored needles that do not change all year round. Distinctive feature– whitish tips of needles. Like an ordinary thuja, smaragd is unpretentious, hardy, and looks great as a hedge or in a flower bed.
  4. Witbont– the main difference from the thuja western emerald is that at a young age the trees have needles, the ends of which are cream-colored. The older the plant gets, the darker the tips of the needles become.
  5. Spotty– the needles are dark green, but with rare inclusions of a lighter green color.

In the photo thuja occidentalis Smaragd variety golden

Planting and care

Caring for Thuja Smaragd will not cause much trouble.

Thuja seedlings in pots

Enough to follow simple rules so that planting, adaptation and further growth of the thuja goes without problems:

  1. Least painful landing takes place thuja smaragd in spring. In this case, the plant will have a better chance of adapting, getting stronger and putting down new roots before winter. You can plant it in summer, but at first it will be necessary to shade the plant from direct sun rays. In autumn, planting is strictly not recommended, even if it is warm and there are no night frosts. The tree needs a lot of time to take root, and in the fall it will not have time to do this.
  2. Landing place It is better to choose a sunny, protected from the wind.
  3. The soil does not play a special role, but before planting it is necessary to add sand, a little ash and universal mineral fertilizer. In addition, good drainage must be ensured.
  4. When landing special attention must be paid to the root collar. It is equally dangerous to bury it too deep or to leave it above the soil surface. Ideally, it should be level with the ground.
  5. Thuja tolerates heat well and is not demanding on watering. But with prolonged drought, it can turn yellow and crumble. The optimal watering regime during hot periods is once a week. However, if groundwater is close to the surface, then watering should be carried out no more than once every 10-14 days.
  6. This is a plant responds well to regular fertilization. This must be done three times during the season. It is best to buy special mixtures for evergreens and conifers. But, if these are not available, then you can get by with universal mineral fertilizers. They begin to fertilize in April, when the plant comes out of its dormant period. The second and third feeding is carried out in May and August. In the second and subsequent years, it is necessary to apply as much fertilizer as recommended by the manufacturers (this is indicated on the label). But in the first year the concentration should be two times less than the specified amount.
  7. It is also important loosening the soil around trees A. Thuja has a superficial root system. This means that work should be done no deeper than 10 cm. For the same reason, the ground around the plant should be carefully mulched both in summer and in preparation for winter. In the hot season, mulch will protect against overheating and too rapid evaporation of moisture, and in cold weather it will protect against freezing. Peat and tree bark can be used as mulch. Additionally, such activities will provide the plant nutrients and promote the development of beneficial microorganisms.
  8. Tree needs a haircut. This must be done in the spring, and the shoots are cut to no more than 1/3 of their length. If necessary, a crown is formed.

Video of landing

and caring for thuja smaragd:

Tree propagation

Thuja cultivation is possible in several ways.

Reliably and surely - cuttings

The most popular and reliable is cuttings. It is preferable to take cuttings from young plants in April-May.

Axial shoots are suitable for this, as they can best preserve the characteristic branching (it is best to tear off the cuttings rather than cut them off).

The cuttings are planted in pots filled with special soil for conifers or a mixture of sand and peat. Planting depth – 2-3 cm.

Disembarkation at open ground They are only produced for next year. To do this, 15-20 days before transplantation, the cuttings are taken to a greenhouse. Then, until August, they are buried in the ground. And only at the end of summer are the cuttings planted in a permanent place. A good alternative and neighbor for Thuja emerald is Thuja globulus. Learn planting, care and propagation.

Then the cones are laid out in a room where it is warm and dry. And, after waiting until they dry and open, they collect the seeds. The shelf life of seeds is up to three years. It is best to store them in a dry, dark, cool place.

Sow the seeds in early spring. Wherein preliminary preparation not required. If there is a need for rapid germination of seeds, you can soak them in a light warm water or subject to stratification.

Sow seeds in open ground. After emergence, it is necessary to carefully monitor the level of soil moisture. Seedlings like frequent watering.

If the spring turns out to be hot, then the seedlings must be shaded. In the future, it will be necessary to thin out the seedlings, leaving the most persistent and strong specimens. It is recommended to leave about 80 seedlings per meter.

It is recommended that beginning gardeners who would like to decorate their plot pay attention to this variety of coniferous plants, such as Thuja Smaragd. evergreen tree, but do not have enough experience in caring for it.

Thuja Smaragd is an excellent plant that is ideal for decorating your summer cottage. Thuja is unpretentious, frost-resistant plant requiring virtually no maintenance on your part.

In nature, it is found in open spaces North America, and has very similar features to cypress, mostly with its slender pyramidal crown. Today, species have been bred whose needles have a bright, rich color, while in nature the thuja has a green color. The plant is adapted to severe frosts and thrives in the shade.

Smaragd is a small plant reaching a maximum of 5 meters in height and 2 meters in crown diameter, at the same time it is a long-liver; it is not difficult for it to grow in the same place without replanting for up to 150 years.

Thuja Smaragd will fit perfectly into any garden composition and also for a significant time it will be able to preserve the pristine composition due to its slow growth; it is this feature that landscape designers have fallen in love with the plant.

The garden in which thujas grow not only delights with its beauty and harmony, but also delights its visitors with fresh and fragrant air.

Thuja Smaragd in Landscape Design

Despite its slow growth, the plant is very popular among both professional landscape designers and ordinary gardeners trying to transform their suburban areas to your personal little paradise.

Thuja fits harmoniously into almost any already created composition and will combine perfectly with perennial and annual plants, With deciduous shrubs and other coniferous crops.

Thuja Golden Smaragd has a truly lively and beautiful crown of a conical shape and golden color. Combines harmoniously with juniper, spruce and other conifers.

Thuja Smaragd Variegata has a minor feature that generally changes the entire appearance, imparting elegance, unusualness and beauty to the plant; it consists in coloring the tips of the needles white.

A planting consisting of all kinds of varieties of this coniferous plant will create a surprisingly harmonious composition that will not only please the eye but also fill the air with the aroma of the forest and freshness.

Varieties of Thuja

Today there are a huge number of varieties and species of this evergreen plant. Landscape designers have been using thuja for decades, giving parks, squares and summer cottages new life. Plants, in turn, have their own characteristics and therefore, before planting, you should study the most common types that will most harmoniously fit into the existing design:

  • Low-growing - Hosery, Dorrit Little;

  • The most suitable for creating hedges are Smaragd, Brabant;

  • Single plants - ReinGold, Kornik.

Features of varieties

It is a dwarf tree capable of creating a beautiful rock garden out of a dull courtyard. The needles are directed upward, this creates a look of neatness and harmony with absolutely any haircut option. The variety will also look great both in splendid isolation and in the company of other conifers.

Thuja Dorrit Little a western variety that has taken root well in our latitudes. As a rule, this is a small tree about a meter in height, usually 70-90 cm, with a spherical lush crown. At proper care with this variety the thuja will truly acquire lush crown spherical shape. The needles of this variety point strictly from the center of the trunk, which gives it additional splendor and beauty.

Thuja Smaragd Ideal for planting in our latitudes, it tolerates almost any weather conditions and is not at all afraid of frost, which is why it has earned a lot of attention from designers and gardeners. Smaragd can be planted either alone or in group compositions, creating a most picturesque view. This variety is often used to create hedges. The plant lends itself perfectly to shaping; the crown can be either spherical or slender.

Thuja RainGold Perfect for creating a hedge. The tree grows up to 1.5 m in height, has a slender structure and yellow-green needles with a golden tint. In winter, the crown of the plant acquires a brownish tint.

Choosing a place to plant thuja

When choosing a place to plant a thuja, you should be guided not only by the goals of creating an ideal landscape design, but it is also important to pay attention to the fact that the plant itself is comfortable; for this you need to choose a place with minimal shade, preferably without any shade at all.

It is very important to take into account leakage when choosing a location. groundwater, coniferous plants have an extremely negative attitude towards excess water in the soil, but otherwise special requirement no to the soil. It is recommended to plant thujas on fertile loams with a high lime content.

When planting a plant, a hole is dug about 0.5 m in size and of such a depth that the root is completely immersed in the soil. If the soil in the planting areas is not suitable, it is important to add the missing components: peat, sand, turf...

Important: When planting, it’s a good idea to add a little wood ash in combination with a long-acting complex fertilizer.

Planting thuja and subsequent care

Basically, gardeners resort to planting mature seedlings purchased from a nursery, but when planted, such plants are more susceptible to all sorts of diseases and take longer to take root, unlike, for example, plants grown from seeds with their own hands.

Important: when purchasing seedlings, you need to carefully examine the condition of the needles; they should not have dry needles, be elastic and evenly colored.

Immediately after transplantation, the plant must be protected from the scorching sun, so the crown of the tree is covered with a light cloth, such as gauze, and in the evening or morning the needles can be sprayed plain water or with special drugs such as “Epin” - an anti-stress drug.

So how are u thuja Smaragd superficial root system, you need to loosen the ground very carefully. To avoid drying out of the soil, it is advisable to cover the area around the tree with peat or bark.

Young plants must be prepared for wintering; the soil is sprinkled with leaves, sawdust or peat chips. The tree crown is covered special material You can find it in any gardening store.

In early spring, immediately after the snow melts, all insulating materials are removed from the thuja and also produced sanitization crowns It is advisable to add a complex fertilizer for coniferous crops to the soil.

Reproduction of Thuja Smaragd

Most suitable methods Propagation of this plant is by cuttings and growing from seeds. Both options deserve attention and have their advantages. When propagated by cuttings, branches no more than 5-6 cm in length and about 5 mm in diameter are separated from an adult tree. The cutting is cut at an angle of 45 degrees and about 1 cm of the lower part is cleared of the bark. Best time For plant propagation early spring.

Video - Planting thuja Smaragd

The aspects of caring for thuja occidentalis Smaragd are not at all difficult in practice and its cultivation is simple. The page contains a detailed article for those who are tormented by the question: “How to plant thuja Smaragd and how to care for it.” Covered in the article expert advice, will allow you to understand how to properly plant thuja Smaragd and further care for her.

Thuja Smaragd: soils and location. For best development, the plant requires moist, fertile soils with good drainage, in no case allowing waterlogging and stagnation of water. When planting thuja Smaragd, preference is given to fertile loams or fertile peat-containing compounds. Thuja Smaragd also grows well along the banks of reservoirs. Despite the fact that it prefers fertile, well-drained soils, it grows well on any soil, including sandy loam, which has been proven by many years of growing experience. The location should be sunny, but it is possible to plant thuja western Smaragd in partial shade. In full shade, Thuja Smaragd will grow poorly, turn yellow, wither, and lose its decorative effect. If you are interested in the growth rate of this variety, you can read the link: height of thuja Smaragd.

Distance between tall thujas "Smaragd" in a hedge . Thuja Smaragd can grow up to approximately 10 m. If you are planning a hedge no more than 2 m high and you will cut it annually, maintaining it at this fixed height, then the interval between plants can be 50 - 60 cm, as recommended in Polish catalogues. If you do not want to trim the Smaragd thuja hedge every year, but want to let it grow to its maximum height, then the recommended interval is at least 100 - 120 cm.

The distance between tall thujas "Smaragd" in a regular group planting without closing the crown . If you want to plant group plantings of thuja in the form of some kind of composition or in a linear row, but this will not be a hedge, but regular fit, in which it is not planned to close the crown between tall thujas, then the interval should be at least 160 cm.

The following data can be used to guide you when planting in groups all pyramidal or columnar varieties of thuja, since in the following parameters they differ insignificantly from each other:

The crown width of the 5-meter thuja variety "Smaragd" in the lower part was 115 - 125 cm, in the first photo you can see 5-meter plants, the interval between them is 160 cm. The crown width of the 4-meter thuja "Smaragd" in the lower part is approximately equal to 100 cm, the middle photo shows 4-meter plants with an interval of 3 m between them. The crown width of the thuja Smaragd, 3 m high, is 80 - 90 cm; in the third photo you see the thuja Smaragd, 3 m high, with an interval of 1 m between them.

Planting thuja Smaragd. The best season for replanting ground plants: autumn or spring. Moreover best month for planting thuja Smaragd in the fall it is November (a month with good humidity), and in the spring it is March (when, after the snow melts, the ground is soft and well moistened naturally). Avoid low places where water stands in spring or provide good drainage there. Practice shows that successful landing thuja Smaragd can be carried out throughout the spring - summer - autumn season and even in winter during the thaw. The main thing is good post-planting care and proper watering.

Planting thuja Smaragd, like planting all coniferous plants, is done only with a clod of earth. Planting thuja with bare roots is a risky business, but it can end successfully only for plants no higher than 150 cm and only during the dormant period (in the spring before the growing season begins or in late autumn, after the end of the growing season). Container plants can be replanted in the ground all year round, without restrictions.

After you have chosen appropriate place position, you need to decide whether you will add a special soil mixture when planting. To be honest, Smaragd thuja plants can easily do without it, like all thuja varieties. But if, for example, you have very poor soils, then during planting you can add a pre-prepared mixture of peat with fertile soil, compost or fertile soil. garden soil. If you have loam or clay soils, it is better to add a mixture of sand with peat or crushed bark to them, and then put a layer of gravel at the bottom of the planting hole for drainage.

When planting thuja Smaragd, you can additionally use a rooting agent.

Mineral fertilizers during and after planting. As for mineral fertilizers, moment of landing thujas, they are used only on poor soils. In other cases, take the advice of Polish experts: when autumn planting, thujas are fertilized in the spring (April - May), and when spring planting- 6 - 8 weeks after it. Moreover, for the first time we use only half the dose recommended by the manufacturer. This is due to the fact that potted plants in professional nurseries are usually already fed as much as possible with fertilizers. But you can add the full portion to next year. If you want to use manure, then when applying it, be sure to follow two following rules. Firstly, only rotted manure is applied. Secondly, it is introduced not at the time of planting, but several months before it.

Well-moistened roots and a planting hole abundantly filled with water are the main conditions correct landing thuja Smaragd. Before planting, the lump of earth is moistened, and container plants are even spilled with water. Make sure that the lump of earth does not fall apart during the procedure. If it is packed in burlap, it can not be removed and can be safely buried along with the material.

It is better to immediately dig the diameter of the planting hole wider and deeper than the diameter of the existing clod by at least 10 cm. Some experts prefer to dig a hole twice as wide as the clod of earth. The resulting gap will allow you, during further backfilling, to organize a layer of loose soil around the roots (bottom and sides) and it will be easier for the plant to take root in a new place. Before placing a clod in it, immediately add a 10-centimeter layer of soil to the bottom of the planting hole, then try on the clod in it so that the roots are at the required depth. Add soil from the sides after placing the coma in the hole. While falling asleep, water is periodically poured into the hole. Thuja Smaragd is covered with earth to the level of the root collar (the boundary of the trunk with the roots), that is, to the level as it grew in the same place, a little lower is allowed. After backfilling, “borders” are made around the trunk of the newly planted plant to improve the efficiency of watering, since they will not allow water to spread, directing it to the roots of the plant. Now you need to water it well again.

Further watering in the first days after planting depends on the level of precipitation and soil moisture. The most important thing: do not let the soil dry out. At the same time, under no circumstances should you flood the plants, creating a “swamp” around them. Stick to the golden mean - medium moisture. Also, experts recommend watering the thuja after planting so that the soil is moistened to a depth of 50 cm so that it is absorbed by the deep roots of the plant. Successfully transplanted plants remain more sensitive to drought for about six months and require close attention.

To transplant Tuyu Smaragd from one place to another, it must first be dug up. If the plant has already been replanted at least once in its life, then the width of the coma can be safely made equal to the width of the plant’s crown. The depth of excavation depends on the height of the thuja. So, for a thuja Smaragd with a height of 100 cm, the width of the coma can be approximately 20 - 25 cm. The fact is that the root system, which has successfully undergone transplantation earlier, is able to adapt well to new conditions. Therefore, a small clod of earth, in such conditions, will be quite enough not only for a quick transplant, but also for transportation. To ensure that the lump is not disturbed during the digging process, the soil must be watered beforehand. All of the above is advice from a professional who kindly agreed to share his many years of experience. However, there are official data according to which the size of a clod of earth for a thuja 100 cm tall should be 60 cm in width and 50 cm in height. Of course, such a large lump is a guarantee of excellent survival rate of the plant, however

Step-by-step technology for planting thuja is covered in the article: planting thuja.

Thuja Smaragd: planting a hedge. According to the Polish catalog, the distance between plants in a row should be 50 - 60 cm, but I recommend sticking to these figures only if the height of the future hedge does not exceed 2 m and you will cut it annually, not letting it go longer high height. If you want the thuja Smaragd to grow freely in a hedge, without any trimming, then the interval between plants in such a hedge should be at least 100 cm.

A straight line for the future fence is drawn using a cord stretched between the pegs. First, they dig planting holes, keeping the required interval between them, then fill them to the top with water, wait until it is absorbed, and only then transfer the plants prepared for planting into them.

Thuja Smaragd: care. Despite the fact that thuja loves moist soils, you should not overdo it with watering, since the plant does not tolerate waterlogging well. So, ideally, the soil should be maintained in a constant, moderately moist state, and in such conditions the plant develops the best way. If for some reason the soil of long-planted ground plants cannot be kept moist, nothing bad will happen. In fact, watering is very important only in the first time after transplantation, at a young age and during the summer drought. But container plants, on the contrary, necessarily require not only constant watering in the absence of rain, but also regular loosening and mineral fertilizing. The easiest way is to use special granular fertilizers for conifers, which are sprinkled on the surface of the earth and have an extended shelf life. They are introduced mainly in the spring, when the period of active growth begins. When caring for thuja Smaragd, you should not ignore evening sprinkling of needles in hot, dry weather. summer period, since the plant is cleaned and receives additional moisture through the needles. In conclusion, I would like to note that soil plants respond no less positively to the application of mineral fertilizers, weeding, and loosening. To better retain moisture in the soil, you can mulch sawdust, conifer bark or freshly cut grass. The mulch layer should be 5 cm thick. Alternatively, the ground around the plant can be sprinkled with gravel or ground covers can be planted next to it. By the way, mulch not only retains moisture, but when rotting, it adds humus to the soil. In addition, mulch protects the soil from heating and the roots of the plant from frost. Mulch also slows down the growth of weeds.

Thuja western Smaragd(Thuja occidentalis Smaragd) is a plant of unique beauty that can decorate any personal plot. It perfectly ionizes and purifies the air. Thuja can be used as a hedge. Thuja occidentalis Smaragd is considered one of the best columnar thujas, characterized by moderate growth. At the age of ten, it reaches six meters in height and one and a half meters in width. Thuja occidentalis "Smaragd" has a rather dense, narrowly conical crown. The branches of the plant have a dark green color that does not change even in winter.

Thuja columnar is a rather demanding plant in terms of growing conditions. In contrast, thuja western Smaragd is unpretentious, but prefers fertile and moist soil. It grows well even in special containers. Grows in both alkaline and acidic soils. Like all evergreens, it does not tolerate drying out of the soil.

Since this plant is characterized by intensive growth rates, ease of care, attractive shape, shade tolerance, and frost resistance, it is often used for landscaping.

Planting thuja

You need to prepare a thuja seedling, a shovel, perlite, peat moss, water and Evergreen fertilizer. Next, choose the most suitable place - sunny or partially darkened. The tree should be exposed to direct sunlight for at least six hours a day. The soil should be moist and well drained. To enrich it, you can use perlite, peat and manure. For young plants, after watering and weeding, shallow loosening is carried out to a depth of 10 centimeters.

The plant needs to be watered regularly (in dry weather - twice a week, 1-2 buckets each) so that the soil at the base of the thuja is always moist. Frequent watering This is especially true for young plants that are trying to adapt and gain a foothold in a new place. For watering, you can use a watering can or garden hose.

Thuja western Smaragd requires regular fertilization (April, May, August). To feed thuja, it is better to use specialized fertilizers that are intended for evergreen plants. In the first year of tree growth, the fertilizer should be diluted by half to avoid burning the hypersensitive root system of the plant. Fertilizers are then used according to the directions on the package. Western thuja Smaragd needs timely pruning of colorless, diseased or damaged branches.

Western thuja: reproduction

The plant reproduces by seeds and vegetative way(horizontal layering, division or cuttings). It should be noted that the second one is preferable. Among gardeners, the most popular method of propagating thuja is cuttings. top scores obtained in the spring, when the tree buds have not yet awakened. Cuttings are planted in warm bed, preferably with bioheating. Gardeners do not recommend cuttings after the buds appear, since the root system does not have time to form and freezes in winter. If thuja is propagated by division, then young tree First they are hilled up, and then divided into several plants. When propagated by horizontal layering, the branches of the plant are bent to the ground and sprinkled, and within a year the thuja takes root. The least popular method of propagating thuja is by seeds. In this case, the seedling will grow only after three to five years.

Modern landscape design- this is a whole science. And even if you have never studied it, you will still be considered an expert if your garden is decorated with Western Smaragd. This is an ornamental, evergreen plant, appearance similar to, completely unpretentious in care and easy to plant. Below we will tell you all the most useful and interesting things about thuja occidentalis Smaragd.

Description and characteristics of an evergreen plant

Thuja occidentalis Smaragd (description) is a monoecious evergreen plant with a dense and narrow pyramidal crown with bright green needles. The tree is an ornamental plant, which means it belongs in a natural or artificial landscape. made from thuja, Smaragd looks royal, and it’s up to you whether to make it slender and uniform or to allow each tree to grow in its own way, preserving its originality.

Features and characteristics of thuja western Smaragd will help you get to know this amazing plant better:

  1. The height of an adult thuja Smaragd plant usually varies in the range from 4 to 6 m, and the untreated width is up to 2 meters.
  2. Average life expectancy is 110-130 years. If we talk about how quickly Thuja Smaragd grows, then on average, per year the tree grows no more than 20 cm in length and 4-5 cm in width.
  3. Thuja occidentalis Smaragd is one of the most popular representatives of the cypress family.
  4. The tree has the shape of an oblong cone with a pronounced crown and dense coniferous covering. It is very pliable, thanks to which landscape designers they like to give it different sculptural forms.
  5. Thuya Smaragd – evergreen, which means it will remain so even in winter and after a hundred years.
  6. In spring, thuja blooms with small oblong brown cones, which fall off with the onset of autumn cold weather.
  7. Thuja feels great even in the cold Russian winters, since it has enviable frost resistance.
  8. The tree grows on any Russian soil and requires minimal care.
  9. Thuja grows not only in gardens and vegetable gardens, but also within the city. Polluted environment does not have any negative effect on the ripening of this tree.
  10. Thuja western Smaragd actively releases phytoncides, especially during its flowering period, due to which it purifies the air and saturates it with useful substances.
  11. The plant looks equally impressive in the form of a single planting and in a hedge environment.
  12. Thuja Smaragd occidentalis is most often divided into 2 main subspecies: thuja with a green color and thuja with a golden color.

Now you know the description of the photo of the western Smaragd thuja, and you can easily distinguish it from other species.

Features of proper planting

If you follow our tips and recommendations in detail, you will notice that self-planting and caring for the thuja Smaragd, the photo of which is presented below, is very simple. The most important thing you should do before boarding is:

  • choose healthy, fresh seedlings;
  • carefully select good cuttings;
  • choose a place for the thuja (it is desirable that it grows freely).

Preparing for landing

First of all, decide how exactly you will plant thuja western Smaragd. There are 2 options here: either you purchase seedlings of a special type in plant nurseries, or you plant a tree using cuttings. The first method is the simplest, but quite expensive, but you will save a lot of time. The second option will cost you much less. For this you will need two-year-old thuja shoots. They should take root and then be ready to plant.

As for ready-made seedlings, which are usually sold in small bags, they should be carefully inspected before purchasing.

If the needles of the seedlings have a pale green appearance, then it is better to put them aside. Also note that the root system of the seedling must be fully developed and of medium size.

When choosing a place to plant thuja, consider the following points:

  1. A place in the open sun is not the best the best place for thuja Smaragd. She may get burned due to constant lack of moisture.
  2. A place in the shade is also unfavorable for the plant, as it may die.
  3. The best place for planting is moderate partial shade. Try to choose an area protected from drafts and wind.

Tree planting process

Now that you have chosen a landing site, good seedlings and cuttings, it’s time to start planting. You will grow a beautiful, healthy, long-lived tree if you consistently follow our advice:

  1. The best period for planting a tree is the end of May or the beginning of June. It is not recommended to plant trees in the fall; if early frosts hit, the seedlings may not take root and die.
  2. We talked about the fact that thuja takes root in any soil. But in order for the tree to grow healthy and fluffy, the soil must be prepared with a drainage system. Perfect option for drainage under thuja - this is drainage from a 15 cm layer of gravel or crushed brick.
  3. Dig a hole commensurate with the size of your seedling's root system. A depth of one meter will be quite sufficient.
  4. Don't forget to prepare a special mixture. To do this, mix the following “ingredients” thoroughly: turf soil, leaf soil, sand and (or peat deposits).
  5. You can accelerate the growth of thuja western Smaragd using manure or compost waste. Don't forget about .
  6. Moisten the hole filled with soil thoroughly with water. Moisture is extremely necessary for a young tree.
  7. Plant a ready-made seedling or a created cutting in the prepared area along with a lump of earth from which they grow.
  8. Pay attention to the fact that the root collar of the seedling must be strictly located at ground level.

If you want to plant hedge, and not a single plant, then make sure that the distance from one tree to another should be at least 50 cm, but no more than 1 m.

As you can see, planting thuja Smaragd is very simple. Now that you know how to plant thuja correctly. You can grow an entire hedge.

Features of caring for an evergreen plant

We talked about the fact that thuja requires minimal care. Even if you leave the tree to grow without your help, it will still grow and be green, but outwardly it will not look as good as it could, and its lifespan will most likely be reduced to 50-70 years.

Z good health flowering plant will make you happy long years with careful care:

  1. Systematic watering. Thuja occidentalis Smaragd loves moisture very much and does not tolerate soil drying out. In the summer, thuja must be irrigated with water at least once a week, and in all other seasons, 1-2 times a month will be sufficient. The tree will be grateful to you if you periodically spray it with water, thereby eliminating dust deposits and various small insects.
  2. Take care of the soil and soil around the plant. Remove weeds and destroy insect nests. Firstly, this will support the aesthetics of your planting, and secondly, this way you saturate the earth with oxygen, which means you contribute to the faster development of the plant;
  3. Do not forget to periodically loosen the soil. This is very important for providing the root system with oxygen. Please note: you need to loosen shallowly and very carefully, since you remember that you planted the thuja shallowly.
  4. It is important to add peat and tree bark to the soil once a year.
  5. Feed the plant with fertilizers 2 times a season.
  6. Trim your tree periodically. Careful sanitary pruning will help you get rid of dry shoots. Use only sharp pruning shears for gentle pruning.
  7. Cover your trees standing in the sun from the heat with a thin blanket.

Pests and diseases of thuja

Thuja, how ornamental plant, quite often exposed to insect attacks and some diseases. Here are the most common of them:

  1. Fungal infection. It is easily distinguishable by its brown shoots and yellow needles. Cut off affected shoots as soon as you notice them and burn them. And then, spray the entire thuja with foundationazole.
  2. Thuja aphid. This infection can destroy the entire tree. You can destroy aphids and cure a tree using karbofos.
  3. False shield. This disease is also easily recognized by the presence of growths on the needles, similar to cones. To eliminate the infection, use the drugs Rogor and Karbofos.
  4. Tree disease due to drying out of the soil or due to excessive watering. Both will contribute to the rapid rotting of the soil, after which the tree will inevitably die.

Perhaps these are all the diseases of Thuja Smaragd.

Photo of thuja western Smaragd in landscape design

If you still doubt that this tree is what you need, then we offer you a selection of photos of Thuja Smaragd in landscape design.

Video about the features of thuja Smaragd