Indoor plants in the interior - “green comfort. How to beautifully decorate the kitchen with indoor flowers Ideas with indoor flowers

Decorative details are an integral attribute of any interior. Cute little things made by hand retain the energy of their creator and serve as a source of pride.

Self-made trinkets create a warm and cozy atmosphere and lift your spirits. Of course, you can buy decor in a store, but it’s much nicer to make it yourself.

Most importantly, all decorative elements must be combined with the style of the room as a whole. We should not forget about the color palette.

Tablecloth, decorative pillows, the bedspreads must be in harmony in tone with the rug, walls, and curtains. Otherwise, everything will be too colorful and tasteless.

Properly selected decor can radically change the atmosphere of a room.


Original textile details can become the highlight of your interior. In addition to tablecloths, napkins and curtains, you can use pillows decorated with lace or fur for decoration.

Various panels, paintings

This is the easiest way to decorate a room. After all, there is nothing easier than hanging several paintings and frames with photographs on the walls or placing your favorite drawings on a shelf.

Nowadays, paintings made of genuine leather and voluminous wall compositions are in fashion.

You can create it yourself unusual panel from a variety of interesting pictures depicting landscapes, still lifes or sculptures. Such a thing will certainly attract the attention of guests.

Frames for photographs and drawings can also be decorated. There are many ways: you can use beads, crystals, beads, molded elements, decoupage.

Items embroidered with threads and beads

Today it is very popular to use various embroideries made with one’s own hand or left over from grandmothers and great-grandmothers when decorating the interior. They look especially wonderful on decorative pillows, tablecloths and homemade napkins.

Bead embroidery looks very impressive. You can also decorate furniture, dishes, mirrors, and window cornices with beads.

Beaded beads make funny wicker figures and bracelets. Curtains can be decorated with threads of different sizes of beads.


The candle has long symbolized the hearth. Arranged candles create a warm homely atmosphere. A wide vase with dried plants, paper flowers, pebbles and a candle in the center will look charming.

Various interesting containers and glasses can serve as a candlestick. You can put shells and pebbles in them, fill them with water, and a candle will sway on top.

A stand for candles can be made from a piece of wood; just drill out suitable holes in it.

Another original idea will place a candle in a glass filled with coffee beans.



Both floor and table vases will perfectly complement any setting. You can get by with one vase or use several, differing in shape and size.

They can contain bouquets of fresh or dried flowers, branches, bamboo, and various artificial decorative elements.

The vases themselves may have a smooth or textured surface, be matte or shiny.

If you are not satisfied with the appearance of the porcelain product, you can safely paint it with special paints and decorate it with beads and rhinestones. With a little effort, you can create a real masterpiece.

Knitted items

You can add warmth to the room with knitted various techniques pillows, carpets, bedspreads, napkins and tablecloths. Knitted items create an atmosphere of home comfort.


You can choose a variety of unusual indoor flowers and plants to decorate your interior. Different flower arrangements will have a calming effect.


You can even allocate a separate part of the room for potted plants. It would be a great idea to use hanging flowers.

How to decorate a room for a birthday

A birthday is a special holiday and it requires appropriate decor.

Thematic ones are perfect as decorative elements. vinyl stickers and of course, Balloons. Let's look at the latter in more detail.

Decorating the birthday boy’s room with balloons has already become a tradition. Balloons add a touch of fun and celebration to the atmosphere.

They can be hung individually, in groups, made into garlands, fountains, funny figures and much more.


To decorate a room, you can use both regular and helium balloons.

An interesting idea would be a surprise ball with sweets or streamers inside. Below are photos different ideas How to beautifully decorate a room for a birthday.

We hope that this article has fully answered the question of how you can decorate a room, and from all the tips given in it, you can choose something useful for yourself.

Photo of how to decorate a room with your own hands has collected several ideas for you that will help by moving away from Soviet methods.


Such pots with plants look amazing and unusual. Plants are planted in them upside down. The main advantage of hanging pots is that they take up minimal space, suitable even for yourself small room using wasted ceiling space.

Not all flowers grow in such pots, but orchids, phalaenopsis, tillandsia, scindapsus and ferns will definitely grow. Often pendants are equipped with a water tank, which solves the problem of watering. There is no need to worry about the soil either: the pot has a special mesh at the bottom that holds back the soil.


The designers thought of creating them combined with lamps. Stylish and practical solution, need to say. Such pleasures are not cheap, but the idea is simply wonderful. Often these pots are equipped with colored LEDs that can change color.

LED pots are well protected from moisture and have a built-in battery, power supply and infrared control panel. The lighting creates an incredibly romantic atmosphere that will not leave anyone indifferent. But ordinary lamps, where the lower part is presented in the form of an aquarium for flowers, are also sold - they look even more luxurious than LED pots. These light pots will look great in any room.


For convenience, some phytowalls are equipped with a built-in system automatic watering and connected to the control panel " smart home" The decorative technique is very powerful, and the aesthetic pleasure received from the sight of a phytowall is indescribable.


A simple but not typical solution to create a “green corner” at home. Shelves save a lot of space in the apartment and create a harmonious atmosphere at home. Multi-storey stands can be made from different materials: wooden - they are not very practical and durable, since wood loses its shape over time and becomes a haven for fungi and dampness.

But at the same time, wooden bookcases for flowers will fit perfectly into Provence, classic, Scandinavian and the like. Metal ones fit perfectly into almost any interior (they look especially good in minimalism, modern, hi-tech, loft) and are distinguished by high performance qualities. Glass - environmentally friendly, safe and look very stylish. When choosing a glass shelf, pay special attention to the strength of the shelves, otherwise safety will turn into danger. Plastic - a budget option, do not overload the interior, look simple and airy (again, do not forget about the strength of the material, otherwise a shelf made of low-quality plastic will quickly lose its shape and become unusable). Wicker - interesting option, ideal for country and eco style. It looks harmonious, elegant and very non-trivial.


An excellent alternative to scoop pots on the windowsill or in cases where the window sills are so narrow that it is simply not possible to put plants on them.

They are a container into which a pot with a plant is placed and the entire structure is suspended. This method protects plants well from attacks.(especially cats, who strive to try leaves and flowers on their teeth).

How to beautifully decorate the kitchen with indoor flowers

How to decorate the kitchen with indoor flowers. In the cold season, only the greenery of indoor plants can please the eye. Where in the house do we spend the most time? Of course in the kitchen. What indoor flowers for the kitchen can become its decoration.

Contrary to popular belief, representatives of the flora in the kitchen feel good - there high humidity, which most indoor plants adore, and many carbon dioxide which they breathe.

There are several rules that should be followed when placing green pets. You should consider the size of your kitchen, its lighting and, of course, the location of the stove and sink. Splashes of soapy water and excessive heat from the oven cannot be tolerated by any plants, even the most resistant ones.

The best flowers for the kitchen.

What indoor plants are best suited for growing in the kitchen? First of all, it is an unpretentious chlorophytum, which cleans the air well and is one of the most useful indoor plants.

Begonias feel good in the kitchen.
Kalanchoes are also suitable for decoration,

A good choice is zebrina, hypoestes

garden bulbs, such as hyacinths

or cyclamens, which can still be driven out by the New Year.

Small blooming light-loving flowers - delicate violets - look wonderful on the window
and holiday azaleas.

A wonderful idea for the kitchen is a modest vegetable garden on the windowsill. Plant decorative peppers there,

or a variety of decorative aromatic greens - onions, parsley, dill and even basil.

Secrets of a cozy kitchen.

If you have a small kitchen, then the main places where you can place flowers are windows and walls. Should not be placed on windows large plants so as not to darken it too much.

You can place small flower pots and flower pots with low plants on the windowsill or hang them on top of the window using decorative pendants.

Climbing plants such as tradescantia, ivy, asparagus, cissus (or as it is also called “birch”) will look great on walls and top shelves kitchen furniture. Moreover, unpretentious tradescantia and asparagus will feel good even near the stove.

If you are the happy owners of a large kitchen, then tall tree-like plants will look good in its open spaces,

for example, ficus benjamina, which can be placed on the floor in a beautiful floor vase or a large beautiful tub.
If there are two windows in the kitchen, one of them can be safely made into a “green showcase” - this is fashionable and stylish solution. Plants are placed in window opening, separated from the room by a glass frame. External frames must have double glazing. Ventilation can be passive or active; in the first case, holes are made in the side walls or ceiling of the display case, in the second case, fans are used. Such conditions are suitable even for plants that need special care right down to orchids.
But keep in mind that a “green display” requires significant costs and effort from the grower.

Plants and flowers can be planted not only in decorative flowerpots, but also in a teapot, from which they have not drunk tea for a long time
or in a glass from an old set.

Flowers should not be overheated or overcooled; it is necessary to regularly spray and periodically wash the leaves under running water warm water. For additional lighting, you can install special phytolamps next to the plants.

Ficus benjamina.

Loves bright light. Requires abundant watering and responds positively to fertilizers. Grows quickly. However, when growing Ficus Benjamin, you should always remember its natural size (up to 20 meters) and not get carried away with transplanting into large pots. They propagate it stem cuttings. Excellent roots in water. You should not place it on a window, since when ventilated, frosty air can harm the plant. You should also take care of additional lighting.

Decorative pepper.

Decorative pepper is unpretentious and relatively shade-tolerant. Loves bright diffused light, as well as summer “walks” on the balcony. With its multi-colored fruits, the plant resembles a festive fireworks display and will delight you with bright colorful fruits all year long. Propagated by stem cuttings, watering abundantly and moderately in winter. The soil of the plant should not be allowed to become waterlogged or dry out.


This is a very hardy plant, can exist in both cold and warm room, not afraid of dry air. You need to carefully care for the leaves of chlorophytum: they are very brittle, easily break and droop, the plant loses its attractiveness. Chlorophytum loves spraying especially in heating season. Propagated by daughter rosettes.

Uzambara violet.

Uzambara violet - light and heat-loving plant, but can't stand straight lines sun rays. Needs watering and spraying warm water, the temperature of which is equal to or no more than 5 °C higher or lower than the room temperature. It is necessary to regularly remove fallen flowers, peduncles that dry out from the edges, and yellowing lower leaves. Propagated by leaf-shaped cuttings or seeds.

The key to creating a fresh and colorful interior lies in using a variety of indoor plants. They instantly transform the atmosphere, highlighting the beauty of the rest of the decor and making the environment more complete. Meet 8 in unusual ways include indoor plants in your home that do not involve the use of classic vases and pots.

1. The easiest way to make houseplants look interesting is to place them vertically, one flower above the other, on a floor, wall or hanging shelf. This design will look most advantageous in an empty corner of the room.

2. We present to you very interesting way turn regular table into a wonderful decoration for your home. Just add some greenery!

3. Indoor plants planted in transparent glass containers look even more unusual in the interior. It turns out that with the help different varieties soil, moss and pebbles can create amazingly beautiful artwork!

4. Have you ever thought that an aquarium does not necessarily have to contain fish? Algae in the house - new trend for the most creative indoor plant lovers.

5. Great idea for your kitchen - a mini garden with kitchen herbs. It takes up little space, beautifully decorates and refreshes the kitchen, smells fragrant and is used for cooking. Don't I still have this?

6. Can indoor plants create coziness? And how! To do this, they need to be planted in some unusual object, for example, an old sugar bowl, a cup, Street light or even a book. The same effect will be achieved by various hand-made elements: painted jars, wooden boxes, knitted covers, etc.

7. A beautiful “living” wall will give the room a somewhat cosmic look and help visually divide the space into zones without making them boring and cold. It's fresh, colorful and truly stylish decorative element, which, among other things, also filters the air and improves the atmosphere in the house.

8. Is there a way to decorate indoor plants without replanting or moving them? Yes! And it is perfect for the laziest admirers of everything beautiful. Sea pebbles, pebbles and colored sand will beautifully decorate upper layer soil and will create an unusual contrast with the color of the plants themselves.

Houseplants as a decoration for your home updated: November 18, 2015 by: Margarita Glushko