Finnish candle bonfire, options for making it and methods of making it. Finnish candle Finnish candle how to make quickly

On a trip to Lake Chepolshevskoye in July 2012, I decided to make that famous stump with vertical cuts, with which a young Finnish woman surprised experienced Siberian lumberjacks ( funny story!). It turned out exactly like in that story: first I was subjected to public ridicule and criticism, and then the critics themselves used a chainsaw, making more and more logs with cuts...

Take a piece of DRY pine or spruce log at least half a meter long and from one end with a chainsaw two cuts are made “crosswise” along the log at about three-quarters of its height. A certain amount of gasoline or other liquid is poured into the center of the cut. combustible mixture and is set on fire. The flame spreads upward in the center of the log; the side slots serve to supply oxygen to the combustion zone. The log burns for a long time, several hours, and during this time you can not only warm the kettle, but also prepare serious dishes...

Some people call this type of fire a Finnish candle, some an Indian candle, and some a Swedish candle. Sometimes you can hear the word Volya or even "turbopen".

My main mistake in making the first Finnish candle in my life was that I took a damp pine log, almost completely wet by the rains. After several unsuccessful attempts set fire to its center from below, under the ridicule of friends, I placed this block of wood on an ordinary fire with the sawn end facing the fire. It only took a couple of minutes for the wood in the cut to dry out, start fire, and my first Finnish candle started working, and how it worked!.... Laughter gave way to exclamations of surprise and approval, people immediately began to offer options with a large number of cuts, even eight

While former critics were extolling the simplicity and genius of this human invention, I cooked food for my fox terrier Bundy, and called out to the camp; "Hey, people, who new stove needed?!"

It should be noted right away that the pot or kettle stands on the end quite securely and conveniently; putting dishes on and off the fire is also convenient. These are the advantages. The downside is that the dishes still get dirty

We remembered that we need to boil the crayfish while they are still alive

And now the main critic of my idea with the log - Viktor Lobachev - with undisguised pleasure he cooks lake crayfish for dinner on a Finnish candle

It seems that later our women also heated water on a candle for washing dishes. When it got colder, a candle that continued to burn was used for heating.
We’ve just run out of ideas on what else can be cooked on one log.

Already in Obninsk, they told me that one wonderful company has long been going to the forest in winter to make dumplings, having only one pre-prepared log. You don’t have to trample snow in search of firewood, or destroy trees in the forest near the city, but it’s light, hot and the whole company feels good around a big cauldron of dumplings

The more side slots, the more intense the supply of oxygen to the combustion zone, the stronger the flame and the shorter the life of the candle. The picture shows how big the flame is on the Finnish candle with 8 side cuts. One such Finnish candle replaces an entire fire. And pay attention that behind Dasha’s back there is a smoldering old fire that no one needs anymore - everyone has enough light and heat from one pine log

In the near future I will write a note about an Indian candle - a fire based on one log, but with a slightly different design

On a hike or just on vacation, a log fire can perform more than one function, such as lighting, heating or cooking, scaring away animals, but several at the same time. You can light it in a traditional or exotic way, but you only need the most basic tools. In addition, a type of fire such as a Finnish candle (other names are Indian, Swedish, wood-burning primus) replaces a tripod for a cauldron.

Step-by-step instructions for making a Finnish candle

Before making a Finnish candle, prepare a saw, wire or adhesive tape, nails and a log that will become a candle. And then to make an Indian candle, follow the instructions:

1. Find a dry log with a diameter of 10-40 cm without knots. The tree can be anything, just keep in mind that each type has its own characteristics. For example, spruce and pine sparkle when burned, so it is better not to use them for heating. You need to be careful with birch, because it burns very strongly, you can get burned, and it smokes a little due to the tar in the bark. Best option– well-dried aspen. When burning, its flame is even and colorless.

2. Cut it depending on the purpose of the candle (15-40 cm). If you will be lighting a fire for cooking, use a log that is thick and short so that you can place the dishes directly on it. The candle will be stable. For lighting, on the contrary, a long and thin candle that can be carried if necessary will be convenient. And for heating you need a thick and long one so that for a long time burn.

3. Split a dry log into four pieces. These will later be used to make a Swedish fire.

4. In each part, remove the middle so that when assembling the log you get a hole with a diameter of 5-7 cm, and make small notches. Perfect option, if you find a hollow tree. After cutting or splitting, you will need to scrape out the rotten middle of the hollow.

5. Fold 4 logs into a single log, wrapping them with wire, trying to leave as few gaps as possible. This will prevent them from falling apart and quickly burning through large gaps. So you should be able to solid log with an empty middle.

6. Place the sawdust that remains after cutting off the middle or birch bark into the opening for kindling. The filling of a wooden kerosene stove and its location affects the degree of combustion. Located at the top of the hole, birch bark will burn for a long time, only weakly. This candle is more suitable for warming up food or for heating. Well, if you put the birch bark on the bottom, the fire will be very strong, which is good for cooking or lighting, but the candle will not last long. The best option is its location in the middle. Also make sure that there is draft for combustion. To do this, place the candle on stones or logs.

That's all the instructions on how to make a taiga candle.

Now you can use a Swedish fire, which will be very convenient for cooking. Convenience lies in the ability to adjust the strength of the flame by blocking the access of air from below with a lid, earth, snow, etc. The food will be cooked in hot smoke, since the Finnish candle will smolder from the inside and not burn.

The main advantage of such a fire is that you don’t have to worry about it, even if there is dirt and slush around. In winter, you don’t have to worry that the snow under the fire will begin to melt and thereby extinguish the fire. Finally, a “Finnish candle” is safer than a regular fire in places where there is a lot of dry grass and leaves. Finally, such a fire can simply be moved from place to place. The “candle” will burn all night, and it will only require one log. And the shape of the fire is such that it is convenient to use when cooking - after all, pots or a kettle can simply be placed on top of a log, like on a burner.

How to make a “Finnish candle”

In order to make a “Finnish candle”, you need to have a log 30-50 cm thick, as well as a saw. The height of the log is not that important. The cut is made approximately three-quarters deep. Most often they cut into 4, 6 or 8 parts. After this, a small hole will appear in the log. Kindling will be placed and lit in it.

If you don’t have a saw at hand (and most likely you won’t have one on a hike), you can use an ax. In this case, it will be more difficult to make such a fire. The log needs to be split into four parts with an ax. Each piece will have to be ground down in the middle so that when they are put together, a hole will form. After this, all that remains is to tie the logs with a strong rope, or better yet, with wire.

Finally, a “candle” can be made by simply stacking several logs side by side. Each should be 5-15 cm thick. Uses 3 to 8 pieces of wood.

A spoon of tar

Finally, it is worth mentioning the disadvantages of the “Finnish candle”. Preparing such a fire requires a certain skill and experience. Also, as has already become clear, you need tools. " Finnish candle» not very good for heating. You also need to take into account the fact that if the fire has been extinguished, then lighting it again will be extremely problematic, almost impossible. It’s easier to prepare a new candle.

A Scandinavian or Finnish candle is a very common fire design among experienced hunters, fishermen and lovers of outdoor activities. This design is good because it is represented by one single vertically installed log. Moreover, such a fire is ideal for cooking.

1. Make a Finnish candle with an ax

For this method you will need an ax and a log with even fibers without knots. First, we split the log into 6-8 logs. The wedge of each log is cut off with an ax so that when reassembled, a tube is formed. We lay out the logs in a “daisy” pattern, take the wire and put the log back together. The wire will hold the entire structure. The chain left over from the logs can be used to kindle a Finnish candle.

2. Make a Finnish candle with a chainsaw

One of the most simple ways. We take our chainsaw and divide the log into 6 segments, making cuts approximately 2/3 of the height of the piece of wood. That's all that needs to be done before ignition. All that remains is to place some dry wood chips in the very center and set it on fire. The only “but” is that there is not so much fuel to fit into such a Scandinavian candle. Therefore, you can add a little gasoline directly from the saw’s tank.

3. Make a Finnish candle with a drill

Here we need feather drill on wood with a diameter of 20-30 mm. The length of the drill must exceed 2/3 of the height of the log. First, drill one hole exactly in the middle. After this there is one more thing to do side hole so that it connects with the first one made along the core of the log. Lighting such a candle does not cause any difficulties.

How the candles burn

If a Finnish candle was made with an ax or chainsaw, then it will burn very quickly and will give a lot of heat and fire. This candle will burn out in about 3-5 hours. There is no fundamental difference between fires created by the first two (described here) methods. Another thing is the Finnish candle, created by drilling. This will burn almost twice as long, but the heat will be less. The latter also flares up the slowest.


Continuing the hiking theme to the delight of the traveler.

How to light a fire on vacation when there is a shortage of firewood. A log fire can perform more than one function, for example, lighting, heating, cooking, repelling animals and insects. In addition, this type of fire, such as a wood-burning primus (other names: Indian, Swedish, Finnish candle) replaces a tripod for a cauldron.

You can’t dry things by such a fire, but you can cook both the first and second courses, as they say, on “one fuse.”

How to light a fire

Before making a primus from a log, prepare a saw, wire and log.

Find a dry log with a diameter of 10 - 40 cm without knots. The tree can be anything, just keep in mind that each type has its own characteristics. For example, spruce and pine sparkle when burned, so it is better not to use them for heating. You need to be careful with birch, because it burns very strongly, you can get burned, and it smokes a little due to the tar in the bark. The best option is well-dried aspen. When burning, its flame is even and colorless.

Trim the log depending on its purpose (15 - 40 cm). If you will be lighting a fire for cooking, use a log that is thick and short so that you can place the dishes directly on it. The candle will be stable. For lighting, on the contrary, a long and thin candle that can be carried if necessary will be convenient. And for heating you need a thick and long one to burn for a long time.

Split a dry log into four pieces. These will later be used to make a fire.

In each part, remove the middle so that when assembling the log you get a hole with a diameter of 5 - 7 cm, and make small notches. Ideal if you find a hollow tree. After cutting or splitting, you will need to scrape out the rotten middle of the hollow.

Fold 4 logs into a single log, wrapping them with wire, trying to leave as few gaps as possible. This will prevent them from falling apart and quickly burning through large gaps.

This way you should end up with a solid log with an empty middle.

Place the sawdust that remains after cutting off the middle or birch bark into the opening for kindling. The filling of a wooden kerosene stove and its location affects the degree of combustion. Located at the top of the hole, birch bark will burn for a long time, only weakly. This candle is more suitable for warming up food or for heating. Well, if you put the birch bark on the bottom, the fire will be very strong, which is good for cooking or lighting, but the candle will not last long. The best option is to find it in the middle. Also make sure that there is draft for combustion. To do this, place the candle on stones or logs.

Now you can use the fire, which will be very convenient for cooking. Convenience lies in the ability to adjust the strength of the flame by blocking the access of air from below with a lid, earth, etc.

Food will cook in hot smoke because the fire will smolder from the inside rather than burn.

Also, blocking the air (bottom and top) serves to extinguish the candle if it is no longer needed, and then reuse it if necessary. Basically, a candle is enough for several meal preparations.

We hope these tips on how to start a fire help you.