Procession. Why do people go to religious processions?

Not so long ago, we all followed the events of the All-Ukrainian procession of peace, love and prayer, which became a real testimony to the faith of our people. However, perhaps not everyone knows how the tradition of such moves appeared among the Orthodox, what its meaning is and its Old Testament origins. Let's try to find out.

Not a flash mob or demonstration

What is important to know? Procession of the Cross(not to be confused with the Crusades) is not called any popular procession, otherwise it could be confused with a demonstration or some kind of flash mob. Even external attributes, presence icons, crosses, banners cannot be a guarantee that he is exactly that.

Firstly, such a procession always has absolutely specific goal, reason (we will talk about them a little lower). Secondly, it must be performed only with the blessing of the archpastor, the bishop. Thirdly, such a procession must be led by a legally ordained priest or the same bishop.

But this is also, let’s say, just organizational, formal signs moves that are not at all responsible for their success. The main thing that should be present at such a procession of believers is a common spirit of prayer, unity of faith, mutual love and respect. Without them, any such “action” threatens to turn into an ordinary walk, or even - which is much worse - into a magic trick. Let us emphasize that what is important here is not only a prayerful, but a community spirit, and one that is peaceful towards everyone, even enemies.

Why do people come with crosses and icons?

So, we can say that such church moves are a type common prayer. Of course, then the question involuntarily arises: why go out into the street, make some kind of processions, if you can pray in church? The answer to it is the same as to the question: why are fasting and bowing necessary? We do this when we want to add some kind of sacrifice to our prayer so that it is heard.

Is the religious procession a manifestation of one's faith? Perhaps from the outside this is exactly what it looks like. But main goal it certainly isn't. Its goal is to invoke God's grace, first of all, on all people, believers and non-believers, on the place where they pass: the city, the country and, ultimately, the whole world.

In addition, through such prayer solemn processions, natural elements are sanctified: fire, water, air. Previously, people better understood that any natural disasters are not just abstract environmental problems, but the wrath of God for our sins. That’s why they made such popular processions to beg the Lord for mercy.

The crusaders carry crosses with them (which is why it is called a procession), icons, and banners. Banners are sacred church banners that should not be confused with state ones, since the power of Christ is “not of this world.” The very first to carry a lantern (as a sign of the Gospel light, enlightening the whole world).

The cross is the main banner of Christians, a symbol of victory over death, a testimony of faith. Therefore, a move without him is, of course, unthinkable. Through the icons the saints themselves, the heavenly host also invisibly takes part in it. Sometimes, on the day of remembrance of a saint or his glorification, on special occasions, processions are also carried out with the relics of the saints of God.

Old Testament types

The very first prototype of such a procession of believers, perhaps, can be the forty-year campaign of the Israelites through the desert in search of the Promised Land. Most shining example The effective force of such popular processions is the capture of Jericho. The Book of Joshua tells about this (Joshua 5:13-6:26).

In a special revelation, he was ordered to walk around this city for seven days with the Ark of the Covenant, while blowing the trumpets. The ark was carried by the priests, the soldiers walked behind. On the seventh day, the Israelites blew their trumpets and shouted loudly and with one voice, after which the wall of Jericho collapsed and the city surrendered.

Also, the Jews on the Feast of Tabernacles had a tradition of a seven-day solemn procession around the almemar (a place in the synagogue) with palm branches. Another vivid prototype can be the transfer of the Ark of the Covenant by King David to Jerusalem, in which the entire people of Israel participated “with shouts and the sound of trumpets.”

John Chrysostom and the establishment of tradition

During the earthly life of the Savior, the example procession may serve as His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Then all the people greeted Him with the words “Hosanna!” and laid palm branches under their feet. We know that already in the first centuries in the early Christian community there was a tradition on Easter day to symbolically, following the example of the myrrh-bearing women, walk around the temple with candles in hand.

This can be considered the beginning of a tradition, but the rank (order) itself did not yet exist. Then, it is known that the newly discovered relics of the saints were carried over in the same solemn manner by the entire community. These processions took place at night and were accompanied by general prayer in the form of singing hymns (psalms). They were called lithiums (not to be confused with their modern form) or lithiums. They served as the beginning of the modern religious procession.

The authorship of the first rite is traditionally attributed to St. John Chrysostom. At first they were created in opposition to the Arians - the saint did not want people to participate in their Sunday pleasure meetings. Then, during the time when Chrysostom lived (IV century), a series of natural Disasters. So from a simple pious tradition they moved into general church practice, where they became entrenched.

Procession of the Cross in Rus'

These solemn processions with the participation of believers came to Rus' along with Christianity from Byzantium. Let us remember that baptism itself Kievan Rus was preceded by a large campaign of people to the Dnieper River in response to the call of Prince Vladimir. Also, the glorification of the first Russian saints, the passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, and the transfer of their relics in 1115 was accompanied by a nationwide church procession.

Prayer processions of the people became so widespread in Russian lands that Holy Synod He was even forced to pass a resolution banning spontaneous moves. The heyday of the popularity of the religious procession tradition in Russia occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. Even then they took part royal families. The most striking example is glorification St. Seraphim Sarovsky in 1903. Then from one hundred to three hundred thousand people took part in it, including Emperor Nicholas II himself and his family.

It is also difficult to overestimate the role of repentance moves for the history of the Russian state. They repeatedly saved not only Moscow, but also other significant cities from pestilence, fires and military invasions, thanks to which the icons became so famous here Mother of God, especially Vladimirskaya, Tikhvinskaya, Kazanskaya and many others. It’s not for nothing that the same Seraphim of Sarov said that “Russia will be saved by religious processions.”

Types of prayer processions

There are many types of procession according to different criteria. According to their duration, they are divided into one-day and multi-day. Depending on the time of commission there may be:

  • annual(set, for example, on Easter and Epiphany);
  • emergency, or disposable(committed for a specific reason).

Depending on the reasons, they are divided into:

  • festive, or solemn- performed in honor of a specific holiday;
  • thanks- in gratitude for God’s help and mercy on some occasion, these also include the procession in honor of the consecration of the temple;
  • propitiatory- a type of common prayer at the beginning of an important church or state event;
  • repentant- processions of believers carried out in times of national disasters (famine, war, epidemics, earthquakes, etc.) with a request for deliverance from them.

Unusual movements of modern times

Today there are many new types of unusual church processions, which, of course, have the same power if performed with faith, and not just with the intention of surprising. It is worth at least mentioning that already in our century such a variety of them as godfather years . The shrine (relics or icon) with prayer is transported by plane or helicopter over long distances.

Besides air, began to be implemented much earlier and aquatic. Such a religious procession is especially convenient for those who are distant, hard to reach places. Unusual phenomenon can be called biker movements with icons and banners, in which even priests take part. Today they are also gaining popularity children's prayer processions, especially with prayer for peace. They are also a clear testimony of faith.

But in the monastery of Optina Monastery, an unusual prayer procession also takes place every day, in which... cats take part. This video can be viewed here:

Religious traditions are slowly but surely returning to our lives. At Easter, even people of little faith enjoy coloring eggs, buying and baking Easter cakes, and preparing Easter eggs. It seems that a miracle will happen on this day, people will become kinder, happier, dearer, more sociable. True Believers Orthodox people already in Maundy Thursday They have washed everything, prepared it and are about to go through the “path of the soul” - the Procession of the Cross. So, how the procession of the Cross is carried out for Easter 2018, when it will take place, varieties, process and many interesting things - further in the article.

Interesting! The Jews were among the first to go through the prototype of the procession. They made a long journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. How to cook for Easter.

What is the Procession of the Cross?

The procession with external and altar crosses gave the process its name. It is particularly solemn. The clergy, together with the flock, with church banners, icons and shrines, make a procession around the temple, from one church to another or to some holy place. At Epiphany, the procession goes from the church to the “Jordan” - a special ice hole. It is cut down for the festive illumination of water in the form of a cross.

Interesting! Kings Solomon and David took part in the prototypes of the procession, so the procession has a long history.

Interesting! The very first naval religious procession took place across the Black Sea, in honor of the canonization of the most talented naval commander F. F. Ushakov.

It is wrong to think that the procession of the Cross is always festive and joyful. Procession of the Cross with the Shroud, which is held in Holy Week- this is suffering, sorrow and crying. When performing it, they remember the burial of Christ.

Easter Procession

Its antipode is the Easter procession. The procession commemorates the meeting of the myrrh-bearing women with the Risen Jesus Christ. The Holy Resurrection of Christ is particularly solemn. In the temple, all dark clothes are replaced by light ones. Believers come to the temple for the festive evening service, which begins on Holy Saturday and continues after midnight. The religious procession is an integral part of it and lasts until midnight.

Interesting! The procession around the Russian Orthodox Church moves counterclockwise, the Old Believers - clockwise, according to the movement of the sun.

The priest reads prayers and lights candles together with the believers. The choir begins to quietly sing a song, which gradually gains strength and merges with the Easter peal - in memory of the holy myrrh-bearing women who met the Risen Lord. It is at this moment that the procession begins, the priest and his flock circle the church three times to the jubilant ringing of bells. In the hands of the clergyman is the icon of the Resurrection.

Important! If there is only one clergyman in the church, then the Gospel and the icon are carried by ordinary residents, thereby becoming direct participants in the sacrament.

The Procession of the Cross for Easter 2018 ends in front of the closed western doors of the church,
the bells fall silent. The abbot, facing the East, marks the locked gate with a censer three times in a cross shape. After the clergy sings the troparion three times (a short hymn in which the essence of the holiday is revealed or the saints are glorified) - “Christ is Risen”, the doors of the temple open and everyone, rejoicing and rejoicing, enters it. This action symbolizes the entry of the myrrh-bearing women into Jerusalem with the joyful news of the Resurrection of the Savior.

Important! On Easter, Orthodox people greet each other with the words “Christ is Risen!”, to which they must respond “Truly He is Risen!”

All Easter week The doors in all temples and churches are kept open, at this time the sky is closer than ever to us.

Interesting! Catholics, unlike Orthodox believers, make a procession after the service.

For ten years the topic of religious processions has been exciting in one way or another Orthodox Russia. This year is no exception. By the grace of God, the author of the note himself participated, organized and conducted them for more than five years. The first transition took place in the Urals from Nyrob to Yekaterinburg in 2001, from Yekaterinburg to Kostroma in 2002, the next one - in honor of the 100th anniversary of the glorification of St. Seraphim of Sarov from Kursk to Diveevo and a two-year tour to places of military glory from Pskov through Belarus to Prokhorovka and Kulikovo Field.

Processions of the cross “are carried out in order to sanctify people and everything that they need for life: houses, roads, waters, air and the earth itself, as trampled and desecrated by the feet of sinners. All this in order that inhabited cities and villages, and all the country became partakers of Divine Grace, rejecting from itself everything destructive and pernicious" (Tablets). They are traditional and new, one-day and multi-day. We will talk about specially organized long processions of the cross along new routes, blessed by the archpastors.

Behind last years they have proven themselves to be a special, very necessary (I would even say irreplaceable) part of our spiritual life, and the spirit determines everything: the economy, defense capability, culture, morality... The spirit is lost - and there is nothing on which to build morality, laws, the future of the state. There is the grace of the Holy Spirit, which means there will be honest managers, smart military leaders, conscientious citizens, and the government will be fair. Therefore, for everyone Orthodox man at any place of his ministry - church, state or personal - the words of St. Seraphim of Sarov about the acquisition of the spirit as the meaning of life is not just a beautiful metaphor, but a guide to action, to rebirth and salvation.

The procession of the cross is a church matter and therefore must be entirely subordinated to this task. It happens that a strategic goal is not always fully achieved, but if there is no understanding of the strategy, the tactics will not be correct. How to acquire the spirit? The condition for the perception and action of grace, according to the holy fathers, is the fulfillment of the commandments of God and the Church statutes. This necessary condition His help in any matter: whether it is a religious procession, a family, a parish or the construction of a state. And without God, every thing turns into mere appearance, into a plausible fake, into its opposite.

In our evil times, religious processions have turned out to be a living, real testimony of faith. Passing through dioceses, regions and republics, they contribute to the deep churching of participants, teach them how to fulfill the commandments, inspire prayer, and bring many people to the Church. Good news as before comes to people and how many of them were baptized and confessed in the Russian outback - it’s impossible to count. People want to participate in them and always participate - from young to old: they meet, show cordiality, hospitality, go themselves, pray, incl. children, youth, women, old people. The parishioners, our simple compatriots, try to provide the procession with everything necessary - overnight accommodation, a bathhouse, food from their garden. This is their feasible contribution, a sacrifice to Christ. Here the word of God becomes a way of life for many. Through the procession of the cross and the deeds accompanying it, through good deeds and participation, the dream we desire is clearly revived. spirit of Christianity.

At all times it was a national holiday, the triumph of Orthodoxy. St. John Chrysostom describes the greatness of this spiritual work in this way: “What can I say? I am completely filled with joy, I... fly, rejoice and rush around delighted; I am completely intoxicated with spiritual joy. So... what can I talk about? Is it about the zeal of the city? .. Is it about the gathering of the leaders? Is it about the shame of the devil and the defeat of demons? Is it about the power of the Cross? Is it about the triumph of the Church? Is it about the miracles of the Crucified One? Is it about the glory of the Father, is it about the grace of the Spirit? Is it about the joy of all the people and the joy of the city? O Is it the gathering of monks, the ranks of virgins and the ranks of priests? About the multitude of laity, slaves, freemen, rulers, subordinates, the poor, the rich, foreigners, local citizens? It is truly fitting now to ask: “Whoever will speak of the power of the Lord, will proclaim all His praises?.. ".

But this does not happen by itself, not always, but only if everything is done according to Church rules, sound reasoning and with careful preparation.

The procession begins with blessings. To find out the will of God, the blessing of the spirit-bearing elders is sought before starting. There are only a few of them, real ones (although there are many old people, as Father Kirill (Pavlov) said). Further, when we receive the blessing of the bishops, we receive from the Lord grace and the command to fulfill His holy will. If God blessed through the elders and bishops, this is already obedience, it cannot be neglected: Cursed be everyone who does God's work carelessly(Jer 48:10). It either needs to be done well, or it doesn’t need to be started at all.

Not every movement of people is a religious procession. Obvious requirements: at least one priest must be constantly on the go, who is obliged to serve, instruct, confess - nourish, a general church or special fast must be observed, regulations, special rules (see below), movement - with prayer and on foot.

Christ commanded: Go... and preach (Mark 16:15). The main task of the procession is akin to the apostolic one - preaching. Preaching with the word of God, prayer, carefully selected spiritual literature, preaching by personal example, lifestyle, truth. Comfortable flights, swimming and driving are not inherently a religious procession; their spiritual benefits are much lower.

Elder Paisios the Svyatogorets said: “The current situation can only be resisted spiritually, and not in a worldly way... We must boldly confess our faith, because if we remain silent, we will bear responsibility. In these difficult years, each of us must do what "What is possible. And what is impossible, leave to the will of God. So our conscience will be calm."

It is known that prayer supported by bodily exertion, bowing, and fasting is much more effective. Repentance, patience and prayerful work put into the difficulties of walking to the glory of God are a very powerful weapon in the battle for faith and Russia. Here every step is like a bow to Christ, the Mother of God and the saints with repentance and our constant request to help in troubles and sorrows, to cope with this hard time, with the illnesses of relatives and friends, with the invasion of twelve languages, with drunkenness and godlessness of the once Orthodox country.

The creation of a religious procession is the creation for a time of a special kind of Orthodox church community, a monastery “on its feet.” Difficulties reveal and aggravate the spiritual infirmities of those walking, they need to be treated on time, here the priest is simply irreplaceable, and not alone - the priests also get tired and sick. Finding confessors for a religious procession is a separate, mandatory and very important task. Under their leadership, it is necessary to build a rule and try to follow it: morning and evening prayers, prayer services, memorial services. It is extremely important to teach everyone how to correctly chant the Jesus Prayer out loud while moving. Where there are two or three in the name of God, there He is among us. Eat different variants such a prayer, it was blessed to us by the elders, hermits and in writing - by the bishops. Without prayer, the religious procession loses its power. Chants and chants are good when entering and leaving the temple, but on the march there should be a battle hymn of the army of Christ, and nothing else is as suitable as the Jesus Prayer. Experienced walkers can teach, there are features here - the pace and length of the step, so that it is equally comfortable for brothers and sisters, the strong and the weak, everyone. In practice, in some dioceses, local priests try to prevent such prayer - God is their judge. In the name of peace, there is no need for conflicts (and not only on this issue), but at the first opportunity we need to pray together and out loud again, to beat the enemy with the main weapon of the religious procession - in the name of God!

Nothing happens by itself, everything needs to be prepared. You can’t rely only on the map - there is too little information and not all of it is reliable. The proposed route must be traveled and, sometimes, more than once. The schedule of traffic, transitions, parking, services, entrances and exits from large cities must be developed in advance by the organizers and agreed upon with bishops, deans, governors, traffic police, and the media. Sports forced marches and distances of many thousands are good for a few; we have other tasks. We walk for five days, pray, for a holiday - parking, service, communion, rest, laundry, treatment, meetings, conversations. The length of the crossings is usually from 25 to 40 km. The strong can go further and faster, but everyone needs to be saved, both the elderly and the infirm. And those who are stronger, upon arrival, can help set up the camp, heat the bathhouse, help in the kitchen, and work in obediences.

Chat with local population they can too, but not all. Not many be teachers, said the apostle. The scourge of religious processions is arbitrariness, jealousy beyond reason, just basic ignorance, the initiative of the participants, speaking as if on behalf of the religious procession and not only to local grandmothers, but also various kinds Media, often non-Orthodox.

To solve these and other problems, they were developed and blessed by the bishops simple rules procession (see below). Any church, parish, or monastery is required to have and implement its own charter, and in our case, rules that limit the willfulness of leaders and the anarchy of the crowd; this is the basis of discipline and responsibility, a criterion for the correctness of actions, a condition for God’s help. Participants, leaders and priests come and go, but the execution of tasks and continuity must be strictly observed. During the religious procession, the leader and confessor resolve all issues.

And those who meet and go ask a lot of them: what’s going on? with whom to save? What is repentance? In general, the eternal Russian questions are “what to do” and “who is to blame.” We tried to systematize them, highlighted the main thing, printed and distributed a small collection “Russian Cross”. Perhaps soon it will be expanded and republished under the title “On the Way of the Cross.”

How Orthodox faith is comprehended by works of faith, so the procession of the cross is only from the inside, from the experience of direct participation. Substantial part problems - from the lack of such experience among the organizers and participants or from their irresponsibility; from introducing into the Church a worldly spirit, habits and passions, and therefore other - commercial, vain, political - goals. Then they go "at random", without priests, without confession and sermons, without prayer, do not distribute books, or sell everything at a higher price. Sometimes they smoke, I’m ashamed to say, they swear and drink. They even go without blessings. Then the spirit of the religious procession is depleted to the opposite and disrepute is sown.

Therefore, it is important that the leader, the priest, and at least several other people be spiritually mature, experienced and voluntary like-minded people. Everyone should be like-minded - in Christ, leaving destructive habits at least for a while.

Elder Paisios once remarked: “The goal is to live Orthodoxy, and not just speak or write Orthodoxy (or just walk - author). If the preacher does not have personal experience, then his preaching does not reach the heart and does not change people. It is easy to think Orthodoxy, but in order to live Orthodoxy, you need work." You need fasting, prayer, humility, fulfillment of the commandments and church life in order to learn correctly understand and do every work of God.

We need spiritual work, an amazing example of which is the real religious procession. In it, as in life, everything is important. Fidelity to Christ begins with small things and is proven by “little things” (see Lk 16:10). Mostly our simple, ordinary compatriots are coming, those who, as in all times, are fed by the earth. You need to go out when the ground is warm, people were able to cultivate it and sow it. When it is already possible to spend the night in tents and in schools where the holidays begin; when it is easier to feed the always unpredictable number of people and swim in the river (if you don’t wash off the sweat in the evening, tomorrow it will become " sandpaper"). A lot of things need to be thought through, if done well, each move is different, but care for the person should be put at the forefront. “Don’t torture people,” said Father Kirill (Pavlov).

Special planning and holding of religious processions in winter, in early spring, V Lent, especially on Holy Week - not from Great love to people. There are special services during Lent, it’s cold, there are already enough difficulties, and confessors do not advise going somewhere without great need.

We need to use every opportunity that the Lord gives to testify to faith and our salvation, but according to sound reasoning and strength. “A disposition towards goodness is... good, but spiritual reasoning and breadth are also necessary so that narrow-mindedness does not become a companion to reverence” (Elder Paisios).

In addition to religious processions, there are also pilgrimage transitions, usually within one’s own or to neighboring dioceses. They are carried out somewhat simpler: blessings must be had, but not necessarily written, there is no strict schedule of transitions, services, and there is not always a priest. But there is always an elder, there is a written and unwritten Charter, for neglecting which the violator risks being left alone in the open field.

On campaigns, at services, at home, in cells, we pray: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.” All of us - those who go, those who help, and those who for some reason couldn’t. In fact, our entire Orthodoxy is measured by how much we can give for another person of our strength, means, time, prayer, health, our blood, our very life. “To pray is to shed blood,” said St. Silouan of Athos. He was probably talking about something else, but he “got” into the religious procession. Here, during prayer, their feet are washed into blood, and more than once - for themselves and “for that guy.” For everyone.

Because everything here is real. Therefore, the religious procession, especially in the outback, is perceived by many as a model, as a piece of true, almost ideal Orthodoxy - you cannot deceive the heart.

May God grant strength and salvation to everyone who walked, who is walking now and who will walk.

Fyodor Tyutchev wrote, without knowing it, wonderful poems about the Procession of the Cross:
"Weighed down with the burden of the godmother,
All of you, dear land,
In slave form, the King of Heaven
He came out blessing."

Let us also follow Christ!


Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

Procession of the Cross from beginning to end - Orthodox church service, performed by each participant, regardless of rank, position or title, with attention, reverence, diligence and obedience.

The leader (priest or layman) provides all organization and management (regulations, financing, order and mode of movement, food, lodging, security, distribution of obediences, other necessary actions).

From among the priests participating in the Procession of the Cross, the senior in rank or ordination, or, if necessary, chosen by the participants as a confessor, organizes the proper services and services in cooperation with the clergy of the dioceses through which the Procession of the Cross takes place.

Everyone participates with the blessing of their spiritual fathers, abbots and the confessor of the procession.

The religious procession is carried out for the glory of God, not human glory. Political agitation, advertising of parties, movements, unions or their leaders are not blessed; National exclusivity, discord and intolerance are not allowed.

The procession moves on foot. In front, the men take turns carrying the cross, banners and the main icon. Next come the priests, then the men with other icons, then the women, and the escort vehicles. Constantly in motion the prayer is sung: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.”

Everything is done only with the permission of the leader and with the blessing of the confessor.

Participants who cannot go or violate the specified rules, fasting, prohibition, discipline, evade obedience, smoke, use foul language - must leave the Procession themselves or by the decision of the leader.

Upon completion, everyone returns home in an organized manner and, if possible, at their own expense.

BARDIZH Andrey Anatolevich; Address for letters: 142403 Moscow region, Noginsk-3, to the east. Bardizh A.A.

Easter 2018, Easter procession, when it happens, what you need to know about the night Easter service

Easter, the main holiday of the Russian Orthodox Church, falls on April 8 in 2018. Traditionally, Easter services are held at night and include the EASTER CROSS PROCESS.

The procession of the cross on Easter begins at night, at 24 o'clock, in remembrance of the fact that the holy myrrh-bearing women walked to the tomb of the Savior "still existing in darkness", that is, when it was dark.

The people gather in the temple in advance, since before this the midnight office is served, which begins on Saturday evening, at approximately 23:00. Believers prepare candles and lamps - closed candlesticks, so that the wind outside does not extinguish the flames of the candles.

By the time the Midnight Office ends, worshipers line up right in the church to carry banners and icons. A carrying lantern with a candle stands in front. Behind him is a parishioner or clergyman carrying a cross. Behind them, on both sides, stand parishioners of the temple with banners with the faces of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, but there are even more of them. Most often, banner bearers are strong men, since carrying banners, especially if they are large, is not an easy task.

Behind the banner bearers stands a parishioner with a festive icon of the Resurrection of Christ, then parishioners with other icons are arranged in two columns, often carried by women and teenagers. This entire group lines up in the temple, facing the exit, even before the end of the midnight office.

Procession of the Cross for Easter 2018, when it begins, features

And so everyone got ready, for a moment there was complete silence in the temple. When the time approaches, clergy and singers join those standing, and the procession begins to move. The priest comes with a triple candlestick on which there are Easter candles, often in three colors - yellow, red and green. The altar servers carry a large candle and the Gospel, the deacon performs censing. Parishioners hold lit candles in their hands, often red. When the procession leaves the temple, its doors are closed.

After exiting, the procession begins to walk around the temple from left to right. At this time the Blagovest is heard - the bell ringer strikes one bell. All those walking quietly sing along with the singers: “Thy Resurrection, O Christ the Savior, the Angels sing in heaven, and grant us on earth to glorify You with a pure heart.”

The religious procession goes around the temple, and if it is a monastery or temple complex, then the procession takes place in the largest circle, uniting the buildings into one. Approaching the doors of the temple, from which everyone had previously left, the priest censes the censer crosswise and exclaims: Glory to the Holy and Consubstantial and Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity... In response, “Amen” is heard and the Easter Troparion is sung for the first time. At this time, the bells begin their festive ringing. Then, with the singing of Easter stichera, the people enter the temple and the service begins.

Procession of the Cross for Easter 2018, when it begins, features

Easter processions with the reading of the Gospel and sprinkling of those praying on Bright Week are performed daily, after the liturgy. Before the Ascension, religious processions take place once a week - after the Sunday morning service.

The Easter service is one of the most important events for Orthodox Christians. Churches host important services for believers. Lent ends immediately after it ends Divine Liturgy and communion. The main event of the year for Orthodox Christians begins a few hours before midnight, and the service ends at 4 am.

The service on the Resurrection of Christ begins with the Procession at midnight. At this time, everyone can come to the temple. Those who want to get inside and stay in the church for the entire service come early. Others can watch the process from the street or watch a live broadcast on TV.

How is the Easter procession performed?

In 2018, on April 8, all Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter. The service in churches will begin on April 7, Holy Saturday, some time before midnight. The solemn service begins with the lighting of candles by the clergy. The people who came to the temple at this time do the same. Singing begins in the altar, which is picked up by the Easter peal.

After this, the long-awaited Easter procession begins, which takes place according to the following rules:

  1. The procession is led by a man carrying a lantern. After him comes a clergyman with a cross, followed by an image of the Virgin Mary. The procession ends with the choir and believers who wish to join the process. All marchers walk in two rows. When everyone leaves the temple, its doors are closed.
  2. You need to go around the temple three times, and each time you need to stop near closed doors. This tradition symbolizes the entrance to the cave with the Tomb of Christ.
  3. The temple opens after the marchers complete the third circle and “Christ is Risen” is pronounced.
  4. Everyone returns inside and the service continues.

This procession is sure to take place in every Orthodox church. The religious procession allows you to feel the spirit of the holiday. This an important event For believers it is always very spectacular.

How to behave in church on Easter

Anyone can take part in the Easter service.

Important! Only baptized people can receive communion.

As a sign of respect for the holiday, believers should follow a number of simple rules.