Laminated polystyrene foam for heated floors. Extruded polystyrene in the installation of heated floors

In the context of a constant increase in energy prices (electricity, gas, etc.), insulation of housing construction has become especially relevant in construction and repair today. Moreover, it is difficult to imagine cozy home with cold walls and floors.

Create a comfortable indoor microclimate, along with the right system heating, proper insulation of all structures of the house through which heat loss is possible will help. One of the most vulnerable places to the cold is the floors; it is the insulation of this element of the structure that we will talk about today.

How to choose floor insulation

Multiple offers from manufacturers and suppliers of thermal insulation products can throw an inexperienced builder into panic who wants to do floor insulation with his own hands.

It is quite difficult for a beginner to make a choice from the variety of heat insulators, so a classification of all types of floor insulation has been adopted to make it easier to perceive their diversity.

Insulation materials are divided into three groups:

  • Bulk(expanded clay, expanded vermiculite and the like).
  • Mineral fibrous(mineral and basalt wool, glass wool).
  • Synthetic(foam plastic, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam).

Each group has both advantages and disadvantages. The first two representatives of the insulation family have good hygroscopicity, that is, they are able to “breathe” - allow steam and moisture to pass through.

Still others are sealed - they will not allow moisture and steam to pass into or out of the room. This drawback is easily corrected with the help of a simple ventilation system, where it is necessary, for example, in insulating the roof and walls.

By laying polystyrene foam on the floor, we can use, as it were, the lack of this material to benefit the cause. After all, high demands are placed on floors in terms of waterproofing.

Foam as the best choice for flooring

Today, more and more consumers are turning their attention to polystyrene foam as a floor insulator for a number of other reasons:

  • The price for this material is quite affordable and will be affordable for almost any buyer.
  • Solid foam for the floor makes it quite durable and resistant to mechanical stress. Foam plastic can resist a load of 350-400 kg per square meter and at the same time maintain its shape and not collapse.

Note! Therefore, it is preferable to use polystyrene foam for the floor under the screed with further coating finishing layer– additional protection thermal insulation material. However, be careful not to exceed permissible load, otherwise the integrity will be violated flooring.

  • It is possible to install a “warm floor” system, both electric and water, on a foam floor. IN this process preferably laid waterproofing materials on both sides of the insulation.

Advice! It is better to buy foil foam for underfloor heating. Aluminum coating will be an excellent reflector of thermal energy created by the system alternative heating inside the room. If your region does not have this type of insulation, then you can use it together with a foil backing.

  • Along with excellent thermal insulation, foam plastic also performs another important task for the floor - it becomes a barrier to the penetration of moisture and steam (especially important at high levels). groundwater under the building).
  • Polystyrene foam is practically not subject to rotting and other biological and chemical effects.
  • According to fire safety requirements similar materials polystyrene foam is recognized as suitable for use in civil and industrial construction due to its self-extinguishing ability.
  • This material is so easy to install that anyone who takes it up self-insulation floor, even without experience in construction, will cope with the task.
  • It has excellent sound insulation performance, which is important in apartment buildings.
  • Polystyrene foam is also distinguished maximum terms operation in comparison with other heat insulators.

For your information! Plain and familiar white bubble foam can last up to 10-15 years. But for extruded analogues of insulation (expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam), manufacturers guarantee a service life of up to 50 years and more.

  • Finally, the shape of the foam and its flexibility in cutting make it possible to insulate surfaces of any configuration, which is important for amateurs non-standard solutions in the layout of premises.

In general, today dense foam plastic for flooring is the most suitable heat-insulating material.

Purchase of foam plastic

Before going to a hardware store, you should decide on several factors:

  1. The floor of which floor will be thermally insulated. Floor insulation of the second and subsequent floors can be done using heat insulation up to 50 mm thick. The floor of the first floor, especially in a building without a basement and with a low base, will require greater thicknesses, better than a two-layer insulation cake.

Advice! If you just need to raise the floor level, insulation is laid instead of a thick and heavy concrete layer required thickness, and then a sand-cement (or from a ready-made dry self-leveling mixture) floor screed on foam plastic is performed.

  1. What further finishing will the floors undergo? The foam under the floor screed should be as dense and durable as possible with high waterproofing properties, especially if the next finishing layer is ceramic tiles.
  2. In what environment will the insulation have to work (nature of the insulated structure and location):
  • Insulation wooden structures floor with foam padding between the joists.
  • Installation of an insulated floor directly on the ground.
  • Thermal insulation on a concrete slab.

Give your supplier manager the most detailed information about what, where and how you will do with heat-insulating products. You will be given best recommendation for purchasing this or that type of polystyrene foam and clear instructions for its use. The abstracts of our article will help formulate the requirements for your specific case.

How to practically complete the work

If you have settled on the option of floor screed using foam plastic, familiarize yourself with the technological sequence of the process:

  • Before starting thermal insulation work, the base of the concrete or cement-sand screed 2-3 cm thick depending on differences in the level of the subfloor.
  • After the rough screed has dried, cover it plastic film with an overlap of at least 150 mm (the joints are insulated with any adhesive tape). The edges of the film should be 5-7 cm higher than the intended floor.

  • Next, the insulation of the required thickness is laid directly. Foam plastic under the screed on the floor should be laid in two layers with offset seams between the slabs or fill the seams with single-layer insulation polyurethane foam. This will avoid the occurrence of cold bridges.
  • To strengthen the subsequent screed, it must be reinforced. A thin screed of 1.5-2 cm is placed over the heat-insulating carpet. A reinforcing mesh is laid on it.

One of the most important stages The process of installing a heated floor system involves laying thermal insulation material, which ensures uniform consumption of thermal energy and maintains optimal microclimatic parameters in the living room. The thermal insulation layer serves as an obstacle to the path of thermal energy and prevents it from escaping through the base on which it is laid. Most popular due to its operational properties, uses polystyrene foam for heated floors.

Expanded polystyrene is a foamed polymer substance, which during the manufacturing process is exposed to hot steam, followed by filling the voids with gas. Modern variety expanded polystyrene was obtained in the mid-20th century by German specialists as a result of the synthesis of styrene - chemical compound, obtained by heating the resin of the Styrax plant or balsam tree, known to the ancient Egyptians.

In addition to its widespread use in a wide variety of industries and construction, this material is used in the installation of warm water or electric floors.

Now there are several types of “warm floors” on the construction market. They differ in the type of coolant and operating efficiency. How to choose a heated floor? We'll tell you in

Important! Installing coolant pipes directly on the base, without an insulating layer, will lead to the fact that a significant amount of heat will tend to heat the base, and not the room. And this is not the worst thing - the impact warm air into a poorly ventilated space under the ceiling provokes the formation of condensation and, as a result, the creation favorable conditions for harmful microorganisms, not only destroying those acting on the foundation material, but also creating a direct threat to the health of the residents of the house.

Expanded polystyrene is one of the available types heat-insulating materials allowing you to organize correct work systems The basis for its installation are bases of different types:

  1. On a sand-crushed stone cushion formed on pre-compacted soil.
  2. On a compacted gravel base, protected from moisture.
  3. By concrete screed with waterproofing coating.
  4. By wooden flooring with waterproofing coating.

Important! To waterproof the base under polystyrene foam, solvent-based compositions and bitumen mastic, since the structure of the insulation begins to collapse under their influence.

Table 1. Laying heated floors on a wooden base

The heated floor is laid on plank flooring.
The boardwalk is treated with an antiseptic composition.
To work, you will need a polystyrene foam relief mat and a foam polystyrene mat with an adhesive layer.
The tape is fixed at the end of the mat, with which it will be adjacent to the wall.
The tape is fixed around the perimeter of the room.
If necessary, trim the mat using a construction or stationery knife.
Heat distribution plates are inserted into the gaps between the protruding elements of the polystyrene foam mat, into which the coolant pipe will subsequently be laid. The plates provide rigid fixation of the coolant and promote uniform distribution of heat flow.
In places where the pipe will turn, leave enough space to create the required radius.
The pipe is being laid.
On top of the laid coolant, a flooring is formed under finishing material using gypsum fiber sheets, laid in two layers with offset and fixed with self-tapping screws.

Characteristics of expanded polystyrene

Foamed polystyrene foam looks more advantageous compared to other thermal insulation materials, due to the fact that it allows you to get a fairly dense, durable and rigid base. During its production, the initial mass is foamed by introducing a low-boiling liquid into it, under the influence of which granules are formed that have a waterproof styrene shell. After exposure to hot steam, granules are obtained that have increased in size compared to original size, 10 – 30 times. After the granules are sintered together, strong, rigid slabs are formed.

Extruded polystyrene foam with low thermal conductivity is very popular. From positive qualities From this material the following can be noted:

  1. Moisture resistance and the ability to not allow steam to pass through ensure that the thermal conductivity of the insulation remains at the same level even when exposed to moisture.
  2. Environmental friendliness and safety of the material for humans and the environment.
  3. Biological passivity and the ability of the material to prevent the formation of fungus and mold.
  4. Resistance of the material to chemical reagents.
  5. Maintains performance at extremely low (down to –50 degrees) and high (+85 degrees) temperatures.
  6. The low weight of polystyrene foam boards allows them to be used on any floor without adding weight to their structure.
  7. The material is easy to process, trim and lay. All work can be done independently, without involving assistants.
  8. Thanks to its smooth surface, the material interacts well with the base on which it is laid.
  9. Excellent thermal insulation properties provided by the bubble structure of the material.
  10. Expanded polystyrene simultaneously creates a waterproofing layer due to its resistance to moisture.

An important quality for flooring is its noiselessness. Expanded polystyrene boards have excellent sound insulation properties.

The safety of the material is no less important - polystyrene foam practically does not burn and even has a self-extinguishing property. However, during the smoldering process it releases harmful toxins.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing expanded polystyrene for a heated floor, take into account its quality and variety.

Quality control

The quality of polystyrene foam boards that will be used for floor insulation can be judged by their visual inspection. You will need to pay attention to the following:

  1. The product must have a bright, evenly distributed color. Typically, slabs of orange or of blue color. This does not in any way affect the characteristics of the products, except for the tone and uniformity of color, which indicate the quality and compliance with the manufacturing technology of the slabs.
  2. The presence of a slight specific odor is acceptable, but a strong odor unpleasant odor there shouldn't be.
  3. During a visual inspection, you must make sure that the slab has clear geometric dimensions, its edges are smooth and dense - they do not crumble when pressed.
  4. The surface of the slab must be flat, otherwise the thermal insulation properties will be significantly reduced.
  5. It is necessary to visually assess the quality of the granules - they must be the same size without voids.

Advice! By breaking a sample of a slab in half, you can evaluate its quality by looking at the location of the break. If the granules in this place have retained their integrity, then this indicates poor adhesion between them. If the slab is of high quality, then the granules are also destroyed at the fracture site.


The properties of expanded polystyrene directly depend on its production technology. In this regard, three types of material can be distinguished:

  1. Non-pressed polystyrene foam is produced by molding a mixture of granules pre-dried and foamed at a temperature of 80 degrees. This is the most a budget option, which is characterized by high fragility.
  2. Material produced by extrusion (extruded polystyrene foam) is produced under the influence of a reagent, which is introduced into a container-form, followed by squeezing the foam mass into a slab shape and drying.
  3. When replacing the foaming reagent with an autoclave, the resulting material is not suitable for use as a heat insulator.
  4. Pressed boards with a thickness of 15 to 70 mm have similar characteristics to extruded polystyrene.

Expanded polystyrene and alternative insulation materials

There are many materials that can be used for floor insulation, but their use is abandoned for a number of reasons:

  1. Cork insulation is expensive.
  2. Mineral wool insulation is sensitive and cannot withstand the effects of moisture from groundwater, so it is not suitable for foundations on the ground and on floors above an unheated subfloor.
  3. Foamed polyethylene (foil or regular) under the weight of the screed decreases in thickness several times.
  4. Polystyrene foam is a brittle material with insufficient rigidity. It can be used in a “warm floor” system, but under the condition of no load, for example wooden floor with lags.

When insulating the floor with polystyrene foam (loose or slab), it is laid in the free space between the joists, lined underneath with plywood or boards. Lay on top vapor barrier membrane. A sheathing is secured along the joists, which will ensure high-quality ventilation. The flooring is made from plywood or other sheet material. It will serve as the basis for laying coolant loops along the guide rails.

At the final stage, the laid pipes or electrical cables are blocked sheet material(GVLV, OSB or plywood) in two layers with an offset, and the finishing decorative material is laid.

Important! Polystyrene foam and granulated styrene, no matter what the manufacturers claim, require quality testing. The thermal insulation properties of insulation can be significantly reduced under the influence of moisture penetrating into the voids between the granules.

Expanded polystyrene boards with bosses

Polystyrene foam mats, specially designed for these purposes, are especially popular when laying heated floors. The so-called bosses on their surface make it possible to avoid the use of additional means of fixation, significantly facilitating the process of installing the coolant.

The advantages of such plates include the following:

  1. The products are equipped with a rigid vapor barrier polystyrene foam layer that provides protection against condensation.
  2. The mat may have a laminated foil coating that protects it from the chemicals contained in the screed.
  3. Protruding elements (bosses) significantly simplify the installation of coolant.
  4. The mats are lightweight and have convenient dimensions, which makes them easy to transport and install.
  5. The presence of side locks ensures the immobility of the monolithic thermal insulation carpet structure, devoid of cold bridges and acoustic seams.
  6. The relief back surface is able to smooth out minor unevenness of the base, provides its ventilation and sound insulation.
  7. The long service life of the mats (up to 50 years) is achieved by following the rules of operation of the heated floor system.
  8. When pouring the screed, the embossed polystyrene foam mat does not change its thickness under its weight.

Laying mats with coolant involves two methods for the final stages - pouring a screed or installing a flooring made of plywood, gypsum fiber or OSB boards. The second method is more reliable in terms of carrying out emergency repair work.

Foil materials

Foil polystyrene has an additional layer with a reflective effect, which in a positive way affects the energy efficiency of the heated floor structure due to the uniform distribution of heat flows and heating of the room. The manufacturer applies markings to the surface of the foil layer, which simplify the work of fixing the coolant.

Methods for fixing coolant

There are several ways to fix the coolant.

Reinforcing mesh and ties

The pipes are fastened to reinforcing mesh with cells 10 x 10 cm using plastic ties. As the pipe is laid to the mesh, it is fixed with plastic ties, cutting off the protruding tails. The pipe is secured with plastic ties every 1–1.5 meters. When bending a pipe 90 degrees, it is enough to use a pair of plastic ties; when bending 180 degrees, use three ties. The advantages of this method include simplicity and reliability, as well as the availability of plastic elements. The disadvantages include the labor intensity of the work, the likelihood of damage to the pipes on the mesh, especially if they are made of metal-plastic, when walking on the floor. Voids may form at the point of contact between the pipe and the mesh, which will lead to a decrease in the thermal efficiency of the floor.

Reinforcing mesh and plastic fastenings

Manufacturers offer special devices for fixing pipes to reinforcing mesh. By fixing the mesh with a clip-mount, it and the coolant pipe are raised above the insulation. This ensures even distribution of the screed under the mesh and under the pipe. Thus, the mesh becomes an additional reinforcing layer, and maximum heat transfer is achieved from the surface of the pipe.

The advantages of this method of fixing the coolant include:

  • additional screed reinforcement;
  • absence of air voids and improved heat transfer;
  • quick and easy pipe laying;
  • less chance of pipe damage.

The disadvantages include the higher cost of fastenings compared to plastic ties.

Plastic fasteners

Attaching the pipe to plastic guides

Pipes can be fixed using plastic guides laid on smooth polystyrene foam. Their length can vary, but more often they are 50 cm long and are inserted into each other, secured with clasps. In this way they can acquire any required size depending on the room parameters. Before fixing the guides, you need to know the pipe layout pattern in advance. The planks can be laid in any pattern. They are attached to polystyrene with U-shaped plastic brackets. The pipe snaps tightly.

One of the advantages is the quick and convenient layout of pipes and their reliable fixation. The disadvantages include the complexity of preliminary marking and the lack of additional screed reinforcement.

Laying on polystyrene foam boards with fixation

Slabs with bosses require additional fixation. The bosses play the role of guides, helping to lay the pipe in any pattern, and anchor brackets are used to secure them. They are also used when attaching to foil-coated flat polystyrene.

The advantages include the prevalence of such fasteners and mats in hardware stores; the bosses protect the pipe from damage and make the installation process easier. The disadvantages include the high cost of the slabs and the need to use additional funds fixing pipes.

Mat with lugs with fixation

Modern manufacturers have improved polystyrene foam mats with bosses, correcting their shape so that they firmly hold the coolant pipes. The laying step should be a multiple of 50 cm. The advantages include reliable, durable and convenient fixation of the pipe. Such a mat is both insulation and a means of fixing the pipe. The ceiling is rigid and does not bend under loads, the pipe is reliably protected from damage. In addition, such a checkmate is excellent combination prices, convenience and reliability. The disadvantages include the high cost of the plates.

Video - Advantages of mats

Velcro fastening

New – fastening pipes with Velcro. Fixation occurs due to reliable adhesion of the tape wrapping the pipe and the fleecy base. When laying, the pipe adheres tightly to the insulation. The advantages include speed of installation, ease of installation and fixation, and no need to use additional fastening devices. One of the disadvantages is the lack of markings, which complicates installation. There is an assumption that the pipes may shift when walking on the floor.

Prices for polystyrene foam for heated floors

expanded polystyrene for heated floors

Video - Laying a warm water floor on polystyrene mats

Expanded polystyrene boards are an innovative building material that is very popular today in the preparation of underfloor heating systems. This the best way to reduce energy consumption of equipment containing heating elements. Another task is to ensure the safety of employees and the premises in which this equipment is located.

Advantages of polystyrene foam boards

  1. Excellent thermal insulation properties. Due to the low degree of thermal conductivity, it is achieved high level heat-saving properties.
  2. Good sound insulation. The product consists of cells, which allows you to achieve increased noise absorption values.
  3. Resistance to adverse factors. Expanded polystyrene boards withstand the action saline solutions, do not rot. This significantly increases their service life.
  4. Ease and simplicity of installation. With a relatively low weight, polystyrene foam products boast excellent strength. Laying is carried out on the ceiling, which allows you to attach heating elements to them flexible pipes. As a result, this increases the reliability of the entire underfloor heating system.
  5. Durability. Throughout use, the material retains its original performance characteristics.
  6. Environmental friendliness. Used environmentally in production clean materials, safe for humans and animals.

Underfloor heating systems should be installed in accordance with regulations, one of which requires the use of thermal insulation to reduce losses and direct heat flow into the right side. Today we will look at expanded polystyrene for heated floors, its features and advantages over other materials.

The use of polystyrene foam for heated floors

Purpose and criteria for choosing thermal insulation

If we look at the structure and principle of operation of the underfloor heating system, we will find that for its normal operation, insulation is required between the heating elements and the floor slab.

This requirement is quite logical: otherwise Substantial part thermal energy will be spent on heating the floor slab and the room located below, since the thermal conductivity of concrete is quite high.

If between heating elements and place a sufficient layer of material with low thermal conductivity with concrete, then almost all useful thermal energy will be spent on heating the floor surface. That is, we will turn the entire heat flow in the direction we need, namely upwards.

In this case, we will be able to use a system with a low coolant temperature, since it will be enough to warm the surface. This will not only save electricity or gas, but also reduce the cost of the entire system through the use of more efficient and inexpensive materials, making it safer and simpler.

Since there are many insulation materials and materials with low thermal conductivity, we should find out the criteria by which we will choose thermal insulation.

So, the criteria:

  1. Low thermal conductivity. The value of the thermal conductivity coefficient plays a very important role important role, as it affects the thickness of the thermal insulation layer. The thinner the layer, the less living space the system will “steal”;
  2. High compressive strength. The insulation layer will be located between the floor surface and the floor slab, that is, it will take on the entire load that will be exerted by the materials of the floor covering, leveling and furniture. The insulation must withstand this load without deformation;
  3. Moisture resistance. The material must have a low water absorption coefficient, otherwise during a system leak, when used on the ground or in wet rooms, the insulation will become saturated with moisture and lose its thermal insulation qualities. There is no possibility to ventilate the insulation to remove moisture;
  4. Safety. The material should not highlight harmful substances when heated to 60-70 degrees. Usually the coolant temperature does not rise above 55 degrees, but a reserve is necessary;
  5. Biological resistance. The material must not become a habitat or breeding ground for insects, mold, bacteria or rodents;
  6. Durability. The insulation should serve no less than the underfloor heating system itself. Replacing the insulation will require disassembling the entire structure and reassembling it, so such a replacement should be excluded;
  7. Smooth surface. Obviously, it is advisable for us to use the material in the form of slabs with a uniform thickness, as this will simplify the installation of the floor.

Now that the criteria for choosing a thermal insulation material are listed, we can easily select the option that best meets these criteria. To do this, we will consider the main materials and, using the method of elimination, we will focus on the appropriate one.

Why expanded polystyrene?

The first criterion on our list is low thermal conductivity. And here are several options:

  • foam plastics(polyurethane foam, polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam, etc.),
  • fibrous materials (stone, slag or glass wool),
  • Cork tree;
  • foam glass.

You can immediately exclude fibrous materials from this list, since they are afraid of moisture and have a low compressive strength. Also, foam glass is not suitable for us, since it is too expensive and has a large thickness.

What remains is balsa wood, polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. The latter is applied in liquid form, in addition, its price is too high. Other foams are too soft and will simply shrink under the screed.

Consequently, of all the materials, polystyrene foam turned out to be the most suitable in terms of its characteristics, cost and ease of installation.

Features of expanded polystyrene

What are the features of expanded polystyrene? I propose to consider those that influence the choice of this material as a thermal insulation substrate for a heated floor:

  1. Low thermal conductivity. Extruded polystyrene foam has one of the lowest thermal conductivity coefficients, which is 0.029-0.034 W/m*K. Only polyurethane foam is more effective in this regard, but its application and the foam itself are too expensive;

  1. High compressive strength. In this indicator, extruded foam plastic is superior to most insulation materials. For 10% linear deformation, a pressure of 250 kPa or more than 100 kg/m² will be required;
  2. Low water absorption. After 24 hours of being in water, only 0.1% of the foam volume is filled with moisture. That is, even when immersed in water, the material retains its qualities by 99%;
  3. Fire safety. The grades approved for use in construction have the following fire resistance indicators: G1, V2, D3, RP1 (according to SNiP 21-01-97);
  4. Heat resistance. The operating temperature range is from minus 50 to plus 75 degrees. Short-term heating up to +110 °C is possible. The material fully matches temperature conditions using heated floors;
  5. No corrosion. Polyfoam is absolutely not afraid of mold, bacteria, moisture, acidic or alkaline environment and other destructive factors;
  6. Low density. The density of expanded polystyrene is 30-35 kg/m³. This means that thermal insulation will not create a significant load on;

  1. Durability. As a substrate for heated floors, extruded PPS will last at least 50 years. There is simply no data on its further fate yet, but a number of studies suggest that after this period the material almost completely retains its qualities and can be used further;

  1. Toxic safety. Expanded polystyrene does not emit toxic compounds such as phenol, formaldehyde, etc. The same cannot be said about dense stone wool.

Ravaterm is another brand with good quality.


When using extruded EPS boards you will get a lot of advantages, including:

  • Easy installation. The instructions for laying the slabs do not require you to have special tool, special skills, knowledge and abilities. Almost everyone can handle laying thermal insulation with their own hands;

  • Quality geometry. Plates from reputable manufacturers (TechnoNIKOL, Penoplex, URSA, etc.) are distinguished by their correct geometry and high-precision milling of edges, locks, bosses and other elements;

  • Soundproofing. In addition to cutting off the ceiling from heating, the foam layer will provide sound insulation sufficient to prevent neighbors below from hearing the gurgling of water in the system pipes;

  • Affordable price. Compared to other options, such as balsa wood, polyurethane foam or foam glass, the cost of PPP is quite affordable and differs significantly;
  • High efficiency. The material copes well with its responsibilities and ensures almost complete absence of heat loss;

  • No smell. High quality slabs polystyrene does not emit odors. The material can be confidently laid in a bedroom or other room without fear of smelling a chemical aroma;
  • Additional moisture protection. The material is completely waterproof and has a very low vapor permeability coefficient. Thanks to this, your floor will be additionally protected from moisture coming from below, and your neighbors will be protected from flooding.


I have clearly shown that when considering various options Insulation for heated floors turned out to be polystyrene foam that was the most effective and suitable in all respects. If you want to learn more about the material, watch the video in this article and ask questions in the comments.

To make the indoor climate as comfortable as possible for living, Special attention should be given high-quality thermal insulation enclosing structures. A poorly insulated floor can cause significant heat loss and the formation of condensation, which is an ideal environment for the growth of fungi and mold. Today, expanded polystyrene for underfloor heating is considered one of the most modern and reliable methods of thermal insulation.

Thermal insulator good quality must have a number of the following qualities:

  • Ecological cleanliness,
  • Resistance to moisture,
  • Ease of installation,
  • Maximum seamlessness,
  • Resistance to temperature changes,
  • High-quality sound insulation,
  • High resistance to compression and cracking,
  • Non-flammability.

Modern insulation materials can be divided into two groups:

  • Insulation materials consisting of mineral fibers (glass wool and mineral wool). They are manufactured in the form of mats, slabs and rolls.
  • Insulation materials consisting of foam materials (foam plastic, polyurethane foam, polypropylene foam, polyethylene foam and polystyrene for heated floors). They are manufactured in the form of panels, blocks and slabs.

Polystyrene underfloor heating system - brief description

Expanded polystyrene for heated floors, in most cases, is colored slabs with ideal smooth surface, which when broken look like foam rubber - with many small pores. This material is a type of foam that was obtained by combining carbon and hydrogen atoms. It is obtained by foaming granular extruded material using volatile petroleum products. To obtain desired effect water vapor is used. Thanks to this, it is possible to produce a lightweight substance with a cellular structure, high strength, as well as excellent thermal and waterproofing properties.

Extruded polystyrene foam for underfloor heating is simply great material for thermal insulation.

It has high strength and heat retention, its chemical and physical qualities remain unchanged during temperature fluctuations from -180 to 180 °C. Naturally, it provides excellent thermal insulation of the floor (due to the fact that it consists of almost nothing but air bubbles). This material is characterized high coefficient moisture resistance, due to which polystyrene slabs for heated floors do not swell and do not absorb excess moisture. When using this material, it is necessary to lay an additional fireproof layer (for example, aluminum foil).

Polystyrene heated floor - installation features

  • Before laying the insulation, it is necessary to carry out all the necessary preparatory work, which include leveling the floor using cement screed.
  • To achieve the best possible sound insulation, a special thermoacoustic film should be spread over the cement.
  • After this it is laid polystyrene foam board for a warm floor, the edges of which must be joined in such a way that it is in a free position.
  • To ensure waterproofing of the floor, polystyrene foam must be covered with a waterproofing film. For these purposes, it is recommended to choose a film with a thickness of about 0.2 mm or more, since it is too thin material won't be very effective. Where the edges of the material join each other, the film must be overlapped so that the overlap width is at least 10 cm.
  • To reliably strengthen the structure, an additional layer of cement screed should be applied with a height of 5 cm.
  • The final stage is laying any flooring, such as parquet or linoleum.

How to choose polystyrene foam for a warm water floor?

If you need to insulate the floor, then it’s perfect for this purpose. expanded polystyrene is suitable from almost any manufacturer. On modern market building materials presented a large assortment sufficiently high-quality material, among which the greatest demand is for extruded polystyrene foam for heated floors of the types “Penoplex 31 Standard”, “Penoplex 31”, “Penoplex 35 Standard”, “Penoplex 35”, “Technoplex 35 Standard”, “Technoplex 35” and “Termite” 35". For floors, shallow foundations, fire tanks and swimming pools, Penoplex 31 is most often used.

As for expanded polystyrene for heated floors “Penoplex 35”, this material has high fire resistance. For this reason, it is often used in the construction of many enclosing structures (roofing, flooring, walls). "Technoplex" is able to maintain its performance characteristics at temperature changes from -50 to +75 ° C, which allows it to be used for insulating loggias, balconies, plaster facades or roofs. “Termite” - expanded polystyrene for heated floors, the price of which is slightly higher than others, has the lowest water absorption rate, due to which it is successfully used when laying foundations in swampy areas.

In addition to extruded polystyrene foam, there are roll and sheet cork, which are also often used in construction. To prevent overheating of the room, you should choose foil-coated polystyrene foam for heated floors.