Ointment for bites is cheap. Insect bites: allergic manifestations and their treatment

The summer period is not only about relaxing and enjoying the warmth, but also about insect bites, which are usually accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as itching, redness and burning. Escape from insects and their bites in summer period It rarely works even in an apartment. In addition, in a residential area there is a risk of getting bitten by household insects, regardless of the time of year.

There are a significant number of folk methods for getting rid of discomfort resulting from insect damage to the skin. However, most people who have been bitten prefer to use special pharmaceutical products, which are now represented in a wide variety not only by domestic, but also by foreign manufacturers.

General information

The modern pharmacology market offers many variety of options Insect repellents that help prevent bites or relieve symptoms of insect infestations and eliminate inflammation caused by their application.

It is not easy to understand the abundance of insect repellents and the consequences of their attacks. The basis of choice, in any case, should be the main manifestations of the bite and the type of insect. Most often, ointment, cream or gel are chosen as the remedy. It is necessary to determine the characteristics of the composition of such drugs, and also take into account the person’s susceptibility to the components and active substances of the drug. In addition, it is necessary to remember the significant differences between children and adults and select a drug for the appropriate age group.

Of course, ointments, gels and creams are very convenient to use, but you should clearly understand their purpose and degree of effectiveness in each specific case.

Bites are mechanical damage to human skin as a result of exposure to the stinging or jaw apparatus of an insect. In addition to mechanical damage, the result of bites can be a chemical burn to the skin. Insect bites can not only cause discomfort, but also pose a danger to human health or life. These consequences are due to:

  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • exposure to the wound of bacteria and protozoa, which can be found in the salivary secretions of the insect;
  • risk of suppuration as a result of scratching the bite site.

People who have an excessive allergic reaction to insect stings may also experience more severe symptoms:

  • severe swelling;
  • severe pain at the site of the bite;
  • constant obsessive itching that develops into a burning sensation;
  • chest pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • lethargy;
  • headache;
  • profuse rashes on the skin.

It is under such circumstances that, as a result of insect bites, preference should be given not to folk remedies, but to gels, ointments or creams containing effective medicinal components.

Fenistil emulsion: salvation from mosquito bites (video)

Rules for choosing a drug

When choosing a product, several indicators that must be taken into account are of particular importance.

  • Age. It must be remembered that many drugs are contraindicated for children due to the high allergenicity of the components or active substances included in the drug.
  • Composition of the drug. The composition of the product is very important important, contraindications and indications for use of the drug, as well as possible side effects as a result of use, depend on it.
  • Purpose of application. There are many preventative medications that prevent the occurrence of unwanted symptoms. Another group of drugs provides complete elimination negative consequences insect bites.
  • Release form. Currently, there are a lot of medications, and the choice can be made in favor of not only tablet drugs, but also easy-to-use creams, gels or ointments.

The easiest form of use is considered to be a gel based on water or alcohol based. The category of denser and “long-lasting” forms of medicines for application to the skin includes creams and ointments. Besides, in Lately The solid form - in the form of a pencil - is gaining popularity.

Ointments and creams for insect bites


The cream is based on the active ingredients necessary for the manifestation of the therapeutic effect. biological substances, allowing for successful treatment of any visible consequences of insect bites. The drug demonstrates anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-edematous effects. The medicine contains natural phytocomponents, including extracts of such medicinal plants, such as chamomile, celandine herb, licorice, plantain leaf, as well as lavender, mint and basil. Besides, therapeutic effect due to the presence of D-panthenol in the composition.


The cream belongs to the category of the strongest in terms of impact, which determines its ability to very quickly and effective elimination inflammation, as well as itching. It is not recommended to use this cream to relieve mild symptoms of insect bites. "Elidel" is used in the treatment of very severe allergic reactions to lesions, accompanied by the occurrence of eczema or atopic dermatitis. The treatment is of a course nature. The drug is prohibited for use in children under three months.

Gels and sprays for bites

Fenistil gel

The gel is characterized high degree anti-inflammatory effect, which is due to the content of such an active substance in the drug as Dimetindene maleate. This component does an excellent job of blocking H-1 type histamine receptors, which are responsible for the formation of itching and discomfort, as well as the formation of inflammation at the site of an insect bite.


The active component of this gel is diphenhydramine, which is known to most as diphenhydramine, which was very popular until recently. The drug is effective against swelling, which very often results from an insect bite, and also quickly relieves itching and has a very pleasant cooling effect. The drug is not prescribed for small children. Persons prone to individual intolerance to certain components should use the drug with great caution.

Independent use of ointments, gels and creams for therapeutic purposes is possible only if there is a mild and insignificant skin reaction to an insect bite. Particularly severe cases with severe swelling, severe itching, and profuse skin rashes require a doctor to prescribe the drug.

How to escape from insects (video)

In addition, increased temperature, obvious instability in blood pressure, severe chills, nausea and blisters require special attention. Such symptoms indicate a very severe reaction of the body to the bite and require immediate medical intervention in a medical facility.

Each of us has been bitten by an insect at least once in our lives. For some, bites go away quickly and do not cause any discomfort. Others, on the contrary, experience severe itching, burning, and swelling appears on the skin. Before you start fighting unpleasant symptoms, you need to find out what insect bit you.

The manifestation of unpleasant symptoms depends on the body’s immune response to the irritant. Some people experience slight redness, swelling and itching on the skin when an insect bites them. And others may experience an allergic reaction, fever and severe burning.

Lump or swelling from an insect bite

Sometimes a lump forms at or around the site of the bite. It indicates that the human body cannot quickly remove harmful substances that got into the blood. This happens with reduced immunity. Swelling can appear due to bites from mosquitoes, some types of flies, hornets and other blood-sucking insects.

Bitten by a stinging or biting insect: what to do

Bites from stinging and biting insects can be life-threatening. The affected area is swollen and slightly itchy. There is no redness or other symptoms. Also, at the time of the bite, a person experiences pain. Stinging insects include:

  • hornet;
  • bee;
  • bumblebee.

If the bitten person develops other symptoms and the swelling does not subside, then medical intervention is required.

Symptoms of a poisonous insect bite

Toxic substances are usually released into human blood by wasps, bees and hornets. Components that enter the body cause toxic reactions. First, a person’s nerve tissue is affected, and then the blood itself.

It is quite difficult not to notice their bite. Symptoms indicating damage to the body by toxic substances:

  1. Sharp burning pain at the moment of the bite.
  2. Swelling forms on the skin, which quickly spreads to large areas of the epidermis.
  3. Bright red inflammation appears around the affected area.
  4. The bitten person's health deteriorates sharply. Weakness and dizziness appear.
  5. The limb that was bitten becomes numb.
  6. Blood pressure decreases.

If you find the above symptoms in yourself or another person, you need to give him first aid and then send him to the hospital. Timely removal of toxic substances from the body prevents the development of complications.

How to behave correctly at the pre-hospital stage? First aid

The most important mistake people make when biting poisonous insects, is panic. Therefore, if you are faced with a similar problem, then you need to calm down. Calmness and confidence will help you provide first aid correctly.

To help a person who has been bitten, you must do the following:

  1. Place it on a flat surface.
  2. In case of skin damage by stinging insects (hornet, wasp, bumblebee, bee), remove the sting from the epidermis. It is advisable to use tweezers for these purposes. Then you need to suck out the poison from the wound (toxic substances will not harm the oral cavity).
  3. An ice compress should be applied to the bite site. Keep it for 10 minutes.
  4. Not everyone knows what to apply to poisonous insect bites. For these purposes, it is advisable to use alcohol, antiseptic, hydrogen peroxide or the drug Menovazin.
  5. Using a bandage or any other cloth, the skin above the bitten area is bandaged. There is no need to tie it very tightly.
  6. If you feel unwell, a person should adhere to bed rest and take plenty of hot drinks.

The above methods allow you to stop the spread of toxic substances in the body as much as possible.

It is recommended to call an ambulance before performing pre-hospital procedures. This will help the victim receive qualified help faster.

How to relieve itching from insect bites

To do this you need to follow certain steps. These include:

  1. Treatment of the affected area antiseptic. For these purposes, you can use iodine, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Regular rinsing with water will not be enough.
  2. Use of hygienic baths. You should also wash the bite thoroughly with soap and water.
  3. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, use a compress or lotions based on diluted alcohol.
  4. Compress using hormonal ointments for insect bites.
  5. For more severe damage, the person is prescribed antihistamines.

You should not expect instant results from these products. You can get rid of unpleasant symptoms only 2-3 days after regular use of medications.

Folk remedies

How to relieve itching using folk remedies? If you have slight redness and itching, apply a piece of ice wrapped in gauze to the epidermis. You can repeat this procedure every 2-3 hours.

For moderate damage, it is advisable to use homemade anti-itch remedies.

Recipe 1 . Aloe vera based compress. The plant is finely ground (almost to a liquid state). A small piece of gauze is moistened in the resulting mass and then applied to the bite. This method treatments are used twice a day. The compress will help relieve itching and soothe the skin.

Recipe 2 . Baking soda is diluted with water to form a paste mixture. Apply this product to the affected area. You can put gauze or stick a bandage on top. After the paste has dried, it must be washed off and then lubricated with a chamomile-based moisturizer. Therapy is carried out depending on the severity of the itching (2-4 times a day).

Recipe 3 . You can relieve itching after an insect bite with lemon. Lubricate the affected epidermis lemon juice(3 times during the day). This natural remedy helps prevent the spread of harmful microorganisms.

Recipe 4 . Few people know how to relieve itching from insect bites. You can quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms using herbal lotions. Equal amount St. John's wort, peppermint and oak bark is poured with a glass of cool water and put on fire. Prepare the decoction for 30 minutes, then cool. To get rid of itching, soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution and apply it to the affected area. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Recipe 5 . A lotion based on table vinegar. To prepare the solution, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1/1. Then a cotton pad or small piece of gauze is moistened in diluted vinegar and applied to the bitten area. After 20-30 minutes, the lotion is removed from the skin and washed with water. Therapy must be carried out twice a day.

Gels and ointments for insect bites and itching

In order to relieve itching after bites, doctors recommend using antihistamine ointments. It is advisable for children to use drops, as they do not cause drowsiness. The products "Zyrtec" and "Fenistil" do not provide negative influence on the child's body.

They help fight itching, reduce swelling and redness in just 1-2 days.

After insect bites, the following medications help well:

  • Levomekol. Used for wound disinfection, antimicrobial and antiviral therapy. For insect bites it is used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

  • Advantan. An excellent antiallergic ointment that helps localize inflammation and reduce swelling. But the drug has a disadvantage - hormonal effects, so it is not recommended to treat large areas with the gel.

  • Hydrocortisone ointment. The product has a hormonal effect. The ointment blocks the production of histamine in the body, thereby reducing the spread of the allergic reaction. Used to prevent the development of anaphylactic shock when bitten by poisonous insects.

  • Akriderm. The ointment is used to apply to the sites of bedbug and mosquito bites. Akriderm reduces itching and gets rid of rashes.

  • Mosquitall gel-balm and Gardex gel. They have a delicate effect, so there are product forms for children. Quickly relieve itching and also help prevent insect attacks.

  • Menovazin. The drug has an analgesic effect, since the main active ingredient in the composition is menthol. Menovazine can be used to treat bites of stinging insects and bedbugs. The product will reduce pain, itching and provide a local feeling of coolness.

Adults can use antihistamines with the names: "Tavegil", "Claritin" or "Suprastin".

They are available in several forms: tablets, injections, syrup. Medicines help with allergic reactions caused by insect bites. There are side effects: they can cause decreased performance, weakness and drowsiness; they are not recommended for children and pregnant women.

Allergic reaction to an insect bite

The occurrence of allergies is directly related to the human immune system. All people react differently to stimuli. Unfavorable environmental conditions, poor diet and bad habits increase the risk of developing an allergy to insect bites.

It usually appears after damage to the epidermis by wasps, bumblebees or bees. Moreover, repeated bites can cause death. Some people also experience allergies after exposure to mosquitoes, but they are less life-threatening.

Symptoms of local and systemic allergies

It is quite difficult to independently distinguish an allergic reaction from other diseases, so to establish a diagnosis you need to see a doctor.

The main symptom of local and systemic allergies is a skin rash. It is located not only near the bitten area, but also on more distant areas of the skin. Usually rashes small size, have a reddish tint. An equally common symptom is swelling. It covers large areas of the body. A person may also develop anaphylactic shock. It is the most dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.

Treatment for local and systemic allergies: how to anoint a bite

Antihistamines are widely used to combat the symptoms of an allergic reaction. They can be taken both in tablet form and externally (balms, lotions, gels, etc.).

Oral medication is used for local manifestations of allergies caused by multiple bites. In this case, doctors prescribe antimicrobial and antihistamine drugs to patients. These include “Hydrocortisone”, “D-panthenol” and “Bepanthen”.

They help quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms(relieve swelling and itching) and prevent the spread of the rash. The fastest-acting ointment for insect bites and itching is Fenistil. It is applied to the affected areas up to four times a day. Side effects occur extremely rarely.

It can also be used as an additional treatment method folk remedies. The most effective therapy for itching after bites - these are compresses from baking soda or vinegar. A teaspoon of the product is diluted in 100 ml of water. Then soak the bandage in the resulting solution. The compress must be applied to the affected areas for 15 minutes.

In case of anaphylactic shock with loss of consciousness, the patient is prescribed resuscitation therapy. They show him artificial ventilation lungs and heart massage. The person must be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible. There he will be given adrenaline, glucocorticoids and antihistamines.

Should not be used traditional methods treatment as a separate medicine. It is also advisable to refrain from bad habits and eat right. This will speed up the healing process.

Perhaps not everyone knows that three quarters of living creatures living on our planet are insects. Modern science Over a hundred thousand species of various insects are known. Of course, a person cannot help but be disturbed by such a numerous neighborhood, especially since the majority of insects demonstrate aggressive behavior, often being carriers of all kinds of diseases and infections.

Insect bites are an extremely unpleasant and sometimes dangerous phenomenon. That is why we will devote this article to a detailed consideration of the main symptoms of insect bites, their likely consequences, as well as the possibilities of preventing these very consequences.

Bites from ants, hornets, bumblebees, bees and wasps

These insects are characteristic representatives of the order Hymenoptera. However, they are also combined into a single group due to their special behavior during bites. The fact is that when a person’s skin is damaged, a toxic substance is injected into his blood. In fact, this is what causes some people to have a severe allergic reaction to insect bites.

After being bitten by a stinging insect, the sting can easily remain in the wound. Which, by the way, often happens when stung by bees, which after such “incidents” lose their stinging apparatus. The special structure of a bee's sting, which includes a mass of specific notches, seriously complicates its removal from the wound. Hornets and wasps can sting repeatedly. But the ant cannot sting, since its jaws are adapted specifically to bites with subsequent injection of poison from the abdomen into the wound.

What are the causes of bites

All of the above insects bite exclusively for defensive purposes. Most often they attack when someone tries to crush them or when a person makes sudden movements. Cases of unmotivated aggression from wasps, ants or bees are extremely rarely recorded.

Symptoms of bites and possible complications

Stinging insect bites, the symptoms of which are fairly easy to recognize, sometimes require emergency medical attention. As a rule, a person may experience:

  • Swelling of the area surrounding the bite;
  • Severe itching and pain;
  • Redness of the bitten area;
  • General weakness;
  • Significant allergic reactions are possible;
  • Hives;
  • Nausea and sometimes even vomiting.

More severe reactions are less common, but if they occur, seek immediate medical attention:

  • Chest pain;
  • Presence of wheezing;
  • Difficulty speaking and swallowing;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Weakness and dizziness;
  • Infection.

Which bites are the most dangerous?

  • Numerous bites of such insects are extremely dangerous, since in this case critical doses of toxic substances enter the human bloodstream, which can lead to general poisoning of the body and also cause death.
  • No less dangerous is posed by individual intolerance to insect poisons, even in small quantities, since a severe allergic reaction can cause anaphylactic shock.
  • Insect bites to the tongue area are considered extremely dangerous, which can lead to swelling of the larynx, followed by asphyxia and death.

What to do

With a single bite of any insect, swelling of the leg or other part of the body may occur, which is a natural reaction of the body. In case of redness, pain and itching, without serious allergic reactions, it is enough to carry out the usual treatment. Insect bites, which are most often treated at home, should be treated according to a specific, pre-developed scheme:

  • If there is a sting left in the wound, carefully remove it;
  • We treat the damaged skin surface with a disinfectant composition (peroxide, iodine, fucorcin);
  • To relieve swelling, apply ice;
  • We take antihistamines;
  • Apply ointment directly to the wound (to relieve itching) against insect bites.

These actions are quite sufficient in ordinary cases. However Special attention At the same time, it is worth paying attention to individual tolerance of the poison and the total number of bites - the further strategy will depend on this. At the slightest suspicion or worsening of the condition, you should urgently call for medical help. Before doctors arrive, you can use an anti-anaphylactic package, which includes:

  • antihistamines;
  • tourniquet;
  • adrenaline injector.

Further medical manipulations will be carried out by the attending physician.


Of course, it is impossible to foresee all the nuances, but some simple preventive rules will allow you to avoid the dubious prospect of being bitten by a frightened insect. First of all, it is not recommended:

  • Approach apiaries without special preparation and clothing;
  • Dress in bright outfits that bees may like;
  • Scent yourself with floral and sweet scents before going out into nature;
  • Rest on anthills and strategic tracts of ants;
  • Make sudden movements that insects may perceive as a manifestation of an aggressive mood.

These basic precautions can protect you from most insect attacks. Although it cannot be denied that there are unfortunate exceptions to the rules, for example, when you inadvertently hit a vespiary... This is where knowledge of first aid for insect bites will come in handy.

We remember the summer season not only for the warm weather, fresh fruits, pleasant trips to nature, but also for the abundance of mosquitoes, midges, and other insects.

Their bites can cause unpleasant painful sensations. Red spots, inflammation, and swelling appear on the body.

These are external manifestations of an allergic reaction to a bite. Children under three years of age are especially susceptible to allergies.

You will find a description of the most effective ointments and gels against mosquito bites, fleas and other insects for children, and the rules for their use in our article.

When to start using

The bite site itches, itches even in an adult. A child's skin is more delicate than that of adults. The painful reaction occurs faster.

Children cannot help themselves and scratch the bite area until blisters appear.. In this case, bacteria enter the wound, which leads to the onset of the inflammatory process.

To start using medications for mosquito bites for children, such as ointments, gels, creams, the following signals serve:

  • redness of the skin around the bite;
  • swelling of 1 cm in diameter or more, sometimes swelling reaches 10-15 cm;
  • itching, leading to scratching the bite site until a watery or bleeding wound appears.

How younger child, the stronger the allergic reaction may be. Don't delay. Start taking action right away.

It is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor for help. It is dangerous to give any medication to a child under two years of age without a doctor’s recommendation.

Operating principle

If it is not possible to get advice immediately, then you can use some products recommended for use.

First, treat the affected area of ​​skin with hydrogen peroxide. Only then apply ointment or gel against mosquito bites.

After use, these products provide relief from an allergic reaction - an antihistamine effect, cool the bite site, relieve itching, discomfort, remove swelling, inflammation, have an antiseptic effect, disinfect, and promote skin regeneration.

In every medicine several additional actions are combined to make the baby feel better.

Ointment or balm is applied equally actively. There is no fundamental difference other than the form of release. Don't let parents be confused by the fact of the name. Sometimes the same drug can be in the form of a gel and an ointment.

Ointments take longer to absorb, but last longer healing effect. Gels will be absorbed faster and will not leave stains on clothes and skin.

Description of drugs

The choice of drugs for mosquito bites is huge. But be responsible when choosing a product for your child. It is better and safer to consult your doctor first. And you need to buy medicinal products for children exclusively at the pharmacy.

Fenistil-gel (cooling)

An effective antihistamine (anti-allergenic) agent is. Blocks histamines that cause allergies and has a local anesthetic effect. Quickly absorbed, cools the bite site, relieves allergic reactions, reduces swelling. It starts working within 5-10 minutes.

After 1.5-2 hours there is a noticeable improvement. The drug is safe for babies from two months of age. The average price of the drug is 350 rubles.

Balm Rescuer for Children

The drug contains only herbal ingredients: sea ​​buckthorn oil, olive oil, calendula extract, beeswax, vitamins A, E. Apply to the wound, rub in lightly, can be covered with a bandage. The balm begins to act immediately, quickly relieves the primary symptoms: swelling, itching, and reduces the degree of redness.

Can be used without age restrictions, contains only substances plant origin. Price - about 100 rubles.


Psilo-balm has an antiallergic, soothing, cooling effect. Absorbs quickly and does not leave oily residue on clothes. The product contains diphenhydramine hydrochloride, which relieves histamines.

Used as a local anesthetic. Relieves itching, swelling and a feeling of heat in the affected area.

Price - 250 rub..


Contains bacitracin and neomycin, which are antibiotics, to disinfect the wound. Apply a thin layer to the affected area of ​​skin. If necessary, apply a bandage on top. Recommended for babies from the first day of life.

Usually there are no side effects. sold in a pharmacy. 2-3 hours after applying the drug, the unpleasant symptoms disappear. Price - about 300 rubles.

Bepanten plus

Contains the active substance dexpanthenol. This is a derivative of pantothenic acid, belongs to the B vitamins. Restores the skin, quickly heals the wound, removes discomfort, and relieves swelling.

Suitable for babies, pregnant women and even for treating nipples during lactation.


Nezulin is a preparation based on herbs and vegetable oils:

  • contains extracts of chamomile, celandine, plantain, licorice;
  • essential oils of mint, basil, lavender;
  • D-panthenol.

Gently relieves discomfort, relieves itching and redness of the skin. Has a strong healing effect.

In the instructions for use there is not a word about the age at which the drug can be used. Just a warning about individual intolerance. Negative feedback No. Cost - about 800-900 rubles.

Cheap analogues

The famous Star Balm cools, relieves itching, discomfort. Contains substances of plant origin such as mint, menthol, clove oil, camphor.

Attention! Do not apply to the area around the eyes and lips.

Cost about 50 rubles.

If you have such inexpensive ointments on hand as Panthenol, then they will provide first aid to children: they will relieve inflammation, reduce pain after insect bites (mosquitoes, fleas, etc.).

Do not rub ointments and gels into your child's skin, especially into affected areas.. Apply on top thin layer using a sterile napkin or a piece of sterile bandage.

Make sure that the child does not scratch the bite site or touch the applied ointment. There is no need to treat swelling every 10 minutes. Carry out the next treatment no earlier than after 2-3 hours, but no more than 3-4 times a day.

Monitor your child carefully. If there is no improvement or if it gets worse, seek medical help.

If a child tries to scratch a treated and lubricated bite area, bandage the wound.

Observe preventive measures from repeated insect bites:

  • treat the premises daily with insect repellents or install a fumigator or device with an ultrasonic effect;
  • use mosquito nets on vents, windows, doorways, above a crib or stroller;
  • treat your child’s clothes against insects with special sprays and aerosols before going outside;
  • in nature, especially in the evening, wear long-sleeved clothing that covers the entire body;
  • For a walk, on a trip to the country, to nature, to the forest, take with you a remedy against mosquito bites and other insects.

Do not buy ointments for children from your hands, in passages or from grandmothers in the market.

Before purchasing, carefully study the composition of the drug and read the instructions for use. Give preference to well-known, proven products and manufacturers with a good reputation.

Check the expiration date of the drug before purchasing. Don’t forget to check before use by taking it out of your first aid kit.

Indoors and outdoors, try to protect your child from contact with insects. It's not just mosquitoes that can cause painful bites. Horseflies, flies, midges and other insects cause concern for adults and children. Stay alert. Always keep insect bite ointment in your first aid kit.

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