Stylish wooden interior doors. Modern solid wood doors: materials, original aesthetics, types

Natural wood in door production is a popular material and in demand among consumers. Doors made of natural solid wood or from solid material not only look more attractive than their synthetic and metal counterparts, but are also incredibly durable and have high degree environmental friendliness

More details about all the advantages door designs from natural wood, as well as the features of choosing a quality product and the secrets of its installation, we will talk in this review.

Materials used

For the manufacture of door products, the most different types wood material: from truly priceless breeds to quite available options wood raw materials. What kind of natural wood give preference when choosing door designs for your home? We should help answer this question Comparative characteristics main varieties wooden material and reviews from professionals and consumers about the quality of this or that type of raw material.

  1. Interior doors natural wood most affordable price category made of pine (photo). Pine has an interesting natural pattern and light color, and its quality indicators are resistant to moisture and external influences.

However, pine is very sensitive to elevated temperatures - above a certain degree it conifer tree begins to release resin and due to protruding droplets, the overall attractiveness of the structure may deteriorate. Therefore, resin products are placed in the interior space without any significant temperature fluctuations.

  1. One more economical option The raw material for natural wood doors is alder. This breed has a pleasant natural white color and is easy to handle. Alder is often decorated with additional decor or used as an imitation for other and more valuable types of wood. Alder is resistant to external deformations, but does not tolerate humidity and dampness. Due to regular penetration of moisture, alder wood quickly begins to rot, so alder doors are completely unsuitable for installation in bathrooms and as an entrance structure.
  2. The optimal wood raw material for door production in terms of price-quality ratio is ash (photo). Ash wood not only has an interesting natural pattern formed by growth rings, but also has high strength indicators - this tree is not inferior in its durability to the mighty oak! Ash wood, according to reviews from cabinetmakers, has good elasticity, so it tolerates elevated temperatures well and does not crack even when installed in the interior space of saunas. Ash is also loved by both consumers and woodworkers for its rich natural palette of colors - you can find doors made from this raw material in both light and rather dark colors. The only negative is intolerance to high humidity, so ash doors can rarely be found at the entrance to a room.
  3. The ideal evenness of the natural grain of wood and super strength are the qualities that distinguish beech doors from door structures made from other natural raw materials. Beech easily withstands even the strongest mechanical stress and is resistant to harmful factors external environment: low and high temperatures, precipitation, moisture, ultraviolet radiation.

The natural tones of beech wood are distinguished by an amazing soft pink color and that is why doors made from this raw material look so attractive and sophisticated. Both interior and entrance doors are made from beech - the strength of the material makes its use truly universal. Beech wood has practically no drawbacks, the only minor drawback is the poor color palette.

The impossibility of painting beech in bright colors is explained by its specific properties: when applied, the paint is simply absorbed into the wood and does not give the desired brightness of the tone.

  1. Oak is generally recognized as an elite material for door structures, both entrance and interior design. The strength of this natural wood is such that doors made from it can serve long years without visible changes or damage. Oak is not afraid of cold, heat, dryness or humidity, and therefore is so valued by wood craftsmen and has earned the most enthusiastic reviews from consumers. Oak doors can be the most different colors– from light to almost black (rare bog oak) and be additionally decorated with even the most massive elements - forging and stained glass.
  2. The least common door structures are made of red wood - sequoia, eucalyptus, meranti, mahogany (photo). Doors made from this natural material are distinguished by their bright original colors and amazing strength, but at a price such a door design is not affordable for every consumer.

In the assortment of modern door stores you can also find door products made of cherry, walnut or cedar, but more often the raw materials of the species that we have just told you about in detail are used.

Advantages of door structures made of natural wood

Wooden door products, in comparison with doors made of other materials, look much more profitable in the following parameters:

  1. The highest aesthetic appeal - such doors will easily fit into the interior of any stylistic direction.
  2. Indicators of strength and resistance to external influences.
  3. Ideal noise and sound insulation.
  4. Environmentally friendly use and even the ability to improve the indoor climate (evaporation from beech and pine is beneficial for human breathing).

A few words about installation

On the one hand, there is nothing complicated in installing an interior door, and this requires a minimum of working tools, but on the other hand, the installation of door structures has a number of nuances that will be difficult to take into account and perform without errors on your own.

It is especially important to avoid mistakes in the installation of structures made of natural wood - after all, the panel can be damaged, and in addition, an incorrectly installed door will not be able to fully perform its useful functions. Therefore, if installing door structures is a dark and unexplored territory for you, be sure to seek help from professional installers.

Today the door market is unique and diverse. What are the advantages of a wooden door? How to choose? You will find answers to these and many other questions in the article.

Wood selection

Doors are an important part of every home. They perform decorative and protective functions. Doors are made from different materials:

  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • glass;

But the tree maintains its leading position. It is considered a sign of good taste and wealth. Wooden doors are an environmentally friendly product.

Types of wood

Oak. An amazing tree that combines strength and attractive appearance. Oak products perfectly suppress noise and retain heat well. They have the longest service life. One of the few tree species that can more or less tolerate a humid environment.

Alder is slightly inferior in characteristics to oak.

Pine. It is the most budget option. Due to its availability and price, it occupies more than 78% of the wooden door market. It has a high resin content, which is a natural protection against moisture.

Suitable for cities with high humidity and rainy seasons. The resin also has an effect on heat retention. If you do not have a standard opening, then you can use the service of making a door to order.

Entrance doors

Input wooden doors are not in great demand now. About 85% of the market is occupied by metal ones. But wooden doors are an indicator of taste, they are durable, attractive in appearance and are an environmentally friendly product.


Each type of door has certain requirements.

  • Must be sealed.
  • Must be durable and safe.

A door intended for a private house or apartment must have at least two types of locks.

Sound insulation is important. If you are choosing a door for a private house, pay maximum attention to this point.

Also, the main task of the front door is to retain heat in an apartment or house. This is facilitated by a special heat seal. Also, special rubber bands must be stretched along the door body. They create a certain tightness, which allows them to retain heat.

Pay attention to the door installation. Your safety, safety of things and equipment, and comfort will depend on how the door is installed.

The door must be smooth, without various deformations, distortions, bumps, etc.

Types of entrance doors

Solid wood door. They are made from a large piece of wood or from several pieces connected with glue.

Panel doors. They have a certain base (shield) which is sheathed on both sides with wood. The thickness is from two to three centimeters.

Combined. These are panel-type doors sheathed on the entrance side with metal. This gives the structure reliability and safety. It is the most universal type.

Interior doors

Suitable for interior doors:

  • Ash.
  • Larch.
  • Pine.

They have a long service life, high strength and wear resistance. Well suited for cold regions, they perfectly retain and maintain heat in the room.

Types of interior doors

  • Sliding doors.
  • Sliding.
  • Swinging open.

Important! Bathroom and kitchen doors must be treated with a moisture-repellent agent.

Wooden doors to the balcony

Wooden balcony door performs a number of very important functions. The main thing is maintaining a comfortable microclimate in the room. Most models use glass inserts, this gives the room a certain style.

According to the type of installation, wooden doors are divided into:

Combined. The doors come as a set with the window and must be installed together. These models have glass inserts.

The doors are installed separately and do not require a window. Solid doors do not have glass inserts. Ideal for balconies without glazing or used as storage.

  • The material is safe, non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
  • Wood is a natural material and has fibrous structure, which allows him to “breathe”.
  • On this moment for sale great amount various: mixtures; aerosols; varnishes; paints; impregnation; etc., which allow you to extend service life, protect from moisture, sun and mechanical damage wooden crafts.
  • Nice appearance.
  • Good sound insulation.

The disadvantages include:

  • quite high price;
  • the need to periodically paint the product with paint or varnish;
  • If you live in a region with high humidity, then you need to monitor the material and prevent attempts to swell or rot. There are special coatings for this;
  • it is possible that the door will be chosen by various bugs, insects, etc.
  • since wood is a natural material, it tends to age and lose its beneficial properties over time;
  • With prolonged exposure to high temperatures and dry air, the door may deteriorate and crack;
  • Wooden doors quickly ignite in a fire.

Making doors at home

Wood is a material used to make various DIY products. It is characterized by an attractive appearance, smell, and environmental friendliness. Finished wooden products belong to the premium class and not everyone can afford them.

Making a wooden door with your own hands is very difficult. Required:

  • High-quality, properly processed material.
  • Tools specifically designed for woodworking.

Step-by-step instruction

Choose the boards of the size you need.

Processing required wooden planks. A grinding tool is used for this. It is important to treat every millimeter of the board. If you miss even one section, it will be noticeable when painting and will spoil the appearance and safety of the product.

A laminated board is also required. It acts as a decorative element.

Important points when choosing

Manufacturer. When choosing, be guided by the reputation of the company. They care about their reputation, have unique developments, manufacturing technologies and quality material. Their doors will be reliable, durable, aesthetically beautiful and safe.

When purchasing, ask the seller for a certificate of product quality. An authentic certificate is a guarantee that the doors are made of environmentally friendly material and treated with substances that guarantee resistance to exposure to water, sun, and fire. The products are safe and do not contain chemicals hazardous to health.

The authentic certificate contains:

  • door name;
  • company manufacturer;
  • who is the supplier;
  • the organization that issued this certificate.

Pay attention to external manifestations of quality. The material must be well processed and polished. The product must be smooth, without scuffs, bumps, crevices or scratches. It must also be painted or varnished.

Check to see if the coverage is even? Run your hand over the surface. If you feel smooth, then everything is processed well. If you feel roughness or sharp needles, then it is better to refrain from purchasing.

If there is glass, find out its type. It must be: Resistant to impacts and other physical impacts, accidental or intentional. The presence of film is important. It will prevent it from breaking into fragments if damaged. If you have small children or are planning to have them, check this point before purchasing.

Photo of wooden doors

The door is probably the most important part of our home. She greets people at the entrance and accompanies them throughout the house. The choice of doors is complex and painstaking process, which is determined by the wide variety on the market. Modern style of interior doors - 45 photos of interior door design. Now you can buy any door, and if it suddenly isn’t in stock, you can place an order, according to which they will make anything for you. This variety adds beauty to a home, which gives satisfaction to anyone. Interior doors in a modern style can be divided according to many parameters, but the biggest differences have three types of doors - glass, wood and metal.

Wooden interior doors

Wooden doors appeared in our lives a long time ago and were installed everywhere. In the 90s of the last century, active development of cities in our country began. Before the house was handed over, some finishing work was done on the apartments, during which only wooden interior doors. Thus, nowadays almost every apartment has such doors.

Wooden doors are distinguished by excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation, and no other type of door can surpass wooden ones in this quality. Is it true, highest value represent the decorative and aesthetic properties that wood has the best. A wooden interior door will fit into the interior of any apartment. Interior door design photos:

Metal interior doors

Metal doors have been around for a long time. They are most often used as entrance doors, which require the greatest reliability. Metal doors are best protection from burglars. Crime in our country, unfortunately, is high, which requires the reliability of your front doors. It should be noted negative quality metal doors, which is expressed in terrible thermal insulation and sound insulation.

Metal doors cannot retain heat in your home, so when installing and manufacturing them, be sure to use additional insulation, otherwise such doors can simply become a disaster. Interior doors are also metal. They are made from light metals such as aluminum. Such interior doors in a modern style are widely used in the High-Tech style.

Watch the video: Modern style of interior doors. 45 design photos

Glass interior doors

Glass doors have become a novelty on the domestic market. They are most often installed between rooms. Input glass doors used only in public or commercial establishments. These doors are different interesting property, which give greater freedom to a person, because they are translucent and give a feeling of more space. They are not yet used very often due to their high cost. Interior door design photos:

Which interior doors to choose - veneer or laminate?

Previously, only styles of interior doors were presented on the market - wooden ones, which were commonplace in our lives. IN modern world wood was not the only product. Doors with synthetic coating using laminate are especially widespread.

Currently, developments are constantly being carried out aimed at changing the laminate in order to obtain minimal differences from veneer, but the best technical indicators. However, there remains great demand for interior doors in classic style with veneer covering. Let's look at the positive and negative features of each coating in order to decide which one is better.

Veneer interior doors - advantages

Veneer interior doors - disadvantages

Veneer also has several negative characteristics that reduce its prevalence among other interior door styles.

Laminate interior doors - pros and cons

In general, we can say that veneer still holds the leading position, although its cost is rising, and the price of laminate is constantly decreasing, so that soon the choice will become clear. See interior door design photos:

People have always especially valued what is natural and durable. Perhaps this is why solid wood interior doors have not gone out of fashion for many years.

After all, doors made from of this material, are considered classics. And classics, as you probably know, never go out of style.

In addition, we should not forget that wooden door structures are distinguished not only by their strength. They are also environmentally friendly and durable.

Therefore, no one is surprised by the particular popularity and demand for these products.

But since progress does not stand still, every year more models appear on the market that differ in texture and design.

Designers work hard to create truly beautiful and high-quality interior doors from natural solid wood. AND Special attention they pay attention to their design.

After all, despite the fact that this design is considered classic, it is also used in those houses that were decorated in a modern style.

And in order for the door structure to fit harmoniously into such a design, it is necessary to pay due attention to its design.

Advantages of solid wood door structures

Doors made from wood look especially good and expensive, so they become a unique business card dwellings.

However, in addition to the fact that these designs have a unique appearance, there are several other advantages that distinguish them from other products.

Resistant to temperature changes. Wooden doors can be installed not only in rooms where the temperature is maintained at the same level and rarely changes.

Experts assure that you can install them in both the kitchen and the bathroom. After all, the tree tolerates both low and high temperatures, as well as their differences.

Therefore, you don’t have to worry that the presentable appearance of the product will deteriorate under the influence of temperature.

High level of sound insulation. It is extremely rare that doors are used only as a decorative element. Most often, they are also tasked with soundproofing.

After all, not every homeowner will like the fact that his speech is heard not only by those people who are in the room with him, but also by guests in the next room.

Solid wood doors have some of the best sound insulation performance, so if you want to protect your privacy or just get rid of noise, you should pay attention to them.

Thermal insulation. Climate in Russian Federation and the CIS countries is quite harsh, so residents are increasingly faced with the question of how to keep warm. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that many consider the door as another way to keep the room warm.

To solve the problem associated with retaining heat indoors, solid interior doors are excellent option.

Strength. This design is in second place in terms of strength after metal doors. Only they can boast of higher strength indicators.

However, they can only be used as entrance doors. While wooden doors can also act as interior doors.

Durability. Most door structures have to be replaced after 3-5 years, since they very quickly lose their original appearance. In addition, their other characteristics deteriorate. And this forces homeowners to dismantle structures and replace them with new ones.

Wooden doors will serve you not just for one year, but for 10 years. During this time, their presentable appearance will not deteriorate at all.

Despite the fact that these products have so many advantages, they can completely lose them if the production process is disrupted.

Only if manufacturers adhere to established rules for the manufacture of interior doors from solid wood, they will be able to retain their characteristics.

Therefore, when purchasing, it is especially important to ask the seller what adhesive composition was used for gluing the array, and also what amount of finishing coating is available.

How to care for a wooden door?

If you think that after purchasing a product, you will not need to care for it, then you are mistaken.

Like any door, made of any material, wooden structure needs to proper care. And it begins immediately after you purchase the product.

When the specialist finishes installation work, you need to cover the surface of the door with wax or a special protective varnish. In most cases, manufacturers omit this procedure and place it on the shoulders of buyers.

However, you should definitely ask the seller whether the door was coated with the necessary substances or not.

If it turns out that the door structure has already been applied protective layer, all you have to do is wipe it with a damp cloth.

As dirt appears on your door, it needs to be removed. An ordinary sponge dipped in water will help you with this.

It is strictly prohibited to use any detergents. If you find any small scratches or chips on the door, you need to carefully sand them with a fine nozzle.

After this, you will need to re-coat the area with protective varnish (wax). Under no circumstances should you use too large nozzles. This will only worsen the situation and lead to new scratches.

Photos of solid wood interior doors

Choosing interior doors is not as easy a task as it might seem. What material and what type of construction to choose, and how to correctly fit the door into the design of the room - read our detailed article. Selection best photos attached.

Interior doors are, of course, extremely important element design of any room and apartment as a whole. After all, it is the doors that connect two spaces that should be in harmony with both rooms, regardless of whether they are made in the same general style or inspired by completely different ideas.

So, when during the renovation process you are faced with the question of choosing interior doors, you should pay attention to a few basic rules.

  1. Naturally, ideal option doors will be made from natural materials. We will not tire of repeating that good material- this is not only an aesthetic choice, but also the basis for the longevity of a particular design element, and this indicator can more than recoup the costs. Regarding the choice of interior doors the best choice– doors made of solid wood or natural veneer.
  2. High-quality coating is another point that is worth paying close attention to. Exactly high-quality coating will help extend the service life of the door without losing its attractive appearance appearance. In addition, high-quality varnish or laminate is also a matter of health!
  3. Pay attention to the fit of all door elements: there should be no unnecessary gaps at the junction of individual parts, such as grilles, frames, glass inserts or other materials.
  4. Correct geometry is what matters! Only minor discrepancies of a few millimeters are acceptable, otherwise you risk developing certain problems with installation and operation in the future.
  5. Remember that the door frame must have a seal, and if glass is used in the decoration, then it must be of sufficient quality to adequately withstand all operating conditions!

Deciding on the material


Doors made from fibreboards, or in other words MDF, are relatively cheap option. Unlike chipboard, which contains formaldehyde resins, which release toxic fumes over time, fiberboard is more environmentally friendly material. It consists of slabs made from pressed wood dust, the wood particles in which are steamed during the production of the slabs, and therefore they speak of production by wet pressing.

Don’t think that fiberboard doors look like the back walls of Soviet wall cabinets. During the production of doors, fiberboard is refined by pressing with special dyes. In addition, the material goes through a so-called strengthening process, which also in a positive way is reflected in its external and functional qualities.

Overall, fiberboard doors are a good economical choice that have a number of other benefits: Fiberboard doors are moisture resistant and durable enough to last you a long time.


MDF is an excellent compromise between the price of a product and its quality. Not only is MDF environmentally friendly pure material, so in addition to everything else, it has an excellent texture that allows you to make any carved elements from it. Therefore, if you want a door with interesting decor, MDF will cope with this task perfectly.

MDF can be an excellent “filling” for an interior door. Exterior finishing in this case, it can be made, for example, from natural veneer. If you are considering more budget options, then you can opt for finishing with artificial veneer or lamination.

In addition to the advantages associated with possible design delights in the design of the door leaf, MDF has other advantages, including:

  • moisture resistance;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • resistance to deformation.

Solid wood

If you want the doors in your apartment to look expensive and noble, to serve you for a long time, and at the same time you are willing to pay the appropriate price for it, your choice is interior doors made of solid wood.

Beautiful natural material, wood, has a number of advantages:

  • strength of the door structure;
  • excellent adhesion to finishing materials;
  • reliability of fastenings;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high quality;
  • wealth of design options.

But this material, unfortunately, is not without its drawbacks:

  • each door made of solid wood is, in a certain sense, universal, since the wood pattern is unique;
  • low resistance to temperature changes and moisture (high-quality coating and proper care are required);
  • heavy weight of the structure, which requires the use of extremely reliable and durable fittings.

Most often, in mass production, the door surface is made of solid wood covered with thin sheets of natural veneer - to improve moisture and heat resistance and increase service life. Veneered wooden doors cope with this task perfectly!


Many modern styles, such as hi-tech or minimalism, they are not too fond of such natural materials like wood or artificial imitation wood panels. The futurism of such styles dictates the choice of completely different materials - metal, plastic, glass.

And if metal doors- not the best choice for dividing rooms, then glass ones, on the contrary, do not look pretentious and somewhat simplify and lighten. The matte surface allows them to easily fit into any room and be used, among other things, as a door for and.

In addition, the possibilities for decorating glass panels are multifaceted! Combination frosted glass with the usual, stained glass, sandblasted drawings - all this will help you choose a truly unique door for a unique interior!

Choosing an interior door design

Exists a large number of options for interior doors, including classic swing doors and more interesting designs– sliding or folding. More details about everything below.

Swing doors

Swing doors– the simplest and most familiar type of door to us. The design of such a door consists of a door leaf and a frame. But they are the same simple doors currently boast some variety of options.

A similar design and type of opening is currently used everywhere: both as interior and entrance doors.

Sliding doors

The currently popular type of door structures, sliding doors, came to us from Asia, where they have been used since ancient times. Their main advantage is ergonomics.

The design consists of a door leaf, which is attached to a guide with rollers installed inside a beam attached to the wall. The rollers are attached to the top of the door with a special bracket.

Sliding doors can fit into the most miniature room, allowing you to save precious meters.

Let us highlight the main advantages of the sliding type of opening:

  • saving space, allowing you not to waste space in an irrational way;
  • design safety;
  • stylish and fashionable design.

The main disadvantages include low sound and heat insulation, as well as a higher cost compared to classic sliding doors.

Either way, sliding doors are stylish and modern version execution of interior doors. We invite you to familiarize yourself with interesting examples in our photo gallery:

Sliding doors

Sliding doors belong to the subgroup of sliding doors, but they differ slightly in design from classic type, and therefore we have identified them as an independent group.

The design of such doors is similar to classic doors. But, of course, interior sliding doors differ from wardrobe doors in weight and strength. In addition, do not forget about the presence of a handle and a lock.

Sliding doors are more ergonomic than classic sliding doors due to the fact that when opened, the sliding panels not only move to the side, but also overlap each other.

Sliding doors

One more interesting view Sliding doors are doors with a sliding mechanism. Such designs are perhaps the most ergonomic option possible, because the door being opened slides not along the wall, but inside it!

In this case, the wall is made of plasterboard, and requires partial redevelopment for mounting a U-shaped groove into the wall. The groove is best made of metal.

Installing sliding door, do not forget about the correct position of the handle!

Such a door looks very interesting in the interior of any room and has useful property tightness compared to a conventional sliding door.


Roto doors are a kind of compromise between a swing and a sliding door. The peculiarity of the rotary door is that during the opening process the door leaf unfolds slightly and in the open position becomes perpendicular to the doorway.

This type of opening allows open door occupy less space and like the design sliding door serves to save space in a small room or.

Roto doors have such advantages as sound insulation and airtightness, and are an excellent solution for the bedroom!

Folding doors (accordion doors)

Interesting design solution We are presented with the design of folding doors.

An accordion door can fit perfectly into the interior of a living room or bedroom, and can also be an excellent option in the matter of zoning space (for example, separating a bedroom from a dressing room).

The material used to make an accordion door is often wood or plastic, but other options are also possible.

The design of a folding door is a connection of several elements using movable hinges, and one of the ends of such a door is equipped with rollers moving along a guide, as is the case with a classic sliding door.

Nuances of choice and design tricks

Single style or riot of diversity?

When choosing interior doors for an apartment, we are faced not only with the choice of material and type of opening, but also with the choice of style, which, as often happens, must “combine the incongruous.” What are we talking about? Let's tell you in more detail.

If you are renovating a separate room and together with interior design If you want to change the door, you are faced with the task: how to choose a door that would simultaneously fit the new interior of the bedroom or living room and fit into the corridor? However, this question also haunts those who create a design project for a future apartment.

After all, it often happens that in one living space in different rooms get along perfectly different styles! Bedroom in style gentle Provence, a living room in the Art Nouveau style with its natural motifs, a laconic kitchen in the minimalist style and a retro hallway - and each room has its own requirements not only for furniture and interior design, but also to the door!

Of course, if you plan to choose a certain unified style for decorating your apartment, then you won’t have to rack your brains over how to fit a door into two interiors at the same time. If you decide not to take the easy route, we can advise you to make interior doors to order - this way you can decorate them on one side to match the design of the hallway, and on the inside - choose a finishing option that is more suitable for the chosen style of the room.

You can also choose doors neutral tones and neutral design, which will allow you to fit them into any interior of your choice without any questions asked!

High interior doors

We are used to the standard doorways, on average not reaching the ceiling 30-50 cm (depending on the height of your ceilings). However, designers are increasingly offering us interesting concepts for use in the interior. high doors– literally from the floor to the ceiling! What are the advantages of such structures, besides the unusual design solution?

  • Tall doors can visually enlarge the space of a small room and “raise” the ceilings.
  • The wealth of choice of style solutions and shades can easily highlight the individuality of your design.
  • The originality of the appearance does not even need comment. Such doors are unusual, period.

Self-installation of interior doors

Installing interior doors with your own hands is not the easiest process, but it allows you to save a lot during the renovation process.

Of course, the nuances of assembly and installation directly depend on the type of construction you choose and it is impossible to identify a universal algorithm suitable for any case.

We tried to put together video tutorials for you on installing interior doors. various types, to this process gave you as little trouble as possible! So, let's watch the video:

Installation of swing doors:

Installation of sliding doors:

Installation of folding doors:

Installation of rotary doors: