Mineral water without gas for children. Let's treat the baby... with magic water

However, when it comes to newborn children, a reasonable question arises: can a child be given mineral water? Let's try to figure this out.

Composition of mineral water

Mineral water is rich in mineral salts and trace elements, the most important of which are calcium, sodium, potassium, as well as fluorine and iodine. All these elements are not found in tap water. In addition, mineral water is not processed like tap water, and, therefore, retains its original natural benefits.

Mineral water can be medicinal, medicinal-table or table. The difference between these types is the degree of mineralization.

Mineral water is carbonated to disinfect and increase shelf life.

Table mineral water has a mineralization of no more than 2 grams per liter. At the same time, the highest category has a mineralization of no more than 500 mg per liter.

Medicinal table water has a mineralization of no more than 8 grams per liter. This mineral water should be drunk as prescribed by a doctor, since the high concentration of salts makes the urinary system work more efficiently.

Therapeutic mineral water mineralizes up to 12 grams per liter. It is drunk only to treat certain diseases and only as prescribed by a doctor.

Mineral water for children

Of the above types, only table water is suitable for babies under one year of age. highest category(no more than 500 mg per liter). This water can be used to dilute mixtures or supplement your baby's drink.

Medicinal table water can be given to children over one year of age only as prescribed by a pediatrician.

Medicinal water is not suitable for small children.

Which mineral water to choose?

When purchasing mineral water for children, be sure to study the composition. The label of any high-quality mineral water must indicate the degree of carbonation, chemical composition, well number and location, expiration date, spill date, ion concentration.

Here is the approximate composition of mineral water that can be given to children:

Calcium – 25-80 mg/l;

Iodide ions – 0.04-0.06 mg/l;

Magnesium – 50-55 mg/l;

Fluoride ions – 0.6-0.7 mg/l;

Potassium – 2-20 mg/l;

Bicarbonates – 30-400 mg/l.

An opened bottle should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than two days. A closed bottle can be stored for up to a year at room temperature.

Whether or not to give a child mineral water is a question that often interests young parents, because... they are concerned about the health of their children and know that drinking such a drink is extremely beneficial. At the same time, it is quite problematic for many to decide on such “treatment” for healthy children, since it is believed that mineral water is quite aggressive in terms of its composition and is not always useful for children.

Composition of the product

Mineral water is often characterized as a storehouse of microelements and mineral salts. Among the especially important ones:

  • Calcium
  • Sodium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium

All these substances give the child an impetus for development, provide his body with substances that are fundamentally important for growth and help strengthen the immune system. An additional advantage of mineral water is the fact that it is not subjected to any treatment under thermal conditions, which means it retains all the power and benefits of nature. Drinking it to children means filling them with natural immunity.

Mineral water is divided into 3 types:

  • Medical
  • Medical dining room
  • Dining room

The main difference between them is noted at the level and degree of mineralization. At the same time, it is worth understanding that the very name of these species hides the answer to the question: is it possible to give a child mineral water to drink? For example, medicinal options are used specifically as treatment, canteens are an excellent solution for every day to significantly strengthen and heal the body.

Parents are often frightened by the gas bubbles that are found in almost every bottle of medicinal liquid. In fact, the secret of carbonating such a drink is simple - this allows you to disinfect it and increase its shelf life without resorting to preservation. For children, drinking this water is many times healthier than even packaged juices.

What are the benefits of this drink for children?

If you use mineral water in children as a treatment, it is prescribed for diseases such as:

  • Gastritis
  • Gastrointestinal ulcer
  • Liver diseases
  • Kidney problems
  • Infections of the genitourinary system
  • Diabetes
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract
  • Obesity

Also, children are often offered water treatment if their immunity is weakened - in this case it is restored quite quickly. In addition, it can be given to a child in the form of rinses, for example, if there are any pathologies of an infectious or inflammatory nature in the mouth and nasopharynx - this is associated with an excellent antiseptic effect, which distinguishes mineral water from others.

You can provide children with water with all the necessary substances to strengthen their teeth, heart, and growing bones. And children should be given water for this purpose regularly. This kind of treatment will allow you to get the most healthy and harmoniously developed baby from the point of view of physiology.

Children are often given mineral water to drink when they have heartburn - with its help you can quickly remove all the negative symptoms and alleviate the child’s condition. Doctors also advise filling mineral water baths - such options are offered to children in sanatoriums and health centers. In this case, there is no need to drink it - water can treat skin problems: diathesis, ulcers, itching and peeling. In addition, such baths can be used as treatment if available. various kinds“chronicles” - constant diseases of internal organs.

The advantage of this kind of water is the fact that it does not contain dyes, flavors, preservatives, taste improvers, sugar and other additives not recommended for children.

How to choose?

It is not enough to decide to drink mineral water and actively use it as a treatment. You also need to choose it correctly so as not to harm the baby. So, before purchasing, you can, and even definitely need to, carefully study the composition on the label. Here you must specify parameters such as:

  • Carbonation level
  • Chemical composition of the product
  • Technical data of the well - its number, location, etc.
  • Shelf life of the drink
  • the date of bottling
  • Ion concentration

If you look from the point of view of numbers, the approximate composition of mineral water that can be used in children looks like this:

  • by the amount of calcium contained – 25-80 mg/l
  • Iodide ions – 0.04-0.06 mg/l
  • magnesium – 50-55 mg/l
  • fluoride ions – 0.6-0.7 mg/l
  • potassium – 2-20 mg/l
  • bicarbonates – 30-400 mg/l

After opening, the bottle should be stored, like many other products, in a cold place for no longer than a couple of days. A closed bottle lasts longer.

How to distribute by age

When choosing mineral water, you should pay attention Special attention for the baby's age. For example, table water can be consumed by children of any age, but it is worth observing moderation in its use.

Carbonated table water is recommended for children over 3 years of age. At the same time, you can drink it quite rarely - no more than a couple of times a week. In children under three years of age, this water may cause digestive upset.

Medicinal waters of any kind are given only on the recommendation of a doctor. These are used exclusively for diagnosing certain chronic diseases in children. However, it is most often prescribed to teenagers. And you should drink such water only according to the recommendations and scheme proposed by your doctor.
Artificially mineralized water can be used in children, but not every day. Moreover, children who have crossed the threshold of 3 years are allowed to drink.

Supermarket shelves are stacked with bottles of water and sugary drinks. On a hot day you just want to choose the best one for yourself. delicious water, quench your thirst, feel the bursting of bubbles in your mouth. Carbonated drinks are cheap, long lasting, and have a long shelf life. Children simply love colorful drinks, so why not treat your child from time to time?

Types of "soda"

First, let’s figure out what is hidden behind the word “soda.” Soda is water enriched with carbon dioxide. Water can be mineral, table, from a natural source, or it can be a sweet drink with different flavors.

Unsweetened soda is ordinary water that is enriched with gas to disinfect and improve taste qualities. Water can also be medicinal, for example, if it is collected from natural sources. Such water can increase or decrease the acidity of the stomach and have various effects on internal organs. You can't just drink this kind of water.

“Mineral water” is ordinary water, with or without gas, which in composition is not much different from ordinary boiled water. It is more purified, sometimes artificially enriched with minerals. Anyone can drink this water, following some rules.

As for sweet carbonated drinks, their composition is an explosive mixture of a huge amount of sugar, preservatives, stabilizers and dyes.

What is the danger of sugary carbonated drinks?

Just imagine: one glass of sweet soda contains 4 tablespoons of sugar! How much water can a child drink on a hot day? Half a liter, that's for sure. This great amount sugar can cause a lot of problems with endocrine system, has a bad effect on the pancreas. There is nothing to even talk about the benefits of preservatives and stabilizers - they don’t have it! But there is plenty of harm. website

Lemon and phosphoric acids, which are contained in any sweet soda, severely irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, destroy tooth enamel, and remove calcium from the body.

Manufacturers of sweet drinks resorted to tricks and began to replace regular sugar with sweeteners and fortify drinks with vitamin C. It would seem that this is for the better, but in fact it is not. Sweeteners in combination with acids and carbon dioxide can cause allergic reactions even in adults, and even more so in children. Any sweet soda contains the preservative sodium benzoate. When this substance interacts with vitamin C, the toxic substance benzene is formed, which is a carcinogen. When consumed regularly, benzene can accumulate in the body, causing heart disease.

With frequent consumption of sweet carbonated drinks, even an adult can develop diseases such as:

  • obesity;
  • hypertension;
  • gastritis;
  • inflammatory processes in the pancreas;
  • diabetes;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • allergic reactions;
  • atherosclerosis.

Based on this, There should be no sweet carbonated drinks in children's diet. They have absolutely no benefit, are harmful to teeth and digestion, and most importantly, they do not quench thirst. After drinking such a drink, the brain receives a deceptive signal that liquid has arrived, but at the expense of sugar. taste buds They ask for a new dose of the drink, since it is impossible to get drunk with sugar and gas.

Mineral water without sugar

The range of ordinary mineral waters is very large. Mineral water is good for the body and is easy to drink. With the intake of clean water, the body receives useful minerals that a person needs every day.

There are healing mineral waters with different content alkalis that are useful to drink for certain diseases. It is better not to buy this kind of water for children. . Pay attention to the label: it should say “Table water.” The composition of this water is perfect for both adults and children.

With or without gas?

For your child, choose still water. Initially, gas was added to mineral water to improve its taste. Real water from a mineral spring may contain impurities of methane, hydrogen sulfide, and chlorine. Such water is artificially degassed, purified, and then added carbon dioxide. The gas irritates the walls of the larynx and esophagus and causes stomach upset, so children should not drink carbonated mineral water.

For babies up to one year old, special children's water without gas is produced, which is purified from unnecessary elements and is ideal in composition for the child's body. For older children, still mineral table water is perfect, it will quench their thirst and saturate the body with minerals.

Water is life

Drink clean water It is necessary daily at the rate of 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight. For example, a five-year-old child weighs on average 20 kg. 30 ml of liquid *20 kg = 600 ml of liquid per day. This does not include soups, juices, compotes.

Water is the key to maintaining the health of absolutely all body systems. Water helps the brain cope with stress, gives strength to muscles, and saturates cells with useful substances. Teach your children to drink clean water throughout the day, and drink it yourself.

Important!!! You need to drink clean water, not boiled water (boiled water is considered dead water).

Looking for an alternative

Remember that sugary drinks are among the ten most harmful foods that are contraindicated for children. No matter how much your child asks you to buy him lemonade, don’t agree. Explain from an early age that you can’t drink this. Well, let the neighbor's boy be allowed. But we don't drink that. Be firm in your words. If you don’t allow your child, don’t drink sweet soda yourself. Look for an alternative. You can replace lemonade with baby juice, or buy clean water and a delicious apple.

Children lead an active lifestyle. They run a lot, jump, shout, and gesticulate. Naturally, with such a lifestyle, you want to drink much more. Take a bottle of still water with you on your walk. This will save you from the need to go to the store, where, among a million bottles, the child will ask for the green one with bubbles. For children, leave a sippy cup in a visible place. The child will see it and learn to drink clean water throughout the day.

Do not replace water with fruit drinks, compotes, or tea. Water itself is much healthier than any drink. The main thing is that it is clean and without gas.

Forming taste buds

Many mothers complain that their children do not want to drink water. This is usually due to the fact that initially the child is accustomed to receiving sweet compote, fruit drink, or juice. After delicious drinks plain water it seems tasteless to him, hence the rejection of it.

Any pediatric gastroenterologist will confirm that taste buds need to be formed in infancy. As soon as the baby begins to receive complementary foods, he should feel the natural taste of food, without salt and sugar. The same goes for water. Don’t rush to confuse your taste buds with something tasty. The grown-up baby will still have time to choose a taste for himself. We hope that we have answered the question of whether children can have sparkling water.

What kind of water can you drink - filtered, bottled, tap, mineral?

Water is a unique inorganic substance that determines the possibility of life on earth. It is a universal solvent, the basis for biochemical processes. The uniqueness of water lies in the dissolution of both organic and inorganic substances. Water accompanies a person from birth to death. Back in school, we were taught that the human body consists of approximately 70% water. Accordingly, without this natural resource human life is impossible.

What kind of water should you drink?

Water must be physiologically complete for health, that is:

  • have a natural origin from an underground source;
  • do not contain artificial additives;
  • not subject to deep purification by osmosis;
  • be slightly mineralized (0.5-0.75 g/l).

Only drinking water of natural origin contains all the necessary macro- and microelements. This is the most valuable drink for the body, determining health!

How healthy and safe is drinking water in Russia?

Modern purification and disinfection systems bring the water in our taps to safe levels in terms of microbiological and sanitary-chemical indicators. However, the deterioration of the water supply leads to the fact that the water may contain an excess of iron, chlorine and even be detected organic matter and bacteria. If water enters the water supply system from an underground source, this is a big plus. But most large cities receive water from above-ground sources - rivers, reservoirs and lakes. Yes, it reaches our taps after multi-stage purification, but its quality indicators are far from those of artesian water.

Boiled or raw?

Raw water is preferable for the body because it contains trace elements in the form of salts. It has a peculiar structure of arrangement of water molecules. It is often called living, and for good reason - only such water helps cells regenerate and prevents the formation of free radicals. Boiled water is not only useless, but also harmful. Dead water – experts call it this frightening phrase:

  • when boiling healthy salts fall into an insoluble precipitate;
  • oxygen content is significantly reduced;
  • chlorine contained in tap water turns into toxic compounds when boiled, leading to urolithiasis and cancer;
  • The structure of water changed as a result of boiling contributes to the fact that within a day this water becomes a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

But the issue of water safety does not go away - it is impossible to guarantee that raw water does not contain harmful microorganisms. If, for security reasons, you prefer boiled water, let the raw water sit for 2 hours, then boil and turn off the kettle at the very beginning of boiling : such water will be disinfected, and most of minerals will remain available for absorption. Drink only fresh boiled water, do not let it long-term storage and use.

What kind of raw water do you need and can you drink?

Tap water

This is raw water, purified at the water utility and brought to the requirements regulatory documents. Not the best the best option for good health. If there is no other option, then you can drink it after pre-treatment:

  • boiling with mandatory adherence to the above recommendations;
  • filtering, which we will discuss below;
  • allowing to settle for 2 hours and then using only the top half of the liquid.

But this method will not protect against germs and toxic substances.

Bottled water

This is raw water, industrially purified, but meeting all safety requirements. It is packaged in both large bottles and plastic bottles, which are sold in stores. There are first and highest categories. The first is artificially purified water (tap, from a surface reservoir) using the deep purification method

The highest is water from an artesian well, purified using gentle methods and disinfected with ultraviolet light.

How useful is it?

When properly purified, such water is truly healthy and safe; it does not need to be boiled before use. However, manufacturers often skimp on water purification steps, with the result that the product sold is far from what the label promises.

How to choose a reputable manufacturer:

  • The longer a company is on the market, the more reliable it is;
  • A reputable manufacturer does not skimp on packaging;
  • There will always be a popular rumor about good water;
  • Advice for the most demanding customers - take the purchased water to a special laboratory and check its quality and safety.

Spring water

This natural water, having undergone natural purification through layers of soil. Each spring is unique. As a rule, such water not only does not contain harmful impurities, but is also enriched with useful minerals as it passes through the soil. Of course, springs located near cities or within their boundaries are of little use. In Russia there are many springs protected by the state, the water from which deservedly belongs to the highest category. These water bodies have official passports, and access to them is limited. Spring water can also be seen in retail sales– the manufacturer packages it in the same way as bottled. However, some of them are sold under the guise of spring water ordinary artesian water, or even tap water. To avoid being deceived, you should follow the recommendations regarding the choice of bottled water. Also, the specific location of water intake must be indicated on the bottle, i.e. spring. If you take water from a spring yourself, do not forget to do it in a clean container and check it periodically high-quality composition water in the laboratory. Mineral water This is natural water with a high content of microelements and salts from deep layers of the soil. Mineralization of water occurs when it passes through soil rocks.

  • medicinal (mineralization >8 g/l);
  • medicinal table (mineralization 1-8 g/l);
  • dining room (mineralization less than 1 g/l).

Which mineral water is best to drink?

Table mineral water.

You can drink table water without any health risks. This water is especially good after prolonged exercise, during the recovery period after poisoning, diarrhea, acute intestinal infection. But still, you shouldn’t drink it all the time. Medicinal mineral water can only be prescribed by a doctor in a strict dosage and for a certain period of time. She (as well as medicines) has both indications and a sufficient list of contraindications for use; it cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription. Therapeutic table mineral water is also prescribed by the doctor, but subsequently the patient himself can take a course of this water. By the way, only in a few countries do people drink mineral water instead of drinking water without restrictions, including Russia.Well, healthy children under 12 years old should not even be given table mineral water..

Filtered water - harm and benefit

A household filter for water purification can be found in every home. This economical way obtaining purified water from regular tap water. There are flow-through filters, which are built into the water supply system, and jug-type filters, i.e. mobile. Since each filter has its own cleaning base, you should initially analyze the water from your tap to know what exactly needs to be purified from the water (excess chlorine, iron, sulfates, etc.).

Filtered water is beneficial if the following points are observed:

  • correctly selected filter system for a specific problem;
  • timely replacement of cartridges, and you should not wait for the resource declared by the manufacturer - it is better to reduce this time by half;
  • periodic examination of water obtained after filtration.

Universal filters

The benefits of such water are that they completely cleanse tap water from impurities, incl. viruses and bacteria. Their work is based on the reverse osmosis mechanism; as a result of purification, only water molecules remain. Harm - Salt-free or distilled water is not very beneficial for the body, so this filter is used mainly in industrial facilities.With regular consumption of such water, demineralization of the body occurs - water deprived of salts will take them from human organs and tissues. All this threatens bone and cardiovascular systems, metabolic disorders and premature aging.Sophisticated filters are equipped with a system for artificial mineralization of already purified water. The digestibility of salts added artificially to water leaves much to be desired. The best water invented by nature, andartificial additives are a blow to the urinary system and metabolism! The next danger is that carcinogenic chlorine compounds easily penetrate through the membrane back into the water. And thisrisk of developing cancer .

Pitcher-type filters typically purify water only from specific contaminants. The widespread fashion for jugs that are supposedly suitable for any water is fundamentally wrong. Without preliminary analysis A water filter may not be useful in your particular case.Microorganisms caught from water can multiply in filter cartridges, enriching drinking water sources of infectious diseases.

Is it healthy to drink melt water?

Not long ago, there was a real boom among the population about the benefits of melt water. It is impossible to obtain true melt water at home. This method is comparable to settling - after defrosting it is used only top part melt water, and harmful sediment is drained into the sewer. But, alas, not all impurities will end up in this sediment.

Myths about well water

Many people bring drinking water from wells from their relatives living in villages. It is supposedly both tastier and healthier. In fact, well water is most often found to be inadequate sanitary rules. IN best case scenario, the content of iron, nitrates and sulfates will go off scale, and in the worst case, pathogenic microorganisms will be detected. Well water is obtained from surface aquifers that are most susceptible to contamination wastewater. Rainwater also often ends up in wells, contributing to pollution. For those who still doubt it, we note that when cleaning wells, the remains of animal corpses, empty bottles and other garbage are often found at the bottom - obviously additives that are not healthy for health.

What kind of water should I give to children?

Children under 3 years of age should use bottled water of the highest category for drinking and cooking, after boiling it in accordance with the boiling rules. Children over 3 years old can already drink bottled water of the highest category without boiling, but by reducing the shelf life of an open bottle by half. But many doctors consider these restrictions to be somewhat excessive and advise parents to give their children proven, clean water without boiling after a year. As for special baby water, as a rule, it contains very few minerals (0.2-0.3 g/l), which means it will wash salts out of the body.

Mineral water has undeniable beneficial properties. However, water should be consumed in moderation and preferably after consulting with a specialist. It is especially important to understand whether children need mineral water and to approach this issue extremely responsibly.

How beneficial is mineral water for children?

Should and can children drink mineral water?

As you know, children always drink a lot of liquid; the child’s body constantly requires replenishment of lost water. Can children drink mineral water instead of regular water? Drinking mineral water just to quench thirst is contraindicated for children (as well as for adults, by the way).

Drinking mineral water for children under three years of age is strictly contraindicated, since excessive salt content can negatively affect the functioning of small kidneys. Starting from the age of three, drinking mineral water is allowed.

But be careful healing waters and medicinal table waters can only be drunk as prescribed by a doctor for the purpose of preventing or treating disorders of the body. Your pediatrician will also prescribe your daily fluid intake.

But children over three years old can drink table mineral water. It does not contain large quantity minerals, which can affect changes in the functioning of the kidneys, urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract. Be careful to choose only non-carbonated water as a drink for your baby. Carbonation can cause disturbances in the functioning of the stomach.

Are inhalations with mineral water beneficial for children?

Inhalations with mineral water

Since mineral water really has medicinal properties and many useful substances, then it is much better to use it to treat ENT diseases of your baby. For proper inhalation with mineral water for children, purchase high-quality mineral water that contains required amount alkali and is water of the highest quality.