Mosaic tiles for the bathroom. How to cover the walls in the bathroom other than tiles Painting with paints and varnishes

Today I will tell you about the difficulties with mosaics that we had at 2 objects at once. There were no problems with the building materials during installation. They appeared after we had sanded the seams and turned on the working lighting - spotlights on the ceiling.

They are located very close to the edges of the walls. Lighting from lamps creates a shadow on the mosaic and highlights all its flaws. The building material itself has a slight difference in thickness, literally a millimeter. And with oblique lighting, this millimeter becomes very obvious - the light emphasizes the flaws and minimal flaws made by the master during installation.

Seeing how badly the quality of the bathroom renovation had suffered, our masters Sergey and Alexander began to correct the situation. They had to pick out the mosaic piece by piece and put it back in again.. Unfortunately, here the Force Montage team was unable to bring the installation to the ideal level, since the building material itself did not give us the opportunity to implement this.

The shower stall in the bathroom is small and narrow. The mosaic inside it is very close to the wall. Ceiling lamps are installed in the cabin ceiling, the oblique lighting from which produces an error. Even with the light from a flashlight, flaws in the building material can be seen.

Alexander and Sergey eliminated the defects of the masonry, but not everywhere. In some places, a shadow falls on the mosaic tiles and it feels like they were laid crookedly. This effect is achieved by a difference of 0.5-1 mm.

We used mosaic tiles in our bathroom renovation not only on the walls, but also on the floor. Only here building material with rolled edges had already been laid. And the rolling here was done for a reason. Such a mosaic, even with oblique lighting, looks more advantageous than one laid on the wall.

Tip: to avoid visual defects after laying building materials, consider the lighting. The slanting light perfectly emphasizes the torn surface of the decorative brick, shading it. But in the case of mosaics and tiles that have smooth cut edges, such lighting will be harmful.

The master will not be able to catch and hide discrepancies in the thickness of individual parts of the building material, and the light will highlight this defect. You can learn more about lighting from the video about bathroom renovation in Khimki on Molodezhnaya:

Mosaic comparison

Let's make a small comparison of the building materials used on the wall in the shower stall and mosaic tiles, which we had to buy at our own expense to redo the warranty case. You will learn about another headache of the Force Montage team from this video:

We will work with mosaics on the table. It will act as a plastered wall (screed). First, turn off the main lighting and turn on the flashlight. Under its light, we see that the mosaic has cut edges and a base like a tile. WITH back side there is no convexity on one of the elements of the building material - anchor points are unevenly distributed. Because of this, the mosaic “dances” and lies crookedly.

The master cannot control such nuances and lay each piece of the mosaic separately, since the reference point for it is a plane. He presses the mosaic on top, under which there is glue. And it is almost impossible to prevent the appearance of such flaws and jumps.

When 2 pieces of this mosaic tile are placed next to each other, you can see that a shadow is formed between them, and if one of them “plays” a little more, the shadow will become even larger.

Mosaics with different base thicknesses will require modifications after installation.. In addition to anchor points, shadows can be caused by the mesh on which the glue is applied. If applied unevenly adhesive composition some elements of the building material will stick out.

Now let's take sample number 2, the remainder from our warranty case, where I bought the mosaic at my own expense. We turn on the flashlight and see that the mosaic is very different from the previous one - it imitates artificial stone, and its elements have torn, rolled edges. This mosaic looks better in oblique lighting than the previous one..

One element shows how it was walked on grinding machine. In one place part of the mosaic is sticking out, but this defect can be corrected. When the tiler presses the mosaic against a flat base during the work process, its particles will align along the plane.

How to make such an alignment with building materials that have different thickness? No way. The mosaic we used in our bathroom renovation consisted of uneven parts.

Some elements had square shape, others - rectangular. The two samples we looked at here were taken by Alexander and Sergey while eliminating jambs.

Our tiler showed me this mosaic and said that it still wouldn’t be possible to align it perfectly. This is an unpleasant feature of the building material..

Mosaic tiles left over from a warranty case, in comparison with tiles from a shower, are much more convenient to work with. It has a uniform plane due to deliberately emphasized defects, and is visually perceived much better. The glue is applied evenly to the mosaic mesh. The elements of the building material themselves do not have any bulges; they are geometrically correct.

Bathroom tiles

Now let's talk about bathroom tiles. It has rolled edges, a wider seam than mosaic, and the principle of working with tiles is significantly different. Its leveling system can slightly stretch out and hide any slight curvature (if the tile is large).

Various SVP systems help to bring the crosses together.

It is impossible to level the mosaic in this way, since the main leveling method there is the supporting wall itself.

Diffusing lighting is installed above the tiles, and there is no shadow effect. Why? Because the rolled edges of the tiles smooth out the shadow, which prevents the light from highlighting any defects in the building materials or the work of the craftsman.

A few words about eliminating “jambs” during a bathroom renovation from a customer

At the site I was able to communicate with the customer Andrey. When I asked him about the problems with the mosaic, he briefly talked about fixing the defects.

“We initially informed your master Sergei about the flaws that appeared,” says the client. “He reacted immediately, said that he would fix everything, and we didn’t get involved further in this process. After talking with Sergei, Alexander arrived, looked at everything again, reassured us, took photographs and recorded the jambs. All defects were completely eliminated within 1 week, and we were satisfied with the work of the craftsmen.”

It was a pleasure to work with Andrey. You will learn more about the renovation of his apartment in Khimki from the video:

In conclusion, I will say a few words to our potential clients. Remember, craftsmen are not ideal machines, robots that function flawlessly according to a given program. They are also people who make mistakes. Moreover, we pay for these mistakes ourselves.

To create an exquisite interior in the bathroom, you need not only to choose high-quality plumbing fixtures, but also to carefully choose the material that will be used to decorate the walls, floors, and other surfaces. Professional designers in Lately, increasingly give preference to decorative mosaics.

Mosaic can radically change the interior of a bathroom, giving it a more attractive and rich look.

A competent combination of mosaics and ordinary tiles in the bathroom allows you to give the room a presentable and aesthetic appearance. appearance. Many people who do their own renovations also choose this method of finishing their bathrooms. Below we will look at the main nuances that anyone who has decided to choose mosaic as a finishing material for their bathroom needs to know.

Features of the interior of bathrooms with mosaics

By itself, ceramic mosaic does not have any special differences from classic tiles, except for size. However, a design created using small mosaic elements is much more impressive. This is due to the fact that many small details connected by a single concept create the feeling of the interior self made. Also important is the ability to decorate rounded elements with mosaics. Such decors look especially elegant and impressive.

Mosaic tiles are equally suitable for small bathrooms in Khrushchev-era buildings and for spacious bathrooms in country houses.

A certain flexibility of the material makes it possible to tile rather complex shapes with mosaics, for example, countertops under sinks

Or even the sinks themselves, if required stylistic direction interior

Mosaic laying services, like the material itself, are much more expensive than regular tiles. This decoration looks more respectable and is an indicator of the high level of wealth of the owners of the premises.

Mosaic in the bathroom interior should be combined in color and style with other decorative elements. You shouldn’t cover absolutely every surface with it. The combined use of mosaics and other materials will look more stylish.

What to look for when choosing a mosaic

Depending on what surface you plan to cover, you need to choose the right type and texture of the mosaic. Of course, the most common material for making mosaic tiles is ceramics. However, there are other options that are increasingly gaining popularity when decorating bathrooms. Below we will look in detail at all the types and their characteristics, but at the stage of selecting mosaics for finishing the floor, do not choose slippery material. This is a very important point, compliance with which will protect you and your loved ones.

As flooring Ceramic or stone mosaic tiles are best

When choosing the size of the mosaic elements, consider whether there will be curved lines in the interior, because if you buy too large a tile, you won’t be able to cover the rounded surfaces.

If in your room design all surfaces for mosaics are smooth, then you can purchase large tiles with mosaic parts glued to them in advance. This way you can save a lot on the purchase of materials and work.

How to decorate a bathroom with mosaics: choosing colors and decor

As with the use of classic finishing materials, mosaics in the bathroom also require taking into account the rules of color combinations. The most popular option is when the design has one background color, and two additional colors serve as the necessary accents.

A simple mosaic pattern made from tiles of different shades

The most win-win option is to use mosaics white as a background. Firstly, light colors are a classic for decorating bathrooms, and secondly, bright and contrasting accent tiles look much more impressive against a light background.

Plain white mosaic in the shape of a honeycomb is a suitable solution for a small bathroom in a modern style

In any case, it is advisable to use pastel shades as a background, in combination with which it is much easier to highlight additional colors. For example, a red mosaic on a white background will look very impressive.

Contrasting combinations are usually used to highlight individual items or to zone the bathroom space

You should carefully choose the color scheme of the room. If you want to understand what a future mosaic bathtub will look like, photos of finished interiors are a must-see!

Shape and size of elements

Classification of mosaics occurs according to many parameters, such as material of manufacture, size of elements, and their shape. The most common forms of mosaic tiles:

  • equilateral squares;
  • rectangular;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • multifaceted;
  • round.

It is easiest to create compositions from square parts, which is why this type of mosaic is the most popular.

Recently, the use of mosaics has become very common. irregular shape, this solution is especially popular if you want to create a unique handmade design. The downside is the high price of such work, because competent arrangement of parts of different sizes can only be done by professionals high class, and their services are not cheap.

To create a bright and original composition you need a multifaceted mosaic consisting of pieces of tiles different sizes and shapes

Decorative mosaic elements in the bathroom

Aerobatics when decorating premises with mosaics is decoration surfaces and creating various patterns and designs on them. Here the boundary between finishing works and art, they merge into one whole, and the result is not just a bathroom, but a real masterpiece. Of course, the execution of such ideas requires a high level of tiler skill and a clearly formulated artistic concept or design project. Below we will look at the most interesting examples decorative mosaic elements in the interior.

Stone mosaic with a textured surface was chosen to cover these shelves.

Mosaic panel

This is the creation of complex patterns and compositions from small mosaic tiles. When working on such images, elements are used small size, so they can be laid out on both flat and curved surfaces.

Ready-made mosaic compositions are available for sale, sometimes even laid out on a grid. The subjects of such paintings are very diverse.

If desired, you can create a design yourself using mosaic pieces of different colors.

A mosaic panel is an original way to emphasize the individuality of the owner of the room. Such a solution for decorating a bathroom will confirm the high social status of the owner. A mosaic panel can turn a simple trip to the shower into a real aesthetic and emotional pleasure for the residents of the house.

Drawings, ornaments, accents

A slightly simpler, but no less effective way to lay out a mosaic is a technique using patterns, ornaments and combinations of tiles various colors. There are several types of such design:

  • plain;
  • gradient;
  • mix.

The one-color method is the use of one color, shape and size when tiling mosaics. As a rule, this technique is used when creating an interior in a minimalist style. If you add a bright element of a contrasting color to the composition, then such an accent will be characteristic of the Art Nouveau style.

A wall lined with a dark-colored monochromatic mosaic serves as an excellent backdrop for white objects

Background - this method is performed using mosaics of different (sometimes the same) sizes. The main condition for creating a background is the absence of a clear pattern when laying out the tiles. This creates a textured surface that looks impressive even without accents and patterns. This cladding method can be either single-color or using several colors.

When covering these walls, mosaic tiles of two sizes and three shades were used

Gradient is an option for installing mosaic tiles, in which the color, as the laying progresses, smoothly transitions from one to another. As a rule, it is used when it is necessary to visually expand the room.

A wall on which one shade smoothly transitions into another looks beautiful

Mix is ​​a combination of mosaics of different shades in one composition, laid out either in random order or to form patterns. This method uses tiles of the same size.

The simplest mix is ​​geometric patterns laid out from tiles of the same size but different colors

These techniques are for guidance only and do not seek to limit or regulate the methods of working with mosaic tiles. You can easily mix these styles to your liking, or create a unique way of laying the mosaic.

Types of mosaics and their main characteristics

The most common material for mosaic production is ceramics. However, there are many more varieties of mosaic tiles that are becoming increasingly popular. Below we will look at their main types and analyze the technical features of each of them.

  1. Ceramic mosaic. Classic mosaic tiles that are in great demand. It is quite versatile, durable, resistant to temperature and humidity, and is not too expensive. Specifications ceramic mosaics are similar to regular full-size tiles. To the benefits of this type we can include a wide selection of all kinds of textures that can even imitate natural materials, such as stone and wood.

    Ceramic mosaic is valued for its ability to create beautiful artistic decor at a relatively low cost

  2. Glass mosaic. Somewhat more cheap option, compared to ceramics. Visually it can give a more voluminous drawing. Mainly used for wall cladding.

    Glass mosaic comes with various effects, for example, gold

  3. Smalt mosaic. Compared to ceramics, it has higher strength characteristics. The coating is very abrasion resistant. Used in high traffic areas.

    The richest range of colors of smalt mosaic allows you to create real masterpieces from it

  4. Stone mosaic. Natural stone used as surface cladding can create a unique indoor interior. Depending on the type of stone chosen, operational properties subject to change, as well as prices. The most popular stones are marble, granite, slate, and jasper.

    Stone mosaics can be smooth or rough, square or in the form of fragments. And the possible combinations of colors and shades simply cannot be listed.

  5. Plastic. The most budget option is to imitate mosaics using plastic panels. Of course, this option is much less resistant to mechanical damage and looks less impressive, but the price is several times lower than the original mosaic.

    Sheets of plastic mosaic can be bent, sawed, cut out geometric shapes, it is easy to make holes in it

Advantages of combining mosaics with tiles

A sense of proportion is important in everything, and if it is absent, then even the most expensive finishing material will look vulgar and inappropriate. It is very easy to overdo it with mosaics in the interior. Combining it with regular, full-size tiles will help you create a laconic design using mosaic tiles. Correctly selected color combinations will help you correctly place accents and highlight exactly those places in the room that need to be designated.

When selecting a mosaic for a tile, it is important to consider its size and shape.

If you want to understand what a bathroom with mosaics and tiles should look like, photos from already created interiors are a must-study!

Creating contrasting compositions involves the use of bright mosaics that stand out against the background of plain tiles

Even small inclusions of mosaic greatly change the interior of the bathroom for the better

If you are planning a bathroom renovation, then modern way surface cladding using mosaics is great option to create a unique interior. We hope that our article will help you decide on the choice and style of your future bathroom.

Video: mosaic in the bathroom interior

Finishing a bathroom with mosaic tiles gives it the look ancient bathhouse, it was in this way that the rooms for taking bathing procedures were finished in ancient Greece. True, in those days there were no ready-made mosaic tiles; the patterns were made with individual natural stones by hand, which was a difficult and time-consuming task. All mosaic tiles existing today are classified according to several criteria.

Material for making tiles and brief characteristics

Material of manufactureBrief characteristics
The most common option universal application. It has sufficient strength and is impervious to moisture. The cheapest tile in terms of cost. Depending on the thickness of the mosaic, it can be installed on the walls or floor of the bathroom.
A more expensive version of tiles that imitates ceramics. Has a lot color solutions. Advantages - the color does not change throughout the entire period of operation, when exposed to direct sun rays surfaces “play”.
Mineral dyes are added to the composition, mainly used for finishing floors. It is rarely used for walls due to difficult maintenance. Microcracks form on surfaces over time, in which various microorganisms multiply. It is very difficult to remove them from there.
The artistic appearance of the ceramics is original and beautiful, but the cost does not correspond to the properties. It is made from waste from ceramic production; from an objective point of view, the increase in price is unreasonable.

Depending on the method of fixing individual mosaic tiles to the canvas, there can be two types.

  1. The individual plates are fixed on paper. The paper is pasted on the front side. This outdated technology production of mosaic tiles. Laying technology is complicated for several reasons. Firstly, it is more difficult to monitor the gaps in the joints of individual sheets. Secondly, the paper needs to be wetted and removed, which is an additional waste of time and effort.
  2. The plates are fixed on the reinforcing mesh on the reverse side. Such tiles are easier to work with, the front surface is visible during installation, it is easier to correct mistakes, the pattern and distance between the seams are immediately visible. After installation is completed, it is much easier and faster to rub the seams.

Any ceramic tile can be used for bathrooms; the choice depends on financial capabilities and preferences. My only wish is to not use tiles with uneven front surfaces, they are very difficult to clean. And in the bathroom you need to wash the surfaces often; a lot of dirt and residues from dried water accumulate on them.

It is much more difficult to work with than with a regular one. Why? For ordinary tiles, a surface with a height difference of up to 4 mm is suitable, experienced tilers level the base without any problems tile adhesive. During laying, do not use a notched trowel, but an ordinary one; put a lot of glue in the corners and in the center of the tile. Then, by lightly tapping and constantly checking the position with a level, the height is leveled to the same level. This, of course, is a violation of generally accepted theoretical technology, but in practice, professionals often use this simplified method. The quality of tile laying is almost not affected, and the speed of work is significantly increased. We do not recommend using this method for beginners; their risk of making mistakes due to inexperience is too great.

The base for mosaic tiles must be perfectly flat, differences in height are prohibited. The small size of individual mosaics will never level them out; elevations or depressions will remain noticeable on the wall.

In addition, for ordinary tiles you can use different kinds glue, this factor has almost no effect on the adhesion density. If it has come out, the excess can be easily removed from the seams, and the final color of the grout does not change. It is also not necessary to make a primer; the tiles have large area and there will always be an area with sufficient adhesion. With a mosaic, such actions are unacceptable. The glue should only be white; it is almost impossible to remove excess gray from the gaps.

Another problem is that mosaic tiles can only be laid using a comb. It ensures the adhesion of each tile. If this is not adhered to, they will fall out (for mosaics glued to paper) or will wobble (for mosaics glued to reinforcing mesh).

mosaic tiles for bathroom

Preparing the base for mosaic tiles

We have already mentioned that the tiles lie on a perfectly flat surface. Often walls are leveled with plasterboard - quickly, evenly and cheaply. We strongly do not recommend using drywall to level bathroom walls. Its main drawback is low physical strength. Under medium loads, for example, while washing you lean on the wall, it will bend. As a result, the tile will fall off. Drywall is used construction companies, thus they significantly increase the speed of work and, accordingly, their profits. As always, the customer pays for everything.

If you are finishing the bathroom with your own hands, then do not be too lazy to plaster the walls cement-sand mortar. Step by step instructions We will provide instructions on laying ceramic tiles specifically for this option.

Step 1: Check the condition of the wall. In most cases, after ordinary plaster it will have to be leveled. Check with a straight, long staff or level, apply it in different places and at different angles. Look at the gaps. It is much easier to detect irregularities with a light bulb. Put her on the floor light rays will indicate irregularities.

How to make a surface suitable for laying mosaic tiles?

  1. Prepare the putty solution and primer. Choose high-quality material, do not try to save money.
  2. Carefully coat the surface with primer. The fact is that putty that is thin in thickness will fall off if there is insufficient adhesion. Prime twice in transverse directions. Use a deep penetration primer; it will serve as additional protection against moisture.

    Deep penetrating primer CERESIT CT 17

    Dilute the primer in the proportions indicated on the canister. If there are concerns about its quality, then reduce the amount of water by about 15%. But in no case is it recommended to increase the percentage of water; even minor violations of the material preparation technology significantly reduce its effectiveness.

    The diluted primer mixture adheres better and sets faster. However, the deeply penetrating product performs better when undiluted.

    It is better to prime with a brush rather than a roller. A brush can thoroughly rub the liquid into the surface, but a roller will only wet it. In addition, all hard-to-reach places can be treated with a brush, which cannot be done with a roller.

  3. While the primer dries, prepare the plaster. First, water is poured into the container, and then the dry mixture is added in portions. To stir, it is better to use a mixer; if you don’t have one, you will have to stir by hand. Let the solution sit for about five minutes, after this time, stir it again.
  4. You need to plaster with a large flat spatula, rub the solution into the plaster with maximum force. Go through each place several times. Do not pay attention if you still have traces from the spatula, over time you will gain experience and the surfaces will be smooth.

    In extreme cases, after drying, the marks can be removed with sandpaper. It is better to fix it on a flat board or trowel, sand it in a circular motion, do not press it too hard.

    If there is no sanding paper and the marks are small, then you can smooth them out with a metal smoothing iron.

    Press it firmly against the wall surface at an angle and move it across the surface several times in different directions. In most cases, this alignment is sufficient.

  5. Clean the surface from dust, preferably using a vacuum cleaner.

Step 2. Measure the area of ​​the walls, purchase the appropriate amount of glue and tiles.

The reserve for tiles can be kept small, 5% is enough. The fact is that it is easily cut to the required sizes at the seams, waste minimal amount. These common tiles can cause chips or uneven edges and increase waste.

Step 3: Apply primer very carefully twice. Do not miss this operation, we have already mentioned that mosaic tiles do not tolerate deviations from technology.

Step 4. Consider the placement of the tiles. If you plan to make a decorative mosaic border, then decide on its height and cladding material.

Step 5. Draw lines for laying borders and tiles on the wall. If you have little experience, then draw lines every three rows of tiles, this will make it possible to constantly monitor its position. The fact is that the sheets of glued mosaic are large in size, and what larger size units of material, the more difficult it is to eliminate defects when the gap between them is violated.

Step 6. Prepare the glue. The technology is indicated on the packaging; follow the manufacturer's advice. Are there any concerns about its quality? Add a little primer to the dilution water, about 10–20% of total number. You will have the primer left over from previous operations.

Important. The consistency of the glue requires very careful attention. For ordinary tiles this is not so important; they are laid from bottom to top, and a cross is inserted into each seam to maintain a gap. The same cross prevents individual tiles from slowly falling down over time. It is useless to use for a mosaic cross; they will not keep it from lowering. This means that the glue should be thick, but not so thick as to impair the adhesion coefficient to the wall and tiles.

Step 7. Start working from the bottom row and far corner. The glue should be applied twice. First with a flat spatula, and then with a comb. The height of the ridges is within 3–5 mm, choose the appropriate spatula and give it the proper slope. The better the glue rubs in, the more securely each individual tile will stick. This is especially true for tiles on paper. Reinforced mesh increases the reliability of fastening, it is deeply immersed in the glue.

Practical advice. We have already said that maintaining the distance between the tiles will have to be done by eye; this is very difficult for inexperienced builders. To make inevitable flaws less noticeable, lay it in a checkerboard pattern. One whole sheet construction knife cut into two parts, start the first row with half, and the next with a full sheet.

Step 8. Carefully place the first sheet horizontally. If you need to trim it a little, then slowly move it with the palms of both hands. With significant or incorrectly directed efforts, the mosaic tiles will fold like an accordion. To ensure a tight fit of all tiles, use a trowel; the larger it is, the better. Every 3-4 sheets, check their position in different directions with a long staff or level. If you have a laser level, great. Its lines are not covered with glue, so you can work faster. Do not allow gaps; it is very difficult to correct them later.

It is important to know that it is not recommended to completely remove the glued sheet; you can only correct the position on the wall. The removed sheet is difficult to prepare for reuse, especially if it is paper-based; the paper may become wet and tear during removal.

Video - Laying mosaics

Practical advice. Pay great attention to the exit points of pipelines. Here it is better to put more glue than less. The leftovers will be removed, no problem.

Continue working in the same way over the entire surface of the bathroom wall.

Step 9. If your sheets of mosaic tiles were paper, then they should be removed. You need to start removing only after the glue has completely hardened; the time is indicated on its packaging, in most cases it is 24 hours. Wet the paper with a damp sponge; there should be enough water. Do not leave dry areas so that it can be easily removed; the entire area should be well wet. The paper must be removed entirely and at once, otherwise the remains will be difficult to remove. Wetting time is approximately 2-3 minutes, there are missing places - do not tear off the paper, but repeat soaking again. If everything is done correctly, the ceramic tiles will easily release from the top paper.

For tiles on a reinforcing mesh, this operation is not needed, which greatly simplifies the work process.

Step 10. Grouting the joints.

As you might guess, mosaic tiles have a lot of seams. Practice shows that grouting takes no less time than installation. Moreover, it is rarely possible to do everything efficiently the first time; you have to repeat the operation. For grouting, use bactericidal plastic materials. They are not cheap, but then redoing the wall cladding will cost even more. If the surface of all the tiles is smooth, then it is easier to work. Using a large rubber spatula, rub the mixture into the seams, apply considerable force, and do not allow any gaps.

We wipe the surfaces

The surface has dried - check the quality of work. Any gaps found must be refilled with mass and then cleaned.

Some apartment owners, in order to improve the appearance of the bathroom, cover certain sections of the walls in the bathroom with decorative mosaic tiles with rough edges or tiles of unequal height. There is a lot of fuss with them; you will have to grout and then clean each tile separately. It is impossible to predict how long this will take.

How to lay mosaic tiles on curved surfaces

The algorithm for working on such surfaces has its own characteristics. When the tile is pressed against curved planes, the glue is completely absent in the center of the ceramic tiles, and its thickness increases at the edges. Due to this redistribution of the glue, the center of the tiles does not stick at all, and the sides take a long time to dry. To minimize the negative effect, it is recommended to cover such surfaces with mosaic tiles with minimal element sizes.

Technology for laying mosaic tiles on the bathroom floor

For these purposes you need to buy thick tiles. The algorithm of actions differs in several ways.

  1. The floor must have waterproofing. Use various impregnations for these purposes; they have excellent adhesion to both concrete base, and with tile adhesive. In addition, they have good waterproof properties.
  2. Tile adhesive must be of high quality. Small sizes significantly increase the likelihood of individual pieces of the mosaic being undermined by various household appliances. The biggest danger is old washing machine. When drying clothes, it vibrates strongly and can “ride” along the floor. At this time, the legs catch on the protruding edges of the tile and tear it off the floor.
  3. Grouting of joints is carried out only quality materials and very carefully. The presence of voids is completely prohibited. There are cases when such air pockets are invisible at the top. For elimination problem areas rub the grout with with great effort and several times in one place.
  4. Keep in mind that a floor with mosaic tiles does not have slopes to drain water; it is useless to create them. A small angle will not have an effect, and you cannot increase the inclination. In this regard, the need to carefully carry out all construction measures to seal the floor increases significantly.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Can mosaic tiles be cut?

No you can not. The only option is that you are a professional and have a special diamond cutter. And then in that case, a tile with dimensions of individual elements of at least 2x2 cm and made on a reinforcing mesh will be cut. It won't work on paper. The fact is that the diamond wheel of a professional cutter is water-cooled, the paper will get wet, and the mosaic sheet will fall apart into separate pieces.

What to do if the gap in the corner of the room is larger than the width of the tile fragment?

The optimal solution is to accurately calculate the position of the plates and slightly increase the gap between them. But this method can be done if the increase in the gap does not exceed 2 mm, otherwise the appearance of the wall will deteriorate. To eliminate such problems, it is better to purchase special plastic corner corners. They are installed in exactly the same way as under ordinary tiles. With the help of corner elements, a gap of up to five millimeters is eliminated.

How to carefully make a round hole?

When laying mosaic tiles, use a carpenter's knife to cut a square hole to fit the diameter of the pipe. Next, detach the mosaic elements from the cut piece; you will need four pieces. There are two ways to remove sharp corners of squares.

  1. First. Hold one corner of the tile with pliers, and gradually break off the second corner in small pieces with sharp nippers.
  2. Second. Take the tile with pliers and grind the desired corner with a grinder and a diamond blade.

Important. There are two types of diamond blades: for cutting concrete and tiles. They have significant differences and cannot be used for other purposes. The concrete disc has long radial slots to remove large amounts of dust from thick concrete. These slots create vibration, which will cause the tile to crack. Discs for tile work do not have slots; they have shallow short grooves along the side planes.

Is it possible to restore the original appearance of mosaic tiles?

This can only be done if you have a supply of plates. Pick up in store via big time the exact same mosaic is impossible. Each batch of goods has its own differences, this is explained by the peculiarities of the technological process.

If you follow all the recommendations, treat your work responsibly and carefully, then the quality of your own cladding will not be much different from the work of professionals. Take your time and pay attention to each operation. Start laying tiles from the most inconspicuous corner of the bathroom. Even if small errors are made at first, no one will notice them. And during this time you will be able to gain a little practical experience in performing such complex facing work, there will be no more defects.

The combination of tiles and mosaics in the bathroom can completely change the interior of the room, giving it a more expensive look. It is not for nothing that mosaic is becoming increasingly popular both among designers and those owners who do the renovations themselves.

Mosaic tiles are suitable for both small bathrooms in Khrushchev-era buildings and spacious rooms. You can combine mosaics with any materials: vinyl wallpaper, plastic panels, textured paint or plaster. But most often, ceramic tiles with mosaics are used in the bathroom.

Advantages of combining mosaics with tiles

It would seem, why add another finishing material to the bathroom besides ceramics? Why can’t all the walls and floors be decorated with tiles only, since this is the most practical material? Of course you can, but the combination of tiles and mosaics has several advantages:

Firstly, mosaic is one of the “flexible” materials, in the truest sense of the word. It can be used to cover complex shapes, shaped niches and sink countertops. It is also better to decorate the space under a semicircular bathtub with a plastic material, and mosaic is ideal for this.

Secondly, if there are many complex ledges in the room for taking water procedures, then tiling them is much more difficult: labor and material costs will increase, because the tiles will need to be cut, and there will be more waste.

Thirdly, with mosaics you can adjust the design by adding a vertical or horizontal frieze where necessary. Also, do not forget that from small pixel modules you can create any design or pattern you want, complementing the main tile. This material can also be used for zoning a room.

Well, as for the resistance of mosaic elements to chemical attack and high levels of moisture, most are not inferior to good ceramic tiles. Even the mosaic can withstand temperatures from minus to

Another advantage of mosaics is the variety of materials from which mosaic elements are made: glass, ceramics, acrylic, metal, natural stone, wood.

Mosaics are laid in the same way as tiles - they are glued to most substrates (concrete, plaster, drywall, wood, foam blocks, metal).

In a word, mosaic tiles have no less advantages than ceramics, but there are features inherent only to this type of finishing material.


However, any building or finishing material has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. In our case it is financial side question. This applies both to the material itself and to the work involved in its installation. You will also need more grout in the area where the mosaic is installed.

But, on the other hand, high-quality work and materials that will serve long years and will please the eye - a profitable investment. After all, after all, we start the day in the bathroom and end it right there.

How to choose a mosaic for tiles

When using two finishing materials, it is necessary to take into account their different properties, even down to size. To rule out choosing a mosaic for a bathroom, consider the following:

  • product material;
  • shape and size of modular elements;
  • shade and compatibility with the main tile.


Depending on the material from which the mosaic is made, you can get a different visual effect. Today, manufacturers produce tiles from the following materials:

  • Plastic. Most economical option, both in price and in appearance. However, even the cheapest mosaic tiles can look better than budget ceramic tiles. So, to save your budget, you can think about combining simple tiles with plastic mosaics. As for strength and hygienic properties, this material is not inferior to tiles. One practical solution for using plastic mosaic tiles is on the floor, as they are less slippery than ceramic tiles.
  • Ceramics. One of the most popular and frequently used for bathrooms. Ceramic mosaics are easiest to match to tiles in terms of thickness and color. Most often, manufacturers produce mosaics that match a specific collection of ceramic tiles. Mosaic ceramics are made from a mixture containing kaolin or clay and then covered with glaze - a process identical to the production of regular tiles. Ceramic mosaics can have either a glossy surface or a rough, matte surface.
  • Glass. In terms of price, glass mosaics are slightly more expensive than ceramic mosaics, but in appearance the elements look much more expensive and more aesthetically pleasing. You can choose transparent glass of different shades, as well as with different textures or impurities. For the manufacture of glass elements silicon sand is used, which is fired at very high temperatures high temperature. Thanks to technology, glass mosaic is much stronger than ordinary glass.
  • Smalt. Artificial colored glass made using special smelting technologies with the addition of metal oxides. Smalt mosaic is much stronger than glass, but also costs an order of magnitude higher due to the long production cycle. But the images laid out in smalted mosaics look especially impressive.
  • A natural stone. One of the most expensive types mosaics - made of natural stone. For production they use: travertine, marble, granite, onyx, jade, lapis lazuli, jasper. This mosaic looks elegant and aesthetically pleasing. Naturally, natural stone is very practical and durable, and choosing a shade is not difficult.
  • Fake diamond. If the budget is strictly limited and does not allow combining tiles with expensive mosaics made of natural stone, then it is quite possible to opt for a mosaic made of acrylic, agglomerate or other artificial stone. Such material can be either plain or with an imitation of some natural material.
  • Mirror. It looks expensive, but also costs more than regular glass mosaic. Manufacturers offer various options mirror elements: sprayed, with effect broken mirror or antiquity. The color scheme can also be different - from regular white to purple or black.
  • Metal. The basis for production is the same plastic, on top of which a metal plate is glued. You can choose a mosaic made from brass, bronze, copper or stainless steel. However, such a mosaic is not practical, since it is designed for use in areas with low moisture concentration. In other words, metal mosaics in the bathroom will quickly take on an unattractive appearance.

Manufacturers also offer types of mosaics that cannot be used in the bathroom, for example, those made of wood. High room humidity does not require cladding with wooden elements.

Shape and size of elements

To match the mosaic to the main tile, you need to consider its size and shape. Square mosaics are considered the most popular, since making a beautiful bathroom design with mosaics is not difficult. In addition to square elements, rectangular, diamond-shaped, round, hexagonal or asymmetrical shapes are also produced.

For ease of laying, it is better to select small modular elements, for example, squares ranging in size from 1x1 cm to 5x5 cm. But, again, it all depends on where the mosaic tiles are installed and on what area.

As for the thickness of the selected material, most often the mosaic is thinner and you have to either use more glue, or apply another layer of plaster under the mosaic so that there are no differences in height. To avoid unnecessary labor costs, pay attention to collections of ceramic tiles with mosaics - in this case, both materials will have the same thickness.

How to decorate a bathroom with mosaics: choosing colors and decor

There are several options for creating a beautiful interior using two materials - tiles combined with mosaics.

Option one- selection of a similar color with minor differences. If a certain color predominates in your bathroom, for example, beige or white, and you do not want to create contrasting inserts, then the shade of mosaic tiles can be chosen close to the main one. It can be any suitable tone.

Option two- a game of contrasts. The next way to transform a bathroom is to make mosaic inserts bright or contrasting with the main color. Color combinations can be completely different: black-white, white-red, gray-yellow, yellow-blue. The main thing is that both colors match each other. Also, the mosaic elements themselves may differ in color from each other.

Creating a drawing or pattern. Using mosaics, you can create all kinds of compositions, not only geometric ones (for example, stripes, squares), but also floral patterns, wavy lines, zigzags, and entire pictures. A mosaic ornament in an oriental style looks incredibly impressive.

You can create an original interior in the bathroom by covering one of the walls with mosaics, for example, above the bathtub, creating a beautiful panel from it. Small pixel elements are selected in a variety of shades, and since the basis of most of the mosaic is a grid, they are cut very easily.

Partial mosaic finishing

A bathroom completely tiled with mosaics looks very impressive. However, this finish is not suitable for every room. You can create the right atmosphere only in a spacious bathroom, and in hygienic rooms in typical apartments you can hardly get a masterpiece.

Therefore, the combination of mosaics and tiles in the bathroom becomes an ideal solution for a cramped bathroom or bathroom. Moreover, small rooms dictate their own rules. Using mosaics, you can veneer some elements or highlight different zones.

Frame for mirror, door, window opening

If you plan to use a mirror canvas mounted flush with the wall, then a frame made of mosaic will help to decorate it beautifully. And so that such a design does not seem lonely, you can put the same frame around the doorway for company. In such cases, the mosaic is selected in shades that contrast with the main tile.

As companions to the mosaic frame, you can also make small inserts on the wall, or line niches, if any, with mosaic elements.

Washbasin countertop

We have already said that mosaic - perfect material for the design of complex and curved shapes. If you decide to install a countertop sink-washbasin in the bathroom, then you will need a countertop under it. The material used for it is very different - from moisture-resistant laminated chipboards to artificial or natural stone. One of the budget options is to make a tabletop from a metal profile, cover it with plasterboard and finish it with mosaics. In addition, the shape for such a countertop under a washbasin can be very different - from a strict rectangular to a curved one, smoothly flowing onto the wall. At the same time as the tabletop, you can also veneer the apron above it, since this surface requires special care. And the practicality of mosaics is perfect for such a purpose.

Screen for bathtub or tray

The space under the bathtub or shower tray can become a decorative feature rather than a gaping hole. Very often the screen is covered with the same ceramic tiles that were used in the decoration. But who's stopping you from doing it? beautiful screen under a mosaic bathtub? This is especially true if the bowl itself has beautiful curved shapes. To create a full-fledged beautiful interior with mosaics, in combination with the screen, you can decorate the wall above the bathroom with the same mosaic or lay out separate inserts.

Niches, shelves, columns...

There are a lot of options for combining tiles with mosaics. If the bathroom has engineered boxes, niches, racks and shelves for cosmetics and towels, then they can also be highlighted or decorated with mosaics. Usually, when covering complex elements with tiles, you have to spend a lot of time and effort on fitting and cutting them. And mosaics are perfect for decorating difficult places.

It is also quite difficult to veneer round or curved interior elements, such as columns. To decorate such structures, it is better to select mosaics with small elements.

Plumbing cladding

A rather rare, but very successful move is to line the bathtub itself or the washing bowl with a mosaic. It’s rare that a craftsman manages to do everything neatly and aesthetically, however, such use of mosaics also has the right to exist. In addition, if a shower is constructed in the bathroom, then it is more practical to lay out the shower tray with mosaic. To design complex geometric shapes the elements should be the smallest - such modules are easier to size and glue.

The combination of tiles and mosaics in the bathroom: beautiful photos

In the interior you should always take into account the compatibility of two different materials, be it paint, tiles, wallpaper or plaster. Complementing the main tiles with mosaic tiles in the bathroom can greatly change the appearance of the room and create the right atmosphere. Some types of mosaics can be used not only for beautiful inserts or friezes, but as a basis for decorative panels, patterns or borders. Designers have long appreciated this practical and effective material as a base and complement to tiles. The combination of white tiles with mosaics in the bathroom looks especially elegant, and the basis can be either neutral or contrasting design. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the collection “Tiles and mosaics in the bathroom, photos of finished interiors,” which can become the basis for your renovation. Enjoy watching!

When a bathroom is about to be renovated, the owner of the apartment thinks about what can be used to decorate the walls in the bathroom other than tiles, as well as what to cover the floor with. Usually the wall and floor surfaces in the bathroom are covered with ceramic tiles, but apartment owners increasingly want non-standard design solutions. This article will talk about what materials are available for decorating a bathroom, as well as what options there are for decorating the walls in the bathroom.

Types of wall decoration

How to replace tiles? Important characteristic When choosing a facing material for a bathroom, the product’s resistance to moisture is important. In addition to tiles, you can cover the wall the following types coatings:

  • paint (oil, water-based, acrylic);
  • panels made of plastic materials;
  • linoleum;
  • mosaic tiles;
  • gypsum board sheets;
  • wood panels;
  • MDF panels;
  • glass;
  • plaster;
  • porcelain stoneware materials;
  • self-adhesive film;
  • oilcloth.

All types finishing materials differ from each other in operational characteristics, period of use, price, quality and other indicators. All this is an excellent alternative to tiles in the bathroom.


How to paint the walls in the bathroom? Covering the walls with a colorful coating is a relatively inexpensive and simple way to decorate (wall finishing options) in the bathroom.

For some, paint is associated with despondency and boredom, since previously it was oil materials that were used to decorate the walls of Khrushchev-era buildings. But technologies for the development of colorful products are being improved, water-based and acrylic paints, which are waterproof and durable.

The disadvantage of paint is that it can crack over time due to age, or from contact with hard and sharp objects.

If the person who decided to change the lining in the bathroom has artistic talent, then you can paint the walls using various patterns.

Applying paint to walls requires a long period of time. preparatory stage. First you need to create a ground base, then putty the surface, only after that you can start painting the walls. During the filling process, it is important to make the wall as even and smooth as possible, otherwise the paint will quickly begin to crack, and all the unevenness and roughness will be visible on the wall.

The materials for the base must be of very high quality: repair specialists recommend purchasing putty mixtures at polymer based, as they evenly fill holes in the walls and level the surface.

Designers have developed several new types of paints that have become popular among apartment owners. The most fashionable trends in bathroom interiors are decorating walls with glossy paint (which will fit perfectly into a small room, increase the space, and also matte finish(recommended for large rooms).

Trim tiles in the bathroom not only with paint. You can use PVC panels, plasterboard for finishing, moisture-resistant laminate.

Modern types of paints are non-toxic; there is no need to ventilate the room for several days after application; it is enough to provide ventilation to the room while painting the walls.

Plastic panels

How can I replace tiles in the bathroom? Facing wall covering using plastic panels is also a relatively inexpensive way to decorate a room. Installing such materials on walls can be very quick and easy.

The main advantage of plastic is that it can not only withstand moisture, but is also not subject to temperature changes that often occur in the bathroom.

If in the room uneven walls, which cannot be made smooth even with plaster, or there is no time to level the wall surface, then laying plastic panels on the wall will help hide the unevenness.

The ceiling in the room can also be treated with this material.

The main disadvantage of plastic panels is that in the event of a fire, this material will instantly begin to melt. In addition, plastic is a very fragile structure that can easily be damaged during repairs, as well as during the operation of the coating.

Plastic can be cut with a regular hacksaw or saw, but do not forget that you need to protect your eyes with special glasses from chips. This material can be applied to the wall using glue or nails. It is important to remember when driving a nail that plastic sheets You can easily leave a dent from a hammer.


If a very quick repair is required, then you can install the walls using a special coating - oilcloth. Oilcloth is a fabric that is impregnated during the production process with a composition that ensures complete waterproofness of the product.

Repair with such a coating is not long-term and can only serve as a temporary decoration. Oilcloth fabric is fragile, it quickly becomes covered with holes, and places appear to peel off from the wall covering.

To attach the oilcloth to the wall, you can even use simple PVA glue. If the oilcloth is made on a paper basis, then you can attach it to the wall using a special glue for vinyl wallpaper for finishing.

Repair experts recommend using acrylic-based plaster for the preparatory coating of the surface. This is necessary in order to increase the adhesion force of the oilcloth to the wall.

One of the new options for tiling a bathroom is to use self-adhesive film. The choice of color palette and design style is wide: there are glossy and matte types, there are self-adhesive films with and without patterns.

The most fashionable trend in interior design is covering walls with mirror film.

Advantages of this type of wall covering:

  • low cost;
  • quick installation of a wall surface;
  • easy care;
  • wide color palette;
  • practicality.

This material is short-lived, but there are still types of films that can last up to ten years.

The main disadvantage of self-adhesive film is the formation of mold and fungal bacteria directly under it.

This material must be applied to smooth walls, which means you will have to spend money on purchasing a primer and putty materials. If the film is not applied to a bare wall, then alignment is not required; it is enough to stick it directly on old material.

Before applying the film to the wall, the surface must be degreased.


Mosaic laying of wall coverings is especially relevant in small rooms who have low ceilings. Small particles visually increase the height of the room, and such masonry looks very impressive.

Mosaic can be used as additional element for decorating a bathroom, for example, combining it with a colorful coating or plastic panels. You can make mosaic designs during cladding.

Laying this material is not at all easy, since the materials are very small, and covering the wall covering with this product requires skill and talent in artistic direction.

It is quite possible to decorate a wall using mosaics with your own hands, but it is better to turn to professionals to desired effect has been achieved.


If the wall covering is made using linoleum, then you need to remove the old material in advance and prepare the wall using a primer and putty mixture. After careful processing and leveling of the surface, you can begin gluing the linoleum.

When the material is evenly and tightly applied to the wall covering, there is a high probability that mold and fungal bacteria will not appear between the wall and the linoleum.

In addition, linoleum can easily serve for about ten years, despite exposure to water and temperature changes.

Special linoleum is produced for bathrooms, which is durable, moisture-resistant, and flexible. There are many colors of the material, which are designed not only in the form of plain coatings, but also in products with patterns.


There are several types of lining: wooden, plastic, lining made from MDF panels.

A common type is plastic lining, which is moisture resistant, inexpensive and relatively durable.

When choosing lining for decorating a wall surface in a bathroom, it is recommended to purchase products from MDF sheets. This is the best and most practical material among all other types of linings.

The main advantages of lining made from MDF panels:

  • simplicity of facing work;
  • aesthetic appearance of the room;
  • ease of care;
  • high degree of sound insulation;
  • resistance to light exposure;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

There are several tricks for visually reducing or enlarging a room using a product such as lining.

If the bathroom is small in size, then you can increase the wall covering in this room by vertically laying the panels. As a result, the ceiling in the room will become visually high. For a large room, on the contrary, horizontal installation is relevant.

A very fashionable trend in bathroom design is eco-style, for which you can use wooden lining. Construction stores sell special wood for processing wall surfaces in bathrooms. Wood material does not rot due to the fact that the wood is strongly dried during the production process and then impregnated with a special solution that ensures the moisture resistance of the product.

Despite the fact that wooden panels are treated against moisture, it is recommended to additionally coat them with wax or a special varnish that protects the surface of the product from water exposure.

The advantage of the lining is that insulation can be laid between it and the wall. This solution is relevant for private houses where the bathroom is located in the attached part.

Typically, plasterboard sheets are used to make the base for other types of wall coverings in the bathroom. Therefore, it is not recommended to use plasterboard sheets in their pure form - experts have not yet developed design options for this coating.

Other covering materials are usually applied to drywall - ceramic tiles, MDF panels, paint, etc.

Despite the fact that plasterboard sheets have moisture-resistant properties, it is not recommended to expose this material to direct exposure to water.

Installing plasterboard panels is not too difficult and inexpensive.

Most often used for installing plasterboard panels load-bearing frame. You can make a frame from wooden or metal bars.

The sheets are attached to the base using self-tapping screws, glue or liquid nails. After installation plasterboard sheets on the wall covering and leveling them, you need to treat the joints and seams with hermetic material.

The use of glass blocks in the decorative design of bathrooms is again becoming a fashionable trend in design. Glass blocks can not only decorate a bathroom wall, but also create a partition for a shower stall.

Caring for such products is quite simple, and they themselves do not get very dirty. Glass block structures combine well with ceramic tiles, which will help refresh the room if you don’t want to completely remove the tiles from the walls in the room.

Another advantage of glass blocks is the high light transmission of these products, which makes the bathroom much lighter and more comfortable.

The disadvantage of glass blocks is that they can be scratched very easily, and this will be very visible on the surface of the wall.

It’s very easy to decorate a bathroom with your own hands using glass blocks using cement-based glue or special modular systems that are sold in many hardware stores.

This is a very expensive, but at the same time, high-quality and durable type of wall covering for the bathroom. The advantage of this material is that it is resistant to moisture and temperature changes, as well as wear-resistant.

Porcelain tiles will never fade or conduct current. This is a very durable material that is highly hygienic. The occurrence of fungal bacteria and mold on the surface of porcelain stoneware is virtually eliminated.

Porcelain stoneware products are stronger than tiles due to the fact that the structure of this product is less porous. Under the porcelain stoneware design, you can hide wiring, as well as water and sewer lines.

The disadvantage of this material, compared to ceramic tiles, is that so far the colors of porcelain stoneware products are presented on the construction market in limited quantities.

Installing porcelain tiles is not much different from the process of installing ceramic tiles, so you can do this work yourself. To do this, you need to purchase tile adhesive or liquid nails, which more firmly hold heavy structures such as porcelain tiles.

A non-standard solution for decorating walls in a bathroom is to apply decorative plaster to the wall covering.

This type of room installation product has a number of advantages:

  • High level of moisture permeability.

When purchasing at a hardware store, you need to clarify that the product is being purchased to decorate the walls in the bathroom. In this case, the seller will present all materials that are moisture resistant.

  • Vapor permeability of the material.

This characteristic helps maintain the indoor climate by absorbing vapors when high humidity air. If the room is dry, the plaster will release moisture back.

  • Easy care.

Despite the fragile appearance of the wall covering, it is very easy to care for. Due to the high degree of moisture resistance, the decorative surface does not collapse over time.

Despite all the advantages of this type of product for decorating bathroom walls, it is recommended not to place textured plaster in areas that are subject to direct contact with water. This is because the cavities in the textured surface fill over time, but the water does not flow back out. This does not create the best appearance for the bathroom.

If the owner of the apartment really wants the plaster to be in a place where it is strongly exposed to water, then he can increase the water-repellent properties of the plaster by applying a special varnish or wax. You can purchase these materials at construction stores.

It is rare to decorate a bathroom using a material such as stone. The cost of artificial stone is many times higher than the price of other materials for decorating a room.

In terms of performance characteristics, this type of product is considered almost the best, because it is durable and resistant to direct contact with water. It is not for nothing that this material has been used in Europe to decorate bathtubs since ancient times.

Despite the apparent complexity of decorating a room using this material, laying stone is actually very simple. The process of installing stone into a wall covering is similar to the process of decorating walls with ceramic tiles.

The main advantage of this material is that it can serve as a bathroom decor for decades.

The material can withstand not only moisture, but also strong blows, which tiles, paint and other types of materials are not capable of decorative design wall covering in the bathroom.

The main disadvantage of covering bathroom walls with stone is that to do this you need to be a very wealthy person, because the cost of artificial stone is several times higher than the price of covering the room even with expensive ceramic tiles.

Purchasing natural stone is even more expensive than artificial turf.

Thus, there are many options for decorative wall coverings in the bathroom. The choice of material for finishing the walls in this room depends on how long the apartment owner plans to install these products on the walls, as well as on the cost of the materials.

The strongest and most durable material for finishing bathroom walls is stone. Stone walls can serve for a long time and are not exposed to water, shock and other factors that can harm other types of floors. Of course, the high cost of covering walls in a bathroom with this material is not affordable for everyone, fortunately it is present on the construction market a large number of budget alternatives.