Inexpensive ways to update your interior. Budget interior renovation

From time to time, everything needs to be changed: place of residence, work, vacation destination, environment. If you don't do this, you risk turning to stone. Life should be full of new impressions, sensations and events. Not everyone likes drastic changes, so in some ways you can act gradually. For example, don’t do a major re-arrangement in the apartment, but change something in it so that there is a feeling of newness..

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Repaint the walls

Just look at the fresh and joyful impression this one makes. But there is nothing special about it - just something. It should be noted that it is currently in trend. The emphasis is not on the drawing, but on color combination. You need to think about which of the new shades will look harmonious with your old furniture and. Be daring and experiment freely. But remember: you should not use dark paints for.

Now on sale it is easy to find completely safe for humans and resistant to fading. Many of them, for example, latex ones, are well tolerated wet cleaning, so you can safely use them for refreshment and on.

The entire repainting procedure will take you at most a day, provided that you have to.

Hang a large mirror in a beautiful frame

Playing with space is what a mirror does better than others

Change covers and pillows

Reupholstering furniture is not a cheap pleasure, so it is logical and at the same time a budget option– removable covers that you can make yourself.

The room should be changed regularly - this is just a rule. And the point is not that it quickly becomes boring, it actually becomes unusable. Especially on, and certainly if there are children in the house. If you don’t know how to sew, just take a look at the now fashionable ones that can be stretched as you please. Bright, with “cheerful” colors or strict - in any case, they will change your furniture, and with it the interior. Choose the tone and. You will be surprised how, or will transform before your eyes. Yes, even replacing the tablecloth with one will give you a new mood.

Get indoor flowers

Flowers in the room can be placed on the floor, hung from the ceiling, or placed in flower pots and shelves on the walls.

Always lifts your spirits. If any part of the wall irritates you, place a palm tree near it in the floor. And a miracle: the irritation will not only disappear, but the desire to once again glance in that direction will appear. Buy unpretentious ones. They don’t have to be flowering, just have variegated leaves or an original trunk. If you want to save money, check with your friends and neighbors - real flower growers will be happy to share seedlings and shoots with you.

Change the lighting scenario

It's amazing how light - bright, dim, cool, warm or any color - can change a space.

It's amazing how bright, dim, cold, warm or painted in any color can change a space. You can not only change the interior by changing, you can create several lighting scenarios so that under different circumstances and in different time day to receive an original composition. To do this, you can use different techniques: buy and install several wall and floor ones in different places, mount or use luminescent stickers or paints.

Update old furniture

There are many ways to update. You can use paint, stickers or. There are a great many options: cover the inside of the shelves with bright colors, paint the glass doors with stained glass paints. If you have a modular one, rearrange it in a new way - this will already give an unusual effect. Can be done. If you have, change their contents: arrange souvenirs, make identical book covers or add flowers.

Buy a rug

If you throw several small rugs in a long and narrow corridor, his perception will immediately change.

is a simple and at the same time very noticeable piece of furniture that can carry not only... Imitation leather, bright ornaments or original weaving - all this will distract attention from the usual surroundings. The carpet does not have to cover the entire room. Place it where it will be best seen. By the way, if you throw several small rugs in a long and narrow corridor, his perception will immediately change.

Paste photo wallpaper

Create an eclectic kitchen apron from different tiles, and it will please you much more than the cheap and dull option from the construction hypermarket. A successful and self-sufficient apron will save even the most ordinary set!

2 New color

In most cases, this technique does not involve additional expenses - you just need to choose a bright one. Let these be parts of the background (door, wall, window frame), which will become visual accents. The color itself saturates the interior, and, you see, no other decorations are required at all.

If you have paintable wallpaper, you can radically change the room, quite quickly and with minimal effort.

You can repaint just one wall, making it the main accent of the interior. By the way, in order to achieve this, designers advise repainting it in a color that matches the upholstered furniture.

3 New flowers

Several new ones indoor plants they will also allow it. If you have room indoors, buy a large palm tree or ficus, although several pots of violets will become a very noticeable element of the decor.

4 Updated furniture

No, no, you don’t need to buy a new sofa or chairs at all and don’t rush to throw them away old furniture- perhaps it is suitable for renovation. For example, using bright colors you can turn a shabby, dull chest of drawers into the main character of the interior. In addition, reupholstering upholstered furniture will cost less than buying new ones. But the visual effect will be the same.

5 New headboard

Regular boards fold into an impressive headboard for a bed: they can be placed vertically or horizontally, in a ladder, in large pieces or small dies. Remains of laminate and old parquet, and antique doors - sometimes it seems that there is no object that cannot be attached to this place.

6 New shelves

Simple ones are not only a functional, but also a decorative decoration technique. The main thing is to choose an option that contrasts in color with the wall.

You should think about filling the shelves in advance: half-empty ones will create a feeling of incompleteness in the interior. Let them sit on them hourglass, lamps and candles, original ceramics, beautiful book holders.

7 New layout

The easiest and most budget-friendly way to change the interior is to simply rearrange the furniture. To be sure that the sofa and the closet will successfully switch places, arm yourself with a tape measure and draw a simple plan by hand: this will make it easier to visualize the space.

When you are bored with your apartment, this is a sure sign that you need to refresh the interior, bringing new notes to it. This can be achieved either with the help of practical details, for example, a table lamp or rug, or by adding a few simple things to the environment to lift your mood. Please note, all this is without repair and special costs will not require, but will quickly and simply help resolve the issue.

You may want to update the interior of the entire apartment or a separate room, for example, a living room. For such cases, we want to give several working methods.

How to update your living room interior

In many cases, it is the living room that plays the most important role throughout the entire home. There we spend pleasant hours reading books, drinking tea with family and friends, watching interesting films or even having a family meal. How to update the interior of the living room?

Firstly, you can change your boring curtains to ones that are more attractive to you. Let it be your favorite color or color you like, pleasant and quality material. Changing curtains will radically change the interior, but still, it requires a certain investment of money and time, so for many people it will be much easier to decorate them. Hang new curtain tiebacks or use original buckles, clips, clips to reveal the landscapes outside the window.

Secondly, the question is how to update the interior of an apartment Decorating the walls in general or in the living room itself will help decide. For this purpose it can be used as special vinyl stickers on the walls, as well as your own family photographs in frames, paintings, panels. Today it is very fashionable to use black and white photographs and images, as well as photographs in retro style to match the appropriate interior style.

Thirdly, the living room needs a comfortable and beautiful environment, and pieces of furniture that are outdated or have lost their attractive appearance only spoil the entire appearance of the room. The solution could be reupholstering upholstered furniture, painting shelves and cabinets, draping furniture with fabric, etc. Also, any sofa and the interior as a whole will be perfectly refreshed by a variety of decorative pillows. You just need to stock up on pillowcases and change them from time to time to update the interior of your living room every time.

Fourthly, green plants will help refresh the living room interior. Several flowers in pots, as well as beautiful indoor trees, will cope with this task perfectly.

Several ways to update your bedroom interior without renovation

The bedroom is a place for healthy sleep, rest, love and relaxation. You want to feel the most comfortable and protected in it. You can also slightly update your bedroom interior easily and without renovation.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the bed. One has only to change the bed linen to new ones, with colors to suit your mood, and the bedroom will liven up and immediately become more pleasant for you. The same goes for the bedspread.

Place it on bedside tables desk lamp, and if you already have them, update them by decorating the lampshade with decorative elements or draping it with light fabric, like organza.

Hang a picture of a seascape, an image of nature, a forest, or your family photo on the wall.

It will help to update the interior of the bedroom, as well as the living room, by changing curtains or decorating.

It is also fashionable to lay a beautiful rug by the bed, and you can make it yourself - wicker and knitted rugs are again at the peak of popularity today. Use multi-colored scraps or thick yarn for this.

How to update your kitchen interior with simple things

If your dinner table is in the kitchen, you can refresh its interior by simply changing the tablecloth or adding a new table setting. Buy new cups for each family member, beautiful plates and identical devices. You shouldn’t hide your holiday dishes too far away, contenting yourself every day with them being worn out and losing all their attractive appearance. Remember that the more beautiful you set the table, the more enjoyable the eating process will be, therefore, digestion and mood will improve. You will immediately notice how your joint family meals will become more and more enjoyable.

Place on the table a vase with fresh flowers, an original salt and pepper shaker, and beautifully laid out napkins. On the table in work area In the kitchen, you can install new holders for spices and hot pads.

Pay attention to kitchen textiles - potholders, aprons, towels and fabric napkins should be updated more often, as they wear out very quickly. These things can have the same style. Choose bright colors that will lift your spirits.

How to refresh the interior of your child's nursery

In order to update the interior of a children's room, you will need a few bright details.

On the walls, decorative stickers with a children's theme - for example, images of African animals, cartoons or fairy-tale heroes. IN play area Lay a bright rug on the floor. Also scatter more colorful pillows on the floor - children really like toy pillows. Change the children's bedding to new ones in the colors your child likes.

A student's room will be helped by refreshing a few details on his desk. The simplest thing is a handmade pen stand. For this, use an ordinary jar, which can be decorated with napkins (decoupage technique) or paints. Your student will also like the new table lamp.

As for new furniture, this is already an expensive matter, but if you still want to please your baby with some new item, but not particularly disturb family budget, you can buy a frameless baby bean bag chair. Today there are quite a lot of offers of such furniture at reasonable prices.

As you can see, you can update the interior of any room simple things, and we have given just a few examples to show that this can be done easily and simply. Your imagination will definitely help in your own way, individually solve this issue of how to update the interior of an apartment without renovation, and you will see how your home will again become attractive, giving you pleasure in life. After all, living comfortably means living fully!

May 30, 2017 Sergey

To transform the interior with your own hands and give the room fresh look, add comfort, it is not necessary to make expensive repairs and buy new furniture. It is enough to follow the advice of experienced owners and the recommendations of designers.

How to update the interior of a room without doing it yourself

Without repair means that the floor, ceiling, walls and windows will not be painted, new finish or replacement. First, do a thorough cleaning and throw away all unnecessary rubbish, dusty lamps, worn-out rugs and a vase with a broken edge. This procedure will cleanse the space and improve the energy of the home.


Boring plain walls and faded areas on the wall near the window are no longer a problem: decorators have come up with stickers. All kinds of images, textures and effects (glow in the dark, velvet, glossy) on these stickers will help you create a completely new and original look rooms. The stickers are inexpensive and the sticker technology is simple.

A huge selection of different wall stickers can be found in online stores.

A good solution would be to change the lighting, zoning it and the ability to adjust the brightness, and use colored lampshades for wall lamps, through which light penetrates and gives the room a more intimate or warm atmosphere.

To create more cozy atmosphere You can use yellow light for a table lamp

Buying a real painting, even by a little-known artist, is an expensive pleasure, but modular interior options are worth considering, they perfectly highlight and accentuate the viewer’s attention, enliven the space. Modern posters add sophistication and emphasize the style of the room. Copies and imitations of antique paintings look harmonious in a classic interior, adding solidity, luxury and vintageness to it.

The images on modular paintings can be anything - they are made to order with your design

Shelves unusual shape or bright colors attract the eye and change the appearance of the room.

Hanging shelves can be placed randomly or created a single composition

You can expand the cramped space of a small room by placing several different reflective surfaces on the walls. Mirrors and glossy stickers are suitable for this purpose.

The smaller the size of the mirrors, the more interesting it looks mirror wall generally

A new direction in decor - vertical gardening when the shoots of the plant hang down or wrap around vertical supports. Phyto-pictures and phytowalls look original; they use climbing or creeping flowers: ivy, grapes, hanging flowers, in combination with asparagus and chlorophytum, moss. It’s easy to create a nature corner at home yourself by attaching pots or containers with indoor plants to the walls.

For interior decoration, it is best to choose shade-loving plants.

Flowers in beautiful pots or hanging planters not only please the eye, but also purify the air and create a microclimate that is comfortable for the health of residents.


A bright new carpet will give a new mood and neat look to a shabby, boring floor. The shades of the pile can be contrasting, create a spot of color, add color, or become the center of the composition.

Ideally, if any interior detail, for example, sofa cushions, will be combined with the carpet

Rearranging the furniture will help transform and zone the room.

To see the result of the work, you don’t need to carry heavy cabinets and chairs; you can simply download the visualization application and go through all the options for the arrangement of interior elements on the screen for free.

Enough to change sofa covers, pillows, bedspreads - and the room will take on a new look.

Floor flowerpots with tall plants and mobile partitions delimit individual zones. The mood has changed - it’s easy to rearrange it in a new way.

Artificial options can be used as outdoor flowers


Another effective method change the look of the room - change the curtains. They will fit perfectly into the ensemble if they match the sofa pillows or bedspread; bright and cheerful drawings in the nursery will lift the mood, and delicate pastel colors will emphasize romantic interior bedrooms.

For a children's room, you can use volumetric chandeliers in the form of various toys.

Well-chosen chandelier and spotlights ceiling lamps will complete the whole composition. Directed rays will highlight necessary elements decor and hide defects in the shade. If you change the strict cold light of daylight lamps to a warmer one, the interior will immediately become more comfortable. Canopies and curtains can be attached to the ceiling to separate private seating areas.

These simple and low-cost measures will help not only refresh the interior and add new colors and the effect of novelty to it, but will also hide minor defects finishing of floors and walls. Re-dressed sofas and armchairs, stylish curtains, mirrors and living greenery, a new carpet - the room will shine with comfort and be filled with air.

Even if the decor of your home is a perfect reflection of the depth of your inner world, sooner or later you will want to change something in it. Of course, you can just move the furniture from time to time, but this gets boring pretty quickly, and not everyone can do it. What to do in those cases when you really want to transform the interior, but there is absolutely no desire to start a long story called “renovation”?

To begin with, we suggestread our article today. With the help of an expert - designer Anna Chevereva from Zi-Design - we will tell you about simple steps, which will lead you straight to a renovated home.

1. Change textiles

The most simple solution In transforming the interior is the replacement of textile accessories. Pay attention not only to pillows and bedspreads, but also to curtains, towels and decorative elements. Anna recommends taking your time when choosing textiles and approaching this issue with all seriousness.

"H To change your textile design, take time and consider the following:
  • What remains unchanged in the interior - the color and coating of walls, floors, color and texture of wood?
  • What effect do you expect to get from the new design: add bright colors, freshness or calmness and tranquility?
  • How to combine what is existing and unchanged with a new mood? This is perhaps the most difficult."

2. Transforming furniture upholstery

If you are not ready to part with your upholstered furniture, but its appearance is already unattractive, you can easily turn it into something beautiful. Reupholstering furniture is not as difficult as it seems, especially if you don't start with the family sofa. Detailed instructions we gave information on how to replace the upholstery

“To choose the right shades, use the color wheel: complementary colors (to those already in the interior) will make the room brighter, more saturated, and shades of the same tone will be calmer. To freshen up and add a pop of color, stick to blues, blues, greens, yellows, etc. In addition to color, also consider ornaments and patterns. Adhere to the following techniques: the strip is combined with other elements of the pattern - geometric, floral, checkered, circle, polka dot. At the same time, the prints must match in color.”

3. Add new elements

Of course, in the matter of grandiose changes in the interior, you cannot do without something new. Anna suggests paying attention to furniture elements that will add dynamism to the atmosphere.

“New furniture must fit into the existing space. This may be in a contrasting way - for example, in classic interior is introduced modern furniture- or the method of similarity - the furniture completely or partially matches the style of the interior. In this case, you need to take into account the same nuances as when choosing textiles (color, ornament), and also remember about the color and texture of wood (floor, doors, etc.). Great way– purchasing new or vintage armchairs and chairs. It’s not that expensive, but it’s very effective.”

4. Turn on the light

Lighting is much more functional than it seems. Therefore, if your interior has until now had only one chandelier, then it’s time to fix it! By using proper lighting you can effectively zone the space and also make it visually larger. To understand all the intricacies of the choice, we recommend that you read.

« Most non-standard move– replacement of lamps. It's best to pay attention to designer lamps or lamps-art objects that will become art in the interior.”

5. Enjoy decorating

Decorating a space is usually the finishing touch to interior changes, but here you can use all your imagination. Don't limit yourself to a vase of flowers and books on the shelf! Try artistic painting or thematic panels, which will also work on the walls. In the process, you just need to remember the issue of harmony and overall compatibility.
