New NGO charter. Sample charter of a non-profit public organization (regional (local) branch of a public organization)

If citizens are ready to unite among themselves for a common goal, they create public organization. The association is carried out on a voluntary basis; in order to register with the tax authority, participants need to collect documents. These include the organization's charter - the main constituent document containing maximum information about the organization being created.

Basis for activity public organization constitutes the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 50, 52 and 117), as well as 82-FZ of 1995. Article 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes that the charter of a legal entity must reflect:

  • location;
  • the procedure for managing the organization's activities;
  • other data.

A standard charter of a public organization is a constituent document that is created for companies engaged in a similar type of activity.

Registration rules

To register the charter, it is necessary to collect additional documents, format them correctly. The constituent document is drawn up on A4 paper, in Russian, in strict accordance with the rules of office work.

An application for registration of an organization is submitted to the tax authority, specifying its name. The registration application shall indicate data on the adoption of the charter, in particular, the date and place, as well as the body that adopted the constituent document of the public organization.

The charter is being developed in 2 copies. The document fully specifies the competence of PA participants, the conditions for admission to and exit from the organization.

Conditions may be:

  • age indicator of a person;
  • agreement to make periodic payments;
  • professional activity of a person;
  • belonging to a certain category of the population.

Citizens over 16 years of age have the right to join a public organization. If the charter states that, with the permission of their legal representatives, children of earlier returns can join the society, then this can be done if the parents do not mind.

All pages of the charter must be numbered, on the last sheet it is recorded total number sheets, worth printing.


The charter must clearly state the purpose and function of the public organization. For example, children's charter, school charter, etc. In addition, the charter must define the legal status of the organization (regional charter), indicating the territory to which it will apply, as well as contact details of the company's participants.


No. 402-FZ establishes that public organizations and their divisions that do not carry out commerce must take once a year for the reporting period simplified documents:

  • balance;
  • document on profits and losses;
  • report on the intended use of the funds received.

The report is sent to the department of the Ministry of Justice (regional). The main point of the report is that the association did not receive funds from foreign companies.

Other NGO reporting:

  • VAT, property tax – every quarter;
  • Personal income tax - if there were payments to individuals.

PA agreements

Most often, non-profit organizations enter into agreement:

  • reimbursed provision of services;
  • use of property;
  • supply, purchase and sale.

In addition, non-profit organizations have agreements other civil contracts:

  • instructions;
  • storage;
  • commissions.

The counterparty is obliged to ensure that the agreement concluded with the NPO meets its statutory goals.

Resolutions and protocols

The decision is made by the collegial governing body of the public organization. The document is administrative in nature and includes two sections: stating And administrative. The decision is signed by the chairman and secretary.

The form of the protocol is not approved specifically for public associations, therefore, when drawing up this document, they refer in practice to the form of the protocol adopted for joint-stock companies (Article 63 of the relevant law).

Thus, the protocol issued by the PA must contain the following information:

  • location of the meeting;
  • date of the meeting;
  • initials and surname of the presiding person;
  • agenda;
  • the main provisions of the speeches of the meeting participants;
  • issues put to vote;
  • voting results;
  • decisions taken by the meeting.

At the meeting, a draft of this document is first drawn up. Then, no later than three days, it is carefully re-read and a clean copy is created, which is signed by the chairman and the secretary. The registration of protocols takes place on A4 (general form of the organization).


Letters include a generalized name for documents that differ in content. They serve as a means of communication between organizations, individual entrepreneurs, as well as a means of notifying about any event.

Writing letters includes several stages:

  1. Studying the essence of the issue planned to be reflected in the letter. Includes the collection of substantive information.
  2. Preparing a draft letter and writing it.
  3. Project approval.
  4. Signing of the clean sheet by the manager.
  5. Registration, sending a letter.

The letter form includes the following details:

  1. OO logo.
  2. Name of the organization.
  3. Information about the organization (addresses, telephones, fax).
  4. Date, registration number.
  5. Destination.
  6. Title.
  7. Text.
  8. Marking the presence of the application.
  9. Signature.
  10. Information about the artist.

Requirements for the letter:

  • conciseness;
  • literacy;
  • brevity of presentation;
  • clarity;
  • objectivity;
  • one-aspect;
  • subsequence;
  • persuasiveness;
  • correctness.

The letter includes two parts - this introductory And home. The introduction outlines the facts that motivated the letter. The main one states the purpose and request on the merits of the issue, refusal, etc.

For the purpose of drawing up this document, a special form is used. If the letter includes two pages or more, the second and subsequent pages must be numbered Arabic numerals, in the middle, at the top of the page.

Types of letters:

  • request;
  • offer;
  • invitation;
  • answer;
  • notice;
  • reminder;
  • complaint;
  • informational;
  • accompanying;
  • warranty;
  • confirmation.


An order is an act that is issued to resolve urgent and ongoing issues. It is ratified by the head of the public organization. The manager’s orders may relate to the following issues:

  • personnel records management;
  • economic.

The order is drawn up similarly to the orders of the PA. The text of the order includes two parts - a statement and an administrative one, beginning with the words “I propose.” Orders are numbered in order within the reporting year.

You can learn how to create a public organization in this video.

Reason for refusal of registration non-profit organization There are often errors in the charter. How to develop it correctly, taking into account the features individual species organizations. How to correctly make, approve and register changes, if necessary.

Read our article:

Legal entities in Russian Federation act on the basis of the charter (), including for non-profit organizations. The legal status of non-profit organizations and the content of their constituent documents are determined federal laws" " And " ".

Charter of a non-profit organization (NPO): how to develop and where to get a sample in 2018

A well-drafted charter clearly defines the scope and indicates what and how should be done in situations arising in connection with the management of the NPO or its functioning. Nonprofit organizations are especially interested in creating a high-quality document, since their work has many individual nuances.

The charter must stipulate:

  • Name;
  • form;
  • purpose of activity (statutory purpose);
  • activities;
  • symbols of the organization;
  • procedure for the formation of property;
  • management and decision-making procedures;
  • procedure for becoming a member (if membership is provided);
  • rights and obligations of participants;
  • the opportunity to conduct business activities;
  • reorganization procedure;
  • procedure for making changes;
  • grounds and procedure for liquidation;
  • the fate of the funds remaining after the liquidation of the NPO.

A non-profit organization has the right to include other aspects in its charter, but they should not conflict with the norms of the law.

Where to look at the standard charter of an NPO

It is best to use the standard forms of charter that the Ministry of Justice provides to non-profit organizations. Institutions that support the activities of public associations and non-profit organizations can also help. In this case there is a guarantee that model charter drawn up correctly taking into account all the latest changes in legislation.

If the model charter is taken from another source, then you need to carefully check the content and correlate it with the current version of the relevant laws.

What to consider when developing

When developing the charter of a non-profit organization, it is necessary to follow a logical structure. With it, the content is better perceived, and it will be more convenient to use such a document.

An unsuccessful option would be one in which important norms about the activities of an organization are not collected in a specific thematic section, but are dispersed across several others. For example, articles on reorganization, liquidation, and the audit body are sometimes placed in sections on the formation of property and management of non-profit organizations, and not in separate blocks.

Continuous numbering of all pages greatly facilitates working with the document. In addition, when submitting the charter of an NPO for registration to the Ministry of Justice, two out of three copies must be:

  • stitched and numbered
  • signed on the back of the last page.

Availability of a separate title page is not a requirement.

What difficulties may arise

When developing a charter, a non-profit organization sometimes encounters unexpected difficulties, for example:

  • when choosing a name. It should succinctly and concisely reflect the essence of the activity, the organizational and legal form and territoriality (for public associations and organizations). It should be taken into account that only commercial legal entities have the right to a company name. The presence of a company name in the charter of an NPO may serve as grounds for refusal of registration. The use of the words “Russia” and “Russian Federation” in the name must comply special requirements(Article 4 of the Law “On Not commercial organizations»);
  • when formulating goals and activities. It is important not to narrow the scope by limiting the organization’s rights in advance, but also not to blur them, so as not to go beyond the powers of the non-profit organization.

To avoid mistakes, you can consult the territorial department of the Ministry of Justice, where specialists will be able to provide the necessary clarifications before submitting the document for registration.

What features of the charter should be taken into account for certain types of organizations

For the constituent documents of certain types of organizations, due to the peculiarities of their activities, special requirements are provided:

  1. The name of the fund must include the word “fund”, and information about the board of trustees must be included in the section on its governing bodies.
  2. State or budgetary institutions must necessarily include in the charter an indication of the owner of the property, as well as secure an exhaustive list of types of activities that they have the right to engage in.
  3. Non-profit partnerships and associations must contain articles on the procedure for making decisions by management bodies (unanimously or by a qualified majority), on the fate of the property remaining after the liquidation of the organization.
  4. Membership-based organizations must establish in their bylaws a procedure for admitting and expelling NPO members.
  5. Educational organizations, for example, autonomous non-profit ones, must provide information about the founders or owner of the property.

Who approves and registers the charter

NPO Charter:

  • approved by its founders, about which a corresponding note is made in the charter itself;
  • submitted along with other documents for registration to the territorial office of the Ministry of Justice.

After making a positive decision on registration, a specialist from the Ministry of Justice will send documents to the tax office to enter information about the legal entity into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. After the necessary entry has been made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the Ministry of Justice issues a certificate of state registration NPO.

When making changes to the charter of an NPO, follow the procedure

The need to amend the charter is a common occurrence in the work of NPOs; it can arise due to various reasons. Among them:

  • next edition of the legislation;
  • change of name;
  • clarification of the statutory purpose;
  • changes in territoriality, types of activities, procedures for admission and exclusion from membership;
  • the need to make other changes, the urgency of which has been revealed by practice.

Therefore, it is important for a non-profit organization to initially specify in the charter the possibility and procedure for making changes to it. This is especially true for organizations - foundations. If this is not done, then it will be possible to obtain the right to adjust the charter only on the basis of a court decision.

The procedure for amending the charter is similar to the initial registration of the constituent documents of a non-profit organization. The following is provided to the local branch of the Ministry of Justice for registration of changes:

  • decision of the governing body of the NPO to amend the charter;
  • application for registration of changes;
  • text of the amendments being made;
  • a receipt indicating payment of the state duty.

The requirements for the technical design of amendments are the same as for the design of the charter itself.

ANO and NKO are abbreviations for "autonomous non-profit organization" and "non-profit organization". Institutions are created on based on voluntary donations from participants and without the desire to make a profit from work activities.

However, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, NPOs have the right to engage in entrepreneurship to achieve the goals set by the organization.

Basic goals

For autonomous non-profit organizations and non-profit organizations, the factor of independence is important, providing the organization with the opportunity to be open and impartial. This is especially true for independent media and charities.

I can pursue non-profit associations following goals:

  • charitable;
  • cultural;
  • political;
  • scientific;
  • environmental;
  • educational;
  • the goal of protecting the rights and interests of citizens;
  • and others.

Exist special practices and precautions, aimed at protecting the organization from pressure from stakeholders and sponsors. The charter of an NPO may prescribe provisions that guarantee the observance of order within the enterprise and the transparency of the flow of financial resources.

Opportunities and features of activity

Associations may engage in one or more types of activities not prohibited by the laws of the country. The type of occupation must correspond to the goals of creating the NPO as specified in the constituent documents.

The final list of all types of initiatives from the association is determined constituent documents.

In Russia, any activity of non-profit organizations is restrained by the “Law on Foreign Agents” No. 121-FZ, which came into force in 2012, and the “Law on the Register of Undesirable Organizations”, signed in 2015. Any international or foreign non-profit non-governmental organization can be recognized as such. accepted by the state apparatus as a threat to the constitutional order of the Russian Federation.

The period for which administrative punishment is possible in cases of “foreign agents” is 4 years. The legislation of the Russian Federation may impose restrictions on the type of activity of a non-profit association. Some activities require a special license.

Types of NPOs

One type of non-profit organization is autonomous non-profit organization. All benefits transferred to the ANO become its property. The founders and founders do not retain the right to the property of a non-profit organization and are not responsible for its obligations.

There are a huge number of other types of NPOs. Some of them can be highlighted:

  • institutions;
  • public gatherings;
  • religious associations;
  • consumer cooperatives;
  • funds;
  • associations and unions of companies and organizations.

Institutions- the type of NPO necessary for the implementation of social, cultural or management functions. The owner of an NPO of this type has the opportunity to finance the organization in whole or in part, while at the same time managing its property.

The owner can be an individual or legal entity, a subject or entity of the Russian Federation, or the federation itself.

Public association is an organization consisting of voluntarily united citizens based on common interests who want to satisfy the needs of their group. An association can carry out activities solely within the framework of achieving the goal of its creation, and look like social movement, organization, public foundation or institution. Created on the initiative of at least three individuals or legal entities.

Religious associations are structured in the same way as public ones. They are created for joint performance of religious rites, religious education or preaching of their teachings. Constitutionally, any religious associations are separated from the authorities government controlled and equal before the law.

An association consisting of at least a dozen adult participants living in the same area has the right to be recognized as a local religious organization. Religious associations have tax benefits.

Consumer cooperative is an association consisting of individuals and legal entities who join an organization to satisfy their needs for necessary services and goods. Satisfaction of needs is achieved by summing up the total voluntary share contributions.

Fund- a type of NPO based on voluntary contributions from participants who have cultural, charitable, educational, social and other goals beneficial to society.

Property transferred into the ownership of the foundation is assigned to it. Members of NPOs can be both citizens and companies.

Information on whether it is necessary to create an NPO is in this video.

Names of non-profit organizations

Any organization needs its own. An incorrect name for a non-profit organization may result in denial of registration.

The name of the NPO must consist of two parts: naming and indication of the type of association. For example, the name of the cooperative must contain an indication of its main occupation and words like “consumer union”, “cooperative”, “consumer society”.

An example of such names are “Credit consumer cooperative” or “Housing savings cooperative”.

Changing the name of an NPO is required by law and requires registration with a government agency. All innovations must be reflected in the constituent documents and papers contained in the Federal Tax Service.

The changes involve the destruction of the old round seal of the NPO and the creation of a new one. When changing the name, the organization must notify Rosstat, the Funds, the bank with the NPO, partners and the client base.

List of documents for registration with samples in 2018

For a foundation, public organization, partnership, autonomous non-profit organization and private institution, a charter must be prepared, confirmed by the founders and members of the organization.

To create a union, in addition to the charter, a constituent agreement between the participants of the organization is required. An institution needs a charter and a decision to open an institution from the owner of the organization.

The constituent documents must necessarily contain the following information:

  • name of the non-profit organization indicating the type of employment;
  • the purpose of opening and further activities;
  • management procedure;
  • data on representative offices and branches of NPOs;
  • responsibilities and rights of organization participants;
  • data on the conditions of admission and exit from the NPO;
  • sources of property and data on required use;
  • all information about changes in the constituent documents;
  • additional legal provisions.

With a sample charter specific type non-profit organization can be found on the official NPO portal

List of required papers for registration with the Authorized Body:

  • application form No. RN0001;
  • articles of association and, if any, articles of association;
  • protocol on the creation of NPOs;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • confirmation of legal address;
  • in the case of a foreign founder - a document confirming his legal status;
  • if intellectual property is used in the name or symbols of the NPO - a document on the right to use it.

Exact information about the required documents should be clarified with the registration authority.

Creation process and timing

First of all, the creators must approve and register the NPO by submitting a package of papers to the Authorized Body. Required documents served within three months from the date of the decision to approve the organization.

After 14 or 30 working days, the Authorized Body makes a decision on state registration of the organization or refusal. Upon confirmation of registration, the institution sends the papers to the regulatory authority to enter information from the Federal Tax Service.

Later working week The regulatory authority enters data on the NPO and reports this to the Authorized Body. He accepts information and flow three days issues to the founders of the organization a document on state registration of the NPO.

You can register yourself or with the help of a law office. Some companies offer turnkey registration services for a fee, usually including government fees.

Changes in constituent documentation

Any changes to the constituent documents should be registered in the same manner as during state registration of the opening of an NPO. For registration of changes in constituent documents, a fee is provided in the amount of about 800 rubles.

The package of papers must contain the signature of the founder of the organization or a notary. To record changes in the documentation, the following should be provided in bound and numbered form:

  • state registration data;
  • the decision to make changes to the documentation and the changes themselves;
  • information about payment of state duty.


How is liquidation carried out? After the decision to liquidate an NPO, the founders must notify government agency and submit a package of documents to the Office of the Federal Registration Service.

After a few months, the institution will review the application and issue confirmation of recording the liquidation. Next, you need to publish information about the liquidation of the NPO in the media and notify creditors.

Liquidation can be carried out for several reasons:

  1. By decision of the founders or management of the organization.
  2. After the expiration of the period for which the NPO was created.
  3. After achieving the goals of creating an organization.
  4. By the tribunal's decision.

The Fund can be liquidated only after a corresponding court order.

Can the name of an NPO be used by a commercial organization? When naming an organization, you must use the following scheme: individual designation + indication of the type of organization. Consequently, the same names of non-profit and commercial organizations are excluded.

In addition, complete duplication of facilities located within the boundaries of the city of Moscow is unacceptable.

Can a non-profit organization be the founder of an LLC? Maybe this is provided for by law. However, an NPO can only carry out activities that are aimed at achieving the goals of its creation. In this case, two enterprises keep records and pay tax contributions independently of each other.

A webinar on how to open an NPO is presented below.

In order for the registration of a new company to be successful, it is necessary to correctly prepare documentation for the registration procedure with a government agency, while the charter must be taken into account Special attention. This document must be included in the package of papers submitted to the Federal Tax Service for opening a legal entity. Inaccuracies in the drafting of the charter lead to a refusal to assign legal status to the organization, and subsequently bring chaos to the company’s activities. In the article we will provide a sample charter of an NPO and show how the title page and the entire document are drawn up.

Features of the NPO charter

The charter is a document of a constituent type, which is drawn up at the stages of formation of any organization, regardless of its form. For a non-profit partnership, public organization and foundation, the charter is the basis of the constituent package. If an association or union is created, then a shareholders' agreement is included in the mandatory documents.

The charter of the NPO includes great amount information:

  • Formation obligations;
  • A list of mutual work on the formation of an enterprise; it is very important to enter data on the procedure for electing and approving governing bodies, while each form of organization has its own list;
  • Conditions for the transfer of property - it is important to indicate the sources of its origin and options for exploitation after liquidation;
  • Conditions for participation in the organization’s work process;
  • Conditions and procedure for exit/entry of members - if the organization was created through membership, their rights and obligations, exclusion rules should be indicated.
  • Next, the charter includes the subject and goals, and it is important to display full list activities that will be carried out, this also applies to entrepreneurship that NPOs are allowed to engage in, if it is justified;
  • Legal address - it is important to indicate the location of the organization being created with reference to branches, offices and representative offices.

How to draw up an NPO charter

The charter of a non-profit organization should be created in compliance with all the dogmas of the legislation of the Russian Federation, while relying on the experience of creating similar documentation for these organizations. The generalized version of the charter must be improved with additional clauses, depending on the scope of the NPO, since today the legislation regarding these formations is undergoing significant changes.

When drawing up the charter, it is important to take into account the requirements specified in paragraph 41 of the Administrative Regulations.

Should be considered following rules of this regulation:

  • The pages of all copies are numbered;
  • The charter is drawn up in three copies;
  • Two of them, before being submitted for registration, are stitched and reserved personally by the compiler at the site of the last page.

Title page design option

The title page is not required, but if it is formed, then in the following version:

  • The word “Charter” is written on it;
  • Full name of the non-profit company in the genitive case;
  • Information on approval of the statutory document;
  • Year of its approval;
  • Also, the first sheet may contain other information and notes required by law, for example, on the approval of the document.

Structure and content of the charter

After creating the title page, it becomes necessary to formulate the internal content of the charter non-profit entity. Proper structuring of the charter and creation of links greatly facilitates the use of the document. In this case, the statutory document should be structured in a descending manner:

Name of structural component element charter Explanatory information
ChapterIt has a serial number, is indicated by Roman numerals and names, everything is printed in capital letters in the center of the page, one below the other.
ChapterNumbering is done in Arabic numerals. Chapter titles are created, their designation is done from the paragraph in words. The name begins with a number, followed by a dot, then the name in one line in words.
ArticleThe main structural unit of the document is numbered in Arabic numerals, the name does not need to be created, but if there is one, it is written in words on one line, the number is indicated in front with a dot after it, the definition begins with a paragraph and is written in words.

If the article has no title, then the definition begins with a red line, in words and in bold, in this case there is no dot after the number.

The article should also be clearly structured:

  • Divided into parts numbered with an Arabic numeral with a dot;
  • Each part of the article contains, in turn, points indicated by an Arabic numeral with a bracket;
  • Further there may be subparagraphs with designations in the form of Russian letters with a bracket. Points and sub-points are divided into paragraphs, no more than 5 are recommended.

If the numbering in structural elements of the charter is used, it must go through the entire document; partial application is undesirable.

The charter sometimes has an annex containing symbols, images and descriptions of the NPO. If there are several applications, numbering is used in Arabic numerals without the No sign, the name is written in the center.

Charter of an NPO with one founder

Creating an enterprise by one founder is not only possible, but is also the most common practice. The formation of the charter in this case is an integral part of the process, as the only constituent document. In principle, it is no different from general order, the only thing is that instead of the Protocol, a Decision is made on creation in the person of a single founder, and the authorized capital also belongs to him.

The participant must deposit the required amount in Authorized capital until the end of the year, has the right to reduce capital, assign or sell its 100% share to third parties.

The meeting is held with the participation of all founders, in this case represented by one person. The Regulations of the document state that the transfer of a share to someone, the procedure for distributing income and the conditions for the exit of a member do not apply until their number increases beyond one.

Features of the charter for a sports club

Features of the formation of the charter of a sports organization depend on its type:

  • International federations, the basis of which is the international model of the charter, which does not quite fit in with the norms of Russian legislation;
  • Olympic committees – there are national and international. All national organizations are represented in the ROC: federations, unions, associations that have membership in it. The ROC Charter states that legal entities and public associations, that is, all those individuals who follow the goal of the committee - the promotion of Olympism, both sporting and spiritual development person;
  • Paralympic Committee;
  • Charity and sponsorship funds.

All these organizations must have constituent documents, the main one of which is the charter. Read also the article: → “”. This document for physical education and sports factions must contain standard information for NPOs, and also additionally provide for:

  • Types of sports on the basis of which the sports club is developing;
  • The structure of the sports organization;
  • The territory used by the organization for its own interests and needs;
  • An approved list of indicators for selecting athletes for the purpose of including them in a club, school, or team;
  • The frequency with which sports competitions are held;
  • The rights of the organization itself and its divisions to manage sports equipment;
  • The procedure for paying entrance and membership fees;
  • The order of reorganization, termination of activities and liquidation;
  • Among other things, the charter contains information about the formation board of trustees, on the procedure for the appointment and dismissal of officials.

Today, the document should contain information about the rules for an athlete’s transfer to other associations and the amount of payments made. In the appendix of the charter, the sports society can indicate its slogan and emblem. The charter plays important role in the establishment and process of activity of a non-profit organization of any type, since on the basis of the provisions of this document it develops its activities and interacts with other persons.


By the decision of the founders

Protocol No. 1

from "___" __________201_

Autonomous non-profit organization...

G. ______________

1. General Provisions

1.1. Autonomous non-profit organization (proper name containing an indication of the nature of the activity), hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”, is a non-membership non-profit organization established on the basis of voluntary property contributions of the founders, in order to provide services in the field of education, healthcare, culture, science, law, physical culture and sports and other services .

1.2. Full name of the Organization: Autonomous non-profit organization (proper name containing an indication of the nature of the activity). Abbreviated name of the Organization: ANO…..

1.3. Legal status Organizations, rights and obligations of the founders are determined by this Charter, and in the part not regulated by it, Civil Code Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On Non-Profit Organizations".

1.4. The organization is a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in the manner prescribed by law, has separate property in its ownership, and is liable for its obligations with this property.

1.5. The organization has a round seal and a corner stamp with its name, emblem, its own symbols and other details. The emblem, symbols and other details are approved by the Board of the Organization. The emblem and symbols are subject to state registration in the manner prescribed by law.

1.6. The organization has the right to create its branches and open representative offices in the Russian Federation and abroad, which are not legal entities and operate on the basis of the provisions approved by it. Branches and representative offices are allocated property of the Organization, which is accounted for on a separate balance sheet of the division and on the balance sheet of the Organization.

1.7.Location of the Organization: (indicate full legal address).

1.8. The organization does not aim to make a profit when carrying out educational and other activities aimed at achieving the statutory goals.

1.9. The state is not responsible for the obligations of the Organization. The organization is not liable for the obligations of the state.

The founders are not liable for the obligations of the Organization, and the Organization is not liable for the obligations of its founders and legal entities created by the Organization.

1.10. The organization uses the property for the purposes specified in the Charter. An organization has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities necessary to achieve the socially beneficial goals for which it was created and consistent with these goals. To implement entrepreneurial activity An organization has the right to create business companies or participate in them, to participate in limited partnerships as an investor.

2. Psubject and goals of activity

2.1. The objectives of the Organization are to provide services in the field of (specific sphere(s) is indicated).

2.2. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are being implemented:

2.3. The subject of the Organization's activities is:

(indicated by the organization independently)

3. Organization management

3.1 The management of the Organization is carried out by the Board, which is the highest collegial management body, which is formed by the founders. The Board of the Organization includes the founders (or founders and participants -. 3.2. Board of the Organization:

Makes changes and additions to the Charter;

Decides on the inclusion of new participants in the Organization;

Elects and dismisses the Director of the Organization;

Forms the Supervisory Board and the Audit Commission (auditor);

Ensures that the Organization achieves the goals for which it was created;

Approves contracts (agreements) on loans or grants related to joint implementation projects, and also accepts work performed within the framework of targeted grants and joint implementation projects;

Approves production and financial plans Organizations and changes to them;

Approves annual reports and annual balance sheet;

Makes decisions on the creation of branches and opening representative offices of the Organization, approves regulations on them, as well as others internal documents Organizations that determine the procedure for the activities of governing bodies and other issues of their activities;

Establishes the amount of remuneration for the Director of the Organization;

Makes decisions on the Organization’s participation in other organizations;

Considers issues and makes decisions on the procedure for the withdrawal of participants who have submitted an application to leave the Organization, and on the expulsion of participants;

Defines priority areas activities of the Organization, principles of formation and use of its property;

Makes decisions on the reorganization and liquidation of the Organization.

A meeting of the Management Board is valid if all founders are present. (either all founders and participants, or more than half of the founders and (or) participants - determined by the organization independently). Decisions of the Board are made unanimously ( or by qualified majority vote - determined by the organization independently). The frequency of Management Board meetings is as necessary, but at least once a quarter.

3.3. Supervision over the activities of the Organization is carried out by its founders through the formation of the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board of the Organization operates on a voluntary basis and is formed from among representatives of the bodies local government, members of the public. The main function of the Supervisory Board is to ensure that the Organization adheres to the goals for which it was created.

The following issues are discussed at meetings of the Supervisory Board:

Carrying out general supervision and coordination of the Organization’s activities, ensuring the necessary interdepartmental interaction;

Assisting the Director of the Organization in the prompt search for funds to solve its priority tasks.

Meetings of the Supervisory Board are held at least once a year. A meeting of the Supervisory Board is valid if more than half of its members are present at the meeting. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of members present at the meeting.

Members of the Supervisory Board may take part in meetings of the Organization's Management Board with the right of an advisory vote.

3.4. The Director of the Organization is elected by the Board for a period of five years.

The competence of the Director includes resolving all issues that do not constitute exceptional competence Management Board and Supervisory Board.

The director may be elected from among the founders or representatives of the founders ( or from the participants - determined by the organization independently).


  • manages the property and funds of the Organization, acts on its behalf without a power of attorney;
  • concludes contracts and makes other transactions;
  • carries out executive and administrative functions;
  • represents the Organization in relations with Russian and foreign legal and individuals without a power of attorney;
  • issues powers of attorney;
  • opens bank accounts for the Organization;
  • issues orders, instructions, instructions and other acts that are mandatory for execution by employees of the Organization;
  • hires and dismisses employees of the Organization;
  • distributes responsibilities among employees of the Organization, determines their powers;
  • carries out daily work to implement the decisions of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board.

The director in his activities is guided by the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”, other federal laws and this charter.

3.5. The Audit Commission (auditor), elected by the Board, exercises control over the financial activities of the Organization, the correct expenditure of its funds, the implementation of the Charter and decisions of the Organization’s governing bodies.

The Audit Commission (auditor) is elected for a period of three years.

Based on the documents submitted by the Director of the Organization and the results of inspections, the Audit Commission (auditor) submits an annual report on the work of the Organization to the Board and the Supervisory Board.

The report is submitted no later than one month after the end of the financial year.

3.6. The Organization does not have the right to pay remuneration to members of the Management Board or the Supervisory Board for the performance of their assigned functions, with the exception of compensation for expenses directly related to participation in the work of the relevant management body of the Organization.

4. Property and financial and economic activities

4.1. An organization may own or operational management buildings, structures, housing stock, equipment, inventory, cash in rubles and foreign currency, securities and other property, as well as owning or in perpetual use land plots.

4.2. The organization is liable for its obligations with its property, which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be foreclosed on.

4.3. The sources of formation of the Organization’s property are:

  • voluntary property contributions and donations;
  • income from the sale of goods, works, services;
  • income from business activities;
  • dividends (income, interest) received on shares, bonds, other securities and deposits;
  • income received from the use of the Organization's property;
  • grants or other financial obligations related to the implementation of or arising from the objectives of the Organization and its main activities;
  • other receipts not prohibited by law.

4.4. The property of the Organization is the property created by it, acquired or transferred by citizens and organizations, including cash, shares, other securities and intellectual property rights.

4.5. All property of the Organization, income from business activities are its property and cannot be redistributed by the founders. The organization carries out ownership, use and disposal of its property in accordance with its purpose and only for the fulfillment of statutory tasks and purposes.

4.6. The founders of the Organization do not have the right of ownership to its property, including that part of it that was formed through their contributions and donations.

4.7. Interested parties (founders, Director, members of the Supervisory Board and Audit Commission) are obliged to respect the interests of the Organization, primarily in relation to the goals of its activities, and should not use the Organization’s capabilities or allow them to be used for purposes other than those provided for in this charter.

Interested parties cannot enter into transactions if these persons are affiliated with supplier organizations or citizens. labor relations, are participants, creditors of these organizations or are creditors of these citizens.

4.8. If the persons listed in paragraph 5.7 of this charter have an interest in a transaction to which the Organization is or intends to be a party, as well as in the event of another conflict of interests of the specified person and the Organization in relation to an existing or proposed transaction:

They are obliged to inform the Management Board or the Supervisory Board of their interest before a decision is made to conclude a transaction;

The transaction must be approved by the Management Board or Supervisory Board.

4.9. A transaction made by the persons listed in clause 5.7 of this charter, in violation of the requirements set out in clause 5.8 of this charter, at the request of the Organization may be declared invalid by the court on the grounds provided by law. The interested party is liable to the Organization for losses caused to it in the amount and manner established by law.

4.10. Foreign economic activity The organization is carried out to achieve the goals defined by this charter, and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Amendments and additions to the Charter

5.1. By unanimous vote determined by the organization independently) By decision of the Board, changes and additions may be made to the Charter of the Organization in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” and other federal laws.

5.2. Changes and additions made to this charter are subject to state registration in the prescribed manner.

6. Accounting and reporting. Provision of information

6.1. The organization maintains accounting records, provides accounting and statistical reporting in the manner established by law Russian Federation. The organization provides information about its activities to state statistics bodies and tax authorities, the founder and members of the Supervisory Board and other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and this charter.

6.2. The size and structure of the Organization’s income, as well as information about the size and composition of the Organization’s property, its expenses, the number and composition of employees, their remuneration, and the use of gratuitous labor of citizens in the Organization’s activities cannot be the subject of a trade secret.

7. Termination of the Organization's activities

7.1. Termination of the Organization's activities may be carried out in the form of its liquidation or reorganization.

7.2. The decision on reorganization is made by the Board of the Organization unanimously (or by qualified majority vote - determined by the organization independently). The organization has the right to transform into a foundation. During the transformation, the rights and obligations of the Organization are transferred to the newly emerged organization in accordance with the transfer act.

7.3. The organization may be liquidated by unanimous decision of the Board (or adopted by a qualified majority of votes - determined by the organization independently) or by a court decision on the basis and in the manner provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” and other federal laws.

7.4. The founders of the Organization or the body that made the decision to liquidate the Organization appoint a liquidation commission (liquidator) and establish the procedure and timing of liquidation.

From the moment the liquidation commission is appointed, the powers to manage the affairs of the Organization are transferred to it. The liquidation commission acts in court on behalf of the Organization.

The Liquidation Commission publishes in the press, which publishes data on state registration of legal entities, a publication on the liquidation of the Organization, the procedure and deadline for filing claims by its creditors. The deadline for filing claims by creditors cannot be less than two months from the date of publication of the liquidation of the Organization.

The Liquidation Commission takes measures to identify creditors and receive receivables, and also notifies creditors in writing of the liquidation of the Organization.

At the end of the period for filing claims by creditors, the liquidation commission draws up an interim liquidation balance sheet, which contains information about the composition of the Organization’s property, the list of claims made by creditors, as well as the results of their consideration.

The interim liquidation balance sheet is approved by the founders of the Organization or the body that made the decision on its liquidation.

7.5. If the funds available to the Organization are not sufficient to satisfy the claims of creditors, the liquidation commission sells its property at public auction in the manner established for the execution of court decisions.

7.6. Payments to the Organization's creditors are made by the liquidation commission in the order of priority established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the interim liquidation balance sheet, starting from the day of its approval, with the exception of creditors of the third and fourth priority, payments to whom are made after a month from the date of approval of the interim liquidation balance sheet.

After completing settlements with creditors, the liquidation commission draws up a liquidation balance sheet, which is approved by the founders or the body that made the decision to liquidate the Organization.

7.7. When the Organization is liquidated, the property remaining after satisfying the creditors' claims, unless otherwise established by federal laws, is directed in accordance with this Charter for the purposes in whose interests it was created. If the use of the specified property in accordance with the Charter is not possible, it turns into state income.

7.8. The liquidation is considered completed, and the Organization is considered to have ceased to exist after making an entry to this effect in the unified state register of legal entities.

7.9. After reorganization or termination of the Organization’s activities, all documents (managerial, financial and economic, personnel etc.) are transferred in accordance with established rules successor organization. In the absence of a legal successor, documents of permanent storage that have scientific and historical significance are transferred to state storage in the archives. Documents on personnel (orders, personal files, registration cards, personal accounts etc.) are transferred for storage to the archive in the territory of operation of which the Organization is located. The transfer and organization of documents is carried out by and at the expense of the Organization in accordance with the requirements of archival authorities.