On approval of the regulations on the management of housing and communal services and improvement of the administration of the municipal formation "city of Maykop". On the regulations on the management of housing and communal services and improvement of the urban services complex


Draft decision

On approval of the regulations on the management of housing and communal services of the Vladimir city administration

Having considered the presentation of the head of the administration of the city of Vladimir, in accordance with Article 26 of the Charter of the municipal formation of the city of Vladimir, the Council of People's Deputies

1. Approve the regulations on the housing and communal services department of the Vladimir city administration in accordance with the appendix.

2. Entrust control over the implementation of the decision to the city life support committee (V.N. Martynov).

3. The administration of the city of Vladimir will register changes made to constituent documents legal entity in in the prescribed manner.
4. This decision is subject to official publication in the media.

The head of the city S.V. Sakharov

Appendix to the draft decision
Council of People's Deputies
city ​​of Vladimir
from _____________No.________


on the management of housing and communal services

administration of the city of Vladimir

This Regulation has been developed on the basis of current legislation Russian Federation, normative legal acts Vladimir region, municipal legal acts of the city of Vladimir and establishes the legal basis for organizing the activities of the housing and communal services department of the administration of the city of Vladimir.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Housing and Communal Services Department of the Vladimir City Administration (hereinafter referred to as the Housing and Communal Services Department) is an independent sectoral structural unit of the Vladimir City Administration and has the authority to resolve issues local significance in the field of housing and communal services.
1.2. Housing and communal services department is legal entity in the form of a municipal government institution formed to implement management functions and operates on the basis of the general provisions of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation" in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in relation to government institutions.
The Housing and Communal Services Department is maintained at the expense of the city budget and has personal accounts in the Office of the Federal Treasury for the Vladimir Region (UFK for the Vladimir Region), a round seal with its name and the image of the coat of arms of the municipality of Vladimir, corner and other stamps, forms, details.
1.3. The Housing and Communal Services Department has the right, on its own behalf, to acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities and be a plaintiff and defendant in court.
The property is assigned to the Housing and Communal Services Department with the right of operational management.
1.4. Name of the legal entity:
- complete: Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Vladimir City Administration;
- abbreviated: Housing and Communal Services Department.
1.5. Location and legal address: 600026, Vladimir, Gorky St., 95-a.
1.6. In its activities, the Housing and Communal Services Department is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, other laws of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Vladimir region, municipal legal acts of the city of Vladimir and these Regulations.

2. Main tasks of the Housing and Communal Services Department

2.1. Formation and implementation of plans for the development of urban housing and communal services, a unified economic and technical policy in the housing and communal services sectors, improvement, providing support in the creation of new industry structures, implementation of comprehensive long-term programs for providing the population with housing and communal services in accordance with the decisions of the Council of People's Deputies of the city of Vladimir and the administration of Vladimir.
2.2. Implementation of regulation of housing and communal services in the municipality of Vladimir within its competence, including coordination of the activities of enterprises and organizations of housing and communal services.
2.3. Ensuring a combination of the interests of the city population and the tasks of housing and communal services enterprises based on economic management methods.
2.4. Organization of mobilization training, civil defense activities, prevention and liquidation emergency situations natural and technogenic nature at industry enterprises.

3. Functions of the Housing and Communal Services Department

3.1. In the field of organizing energy, heat, gas, water supply and sanitation:
- promotes the development of heat supply, organizes and controls electricity, heat, gas, water supply to the population and sanitation within the boundaries of the urban district;
- organizes and promotes the introduction of energy-saving technologies;
- develops and organizes the implementation of municipal programs in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency;
- organizes energy audits apartment buildings, the premises in which constitute the municipal housing stock within the boundaries of the municipality and other measures provided for by legislation on energy saving and increasing energy efficiency;
- considers projects of investment programs of municipal organizations for the development of public infrastructure systems, monitors their implementation.
3.2. In the field of organizing road activities, improvement and gardening of the city:
- controls the maintenance, repair, reconstruction of external improvement facilities, outdoor lighting, and other objects municipal property in the field of housing and communal services, arrangement of places of public recreation;
- controls the maintenance of burial sites;
- organizes the collection, removal, disposal and processing of household waste.
3.3. In the field of maintenance and use of municipal housing stock and engineering infrastructure:
- organizes the maintenance of the municipal housing stock, utilities and other housing and communal services facilities;
- exercises control over the use and safety of the municipal housing stock, compliance of the residential premises of this fund with established sanitary and technical rules and standards and other requirements.
3.4. In the field of socio-economic development:
- forms and ensures the placement of municipal orders for municipal needs within its competence;
- prepares proposals for establishing tariffs for goods and services of the housing and communal services complex, unless otherwise provided by federal laws, within the competence of local government bodies;
- develops and implements plans and programs for the development of the city, organizes monitoring and forecasting of socio-economic development in the field of housing and communal services;
- ensures the organization of reform of housing and communal services of the municipal formation of the city of Vladimir;
- organizes and monitors the implementation of financial programs economic activity municipal unitary, state enterprises, state and budgetary institutions supervised industries.
3.5. In the field of the budget of the city of Vladimir and budgetary relations:
- prepares proposals when forming a draft city budget, organizes its implementation, preventing misuse of budget funds, and submits a report on its implementation within its competence;
- participates in the development of proposals for generating city budget revenues.
3.6. In the field of activity of municipal unitary, state enterprises, state and budgetary institutions:
- determines the goals, conditions and procedure for the activities of enterprises and institutions;
- carries out inspection activities of enterprises and institutions;
- develops recommendations for the provision of paid services;
- develops regulations on remuneration of managers and employees;
- is the main manager and recipient of budget funds of the municipal formation of the city of Vladimir;
- is the chief administrator, administrator of budget revenues of the municipality of the city of Vladimir;
- draws up a budget list;
- determines the limits of budget obligations for subordinate recipients of budget funds.
3.7. Interacts with management organizations, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives, other specialized consumer cooperatives, and with owners of apartment buildings who have chosen the direct method of management, including:
- maintains a register of management organizations;
- in the manner and under the conditions determined by municipal legal acts, provides management organizations, homeowners' associations or housing cooperatives or other specialized consumer cooperatives with budget funds for major repairs of apartment buildings within the limits of budgetary allocations;
- exercises control over the installation of signs with street names and numbers of apartment buildings managed by management organizations;
- exercises control over the organization of work on the collection and removal of household waste.
3.8. Participates in the prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations within the boundaries of the urban district.
3.9. Exercises control over the organization of activities of emergency rescue services and emergency rescue teams of enterprises in the housing and communal services sectors.
3.10. Submits for consideration in the established manner to local government bodies draft municipal legal acts on issues of housing and communal services, developed in accordance with current legislation, and also participates, within its competence, in the consideration and preparation of opinions on drafts of other municipal legal acts, and carries out anti-corruption expertise draft regulatory legal acts of the Vladimir city administration.
3.11. Considers appeals from citizens and legal entities on issues of housing and communal services, takes appropriate decisions and measures within its competence.
3.12. Manages general office work documentation.

4. Powers of the Housing and Communal Services Department

4.1. Within the framework of its powers, makes decisions in the field of housing and communal services.
4.2. Provides opinions on draft municipal legal acts submitted for approval by structural divisions of the Vladimir city administration.
4.3. Attracts qualified specialists and experts on a contractual basis to study and solve the main problems of the Housing and Communal Services Department.
4.4. Requests and receives from state and municipal bodies, public associations, committees, management organizations, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives, enterprises and institutions of all forms of ownership, reference, statistical, reporting and other information and materials necessary to carry out its functions.
4.5. Appeals to judicial and other jurisdictional bodies for the protection of their interests, and, on behalf of the relevant bodies, for the protection of municipal interests.
4.6. Represents the interests of the administration of the city of Vladimir in federal and regional government bodies, judicial authorities, arbitration courts, prosecutors, as well as in all institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the Housing and Communal Services Department, acts as a plaintiff and defendant in court.
4.7. Conducts working meetings with representatives of city administration departments, enterprises and organizations various forms property on issues related to the implementation of the main tasks and functions assigned to the Housing and Communal Services Department.
4.8. Organizes open competitions for the selection of management organizations for management apartment buildings, the owners of premises in which did not choose a method of managing houses or did not implement the decision made on choosing a method of managing houses, as well as for the management of newly built apartment buildings for which permits for commissioning were issued.
4.9. Draws up protocols on administrative violations.
4.10. Participates in the prevention of terrorism and extremism, as well as in minimizing and (or) eliminating the consequences of manifestations of terrorism and extremism within the boundaries of the municipality of the city of Vladimir.

5. Interaction of the Housing and Communal Services Department with other departments and organizations

5.1. The functional subordination of the Housing and Communal Services Department includes municipal unitary, state-owned enterprises, state-owned and budgetary institutions in the supervised industries.
5.2. The housing and communal services department interacts with other enterprises and organizations of the housing and communal services, regardless of the organizational legal form in order to implement the main tasks and functions of the municipality as a whole.

6. Management of the Housing and Communal Services Department

6.1. The Housing and Communal Services Department carries out its activities under the leadership of the Head of the Housing and Communal Services Department.
6.2. The employer of the head of the Housing and Communal Services Department is the head of the city administration.
6.3. The head of the Housing and Public Utilities Department has deputies who are appointed and dismissed by the head of the Housing and Public Utilities Department.
6.4. Head of Housing and Communal Services Department:
- makes decisions within the competence of the Housing and Communal Services Department, taking into account these Regulations and job descriptions, issues instructions and orders, gives instructions that are mandatory for execution by structural units of the Housing and Communal Services Department and subordinate enterprises and institutions;
- carries out general management of the Housing and Communal Services Department, directs and coordinates the activities of employees to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Housing and Communal Services Department;
- develops the structure and approves the staffing table within the limits of the staffing level of the Housing and Communal Services Department, established by the head of the city administration;
- appoints and dismisses employees of the Housing and Communal Services Department, approves internal labor regulations, job descriptions, encourages and imposes penalties on employees in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- organizes work with the personnel of the Housing and Communal Services Department, their certification, and advanced training;
- approves the estimate of income and expenses of the Housing and Communal Services Department;
- organizes management accounting and approves the accounting and financial statements compiled in accordance with the established procedure;
- opens personal accounts in the Federal Treasury Department for the Vladimir Region (UFK for the Vladimir Region);
- concludes and terminates contracts and agreements, acts without a power of attorney, issues powers of attorney on behalf of the Housing and Communal Services Department;
- represents the Housing and Communal Services Department in relations with other state, municipal and public bodies and organizations, represents the Housing and Communal Services Department in the courts, the prosecutor's office, and law enforcement agencies;
- conducts personal reception of citizens, considers citizens’ appeals on housing and communal services issues;
- reports on his work to the head of the city administration;
- in accordance with the established procedure, makes a decision on obtaining admission officials Office of state secrets in the appropriate form.
6.5. Audit and control of the activities of the Housing and Communal Services Department is carried out by bodies authorized for this purpose in accordance with current legislation.

7. Introduction of amendments and additions to these Regulations, termination of the activities of the Housing and Communal Services Department

7.1. Changes and additions to these Regulations are made by decision of the Council of People's Deputies of the city of Vladimir on the proposal of the head of the administration of the city of Vladimir.
7.2. When changes are made to the current legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the Vladimir region, as well as regulations of local government bodies, this Regulation continues to be in effect to the extent that does not contradict these acts.
7.3. Liquidation and reorganization of the Housing and Communal Services Department is carried out in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

from___________20___ No.______


and improvement of the Mytishchi urban district


Deputy Head

Organizes the provision of reliable heat supply to consumers, including taking measures to organize the provision of heat supply to consumers in the event of failure of heat supply organizations or heating network organizations to fulfill their obligations, or refusal of these organizations to fulfill their obligations;

Carries out daily, and during the heating season - around the clock, acceptance and consideration of consumer requests on issues of reliability of heat supply;

Monitors compliance with the requirements established by the rules for assessing readiness for the heating period, monitors the readiness of heat supply organizations, heat network organizations, certain categories of consumers for the heating period;

Prepares a program for checking the readiness of heat supply organizations and consumers for the heating season.

3.7.2. Maintains, in accordance with the established procedure, a record of citizens as those in need of residential premises provided under social tenancy agreements.

3.7.3. Maintains records of citizens in need of residential premises under lease agreements for residential premises of the social housing stock.

3.7.4. Makes decisions and prepares conclusions on recognizing the premises as residential premises, residential premises suitable (unsuitable) for habitation and emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction.

3.7.5. Organizes the provision of residential premises of specialized housing stock, which is in municipal ownership in accordance with the procedure for provision.

3.7.6. Organizes the provision of residential premises of the municipal housing stock to citizens under lease agreements for residential premises of the social housing stock.

3.7.7. Organizes the provision, in accordance with the established procedure, to citizens under social tenancy agreements of residential premises of the housing stock, which is in municipal ownership.

Within the limits of authority, exercises control over the safety and correct use of the housing stock, which is in municipal ownership, for the purpose of which it organizes, together with the management and operating organizations of the housing and communal services complex, commission inspections of residential premises, monitors the progress in municipal residential premises, carried out at the expense of funds budget, upon completion of repairs, accepts residential premises.

3.7.8. Takes part in creating conditions for the management of apartment buildings in accordance with housing legislation.

3.7.9. Organizes work on the selection of management companies in the prescribed manner as a way to manage apartment buildings.

3.7.10. Exercises municipal housing control by conducting scheduled and unscheduled inspections, the subject of which is compliance by legal entities and citizens mandatory requirements, established by federal laws and laws of the Moscow region, municipal legal acts in relation to housing stock that is in municipal ownership.

3.7.11. Carry out, within five days, unscheduled inspections of the activities of the management organization based on a request about the management organization’s failure to fulfill its obligations. If, based on the results of this inspection, it is revealed that the management organization has failed to comply with the conditions of the apartment building, no later than fifteen days from the date of the corresponding request, convene a meeting of the owners of the premises in this building to resolve issues of terminating the contract with such a management organization and choosing a new management organization or changing the method management of this house.

3.7.12. Based on the results of inspections, he draws up inspection reports in relation to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals. Develops and submits for approval a form of inspection report regarding citizens.

3.7.13. Helps improve the qualifications of persons managing apartment buildings and organizes training for persons intending to carry out such activities.

3.7.14. Develops and submits inspections for approval.

3.7.15. Issues orders to stop violations of mandatory requirements, to eliminate identified violations, to take measures to ensure compliance with mandatory requirements and monitors their implementation.

3.7.16. Prepares and submits to the state housing supervision body documents and materials based on the results of inspections for consideration in the prescribed manner, involvement in accordance with the competence of the state housing supervision body.

3.7.17. Prepares and submits to the authorized bodies documents and materials related to violations of mandatory requirements in order to resolve the issue of initiating criminal cases.

3.7.18. Organizes and conducts monitoring of the effectiveness of municipal housing control.

3.7.19. Organizes the provision to citizens, upon their requests, of information on established prices (tariffs) for services and work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings and residential premises in them, on the amount of payment in accordance with established prices (tariffs), on the volume, on the list and the quality of services provided and (or) on prices (tariffs) for provided utilities and the amount of payment for these services, on the participation of representatives of the administration of the Mytishchi urban district of the Moscow region in annual and extraordinary general meetings owners of premises in apartment buildings.

3.7.20. Organizes the provision of information about apartment buildings by persons managing apartment buildings in order to form and update a regional program. Monitors the provision of information on the results by persons managing apartment buildings technical inspection apartment buildings

3.7.21. Organizes the provision of information to citizens upon their requests, including using the system, about municipal programs in the housing sector and in the field of utilities, on the regulatory legal acts of local government bodies regulating relations in these areas, on the state of utility and engineering infrastructure facilities located in the territories, on the persons operating these facilities, on production programs and on organizations supplying the resources necessary for the provision of public services, on compliance with the established quality parameters of goods and services of such organizations, on the status of settlements between providers of public services (entities providing public services) with persons engaged in the production and sale of resources necessary for the provision of public services, as well as with persons engaged in wastewater disposal, on the status settlements between consumers and utility service providers

3.7.22. Develops proposals for measures of municipal support for capital repairs of apartment buildings, as well as short-term (for a period of up to three years) plans for the implementation of a regional capital repair program in order to specify the timing of capital repairs of common property in apartment buildings, clarify the planned types of services and (or) work on major renovation common property in apartment buildings, definition of types and volume state support, municipal support for capital repairs.

The Housing and Communal Services and Improvement Department interacts with government bodies of the Moscow region, other sectoral (functional) and territorial bodies of the administration of the Mytishchi urban district of the Moscow region, organizations regardless of their form of ownership and legal form.

The document has become invalid

In accordance with the decision of the Ryazan City Council dated March 16, 2000 N 108 “On introducing changes to the organizational structure of the Ryazan city administration” and the Resolution of the head of the city administration dated April 25, 2000 N 2004 “On the renaming of the municipal services department and approval of the organizational structure and staffing of the housing department - public utilities" I decide:

1. Approve the Regulations on the management of housing and communal services.

2. The regulations on the management of the city economy, approved by the resolution of the head of the administration dated 07/09/1999 N 3624 “On the regulations of the city administration and its structural divisions,” shall be considered invalid.

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the First Deputy Head of the Administration for Municipal Affairs N.V. Muzhikhov.

Head of the Ryazan City Administration P.D. MAMATOV


This Regulation determines the legal status of the Housing and Communal Services Department (hereinafter referred to as the Department), the place of this unit in the management system of the city administration, establishes general provisions, main tasks, organizational structure, functions of the Department, as well as the duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of the Department.

The Regulations were developed in accordance with the Civil Code, Federal Laws “On Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” and “On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”.


1.1. The Housing and Communal Services Department is part of the city administration and reports directly to the First Deputy Head of the Administration for City Services.

1.2. The department is created by a resolution of the head of the administration in accordance with the organizational structure of the administration, approved by the representative body of local self-government.

1.3. The management in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, legislation of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, laws of the Ryazan region, resolutions of the regional Duma, the Charter of the city of Ryazan, decisions of the Ryazan City Council, resolutions and orders of the city administration, its deputies and these Regulations.

1.4. The activities of the Department are supported by funding from the budget.

1.5. The structure and staffing of the Department is approved by the head of the city administration.

1.6. The department is a legal entity, has forms and a seal with its name and symbols of the city of Ryazan, as well as the necessary stamps, duly approved by the department of affairs.


2.1. The main objectives of the Department are:

Management and coordination of financial and economic activities of municipal unitary enterprises and institutions (MUP and MU) of housing and communal services (HPU) and improvement (Appendix 1);

Exercising control over the maintenance and use of the housing stock, public utilities and road facilities, city improvement, which are municipal property;

Development and coordination of measures aimed at reforming the housing and communal services;

Development and organization of promising work of municipal enterprises to implement the state policy of resource conservation on the basis of federal, regional and local programs;

Formation of a municipal order for the maintenance and development of housing, utilities and road services, improvement of the city;

Formation of proposals of a scientific and technical nature with the aim of introducing the accumulated best practices in other cities of Russia.


3.1. The department consists of the following structural divisions:

Department for organizing the operation of housing stock;

Department for analyzing the performance of housing and communal services enterprises;

Operations Department;

City improvement sector.

3.2. Organizational structure The department and its divisions are given in Appendix 2.


4.1. Organization and control of the activities of municipal enterprises and institutions of housing and communal services and city improvement, development and approval of their Charters.

4.2. Development necessary rules, regulations, guidelines in the field of housing and communal services, coordination of tariffs and standards for the consumption of housing and communal services.

4.3. Consideration of claims, proposals of subjects of housing and communal relations, making decisions within their competence.

4.4. Preparation of proposals to the management of the city administration and ensuring the implementation of accepted proposals:

On current financing and development plans for housing and communal services enterprises of the city;

To improve the housing and communal services management system, reorganize and liquidate business entities, delineate their competence and powers;

According to plans for major repairs, reconstruction, new construction, cessation of operation of housing and communal services facilities;

On the development of competitive methods in the management and operation of housing and communal services facilities.

4.5. Proposal and coordination of appointments and dismissals of managers municipal institutions and housing and communal services enterprises.

4.6. Organization of work and participation in the work of commissions:

At the rate technical condition municipal housing stock;

According to the assessment of the technical condition of improvement facilities and road facilities;

On the reception and transfer of property of housing and communal services business entities;

Investigation of emergency situations at housing and communal services facilities;

Conducting fire safety measures;

In preparation for winter.

4.7. Constant monitoring of the work of emergency dispatch services and taking prompt measures to eliminate emergency situations.


5.1. Department for organizing the operation of housing stock

5.1.1. Organization of the development of plans and schedules for capital and current repairs of housing stock.

5.1.2. Participation in checking the volume and quality of capital and current repairs of the municipal housing stock together with the inspection for control over the operation of the housing stock, coordination of work completion certificates.

5.1.3. Monitoring the implementation of housing management contracts.

5.1.5. Implementation of methodological support for the operation of municipal housing and state fund, as well as homeowners' associations (HOAs).

5.1.6. Participation in the work of the commission on the acceptance into municipal ownership of newly introduced housing and communal services facilities and the transfer of departmental housing stock.

5.1.7. Organizing the development of plans and schedules for preparing the housing stock for winter, monitoring their implementation.

5.1.8. Organizing interaction with departments of the city administration to develop measures aimed at improving the operation of the housing stock.

5.1.9. Interaction with Federal regulatory authorities, public organizations, as well as with all structural divisions of the city administration on issues of housing and communal services.

5.1.10. Participation in the consideration and approval of tariffs for services of municipal enterprises and monitoring the correctness of their implementation.

5.1.11. Ensuring interaction of the HOA with administration departments and subordinate organizations, coordination and control of the activities of the partnerships.

5.1.12. Development and control of a system of contractual relations between HOAs and service organizations.

5.1.13. Participation in the development of issues of financial support for HOAs, control over the use of subsidized funds.

5.1.14. Participation in resolving conflict situations in partnerships in compliance with the priority of Federal legislation.

5.1.15. Ensuring the interests of the administration in other organizations and institutions regarding the activities of the HOA.

5.1.16. Organizing work with letters and documents received by the Department on issues within the scope of the department’s activities.

5.1.17. Carrying out control and taking prompt measures to implement decisions of the city administration that are within the competence of the department.

5.2. Department for analyzing the performance of housing and communal services enterprises

5.2.1. Analysis of financial and economic activities, plans of organizational and technical measures of municipal unitary enterprises and municipal housing and communal services.

5.2.3. Formation of a municipal order for the maintenance and development of housing and communal services.

5.2.4. Monitoring the timely and targeted use of budget funds allocated for the needs of housing and communal services, together with the financial and treasury department.

5.2.8. Regulation of prices for the supply of goods and services under municipal orders by controlling costs and profitability of municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services.

5.2.9. Studying the conditions of the repair and construction market and the housing and communal services market.

5.2.10. Taking measures to attract enterprises of various forms of ownership in the implementation of the municipal order for the maintenance and development of housing and communal services.

5.2.11. Economic examination of contracts with contractors when placing a municipal order.

5.2.12. Improving the system of contractual relations, introducing economic methods of influencing suppliers of goods and services for the needs of housing and communal services, regardless of their organizational and legal form and subordination.

5.2.13. Preparation of proposals for the provision of priority loans to enterprises providing necessary housing and communal services.

5.2.14. Participation in the formation of tariffs and prices for the services of municipal housing and communal services enterprises.

5.2.15. Preparation of proposals and participation in decision-making on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of municipal enterprises serving housing and communal services.

5.2.16. Preparation of proposals for loading the production capacity of municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services.

5.2.17. Organizing work with letters and documents received by the Department on issues within the scope of the department’s activities.

5.2.18. Interaction with departments of the city and regional administration according to their functions.

5.3. Operations department

5.3.1. Taking prompt measures to organize work to eliminate emergency situations.

5.3.2. Monitoring the functioning of city life support services.

5.3.3. Monitoring the work of the social and domestic sphere.

5.3.4. Involvement of emergency dispatch services of enterprises and organizations in the elimination of accidents and coordination of their work, regardless of their departmental affiliation.

5.3.5. Involvement of law enforcement agencies and the military commandant’s office to urgently identify the causes of accidents and disruptions in the functioning of municipal services.

5.3.6. Preparation of proposals to improve the functioning of the city’s life support services.

5.4. City Improvement Sector

5.4.1. Coordination of activities and approval of plans for organizational and technical activities of municipalities and municipal unitary enterprises for the improvement of the city and road infrastructure.

5.4.2. Formation of a municipal order for the improvement of the city, maintenance and development of road facilities.

5.4.3. Monitoring the timely and targeted use of budget funds allocated for city improvement and road infrastructure, together with the financial and treasury department.

5.4.4. Checking the volume and quality of major repairs of improvement projects, approving certificates of work performed.

5.4.5. Organization of months to improve the city.

5.4.6. Interaction with Federal regulatory authorities, public organizations, as well as with all structural divisions of the city and regional administration on improvement issues.

5.4.8. Preparation of proposals and participation in decision-making on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of municipal road enterprises and city improvement.

5.4.9. Taking measures to attract enterprises of various forms of ownership in the implementation of the municipal order for the improvement of the city, maintenance and development of road facilities.

5.4.10. Carrying out control and taking prompt measures to implement decisions of the city administration that are within the competence of the sector.

5.4.11. Organization of work with letters and documents received by the Department on issues within the scope of the sector’s activities.


6.1. The work of the Department is managed by the Head of the Department, who is appointed and dismissed by decision of the Ryazan City Council on the proposal of the head of the city administration.

6.2. The Head of the Department has two deputies according to the approved structure.

6.3. Deputy heads of the Department and other employees of the Department are appointed and dismissed by the head of the city administration, or on his behalf by the first deputy head of the administration for city services.

6.4. Head of Department:

Manages the activities of the Department, ensuring the solution of the tasks and functions assigned to the Department;

Represents to the First Deputy Head of the Administration for Municipal Affairs the structure and staffing of the Office, candidates for appointment to the position and proposals for dismissal from the position;

Determines the functions of the departments of the Department and approves the job descriptions of its employees;

Resolves issues of sending employees within the city;

Encourages employees of the Department and applies disciplinary measures to them;

Monitors compliance with production discipline;

Issues orders on Management issues and signs official documentation within its competence;

Represents the Department in relations with the apparatus of the Ryazan Regional Duma, the regional administration and the Ryazan City Council.

6.5. Deputy heads of the Department exercise individual powers of the head of the Department in accordance with job descriptions, including the right to sign documents emanating from the Department.

6.6. Heads of structural divisions:

Ensure the fulfillment of the functions and tasks assigned to the departments of the Department, coordinate their activities with the work of other departments of the city administration;

They determine and agree on the internal structure of the unit, prepare proposals for staffing, and develop job descriptions for the unit’s employees.

6.7. The Head of the Department has the right:

Convene, in the prescribed manner, meetings on issues within its competence, with the involvement of managers and specialists from other departments of the city administration;

Make proposals to the head of the administration on the appointment and dismissal of heads of municipal unitary enterprises and municipal housing and communal services;

Approve the staffing schedules of municipal unitary enterprises and municipal housing and communal services, coordinate the payment of bonuses to their managers;

Request and receive, in the prescribed manner, the necessary materials from departments of the city administration, the Ryazan Regional Duma and the Ryazan City Council, as well as institutions, organizations and officials of local government bodies;

Interact in the prescribed manner with the city administration apparatus, the Ryazan Regional Duma and the Ryazan City Council;

Use the data bank of city administration departments in the prescribed manner;

Use information data banks available in municipal unitary enterprises and municipal housing and communal services.

6.8. The Department uses the forms and seal of the Department in its activities.

6.9. Information, documentary, legal, material, technical and transport support for the activities of the Department, as well as social and welfare services for its employees, are provided by the relevant departments of the city administration.


7.1. The Head of the Department is responsible for:

Inadequate performance of the functions assigned to the Department;

Leakage of information belonging to the city administration;

Incorrect and incomplete use of the rights granted to him;

Low performance discipline in the Department.

7.2. The Head of the Department and heads of departments bear, in accordance with the established procedure, financial responsibility for damage and destruction of material assets of the Department.

7.3. The responsibilities of other employees of the Department are established by job descriptions.

Appendix 1 to the Regulations on the Management of Housing and Communal Services


┌─────────────────────────────────┐ │ Housing Management - utilities│ └───── ────────────┬───────────────┘ │ ┌─────┬── ──┬──────┬ ─────────┴──┬─┬┬────┬───────┬────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ ┌─ ──┴──┬──┴──┬──┴───┬──┴───┬─ ─ ┐ │ ││ │ │ │ │MU Housing and Communal Services│ MU │ MUP │ MU │ HOA │ ││ │ │ │ │"DEZ" │"DBG"│"DZMD"│"DEMO"│(TD)│ │ ││ │ │ │ ├──────┤ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │Part-│ │ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ki DEZ│ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │N 1-11│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──────┴─── Customers── ───────────┘ │ ││ │ │ │ │ ┌─────────────────┘ ││ │ │ │ │ │ ┌── ────────┘│ │ │ │ │ │ ┌───┴──┬────────┴┬───┴───┬───┴────┬───┴ ───┐ │ │ │ Housing department │ Housing and communal services -22 │Municipal-│ MUP │ MUP │ │ │ │expe-│ (Solotcha)│palya│"Metal- │"Eco-│ │ │ │riment│ │baths │lostroy-│protection"│ │ │ │ │ │ │ product"│ │ │ │ └──────┴─────────┴───────┴──────── ┴───────┘ ┌ ───┴─────────────┴───── Contractors - MUP ─────────────── ───────┐ ┌ ─┬─────┬─────┬─────┬──────┬─┬────────┬─── ─┬─────┬─ ┬────┬───┬─┬─┐ │Zh│RSU-1│RSU-2│RSU-4│RSU-5 │L│Electro-│ARS │Spets-│S│Mos-│LPH│ L│R│ │E│ │ │ ├──────┤i│repair ├────┤auto-│D│to- │ │a│i│ │U│ │ │ │Build- │f│ │Uch- │base │С│vik │ │й│т│ │ │ │ │ │comp- │т│ │lived-│by │У│ │ │к│у│ │ │ │ │ │lek with │р│ │ser -│cleaning-│ │ │ │а│а│ │ │ │ │ │ │е│ │vis │ke │ │ │ │ │l│ │ │ │ │ │ │m│ │ │gorod-│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │o│ │ │yes │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │n│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │т│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ ┴─────┴─────┴─────┴──────┴─┴────────┴──── ┴─────┴─┴ ────┴───┴─┴─┘

Appendix 2 to the Regulations on the management of housing and communal services


┌────────────────────┐ │Head of Department│ └─────────┬─── ───────┘ │ ┌ ──────────────────────┐ ├───────┤Specialist 1st category│ │ └── ────────── ──────────┘ ┌─────────────────────────┼── ────────── ───────┐ ┌─────┴─────┐┌────────────────── ┴──────┐┌─ ──────────┴──────────┐ │Deputy││ Head of Department ││Deputy Head│ │Chief ││for Performance Analysis │ │management - chief│ │management ││ work of housing and communal services enterprises ││ operational department │ └─────┬─────┘└──────────────────── ┬────┘└─ ─────────┬───────────┘ ┌┴──────────────── ┐ │ │ ┌────┴─ ──────┐┌────────┴──────┐┌──┴───────────┐┌ ───┴───── ──┐ │ Department for ││ Sector for ││ Sector for ││Operational│ │organization ││improvement││ formation ││ department │ │operation││ of the city ││ and implementation │└─── ────── ──┘ │ housing │└───────────────┘│municipal fund │ │ order │ └─────┬─ ─────┘ └─── ───────────┘ ┌┴────────────────────────── ─┬──────── ─────────────────┐ ┌────┴──────────────── ┐┌──────── ││Sector by organization││Sector by capital││ Sector by │ │ partnerships ││ and current repairs ││ maintenance │ │ homeowners ││ municipal ││ households │ └─────────────────────┘│ housing stock ││ and yard │ └─ ─────────────────────┘│ territory │ │ municipal│ │housing stock│ └─────── ───────┘
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the Ryazan Region dated April 15, 2011 N 3 On amendments to the Resolution of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the Ryazan Region dated December 10, 2009 No. 2 “On approval of administrative regulations for the implementation state function Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the Ryazan Region "Implementation of directions integrated development housing and communal services, ensuring its sustainable and environmentally safe functioning
  • Regulations on the procedure for attracting contractors by a homeowners' association, housing, housing-construction cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative or a management organization selected by the owners of premises in an apartment building to carry out major repairs of an apartment building using funds provided in accordance with Federal Law dated 21 July 2007 N 185-FZ "On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services" Regulations on the procedure for attracting contractors by a homeowners' association, housing, housing-construction cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative or a management organization selected by the owners of premises in an apartment building to carry out major repairs of an apartment building using funds provided in accordance with Federal Law dated 21 July 2007 N 185-FZ "On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services" (approved by Resolution of the Head of the municipal formation - Pobedinskoye urban settlement of the Skopinsky municipal district of the Ryazan region dated 08/10/2010 N 42)
  • Resolution of the Municipal Administration - urban district of Skopin, Ryazan region dated November 6, 2014 N 896 On approval of the Regulations “On establishing management efficiency indicators” municipal enterprises operating in the field of housing and communal services, and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of management of municipal enterprises operating in the field of housing and communal services in the territory of the municipal formation - urban district of the city of Skopin, Ryazan region"
  • The plaintiff’s demands for the obligation to sign acts of acceptance and transfer of housing and communal services facilities, named in the resolution of the administration of the city of Ryazan, are lawful and subject to satisfaction, since the Administration municipal property the administration of the city of Ryazan was obliged to take on its balance sheet from the open balance sheet joint stock company public utility facilities, as well as include these facilities in the register of municipal property
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the Ryazan Region dated November 19, 2012 N 9 On amendments to the Resolution of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the Ryazan Region "On Amendments to the Resolution of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the Ryazan Region dated August 30, 2012 No. 7 "On approval of the procedure for selecting municipalities to provide subsidies within the framework of the long-term target program "Management of solid household and industrial waste in the Ryazan region for 2013 - 2015"
  • Order of the Municipal Administration - Shilovsky municipal district of the Ryazan region dated November 21, 2014 N 333-d On approval of performance indicators for the management of municipal enterprises operating in the field of housing and communal services, the procedure and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of management of municipal enterprises operating in the field of housing and communal services
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the Ryazan Region dated December 10, 2009 N 2 On approval of the administrative regulations for the execution of the state function of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the Ryazan Region "Implementation of directions for the integrated development of housing and communal services, ensuring its sustainable and environmentally safe functioning"

In accordance with the resolutions of the Moscow Government dated January 21, 2003 N 18-PP “On the structure of executive bodies” and dated February 4, 2003 N 66-PP “On the reorganization of the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow” decides:

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow, P.N. Aksenov.

Mayor of Moscow

Yu.M. Luzhkov


to the Government resolution




1. General Provisions

3.9. Review and approve feasibility studies, design and estimate documentation for reconstruction and major repairs of entrusted housing and communal services and improvement of the city of Moscow.

3.10. Collect and process state and industry financial and statistical reporting and other information on institutions, enterprises and organizations included in the Department system.

3.11. Represent, in accordance with the established procedure, the interests of the city of Moscow in the courts and other government bodies on issues within the competence of the Department.

3.12. Carry out in the prescribed manner business meeting with foreign partners and enter into agreements (contracts and agreements) within the limits of the received authority.

3.13. Use, in accordance with the established procedure, appropriations allocated from the budget of the city of Moscow and other sources provided for by law for the development and implementation of programs and projects on issues within the competence of the Department.

3.14. Involve specialists from city executive authorities, research organizations, and other organizations in agreement with their heads to resolve issues within the jurisdiction of the Department.

3.15. Have other rights in accordance with the legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, necessary to solve the problems and perform the functions of the Department.

4. Organization of activities and management of the Department

4.1. Management of the Department's activities is carried out on the principle of unity of command.

The head is personally responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Department and the implementation of its functions.

4.2. The head of the Department has deputies, including the first deputy, who are appointed and dismissed on his recommendation and in agreement with the first deputy Mayor of Moscow - the head of the Municipal Services Complex of the Moscow Government.

The distribution of responsibilities between them is made by the head of the Department.

4.3. Employees of the Department are civil servants of the city of Moscow, they are subject to legislation on civil service and labor legislation with the features provided for by the legislation on public service.

To perform individual functions can be concluded employment contracts with other employees who are not civil servants of the city of Moscow.

4.4. Head of department:

4.4.1. Organizes the work of the Department, manages its activities, bears personal responsibility for the performance by the Department of the functions assigned to it.

4.4.2. The head delegates, if necessary, part of his powers to deputies. In the absence of the head of the Department, his duties are performed by the first deputy; in the absence of the head of the Department and his first deputy, the performance of duties is assigned to one of the deputy heads, determined by the administrative document of the Department.

4.4.3. Acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Department.

4.4.4. Represents the Department in federal bodies state authorities and other government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, in international organizations, in commercial and non-profit organizations.

4.4.5. Submits, in the prescribed manner, for consideration by city executive authorities and officials draft legal acts of the city, proposals for improving Moscow legislation, and other proposals on issues of the Department’s activities.

4.4.6. Has the right to attend meetings of the Moscow Government, meetings of the Moscow Mayor, city executive authorities and officials on issues related to the activities of the Department.

4.4.7. Issues, within its competence, orders and (or) orders that are mandatory for execution by employees of the Department, as well as organizations under the jurisdiction of the Department, and monitors their implementation.

4.4.8. Manages the funds assigned to the Department in accordance with the law.

4.4.9. Approves the structure and staffing of the Department, establishes salaries and allowances for civil servants of the Department within the established wage fund and the maximum number of employees of the Department, as well as expenses for its maintenance within the limits of the allocations provided for in the city budget for public administration.

4.4.10. Appoints and dismisses civil servants of the city of Moscow, concludes employment contracts with them, hires them, concludes employment contracts and dismisses other employees of the Department.

4.4.11. Within the limits of the approved wage fund, approves the regulations on material incentives for civil servants of the city of Moscow and makes the necessary changes to it.

4.4.12. Resolves, in accordance with the legislation on civil service, issues related to public service in the Department, including selection, placement, retraining and advanced training of personnel of the Department, in established cases, conducting certification, qualification exams, assignment class ranks, establishing bonuses to official salaries.

4.4.13. Approves regulations on the structural divisions of the Department, job descriptions of employees, establishes internal labor regulations in the Department, takes measures to maintain and enforce executive and labor discipline.

4.4.14. Forms personnel reserve Department and industry enterprises.

4.4.15. Represents, in the prescribed manner, particularly distinguished civil servants and other employees of the Department for awards state awards, awards from the city of Moscow, applies other incentive measures.

4.4.16. Coordinates the charters (regulations) of state unitary enterprises, institutions, and other organizations under the jurisdiction of the Department, in the prescribed manner, on behalf of the Moscow Government, appoints and dismisses their managers, concludes, changes and terminates employment contracts with them.

4.4.17. imposes disciplinary action for failure to perform or improper performance of assigned duties to civil servants and employees of the Department, managers of enterprises under the jurisdiction of the Department.

4.4.18. Signs and endorses materials on issues within the jurisdiction of the Department.

4.4.19. Resolves, within its competence, issues of ensuring legal and social protection civil servants and employees of the Department.

4.4.20. Organizes activities to ensure compliance with state and official secrets.

4.4.21. Resolves issues of secondment of Department employees in accordance with the established procedure.

4.4.22. Requests from executive authorities, local governments, enterprises and organizations materials necessary for analysis, control, preparation of management decisions and issues submitted for consideration by the Moscow Government.

4.4.23. Responsible for the safety of documents received by the Department and information about them in the database, ensures compliance with their storage periods, timely preparation and transfer of cases to the archive.

6.2. The reorganization and liquidation of the Department is carried out in the manner established by federal legislation, on the basis of a resolution of the Moscow Government.

6.3. In the event of liquidation of the Department, documents on its activities in the prescribed manner are transferred for storage to an authority designated by it.

1. The Department of Housing and Communal Services of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a sectoral executive body of the city of Moscow, carrying out the functions of developing and implementing state policy in the areas of housing, communal services and fuel and energy, intersectoral coordination in the field of functioning of heat, electricity -, gas and water supply organizations, in the field of managing apartment buildings and landscaping courtyard areas, carrying out energy saving measures in the city of Moscow and monitoring the implementation of the energy saving program in the city of Moscow, social support for citizens when paying for living quarters and utilities, functional (utilitarian) lighting of the territory of the city of Moscow and architectural and artistic lighting of improvement facilities, festive and thematic decoration of the city of Moscow, decorative and festive illumination, road and bridge and water supply and sewerage facilities, landscaping, maintenance and repair of engineering facilities and communications, functioning of the municipal solid waste management system , as well as within its competence with other types of production and consumption waste, including medical and radioactive, keeping stray and ownerless animals, water relations (hereinafter referred to as the established scope of activity).

2. The Department carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties, federal constitutional and federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the city of Moscow, laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow and by this Regulation.

3. The Department carries out its activities directly in interaction with federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the city of Moscow, local government bodies, public associations and other organizations.

II. Powers of the Department

4. The department exercises the following powers in the established field of activity:

4.1. Develops and submits, in the prescribed manner, for consideration by the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government draft legal acts of the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government on issues related to the established scope of the Department’s activities, including:

4.1.1. About approval government programs of the city of Moscow in the established field of activity.

4.1.2. On carrying out energy saving measures in the city of Moscow.

4.1.3. On the General Scheme of Energy Supply for the City of Moscow.

4.1.4. On the energy strategy of the city of Moscow.

4.1.5. On gas supply, electricity supply, water supply, and sanitation schemes for the city of Moscow.

4.1.6. On gasification programs for the housing and communal services of the city of Moscow.

4.1.7. On schemes and programs for the long-term development of the electric power industry in Moscow.

4.1.8. On schemes and programs in the field of waste management, including municipal solid waste.

4.1.9. On establishing rules for the activities of a regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste and monitoring their implementation.

4.1.10. On approval of standards for the accumulation of solid municipal waste generated on the territory of the city of Moscow.

4.1.11. On approval of the list of secondary material resources, subject to processing (processing) into secondary raw materials, and the volumes of their processing into secondary raw materials.

4.1.12. On establishing requirements for the collection of solid municipal waste, containers for their storage and places of placement of solid municipal waste, as well as loading and unloading operations.

4.1.13. On approval of the procedure and conditions for transporting solid municipal waste on the territory of the city of Moscow.

4.1.14. On the organization of collection, transportation, processing and disposal of waste on the territory of the city of Moscow.

4.1.15. On establishing requirements for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, which collects and processes secondary raw materials.

4.1.16. On the application of measures of state support for organizations in the field of fuel and energy and housing and communal services.

4.1.17. On providing festive and thematic decoration for the city of Moscow, festive decorative illumination, functional (utilitarian) and architectural and artistic lighting of the territory of the city of Moscow.

4.1.18. On improving the management system for apartment buildings and developing self-government in the housing sector.

4.1.19. On the development and implementation of measures to reform the housing and communal services.

4.1.20. On carrying out massive spring city-wide work to tidy up the territory of the city of Moscow.

4.1.21. On approval of utility service consumption standards.

4.1.22. On measures to regulate the number and maintenance of stray and ownerless animals in the city of Moscow.

4.1.23. On temporary restrictions and cessation of vehicle traffic along emergency sections of roads, bridges, overpasses, tunnels, embankments.

4.1.24. On establishing user fee rates water bodies, owned by the city of Moscow, the procedure for their calculation and collection.

4.1.25. On other issues in the established field of activity.

4.2. On the basis of and in pursuance of federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the City of Moscow, laws of the City of Moscow, and other legal acts of the City of Moscow, makes decisions:

4.2.1. On the coordination of regime measures developed by energy supply organizations for consumption natural gas, electric and thermal energy, power, including during autumn-winter and daily maximum loads, as well as in case of shortage of thermal and electrical energy, generating capacities.

4.2.2. On the determination of a heating network organization to carry out the maintenance and servicing of ownerless heat supply facilities until the recognition of the ownership rights of the city of Moscow to such facilities.

4.2.3. On the temporary operation of ownerless objects of functional (utilitarian) architectural, artistic and landscape lighting in the territory of the city of Moscow.

4.2.4. On the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste generated in apartment buildings located on the territory of administrative districts of the city of Moscow, decontamination of identified areas of radioactive contamination in the city of Moscow, transportation, processing and conditioning, ensuring safe intermediate (technological) storage of radioactive waste, radiation -ecological monitoring of the territory and radiation survey of objects, sites and territories of the city of Moscow, neutralization and processing of spent mercury-containing luminescent and compact fluorescent lamps, including their collection and transportation, transportation, placement and disposal of medical waste of classes “B” and “C” in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the management of medical waste, the treatment of industrial storm drains and the management of other types of waste within its competence.

4.2.5. Statement project documentation for the repair of housing and communal services and landscaping.

4.2.6. On approval of design documentation or estimates not subject to examination for the construction and repair of housing, communal services and improvement facilities in the cases provided for in paragraph 4.2.7 of these Regulations.

4.2.7. On the procurement of design, repair and commissioning works at housing and communal services facilities, as well as work on the construction of housing and communal services facilities on the basis of an order (decision) of the Mayor and the Moscow Government.

4.2.8. On the appointment of acceptance (working) commissions for the acceptance into operation of objects and approval of acts of acceptance (working) commissions based on the results of their work.

4.2.9. On the development of regulations, technical data sheets, technological maps, recommendations, methodologies, industry methodological documents, norms, prices, cost standards, tariffs for work and services.

4.2.10. On approval of methodological recommendations for organizing the activities of state government institutions of the city of Moscow, directorates of the customer of housing and communal services and improvement of administrative districts of the city of Moscow (hereinafter - GKU Directorate of Housing and Communal Services JSC) and state government institutions of the city of Moscow engineering services of districts of the city of Moscow (hereinafter - GKU IS districts) , related to the participation of the State Public Institution of the Directorate of Housing and Communal Services of the Joint-Stock Company and the State Institution of Information Services of the districts in the provision of public services in the field of housing and communal services and improvement.

4.2.11. On the implementation of weather protection work for the city of Moscow during festive events.

4.2.12. On issuing a special permit for the passage of heavy vehicles Vehicle and (or) large vehicles along the road network of the city of Moscow.

4.2.13. On approval of the form of title lists of road facilities, road network and landscaping facilities in the city of Moscow.

4.2.14. On approval of consolidated title lists of road facilities, road network and landscaping facilities in the city of Moscow.

4.2.15. About providing water bodies or parts thereof owned by the city of Moscow, as well as federally owned and located on the territory of the city of Moscow, with the exception of the Khimki Reservoir, for use on the basis of water use agreements and decisions on the provision of water bodies for use.

4.2.16. On the forced termination of the right to use water bodies in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2.17. On the provision of subsidies from the budget of the city of Moscow to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals in cases established by the laws of the city of Moscow and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.2.18. On other issues related to the implementation of the powers of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the established field of activity and the organization of activities of the executive authority of the city of Moscow, in cases established by the law of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.3. Coordinates the types and volumes of fuel consumption for all fuel and energy facilities in the city of Moscow.

4.4. Compiles the fuel and energy balance of the city of Moscow.

4.5. Ensures reliable, uninterrupted and safe operation of gas, heat, electricity and water supply systems for the population, municipal facilities, industrial enterprises and other consumers, as well as the provision of petroleum products.

4.6. Coordinates work on the design, construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of generation facilities and electrical substations in the city of Moscow in accordance with city programs.

4.7. Coordinates the work of the subjects of the fuel and energy complex of the city of Moscow to ensure the safety of the facilities of the fuel and energy complex of the city of Moscow.

4.8. Coordinates energy saving and energy efficiency measures in the city of Moscow.

4.9. Takes measures to implement programs, projects and activities in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency within the established scope of activity.

4.10. Provides information support for energy saving and energy efficiency measures in the city of Moscow.

4.11. Coordinates investment programs of organizations implementing regulated types activities in the areas of electricity supply, heat supply, water supply and sanitation in the city of Moscow.

4.12. Approves technical specifications to develop investment programs for organizations producing goods (providing services) in the areas of heat supply, water supply, water disposal and wastewater treatment, collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization and disposal of solid municipal waste, and coordinates these programs.

4.13. Develops a draft heat supply scheme for the city of Moscow, sends a draft heat supply scheme for approval to the federal executive body authorized to implement state policy in the field of heat supply.

4.14. Conducts monitoring, analysis and forecasting of the implementation of state policy in the established field of activity, including the development of holiday and thematic decoration of the city of Moscow, all types of outdoor lighting of the city of Moscow (functional (utilitarian), architectural and artistic, landscape).

4.15. Provides development, organization and implementation of programs for festive, thematic decoration of the city of Moscow.

4.16. Carries out coordination of work on the design, installation, reconstruction and major repairs of festive and thematic decoration of the city of Moscow, festive decorative illumination, functional (utilitarian) lighting of the territory of the city of Moscow and architectural and artistic lighting of improvement objects.

4.17. Coordinates the work of energy enterprises and consumers in emergency, extreme situations, when major accidents and in conditions of energy shortages.

4.18. Monitors the implementation of regime measures developed by energy supply organizations for the consumption of natural gas, electrical and thermal energy, power, including during autumn-winter and daily maximum loads, as well as in case of shortage of thermal and electrical energy, generating capacity.

4.19. Participates in work to develop cooperation with foreign organizations and organizations with foreign investments in the field of electricity, heat, gas, resource supply, resource conservation and ecology.

4.20. Enters information about business entities and their facilities (gas stations) into the Trade Register of the city of Moscow.

4.21. Ensures the work of the Interdepartmental Commission for Heat, Electricity, Gas and Water Supply of Moscow City Facilities.

4.22. Ensures the work of the Commission to monitor the progress of emergency and planned excavations at energy facilities and networks in the city of Moscow.

4.23. Ensures registration with the Department Federal service state registration, cadastre and cartography in Moscow of ownerless objects of functional (utilitarian), architectural, artistic and landscape lighting on the territory of the city of Moscow and recognition of the ownership of the city of Moscow on ownerless objects of functional (utilitarian), architectural, artistic and landscape lighting on the territory of the city of Moscow.

4.24. Develops and approves a scheme for the development (location) of a network of non-stationary public toilets.

4.25. Approves the procedure for placement by government agencies of the city of Moscow of objects that are not objects capital construction, intended for storing equipment and temporary storage of de-icing materials for cleaning and maintaining courtyard areas.

4.26. Prepares draft general agreements for the supply of gas, electricity and heat to the city of Moscow.

4.27. Approves standard architectural solutions for objects that are not capital construction projects, intended for storing equipment and temporary storage of de-icing materials for cleaning and maintaining courtyard areas.

4.28. Approves layout plans for facilities that are not capital construction projects developed by government agencies of the city of Moscow, in respect of which the Department exercises the functions and powers of the founder, intended for storing equipment and temporary storage of de-icing materials for cleaning and maintaining courtyard areas located by these government agencies of the city of Moscow.

4.29. Approves the recommended form of an agreement for the placement of an object that is not a capital construction project, including for the placement by government agencies of the city of Moscow of objects that are not a capital construction project, intended for the storage of equipment and temporary storage of de-icing materials for cleaning and maintaining courtyard areas.

4.30. Concludes agreements with government agencies of the city of Moscow, in respect of which the Department exercises the functions and powers of the founder, for the placement of facilities that are not capital construction projects, intended for the storage of equipment and temporary storage of de-icing materials for cleaning and maintaining courtyard areas.

4.31. Provides coordination of work on catching, transporting, sterilization (castration), keeping in post-operative hospitals and shelters, including organizing accounting and registration of stray and ownerless animals in shelters, with the exception of the work specified in paragraph 4.32 of these Regulations.

4.32. Provides organization of work on catching, transporting, sterilization (castration), keeping stray and ownerless animals in postoperative hospitals and shelters built at the expense of the Moscow city budget in the territories of the Central, Northwestern and Zelenograd administrative districts of Moscow.

4.33. Provides organization of work to monitor the number of stray and ownerless animals in the city of Moscow.

4.34. Provides organization of work on maintaining a citywide electronic database of stray and ownerless animals.

4.35. Ensures the implementation of flood and emergency measures.

4.36. Provides organization of work to monitor the condition of automobile depots, service camps and storage bases of de-icing reagents of state unitary enterprises of the city of Moscow and government agencies of the city of Moscow, subordinate to the Department, state budgetary institutions of the city of Moscow Housing District and state budgetary institutions " Car roads" appropriate administrative district city ​​of Moscow.

4.37. Provides coordination of cleaning and sanitary maintenance of territories.

4.38. Ensures the implementation of work on the maintenance and improvement of improvement facilities, hydraulic structures, bridges, overpasses, overpasses, transport tunnels, underground pedestrian crossings, embankments, fountains, engineering and technical support systems (including ownerless underground intra-block water removal networks of buildings and structures), improvement facilities, as well as objects of monumental art determined by the legal act of the Moscow Government.

4.39. Ensures the implementation of work on the maintenance, repair and arrangement of highways and road facilities of the road network of the city of Moscow, including their markings and maintenance technical means organizations traffic in terms of cleaning and washing road signs, information boards and signs, artificial humps and safety buffers, the movement of vehicles for the purpose of repair and maintenance of highways and road facilities of the road network of the city of Moscow, the acquisition of machinery, equipment and inventory for the needs of municipal services .

4.40. Provides work on inventory of territories, improvement objects, development and updating of territory improvement passports.

4.41. Provides work on landscaping and beautification of the territory of the city of Moscow.

4.42. Carries out coordination in the prescribed manner of the General Plan for the Development of the City of Moscow, draft territory planning, territory renovation programs, urban planning plans for land plots, territorial schemes.

4.43. Organizes events for printing and delivery of unified payment documents.

4.44. Receives the population, considers, in the prescribed manner, citizens' requests on issues related to the established field of activity, as well as provides citizens, upon their requests, with information on issues related to the management of apartment buildings, when the provision of such information is provided for by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

4.45. Participates in the work of the Interdepartmental Commission on Radio-Electronic Equipment in Moscow.

4.46. Carries out the development and implementation of measures to create conditions for the management of apartment buildings, including ensuring the implementation of measures to resolve conflict situations.

4.47. Exercises control over ensuring the targeted use by the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow of budgetary allocations provided for the provision of subsidies from the budget of the city of Moscow to compensate resource supply organizations for lost income associated with the use of state regulated prices (tariffs) when supplying goods (services) to the population for heating purposes and related using state regulated prices (tariffs) for the supply of hot water to the population, as well as for compensation of lost income to management organizations for maintenance and Maintenance common property of apartment buildings.

4.48. In cases established by legal acts of the city of Moscow, develops and approves preliminary projects for the integrated development of natural and green areas of the city of Moscow, approves projects for the integrated development of natural and green areas of the city of Moscow, and also approves the procedure for approving a preliminary project for the comprehensive development of natural and green areas of the city of Moscow, the procedure for approving a project for the comprehensive development of natural and green areas of the city of Moscow, a standard form of an agreement for the implementation of a preliminary project for the comprehensive development of natural and green areas of the city of Moscow.

4.49. Organizes the provision of subsidies and benefits to citizens to pay for housing and utilities.

4.50. Participates in the approval, monitors and controls the implementation of investment programs of the electric power industry entities of the city of Moscow, network organizations of the city of Moscow, organizations of the utility complex, the State Unitary Enterprise of the city of Moscow for the operation of communication collectors "Moskollektor", as well as the preparation of proposals for amending investment programs and reports on their implementation.

4.51. Provides development and implementation of measures to create unified system navigation of the city of Moscow.

4.52. Implements measures to prevent negative impact waters and the elimination of its consequences in relation to water bodies or parts thereof owned by the city of Moscow, as well as federally owned and entirely located on the territory of the city of Moscow.

4.53. Implements measures to protect water bodies or parts thereof owned by the city of Moscow, as well as federally owned and located on the territory of the city of Moscow.

4.54. Coordinates the calculation of the probable damage that could be caused as a result of an accident at a hydraulic structure in the city of Moscow.

4.55. Issues a warning about filing a demand for termination of the right to use a water body.

4.56. Conducts monitoring, analysis and forecast of the implementation of state policy in the established field of activity, including the development of housing and communal services and improvement of the city of Moscow, heat supply, gas supply and electricity supply.

4.57. In agreement with the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow, it approves the methodology for determining the initial price of a contract for the placement of an object that is not a capital construction project.

4.58. Maintains the Register of citizens entitled to social support when paying for residential premises and utilities (Automated information system for recording citizens entitled to social support when paying for residential premises and utilities (AIS SPZHKU), Register of housing subsidies and compensation for lost income from benefits (Automated information system for housing subsidies and compensation for lost income from benefits (AIS ZhSL), Unified Register of Users Automated system management "Information support for the activities of the EIRC" (ASU EIRC).

4.59. Ensures the formation of information from the Citywide Register of recipients of social support measures in the established field of activity and exercises control over the formation of information from the Citywide Register of recipients of social support measures by organizations subordinate to the Department.

4.60. Ensures, in the prescribed manner, that the interests of the city of Moscow are respected in the governing bodies of organizations whose founder is the city of Moscow, through representatives of the Department.

4.61. Protects the interests of the city of Moscow in the established field of activity in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts, federal executive authorities exercising control (supervision), represents the Moscow Government in other government bodies and organizations in the prescribed manner.

4.62. Performs, in accordance with the established procedure, the functions of a state customer when purchasing goods, works, and services for the state needs of the city of Moscow in the established field of activity.

4.63. Performs the functions of the main manager, manager and recipient of budgetary funds of the city of Moscow, the main administrator of budget revenues of the city of Moscow from sources assigned in accordance with the assigned powers.

4.64. Carries out the formation, on the basis of requests from the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow, of a consolidated project of budget expenditures of the city of Moscow and the distribution between them of current and capital expenditures of the budget of the city of Moscow for housing sector, improvement objects and landscaping.

4.65. Brings to the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow the volumes of planned expenditures of the budget of the city of Moscow, subject to financing in the corresponding financial period.

4.66. Performs the functions and powers of the founder of government institutions, state unitary enterprises of the city of Moscow in accordance with the laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow, and exercises control over the activities of organizations subordinate to the Department.

4.67. Carries out measures in the established field of activity to improve control, supervisory and licensing functions, optimize the provision of public services, including in electronic form, reduce administrative barriers, reduce budget expenses and increase the efficiency of their use.

4.68. Ensures the organization of work on monitoring and economic analysis of the economic activities of state budgetary institutions of the city of Moscow Housing District and state budgetary institutions "Highways" of the corresponding administrative district of the city of Moscow, as well as monitoring the completeness, reliability and relevance of information posted in the information systems of the city of Moscow (for excluding personal data) by the specified institutions.

4.69. Organizes and carries out work on the technical protection of restricted access information and other information contained in the Department’s information systems.

4.70. Organizes and carries out, within its competence, mobilization preparation and mobilization in the manner established by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.71. Provides maintenance, maintenance and repair of civil defense protective structures in the residential sector.

4.72. Organizes and implements counter-terrorism activities in the established field of activity. Monitors the state of anti-terrorism security of facilities (territories) allocated for the location of subordinate organizations, carries out organizational and coordinating measures to ensure the security of facilities of the fuel and energy complex of the city of Moscow and housing and communal services.

4.73. Ensures the protection of information that constitutes state secret, including in subordinate organizations, as well as information classified by him.

4.74. Ensures, within its competence, the implementation of verification measures in relation to persons admitted to state secrets.

4.75. Performs other powers provided for by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow and other legal acts of the city of Moscow in the established field of activity.

III. Rights, organization of activities and management of the Department

5. In order to exercise its powers, the Department has the right:

5.1. Request, in the prescribed manner, from the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, local governments, organizations and individuals information necessary for the exercise of powers in the established field of activity.

5.2. Submit, in the prescribed manner, proposals on issues within the scope of the Department’s activities for consideration by authorized government bodies of the city of Moscow and officials of executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

5.3. Create advisory, expert and other working bodies in the established field of activity.

5.4. Involve scientific and other organizations, scientists and specialists in the prescribed manner to study issues within the scope of the Department.

5.5. Conclude, within its competence, agreements with individuals and legal entities in order to fulfill the powers assigned to the Department.

5.6. Exercise other rights in accordance with federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

6. The department is headed by a director appointed and dismissed by the Mayor of Moscow.

7. The head of the Department has deputies, including first deputies, appointed and dismissed by the Mayor of Moscow.

8. Head of the Department:

8.1. Manages the activities of the Department and is personally responsible to the Moscow Government for the implementation of the established powers by the Department.

8.2. Distributes responsibilities among deputy managers.

8.3. Approves the structure and staffing of the Department in accordance with the approved maximum number and wage fund, and also approves the regulations on the structural divisions of the Department.

8.4. Organizes activities to improve the management system in the established area of ​​activity of the Department, including optimization of organizations subordinate to the Department.

8.5. Spends the Moscow city budget in the prescribed manner within the allocated allocations, ensures compliance with financial discipline and increases the efficiency of using Moscow city budget funds allocated for the maintenance of the Department and the implementation of the powers assigned to it, and bears personal responsibility for achieving performance indicators in the established field of activity.

8.6. Signs, within its competence, legal acts (orders, instructions) of the Department and monitors their implementation.

8.7. Ensures the effective use and safety of the property of the city of Moscow assigned to the Department.

8.8. Organizes the state civil service in the Department.

8.9. Acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Department, concludes government contracts, treaties and agreements on behalf of the Department, and performs other legal actions.

8.10. Represents the Department in federal government bodies, other government bodies, local governments, organizations, and public associations.

8.11. Ensures compliance by state civil servants with legislation on the state civil service, service discipline, collective agreements, official regulations, and job regulations.

8.12. Bears responsibility for compliance with the regime established by federal laws, regulations of the Russian Federation, and legal acts of the city of Moscow for the protection of information classified as state, commercial, official, and other secrets.

8.13. Within its competence, organizes and provides mobilization training in the Department and its subordinate organizations.

8.14. Signs the accounting and statistical reports of the Department, bears responsibility for violation of the legislation on accounting and the procedure for submitting statistical reports.

9. A board may be formed in the Department consisting of the head of the Department (chairman of the board), his deputies, who are members of the board ex officio. The composition of the board and its regulations are approved by a legal act of the Department.

10. The Department is a legal entity, has a form and seal with the image of the coat of arms of the city of Moscow and with its name, other official seals and stamps, personal accounts in the bodies providing cash services for the execution of the budget of the city of Moscow, opened in the manner determined by the budget legislation of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

11. Expenses for the maintenance of the Department are carried out at the expense of funds provided in the budget of the city of Moscow for the corresponding financial year and planning period for the functioning of executive bodies of state power.

12. The reorganization and liquidation of the Department is carried out by the Moscow Government in accordance with federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

13. Legal address of the Department: 109012, Moscow, Bogoyavlensky lane, 6, building 2

14. In the event of liquidation of the Department, its documents are transferred in accordance with the established procedure to the Main Archival Department of the city of Moscow or a body designated by it.

15. The abbreviated name of the Department is housing and communal services of the city of Moscow.