We arrange a children's room with our own hands. Design options for a children's room

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

The inner world of a child is unique and beautiful. Incomprehensible laws reign in it, different winds blow, and a restless sea of ​​children's fantasies splashes. Children are not smaller versions of adults, but unique characters in an amazing fairy tale, participants in the magic called “childhood.” And when thinking about the design of a nursery, you need to remember this.

Each child is unique, and therefore the children's room should serve as a kind of “place of power” specifically for him, emphasizing his characteristics and meeting his needs.

Basic principles of arranging a children's room

Regardless of who will inhabit the nursery - a boy or a girl, a newborn or a schoolchild - when decorating a room, it is important to adhere to certain requirements, without which even the most outstanding design loses its meaning.

Room selection

There are hardly any parents who would argue with the expression “all the best goes to the children.” Only the most worthy of becoming a child's child best room, and its choice must be approached responsibly. She must be:

  • Spacious. The room should not only organically accommodate the necessary furniture, but also maintain free space for the child’s games and fantasies. But spacious does not mean the largest in the apartment. Children's happiness will fit into 20-25 square meters. m.
  • Light. The natural lighting of the room from one or two windows should be supplemented by properly designed sources of artificial light: ceiling, wall and table lamps and lamps.
  • Warm. The children's room usually becomes a non-corner room, often located next to the parents' room. But the presence of heated floors in the room is undesirable: an additional source of drying out air is a dubious plus.

Advice. The best option for a child is a room on the east side. It is lighter and warmer than the northern one, but does not overheat like the western and southern ones.

Environmental friendliness and safety

The ecology of the nursery is a factor of paramount importance, leaving behind all other problems of choice. When bringing to life the design of a children's room, you should not take innovations and experiments as your companions. chemical industry. Let your baby use simple and safe objects and materials:

  • wooden or wicker furniture;
  • coconut or sesame filling for mattresses;
  • curtains and upholstery made of natural or mixed fabrics;
  • paper wallpaper;
  • whitewashed ceiling.

But if the designer’s creative impulse requires ornate solutions in the design of a children’s room, you can use high-quality modern materials:

  • safe plastic;
  • veneered MDF;
  • varnishes and paints for water based.


Neutral tones are suitable for decorating a child's room in the first year of life: warm beige shades, soft greens and blues, muted ochres.

The worldview of a growing child requires bright, saturated colors, consonant with raging energy: orange and green, purple and white, blue and red, yellow and blue. Nursery walls decorated with two or three colors, contrasting color transitions on furniture facades, bright bedspreads, sofa cushions and other decor will be supported great mood throughout the year.

Material safety is not the only important point in choosing furniture for the nursery. Being able to make the right choice among the abundance of options offered is already half the battle. You need to understand exactly what kind of furniture is needed - modular, cabinet or built-in - and, taking into account the gender and age of the child, choose the appropriate option.

Upholstery on upholstered furniture It may not be natural, but it must be hypoallergenic. The upholstery fabric should repel dust and be easy to clean.

Important! When choosing furniture set For a children's room, you should pay attention to the availability of a hygiene certificate. The conformity class must be at least E1. Preference should be given to products made of wood or MDF.

Features of nursery design depending on the child’s age

The design of a children's room depends on the age and gender of its occupant. But if a boy of the same age will differ mainly in thematic design, then the difference between the rooms of a newborn and a child of 10–12 years old is great.

Room for a baby of the first year of life

When arranging a nursery for a newborn, it is useful to adhere to several principles.

  1. The optimal colors for decorating a room are calm, delicate shades of beige, creamy white, diluted with muted “coffee with milk”, moderate sandy yellow. Contrasting transitions from color to color are excluded, as well as extremes - the predominance of exclusively white tones or, conversely, dark and monotonous. A few bright spots of color in the form of paintings, hanging modules or toys are welcome.
  2. When choosing between intricate design and simplicity, it is better to choose the latter. The principle of “nothing extra” works in this case for reliability and safety. It is better to simply whitewash the ceiling of the nursery and paint the walls with water-based paints or wallpaper.
  3. The closest attention should be paid to choosing a crib for your baby. Preference should be given to wooden or metal models.
  4. In addition to the crib, a newborn's room should contain only the most necessary furniture: a changing table and a chest of drawers, a small closet, an armchair and pouf, a floor lamp or a table with a lamp.
  5. There should be no dust accumulators - carpets, soft toys, trinkets and shelves with books - in the room.
  6. On the floor there is parquet, cork, natural linoleum or quality laminate.

Room for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren

The age of a child from 2 to 8–10 years is the most fertile time for bringing to life designer's imagination. The leading factor in arranging a nursery is the division of the room into thematic zones:

  • sleep and rest area;
  • play area;
  • training area.

Arrangement children's room - a very difficult and responsible task. Designers who have been entrusted with the design of a nursery, or parents who have decided to equip the room on their own, are faced with a number of requirements for safety, environmental friendliness, etc. With so many tips and restrictions, it’s easy to get confused and make mistakes.

We have prepared a list of the most common mistakes made when arranging a schoolchild's nursery that should be avoided:

1. Overclutter the space with furniture. In the children's room you need to leave enough space for games and communication with friends. Instead of installing another chest of drawers or ordering a huge closet, think - perhaps you can use other storage options: use niches under the sofa, space under the bed, or place shelves in the closet more functionally and arrange books on the rack more compactly. 1

Better: A child's room with plenty of space for play and entertainment

2. Use complex design elements. For example, in the past, such a favorite technique among many designers as complex multi-level ceiling made of plasterboard, literally hanging over the sleeping area, is absolutely inappropriate in a nursery. Some of these unnecessary design elements include: decorative niches and (equipped with lighting, they will look much more appropriate in living rooms), arches(to ensure privacy, it is better to install a door in the children's room) and other purely decorative techniques that do not carry a functional load.

Better: a children's room with functional niches, shelving and other useful elements


3. Buy furniture that is too expensive. Yes, parents often want to show others that they don’t mind anything for their baby and expensive furniture, brought from Italy, is worthy of their future excellent student. BUT in the end, the baby will constantly hear: “be careful, don’t scratch”, “don’t climb on this sofa with your feet”, “no, you can’t stick your drawings or a poster of your favorite band on this wallpaper” and so on. There is no need to turn the nursery into an exhibition of parents’ capabilities; this is a “living” room that will grow with the child, and the interior here will have to be changed quite often.

Better: a “living” nursery that changes with the child

4. Buy furniture “to grow.” Making a room for a child too old - “we won’t change anything until he finishes school” - is certainly very economical, but a faceless room in which the child doesn’t like anything is unlikely to make him happy. Try to involve your child in choosing furniture as much as possible, listen to his wishes when choosing a color, and take into account his preferences when decorating the nursery.

Better: children's room, arranged according to age


5. Ignore the interests of the child when arranging the nursery. A themed nursery is much more interesting than a faceless, “gray” room like everyone else’s. Choose a theme that is close to the child and apply its main attributes in the nursery decor. If the child is very enthusiastic and often changes his preferences, it is better to use it with replaceable accessories.


Better: Themed Children's Room


And most importantly, when arranging a room for a schoolchild, be sure to listen to his opinion. He is no longer a baby and is able to decide for himself which wallpaper he likes best and what color sofa he wants. Absolute freedom should not be provided, but providing a choice from several options is simply necessary. For example, you can say “choose which of these two chairs you like best.” In this case, the child will have a feeling of involvement in the interior design of his room and he will treat it attentively and in an adult manner.

A children's room must be multifaceted in terms of interior design. For parents, here are several basic tasks that must be completed so that both the child and his mother and father are confident in the safety and comfort of the room.

However, there are often cases when it is not possible to avoid common mistakes in the design of children's rooms, so we suggest working on the mistakes and correcting obvious as well as hidden flaws.

1. Cold light

Lighting is especially important for any living space, but in a nursery, poor quality light is unforgivable. If you long time you don’t feel the atmosphere of comfort, perhaps it’s not the layout or texture of the upholstery, but the cold white artificial light that comes from chandeliers, spotlights or floor lamps.


Choosing lamps for lighting fixtures in a nursery, the decisive role is played not only by power, but also by tonality: the light should be warm, with a yellowish undertone. It’s good if the lamps are equipped special device to regulate the intensity of the light flux - with a dimmer.


2. Game environment

A room intended for your baby or preschooler does not necessarily have to overflow bright colors. If in arrangement and decorative design In the children's interior, use flashy shades in abundance; the space will look like a playroom in an amusement park. In turn, such an oversight will lead to the fact that it will be difficult for children to concentrate, for example, on classes, studying or relaxing.



We constantly recommend choosing light basic shades that will form the basis for the color design of the room: sand, cream, golden, pastel shades, natural colors. All of them will be an excellent background for brighter objects, a large number of toys, playhouse and other accessories.

3. Expensive wallpaper

Parents who strive to create an atmosphere of luxury from the very birth of their child can be envied or advised not to rush into choosing expensive wallpaper or panels for wall decoration. Silk-screening or realistic painting is best left until the child is old enough to appreciate high quality and the value of such materials.


Stylish and beautiful interior today you can create without using valuable species wood, expensive fabrics or wallpaper. Walls in the nursery where he lives Small child at the age of 2 years, it is better to simply paint it, decorate it with polyurethane moldings or liquid wallpaper. In case of contamination, which is so common in children's rooms, cleaning the surface will not be difficult.

4. Incorrect bed position

The crib should not be placed close to a window, as drafts often occur in this area. You should also not place the bed near the door for the same reason, and because it makes it more difficult for the child to fall asleep in the evening if there is noise in other rooms.


A children's bed is essential furniture, because a full-fledged and healthy sleep necessary for development and growth. That's why, sleeping area should be placed in the center, with the headboard or side to the wall, as far as possible from the entrance and window.


5. Tall or deep cabinets

Unless the storage system is equipped with a reliable ladder that gives access to the upper shelves, its presence is not entirely justified if we talk about the room of small children. It is difficult for kids to get the right thing if it is high or too deep on the shelf and there is a danger of overturning an unstable cabinet or falling from a height.



Until the child has reached a certain age and height, you should not place large furniture in the room, which, in the end, will not be convenient for the owner of the nursery. Here, every item should serve children and create Better conditions, be it a wardrobe, or a rack for books and toys.

6. Carpet

Soft and warm, carpet is not enough good option for flooring where small children live, create and misbehave. Rest assured: no detergents you will not be able to remove all stains from spilled paints, plasticine, felt-tip pens, or plants brought from the street.


For the floor in the nursery, choose a practical laminate or linoleum, on which you can lay a compact, warm rug in the play area. This instance is much easier to clean and there will be less hassle with cleaning the room.

7. Heavy curtains

Textiles are different from textiles, so what is appropriate in an adult’s bedroom is completely unsuitable for a child’s room. Imagine what a game of hide and seek for kids behind thick curtains on a heavy curtain rod can turn into. In addition, such an option for decorating windows in this room would be extremely impractical.


If you hang curtains, make sure they are made of lightweight fabric that does not require a massive cornice. And one of the most successful methods of window decoration today is Roman lifting mechanism, which looks stylish, is easy to use and quite safe.

8. Dark workspace

If parents notice changes in their child's posture or their reluctance to do homework, it may be due to incorrect positioning. desk in the room. It is important to remember that you cannot install a desk or work table against a wall perpendicular to the window, even if sunlight enters the premises in excess.


The best place for working area is the area directly in front of the window, since the child does not have to strain his eyes and bend low over the table during classes.


9. Stereotypes

You should not think that a boy’s room must necessarily be decorated in blue, gray or red tones, and a girl’s room must be decorated in all shades of pink. This is just as wrong as using purely “childish” decor or pieces of furniture in the interior.


If this is your desire, then choosing caramel or heavenly tones is, of course, possible. However, we must not forget that there are other, no less beautiful shades, as well as shapes and textures that can emphasize the individuality, character and taste of a growing person.

For example, in a boy’s room you can use a graphic pattern in the form of flowers or birds; it looks great in combination with dark shades and natural textures of metal or wood.

10. Unequal opportunities

It often happens that one nursery is intended for two children of different genders or ages. At the same time, when the elder and youngest child, a feeling of possessiveness and competition for the best chair, shelf or bed by the window inevitably arises. Often, parents deliberately distribute space not equally, but with the expectation that the eldest child has already grown up and he no longer needs this or that thing and vice versa.


As far-sighted and perspicacious parents, you should under no circumstances encourage such situations, but instill in your children better feelings, tolerance and respect.

The children's room should be distributed so that each of the children, regardless of age or gender, is in equal conditions.

For example, place beds on both sides of the window, place a couple of chests of drawers along opposite walls, and organize two work stations according to the age and needs of the kids.

Make your daughter's room pink and your son's room blue. This standard option will probably quickly get boring for you. And it will be more fun for the baby to live in some yellow, light green, orange room. Just don’t overdo it with the brightness of the tone and the number of colors.


Give preference to neutral tones - white, light gray, light yellow, pale orange, beige. The sleeping area can be painted a light green or soft turquoise - it is soothing. You should not use more than two colors. After all, the baby will have to not only play and frolic, but also relax there. And do not place bright spots in front of the crib.

Often, parents do not want to make the walls of the room white or beige, thinking that the space will become boring. But you need to take into account what color the furniture, curtains, drawings on the walls will be, how many toys will be placed on the shelves. With a lush variety of colors, it’s definitely not worth choosing intense shades for the walls - this can overload the child’s psyche. White and beige are wonderful companions that will balance out any bright interior.


Wall decoration is an important task that affects the child’s perception of the world. The best option will divide the room into zones - play and relaxation - and decorate the first of them in brighter colors, and make the second light and calm. Renovating a room is not done for a year, so think about the future. Obviously, your baby will grow up and start drawing on all surfaces. You can pre-paint the lower part of the walls with gray, green paint, suitable for crayons like on school board. Try to choose materials that can be washed.


In the first few years of life, babies spend a lot of time on the floor: playing, learning to crawl and walk. This is why it is important to choose the right coating. It should not be cold or too slippery so that the child does not get injured. Good for your feet if flooring in the nursery it will be rough or rough. And it is better to choose a coating that is not afraid of water, for example, vinyl tiles.


This is where your imagination can run wild, it’s in the design of the ceiling. Since a newborn is forced to spend the first months of his life lying down, looking at the ceiling may become one of his favorite activities. Therefore, you can hang various interesting figures on the ceiling or decorate it with glowing stars. Will it be just painted or suspended ceiling, plasterboard or plastic, flat or multi-level - it is important that the ceiling is safe, something that pleases your child and complements the interior.


A storm of emotions and the joyful anticipation of the birth of a baby forces parents to excessively clutter his room with all sorts of things they think are necessary. At the same time, if you think about it, in the first months of life a baby doesn’t need that much. Therefore, you should not clutter the nursery with all kinds of tables, chairs, walkers and tricycles. This is what he will need later, but for now these things will only create inconvenience. The items needed now are a crib, changing table, night light, toys and a small chest of drawers. All additions are at your discretion.


By the time your baby grows up, he will have time to paint your wallpaper of extraordinary beauty. It is possible that he will try to tear off the applications on the walls and furniture that you pasted with such love. Perhaps it will go to the handles from the cabinets and the fringe from the curtains. And the specific “baby” decor will still require replacement in a couple of years.


Concentrate in one place in the room (for example, on a table) what you may need at any time: diapers, diapers, blouses, some baby care items. Arrange everything so that you don’t have to spend a long time looking for what you need or rummaging through cabinets and drawers. Everything should always be in its place, because all sorts of unexpected things often happen to a baby, and you should always easily and quickly navigate the space of the nursery.


It is this detail of the interior that is especially important for the baby, since he will spend time in it. most of its time. It must be made from natural materials and also be strong and reliable. Bed linen should also be made of soft natural fabrics, and it is better to avoid decorative canopies. These interior details certainly seem cute and gentle, but they are huge sources of dust, which is undesirable in a children's room.


They should be large and let in a lot of light. Taking care of the safety of the baby, place the crib away from the window so that the child is not disturbed by bright light and drafts. In addition, when the baby grows up, he may try to open the window, which can end in tragedy. Think about this in advance to prevent problems.


Buy a bassinet that can transform into a crib for a two- or three-year-old child, and a changing table in a year or two could easily turn into comfortable table for games. After all, babies grow and develop so quickly in the first years that things must keep up with them.


Create in the room separate space where the baby will be awake. Let the toys lie there, a place will be “cleared” for rolling cars or building pyramids, and don’t let chairs, a table, or a closet get in the way. The child should play with pleasure, he needs a certain place for this. And at the same time, you should not worry that, having played too much, he will crawl in the wrong direction and hurt himself on the table leg, or turn the chair over on himself.


When creating a place to sleep in the nursery, first of all, take care of the health of your baby, and only then about original decor. Place a small thin blanket and a small flat pillow in the baby's crib (a diaper folded in four is sufficient). The sheet should fit tightly around the mattress in all corners; it is best if it has an elastic band or a zipper. And tie a special fabric bumper to the bars of the crib so that the child does not hit his head.


Place the crib so that it is not too close to the window, and in summer straight Sun rays They wouldn’t shine the light in the child’s face. And it is important that when the baby gets up in the crib, he cannot reach anything dangerous: a socket, a cord from a night light, glass jars and bottles on the changing table, scissors or a thermometer.


Don't forget that your baby grows and develops every day, and by placing all sorts of things around the room decorative elements(pillows in the shape of suns and animals, toy hares and dolls, musical spinning pendants), you attract the child’s attention to them. Therefore, place them so that it is convenient for the baby to look at them. And from time to time, change places and completely replace them with others. The decor of the children's room should be mobile, as if changing along with its occupant.


They help the baby develop faster. About six months after birth, your baby will need a transformable children's chair, a playpen, a walker - all these devices will make it easier for you to care for your child, and will help him grow and develop faster.


Let the nursery contain only those things that are suitable for the child’s age. this moment. If you have been given a lot of clothes and toys for growing up, do not put it all at once in the newborn baby’s room. Let the nursery contain what the baby needs now, and as he grows up, you will remove unnecessary things from the room and bring things that the baby has already grown into.

Do not overload the nursery space with unnecessary boxes and drawers; it is enough to have one convenient basket for toys. But it is advisable that it closes and tucks away somewhere in a corner or under the bed, and you, while rocking the child, do not trip over it every time, and the baby himself does not bump into it while crawling around the room.


When arranging furniture in the nursery, hanging shelves and arranging racks, imagine that in just 5-6 months your baby will begin to stand up and want to touch, tug and even taste what is within his reach. And here it is important to be prepared for the fact that the baby will begin to explore the surroundings in your absence: he will suddenly get up and hit his head on a shelf or on the corner of a table standing close to the crib. Think about this point in advance.


The light in the child’s room should not be too bright, but constantly dim and dim light will do you a disservice: it will strain the baby’s vision and the likelihood of missing something in the baby’s appearance (pallor, rash, peeling skin). It is best if there is a chandelier with one or two shades on the ceiling, and a night light on the wall (but high enough above the crib).


Place the changing table close to the crib, but so that the baby cannot reach it. Place all the accessories needed for changing, washing and feeding your baby on it so that you can easily use them at any time. Be sure to set up a sofa or a comfortable chair for yourself, where you will feel comfortable feeding the baby or just pleasantly sit with him in your arms.


If you do not live in a new house, and are not sure that with the onset of cold weather the wind will not blow through the room, install PVC windows. Create a micro-ventilation effect.


Place the sockets behind the closet or put plugs on them so that the baby, even if he breaks your strict ban and reaches out to them without getting an electric shock.


Buy only quality furniture from natural materials. Give preference to wicker baskets and hanging racks made of textiles instead of drawers and shelves made of plastic, especially if it is of dubious composition and production. Buy only furniture that has an international certificate authorizing its use for a newborn child. Don't paper your baby's room vinyl wallpaper, do not place rugs with high or poorly secured pile on the floor. It is better to choose a cotton rug that you can wash in washing machine. Cotton or linen curtains, loyal to frequent washing. After all, the room small child- this is the place where he is almost constantly, and everything that surrounds him there affects his health.


Don't overdo it when buying carpets. decorative pillows, soft toys. Products made of wool and plush collect a lot of dust and can cause allergies in the baby. Therefore, for the sake of decoration, there is no need to place funny plush animals all over the room or hang funny bright rugs on the walls. Buy only what you really need for your nursery.


Mothers often choose wallpaper with bright bears, bunnies, balls for their children's rooms... Of course, such wallpaper in the children's room evokes affection in adults: they think that the child should also like funny pictures. But in reality it’s not that simple! According to psychologists and pediatricians, static and identical figurines of animals and toys on the walls quickly begin to irritate the baby. He becomes capricious, has trouble falling asleep, eats without appetite, and all because of the wallpaper! For peepholes and nervous system crumbs are healthier, calm, plain wallpaper: beige, pink, light green, blue, pale yellow.

25. TOYS

The baby's relatives try to fill him with toys from the first days of his life. This is in vain, because the baby will not be able to play with all the toys at once; in the first months he does not need so much, and later he will become bored with them and he will obviously demand something new. In addition, an abundance of soft toys in the room can be dangerous for the baby, since they collect a large number of dust and require regular cleaning.


Make sure that there are no noisy neighbors behind the wall of the baby’s room, since such “cohabitation” can disturb the child’s sleep and often disturb him. Perhaps you need to think about soundproofing or organizing a nursery in another room.


It is necessary to take into account: plugs for sockets, stoppers for windows, a door without a lock, corner bumpers for corners, curtains without ropes and beads. Chests of drawers and other furniture that threaten to tip over on a child must be secured to the wall.


If you live in own home, then you have the opportunity to run water and install a sink. This really saves mothers who are forced to wash their child several times a day. If you are just planning to buy an apartment, choose one where the children's room has a toilet nearby. It is advisable to have 2 of them in the apartment.


Try to leave as much free space as possible for the future. The child will grow up and needs space for movement and hobbies. Also provide space for a desk.


Decorating a bedroom for a newborn is an important task for parents. The baby’s emotions and comfort depend on this.

Design of a bright children's room

The world of a child is incomprehensible to an adult, so everything in his environment should be different from ordinary person! We will study how best to arrange a children's bedroom, and photos with examples will help you create a beautiful and bright apartment.

Children are able to pay attention to many points that are not noticeable to an adult. Thanks to each element in the surrounding world, a common mosaic is formed, which can significantly affect the formation of the child’s personality.

Thanks to the children's room, the child should not only feel comfortable for the parents, but your baby should also like it. In general, the entire atmosphere in the house should be favorable for the child, so that he feels at ease.

How to arrange a small children's room

Furniture is required that can shape the space in the room and can be the most important element for a child.

Among modern children's rooms you can find a pirate cabin, a fairy-tale room for a princess, and a compartment in spaceship. But appearance- That's not all. for children must substantially comply with certain rules.

First of all, we are talking about safety for the child. Be careful of glass that breaks easily and sharp corners that could injure children. The child often climbs on furniture, so you need to look for something durable and wear-resistant for the room, and also exclude loose elements. Furniture should be made only from environmentally friendly materials.

And secondly, the furniture should correspond to the tastes and characters of children. Never force your child to be in a room he or she does not like. When you buy furniture for a children's bedroom, be sure to consult with your child and try to find out what kind of room he dreams of, you can show him an example from the catalog. But be careful, children have a wild imagination, and it is very difficult for them to make an independent choice, so try together to choose the setting that will make your child happy every day.

Also important is the fact that in the setting of a children's bedroom there should be suited to the child’s age and growth. For example, so that a child can independently reach high shelf things and objects, turn the lights on and off without the risk of falling or hitting.

Just remember that the bed should not be near heating device, and the table should be near natural light so that it falls from the left side.

What kind of wallpaper for a child's room?

The walls in a children's room are, one might say, its main element, and the child always sees them in front of him. Moreover, they are the first material on which children try themselves as little artists. The first letters learned, inscriptions in clumsy handwriting, portraits of family members most often leave indelible marks on the wallpaper recently pasted by parents.

The question “what wallpaper to choose for a child’s room” is not idle, because it is known that the pictures and patterns depicted on them have an impact on the child’s psyche, so the choice of wallpaper must be taken very seriously. Wallpaper for a children's room must certainly meet the requirements of environmental friendliness, practicality, safety, and also be made in a color scheme that is optimal for children's eyes.

Now natural wallpapers on the market are represented by paper, textile and cork wall materials.

The most practical, and also economical, option would be to use paper wallpaper. Their choice is so wide that choosing a coating for any interior will not be a problem. Moreover, paper wallpaper does not pose any threat to the health of children, because it is environmentally friendly pure material and do not contain any synthetic fibers. Of course, they do not have a very long service life, however, their prices are very affordable, and therefore they can be changed quite often without much damage to family budget and without much regret.

It is clear that single-layer paper wallpapers cannot be subjected to serious cleaning or washing, because they are not resistant to moisture, but their two-layer colleagues can already be wiped with a slightly damp cloth, and they do not fade so much in the sun.

So, next we look at the question of which wallpaper for the nursery should be chosen. Another type natural wallpaper are cork wallpapers. They differ from other wallpapers in their antistatic properties: due to the fact that they are not electrified, they do not collect dust on their surface, and this greatly facilitates their care and extends the service life of this coating. It is because of this property that cork wallpaper is excellent option wall decoration in the nursery, especially if the child has frequent allergic reactions. However, these wallpapers also have a drawback - their price. They cost more than regular paper wallpaper, so, unfortunately, not everyone can afford them.

Another expensive type of natural wallpaper for a child’s room is textile wallpaper. They are made in two layers: one layer is a paper or non-woven base, the other is fabric or threads applied to this base, made of natural or artificial materials. Now textile wallpapers made specifically for children’s rooms have begun to appear on the market, upper layer which are made of linen.

In addition to the fact that textile wallpapers are quite expensive, another disadvantage is the difficulty of caring for this coating - they need to be very carefully wiped with a dry cloth or very carefully vacuumed. Textile wallpaper Not only do they look very beautiful on the walls, but they are also environmentally friendly, have good noise insulation properties, and are fire resistant, which is also a definite plus.

The market for finishing and related materials offers consumers wallpaper in a huge range. They can depict abstract drawings, maybe characters from your favorite films and cartoons, all kinds of ornaments, etc. Moreover, there are even wallpapers that are specifically designed for what the child drew on them.

However, when deciding which wallpaper to choose for a child’s room, experts recommend giving preference to coatings with calm colors that have a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche. Therefore, the most the best option The wallpaper is presented in soft pastel colors. It is undesirable to use wallpaper with a frequently repeating pattern, because children can get bored of it very quickly and will only cause sparseness.

Whatever covering you choose, you should always remember that the children's room should be as cozy and comfortable as possible, because this is the child's world in which he develops, grows, and matures.

Main criteria

There are several rules thanks to which you can arrange a children's room - the bedroom can be made more comfortable, larger, wider and more spacious if you use bright hues. But dark shades of the walls will narrow any room. As for the child’s activity, for hyperactive children it is advisable to paint the walls in green shades. As is known, green color calms, but red brings activity. Therefore, to stir up a passive child, fill his room with red objects, toys, and balloons.

The world of a child is a fairy tale of our childhood. Therefore, try to bring it to life for your child, try to arrange the children's room beautifully, and 15 photo examples will help with this.

Ways to furnish a children's room in the photo