Decorating modern rooms for teenagers - youth trends. Ergonomic children's furniture Ergonomics of children's hospitals

Environment design and objective world for children has its own specifics. From an ergonomic point of view, quite stringent requirements are imposed on the children's environment. Especially many problems arise in the home, since the home is traditionally built as a living environment for adults with its own specific dimensions and an ever-increasing number of complex and dangerous household appliances.

Therefore, organizing the lives of children in the home is the most important task of any family. No matter how the circumstances develop - does the family have the opportunity to allocate a children's room or just children's Corner in the bedroom or common room- this space should be personal, “their own” for the child.

There is an assumption that the presence of a child’s own place in the home, a “corner” of a certain “controlled territory” forms in him the corresponding personal qualities - such as independence, the ability to make decisions on his own, activity, sociability, and vice versa, the absence of such a place makes him prone to to indecision, dependence, passivity.

The children's place must meet the general requirements - be bright, with sufficient insolation time, well ventilated, which is equally important for children of all ages. Particular requirements for children's interior are determined by the psychological characteristics of children, which depend on their age and are specific to each age group. The following age groups are distinguished: infancy (from birth to one year); early childhood (1-3 years); preschool childhood (3-6 years); junior school age (6-10 years); adolescence (10-15 years).

Psychologists have found that each age group differs in its nature of relationships between adults and children and that each age has its own leading activity. Thus, in infancy, the leading activity is direct emotional communication with adults. In early childhood (2-3 years), objective activity is the leading activity. In preschool age, special attention is paid to role-playing games.

During infancy, the child develops normal operation The visual analyzer is the eye, so it is important to think about the position of the lamps in the room. It is necessary to ensure such an arrangement of lamps and such a type and design of shielding so that direct light from the light source does not fall into the child’s eyes.

The main activities for children of the second and third year of life are sleep, play, and eating. For children 3-6 years old, these types of activities are preserved in a slightly transformed form. Games become independent, some forms of purposeful activity arise: drawing, modeling, etc. The set of furniture for children of both age groups is the same. It includes a cot for sleeping, linen and wardrobes, a chair corresponding to the child’s height, a table or board for games and work with a strictly verified mark, a device for storing toys and books (shelves and drawers), sports equipment.

By the third year of life, the child is constantly experimenting, sitting independently at the table with adults. By the age of six, he is already able to make his own bed. A well-thought-out type of furniture and equipment allows you to instill in a child self-care skills and teaches order. If toys are supposed to be stored in drawers in a children's corner or room, and they are quite light and safe and can be rearranged by the child himself, then the child will quite easily acquire work skills. Simple and easy-to-rearrange furniture provides a change of impressions and an effect of novelty. Furniture can acquire “toy” characteristics due to its artistic design.

It’s good if the child has a special space in the room for games, work, and hobbies. The ability to isolate such a space with the help of decorative fabrics, light screens or elements of movable furniture is not just a tribute to fashion or a designer’s whim, but also a means of making the space proportionate to the child, giving him the opportunity to concentrate and act in accordance with his biological rhythms.

It is good if children of this age group have the opportunity to draw and write freely. And to do this, you can attach a plane for drawing with chalk or pastels on the wall, side wall of the bed or on the floor. You can set up an easel for your child.

A children's corner or room for school-age children is designed to provide the following types activities: work (including school lessons), games, hobbies, cleaning, rest (short-term and long-term), physical exercise (they can be considered as a form of rest). The requirements for furniture remain generally the same. Furniture for work and play remains “growing”. Furniture, as before, must have a coating that allows it to be washed and disinfected.

An important psychological condition is the creation of an emotional background. The nature of the decor and the very image of the room should be chosen by the child (we are talking about middle-aged and older children) - a corner or room can be decorated as the living space of a future athlete, artist, traveler, etc. A very important component of emotional comfort is subtly used color .

Throughout a child's school life, color preferences are changeable and impulsive. Data from many studies show that color preference changes with age, but does not change randomly. As children grow, they increasingly name cooler and more complex tones as their favorite colors.

The practice of using colors in children's rooms is directly related to the age of the child.

Bright toys, varied in shape and color, accompany the child from the first months of life, and the use of the first colors of preference - red, blue, yellow - turns out to be completely justified. But the color environment during this period of life should be extremely neutral - the color of the walls, ceiling, furniture should be very soft and separated. For the normal development of color discrimination, it is necessary that the bright background does not distract the child and does not weaken the color impact of the toys.

The data on the nature of color preferences given in the table can tell parents how to use color.

Color preferences of children of different ages

However, we should not forget that color preferences do not mean that one color or another should dominate the interior of a child’s room. These are the colors that children like. For the overall color scheme of the room, as well as for the living rooms of adults, a balanced, harmonious color environment is important, since the work of the child’s visual apparatus, like that of adults, is largely determined by innate algorithms.

If the movable elements of the children's room (toy boxes, seating furniture, etc.), which can be rearranged and regrouped, are painted in bright colors of preference, then they will provide and maintain the effect of novelty.

As the child grows up, it is advisable to change the overall color scheme of the children's room, involving your child in this and using the color preferences of each new period of his life.

Taking into account the hygienic, psychological, and aesthetic prerequisites outlined above determines the main ways of shaping a child’s interior and justifies the need to respond flexibly to every change in the child’s development.

When not enough large area children's corner or room implementation. of the entire functional program, providing conditions for all types of activities is possible only with the multivariate use of the available space and through the use of various methods of transforming furniture and equipment.

The first way is the way of multifunctional use of the same furniture set.

The second direction is combining furniture elements into two-tier sets to save space. Eg - sleeping area can be raised, and the freed-up space underneath is used to install furniture and equipment for games or work.

The development of one or another transformation method depends on the age of the children. Schoolchildren are able to perform all types of transformation independently. The same problem must be solved if it is necessary to place two or more children in a children's room.

The need noted above to isolate a child-sized space in the common room applies to both the sleeping area and the area of ​​play, work and rest.

An important condition for the convenience and usefulness of a children's interior is taking into account the physiological characteristics of the child and ensuring hygienic requirements. These, first of all, include the need to take into account height and other anthropometric data, providing conditions for normal visual work, normal conditions for physical development.

The first of these conditions requires that parents control the dimensions of the furniture (primarily the distance from the floor to the working plane of the table, the bottom of the tabletop, the seat) and check whether they correspond to the physical characteristics of the child.

An important indicator of the comfort of children's furniture is the correct dimensions of the seat, i.e., a sufficient support plane contributes to the normal development of the child.

The table cover must have a device for installation both horizontally and at an angle of 7-16°.

If there is a shelf in student desks, the height of the niche should be more than 60 mm.

There is one more indicator that can serve to further verify the correctness of the accepted seat mark. The comfort and correctness of the seat is determined by the fact that the legs rest on the floor without overstraining the ischial muscles.

Child seat parameters

From the first year of a child’s life, it is necessary to provide conditions for physical exercise, gradually changing the nature of the simulators. After 1-2 years it is installed wall bars, is fixed in doorway horizontal bar, suspended rope. For older children, stationary or transformable exercise equipment is installed that can free up space for other activities.

As the child grows, the capacity of the cabinets increases. A library appears, the volume of school supplies and textbooks increases, which requires additional cabinets.

Each room in the apartment needs some modification to take into account the child’s growth. It has already been said about the need to place hooks at a level convenient for the child in the hallway. But we also need stands for the convenience of washing dishes for a child and for working in the kitchen, we need the simplest devices for a child in the bathroom, etc.

Other types of environments where children live, play, and learn also have their own specifics. Children's and sports grounds, interiors and playgrounds children's preschool institutions, children's medical institutions. And, of course, designing the object world of children is very specific, from toys to clothes, shoes, furniture, and special devices for various purposes. It should also be taken into account that a child, in the process of his development, goes through stages from an infant to, in fact, an adult, which determines serious age specificities.

If you are designing a children's play area, then it seems clear to you what it requires. You can easily imagine children running, throwing objects, swinging, jumping, climbing, wrestling, spinning, tumbling, balancing, crawling, hiding, digging, skating, boarding and riding bicycles. But a general idea is one thing, and a specific, well-organized and rational project is another. Each game and recreational activity requires the inclusion of additional features of the surrounding space necessary to support these activities.

In designing for children, more than in any other area, a systematic approach is needed, taking into account ergonomic features. Numerous ergonomic reference data are available to the designer. You just need to understand that designing for children is an area of ​​special responsibility.

Practical lesson

In children's design special requirements to materials and primary color - after all, the latter affects general state the child, his character, perception of the world, activity, appetite. Interior requirements for “adults” are more democratic and are more likely to be subject to certain general principles. A modern room for a teenager is something “average”, an intermediate option.

When arranging it is necessary to take into account psychological aspect: general trends in teenage fashion, their perception, thinking, design requirements. Usually, children, even at a very early age, develop hobbies and intuitive preferences in style.


For teenage boys, practicality and functionality of furniture items are important.

A girl’s room should be gentle, feminine, and in no way aggressive: soft pastel colors, round smooth shapes, high degree lighting, lightweight materials.

Furniture and lighting

If you are browsing catalogs on the Internet together or walking around furniture stores If you left your son or daughter indifferent, then don’t worry. Furniture in classic colors and shades will always look harmonious.

IN modern design teenage boys especially appreciate unusual and sliding structures. This adds free space, originality to the room and comfort. Girls tend to be more classic options and will appreciate beds with additions and canopies.

In a teenager's room, it is important to design a workplace with a computer, a desk lamp and a comfortable chair.. Custom-made furniture will be original, fit in size, and fit into the design of the nursery. You can supplement it with objects (bedside table, shelves) according to your sketches without violating the style.

Also consider ergonomics and comfort. By posting desk for a teenager, pay attention to the required lighting, window placement, convenience, as well as the location of other items near the workplace. Since childhood, monitor the posture of children; furniture should correspond to their height and age.

When organizing lighting, it is worth taking into account the child’s preferences: maybe in the evenings he likes to sit at his laptop not at his desk, but in an armchair, or read a book before bed. Based on this, it is worth placing floor/wall lamps in these places.

There are few rules:

  • they should give the light that suits the brightness;
  • be directed to the place that needs additional illumination;
  • don't get out of line styling rooms.

The rest depends on the taste and imagination of the teenager.

In choosing table lamp It is worth paying attention not so much to its design as to its functionality: ease of use, bright but not blinding light.


Girls are more sensitive to fashion issues than boys. If your child’s tastes and interests often change, create a “basic” one, the general direction of which will be set by the details.

Versatile and classic color furniture, painting walls - this is practical. You can repaint the room when your child wants variety and change the overall design.

If a teenager is tired of pastel colors and wants something bold and provocative, you can change the style of a monochromatic room by “diluted” with rich colors in the details of the furnishings. You should use no more than three bright tones, or even better, two.

The narrower and smaller the room, the lighter and “lighter” the shade should be chosen.

Sunny pastel colors will successfully warm up the “cold” side of the house. Cool shades balance and calm. In color, one must take into account its psychological meaning and compatibility with the character of the teenager. Red colors are not recommended for hot-tempered characters, and blue colors are not recommended for slow-tempered ones.

photo:, paulvinten, zhykova, choreograph, kuprin33, baojia1998, kuprin33, Nomadsoul1, kuprin33,, iriana88w,,, Angel_Vasilev77, sanya253

Planning a children's room is not a simple and responsible task. It is only at first glance that it seems that the main torment will be choosing the color of the bedside table or the color combination of the carpet and curtains. The topic is actually much deeper, and the consequences of not knowing how to properly plan this space are much more serious. So, drum roll - ergonomics.

In simple words, this is the science of how to properly organize the internal space of a living or working space so that a person can feel comfortable in it.

In our case, we are talking about a nursery, and, therefore, how the child will feel, develop, learn, spend leisure time and sleep depends on its proper planning.

The official meaning of the term is as follows: ergonomics is scientific discipline, the study of the interaction between humans and other system elements, and the field of application of the theory, principles, data and methods of this science to promote human well-being and optimize overall system performance.


Zoning is the first and, perhaps, main question, who stands in front of the parents. Main areas: 1) bedroom 2) playroom 3) study 4) dressing room. The main rule when zoning and selecting furniture is safety. It is important to consider the child's age and needs. Here we can distinguish 3 periods: “baby” – 0-2 years, preschool – 2-6 years and school – 6+.

Up to 2 years of age, the room should have maximum space for the baby to move and a minimum of obstacles.

Over time, the child’s needs will change and it will be necessary to create a full-fledged area for educational activities and active leisure (wall bars, swings). Don’t try to fit everything that is written about in books and articles about child development- let's be realistic. In a very small room, it is better to fully accommodate two of the four above zones than to squeeze everything in and not be able to fully use them.

The minimum width of passages between zones and pieces of furniture should be 60-70 centimeters.


Depending on the age of the child, the set of furniture in the room changes, and this must be accepted. You shouldn’t immediately try to create a universal space that will serve you, say, from 3 to 12 years old; this approach is fundamentally wrong and can hinder the harmonious development of your baby. The main rule regarding furniture is: correct sizes. You shouldn’t try to fit a huge wardrobe or a book-table into the children’s room, which “oh, how conveniently it folds out at the right time.” Convenient for whom? To an adult! And we have the interests of the child in the foreground.

If there is simply no way to neglect the space that remains at the top of the children's closet (the height of which should not exceed 180 cm), install a built-in closet in the ceiling, in a neutral color. Visually, it will not look like a piece of furniture; it will become a kind of wall. But - the most important thing - carry out the breakdown of doors and drawers taking into account the standards and sizes specifically for children's furniture, then the child will have the opportunity to fully use the closet and the upper drawers, which he cannot reach, can be used for general household needs. What a lifehack! About the dimensions of the cabinet shelves:

At 5 years old, a child will reach a shelf 130 cm high;

At 7 years old – up to 150 cm;

At the age of 9 he will already be able to reach a height of 170 cm.

A bed for a “baby” period usually has dimensions of 120 x 60 cm.

Passages to the bed that are 70 cm or more wide are considered convenient; try not to neglect this rule.


Table. The height of the tabletop should be level with the child’s arms, bent at right angles when he sits.

Heightchair should be such that the back of the child, sitting with his legs bent at a right angle, fits tightly to the backrest, and his legs stand freely on the support with his entire foot. Below I have provided a table of approximate correspondence between the height/age of the child and the parameters of the table and chair.

Environmental friendliness. All materials from which the furniture is made must be from natural materials!

Pay attention to the treatment and painting of the furniture, the paint should be harmless, the stickers should not be easily removed (to eliminate the possibility that a child might eat them). Textiles in the nursery are used with minimal lint.


Try to avoid sharp corners and protrusions, children move very quickly, their coordination is not fully formed at an early age and it is very important that the space around them is as clear as possible. Secure all cabinets and chests of drawers additionally to the wall - this is an important point.

Well, what has been said a hundred times by everyone: plugs for windows, plugs for sockets, lack of glass objects, lack of a lock with inside children's room for a child under 14 years old.


Everything is simple here: if you want your child to be independent, create the conditions for this. If you want him to put away the toys himself, do it convenient cabinets and boxes. If you want to dress yourself, have a child-sized wardrobe. If you want him to remember the pictures that his mother carefully hung around the room, hang them at HIS (child’s) height. For children 2-4 years old, the upper limit of the visibility zone is 130 cm, for children 4-7 years old – 144-163 cm.


Children, as a rule, love everything new. Create room for maneuver and rearrangement. Boxes for toys on wheels, a light table with chairs for playing, a portable rug, a mobile hut. The child himself will be able to create scenarios for play and relaxation. Isn't that great? Great!


I wrote about this in an article last year, this is from personal experience and all efforts can be reduced to zero. Don't think that you know everything YOURSELF! Involve children in creating their interior, listen to what they say, do not think that the child is still small - this is his space.

Anthropometric requirements

The child is constantly growing and in the first years of life, body size changes quickly. Furniture from the first year of life forms a special group - without a number. Its nomenclature consists of: a crib (as a rule, “for growth”, i.e. with the possibility of transformation to the next height groups), a changing table and a playpen. As soon as a child begins to walk, he needs furniture that develops his orientation in the outside world, forming the habit of sitting on a chair at the table. To design children's tables and chairs, anthropometric data of children preschool age form 5 height groups with assignment of conditional numbers.

The interconnected parameters of the table and chair of the corresponding numbers differ in each growth group and ensure the correct position of the body in the “sitting” position, which is extremely important not only in terms of the formation of posture, but also in terms of the prevention of a number of diseases associated with problems of spinal pathologies, the causes of which are rooted in early childhood. From the point of view of providing conditions for the development of normal posture, it is important to take into account that the child has not yet formed all the natural curves of the spine. Cervical lordosis appears first when the child begins to actively hold his head. When a child masters walking, lumbar lordosis is formed, which should be taken into account when designing baby chair. The final formation of the spine is completed around the age of 20. Correct posture in the “sitting” position ensures the normal development of intervertebral cartilage and joints, and also prevents the formation of pathological lateral curves of the spine - scoliosis.

The constant process of growth and formation of a child’s posture raises the urgent problem of matching the functional dimensions of furniture to the dimensions of the body. Ideally, furniture should grow with the child. It has been established that the child should sit so that his legs do not hang down, not reaching the floor: the soles of his feet should be on the floor. It is also unacceptable for the child to sit on a chair that is too low; this forces him to hunch over. The annual increase in some functional dimensions as the growth group increases reaches 40-60 mm.

There are two approaches to solving the problem of ensuring that furniture matches the child's height. One of them is the annual replacement of furniture (table and chair) as the child grows. The other is “growing” furniture, the design of which provides for the possibility of increasing the functional dimensions optimally by two height groups. Such furniture will correspond to the height of a child of at least three years. The first approach is appropriate for preschool institutions, where the annual partial change of the contingent allows for the selection of furniture from the entire composition available, in accordance with the growth of each child.

The second approach is suitable for home use. Experience shows that “growing” furniture is also of interest to workers in preschool institutions, since the ratio of tall and short children varies from year to year. Several are known constructive ways transforming the functional dimensions of children's furniture, but this topic is beyond the scope of this article and requires special consideration.

Children's beds are available in two types: a bed with a fence and variable bed height for children under 3 years old and a bed for children aged 3 to 7 years.

Distances between vertical posts the railings in a type 1 bed should be 60-100 mm.

In beds with railings, it must be possible to move the side rail downwards by at least 135 mm, but by agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to make beds of the 1st type without moving the side rail downwards. It is allowed to insert an additional horizontal bar into the fence at a height of at least 815 mm from the floor.

The design of a type 1 bed may provide for the possibility of converting it into a type 2 bed as soon as such a need arises. In this case, a type 1 bed can be combined with a small chest of drawers for handy storage of children’s linen and with an upper plane that has railings and is used as a changing table. A type 2 bed may have an elongated bed “for growth”, or a design that allows for the possibility of increasing the length as needed.

A closet for children's things and toys can look like a rack designed "for growth", but it is better when it is intended for games, teaching aids and toys, the cabinet is proportionate to the height and proportions of the child’s body.

Meeting psycho-emotional requirements, creating conditions for the development of intelligence.

Cheerfulness is a normal psychological state for a child. Requirements for giving children's furniture characteristics that support an optimistic mood and have a positive effect on emotional condition, creating conditions for intellectual development, promoting the development of feelings, including the aesthetic perception of the surrounding shooting range, are the most difficult to clearly define and to respond to them by means of design. This is a group of requirements and conditions that, in practice, when designing children's furniture, are either completely ignored or are decided from the standpoint of the worldview of adults without taking into account the specifics of children's worldview.

In order to feel this difference in the perception of the surrounding world of things, you need to try to see the world through the eyes of a child.

The opportunity to feel and visually imagine the sensations of a child in the world of adult things is provided by exhibitions like the one that, according to newspaper reports, took place in October of this year in Kyiv and was called “The World through the Eyes of a Child.” Were introduced familiar objects unusual large sizes, while they could be examined, touched and picked up. A huge lounge chair, a giant cup, spoon and bowl are designed to remind adults of their first experiences with household things and again feel how a small person feels in the world of frighteningly large objects and huge creatures.

In the space of the adult world, children's furniture organizes an environment commensurate with the child. Design means such as scale, proportionality, associativity and color and texture combinations are quite sufficient to solve the problem of creating an artistic image of children's furniture. In practice, there are proposals for children's furniture in the form of smaller copies of adult furniture, decorated with pictures of characters from popular fairy tales and cartoons. This decor, as a rule, is not related to the shape of furniture items and is intrusive in its absoluteness, and soon enough ceases to attract the child’s attention, while artistic images associated with the shape of furniture, its plasticity and outlines, built on the principle of associativity, are capable of be perceived in a new way, giving free rein to the imagination and developing the child’s imagination.

Color is a strong means of artistic expression of furniture. There is a lot of research psychological impact colors per person and despite some differences in their conclusions, the undeniable fact remains that children do not distinguish between subtle shades color combinations, they are attracted to bright and pure colors. However, it should be borne in mind that bright, saturated colors in large quantities can have negative impact Therefore, the color of furniture is usually considered as a neutral background for bright color accents.

Children's furniture may include elements of a didactic nature that introduce simple geometric shapes, helping to master counting and literacy, to distinguish the colors of the spectrum.

Safety requirements.

Children by nature are explorers and, lacking life experience, in their desire to explore the boundaries of the possible, they can find themselves in dangerous situations. In relation to furniture, safety can be structured as psychological, physical and chemical.

Psychological safety was already mentioned in the previous section. Instinctive desire for harmony peace of mind creates in children a craving for a safe and cheerful living environment and, at the same time, a thirst for exploring the boundaries of this security. That's why children love fairy tales and horror stories, which are full of children's folklore, are one of the ways to overcome your fears. A bright, joyful image of the living environment greatly helps to neutralize such life attributes that frighten children as darkness, going to bed, etc.

The need to ensure physical safety is largely due to the fact that during play, children can take actions with furniture that would not occur to an adult. A child’s thirst for knowledge of all the diversity of such an incomprehensible world around them, a child’s desire to learn the boundaries of safety and even experience danger require the designer to special attention to meet the conditions of strength and safety of furniture. Furniture must be resistant to tipping over, have soft, rolled edges and rounded corners. Chemical safety involves the use of natural and non-toxic materials in the manufacture of children's furniture.

Thus, the specific requirements for children's furniture are associated with the awareness of the fundamental difference between the world of adults and the world of children, with the understanding that a child is not just a little person vertically challenged. That in addition to physical size, differences in other characteristics are important, including thinking, feelings, experience and the nature of worldview in general. Therefore, designing children's furniture by simply reducing the size of furniture intended for adults is deeply flawed.

In modern ergonomics, a children's room is one of the most detailed and carefully thought out objects. Of course, compared to a kitchen or a bathroom, it is more mobile: we can easily rearrange or change furniture, change the color or material of the walls. But freedom of space does not mean ignoring many rules. Rules on which the health, well-being and mood of your child may depend.

Despite the simple composition of the room, parents have to take into account many factors.

First, the general configuration of the room. It should be well lit, with large window, medium in size, so that the child does not feel cramped, but also does not sit in a huge room. The second negatively affects the child’s sense of order - scattered things or other garbage does not create a feeling of disorder, because there is still plenty of space. In the middle room, the child will clearly feel his personal space, and successful arrangement of furniture will bring even more comfort.

Rational room zoning is necessary at all stages of a child’s life. In fact, in the first years of a child’s life, the children’s room is zoned more for parents - a changing table, cabinets with clothes or hygiene products - everything is needed for easy access by parents, because the child cannot take care of himself. Of the purely children's areas, these are game Zone. There you need to use an environmentally friendly rug, put toys forchild, etc.. Toys are a separate topic, which is enough for an entire article. The main thing to remember is that toys must be of high quality; it is better not to skimp on this in search of cheap options, because the health of your child may depend on the materials and manufacturer. And of course, small parts can only be used when the child is old enough and stops “testing” everything.

The older he gets
If you are a child, the more individual the room will take on. In this case, it is said that the child can decide for himself and create his own environment - posters, books, musical instruments, sports interests, etc. – for this you need to allocate a separate zone.

Secondly, this is furniture. Ergonomic standards have long been fixed optimal sizes for children's furniture. Furniture in a nursery is not a permanent thing. The reason for this is the rapid growth of children, which, if the furniture is selected incorrectly, will force you to change it every year. This leads to the fact that children's furniture should be mobile, environmentally friendly and safe. Many objects are often purchased “for growth.” This is, for example, a bed that should be variedavailable in dimensions from 70x150 cm to 80x170 cm starting from the third year of life.

A few words about the dimensions:

A) Cabinet shelves:

  • At 5 years old, a child will reach a shelf 130 cm high.
  • At 7 years old – up to 150 cm.
  • At the age of 9 he will already be able to reach a height of 170 cm.

B) Seat of a chair, armchair, etc.:

  • 5 years – 26.5 cm
  • 7 years – 29 cm

B) Passages between furniture – 60-80 cm

D) Table height:

  • 3-4 years – 40 cm
  • 5-6 years – 46 cm
  • 6-7 years – 52 cm
  • 7-8 years – 58 cm
  • 9-11 years – 70 cm

As well as the above-mentioned mobility - furniture should not be too heavy, stationary, the possibility of their new configurations must be taken into account. It’s all because of the perception of things - children do not like constancy, they love dynamics and activity, and this is very strongly reflected in the internal environment. But at the same time, you should not overdo it with bright colors or elaborate shapes - this will bore children even more and, in the worst case, will negatively affect the child’s psychological state.

Do not forget about the safety of furniture, especially at an early age. This includes the absence of sharp corners on the bed, tables, and cabinets; and light, but at the same time robust design various shelves and cabinets - and you won’t break them, and if you break them and fall on your head, it won’t injure you; and the purity of materials used in children's rooms.

Well, you should always pay attention to the compactness and modularity of things. This is, for example, a bunk bed, only on the ground floor there will be a child’s desk. Or various modular shelves that the child himself can arrange as he wants.

Of course, this article would be useless without mentioning flowers. The color scheme of the children's room is not so simple task, as it seems. Here you need to know general rules coloristics, with a focus on children's perception.

The color scheme for a children's room cannot be perceived as completely painting the room in bright acidic colors, or, as the other extreme, colorless, so that bright spots do not irritate. Here, a child must be taken into account, almost like an adult. What modern color schemes do adults prefer? A calm main color, and bright color accents in certain places, perhaps where zoning needs to be done. Only in the case of a children's room, it is better not to make contrasts like “black and red”, but it will be more calming for the child to use pastel colors as the main colors and spots of pure color as accents.

In any case, the color scheme of the room will change with age, just as a child’s perception of things changes. This leads to the search comfortable materials, often paint. The paint for such a room should, again, be environmentally friendly, not cause any allergic or other negative reactions upon contact with a child, and be easy to repaint if changed. color scheme rooms.

Having gone through all these problems more in passing than in detail, we see that creating a children's room is such a painstaking and time-consuming process that it must be approached with great responsibility, without any frivolity. A children's room is not just a room in which your child sleeps, studies and has fun; this is his constant environment, which will shape and reflect his mood, emotions and perception of the world.