Online cash register. What types of permitted online cash registers exist?

When switching to online cash registers, an organization or individual entrepreneur should use only those cash registers, information about which is contained in the cash register register. We will tell you about the register of online cash registers in 2017 in our consultation.

Online cash desks: Federal Tax Service register

The register of cash register equipment is a collection of information about each manufactured copy of the cash register model (Article 1.1 of the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ).

Before acceptance Federal Law dated 07/03/2016 No. 290-FZ, which amended the Federal Law “On the Application of Cash Registers...” dated 05/22/2003 No. 54-FZ, in the latter there was the concept of the State Register of Cash Register Equipment. However, since July 15, 2016, both the concept of cash register and the requirements for it have changed (Article 4 of the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ). Organizations and individual entrepreneurs obliged to use cash registers (except for those located in areas remote from communication networks) from 02/01/2017 can register and re-register, and from 07/01/2017 use only modern cash registers that ensure the transfer of fiscal data to in electronic format to the tax office. Information about such online cash registers is contained in the new register, which replaced the State Register of Cash Registers. The new register is maintained by the Federal Tax Service (clause 1, article 3 of the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ, clause 5.5.16 of the Regulations on the Federal Tax Service, approved by Government Decree of September 30, 2004 No. 506).

The procedure for maintaining such a register is disclosed in Art. 3 of the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ.

Cash register register: online cash registers according to 54-FZ

The register of online cash registers on the Federal Tax Service website provides, in particular, the following information:

  • full name of the CCP manufacturer indicating its tax identification number;
  • name of the CCP model and its version number;
  • information about the possibility of using CCP only in automatic devices for calculations, only for calculations using electronic means payment online or only as automated system for BSO;
  • date and number of the decision to include the cash register model in the register;
  • date and number of the decision to exclude the cash register model from the register.

With the onset of 2017, businessmen faced a difficult question regarding the choice of cash register equipment that would meet all legal requirements.

We will tell you what cash registers should be like, what their advantages are, which models have already been approved and entered into the State Register, and we will also determine what equipment can be modernized.


Center Maintenance"META" is official service center Evotor company and implements warranty repair and maintenance of Evotor cash terminals.

New generation cash registers connected to the Internet, according to 54-FZ - features and advantages

Undoubtedly, online cash registers will allow you to reach a new level of doing business. They not only simplify the work of the specialists interacting with them, but also benefit customers during service.

Their main features and significant advantages are that:

  1. Their work uses cloud technologies. Devices connected to the Internet transmit information over the network to tax service about completed transactions, for example, purchases in a store.
  2. They simplify the work of specialists . Check receipts will now no longer need to be printed, since the system itself will send it electronically to the client/buyer. If at the time of the purchase and sale transaction the cash register was not connected to the Internet, it does not matter - the saved information will be sent to the client later in the form of, for example, an SMS on the phone or email. The client will be able to check the accuracy of the data.
  3. CCP facilitates the reporting procedure. Now you will not need to send a fiscal report, since the information will flow directly through the OFD to the tax authorities. You can also track your revenue through an online cash register connected to the Internet.
  4. Online devices simplify the registration and registration procedure. The entrepreneur will not need to visit the tax office. All you need to do is also remotely re-register equipment and deregister cash registers.
  5. They do not require mandatory maintenance. Clients can reduce their costs by doing this. But every manager knows that cash registers should be serviced annually and the ECLZ unit should be replaced. New cash desks do not have this block, but they do so once every 13 months, for small businesses - once every 36 months. You can contact . Specialists will carry out the work quickly and efficiently.
  6. Online technology is universal. You can use tablets that are connected to the Internet, and also use other programs and applications that ensure stable, efficient operation of the cash register. For example, such as .
  7. Fraud and errors are excluded. If there is a theft at a checkout point or an error occurs during the calculation, the manager will definitely know about it. The system will inform him about this. Representatives of the tax inspectorate may also come to check if they receive false information. Of course, this is a minus only for those who have something to hide.
  8. Online cash registers have a simple system. Any specialist can operate the equipment. Master new model an employee who worked with the cash register will also be able to old technology, not updated.

As you have seen, cash registers will now be more advanced and modern. Installed software on many devices it can be combined with different programs for running a business - for example, or with the “My Warehouse” applications and others. Together they create ideal conditions for quality and efficient work any organization.






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From among this technology you can. Our specialists will advise you on all questions and help you choose the right and most effective device.

Models of cash registers for modification under 54 Federal Laws, which are included in the State Register

Let's list the CCP that can be modernized, updated and made like this:

Manufacturer's name

Model of the device that can be remade




The tax website contains all the information regarding 54-FZ. Answers to popular questions, transition deadlines, laws and mobile app to check checks. It also contains a list of online cash registers allowed after the introduction of 54-FZ, as well as a list of OFD and fiscal drives.

Let's register an online cash register
to the Federal Tax Service without visiting the tax office
for 1 day and 1990 rubles!

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What registers are on the tax website?

All information about online cash registers is available on the official tax website. To get to this section, follow the link " New order application of cash register equipment" on the main page of the Federal Tax Service website.

The website contains information about the new CCP:

  • list of models that are allowed to be used;
  • list of OFDs who have a license;
  • list ;
  • answers to popular questions;
  • regulations and tax statements.

Lists of authorized online cash registers, OFDs and storage devices are located on the “Registers” tab

All lists are located on one page.

Also on the tax website there is a special form for checking cash registers and drives. To find out whether there is a cash register or fiscal drive in the register, enter their identification numbers in the appropriate field. Or select your model from the drop-down list. The same form indicates cash desks that.

Register of cash registers (according to 54-FZ) on the official tax website

The Federal Tax Service register contains a list of online cash registers permitted in accordance with 54-FZ. By August 2017, it included 89 cash registers from 27 manufacturers. To view the entire list of new equipment, download the Excel file.

In the downloaded file you will find information about the new cash registers:

  • manufacturer;
  • model name;
  • features of operation (stand-alone, for online stores or for printing BSO);
  • list of supported fiscal drives;
  • date of inclusion in the list and number of the document that confirms the cash register’s compliance with the law.

Example of information about online cash registers

The register contains all models that comply with the requirements of the law. For more information about these requirements and which cash register to buy, watch this video.

Register of fiscal drives

By August 2017, 3 models from different manufacturers. To view them, download the file from the Federal Tax Service website.

The file contains:

  • which cash register devices the drive works with;
  • information about the manufacturer;
  • validity;

For example, FN1 from the company RIC is designed for 13 months of work

We have all types of fiscal storage devices!
We will consult and select!

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within 5 minutes.

OFD Register

By August 2017, 12 fiscal data operators were included in the list. Before you go, go to the registry - there you will quickly find the websites of all operators to choose from their offers the one that suits you.

Download the file to view the list of OFD

According to the law, strict requirements are imposed on the OFD, and if the company does not comply with them, it will lose its license. Before signing an agreement with a fiscal data operator, go back to the register on the official tax website and check if the company is on the list.

If you have looked at the Federal Tax Service registers, but still have questions regarding online cash registers, OFD or drives, visit the forum on the official tax website.

Forum about online cash registers on the Federal Tax Service website

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The law on online cash registers has come into force. How will it work in 2017? What models of online cash registers are included in the register? We are looking for answers to these and other questions on the topic.

Why do we need online cash registers?

Federal Law No. 290-FZ dated July 3, 2016 came into force on July 15, 2016. According to this legal act, retailers are required to use online cash registers when paying customers.

Let us briefly recall the essence of the innovation. Data on punched checks from 2017 must be transferred to the Federal Tax Service server. Fiscal data operators will be the link between the seller and the tax office. With them trade organizations will enter into appropriate agreements.

The system has already been tested in a number of pilot projects and has shown its effectiveness. The main advantage: the withdrawal from the shadow of sales, which in this moment sellers are not recorded. This means replenishment of the tax “piggy bank”.

What will change in 2017?

Full transition to new system scheduled for mid-2018. And in 2017, most individual entrepreneurs and organizations will begin a phased transition to the use of online cash registers. From February 1, 2017, old-style cash registers that do not have the function of transmitting data to the Federal Tax Service via the Internet will no longer be able to be registered.

How do they work? The online cash register includes a fiscal drive. All information about sales is sent to the Federal Tax Service through fiscal data operators. Tax officials control the process, checking the transmitted data with the information stored in the drives.

CCP models included in the state register of the Russian Federation

Businessmen engaged in trade and the provision of services are worried in advance: which cash register models with the function of electronic data transfer can be purchased, and which ones are not allowed for use? The register of this equipment in accordance with Article 3 of Law No. 54-FZ dated 22.05.2003 is carried out by the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Current lists posted on the website

Today, the register of online cash registers contains data from two models: ATOL FPrint-22PTK and SHTRIKH-ON-LINE. Detailed information search on the Federal Tax Service website using the link.

The ATOL FPrint-22PTK online cash register can be purchased on the Internet at a price of 28,000 - 32,000 rubles, the ShTRIKH-ON-LINE cash register - for approximately 60,000 rubles.

The Federal Tax Service register now contains data on the model of the fiscal drive “Encryption (cryptographic) means of protecting fiscal data fiscal drive “FN-1”. Manufacturer: RIK LLC. The shelf life of FN-1 is 13 months.

List of fiscal data operators

The same rule applies to intermediaries - fiscal data operators. You cannot enter into an agreement with any organization that would like to engage in such activities. There is an official list of these organizations approved by the Federal Tax Service. This Russian companies who have received appropriate permits from the state. The cost of annual maintenance is approximately 3000-4000 rubles, check the details on the websites of these organizations.

The list of operators currently included in the register is in the table:


Joint Stock Company "Energy Systems and Communications"

Limited Liability Company "Takskom"

Limited Liability Company "Evotor OFD"