Operational planning. Operational production planning


Topic: “Operational production planning.”


1. Operational and long-term planning at enterprises………………..4

1.2. Development of operational production plans……………………………….6

1.3. The essence and stages of long-term planning……………………………7

Practical part.

2. Justification and calculations of organizational and production parameters of the workshop.9

2.1.Initial data………………………………………………………………..9

2.2. Justification of the production structure of the workshop…………………………….10

2.3 Calculation of the piece time of a set of parts processing and

determination of the main technological route……………………………11

2.4. Calculation of indicators of the relative labor intensity of parts and

relative labor intensity of operations………………………………………….12

2.5. Determination of the profile of subject specialization of production sites and the number of parts assigned to the sites…………………

2.6. Calculation of the operational indicator of mass production for parts and the choice of forms of continuous production in workshop areas…………………………. ………..14

3.Calculation and construction of an operational calendar plan for a serial production site for a month…………………………………………………………..15

3.1.Initial data………………………………………………………………15

3.2. Determination of the standard size of a batch of parts and the period for their launch.16

3.3Determining the timing of the launch and release of a batch of parts………………………18

3.4.Calculation and construction of a standard plan for the operation of a discontinuous production line...24


List of references………………………………………………………...32


The task of operational production planning is to organize coordinated and comprehensive work of all production units to produce and produce a given range of products in established volumes and terms with the best use of all production resources.

Creating conditions for proportional development of production, operational planning should be focused on achieving final results - timely release of high-quality products and increasing production efficiency.

Operational planning must meet the following requirements and principles: be based on progressive schedule standards, which in turn are the basis for calendar schedules for production and release of products; ensure the necessary coordination in the work of production departments and the saturation of all stages of production with complete supplies; promote best use production assets; provide for the possibility of carrying out alternative calculations and obtaining optimal solutions; have flexibility and the ability to restructure in connection with the dynamism of production; correspond organizational type production; have the ability to quickly respond to all disturbing factors during production, minimizing the time between the occurrence of a situation requiring a decision and the implementation of control action.

The main feature of the operational planning system is the linkage of partial processes that are carried out by individual production units, thereby achieving a coordinated flow of production.

1 Operational and long-term planning at enterprises

Operational planning is the implementation of the current activities of economic planning services over a short period, for example, the development of an annual production program, drawing up quarterly enterprise budgets, monitoring and adjusting the results obtained, etc.

Operational production planning is the final link in the planned work at the enterprise - the continuation and specification of the tasks of the technical industrial and financial plan. It consists of developing, on the basis of annual plans, specific production tasks for short periods of time both for the enterprise as a whole and for its divisions and in the operational regulation of production progress according to operational accounting and control data. A feature of this type of planning is the combination of development planned tasks with the organization of their implementation.

The task of operational and production planning is to organize uniform, rhythmic, mutually coordinated work of all production divisions of the enterprise to ensure timely implementation of the state plan with economical use of resources and high quality products, i.e. achieving the best final production results.

Operational planning consists of scheduling and dispatching (operational regulation).

The scope of operational planning includes:

1. development of progressive calendar and planning standards for the movement of production;

2. drawing up operational plans and schedules for workshops, sections, teams and workplaces and communicating them to the direct executors;

3. operational accounting and control of production progress, prevention and identification of deviations from planned plans and schedules and ensuring stabilization of production progress.

Scheduling includes the distribution of annual planned tasks by production departments and deadlines, as well as communication of established indicators to specific performers of work. With its help, daily shift assignments are developed, and the sequence of work performed by individual performers is agreed upon. The initial data for the development of calendar plans are the annual production volumes, the labor intensity of the work performed, the timing of delivery of goods to the market and other indicators of the socio-economic plans of the enterprise.

When implementing the developed calendar plan, operational records are kept of the progress of its implementation - information on the actual implementation of the plan is collected, processed and transferred to the relevant services of the enterprise. Based on the information received, dispatching is carried out, which consists of identifying and eliminating emerging deviations from the planned progress of production, taking measures to ensure the complete progress of production, the best use of working time and material resources, high load of equipment and workplaces.

Operational planning of production at the place of its implementation is divided into inter-shop and intra-shop. Intershop planning ensures the development, regulation and control of the implementation of plans for the production and sale of products by all workshops of the enterprise, and also coordinates the work of basic, design and technological, economic planning and other functional services. The content of intra-shop planning is the development of operational plans and the drawing up of current work schedules for production sites, production lines and individual workplaces based on annual plans for the production and sale of products from the main workshops of the enterprise.

In modern production, various operational planning systems are widespread, determined by both internal factors and external market conditions. In the economic literature, the system of operational production planning is usually understood as a set of various methods of planning work technologies, characterized by the degree of centralization, the object of regulation, the composition of calendar and planned indicators, the procedure for accounting and movement of products and registration of accounting documentation. A prerequisite for the effective functioning of an operational production planning system is the presence of a well-founded regulatory framework, which includes, in particular: calendar and planning standards, material consumption standards, production capacity utilization standards, and production material security standards. The choice of one or another operational planning system in market conditions is determined mainly by the volume of demand for products and services, costs and planning results, scale and type of production.

Consequently, planning is a method of economic foresight and programming based on detailed calculations. The enterprise plan, on the one hand, contains tasks for the future of each employee, and on the other, instructions for managers about management decisions that they must make step by step, helping the team achieve their goal.

1.2 Development of operational production plans

Operational production planning consists of developing the most important volumetric calendar indicators of the production and economic activities of the enterprise. Any process of operational planning involves the implementation by economists-managers of such stages of activity as the choice of an enterprise development strategy, justification of the form of organization of production, determination of the logistics scheme for the movement of material flows, development of basic calendar and planning standards, operational planning of the work of production units, organizational preparation of production, direct organization of operational work, ongoing monitoring and regulation of production progress.

In operational production planning, depending on the indicators being developed, the following basic methods are used: volumetric, calendar, as well as their varieties: volumetric-calendar and volumetric-dynamic.

The volumetric method is designed to distribute the annual production and sales volumes of an enterprise's products into individual divisions and shorter time intervals - quarter, month, decade, week, day and hour. With its help, monthly production programs of the main workshops are formed and the timing of product release or order fulfillment is planned in all manufacturing departments of the enterprise.

The calendar method is used to plan specific timeframes for the launch and release of products, standards for the duration of the production cycle and advances in the production of individual works relative to the release of head products intended for sale on the corresponding product market. This method is based on the use of progressive time standards for calculating production cycles for the manufacture of individual parts, planned sets of products and assembly processes.

The volume-calendar method allows you to simultaneously plan the timing and volume of work performed at the enterprise as a whole for the entire stipulated period of time - a year, a quarter, a month, etc. It is used to calculate the duration of the production cycle for the release and delivery of products to the market, as well as load indicators technological equipment and assembly stands in each division of the enterprise.

The volumetric-dynamic method provides for the close interaction of such planned indicators as timing, volumes and dynamics of production of products, goods and services. In market conditions, this method makes it possible to most fully take into account the volume of demand and production capabilities of the enterprise and creates a planning and organizational basis for the optimal use of available resources at each enterprise.

In accordance with the considered methods, it is necessary to distinguish between types of operational production planning: calendar, volumetric and mixed.

Thus, we can say that the main task of operational planning ultimately comes down to ensuring the harmonious and rhythmic flow of all activities in the enterprise. production processes in order to best meet the basic needs of the market, rational use of available economic resources and maximizing profits.

1.3 The essence and stages of long-term planning.

The basis strategic management enterprise - long-term planning. A market economy differs from an administrative-command economy not by the abolition of planning, but by a radical change in its role, content, forms and methods.

During the transition to a market economy, the subject of planning first of all changes. Only the owner or an entrepreneur authorized by him, working under a contract and responsible for the results of business activities, can accept the plan. This means that the state can only plan what is paid for by budgetary investments, federal, regional and municipal programs and contracts, or is carried out by budgetary organizations. For most enterprises, the state plan contains only forecasts and guidelines indicating the most appropriate areas of development that are stimulated with the help of tax and other incentives.

In terms of content, long-term planning of an enterprise in new conditions usually includes a long-term forecast for 5-15 years (an informed probabilistic assumption about changes in the structure and demands of the market, equipment and production technology and their socio-economic consequences), a development plan for 3-5 years with a breakdown by year and target solution programs the most important problems.

Enterprises forecast demand and prices in various market segments, the competitiveness of operating areas, the volume of product sales, and on this basis provide structural units with key guidelines for updating products and technology, basic information about required quality and product range. The purpose of such planning is the coordination of various directions of development of the company, structural changes, expansion of effective and curtailment of unprofitable production.

Based on the strategic plan, functional (resource saving, computerization of management, etc.) and market-product programs are developed, their managers are appointed, the costs of each program and the total need for resources are estimated. Then the programs are ranked by efficiency, and the most profitable ones are selected based on the company’s capabilities. After this, investments are distributed between programs and structural units.

Changes in the procedure (order) for developing a plan are associated with the transition from single-variant planning (based on target figures for product deliveries) to multi-variant planning. When comparing options that differ in production structure (product range, technologies and sources of supply), resource distribution schedules by type of product or strategic business segment are used. They allow you to choose the option with the highest amount of profit for a given amount of expenses (with limited current assets).

In general, long-term planning at an enterprise includes the following stages:

1. Forecast of the company's development based on marketing research and assessment of its competitiveness.

2. Identification of the main problems hindering the improvement of market positions, justification of options for resolving them, assessment of the possible consequences of a particular choice.

3. Development of a long-term plan that sets development goals and corresponding regulatory indicators.

4. Targeted programs for strategic management zones.

Methods for developing and managing target programs at an enterprise are discussed in special works. One of the leading specialists is appointed to manage the program.

The relevant sections of plans for technical development, material support and other areas of activity include tasks that allow achieving the corresponding indicators for each program.

Each program must clearly formulate its economic and social goals, final results and stage-by-stage milestones for their achievement, quantitative and qualitative indicators for each stage. At the same time, the technical and technical-economic parameters of individual technologies and their enlarged groups, the prospective volume of sales, their labor intensity, capital intensity, material intensity and capital intensity, and the payback period of investments are predicted.

Practical part.

2. Justification and calculations of organizational and production parameters of the workshop.

2.1 Initial data.

The production program for the year is 144 thousand units, the workshop operates in 2 shifts. The duration of the working day is 8 hours, the number of working days per year is 252. Standards of piece time for the manufacture of parts Standard fulfillment coefficient K = 1.2.

The average coefficient taking into account the time spent on preparatory and final work K pz = 1.04.

2.2 Justification of the production structure of the workshop.

The production structure is understood as the composition of the workshops and services of the enterprise, indicating the connections between them. In this work, the justification is carried out using the example of a machine shop, which should include: determining the number of main sections; choosing the form of site specialization; choice of subject specialization profile for areas; determination of the composition of auxiliary sections.

The number of production areas is determined based on the number of workplaces in the workshop and the standards for servicing workplaces by one foreman. Determined based on formulas (1.1)-(1.3).

L=Q p /Q m , (1.1)

where L is the number of sections;

Q p – estimated number of jobs in the workshop;

Q m – number of workplaces served by one master per shift (according to the Labor Research Institute Q m =65)

Q p = ∑∑t pcs comp *K pz *N year / (60*K in *F disp), (1.2)

where ∑t pcs comp – total piece time for a set of parts of a certain name used in the product, min.;

K pz - the average coefficient, taking into account the time spent on preparatory and final work, is accepted for mass production from 1.02 to 1.05;

N year – annual product production program;

K in – average planned coefficient of fulfillment of norms;

F disposable - available time fund for one workplace in the planning period, hours.

F disp =D*d*c*(1-b/100), (1.3)

where D is the number of working days per year;

d – shift duration;

c – work shift;

b – average percentage of time lost for scheduled repairs (taken from 3% to 8%).

F disp = 252*8*2*(1-0.038) = 3878.79 hours.

Q p = 280.94*144000*1.04/(60*1.2*3878.79) = 150

L = 150/65 = 2.51. We accept L=3 sections

2 .3 Calculation of the piece time of a set of parts processing and determination of the main technological route.

The indicator of the relative labor intensity of a part (K g) characterizes the approximate number of jobs for the manufacture of a part of a certain name in the planning period.

K gi = ∑t piece i comp /(K in *t gi), (1.4)

where t gi – product release cycle, min.

t gi = F disp /N g , (1.5)

where F dis - available time fund for one workplace in the planning period, h;

N g – annual product production program, pcs.

t gi = 3878.79/144000 = 1.616 min.

The obtained calculation results for each part are entered into Table 2.1.

The correctness of calculation of K gi indicators for all details should be checked by comparison with O p:

∑ K gi = O r / K pz = 150/1.04 = 144.859

2.4 Calculation of indicators of the relative labor intensity of parts and the relative labor intensity of operations.

When choosing the option of attaching parts to sections, the summation of the ∑K gi indicators occurs according to two criteria: according to technological routes and for each structural type of parts. If none of the signs of summation allows the formation of equal areas, then resort to the simultaneous use of both signs of grouping parts.

The choice of forms of organizing flow production is carried out depending on the mass indicator (y ’ mi), which characterizes the impersonal number of jobs on average to perform a technological operation for a specific part in the planned period:

y ’ mi = K gi / K o, (1.6)

where K o is the number of technological operations performed on i-th detail in this workshop.

We record the results obtained for each detail in Table 2.1

We also calculate the relative labor intensity of operations using formula (1.7):

Y mi = N* t pcs i /(K in * t g), (1.7)

where t pcs i is the duration of the technological operation for processing one part, min;

N – number of parts per set.

Analysis of mass production indicators by groups of parts and operations allows one to make a decision on organizing forms of continuous production. The composition of auxiliary and service units is determined on the basis of recommendations in the literature and the experience of leading domestic and foreign enterprises.

Table 2.1

Indicator of mass production and relative labor intensity of processing parts.

Number of parts per product

T pcs amounts

2.5 Determination of the profile of subject specialization of production sites and the number of parts assigned to the sites.

The subject-part form of specialization of the main sections is accepted as the most progressive and acceptable for the conditions of the designed workshop. The subject specialization profile of the main areas is determined by classifying parts. The main technological routes are taken from Table 2.1, while each of these routes includes parts that have common operations. Parts that have a common technological route are entered into tables against the corresponding design type, indicating the part number and the K gi indicator. The summation of K gi indicators is carried out by design types of parts and by main technological routes. We fasten parts to sections according to a constructive type, taking into account the commonality of technological routes.

2.6 Calculation of the operational indicator of mass production for parts and the choice of forms of continuous production in workshop areas.

We calculate the operational mass index using formula (1.7).

To identify possible forms of organization of production line production, we select the most difficult to manufacture parts with K gi > 5, with a high y" mi indicator, and having a common technological processing route. We compare the y" mi indicators with the conditions for organizing continuous production.

For section No. 1, we select parts such as covers 32-11, 32-13, 32-20 and 32-21. For these parts ∑ y" mi = 2.63, we can recommend the organization of a group production line. These parts differ slightly in the number of operations and are manufactured at the same type of workplaces, but they differ in the order of alternation of technological operations. The latter circumstance does not allow organizing the processing of these parts on a variable basis - production line.

Part 32-19 is also processed at section No. 1, but it differs sharply from other parts in the number and composition of technological operations. Organizing a one-piece line for processing this part is also not recommended, because the condition for the feasibility of continuous production is not met - not for all operations y mi >0.75.

At section No. 2, parts 32-01, 32-02, 32-52 are processed. The relative complexity of their processing is ∑ y" mi = 2.19. In this area, it is not recommended to organize continuous production, since their technological processes are varied.

At section No. 3, parts 32-17, 32-49, 32-56 are processed. The relative complexity of their processing is ∑ y" mi = 2.26. Part 32-17 can be recommended for production on a one-piece discontinuous production line under the condition of enlarging technological operations 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 6 and 7; 10 and 13; 8. 11, 12, 15 and 19; 17 and 18 or the ability to perform these groups of operations at common workplaces with minimal time spent on equipment changeover.

For parts 32-49 and 32-56, it is possible to propose the organization of a group flow, because for main technological operations ∑ y mi >0.75. Processing of parts is carried out according to a standard technological process.

3. Calculation and construction of an operational calendar plan for the serial production site per month.

3.1 Initial data.

In a closed area, small parts of a universal lathe are processed: a pulley according to drawing 02-13; plugs according to drawings 02-35, 02-36, 07-29, 07-31, 07-32; levers according to drawings 02-40, 02-41, 07-33. Monthly production of machines 1250 pcs. Each part is included in the machine in the amount of 1 piece. The cost of manufactured parts ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 UAH. The site's operating mode is two shifts. The technological process and unit time for operations (taking into account the % of standards fulfilled) are given in Table 3.1

The composition of the equipment is as follows: aggregate-drilling, lathe, broaching, cylindrical grinding, thread-cutting, metalworking machines. The equipment codes are 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, respectively.

Table 3.1

Technological process and piece time for operations.

Part no.

Name of the site equipment number


% equipment load

3.2 Determination of the standard size of a batch of parts and the period for their launch.

The leading operation for which the minimum batch size should be calculated should be considered the operation with the largest ratio of preparatory-final time to piece time. In this case, the leading operation for all parts is the operation performed on a drilling machine. The minimum batch size is calculated using formula (3.1):

P min = T pz /(n*T pcs), (3.1)

where П min – minimum batch size, pcs;

T pz – preparatory and final time, taking into account the rate of fulfillment of standards;

T pcs – piece time taking into account the coefficient of fulfillment of standards;

n is the percentage of time lost for setup in relation to the duration of batch processing on the machine (in this case n = 3%).

We enter the data obtained as a result of calculations into a table.

To check and adjust the intended batch size in order to ensure the necessary conditions for increasing labor productivity, it is necessary to compare the obtained minimum batch size for each part with the size of the shift output for the main operations of the technological process of processing a given part.

To ensure the necessary working conditions at each workplace, the batch size must be equal to or greater than the shift output. For individual operations with the highest productivity, the batch size can ensure continuous operation for half a shift.

Shift output for the most productive operation (in this case, drilling on a drilling machine) is determined by formula (3.2):

C in = T cm /T pcs, (3.2)

where C in – shift output, pcs;

T cm – shift duration (in this case 420 minutes);

T pcs – piece time for processing one part.

To comply with strict batch production of parts when performing a production task, it is necessary that the batch size fits an integral number of times into the size of the monthly task for each part or is a multiple of this value. In this case, the monthly task is 1250 parts of each item. The batch size for parts 02-13, 07-32, 07-33 must be adjusted, bringing it to 1250 pcs. (up to the monthly task), for other parts - up to 625 pcs. (up to a half-month assignment).

3.3. Determining the timing of the launch and release of a batch of parts.

The frequency of launching and releasing parts for processing is determined as the ratio of the accepted batch size in pieces to the average daily program for a given part in pieces. To simplify operational planning and regulate the progress of production, as well as create conditions for the rhythmic operation of the production site, it is necessary to unify the obtained production frequency values various parts. The frequency ranges are 11 and 22 working days. The obtained values ​​for the frequency of launching parts for processing and batch sizes are entered into Table 3.2.

Table 3.2

Standard batch sizes and frequency of parts processing.


Drawing no.

Minimum lot size for leading operation

Shift working out in detail the leading operation

Duration processing batches on the most produces. operations, see

Adjusted batch size taking into account months. tasks

Standard frequency, days

5. Handle

Next, we proceed to constructing a calendar schedule for the production site, which regulates the timing of the launch and production of parts. To construct a schedule, the duration of processing of each batch of parts on an aggregate drilling machine is determined according to formula 3.3:

T o = (T pcs *P)/60 + T pz /60, (3.3)

where T about, T pcs, T pz – respectively, the duration of processing, piece and preparatory-final time, min.;

P – adjusted batch size, pcs.

We enter the obtained data in hours and working days in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3

Drawing no.

Batch, pcs.

Top, days

5. Handle

Then we determine the duration of the production cycle for processing the part in operations after drilling according to formula 3.4:

T c = 0.7*(P*T pcs sums /60 + T pz sums /60 + 3.5*(K op -1)), (3.4)

where T c, T pcs sums, T pz sums are respectively the cycle duration, the total piece time and the total preparatory and final time for operations after drilling, hours;

K op – total operations;

0.7 – parallelism coefficient;

3.5 – inter-operative waiting time in hours.

We enter the obtained data in hours and working days in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4

Duration of the production cycle for processing a batch of parts


Drawing no.

Cont. processing parts on a drilling machine

Duration of the production cycle for post-drilling operations

Total duration of the production cycle in days

Slave. days

Slave. days

5. Handle

Drawing no.

Batch, pcs.

5. Handle

Figure 3.1 Schedule for launch and release of a batch of parts (option 1)

Drawing no.

Batch, pcs.

5. Handle

Figure 3.2 Schedule for launch and release of a batch of parts (option 2)

The standard carryover reserve for the first number is determined directly from the schedule. The backlog is calculated in whole batches. By convention, the machine shop works in batches, while the assembly shop works continuously. In this case, a carryover stock is formed at the intershop warehouse; its size is measured by the number of parts required for work in the assembly shop until the first batch from the supply workshop arrives at the warehouse (working stock) plus the established amount of the insurance stock.

The amount of the insurance reserve is established according to practical factory data, on average, in an amount that provides 2-3 days of parts assembly requirements. In this case, let us assume an insurance reserve equal to the 3-day requirement of the assembly shop. The results of calculating the value of cycle and warehouse reserves are given for two options in accordance with the constructed graphs in tables 3.4, 3.5.

Table 3.4

Standard level of carryover and warehouse reserves on the first day of the month (option 1)

Drawing no.

Cyclic backlog

Insurance reserve

Working capital




Table 3.5

Standard level of carryover and warehouse reserves on the first day of the month (option 2)

Drawing no.

Cyclic backlog

Insurance reserve

Working capital



Since the level of warehouse reserve in the second option is less than in the first, the second option of schedules is the most optimal.

3.4 Calculation and construction of a standard plan for the operation of a discontinuous production line.

The initial data for constructing a work schedule for the direct-flow line are as follows: monthly task 1500 pcs. Working hours: 2 shifts. Number of working days per month – 21. Shift duration – 8 hours. The standard piece time for processing operations is in Table 3.1

Table 3.6

Labor intensity of operations

Operation No.

Norm of piece time, min.

Calculation of changes in interoperational backlogs is carried out between adjacent operations, taking into account the identification of phases into which the work period is divided. The cycle is calculated using formula 3.1:

T = D*T cm *K/N months, (3.1)

where D is the number of working days in a month;

T cm – duration of the shift in minutes;

K – number of shifts;

N months – monthly task.

The maintenance period depends on the size of the part and its weight. In this case, the part weighs 0.38 kg and requires 1 shift. You can determine the amount of output for the maintenance period using formula 3.2:

B p.o = T p.o /t, (3.2)

T p.o – duration of the service period, min.;

t - flow stroke

For operations with incomplete loading of machines, the duration of work during the maintenance period will be determined using formula 3.3:

T o1 = B p.o *t 1, (3.3),

where V p.o – the amount of output for the maintenance period, pcs.;

t 1 – piece time.

The calculated duration values ​​during the maintenance period and the amount of output for these operations are shown in Table 3.7

Table 3.7

Calculation of equipment operating time and output by operation during the maintenance period.

Operation No.

Norm of piece time, min.

Amount of production, pcs.

Equipment operating time, min.

For operations where partially overloaded machines operate, it is necessary to adjust the time downward using the conversion factor (3.4):

K = T cm * C/T o, (3.4)

where T cm is the duration of the shift in minutes;

C is the accepted number of machines for the operation.

We carry out the recalculation at the 5th operation.

K = 480*1/490 = 0.9795

T pcs = 14*0.9795 = 13.7 min.

Calculation of changes in the interoperational turnover between adjacent operations in selected phases is carried out according to formula (3.5):

Z about m.o. = (F i *C about n -1 /t n -1) – (F i *C about n /t n), (3.5)

where F i is the duration of the phase in minutes;

C about n -1 – the number of parallel working machines in previous operations during the phase;

C about n – the number of parallel working machines in subsequent related operations.

The calculation results and backlog movement schedules for the two options are shown in Tables 3.8, 3.9.

Table 3.8

Direct flow line operating schedule (option 1)

No. of workers


Z ' 1.2 = 255 * (2/21 – 1/16) = +8

Z '' 1.2 = 80 * (1/21 – 2/16) = -6

Z ''' 1.2 = 145 * (1/16 – 1/21) = -2

Z ' 2.3 = 255 * (1/16 – 2/21) = -8

Z '' 2.3 = 80 * (2/16 – 1/21) = +6

Z ''' 2.3 = 145 * (1/16 – 1/21) = +2

Z '' 3.4 = 225 * (2/21 – 2/20) = -12

Z ' 4.5 = 255 * (1/20 – 1/13.7) = +6

Z '' 4.5 = 225 * (2/20 – 1/13.7) = -6

Z '5.6 = 175 * (1/13.7 – 1/5) = -22

Z '' 5.6 = 305 * (1/13.7 – 0) = +22

Z ' 6.7 = 175 * (1/5 – 0) = +35

Z '' 6.7 = 225 * (0 – 1/6.4) = -35

Table 3.9

Direct flow line operating schedule (option 2)

No. of workers


Z ' 1.2 = 80 * (2/21 – 2/16) = -3

Z '' 1.2 = 175 * (2/21 – 1/160 = +6

Z ''' 1.2 = 225 * (1/21-1/16) = -3

Z ' 2.3 = 80 * (2/16 – 2/21) = +3

Z '' 2.3 = 175 * 91/16 – 2/21) = -6

Z ''' 2.3 = 225 * (1/16 – 1/21) = -3

Z ' 3.4 = 255 * (2/21 – 1/20) = +12

Z '' 3.4 = 225 * (1/21 – 2/20) = -12

Z ' 4.5 = 255 *(1/20 – 1/13.7) = -6

Z '' 4.5 = 225 * (2/20 – 1/13.7) = +6

Z '5.6 = 80 * (1/13.7 – 0) = +6

Z'' 5.6 = 175 * (1/13.7 – 1/5) = -22

Z ''' 5.6 = 225 * (1/13.7 – 0) = +16

Z '' 6.7 = 175 * (1/5 – 0) = +35

Z ''' 6.7 = 225 * (0- 1/6.4) = -35

Of the two calculated options, the best one is selected based on the smallest total value of the working capital. In this case, we choose the first option, because ∑Z rev = 61 pcs., according to the second option ∑Z rev = 88 pcs.

Then we determine the technological reserve using formula (3.6):

Z tech = ∑C pr *n, (3.6)

where C pr is the accepted number of workplaces in operations;

n is the number of simultaneously processed parts on each machine.

The technological reserve is a variable value and is determined at the beginning of the maintenance period.

Z those = 2*1 + 2*1 + 2*1 + 2*1 + 1*1 +1*1 + 1*1 = 11 pcs.

The value of the transport reserve on a direct-flow line is created as an independent value of the accumulation of parts only between operations that work synchronously. Its value depends on the accepted quantity of the order of transfer of parts from operation to operation and the nature of the vehicle. During periodic transportation on a straight-through line:

Z tr = p*(m-1), (3.7)

where p is the transfer lot (in this case 5 pieces);

m – number of operations.

Let's calculate the transport reserve: Z tr = 5*(7-1) = 30 pcs.

Insurance reserves play a significant role in preventing disruptions and production stoppages. They are established on the basis of experimental data. Approximately from 5 5 to 15% of replacement parts production.

Z str = T*K str /t p, (3.8)

where Z str – the amount of the insurance reserve;

K page – insurance coefficient, taken equal to 0.3;

T – shift duration in minutes.

Z page = 480*0.3/13.44 = 10 pcs.

The intra-line backlog on the direct-flow line is calculated using the following formula:

Z line = Z tech + Z tr + Z str + ∑Z rev, (3.9)

where ∑Z about is the sum of working reserves for operations at the beginning of the service period.

Z line = 11 + 30 + 10 + 30 = 81 pcs.


The tasks that are solved during operational planning are closely related to all aspects of economic and social development collective, with the process of direct creation of material wealth.

Management of operational planning at an enterprise is carried out at levels and depends on the type of production, the nature of the organization of production processes, both combined and unified forms are used. The effectiveness of operational planning at an enterprise depends on the use of the most appropriate systems and forms of planning for a given enterprise, workshop, site, which aim to find the most optimal solution in specific production conditions.

In this work, some types of operational planning were considered, namely: justification and calculations of the organizational and technical parameters of the workshop; calculation and construction of an operational calendar plan for a serial production site; calculation and construction of a standard operating plan for a discontinuous production line. In the first section of the work, mass indicators for operations and parts were calculated; determination of the type of production line depending on the calculated results. In the second section, standard batches of parts, the frequency of their launch into production, and carryover stocks at the beginning of the month were calculated. In the third section of the work, the operating schedule of the discontinuous production line, the number of required units of equipment, as well as the amounts of working, transport, technological and insurance reserves were calculated.

List of used literature.

1. Letenko V.A., Gurovets O.G. Organization of mechanical engineering production: theory and practice., M, Mechanical Engineering., 2006.

2. Letenko V.A. Operational production planning for

machine-building plant. M., 2006

3. Plotkin N.V., Yakushkevich O.P. Organization and planning of production at a machine-building enterprise, Lviv, "Svet", 2006.

4. Kurochkin A.S. Organization of production., K. e 2007.

5. Aktonets A.V., Belov N.A., Bukhalo S.N. Organization of planning and management of the duration of an industrial enterprise., K. 2006.

6. Zvyagintsev Yu.E. Operational planning and organization of rhythmic work at industrial enterprises. K., Technique 2006

7. Bakanov M.I. Sheremet A.D. Theory of economic analysis, Moscow: “Finance and Statistics”, 2005.

8. Sergeev I.V. “Enterprise Economics”, Moscow: “Finance and Statistics”, 2005.

Production management

TOPIC 12: “Operational production planning”

Operational planning is the implementation of the current activities of economic planning services over a short period, for example, development of an annual production program, drawing up quarterly enterprise budgets, monitoring and adjusting the results obtained, etc.
Operational production planning is the final link in the planned work at the enterprise - the continuation and specification of the tasks of the industrial and financial plan. It consists of developing, on the basis of annual plans, specific production tasks for short periods of time both for the enterprise as a whole and for its divisions and in the operational regulation of production progress according to operational accounting and control data. A feature of this type of planning is the combination of developing planned tasks with organizing their implementation.
The task of operational and production planning is to organize uniform, rhythmic, mutually coordinated work of all production divisions of the enterprise to ensure timely implementation of the state plan with economical use of resources and high quality products, i.e. achieving the best final production results.
Operational planning consists of scheduling and dispatching (operational regulation).
The scope of operational planning includes:

  • development of progressive calendar and planning standards for the movement of production;
  • drawing up operational plans and schedules for workshops, sections, teams and workplaces and communicating them to the immediate executors;
  • operational accounting and control of production progress, prevention and identification of deviations from planned plans and schedules and ensuring stabilization of production progress.

Scheduling includes the distribution of annual planned tasks by production departments and deadlines, as well as communication of established indicators to specific performers of work. With its help, daily shift assignments are developed, and the sequence of work performed by individual performers is agreed upon. The initial data for the development of calendar plans are the annual production volumes, the labor intensity of the work performed, the timing of delivery of goods to the market and other indicators of the socio-economic plans of the enterprise.
When implementing the developed calendar plan, operational records are kept of the progress of its implementation; information on the actual implementation of the plan is collected, processed and transferred to the relevant services of the enterprise. Based on the information received, dispatching is carried out, which consists of identifying and eliminating emerging deviations from the planned progress of production, taking measures to ensure the complete progress of production, the best use of working time and material resources, high utilization of equipment and workplaces.
Operational planning of production at the place of its implementation is divided into inter-shop and intra-shop. Intershop planning ensures the development, regulation and control of the implementation of plans for the production and sale of products by all workshops of the enterprise, and also coordinates the work of basic, design and technological, economic planning and other functional services. At machine-building enterprises, as a rule, production programs are developed and issued to workshops by planning services for the next year with a quarterly and monthly breakdown.
The content of intra-shop planning is the development of operational plans and the drawing up of current work schedules for production sites, production lines and individual workplaces based on annual plans for the production and sale of products from the main workshops of the enterprise.
In modern production, various operational planning systems are widespread, determined by both internal factors and external market conditions. In the economic literature, a system of operational production planning is usually understood as a set of various methods of planning work technologies, characterized by the degree of centralization, the object of regulation, the composition of calendar and planned indicators, the procedure for accounting and movement of products and is documented in accounting documentation.
A prerequisite for the effective functioning of the operational production planning system is the presence of a well-founded regulatory framework, which includes, in particular:

  • calendar-planning standards - duration of the production cycle, batch size and lead size, frequency of launching products into production, backlog size, etc.;
  • material consumption standards - consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products, materials per unit of production;
  • norms for the use of production capacity - equipment productivity, shift ratio;
  • norms of material security of production - norms of technological, intra-shop and inter-shop reserves, norms of stocks of raw materials, semi-finished products.

The choice of one or another operational planning system in market conditions is determined mainly by the volume of demand for products and services, costs and planning results, scale and type of production.
The detailed planning system is designed for highly organized and stable production conditions. According to this system, the progress of work, technological operations and production processes for each part is planned and regulated for a certain planned period - hour, shift, day, week, etc. The detailed system is based on precise planning of the tact and rhythm of work of production lines and production areas, the correct determination of normal technological, transport, insurance, interoperational and cycle backlogs and their constant maintenance during the production process at a strict calculated level. The use of this system requires the development of complex calendar and operational plans containing indicators of production volume and the route of movement of parts of each item through all production stages and technological operations.
The order-based operational planning system is used mainly in single and small-scale production with its diverse product range and small volume of products and production services. In this case, the planning object, or the main planning and accounting unit, is a separate production order, including several similar works of a specific consumer-customer. This planning system is based on calculations of the duration of production cycles and lead standards, with the help of which the deadlines required by the customer or the market for completion of both individual processes or works, and the entire order as a whole, are established.
The complete system is mainly used in serial engineering production. As the main planning and accounting unit, various parts included in an assembly unit or a general set of goods, grouped according to certain characteristics, are used. With a complete planning system, calendar assignments for production departments are developed not according to individual parts, but according to enlarged groups or sets of parts for a unit, machine, order or a certain amount of work and services. With this system, the flexibility of operational planning, current control and regulation of production progress significantly increases, which, in conditions of market uncertainty, serves as an important means of stabilization for enterprises.
Planning according to the product release cycle involves equalizing the duration of technological operations at all stages of the overall production process in accordance with a single estimated time for performing interrelated work.
Inventory planning involves maintaining at the required estimated level the stock of blanks, semi-finished products and components intended for further processing and assembly at each stage of production.
Advance planning is characterized by the grouping and distribution of parts according to production dates and the organization of their timely production and transfer to the appropriate stages of production, depending on the estimated time advances.
Planning for a warehouse or market is carried out when products are released and delivered for sale in significant volumes with low labor intensity and a small number of technological operations. With this system, the planning and production department determines the required number of finished parts, which must constantly be at the intermediate or final stages of production and sale of products.
Consequently, planning is a method of economic foresight and programming based on detailed calculations. The enterprise plan, on the one hand, contains tasks for the future of each employee, and on the other, instructions for managers about management decisions that they must make step by step, helping the team achieve their goal.

Development of operational production plans

Operational production planning consists of developing the most important volumetric calendar indicators of the production and economic activities of the enterprise. Any process of operational planning involves the implementation by economists-managers of such stages of activity as the choice of an enterprise development strategy, justification of the form of organization of production, determination of the logistics scheme for the movement of material flows, development of basic calendar and planning standards, operational planning of the work of production units, organizational preparation of production, direct organization of operational work, ongoing monitoring and regulation of production progress.
In operational production planning, depending on the indicators being developed, the following basic methods are used: volumetric, calendar, as well as their varieties: volumetric-calendar and volumetric-dynamic.
The volumetric method is designed to distribute the annual production and sales volumes of an enterprise's products into individual divisions and shorter time intervals - quarter, month, decade, week, day and hour. This method provides not only for the distribution of work, but also for optimizing the use of production assets and, first of all, technological equipment and assembly areas over a planned time interval. With its help, monthly production programs of the main workshops are formed and the timing of product release or order fulfillment is planned in all manufacturing departments of the enterprise.
The calendar method is used to plan specific timeframes for the launch and release of products, standards for the duration of the production cycle and advances in the production of individual works relative to the release of head products intended for sale on the corresponding product market. This method is based on the use of progressive time standards for calculating production cycles for the manufacture of individual parts, planned sets of products and assembly processes. Rodionov
The volume-calendar method allows you to simultaneously plan the timing and volume of work performed at the enterprise as a whole for the entire stipulated period of time - a year, a quarter, a month, etc. With its help, the duration of the production cycle for the release and delivery of products to the market is calculated, as well as the load indicators of technological equipment and assembly stands in each division of the enterprise.
The volumetric-dynamic method provides for the close interaction of such planned indicators as timing, volumes and dynamics of production of products, goods and services. In market conditions, this method makes it possible to most fully take into account the volume of demand and production capabilities of the enterprise and creates a planning and organizational basis for the optimal use of available resources at each enterprise.
In accordance with the considered methods, it is necessary to distinguish between types of operational production planning: calendar, volumetric and mixed. Using the example of machine-building enterprises that have many years of experience in operational production planning, we give detailed recommendations for the development of the most important calendar and planning standards. Calendar standards and the vast majority of planned indicators for operational regulation of the progress of production should be developed on the basis of progressive time standards for individual technological operations and processes, as well as for final products and total production processes. Time standards serve as the primary calendar and planning standards.
The standard time refers to the scientifically based expenditure of the necessary working time to perform work in certain production conditions. There are norms for piece and piece-calculation time, as well as for a batch of parts. IN general view The time limit can be calculated for all work using the formula:
where Tsh-k is the norm of piece-calculation time; That is the main time to perform the operation; TV - auxiliary (non-overlapping) time; Tobs - time for servicing the workplace; Totl - time for rest and personal needs of the worker; Tpto ~ permissible breaks for technical and organizational reasons; Тп-з- preparatory-final time; n - batch size of processed parts.
In operational planning, various types of time standards can be used: in individual production - piece-calculation time, in serial production - time for processing a batch of parts, in mass production - piece time.
The size of the batch of processed products serves as the first volume-planning standard. A batch of parts at an enterprise is understood as the number of identical parts processed at interconnected workplaces with a one-time expenditure of preparatory and final time. Planning the batch size for the launch and production of parts is an important and complex economic task, since when calculating it it is necessary to take into account many factors interacting in different directions. The standard quantity of a batch of parts is calculated using the formula:

Where n is the standard size of a batch of parts, pcs.; Ng - annual production volume, pcs.; 3n - costs for setting up technological equipment; Si - cost of one part, rub./piece; 3x - the cost of storing parts as a percentage of the cost of inventory, equal to approximately 10-25%.
Calculation of the optimal batch of blanks involves the use of precise initial economic indicators, which present some practical difficulties when establishing them in specific production conditions. Therefore, a simplified method for calculating the minimum batch of parts is more widely used at our enterprises:

Nmin=, (3)

Where n min is the minimum batch size of parts; Tn-z - preparatory final time; Tsht - piece time for one part; ? - coefficient of permissible loss of time for equipment readjustment, equal to 0.05 to 0.1.
The size of a batch of parts is determined by the so-called leading operation or the most loaded machine. Received minimum batch value
the launch of parts is adjusted upward, taking into account the need to ensure the required workload, volume and delivery time of products to the market, bandwidth production site and other factors.
The rhythm, or period, of parts production is determined by the ratio of the indicators of the optimal launch batch and the average daily production output:

R=n opt/Nday, (4)

Where R is the rhythm of launch and release of parts, days; Nday - average daily production output, pcs./day.

Nн =Rst*Nday, (5)

Where Rst is the standard production period for parts.
The production cycle is one of the important calendar and planning standards for both operational and strategic planning of intra-economic activities of an enterprise. It represents the calendar time interval from the beginning to the end of the production process of manufacturing parts or performing work and services. The production cycle includes the working period of procurement, processing and assembly processes, as well as control, transport and warehouse operations.
The duration of the production cycle is determined by many interrelated organizational, technical, economic planning, social, labor and other characteristics of a particular enterprise as a complex system in a market economic mechanism. The duration of any complex production cycle is made up of individual simple or partial cycles, including the execution time of work processes and regulated breaks.
The total duration of the production cycle with the sequential method of transferring the processed batch of parts is determined by the formula:

Tssl=, (6)

Where Tafter is the duration of the sequential cycle, min; kо - number of operations; n is the size of the batch of parts; Tsh-k - piece-calculation time; C is the number of machines per operation; Tm-o - time of interoperational breaks.
The obtained values ​​of production cycles for processing a batch of parts serve as the basis for constructing digital schedules for order fulfillment for all technological stages or workshops of the enterprise and calculating lead times.
The advance standard is established by summing the duration of production cycles from deadline completion of the order to the technological stage where the corresponding advance of the launch or production of parts is determined.
It can be concluded that operational production planning, as evidenced by best practices, plays a major role in ensuring timely release and delivery of products to consumers based on the rational use of limited economic resources in the current period of time. Further development of operational planning at domestic enterprises will help solve the following organizational and economic problems:

  • achieving coordinated work at all levels of production on the basis of a single market goal, providing for uniform production and sale of goods;
  • improving the entire system of intra-company planning by increasing the reliability of calendar and planning calculations and reducing labor intensity;
  • increasing the flexibility and efficiency of on-farm planning based on more complete consideration of consumer requirements and subsequent adjustment of annual plans;
  • ensuring continuity in the production planning process and achieving closer interaction between strategic, tactical and operational plans;
  • creation at each enterprise of a system of operational production planning that meets modern market requirements and the level of development of a particular enterprise. Improving operational production planning at domestic enterprises will contribute to an increase in production and increased efficiency in the conditions of current market relations.

Thus, we can say that the main task of operational planning ultimately comes down to ensuring the well-coordinated and rhythmic progress of all production processes at the enterprise in order to best meet the basic needs of the market, rational use of available economic resources and maximize profits.

The essence and content of matrix models of technical industrial and financial plan

Techpromfinplan is a consolidated plan for the production, economic and financial activities of an enterprise, developed by the team based on the indicators of the long-term plan and the tasks of a higher organization for a given planning year. The planned performance indicators of the enterprise established in the technical industrial financial plan are based on progressive technical and economic standards for the use of material, labor and monetary resources. The technical industrial and financial plan provides for the comprehensive development of technology, organization and economics of production and indicates specific ways to achieve the goals. The Techpromfinplan is developed under the leadership of the director with the broad and active participation of the enterprise’s workforce.
The more fully the specific (tactical) capabilities and needs of production are taken into account when developing a technical industrial financial plan, the more conditions are provided for the rhythmic and cost-effective operation of the enterprise. The content of the technical industrial financial plan as a tool for tactical planning of enterprise activities is revealed through a certain system of qualitative and quantitative indicators that are closely interrelated.
A set of interrelated indicators covering one of the aspects of the production, technical or financial and economic activities of an enterprise constitutes a section of the technical industrial and financial plan. As a rule, a technical industrial financial plan contains 12 sections, which are interconnected and justified by technical and economic calculations.
The technical industrial financial plan of the enterprise includes the following sections, arranged in the order of expedient development sequence: 1) plan for improving equipment, technology, organization of management and production; 2) plan for improving product quality; 3) plan for using production capacity; 4) plan for capital construction, major and medium repairs; 5) plan for the social development of the team; 6) plan for production and sales of products; 7) plan for material and technical support of production; 8) labor plan; 9) plan for production costs; 10) plan for profit, profitability and formation of incentive funds; 11) financial plan. Each section of the technical industrial financial plan has its own indicators that reveal its content.
With the help of the technical and economic plan, technical and economic planning combines material, labor and financial plans, capacity development plans, etc., and also ensures their balance with the production program. The initial data for calculating the technical financial plan are taken from production plans in monetary and in kind, reducing the labor intensity of products, cost and accumulation, supply and sales of products, grades, plans for training personnel and the introduction of new equipment, etc.
The technical industrial financial plan of the enterprise is drawn up in the form of a calculation system that reflects the relationship of all planned indicators with advanced technology and the economy of the enterprise. Technical industrial and financial plan indicators are one of the main sources of production operational scheduling.
Currently, a significant number of economic and mathematical problems have been developed that are used in planning the work of enterprises, making it possible to find optimal solutions to a number of problems.
One of the areas of application of economic and mathematical methods that are directly related to the general methodology for developing a technical industrial financial plan is matrix modeling, which consists in constructing a matrix model of a technical industrial financial plan. Matrix modeling is progressive, since in this case, when developing a plan, mutual balance linking of sections of the technical industrial financial plan is carried out on the basis of direct standards for the use of production resources; after carrying out the necessary mathematical transformations, the planning results for all main indicators are linked on the basis of full cost standards.
Matrix modeling of the technical industrial and financial plan requires taking into account the characteristics of individual industries. The mathematical basis for compiling the inter-industry balance of production and distribution of products is taken as the basis.
When developing the technical industrial financial plan matrix, the following mathematical apparatus is used: аij- material costs for the production of parts or assemblies from the i-th workshop necessary for the manufacture of a unit of production of the j-th workshop; bij is the consumption of raw materials, main and auxiliary materials when processing parts or assemblies in the jth workshop or when producing additional parts for a given unit; cij is the consumption of machine time of the i-th machine for processing parts or assemblies aij in the j-th workshop; tij, is the consumption of working time by professional group q for processing parts or assemblies in the j-th workshop.
Quadrant I is a chess table containing a list of products, assemblies or parts, identical in rows and columns, produced in certain workshops. The production program is calculated on the basis of equations compiled for the first quadrant. This system looks like this:


Where ai is the supply of parts, components, etc. from the i-th workshop to the j-th workshop per unit of production; уi - products of the i-th workshop going outside the workshop (including changes in the balance of work in progress); Xi is the gross output of the i-th workshop.
In the II quadrant all indicators are grouped by gross and commercial products, including work in progress and services to non-production services (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2.- General view of the matrix model of the technical industrial and financial plan.

Quadrant III shows the costs received from raw materials, main and auxiliary materials, components of semi-finished products, fuel, energy, as well as depreciation, labor costs, machine time consumption by equipment groups, labor costs by professional groups of workers and other indicators. This quadrant consists of 3 blocks. The first block is a subsection of the use of equipment, which contains standards for the costs of purchased products and services from outside for the production of a unit of each part in any cell of the enterprise. The second section - the subsection of equipment use - contains the norms for the consumption of machine time by equipment groups for the production of each product. The third block is the subsection of the use of labor resources. Here they show the specific working time costs of each professional and qualification group of enterprise employees for the production of parts in workshops and areas.
The calculation of the logistics plan is carried out using the submatrix D of the III quadrant. By multiplying this matrix by the vector of gross output of products, you can obtain the value of each workshop's need for any type of materials for the production of any type of product, and summing up the workshop's needs - the value of the plant's needs.
Quadrant 4 displays changes in inventories and reserves of raw materials, purchased semi-finished products and external materials and equipment.
Thus, the matrix model production plan allows for technical and economic planning of enterprise plan indicators. The application of the presented mathematical scheme is possible and advisable in all industries, but with some modifications.

Concept network planning, building network models

Network planning is one of the forms of graphical reflection of the content of work and the duration of implementation of strategic plans and long-term complexes of design, planning, organizational and other types of enterprise activities. Along with linear graphs and tabular calculations, network planning methods are widely used in the development of long-term plans and models for creating complex production systems and other long-term objects.
Network planning serves as the basis for economic and mathematical calculations, graphical and analytical calculations, organizational and management decisions, operational and strategic plans, providing not only images, but also modeling, analysis and optimization of projects for the implementation of complex technical objects and design developments, etc. Network planning is usually understood as graphic image a certain set of work being performed, reflecting their logical sequence, existing relationships and planned duration, and ensuring subsequent optimization of the developed schedule based on economic-mathematical methods and computer technology for the purpose of using it for ongoing management of the progress of work. Network models or graphs are intended for the design of complex production facilities, economic systems and all kinds of work consisting of a large number of different elements. For simple work, linear or cyclic graphs are usually used.
The use of network planning in modern production helps achieve the following strategic and operational objectives:
1) reasonably select the development goals of each division of the enterprise, taking into account existing market requirements and planned end results;
2) clearly establish detailed tasks for all divisions and services of the enterprise based on their interconnection with a single strategic goal in the planning period;
3) involve future direct executors of the main stages of the upcoming work, who have production experience and high qualifications, in drawing up project plans;
4) more effectively distribute and rationally use the limited resources available at the enterprise;
5) predict the progress of the main stages of work focused on the critical path, timely make the necessary planning and management decisions and adjust deadlines;
6) make the necessary adjustments to work schedules taking into account changes in the external environment, internal environment and other market conditions.
Thus, the use of a network planning system contributes to the development of an optimal version of the enterprise’s strategic development plan, which serves as the basis for the operational management of a set of works during its implementation. The main planning document in this system is a network diagram, or simply a network, representing an information-dynamic model that reflects all the logical relationships and results of the work performed necessary to achieve the final goal of strategic planning.
The network diagram depicts with the required degree of detail what work, in what sequence and for what time, needs to be completed in order to ensure the completion of all types of activities no later than the specified or planned period.
The network model operates with such concepts as: work, event, path.
Works are any production processes or other actions leading to the achievement of certain results of events. The work is indicated by an arrow (vector) without a scale, indicating the direction from left to right from the smaller event number to the larger one and is encoded by the numbers of these events. Works can be of three types:

  • real, i.e. a production process that requires labor, time and resources;
  • waiting - work that does not require labor and resources, but takes the time necessary for the actual work to be considered completed, i.e., subsequent work can begin;
  • dependency or fictitious work, meaning a logical (technological) connection between two or more events and indicating that the possibility of starting one work depends on the completion of another. Fictitious work requires no labor, no time, no resources; it is indicated in the network diagram by dotted arrows.

An event means the completion of one or more activities that are necessary and sufficient for the start of subsequent ones. Events can be initial and initial, final or final, simple or complex, as well as intermediate, preceding or subsequent.
There are three main ways to depict events and activities on network graphs: activity vertices, event vertices, and mixed networks. In networks of the vertex-work type, all processes or actions are represented in the form of rectangles following one another, connected by logical dependencies (Fig. 3, 4).

Rice. 3 - Network of the "vertex-work" type

Rice. 4 - Network of the “vertex-event” type

In all network graphs, an important indicator is the path that defines the sequence of activities or events in which the final process, or result, of one stage coincides with the initial indicator of the next phase.
In any graph it is customary to distinguish several paths:

  • full path from the initial to the final event; path preceding this event from initial;
  • the path following this event to the final one;
  • path between several events;
  • the critical path from the initial to the final event is equal to the maximum duration of the work.

Network models can be very diverse both in the organizational structure of the production system and in the purpose of network diagrams, as well as the information processing tools used for regulatory data. According to the organizational structure, intra-company or industry models of network planning are distinguished, and according to purpose - single and permanent action.
Network models can be deterministic, probabilistic and mixed. In deterministic network schedules, all activities of a strategic project, their duration and relationships, as well as the requirements for expected results are predetermined. In probabilistic models, many processes are random in nature. In mixed networks, one part of the work is certain and the other part is uncertain. Models can also be single-purpose or multi-purpose.
Network models can be widely used at all domestic enterprises in the development of both long-term and current plans. Network planning allows you not only to determine the need for various production resources in the future, but also to coordinate their rational consumption in the present. Using network diagrams, you can connect unified system all material, labor, financial and many other resources and means of production in both ideal (planned) and real (existing) economic conditions.
The creation of network planning and economic activity management systems at our enterprises involves, first of all, determining the structure and functions of planning bodies, justifying the goal and choosing a planning object, building a network model of the project, establishing the order of functioning of the model at the stages of initial planning and operational management of the project.
The most important stages of network planning for a wide variety of production systems or other economic objects are the following:
1) dividing the complex of works into separate parts and assigning them to responsible performers;
2) identification and description by each performer of all events and work necessary to achieve the goal;
3) construction of primary network diagrams and clarification of the content of planned work;
4) linking private networks and building a consolidated network schedule for completing a set of works;
5) justification or clarification of the execution time of each work in the network schedule.
The breakdown of the complex of planned works is carried out by the project manager. During network planning, two methods of distributing work performed are used: horizontal division of functions between performers and vertical construction of a diagram of project management levels. In the first case, a simple system or object is divided into individual processes, parts or elements, for which an enlarged network diagram can be built. Each process is then divided into operations, techniques and other calculation activities. For each component of the work package, its own network diagram is created. In the second case, a complex projected object is divided into separate parts by constructing a known hierarchical structure of the corresponding levels of project management.
Primary network diagrams, constructed at the level of responsible executors, must be detailed to such a degree of dissection that they can reflect both the entire set of work performed and all existing relationships between individual works and events. First, it is necessary to identify what events will characterize this set of works entrusted to the responsible executor. It is recommended to list all events and work included in a given complex in the order in which they were performed.
The network diagram is stitched together by the responsible person based on the list of work performed. The construction of a network can begin both from the initial event, gradually approaching the final one, and vice versa - from the final event to the initial one.
When constructing network graphs of the “vertex-event” type, the following rules must be observed:
- none of the works should have the same code as another.
- there should be no dead ends in the network diagram, i.e. events from which no work comes out, if these events are not final for a given network diagram and tails, i.e. events that do not include any work, if these events are not the source for this network diagram
- in the network diagram there should also not be more than one initial event, since this indicates the impossibility of its implementation;

  • There should be no closed contours (cycles) in the network diagram, i.e. a chain of works returning to the event from which it came. The presence of such a cycle in the network indicates an error in the source data or an incorrect representation of the relationship of work.

In the network model, it is not allowed to depict the connection between adjacent events and two or more activities.
After compiling and checking the primary network diagrams developed by each performer for his/her set of works, the private networks are stitched together and combined into a consolidated model. A consolidated network schedule constructed using the above rules will ensure the achievement of the planned goals set for the performers.
The final stage of network planning is to determine the duration of individual work or cumulative processes. In deterministic models, the duration of work is considered constant. In real conditions, the time it takes to complete various jobs depends on a large number of both internal and external factors and therefore it is considered random variable. To establish the duration of any work, it is necessary first of all to use the appropriate standards or labor cost standards. And in the absence of initial regulatory data, the duration of all processes and work can be established by various methods, including the use of expert estimates.
The following methods can be used to determine the duration of activities contained in network models.
According to current standards, with the help of which the duration of a wide variety of labor, technological and production processes can be most accurately justified at each enterprise.
According to the achieved labor productivity, on the basis of which it is possible to establish the duration of previously performed work on various types of technological equipment.
According to expert estimates, which are usually used to determine the duration of newly designed original works.
In the process of network planning, expert estimates of the duration of upcoming work are usually established by responsible executors. For each job, as a rule, several time estimates are given: minimum, maximum and most probable. If you determine the duration of work by only one time estimate, then it may turn out to be far from reality and lead to disruption of the entire progress of work according to the network schedule. Estimated duration of work is expressed in man-hours, man-days or other units of time. The most probable time estimate obtained cannot be accepted as a standard indicator of the expected time to complete each job, since in most cases this assessment is subjective and largely depends on the experience of the responsible performer of the work. Therefore, to determine the expected completion time for each job, expert estimates are subject to statistical processing. Assuming that the probability of the duration of any job corresponds to the law of normal distribution, the expected time of its completion can be calculated using the following formula:

Tz= (8)

The duration of the expected time with an acceptable error not exceeding 1% can be calculated using two estimates:

Tz= (9)

The average work duration values ​​calculated using the formulas allow us to consider the probabilistic model of the network schedule as deterministic. The found average values ​​of the expected duration of work must be reflected on the network diagram. Based on them, further calculation of the most important parameters of the network diagram is made.

Calculation of planned indicators of network diagrams,
optimization of network plans

The main parameters of network models are the planned cost and time indicators for the implementation of both individual processes and the entire complex of works. Each work provided for in the network schedule requires for its implementation a certain amount of working time, material, labor, financial and other production resources. Planning the needs of various resources in network models comes down mainly to developing a schedule for the supply of resources necessary to complete the specified work packages. Any schedule that meets the conditions of the network model and resource restrictions is valid. The best feasible plan according to the selected comparison criterion can be considered optimal. Depending on the chosen optimality criterion and the existing resource limitations, the problem of their rational distribution can be reduced to minimizing deviations from the deadlines specified by the network model design work subject to existing restrictions on the use of production resources.
Consequently, the main planned parameters in network models include such time indicators as: duration of work, critical path, time reserves for events.
For each i-th event the following are established:
1) early date of occurrence of the i-th event – ​​Tni (as the earliest possible date of occurrence of the event within the given duration of work). The calculation of early deadlines for events is carried out from initial to final in this way:
Tni=to-i(max to-i),
where max to-i is the maximum execution time of all work leading to this event.
2) late date occurrence of an event - Tpi (the latest possible date for the occurrence of an event that does not, however, disrupt the deadlines for subsequent work). The late date for the completion of events is determined by the difference between the duration of the critical path and the maximum duration of the paths following the given (i-th) event to the final one according to the following formula:
Tni=Lcr-ti-c(max ti-c),
where Lcr is the duration of the critical path; max ti-c - the maximum duration of the path from this event to the final one.
In this case, the early period (Tp) is equal to the duration of the maximum path preceding this event. And the late period (Tn) is the difference between the duration of the critical path and the duration of the maximum path following this event to the final one.
In addition, for each job, the early and late finish of the job and the time reserve are determined.
The time reserve for completing an event is a period of time by which the completion of this event can be delayed without violating the deadlines for completing project work planned by the network schedule. The time reserve for the completion of each event is determined by the difference between the late and early deadlines for the completion of this event according to the following formula:

where Tni is the early date of occurrence of the i-th event, Tpi is the late date of occurrence of the event.

The difference between the length of the critical path and any other path is called total slack.


The total reserve of a path shows how much in total the duration of all jobs belonging to a given path can be increased.
An important planning property of a full slack time is the fact that it can be used partially or completely to increase the duration of any work. In this case, naturally, the time reserve for all other jobs lying on this path decreases, since the full time reserve belongs to all jobs located on this path. The performed calculations of the main parameters of network diagrams should be used in the analysis and optimization of network strategic plans.
The analysis of the created network models is recognized, first of all, to identify the possibility of achieving planned strategic and tactical goals, assess the socio-economic efficiency of the final results and find real ways to optimize the use of limited production resources. In the practice of strategic planning, depending on the specific conditions of enterprises or firms, optimization of network diagrams is divided into private and complex. The main types of private optimization are two well-known economic approaches: minimizing the execution time of a set of planned works at a given project cost; minimizing the cost of the entire complex of works for a given project completion time.
Complex optimization of network models consists of finding the best ratios of indicators of the cost of economic resources and the timing of the planned work in relation to certain production conditions and restrictions. In market relations, important economic indicators such as maximum profit (income) from the production of goods and services, minimum consumption resources to implement plans, maximum performance labor of performers, minimum expenditure of working time to achieve the final goal, etc.
Let us first consider the optimization of network diagrams according to the criterion of minimizing the time spent on performing individual processes and the entire complex of work. The total time for completion of all work in the network model should be reduced primarily by reducing the critical path. This step is based on an analysis of the time schedule and does not require large expenditures of material and financial resources. Network analysis is carried out to equalize the duration of the busiest paths. In general, the intensity coefficient of any complete path is determined by the ratio of its duration (Li) to the critical path (Lcr):

Let us next consider ways to optimize network diagrams by minimizing the consumption of material resources. In general, the problem of planning various production resources can be reduced to determining the optimal rates of their consumption per unit of work performed or the distribution of available resources for the entire complex of work. One of possible ways shortening the critical path can serve as a redistribution of various resources from unstressed paths to execution critical works. At the same time, one should also keep in mind the fact that the excess saturation of critical work with resources is not unlimited, because there are certain resource limitations at each enterprise. The most important complex problem of optimizing network diagrams is cost minimization, which characterizes the lowest total costs for implementing the entire complex of planned work. This method is based on the economic assumption that the cost of performing a particular job is, other things being equal, inversely related to the amount of working time spent on it. If all planned work is carried out with the accuracy calculated in the network diagram, then the total cost of the developed project plan will be minimal. As work speeds up, costs increase, and as work slows down, costs decrease.
In network planning practice, if necessary, you can also implement comprehensive analysis resource, economic and financial feasibility of developed strategic and tactical plans.
The resource feasibility analysis is performed in two stages. At the first stage, the availability of resources for all work is established, at the second stage, methods for their rational use are developed.
The economic and financial feasibility of network models are closely related. An analysis of the economic feasibility of design work is necessary to justify the duration of their implementation, at which the greatest financial result or total income from the implementation of the project plan can be achieved.
Analysis of the resource, economic and financial feasibility of the strategic plan is carried out in a similar sequence, but always taking into account the specifics of the implementation of each stage. If the project will use only your own production resources, then you should immediately draw up a plan for their delivery to the performers’ workplaces. In the absence of available resources, a procurement plan must be developed in order to ensure timely completion of the set of planned works by all divisions of the company.
Thus, the basis for network planning is reliable planning and economic information or a system of progressive economic standards applied both at the stage of developing a strategic project and at the stage of operational management of the progress of work. The tasks of operational planning include periodic monitoring of the progress of actual work execution according to the network schedule, identification and analysis of emerging changes and discrepancies between the planned and actual state of work, development and adoption of planning and management decisions that ensure timely completion of a set of works.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Russian state professional

Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Economics and Management


by discipline

"Production management"

on the topic: “Operational production planning”

Completed by student: Vidutskaya E. A.

Group: ZPD-401

Ekaterinburg 2014




The task of operational production planning is to organize coordinated and comprehensive work of all production units to produce and produce a given range of products in established volumes and terms with the best use of all production resources.

By creating conditions for proportional development of production, operational planning should be focused on achieving final results - timely release of high-quality products and increasing production efficiency.

Operational planning must meet the following requirements and principles: be based on progressive schedule standards, which in turn are the basis for calendar schedules for production and release of products; ensure the necessary coordination in the work of production departments and the saturation of all stages of production with complete supplies; promote the best use of production assets; provide for the possibility of carrying out alternative calculations and obtaining optimal solutions; have flexibility and the ability to restructure in connection with the dynamism of production; correspond to the organizational type of production; have the ability to quickly respond to all disturbing factors during production, minimizing the time between the occurrence of a situation requiring a decision and the implementation of control action.

The main feature of the operational planning system is the linkage of partial processes that are carried out by individual production units, thereby achieving a coordinated flow of production.

Operational planning is the implementation of the current activities of economic planning services over a short period, for example, development of an annual production program, drawing up quarterly enterprise budgets, monitoring and adjusting the results obtained, etc.

Operational production planning is the final link in the planned work at the enterprise - the continuation and specification of the tasks of the technical industrial and financial plan. It consists of developing, on the basis of annual plans, specific production tasks for short periods of time both for the enterprise as a whole and for its divisions and in the operational regulation of production progress according to operational accounting and control data. A feature of this type of planning is the combination of developing planned tasks with organizing their implementation.

The task of operational and production planning is to organize uniform, rhythmic, mutually coordinated work of all production divisions of the enterprise to ensure timely implementation of the state plan with economical use of resources and high quality products, i.e. achieving the best final production results.

Operational planning consists of scheduling and dispatching (operational regulation).

The scope of work on operational planning includes: development of progressive calendar and planning standards for production flow;

drawing up operational plans and schedules for workshops, sections, teams and workplaces and communicating them to the immediate executors; operational accounting and control of production progress, prevention and identification of deviations from planned plans and schedules and ensuring stabilization of production progress.

Scheduling includes the distribution of annual planned tasks by production departments and deadlines, as well as communication of established indicators to specific performers of work. With its help, daily shift assignments are developed, and the sequence of work performed by individual performers is agreed upon. The initial data for the development of calendar plans are the annual production volumes, the labor intensity of the work performed, the timing of delivery of goods to the market and other indicators of the socio-economic plans of the enterprise. When implementing the developed calendar plan, operational records are kept of the progress of its implementation - information on the actual implementation of the plan is collected, processed and transferred to the relevant services of the enterprise.

Based on the information received, dispatching is carried out, which consists of identifying and eliminating emerging deviations from the planned progress of production, taking measures to ensure the complete progress of production, the best use of working time and material resources, high utilization of equipment and workplaces.

Operational planning of production at the place of its implementation is divided into inter-shop and intra-shop. Intershop planning ensures the development, regulation and control of the implementation of plans for the production and sale of products by all workshops of the enterprise, and also coordinates the work of basic, design and technological, economic planning and other functional services. The content of intra-shop planning is the development of operational plans and the drawing up of current work schedules for production sites, production lines and individual workplaces based on annual plans for the production and sale of products from the main workshops of the enterprise.

In modern production, various operational planning systems are widespread, determined by both internal factors and external market conditions. In the economic literature, the system of operational production planning is usually understood as a set of various methods of planning work technologies, characterized by the degree of centralization, the object of regulation, the composition of calendar and planned indicators, the procedure for accounting and movement of products and registration of accounting documentation. A prerequisite for the effective functioning of an operational production planning system is the presence of a well-founded regulatory framework, which includes, in particular: calendar and planning standards, material consumption standards, production capacity utilization standards, and production material security standards. The choice of one or another operational planning system in market conditions is determined mainly by the volume of demand for products and services, costs and planning results, scale and type of production.

Consequently, planning is a method of economic foresight and programming based on detailed calculations. The enterprise plan, on the one hand, contains tasks for the future of each employee, and on the other, instructions for managers about management decisions that they must make step by step, helping the team achieve their goal.

2. Types and systems of operational planning

Operational planning is designed to ensure timely and high-quality implementation of annual tasks provided for by plans for the socio-economic development of an enterprise or firm. Current planning at an enterprise is usually closely related to operational and management decisions aimed at the rational distribution of production resources to achieve the intended strategic goals. It covers the short and medium term periods of production and economic activity of the enterprise. Operational planning refers to the implementation of the current activities of economic planning services over a short period, for example, the development of an annual production program, the preparation of quarterly enterprise budgets, control and adjustment of received budgets. At industrial enterprises, it is customary to distinguish between several types and systems of operational planning.

Depending on the scope of application, operational planning at most machine-building enterprises is divided into inter-shop and intra-shop planning. Intershop planning ensures the development, regulation and control of the implementation of plans for the production and sale of products by all workshops of the enterprise, and also coordinates the work of the main and auxiliary workshops, design and technological, economic planning and other functional services. At machine-building enterprises, as a rule, production programs are developed and issued by workshops by planning services for the next year with a quarterly and monthly breakdown. The content of intra-shop planning is the development of operational plans and the drawing up of current work schedules for production sites, production lines and individual workplaces based on annual plans for the production and sale of products of the main annual plans for the production and sale of products of the main workshops of the enterprise.

In modern production, various operational planning systems are widespread, determined by both internal factors and external market conditions. In the economic literature, the system of operational production planning is usually understood as a set of various methods and technologies of planned work, characterized by the degree of centralization, the object of regulation, the composition of calendar and planned indicators, the procedure for accounting and movement of products and the preparation of accounting documentation. This system is a set of methods and methods for calculating the main planning and organizational indicators necessary to regulate the process of production and consumption of goods and services in order to achieve planned market results with minimal expenditure of economic resources and working time.

The main characteristics of any operational planning system include: methods for compiling calendar tasks for departments of the enterprise, the procedure for coordinating and interrelating the work of workshops and sections, the selected planning and accounting unit, the duration of the planning period, methods and techniques for calculating planned indicators, and the composition of accompanying documentation. The choice of one or another operational planning system in market conditions is determined mainly by the volume of demand for products and services, costs and planning results, scale and type of production, organizational structure of the enterprise and other factors. The best known at present are detailed, custom-made and packaged operational planning systems and their varieties, used in many large domestic enterprises and foreign companies, as well as in small and medium-sized businesses.

The detailed planning system is designed for highly organized and stable production conditions. According to this system of operations and production processes for each part for a certain planned period - hour, shift, day, week. The detailed system is based on precise planning of the tact and rhythm of work of production lines and production backlogs and their constant maintenance during the production process at a strict calculated level. The use of this system requires the development of complex calendar and operational plans containing indicators of production volume and the route of movement of parts of each item through all production stages and technological operations. Therefore, it is advisable to use detailed planning when there is a limited range of products, which occurs in conditions of large-scale and mass or low-production production. operational planning long-term detailed

The order-by-order operational planning system is used mainly in single and small-scale production with its developed nomenclature and a small volume of manufactured products and production services. In this case, the object of planning, or the main planning and accounting unit, is a separate production unit, which includes several similar works of a specific consumer-customer. This planning system is based on calculations of the duration of production cycles and lead standards, with the help of which the deadlines required by the customer or the market for completion of both individual processes or works, and the entire order as a whole, are established.

The complex system is mainly used in serial engineering production. As the main planning and accounting unit, various parts included in an assembly unit or a general set of goods, grouped according to certain characteristics, are used. With an integrated planning system, calendar assignments for production divisions are developed by assignments for production divisions are developed not according to individual parts, but according to enlarged groups or sets of parts for a unit, machine, order or a certain amount of work and services. This system helps reduce the labor intensity of both planning and calculation work and the organizational and managerial activities of the personnel of the linear and functional services of the enterprise. With this system, the flexibility of operational planning, current control and regulation of production progress significantly increases, which, in conditions of market uncertainty, serves as an important means for the enterprise to stabilize production.

In addition to the three operational planning systems considered, domestic enterprises use such subsystems as planning by production cycle, by backlog, by advance, and to warehouse.

Planning according to the product release cycle involves equalizing the duration of technological operations at all stages of the overall production process in accordance with a single estimated time for performing interrelated work. Tact in this case serves as the most important planning and economic regulator of the progress of production in the workplace.

Inventory planning involves maintaining at the required estimated level the stock of blanks, semi-finished products and components intended for further processing and assembly at each stage of production. To ensure the rhythmic operation of interconnected production backlogs, which represent an appropriate stock of workpieces. By purpose, reserves can be technological, transport, insurance, inter-operational or inter-cycle. The backlog size can be set in parts or days. The total normal stock is usually taken equal to the sum of all the components of the stocks of blanks and parts.

Advance planning is characterized by the distribution and grouping of parts and work according to production dates and the organization of their timely production and transfer to the appropriate stages of production, depending on the estimated time advances. Leading refers to the calendar period of time by which each previous part or stage of the production process must advance the next in order for it to be completed on schedule in relation to the final stage of processing or assembly of parts. In this system, a planning accounting unit can be a separate part or an assembly unit of a product.

Planning for a warehouse or market is carried out when products are released and delivered for sale in significant volumes with low labor intensity and a small number of technological operations. With this system, the planning and production department determines the required number of finished parts, which must constantly be at the intermediate or final stages of production and sale of products.

Estimated product inventories must be continuously maintained at a level that ensures uninterrupted production or sales of products.

Further development of operational planning at domestic enterprises will help solve the following organizational and economic problems:

Achieving coordinated work at all levels of production on the basis of a single market goal, providing for uniform production and sale of goods;

Improving all intra-company planning systems by increasing the reliability of calendar and planning calculations and reducing labor intensity;

Increasing the flexibility and efficiency of on-farm planning based on more complete consideration of consumer requirements and subsequent adjustment of annual plans;

Ensuring continuity in the production planning process and achieving closer interaction between strategic, tactical and operational plans;

Creation at each enterprise of a system of operational production planning that meets modern market requirements and the level of development of a particular enterprise;

Improving operational production planning at domestic enterprises will contribute to an increase in production and increased efficiency in the conditions of current market relations.

3. Development of operational production plans

Operational production planning consists of developing the most important volumetric calendar indicators of the production and economic activities of the enterprise. Any process of operational planning involves the implementation by economists-managers of such stages of activity as the choice of an enterprise development strategy, justification of the form of organization of production, determination of the logistics scheme for the movement of material flows, development of basic calendar and planning standards, operational planning of the work of production units, organizational preparation of production, direct organization of operational work, ongoing monitoring and regulation of production progress.

In operational production planning, depending on the indicators being developed, the following basic methods are used: volumetric, calendar, as well as their varieties: volumetric-calendar and volumetric-dynamic.

The volumetric method is designed to distribute the annual production and sales volumes of an enterprise's products into individual divisions and shorter time intervals - quarter, month, decade, week, day and hour. With its help, monthly production programs of the main workshops are formed and the timing of product release or order fulfillment is planned in all manufacturing departments of the enterprise.

The calendar method is used to plan specific timeframes for the launch and release of products, standards for the duration of the production cycle and advances in the production of individual works relative to the release of head products intended for sale on the corresponding product market. This method is based on the use of progressive time standards for calculating production cycles for the manufacture of individual parts, planned sets of products and assembly processes.

The volume-calendar method allows you to simultaneously plan the timing and volume of work performed at the enterprise as a whole for the entire stipulated period of time - a year, a quarter, a month, etc. With its help, the duration of the production cycle for the release and delivery of products to the market is calculated, as well as the load indicators of technological equipment and assembly stands in each division of the enterprise.

The volumetric-dynamic method provides for the close interaction of such planned indicators as timing, volumes and dynamics of production of products, goods and services. In market conditions, this method makes it possible to most fully take into account the volume of demand and production capabilities of the enterprise and creates a planning and organizational basis for the optimal use of available resources at each enterprise.

In accordance with the considered methods, it is necessary to distinguish between types of operational production planning: calendar, volumetric and mixed.

Thus, we can say that the main task of operational planning ultimately comes down to ensuring the well-coordinated and rhythmic progress of all production processes at the enterprise in order to best meet the basic needs of the market, rational use of available economic resources and maximize profits.

4. The essence and stages of long-term planning

The basis of strategic enterprise management is long-term planning. A market economy differs from an administrative-command economy not by the abolition of planning, but by a radical change in its role, content, forms and methods.

During the transition to a market economy, the subject of planning first of all changes. Only the owner or an entrepreneur authorized by him, working under a contract and responsible for the results of business activities, can accept the plan. This means that the state can only plan what is paid for by budgetary investments, federal, regional and municipal programs and contracts, or is carried out by budgetary organizations. For most enterprises, the state plan contains only forecasts and guidelines indicating the most appropriate areas of development that are stimulated with the help of tax and other incentives.

In terms of content, long-term planning of an enterprise in new conditions usually includes a long-term forecast for 5-15 years (an informed probabilistic assumption about changes in the structure and demands of the market, equipment and production technology and their socio-economic consequences), a development plan for 3-5 years with a breakdown by year and targeted programs for solving the most important problems.

Enterprises forecast demand and prices in various market segments, the competitiveness of business areas, the volume of product sales, and on this basis they provide structural units with key guidelines for updating products and technology, basic information about the required quality and range of products. The purpose of such planning is the coordination of various directions of development of the company, structural changes, expansion of effective and curtailment of unprofitable production.

Based on the strategic plan, functional (resource saving, computerization of management, etc.) and market-product programs are developed, their managers are appointed, the costs of each program and the total need for resources are estimated. Then the programs are ranked by efficiency, and the most profitable ones are selected based on the company’s capabilities. After this, investments are distributed between programs and structural units.

Changes in the procedure (order) for developing a plan are associated with the transition from single-variant planning (based on target figures for product deliveries) to multi-variant planning. When comparing options that differ in production structure (product range, technologies and sources of supply), resource distribution schedules by type of product or strategic business segment are used. They allow you to choose the option with the highest amount of profit for a given amount of expenses (with limited current assets).

In general, long-term planning at an enterprise includes the following stages:

Forecasting the development of a company based on marketing research and assessing its competitiveness.

Identification of the main problems hindering the improvement of market positions, justification of options for resolving them, assessment of the possible consequences of a particular choice.

Development of a long-term plan that sets development goals and corresponding regulatory indicators.

Targeted programs for strategic management zones.

Methods for developing and managing target programs at an enterprise are discussed in special works. One of the leading specialists is appointed to manage the program.

The relevant sections of plans for technical development, material support and other areas of activity include tasks that allow achieving the corresponding indicators for each program.

Each program must clearly formulate its economic and social goals, final results and stage-by-stage milestones for their achievement, quantitative and qualitative indicators for each stage. At the same time, the technical and technical-economic parameters of individual technologies and their enlarged groups, the prospective volume of sales, their labor intensity, capital intensity, material intensity and capital intensity, and the payback period of investments are predicted.


The tasks that are solved during operational planning are most closely connected with all aspects of the economic and social development of the team, with the process of direct creation of material wealth.

Management of operational planning at an enterprise is carried out at levels and depends on the type of production, the nature of the organization of production processes, both combined and unified forms are used. The effectiveness of operational planning at an enterprise depends on the use of the most appropriate systems and forms of planning for a given enterprise, workshop, site, which aim to find the most optimal solution in specific production conditions.

This paper examined some types of operational planning.

List of used literature

1. Alekseev A.I., Vasiliev Yu.V., Maleeva A.V. Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity. - M.: KnoRus, 2010. - 718 p.

2. Artemenko V.G., Anisimova N.V. Economic analysis. - M.: KnoRus, 2010. - 288 p.

3. Buzyrev V.V., Gusev E.V., Savelyeva I.P. Planning at a construction enterprise. - M.: KnoRus, 2010. - 536 p.

4. Bukhalkov M.I. Enterprise planning. - M.: Infra-M, 2009. - 416 p.

5. Weiss E.S., Vasiltsova V.M. Enterprise planning. - M.: KnoRus, 2010.- 336 p.

6. Goremykin V.A. Enterprise planning. - M.: Yurayt, 2010. - 704 p.

7. Kotlyarov I.D. Enterprise planning. - M.: Eksmo, 2010. - 336 p.

8. Kurganskaya N.I., Volkova N.V., Vishnevskaya O.V. Planning and analysis of production activities. - Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2008. - 320 p.

9. Novitsky N.I. Pashuto V.P. Organization, planning and production management. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2007. - 576 p.

10. Odintsova L.A. Enterprise planning. - M.: Academy, 2009. - 272 p.

11. Radchenko Yu.V. Analysis of financial statements. - Growth on/D.: Phoenix, 2007. - 192 p.

12. Ryazanova V.A., Lyushina E.Yu. Organization and planning of production. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 272 p.

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Operational production planning is the final stage of in-plant planning. It should ensure the specification and detailing of the production program, its timely delivery to the performers (shops, sites, workplaces), as well as the achievement of coordinated work of all departments of the enterprise.

The main functions of operational production planning are:

§ development of calendar-planned production flow standards (production cycle duration, backlog size, etc.);

§ volumetric calculations (loading of equipment and space);

§ drawing up operational programs for main production workshops, operational accounting and monitoring the progress of their implementation; control over the state of work in progress in workshops and inter-shop warehouses;

§ prompt regulation of production progress, identification of deviations and implementation of measures to eliminate them; control over the provision of workshops with scarce materials, tools, containers, purchased products, and transport;

§ preparation and holding of dispatch meetings, etc.

Operational and production planning (OPP) is a system of measures aimed at specifying the technical and economic plan in time and space. It is an integral part of in-plant planning and is designed to provide solutions to a wide range of problems. The main tasks are the following:

1 – detailing and distribution of the production program and other plan indicators according to the time of their implementation. The solution to this problem should ensure uniform loading of equipment, production space, labor, and compliance with the deadlines for delivery of finished products established by contracts;

2 – specification and communication of tasks to workshops (inter-shop planning), sections, teams and workplaces, indicating deadlines for completing tasks;

3 – development of progressive calendar and planning standards (determining the duration of the production cycle, optimal batch sizes for the manufacture of parts and production, the size of backlogs, etc.);

4 – provision of workplaces with raw materials, materials, workpieces, parts, equipment, devices, tools;

5 – drawing up schedules for the movement of objects of labor in time and space and bringing them to the performers;

6 – coordination of the work of associated workshops, sections, teams, workplaces;

7 – control and regulation (dispatching) of production progress.

Operational and production planning is carried out in two interrelated areas - scheduling and dispatching. Scheduling includes: calculations of equipment load by workshop and by type, determination of calendar standards for the movement of the production process; development of calendar schedules for the launch and release of products; drawing up operational plans for teams, shifts, workshops and operational preparation of production (providing raw materials, materials, workpieces, tools, technical documentation).

Dispatching is a continuous accounting, control and regulation of production progress in accordance with production schedules. Operational and production planning, depending on the scale of the departments for which it is carried out, is divided into inter-shop and intra-shop planning. Inter-shop planning ensures the development and delivery of operational tasks to the shops, controls, regulates and coordinates their work. In the process of inter-shop operational calendar planning, quarterly, monthly and intra-monthly (by five-day, daily, shift, one-hour) operational tasks for individual workshops are established, calendar planning standards are developed and the implementation of operational programs by workshops is taken into account. Intra-shop planning solves the same issues within the workshop (by shift, area, workplace).

At metallurgical enterprises, the functions of inter-shop planning are performed by the production dispatch department (PDO), and intra-shop planning by the production dispatch bureau (PDB) of the shops. The production department at large enterprises is headed, as a rule, by the deputy director for production.

The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of the PPP are:

· rhythmic work of the team and uniform production;

· level of use of means of production and labor;

· minimum duration of the production cycle;

· minimum inventories of work in progress.

Coursework on the topic:

Operational planning of enterprise production

Firsova I.A. Glukhova A.

Chapter 1. Planning methodology in a market economy

1.1 Subject, content, goals and objectives of the discipline

In the broadest sense of the word, planning is setting goals for any system or subsystem. The importance of planning the activities of an enterprise is expressed in the well-known aphorism: “To plan or to be planned,” that is, an enterprise that does not know how or does not consider it necessary to plan its activities, itself becomes an object of planning, a means of achieving someone else’s goals. Planning as an economic category can be considered from an economic and managerial position.

From a general economic perspective, planning is one of the methods for regulating production proportions. For many years, centralized planning was the main regulatory mechanism in the economy of our country. However, in market conditions, the main regulator of production is the law of value. Today at different countries Depending on the specific economic situation, the use of the planning mechanism to regulate the economy is carried out in different ways. On an enterprise scale, planning has been and remains the main mechanism for regulating production proportions.

From the standpoint of production management, planning is one of the main management functions. The main control influence of the subject on the object occurs through the planning function, since with the help of planning the functioning or development of the system occurs. In intra-production planning, an enterprise is considered as a multi-level system in which the control object of a higher system turns into a control subject of a lower system (for example, a foreman reports to the shop manager, a shop manager reports to the production director, etc.), and at the same time, in each of them, the planning functions.

Planning is the process of designing the desired future, the end result of which is planning decisions - the basis for subsequent purposeful activities. Planning is a continuous process that brings planned decisions closer to the real capabilities of the enterprise.

The essence of planning in market conditions is to bring the greatest income to the enterprise, with the skillful use of available resources.

1.2 The place of discipline in the system of training economists-managers

Planning at the enterprise is carried out by managers of all levels of management, engineers - economists, specialists - managers of various categories, executive planners of the corresponding line departments and functional services. At each enterprise, the level of on-farm planning and financial condition depend on the applied theoretical principles, methodological provisions, methodological recommendations and regulatory materials, as well as on the composition of the personnel, their economic knowledge and professional skills, the degree of development of labor potential and entrepreneurial abilities.

Modern Russian enterprises need economists and highly qualified managers. A manager must not only be theoretically literate in the field of market economics, but also have practical skills in the field labor activity, entrepreneurship, to effectively use production resources, to ensure maximum profit for the enterprise.

One of the first people to write a comprehensive book about what managers do was a Frenchman named Henri Fayol. He was a mining engineer and then became managing director of a company that owned an unprofitable coal mine. Under his leadership, the company achieved enormous success. Fayol's work was called "General and Industrial Management", which discusses the elements and functions of management. Fayol identified five functions:

1. Planning is forecasting and preparing for the future. Failure to plan means managerial incompetence.

2. Organization is providing the business with everything necessary for functioning; an important element here is the training of the manager.

3. Team activity is a means of performing organizational work - managing subordinates.

4. Coordination – harmonization of activities to achieve success.

5. Control-checking to ensure that everything goes as planned.

Based on research, it appears that lower echelon managers spend the lion's share of their time actually doing the work. Middle and senior managers, it turns out, spend much more time on actually doing work than on planning, organizing work and controlling. Moreover, they spend a significant amount of time talking with people. In theory, most senior managers should spend most of their time planning, some time organizing, some time controlling, and very little time actually doing the work.

The main features of a manager’s professional activity include:

· increased responsibility of the subject of management for the consequences of decisions made;

· the influence of the manager’s personal qualities on the content of the decision;

· increased requirements for the level of professionalism, moral and business qualities of a leader;

· high level risk that is important not only for the manager himself, but also for the organization as a whole;

· intensity of contacts of the subject of management with other people;

· significant conflict potential in the interaction between a manager and a subordinate;

The American model of a manager presupposes the presence of the following roles: policeman, arbiter, analyst, person who says “no,” a person who formulates the goals of the organization. In Japan, an outstanding manager must be: a psychologist, an organizer, a controller, a mentor, an adviser, an instructor, an expert, a comrade, a friend, a leader, an informant, a critic, a humorist, a psychotherapist. In progress practical guide In an organization, the manager focuses on one or more of these roles, depending on education, individual professional experience in the relevant field, the duration of work in a specific position, and the level of management. If a manager is well professionally trained in the field of activity of his subordinates, has long experience in the organization, he primarily plays the role of a mentor, teacher, educator, advisor, instructor, expert, consultant and specialist. It should be borne in mind that in all cases the leading role for the manager remains the role of the organizer.

Let's consider the roles of an organization manager, adapted to modern Russian conditions:

· positive leader - directs his actions to ensure that employees become not just an arithmetic sum of people with their own problems and interests, but also a cohesive team aimed at creating the fulfillment of a social task, so that all the positive effects of the social organization for which people unite in it are manifested for the organization to become effective;

· integrator - manager has a structuring effect on the employees of the organization, the organization itself, its connections with the outside world, which represent the scope of the organization’s goals;

· administrator - uses his administrative powers to achieve the goals of the organization, acts in strict accordance with regulations, participates in the implementation of personnel policies;

· organizer - demonstrates the ability to skillfully determine the prerequisites and goals of an activity, select performers, distribute functions among them in accordance with their abilities, experience and inclinations, set tasks for them, distribute responsibility, correctly place emphasis in activities, allocate the necessary resources, and then coordinate activities subordinates;

· a professional manager has knowledge, experience in a specific area of ​​practical activity, the ability to formulate criteria for evaluating activities, carry out its planning, provide instructions, and analyze the progress of the decision;

· specialist-manager independently effectively carries out professional activity, solves a specific problem, sets a personal example for a subordinate;

· manager - psychologist - carries out activities aimed at involving the team, taking into account the characteristics of the subordinate’s psyche in the process of communication, exchanging information with subordinates, when setting goals and objectives for activities in front of subordinates and the team as a whole, when distributing responsibilities, when assessing work results, when determining measures of reward and punishment;

· manager – educator – develops in employees a sense of official duty and their assimilation of elements of corporate culture.

In accordance with this, there are basic requirements of the modern market for a manager who must have the necessary professional knowledge and practical skills in the field of the chosen type of production or entrepreneurial activity, which include:

· research the market and determine the types and volumes of production of goods, works, and services that are in high demand;

· predict the dynamics of supply and demand and the level of market prices for manufactured products, taking into account changes in the internal and external environment;

· develop short-term and long term goals and strategic plans for the development of the enterprise and its structural divisions;

· choose optimal methods, forms and systems for planning, organizing and managing production in market conditions;