Basic rules for reading in English table. Basic types of vowel reading

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English transcription

Pronunciation of English sounds.

Pronunciation of English vowels.

Pronunciation English sounds represented by Russian letters, you should understand what to convey the correct English pronunciation using the Russian alphabet is not possible.

  • ɑː long, deep a
  • ʌ short vowel a, as in the Russian word run.
  • ɒ = ɔ - short, open about
  • ɔː - long o
  • Зː - long vowel ё, as in the Russian word hedgehog.
  • æ - open e
  • e - like e in the word these
  • ə - vague unstressed sound, similar to e
  • iː - long and
  • ɪ - short, open and
  • ʊ = u - short u, pronounced with a slight rounding of the lips.
  • uː - long u pronounced without a strong rounding of the lips.

Two-vowel sounds

Pronunciation of English consonants.

  • p - n
  • b - b
  • m - m
  • f - f
  • v - in
  • s - with
  • z - s
  • t - resembles the Russian sound t, pronounced when the tongue is at the gums.
  • d - resembles the Russian sound d, pronounced when the tongue is at the gums.
  • n - resembles the Russian sound n, pronounced when the tongue is at the gums.
  • l - resembles the Russian sound l, pronounced when the tongue is at the gums.
  • r - very solid sound spoken without vibration of the tongue. Corresponds to the sound p in the word lot
  • ʃ - soft Russian sh
  • ʒ - soft Russian, like in the word yeast.
  • - h
  • ʤ - similar to the Russian sound j (voiced ch)
  • k - to
  • h - inhale, reminiscent of a weakly pronounced sound x
  • ju - long yu in southern
  • je - the sound e in the word spruce
  • jɔ - the sound ё in the word tree
  • jʌ - the sound I in the word yama
  • j - resembles the Russian sound before the vowel sounds. Occurs in combination with vowels.

English consonants that do not have an approximate match in Russianː

  • w - formed with rounded lips (as with a whistle). It sounds like a sound uttered with lips alone. In translation, it is indicated by the letters в or у ː W illiams - Williams, Williams.
  • ƞ - Open your mouth and say n without closing your mouth.
  • ɵ - Pull out the slightly spread tip of your tongue between your teeth and pronounce Russian with
  • ð - Pull out the slightly spread tip of your tongue between your teeth and pronounce Russian z

Reading rules in English language cannot be called simple. But you have to understand them at the very beginning of the training - otherwise you will not be able to advance further. Therefore, the rules for reading English for beginners (and for children) are usually laid out succinctly and clearly - and thanks for that. Transcriptions with examples and others are very helpful auxiliary materials(tables, exercises) and, of course, constant practice (reading aloud and listening).

Transcription- this is the transfer of sound in writing using special conventional signs. In transcription, each sound has its own special sign.

True, there are features of the transcription of reading in English, which are difficult for Russian-speaking students. These difficulties are due to objective differences in pronunciation in English and in Russian. We just have “the language is different” from childhood, and retraining is always not easy. Especially when you consider that often sounds in English are pronounced differently than they are written. Historically, this is due to a large number dialects in which the same letters and letter combinations were read differently. But it doesn't make it any easier for us.

Rules for reading transcription in English

Different English teachers solve this difficult task in different ways. For example, they use the so-called "English transcription in Russian", that is, the recording English words in Russian letters. To be honest, we do not support this technique. Because it doesn't allow you to truly learn English pronunciation correctly. You can only very approximately convey the pronunciation of English words in Russian letters. Well, there are no some English sounds in Russian, but the pronunciation of English and Russian sounds that is similar at first glance is still different.

Therefore, we are in favor of trying and still from the very beginning to learn the phonetic symbols with which transcriptions are written. This will help you understand and remember the rules for reading English for beginners. And then English lessons will be much easier. As for the transmission of English sounds in Russian letters, this technique is needed for transliteration (how), but not for pronunciation training.

Vowel reading rules in English

As we have already noted, letters and sounds in English often do not match. And there are much more sounds: 44 sounds for only 26 letters. Linguists even joke about this:

"We write Liverpool and we read Manchester"

So there is a great difference between the written word and its pronunciation in English. Well, let's start in order. With syllables that affect the reading of vowels. Syllables in English (as in any other) are open and closed:

  • Open the syllable ends in vowel... It can be in the middle of a word or it can be the last one in a word. For example: age, blue, bye, fly, go, etc.
  • Closed the syllable ends in consonant... He, too, can stand in the middle of a word or be the last in a word. For example: bed, big, box, hungry, stand, etc.

Here is a table that explains how the same letter is read differently in closed and open syllables and in different positions in a word:

Rules for reading consonants in English

Consonants in English are less complex than vowels. Only some of them (C, S, T, X and G) are read differently depending on the position in the word and adjacent sounds. And for clarity - again a table:

How are letter combinations read in English?

So, after the vowels and consonants, we got to the letter combinations. Now we will focus on the rules for reading syllables, not individual letters. And this is correct - after all, in words the letters are combined, so that we rarely have to read individual sounds. And in syllables, sounds affect each other, so the following table contains the basic rules for reading syllables and combinations of consonants:

look, book, cook, good, foot

[lʊk] [bʊk] [kʊk] [ɡʊd] [fʊt]

pool, school, Zoo, too

[puːl] [skuːl] [zuː] [tuː]

see, bee, tree, three, meet

[ˈSiː] [biː] [triː] [θriː] [miːt]


tea, meat, eat, read, speak

[tiː] [miːt] [iːt] [riːd] [spiːk]

bread, head, breakfast, healthy

[bred] [hed] [ˈbrekfəst] [ˈhelθi]

away, play, say, may

[əˈweɪ] [pleɪ] [ˈseɪ] [meɪ]

[ɡreɪ] [ˈðeɪ]

ink, thank, monkey, sink, bank

telephone, phonetics, phrase

she, bush, short, dish, fish, sheep, shook

catch, kitchen, watch, switch, stretch

at the beginning of service words; between vowels: these, that, there, mother, they, with, them, then

in combination th at the beginning and at the end of significant words: thick, thin, thanks, three, think, throw, fifth, tooth

what, why, when, while, white, where

who, whom, whose, whole, wholly

write, wrong, wrist, wrap, wrest, wrap

Live and other reading rules in English

All students have different language and listening abilities. If reading rules in English are difficult, use one of the techniques:

  • Living rules for reading English... This is a fairly well-known technique for teaching reading and pronunciation in English. It is designed mainly for children, and the rules English reading submitted to the maximum available. Memorization is made easier by funny poems and tongue twisters. It makes sense to try in order to interest the child in English from the very beginning of the study.
  • English learning apps... We have recently discussed a number of. In most of them, you can not only read, but also listen to new words. Online translators have this same feature - use it more often.
  • Reading Rule Exercises... There are many of them, but they all boil down to training the skill to distinguish between different sounds. For example:

Given a list of words ( what, who, wrestling, when, why, whose, wrong, where, whom, write, white, which, whole, wrangler). You need to distribute these words into groups with the sound that is pronounced in them: [w], [h] or [r].

Or words from another list ( give, good, cage, ginger, girl, gypsy, gold, gray, grace, beige, gift, gymnastics) distribute into two groups: one with sound [g], the second with sound.

Reading rule exercises may seem daunting, but don't try to do them by memorizing each rule. Better try to understand not the rules, but the principles of reading English sounds. Do some reading rule exercises so you know exactly how certain words of the same type are read. The more you read and listen in English, the easier it will be to remember the correct pronunciation.

So our main advice is universal: practice, practice and again practice of communicating and reading in English will help you learn the language easily and effectively!

It is not easy to learn to read English correctly, because the rules for reading each individual letter in this language directly depend on its position in the word. For example, the vowel "a", depending on the "neighbors" can transmit two different sounds: a - date or a [ǽ] - bag. Combinations of letters can also be pronounced differently. Today we will look at the basic living rules of reading the English language, including vowels and combinations. How to Read English Correctly There are a lot of words in English that you just need to remember, as they defy the rules. There are also many exceptions, including from the pronunciation rules, How to pronounce English sounds correctly, which also need to be memorized. Plus, you also need to learn how to pronounce phonemes that have no analogues in Russian. Nevertheless, for almost a billion people on Earth, English is a foreign language that they have studied and learned.

it great amount people learned to read correctly in a foreign language and pronounce "other people's" sounds. With perseverance and diligence, it is not difficult to acquire any skill. Therefore, set yourself up for fun videos or text lessons and interesting exercises to learn not only the living rules of reading English, but you can also acquire a good British or American pronunciation.

As I already said, vowels can convey several phonemes at once, depending on which type of syllable they are included in. It is very difficult to trace these patterns. Yet their reading can be roughly divided into two categories: stressed vowels and unstressed vowels. Drum pronunciation rules:

  • In an open (go) or conditionally open (polea) syllable, vowels are read the same as they are called in the alphabet
  • In a closed syllable, vowels convey short sounds
  • When after a vowel there is a letter "r" or "r" and a consonant, then a long sound is pronounced
  • When the vowel is followed by "re" or "r" and a vowel, it is read as a triphthong or diphthong

This table will most clearly show you these rules:

Letter Open syllable Closed sound "R" or "r" + acc. "Re" or "r" + vowel.
A date [æ] bag car [εə] care
O [əu] nose [ɔ] got [ɔ:] north [ɔ:] more
U tube [ʌ] stuff [ɜ:] purlin ["p∂: ®lin] pure
E she [∫i] [e] shelf [∫elf] [ɜ:] her here
I five [i] big [ɜ:] girl fire
Y bye [i] myth [ɜ:] myrtle ["m∂: ®tl] tire

Download this table and print. She will become you good help while doing practical exercises. Reading rules Unstressed pronunciation rules:

  • The letters "e", "y", "i" are pronounced as [i], unless there is an "r" after them: divide
  • The vowels "a", "u", "o" without stress, as well as in prefixes and suffixes are read like the sound [∂]: glorious
  • The letter "i" before the vowel is pronounced [j]: union [`ju: nj∂n]
  • Vowels before "r" convey the sound [∂]: player [`plei∂ ®]

Do not forget to consolidate all the knowledge gained with the help of practical exercises. Watch an instructional video showing the position of the tongue and lips when pronouncing different phonemes.

Living rules for reading English

In fact, "Living Rules for Reading the English Language" is one of the best books on foreign reading and pronunciation from Ivanova Yu. A. In this tutorial, various English laws of pronunciation and reading are easily and easily explained. Each short lesson is immediately followed by hands-on and self-examination exercises with examples.

In the text and exercises, you will see assignments that you need to listen to or watch a video, and at the end of each page there is a link where you can get these additional materials. To make the exercises more interesting and exciting, the author diluted the rules with funny rhymes and funny tongue twisters to train pronunciation, which will be within the power of not only adults, but also children.

The book contains many practical, exciting and varied exercises designed to teach a beginner or child the basic laws of reading and by ear to distinguish sounds that are not characteristic of the Russian language. The self-instruction book may well be used by students who have just started mastering the language and want to comprehend its basic postulates. The publication is recommended for both group lessons and self-study.

For a comfortable further study foreign language, it is very important to get reading skills, the basic laws of pronunciation, to know a foreign alphabet and

Seemed impenetrable jungle since 26 dangerous predators hiding in the wilds. However, now you probably can easily name and arrange all the letters in the correct order, and even shine with a few facts that are not known to every philologist.

After reading this article, the topic of English transcription and pronunciation will be moved from the fear room to the laugh room. Today in the program:

Relieving your fear of reading and learning about graphic symbols
... acquaintance, memorization and memorization of diphthongs, vowels and consonants (classification of sounds), designed in unique tables
... pause for downloading and printing English transcriptions in pictures
... a clear and clear explanation of the use of English sounds by comparing them with Russian relatives
... consolidation of the passed material with a 10-minute video about English transcription

Are you still apprehensive? Then we are going to you!

Graphic symbols of transcription in English

Before plunging into the maelstrom of English reading with your head, we strongly recommend heeding the advice of experienced divers. Naturally, the child learns first to sit, and then to walk, and not vice versa - the same is for us: first, learn to read the transcription, and then pronounce it (in the head or out loud). You should not get carried away only with reading, otherwise you run the risk of digging into the jungle of theory and breaking away from practice.

First you need to learn and clarify all the questions regarding each transcription symbol. Then listen online exactly as many examples as you need for a clear and clear understanding of how this symbol sounds in live speech. Learn strictly from examples of sounds not taken out of context (like Rian's "uh-uh" in the hit "Umbrella"), but in a specific combination of letters found in words. Then, listen to each new word first and only then check what is caught by the ears with the literal dictionary transcription enclosed in square brackets. By the way, about them and other integral transcription companions:

Square brackets. They signal that transcription is inside.
For example, English is a word and ["ɪŋglɪʃ] is its transcription;

- main stress. Placed BEFORE a stressed vowel: around [əˈraʊnd];

, - secondary stress. Placed BEFORE a vowel: ["hæmˌbɜːgə];

: - vowel length.

The proposed option seems at first glance not the fastest, but the wise will not go up the hill - the wise will bypass the mountain. As a result, the time spent is converted into the comfort of speech perception: you no longer need to painfully strain your hearing, trying to recognize unfamiliar sounds. And soon unfamiliar "zakarlyuchki" will acquire a meaningful sound. Isn't it magical? This is the secret of not only correct pronunciation, but also the ease of listening to speech.

Foundation of English transcription

Since “it's great that we are all gathered here today” regarding the study of transcription, let's get to know it better. There are two types of transcription: phonetic and phonemic. You are mistaken if you think that phonetic transcription was / will be taught to a more familiar ear. She, as a rule, interests serious uncles and aunts of linguists, our choice is the study of phonemes (sound linguistic units). Simply put, if two sounds are very similar, but the difference between them can change the meaning of the word, then they form two different phonemes. In Russian it is not so noticeable, because call a cat, even if it is “cat” or even “koooooot”, he will come anyway, but the meaning of the word will not change. One phoneme for two different sounds. In English, the number will not work: "cot", "caught" and "coat" contain different phonemes. Why are there so many "smart letters"? Besides the fact that dictionaries contain phonemic transcriptions, remember this and do not be confused:

Pope(dad, papal):
1) is a phonetic transcription, it is emphasized here that the first [p], unlike the second, is pronounced with aspiration (aspirated after the consonants sounds p, t, k before vowels);
2) is a dictionary (phonemic) transcription.

What else do you need to know about transcription? That there is a different syllable in it:

- open
(there is no consonant after the vowel) - New
- closed(there is a consonant after the vowel) - York

- vowel: single - [e], diphthong - [ɔʊ], triphthong - [ɑiə]
- consonant:[d]

English vowel sounds (with online pronunciation)

There are fewer vowels in English than consonants, but more than diphthongs. This picture clearly shows the difference, for example, between the sounds [I] and. Anyone who has even heard of the existence of imagination will distinguish between the words "fish" and "tree", which, like puzzles, contain the mentioned sounds. You can re-read the rules as much as you like, or you can study the transcription in pictures in detail once, which visualizes examples of the use of sounds. For memory training, you can download and even print a picture, this option is provided. For auditors, it is possible to hear every sound online in a word after clicking on the speaker icon.

Consonant sounds of English

Consonants in English are not at all twin brothers to Russians. The articulation of their creation is seriously different. However, we are here not to intimidate in smart words, but on the contrary, to make life easier for novice Anglomaniacs, so they painted voiced consonants in purple, and deaf ones in blue. With the formation of the same plural nouns are very important to feel and know the difference. The bonus to the learned sounds is 24 new words. We train visual memory and save the English transcription in pictures for re-appeal as soon as necessary! Audials still click on the speaker icon under each letter to pronounce sounds in online transcription.

Diphthongs (double vowels) of English

And it would be scary from the presence of 8 diphthongs in English, if not for the miraculous pictures, thanks to which the study turns into an entertaining solving of charades. It is enough to look at the drawing, hold your gaze, sound the diphthong by pressing the speaker icon under the letter and practice correct pronunciation... Anyone who appreciates the creative approach to business is allowed to download a picture for a long memory!

From theory to practice
It will take some time, the dictionary will be covered with a thick layer of dust or removed from bookmarks (in the electronic version), because the translation the right words known, the sound is familiar - what other America can you discover there for yourself? Believe it or not, it is precisely the clarification of the transcription of what seems to you well-known words that is the very untapped field that is worth going over to improve the sound of speech.

Let's give an everyday example: the often used word "real" have phonemic transcriptions a), b) or c)?
The first option is fictitious and erroneous, the second and third are British and American pronunciation. What is the moral of this fable?

So that you will not be painfully ashamed of your reading, we recommend that you at least briefly familiarize yourself with these tables as follows:
- we read the line from left to right;
- listen to the perfect pronunciation of the sound;
- we take a mirror in our hand and train hard (you will surely like to train [æ] or [ð]).

Table of English sounds similar to Russian
These sounds in English transcription do not have to be explained on the fingers.

[ɑː] car, far, garage Sounds like a long ahh. Remember the cartoon about Mowgli, where the wise Kaa was?
[ʌ] up, but, love A short sonorous "a". Something similar in Russian "ai".
[ɔː] more, board, floor Sounds like a long oo. Show surprise.
[b] book, board, tab Russian energetic "b". When you walk down the corridor in the dark and suddenly stumble
[g] green, grace, agree Russian "g", but not so energetic.
[f] forest, atmosphere, enough A very energetic Russian "f".
[k] kill, cord, school Russian "k". Pronounced aspirated before a stressed vowel (if you put your hand in front of your lips and say "keel", then the palm should feel your fresh breath)
[m] mother, lamb Russian "m".
[n] nine, note, intrusion Russian "n".
[p] pub, gallop, open Russian energetic "p". Before a stressed vowel - aspirated.
[v] vest, vocal, give Russian "v".

Now let's look at a few tricky examples in practice:

subtle - subtle
"Suttle" and only so, no "subtle" with a drum "b" in the middle.

palm - Palm
Naturally, everyone wants to be under a palm tree, but there is no smell of it. Not "palm", not "by: lm", but "pa: m", as in "car" and "path". In the company with the palm they find themselves calm- "calm" and balm- "balm".

halt - stop
Drive away the analogy with the German "halt" - correctly pronounced "ho: lt".

won - won, won in the past from "win"
Wonderful if you pronounce "won" like "one" -.

of - preposition of belonging
Only a botanist would dream of checking the sound of a two-letter word? Oh well. "Of" and no nails? Remember: "Of" is pronounced with an "at" at the end. The full form is [ɔv], the reduced form is [əv]. Is always.

Table of English sounds that have something in common with Russians
These sounds cause the greatest temptation and at the same time danger: the relative similarity with the usual pronunciation in Russian threatens to sound absolutely wrong. Pay enough attention and understand the differences well.

[i] fit, bit, symbol Average between "s" and "and". Pronounced very shortly, like at the end of "apcho".
cheese, tree, sea What photographers ask us to say to the camera. As in the Russian word "syyyr", but with a sweet smile.
[ɒ] hot, body, rock Average between "o" and "a". That is, by no means the Vologda "o".
[u] cook, foot, woman It looks like a Russian short "u", but it is pronounced easier and the lips are slightly stretched. It turns out like "u" with a half smile. No lips stretched out into a tube.
true, fool, shoes Like the previous sound, but long lasting.
[e] get, bed, head Intelligent "e". As in the Russian word "tin".
[ə] about, until, alias Average between unstressed "e" and "a".
[l] let, laughter, illegal A softened Russian "l". Something in between the sound of the word "la" and "la".
[s] stress, sunday, citizen The muffled Russian "s". He never whistles. Remember the Beatles song "Girl"? Now, if their famous inhalation "sssss" is pronounced with an exhalation and short, you will get beautiful English [s].
[z] zero, cosmonaut, xenon Everything is the same as about the sound [s], only loud.
[t] tree, trunk, receipt Similar to the Russian "t". But the tip of the tongue should not be placed against the teeth, but against the tubercle behind the upper teeth.
[d] drink, ad, diligent Similarly: like the Russian "d", only the tip of the tongue rests on the tubercle just behind the upper teeth.
[ʃ] ship, action, special Between the Russian "sh" and "u". Does not whistle, because the tongue does not rest with force on the teeth, but gently touches them.
[ʒ] pleasure, visual, garage Softened Russian "f". Does not ring or whistle.
jump, jungle, logic We combine English [d] with [ ʒ ] and we get a soft "j".
inch, chance, catch We combine English [t] with [ ʃ ] and we get something similar to the Russian "h". As in the word "kitsch".
[j] yes, yet, you Average between "i" and "i".
[ɪə] hear, fear, beer It looks like the Russian "IE" with an emphasis on "and".
air, hair, care Russian "ea" with emphasis on "e".
make, tray, ace Russian "ei" with emphasis on "e". “And” is pronounced very shortly.
hi, sky, bye Russian "ai" with an accent on "a". “And” is pronounced very shortly.
[ɔɪ] boy, joy, coin Russian "oi" with an accent on "a". “And” is pronounced very shortly.
how, cow, hour, our Russian "ay" with an accent on "a". "U" is pronounced very shortly.
fire, wire Russian "aie" with a strong accent on the first "a". Pronounced quickly and consistently.
our, flower Russian "aua" with a strong accent on the first "a". Pronounced quickly and consistently.

were - were
"Were" is not at all the same as "where" -. Instead of a diphthong, we use a neutral vowel -, an abbreviated form -.

debt - debt and doubt - doubt
Fans of the group "No Doubt" had more than a dozen years in stock to clarify how the name of their favorite group sounds right. Debt and doubt are not easy to pronounce. In English, there is no such Russian-language phenomenon as stunning or voicing a consonant, but throw out the letter of their words for a sweet soul: and is pronounced.

good - good, book - book and look - look
The double "o" does not turn into a long "y" in these words. Therefore, do not copy the howl of wolves to the moon - speak correctly with a short vowel -,,.

Table of English sounds that have nothing to do with Russian
Practice well in pronouncing these sounds online, at least your speech apparatus should get used to reproducing them correctly.

[ɜː] earn, her, first If the Russian "o" wanted to become "e", it would sound like that. Something like the sound when children tease by sticking out their tongue. But you need to achieve this sound without sticking anything out. To do this, silently prepare your mouth for pronouncing "yo", and say "oo" out loud.
[əu] go, joke, own Between the Russian "oh" and "ey" (without "y") with an emphasis on the first sound. "U" is pronounced very shortly.
[æ] cat, apple, compact It is very important not to confuse this sound with [e], otherwise you will get “bed” instead of “bad”. You need to stretch your lips wide, lower your lower jaw and heartily say "eh".
[h] hot, head, uphill Every Russian man knows how to pronounce this sound. When you are asked "come on, breathe", then all men begin to speak in English, because they pronounce [h] exactly the way they should: a slight exhalation, vaguely reminiscent of "x".
[r] red, random, orange Russian bears are fluent in English [r]. Try to growl with your tongue up.
[w] well, what, windows Roll your lips together and stretch sharply. And now the same thing, but with sound.
[ŋ] strong, sing, sink Children are scolded for talking with their mouths full. But if you listen to the sounds emitted, then there many consonants sound exactly like [ŋ] ... Open your mouth and, without closing it, say "n".
[θ] thanks, ethic Stick your tongue between your teeth and say "s".
[ð] they, there, other Stick your tongue between your teeth and say "h". The best practice is to say the expression "Is this" 100 times. You will never confuse "z" with [ð].

folk - people, folk
The letter "l" has become a victim and is not pronounced at all -.

comb - hairbrush
No "comb" - only "koum". English "m" and "b" are pretty cunning guys who will break the wood more than once. Be on the lookout!

won’t - will not be - short for "will not"
Were tormented by the question of how the cunning English distinguish between “want” and “won’t” in oral speech? You just need to pronounce the negation in the future tense correctly -. That's all the magic.

salmon - salmon
Not "salmon" and certainly not "solomon". Salmon on your mind - as in "cat" and "apple".

Bonus for the most patient

The human brain is the eighth wonder of the world, the deepest possibilities of which we can only guess so far. Something that is important to us now is known for certain: there is a speech center in the brain. There is no special center responsible for reading, but there is one for speech. This is why we strongly recommend repeating words out loud for the hundredth time. It is out loud, and not to oneself, because in this case muscle memory is also connected. Naturally, words can "live and sound" in your head. The main thing is not to get stuck and not stop at the stage of decoding transcription symbols, choosing the necessary rule for each sound. In this case, only the speed of a snail is ensured.

If the language is still alive after the previous exercises, then we bring to your attention a video that is better to see once than hear about it 100 times. All phonetic transcription of the English language in 10 minutes. Clearly, competently and very clearly.

V English alphabet 26 letters that convey 24 consonants, 12 vowels and 8 diphthongs.
The reading of vowels depends on which syllable the vowels are in. In English, it is customary to distinguish 4 types of syllables:

1. An open syllable ends with a vowel. In English, a syllable is conventionally considered open, followed by a consonant + unpronounceable final "e".
The vowels in this syllable are pronounced the same as they are called in the alphabet.

2. A closed syllable ends with a consonant. In this type of syllable, vowels convey short sounds.

3. The third type of syllable is a syllable in which the vowel is followed by the letter "r" (at the end of the syllable) or "r" + a consonant. In this syllable, all vowels convey long sounds.

4. The fourth type of syllable is a syllable in which the vowel is followed by the combination "r" + vowel. In this syllable, all vowels convey long and complex sounds.

Reading vowels in four types of syllable

Table of basic rules for reading vowels and consonants

English lettersTransmitted soundIn which casesExamples ofExceptions
A, a v open syllable place, take, make, same, statehave [æ], many [e]
in combinations ay, aipay, way, play, day, mainsaid [e]
[æ] in a closed syllablethat, lamp& nbsp
before r + consonant s + consonantpark, garden, fast, taskmass [æ]
[εə] before r + vowelvarious, careare
[כּ] after w, qu in a closed syllablewas& nbsp
[כּ:] after w, qu in a closed syllable before rwar, quarter& nbsp
before l + consonantcall, wall, also, fall, ball& nbsp
in combination with uautumn& nbsp
before wlaw, saw& nbsp
E, e in an open syllablebe, Pete& nbsp
in combinations ee, easteel, streel, see, sea, mean& nbsp
in an open syllablebelt, setEnglish [i]
in combinations ea + dalready, head, bread& nbsp
[ə:] in combinations er, ear + consonantheard, term, her& nbsp
in combinations ee + r, ea + rhear, appear& nbsp
before wknew, newspaper, few& nbsp
before w preceded by rgrew, drew& nbsp
I, i in an open syllablefive, pinegive, live [i]
before ld, nd, ghkind, mild, light& nbsp
[i]in a closed syllabledid& nbsp
combined ie followed by consonantfieldfriend [e]
[ə] before r or r + consonantsir, first& nbsp
["aiə]before r + vowelfire, tired& nbsp
O, o in an open syllablenote, godone, come [٨]
before the combination ldold, cold& nbsp
in combinations oa, owroad, low& nbsp
[ə] in combinations or after wword, world& nbsp
[כּ] in a closed syllablestop, not& nbsp
[כּ:] before rport, short& nbsp
in combinations oofood, toobook, look [u]
in combinations ou, owcompound, town, down& nbsp
[כּ i]in combinations oi, oyoil, enjoy& nbsp
["auə]in combinations ow before erpower& nbsp
in combinations oo + rpoordoor, floor [כּ:]
U, u in an open syllabletube, produce, music& nbsp
[٨] in a closed syllablecut, cup, busput, push, pull, full [u]
in an open syllable after l, r, jlunar, rule, June& nbsp
[ə:] before r + consonantburn, turn& nbsp
before r + vowelpure, cure& nbsp
Y, y in an open syllabletype, try& nbsp
[i]in a closed syllable and at the end of polysyllabic wordssymbol, family& nbsp
[j]at the beginning of a word and before a vowelyet, year, beyond& nbsp
C, c[s]before i, e, ycapacity, practice, cell, bicycle& nbsp
[k]before all other vowels and consonantscome, exact, direction& nbsp
in combinations ch, tchcharge, watchchemistry [k] technique [k] machine [∫]
[∫] before combinations ial, ientspecial, efficient& nbsp
S, s[s]at the beginning of words, in the middle of words fractured by voiceless consonants and at the end of words after voiceless consonantssend, salt, say, system, facts, books& nbsp
[z]after vowels, between vowels, after voiced consonantsas, position, days, supplies, beds& nbsp
[∫] in combinations sh, ssion, ssureshop, transmission, pressure& nbsp
[h]before uremeasure, treasure& nbsp
T, t[ð] combined th
1) at the beginning of service words
2) between vowels
the, then, mother& nbsp
[θ] combined th at the beginning and end of significant wordsthick, thin, seventh& nbsp
P, p[f]in combinations phphilosophy, photo& nbsp
G, g before i, e, yage, engineer, gymnasticsgive [g], get [g]
[g]before consonants, before vowels, except for i, e, y at the end of wordsgreat, go, big, dog& nbsp
[ŋ] combined ngbring, wrong, strong& nbsp

"Dumb" (unpronounceable) consonants

"Mute letter"What letter combinationsExamples of
whe, whi
design, sign
when, while
height, weight, fight
knowledge, knife
should, could, would
whos, whole
write, wrong

1. The letter y conveys the same sounds as the letter i, but rarely occurs in the middle of a word.
2. The above rules apply only to stressed syllables. In the unstressed position, the vowels are reduced to the sounds [ə] and [i].
For example: arrive [ə "raiv], return, illumination, difficult [" difikəlt].