Features of soft, hard, openwork lambrequins. How to sew with your own hands: instructions

Lambrequins decorate any window. Hard, soft, curly - you can sew them at home, with your own hands, even without experience. For beginners, it is better to focus on detailed patterns and step by step description with a photo to make a beautiful simple or openwork decor.

Varieties of lambrequins. How to choose the right one

Sometimes lambrequins are called mini-curtains. They elegantly cover the cornice and part of the ceiling, masking any possible defects. In addition, lambrequins visually change the proportions of the window and look very original, since they are often decorated with bows, decorative cords, braid or even appliqué. They can decorate the interior of almost any room:

  • bedrooms;
  • living room;
  • children's;
  • kitchens;
  • office, etc.

Of course, in all these cases we use different types lambrequins. They are usually divided into:

  1. Simple. They look like folded fabric with smooth or curly edges. They can also be made in the shape of an arch.
  2. Soft. They look like a semicircle with beautiful symmetrical folds. Sewn from soft fabric(hence the name). They include various elements that are made separately: swags, ties, etc. They are especially good in bedrooms, as well as in interiors designed in a classic style.
  3. Tough. Initially they were made of wood, but now these lambrequins are sewn from fabric with a rigid base and decorated with fringe and braid. They are appropriate in offices, office premises and other rooms designed in a classic style. The edges of such mini-curtains can be smooth or curly.
  4. Combined. They combine the details of soft and hard lambrequins, which can be repeated in a certain sequence.
  5. Figured or openwork. They are at the peak of popularity. Each such product is like a skillful applique. Bizarrely intertwined ornate patterns are cut out at factories using special equipment.

When choosing which lambrequin will suit your interior, keep in mind the following nuances:

  • mini-curtains visually reduce the height of the ceiling, especially for rigid models;
  • For a small room, lambrequins with a minimum number of layers and folds are best suited;
  • the color of the drapery should be in harmony with overall design premises.

Advice. Typically, lambrequins are sewn from the same fabric from which the curtains are made. However, you can experiment and come up with interesting combination textures, for example, velor with satin.

How to sew simple and soft lambrequins. Options

It is believed that it is easiest for beginning seamstresses to create a simple folded lambrequin. Technology:

  1. Calculate the amount of fabric. To do this, you should decide on the width of the future product and add a few centimeters to the required footage for allowances. Calculate the length taking into account the length of the cornice, the frequency of folds and allowances.
  2. After taking measurements, cut out the desired strip.
  3. Sew a ribbon at the top. Carefully trim all edges.
  4. Make equal folds along the entire length.

If you decide to decorate a window with a soft lambrequin, but have no experience working with fabric, pay attention to swag. This is a gathered piece with hanging edges (one or two). Its width should be about 30 cm, but this is if the height of the window does not exceed 1.5 m. Sewing a simple version of a swag hanging from above includes the following steps:

  • Prepare a square of fabric, fold it in the middle, mark the fold in the middle.
  • On the rail where the width of the middle of the lambrequin is marked, hang the folded fabric at an angle of 45°.
  • Fold the first fold, making it 10-15 cm deep. Secure it with pins on both sides.
  • Gather the remaining folds, making them the same size.
  • Trim excess fabric and secure the top with pins. At this stage, the future swag can be unraveled in order to transfer its contours onto paper, creating a pattern for other lambrequins.
  • Finish the bottom with braid, trim or any other method.
  • Sew adhesive tape to the top.

A tie looks interesting in combination with swag - a vertical part of the decor that adorns the sides of the window. It “stretches” the space a little in height. Sewing it is very simple: you need to prepare 2 pieces of fabric in the shape of a trapezoid. Their sides will be equal to the length of the future tie. Then you need to form the folds.

Advice. A tie whose length is no more than 1/5 of the length of the swag looks most harmonious on the window.

DIY hard lambrequin. Instructions

You can create this spectacular decorative element using special material- hot-melt or self-adhesive bandeau. In addition, you will need a life-size pattern. You can make it yourself or take a ready-made one. The fabric consumption for making a rigid lambrequin is calculated simply: to the length and width of the cornice on which the product will be attached, you need to add a few centimeters for seam allowance. The further sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Attach the pattern to the bandeau and carefully cut along the contour. Ignore seam allowance.
  2. Cut out exactly the same element from the fabric, but taking into account the allowance.
  3. Attach the fabric to the bandeau using a steam iron. It is better to move from the center to the edges.
  4. Finish the edges with braid or trim.
  5. Glue adhesive tape on the inside so that the lambrequin stays firmly on the cornice.

Advice. Having cut out the bandeau along the contour, you can immediately glue it to the fabric, and then make a similar part from it with allowances.

Technology of sewing openwork lambrequin

It is believed that this type of decor is the most difficult to make yourself, although the technology is somewhat similar to creating a rigid lambrequin. However, there are still instructions for sewing it at home.

  • Make a pattern by drawing a pattern on thick paper and cutting it out.
  • Transfer the pattern to the lambrequin fabric and cut it out as well.
  • Glue the fabric element to the thermoband.
  • Attach to back side lining. To attach it, you can take glue webs. This is true for cases where the pattern is very complex.
  • Finish the edges with a zigzag stitch.
  • If desired, decorate the edges with fringe, braid or decorative cord.

Typically, figured lambrequins are made by guilloche method - burning with a special apparatus on fabric. With its help, beautiful openwork drawings of any complexity are made. IN Lately Laser cutting is increasingly being used in production. However, if you are willing to spend time and show imagination, then it is quite possible to do it on your own. In any case, a lambrequin made by yourself will become an exclusive decoration and highlight of your interior.

DIY lambrequin: video

Curtains with lambrequin: photo

Window decoration takes important place in interior design. Very often, along with curtains and curtains, you can see a lambrequin on the cornice. It is not used for all interiors, but if your room style requires such decoration, then sewing a bandeau with your own hands is not very difficult. If before this you made all the curtains and lambrequins for them yourself, then you can make a rigid lambrequin.

The popularity of rigid lambrequin is increasing every day. Its basis is a bandeau adhesive non-woven material. When finished, the product looks beautiful and impressive, and the technology for sewing it is quite simple.

It can be made from one type of fabric or made of a combination. Before you start working, you need to decide on the style of decoration. If you cannot do this yourself, you can look at the types of bandeaus in the relevant sources.

Types of bandeaus for curtains

A window will be beautiful if curtains and a lambrequin based on a rigid gang are used to decorate it. . There are two types of bando:

  • self-adhesive;
  • hot melt adhesive.

Self-adhesive material has protective film, which must first be removed before gluing to decorative fabric. This bandeau can be supplemented with foam rubber. The lambrequin can be easily attached to the cornice using regular Velcro tape.

The hot-melt adhesive base allows you to attach decorative fabric using a hot iron with a steamer.

The base of the bandeau comes in different densities, and its largest thickness reaches 6 mm. Adhesive layer can be applied on one or both sides at the same time. For materials such as organza, there is a transparent bandeau.

Increasingly, not only in photographs, but also in person you can see curtains with an openwork lambrequin. The pattern can be anything, whole or made up of separate parts. U The dyeing of such curtains is:

  • fringe;
  • braid;
  • cord;
  • glass beads

Openwork drapery looks best on the windows of the living room or bedroom. Lambrequins on a rigid base will decorate any window.

Operating procedure

To learn how to make a bandeau for curtains with your own hands, you should study materials on the topic. Having decided to make such a wonderful thing to decorate a window and having decided on its style, you need to get serious about the work. Patience is a good ally in this matter. Having familiarized yourself with a lot of information, you can get to work.

By following the above instructions and performing all operations in sequence, you will receive an exclusive product for your window.

The fabric chosen for sewing rigid bandeau lambrequins should be in harmony with the interior of the room. It can be curtain fabric or any other, but definitely synthetic. Silk, satin and other glossy materials containing polyester are suitable. Fabrics that are too light and lacy should not be used. The texture of the selected material should be soft, then it will lie smoothly on the base.

The base of the gang is selected individually for each product. Here its thickness is taken into account, which may vary in each individual case.

To prevent the fabric from shrinking in the future, it must be ironed with steam before cutting. Only after this can the workpiece be cut according to the template.

To ensure that the thickness of the openwork elements of the product remains unchanged during operation and that unevenness does not appear on the surface, experts recommend using a band stitch. It is a base, but stitched with diamonds. You can use padding polyester as a frame.

Curtains with openwork bandeau

Choose decoration for kitchen window very difficult. You can consider the option with a regular molded solid bandeau, where the pattern is repeated, there are complex designs and a central ornament. To make an openwork bandeau with your own hands, you can find ready-made patterns or make an exclusive sketch yourself.

For a modest-sized kitchen, a contrasting plain hard lambrequin with a light carved pattern. In this matter, it is important not to overdo it, because the room is small.

Curtains of two contrasting colors look very mysterious: one is light and the other is dark. Both without drawing. The lambrequin for them looks like a wide strip of light color with an airy pattern made of dark fabric. Despite the height of the bar, thanks light color and delicate openwork, the ceiling becomes visually higher, which is important for standard apartments.

If the design of the room is completely updated, then you can consider an option where one color is used simultaneously in several zones. As an example: the chairs in the living area have covers made from the same material as the openwork lambrequin and curtain tiebacks. It looks simply wonderful if the main color is white, pearl or soft cream, and the other is purple, pink or some other color.

A kitchen in Provence or country style will be decorated with snow-white curtains made of organza and bandeaus in a restrained style and calm colors. Attention will be drawn to the rigid carved bar of small height.

Light white curtains with a gold narrow and rigid lambrequin with a geometric pattern look great in the kitchen interior. The curtains are decorated with gold fringe along the edges and are supported by the same gold twisted cord.

Modern style

Designers offer many options for decorating a kitchen window.

If the kitchen is spacious, then you can make the curtains and lambrequin a bright spot. One shade is used; the color will be contrasting with the main furniture finish. For example, a green lambrequin and the same color kitchen apron. Small accessories of the same color - a vase, a sugar bowl, napkins - may also be present.

A delicate kitchen with a white glossy multi-tiered ceiling can be decorated with a bandeau with a light leaf pattern. They are located on a branch and have a contrasting color. The color of the bandeau resembles the ceiling.

Hanging weightless on the eaves filament curtains, you can decorate them with a bandeau. Asymmetrical openwork decor will look great even on a small window.

If dense products are not acceptable for your premises, then you can order a ready-made pattern on the molding. All that remains is to supplement it with corner segments.

How to care for the product

In order to have to resort to washing such a unique piece of furniture less often, you need to clean it with a vacuum cleaner more often using a furniture attachment. Weekly cleaning will help reduce the number of times the product needs to be washed.

To clean it from dust, simply wipe the surface with a slightly damp, clean rag. It would be a good idea to periodically remove the bandeau and shake it.

The method of wet cleaning of a piece of furniture will depend on the type of material from which it is made. At the time of purchase, do not forget to check with the seller for simple and safe method cleaning accumulated dust.

If you want to get rid of dust at home or you are trying to save money, then you can start washing at home.

If there are stains on the surface, you will need a gentle stain remover. Read the instructions. It is important that it is chlorine-free, otherwise the color of the product after such washing will be “slightly” different. A stain remover is applied to the canvas. Using a sponge, the composition is distributed on the surface and a specific area is treated. You can use detergent instead of stain remover.

Good to know

A lambrequin will help disguise the ceiling cornice strips. A product with semicircular ends will completely hide an ugly cornice.

The choice of decor will depend both on the fabric and on the shape and model of the lambrequin.

If a rigid lambrequin is made of several parts that have a complex shape and different colour, or the selected fabric has a bright pattern, then no additional decoration is needed for the curtains.

When using an openwork bandeau in the kitchen, you should consider the location gas stove and extraction power. All this data may affect appearance products. And if adhesive tape was used to install it, then because high humidity The product may simply fall over time.

When choosing a pattern, you need to take into account its height and saturation. A gang that is too high will visually make the ceiling lower.

Sewing an openwork lambrequin yourself is very difficult. The contour of the edge must be perfectly smooth, like the surface itself, and mirror symmetry of elements can never be achieved without special skills. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to order a finished product, providing your dimensions.

Lambrequins have long been included in the list of the most favorite details for most interior designers, used for elegant framing. window openings. This decorative element can be performed in completely different ways, but in all cases it brings a touch of elegance and elegance to the interior of the room. You can sew a lambrequin of any shape with your own hands; you just need to apply a little patience and accuracy.

A lambrequin will make the design of your room more elegant and interesting; it can be done in different ways, but the effect will always be unforgettable.

It should be noted that today the soft lambrequin is increasingly replacing its harder counterpart - the bandeau lambrequin.

Let's figure out how to make a hard lambrequin yourself at home.

What are the advantages of rigid lambrequins?

Types of lambrequins - bando.

The idea of ​​a bandeau lambrequin is not at all new; this element was already present in the interior several centuries ago, but then it was assigned not so much a decorative function as a practical one: using rigid lambrequins, it was possible to visually make small windows wider.

Rigid lambrequin is a very popular decorative detail in many houses and apartments, especially in homes with low ceilings. The trick is that correctly selected rigid lambrequins in combination with curtains correct form make it possible to visually increase the height of the room. A rigid lambrequin can create the illusion large space in a small room.

The main advantage of this decorative element is that it can be sewn in diametrically opposed styles - from touching sentimentality to conservative classics or in the form of a thematic element of a children's room.

What does a rigid lambrequin consist of?

Pattern patterns for lambrequins - gang.

The word “bando” refers to a special adhesive-based material that serves as the basis of a rigid lambrequin. If you hear the name Shabrak, don’t be confused, it’s synonymous with bando. It’s just that this material is named so because of the manufacturer. In the old days, a rigid lambrequin was sewn using padding polyester, non-woven fabric, foam rubber or doublerin. Nowadays, the technology for producing bandeaus has become even more simplified, since along with technical progress, more and more advanced materials are appearing. These include a special self-adhesive thermal bando.

The bandeau is produced in different densities; the hot-melt adhesive mixture can be applied to one or both sides of the material. Self-adhesive fabric has one side covered with an adhesive solution, on top of which a film is glued for protection. This fabric has a hot-melt adhesive coating applied on one side, while the other side can have foam rubber or pile sewn on it, which is necessary for attaching to the Velcro strip.

By using specially designed material and correctly composed patterns, you can make exclusive, elegant decorative details for curtains with your own hands. They can be complemented with any curtains, making the interior decor complete and elegant.

Before you start making a rigid lambrequin with your own hands, learn about some of the features of this decorative detail:

Bando is made on a rigid basis.

  1. The bandeau lambrequin is mounted on a rigid base (hence the name), usually wood. To create more volume, you can use padding polyester, cotton wool or similar materials.
  2. This element can be bent arbitrarily and have any size. Its front side is often given the shape of an arch or, when executed, follows the lines of the window opening.
  3. The bottom side of the product can be made straight or curved.
  4. As finishing materials you can use any accessories for curtains: decorative cords, tassels, fringe, etc.
  5. By tinkering a little with the combination of color and texture of the material, you can achieve a multi-tiered effect.

When you choose fabric for your rigid lambrequin, be guided by the interior features of the room in which the bando will frame the curtains. A rigid lambrequin that is sewn from fabric with a large print looks most impressive, because it will not get lost between the waves and curves. A bandeau made of material with a vertical pattern also looks very unusual.

Do-it-yourself rigid lambrequin manufacturing technology

Lambrequin pattern with fabric calculations.

Seeing a rigid lambrequin for the first time, many people will consider it the work of a talented artist and decorator. How surprised they would be to learn how easy it is to make such beauty yourself! You just need to apply a little patience and give free rein to your imagination.

Let's look at a simple example of sewing a rigid lambrequin for decorating curtains.

First of all, you must make a pattern on paper for your future product in full scale. Then the pattern must be applied to the hot-melt material and transferred to it. There is no need to make seam allowances. Cut out the resulting shape.

When you have cut out the shape from the bandeau fabric, place it with the side covered with the adhesive solution on the main fabric of the lambrequin, making a 2-centimeter indentation at the top, and begin gluing. Move the iron from the center to the periphery so that the seam allowances are at least 150 mm on the remaining three sides. Tip: To avoid shifts and folds in the fabric, it is recommended to attach it with pins to a flat, hard surface. Turn the workpiece over and run the iron along the front side so that the glue adheres better.

Try to choose a lining from the same material or similar in texture and color as front part. Without cutting the material, bend it with the front side facing the glued fragment so that at least 5 mm remains from the fold of the material to the very bottom of the lambrequin.

Bando can have any pattern and appearance.

Fasten the double layer of material with pins. It is ideal if you connect the two layers exactly along the seam allowance line so as not to touch the adhesive surface. Carefully stitch the resulting double fabric along the periphery and bottom side, focusing on the adhesive part, from which you should make a 3 mm indent. There is no need to stitch the top side.

After this, cut off the unnecessary fabric, making only an allowance of 5-10 mm thick. Make notches on those bends that bend, but do not damage the stitches. Also carefully trim the corners, avoiding machine stitching.

Now turn the product inside out through the top unstitched side, iron the bandeau, rolling the machine stitch to the wrong side. The finishing stitch is laid along the face. The seam allowances that remain at the top of the product must be folded inward and ironed.

Then stitch a Velcro strip to the back of the hard lambrequin with the soft side, thanks to which the bandeau lambrequin will be attached to the cornice, because the hard half of the strip will be fixed to the cornice pipe.

At this point, your elegant hard lambrequin is completely ready. All that remains is to decorate it with various accessories to suit your taste or leave everything as it is.

Are you dreaming of new curtains made by yourself? Can't choose a model? Do you need to cover the elements that attach curtains to the cornice or defects in the window opening? Sew a rigid lambrequin. You can actually make it at home. Necessary materials available, and the technology is not so complicated. Even a beginner can master it.

Types of lambrequins. Advantages of hard

There are several options for this curtain:

  • simple;
  • hard;
  • soft;
  • combined.

The first is a strip of fabric gathered into folds on a curtain tape or by hand. A rigid lambrequin has a fabric front side and a dense non-woven back or inner part.

The soft one consists of a certain number of alternating sequentially complex elements with folds - swags, de jabot, molds. Combined is a combination of the two previous options.

The advantage of a rigid lambrequin is that with a fairly simple sewing technology you get a very beautiful, effective decorative item. This effect is achieved thanks to the ability to make a complex curly bottom that will be fixed.

What is a bando

Do-it-yourself hard lambrequin is made on the basis of dense nonwoven fabric. The following can be used:

First fits better Total. The bandeau can be self-adhesive, hot-melt, with one or two adhesive sides. May vary in density. It's convenient and easy to work with. Compared to a wooden frame, it is light in weight, and the lambrequin is easily attached to the cornice using regular Velcro tape.

How to sew a rigid lambrequin

So, you decided to decorate your interior with this decorative element. The operating procedure will be as follows:

  1. Take basic measurements.
  2. Draw a diagram of what you want to see.
  3. Prepare materials in the required quantities.
  4. Draw a pattern on paper and cut it out.
  5. Place it on the bandeau, trace around without allowances and cut out.
  6. Place a template made of non-woven material with the adhesive side on the inside out of the fabric, which is best secured to the table or Leave an allowance of 2 cm on top; for all the rest, 1.5 cm is enough. For the best gluing, you should turn the product over and run the iron along the front side.
  7. Make the lining for the bandeau from the same fabric. To do this, fold the flap with the right sides inward so that the fold line runs no closer than 5mm to the most protruding element of the bottom edge.
  8. Pin both layers along the allowances so as not to damage the adhesive base.
  9. Sew the side seams and the bottom edge at a distance of 3mm from the bandeau. The value depends on the thickness. Do not stitch the top edge.
  10. Cut off the excess fabric, leaving 0.5 to 1 cm to the seam.
  11. On the arched parts, carefully make notches with scissors, trim the corners so as not to damage the stitching.
  12. Turn the product right side out through the top edge.
  13. Run a finishing stitch along the outline.
  14. Iron the top edge allowances inward.
  15. On the wrong side of the lambrequin, sew a Velcro strip, the other part of which is glued to the cornice.

By following all the steps in sequence, you can make a beautiful hard lambrequin (photo above) of any shape.

Product diagram

Before you start sewing or even making a pattern, draw, or better yet, draw to scale a diagram of your curtain with a rigid lambrequin. It will allow you to see how the element will look, and will also help when building a template according to size.

It is better to make the diagram on a scale of 1:10, when in 1 cm on the sheet you will have 10 cm of real ones. In this case, when creating a pattern, you can easily find out the length of any element.

Patterns: we make them ourselves and use ready-made ones

To sew a rigid lambrequin with your own hands, you will need a template from which to cut out the parts from the gang.

If you are going to make a lambrequin of a simple shape, it is easier to create a pattern yourself on a 1:1 scale.

Use ready-made options It makes sense in the case of repetitions of some module or a very complex asymmetrical shape, which, due to lack of skills, cannot be drawn by yourself.

If you decide to make the pattern yourself, prepare the following materials:

  • a long strip of paper corresponding to the size of the lambrequin. You can use unnecessary wallpaper, graph paper, whatman paper, glue together a format from office printer paper or newspapers. The last option is not very good, since the paper is too thin, and using the template you will have to trace the outline of the product on the gang.
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • square;
  • a compass if you will have arcs or semicircles;
  • scissors or knife.

You need to build a pattern like this:

  1. Draw a rectangle corresponding maximum sizes lambrequin in width and height, respectively.
  2. Build if the shape is like this.
  3. From the completed center line, set aside the required distances to the left and right and line up the figures.

If you have previously made a diagram to scale, then you can simply measure from the lower left corner the lengths that you take from the diagram, multiplied by the scale factor. For example, on your sketch you have 3cm, with a scale of 1:10 on the pattern it will be 30cm.

If your bottom edge is made in the form of repeating shaped modules, it’s enough to build one on another sheet, and here just circle it several times.

Having mastered the creation of patterns for rigid lambrequins, you will be able to make templates of any complexity yourself. You won't have to look through a lot of images on the Internet, wasting your time. An idea appeared, they took it and implemented it, first in the pattern, then in the material.

Decorative finishing

Any curtains that have a rigid lambrequin (photo below) look stylish and very original due to the shape of the part. However, additional decoration will also come in handy. Decorate the edges finished product can be done as follows:

  • fringe;
  • braid;
  • cord;
  • bugles.

Usually this is done from below. The surface of the part can also be decorated with a sewn pattern from the elements listed above or use other objects, such as:

  • bows;
  • flowers;
  • butterflies and dragonflies;
  • beads;
  • eyelets;
  • sequins.

The choice of decor is determined by the fabric, shape and model of the lambrequin. If it is sewn from several multi-colored parts of a complex shape or the fabric has a contrasting bright pattern, additional decor will not be required.

How to make an openwork drawing

If you don’t like to overload the space with dense fabrics, but at the same time want to do something original, make an openwork hard lambrequin with your own hands. The operating principle and technology are the same as described above. The difference lies in the template used. In this case, it is not just a rectangle with a figured edge, but a carved decorative pattern.

If you know how to draw, you can easily design the ornament yourself. You can also find any vector (contour) image on the Internet. If the file is in exactly this format with *.ai, *.eps, you will simply scale it without losing quality in the appropriate editor. For such a service, you can contact an advertising agency that offers large-format printing. There they will make a template for you on a scale of 1:1.

It will be difficult to make such a pattern using a jpg file, since when enlarged the contours will turn out blurry, but if you try, everything will work out with such a sample. It is worth paying attention that the ornament should not contain too many small and complex elements. It will be difficult to do this in the material, especially if you are a beginner.

They are manufactured industrially using special equipment when the design is made directly from a two-layer base. You will have to do all operations manually.

So, you have learned how a rigid lambrequin is made. It's not difficult if you follow the sequence of steps. Having correctly calculated the dimensions, you can easily build a pattern yourself or modify any ready-made template. Design, sew, decorate your interior.

Curtains are the final element in interior design. They can adjust the shape of a window opening, transform a room, or become an addition to the interior or its main highlight.

A lambrequin helps complement any curtains; this design element has long gained popularity.

This is a small strip of fabric in the form of a frill., which is fixed to the curtain rod over the entire width of the curtains. It has a rigid base that is covered or covered with fabric. A bandeau for curtains can have a flat, figured, symmetrical or asymmetrical bottom edge. Previously, a wooden frame was used to make it. Modern models They have a lightweight design - you can purchase a special backing or felt in the store.

A rigid lambrequin can be sewn from a fabric identical to the curtains, or from another material that complements the interior. The width of the frill can vary, usually it occupies one fifth of the opening. There are several types of lambrequins: soft, hard (bandeau) and combined.

Curtains with a rigid lambrequin are suitable for any room. The main thing is to choose the right fabric and design. Most often, a rigid bandeau is used to decorate a bedroom or living room.

Features of the gang lambrequin

Traditional lambrequins are gradually being replaced by new decorative options for curtains. The versatility of the bandeau, its organic interweaving into almost all interior styles is gaining increasing popularity among consumers.

Decorative design of a lambrequin

Bandeau can be decorated fringe, braid, decorative cords, ribbons, beads, but it is necessary to observe the measure, since the gang lambrequin itself is a very noticeable element of the interior. An abundance of decorations is permissible only in classic styles(Baroque, Empire, Rococo). For modern interiors will fit simple designs with a minimum amount of decor.

For a children's room, you can make a bright lambrequin with photo printing (characters of children's fairy tales or cartoons) or come up with voluminous decorations. For children's interior It is better to select fabrics with special impregnation that repels dust and dirt, since the bandeau cannot be cleaned frequently.

New in decorative design lambrequins:

Openwork lambrequin

A modern example is a rigid, openwork lambrequin. Made from dense material by laser cutting. Its advantages:

Modular lambrequins complex design, consists of several elements various shapes and size. The product is one-piece, so you need to decide on the choice of cornice in advance, otherwise it will be difficult to hang the finished lambrequin without losing some elements. If you remove them, the proportions of the drawing will be disrupted. Typically, such frills have a complex pattern.

Plank (tape). Sold in rolls by the meter, the pattern is repeated along the entire length. You can buy the required length and not be afraid that the pattern will be broken. This product has a simpler shape.