Edema in pregnant women in the 2nd trimester. Edema during pregnancy - causes and treatment

Four out of five women pregnancy time are faced with such an unpleasant sign as. They can have different severity - from a barely noticeable increase in the volume of the ankles in the evening to severe swelling of the feet, legs, thighs, and in severe cases - the whole body. Edema in pregnant women always causes concern for women and doctors. They may be normal, but in some cases they are a sign of severe complications.

Most often, edema in pregnant women appears starting in the second trimester. They manifest themselves most strongly at the end of pregnancy, and in some cases persist even after childbirth, gradually disappearing.

The causes of swelling in the legs during pregnancy can be physiological and pathological.

Most often, edema during pregnancy is caused by physiological mechanisms:

  • an increase in progesterone levels in the blood;
  • retention of potassium and sodium in the body;
  • compression of the inferior vena cava;
  • decreased renal blood flow.

In addition, the cause of edema may be a pregnancy complication such as gestosis.

Cardiovascular or renal diseases that existed in the patient before pregnancy can lead to decompensation of cardiac or renal failure, which is also accompanied by edema.

Physiological edema during pregnancy

An increase in progesterone concentration during pregnancy is physiological mechanism aimed at its preservation. One of the additional effects of progesterone is the retention of potassium and sodium in the kidneys. These ions “pull” water back into the vascular bed, that is, the reabsorption of water and salts in the kidney tubules increases. The increasing volume of fluid is distributed unevenly in the body, some of the water penetrates into the intercellular space, where it forms edema.

Physiological edema goes down under the influence of gravity. This is why they occur, for example, in the area of ​​the feet and ankle joints after long walks in the evening.
The uterus, enlarged during pregnancy, compresses large venous trunks that drain blood from lower limbs. This condition is called inferior vena cava syndrome and is manifested by fainting while the woman is lying on her back. The enlarged uterus compresses the venous and lymphatic drainage of fluid from the lower extremities. The result is venous congestion in dilated and congested veins. Swelling occurs.

Fluid retention can also occur due to a decrease in the filtration function of the kidneys due to pressure on them from the enlarged uterus. A woman’s behavior, that is, the amount of fluid she consumes, plays a certain role in the appearance of edema. If there is a discrepancy between the volume of fluid drunk and the ability of the kidneys to excrete it, excess water accumulates in the body.

Edema as a manifestation of gestosis

Swelling of the legs can be one of the first manifestations of a pregnancy complication - gestosis. In addition to them, signs of this serious condition are arterial hypertension and the appearance of protein in the urine. Under these conditions, the exchange of water and salts is disrupted, the permeability of the smallest vessels - capillaries - increases, and the liquid part of the blood sweats through the walls of the vessels into the intercellular space.

In this case, fluid accumulates in the tissues of the placenta, causing oxygen starvation of the fetus. Swelling of the brain leads to visual disturbances and seizures. In the case of severe gestosis, and develop. If medical care is not provided in a timely manner, the woman and child may die due to these conditions.

You should immediately consult a doctor if swelling in the legs is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg. st, headache, nausea, impaired consciousness or seizures.

Edema as a sign of heart failure

Almost any cardiac disease that a woman suffered from before pregnancy becomes more severe during this period. In particular, there is a high probability of developing a “universal” complication of cardiac diseases -.

Edema is a manifestation of right ventricular heart failure. They are a consequence of decreased pumping function of the heart as a result of pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary valve disease or tricuspid valve disease. In this case, venous blood is pumped through the heart at insufficient speed, so it accumulates in the veins. One of the important signs that allows you to distinguish “cardiac” edema from others is liver enlargement. It is accompanied by heaviness, aching pain in the right hypochondrium, sometimes a feeling of bitterness in the mouth and belching. When palpated, the liver is determined below the edge of the costal arch; it is smooth, elastic, slightly painful.

In some cases, edema is accompanied by signs of left ventricular failure and pulmonary hypertension - weakness, shortness of breath with minimal exertion and in the supine position, dry cough at night, sometimes even mixed with streaks of reddish sputum or foam.

If a woman has edema and the listed signs of heart failure, she needs to urgently consult a doctor, undergo an ultrasound examination of the heart, and adjust the treatment.

Edema due to kidney disease

The most common reasons“renal” edema – chronic glomerulonephritis and other diseases accompanied by nephrotic syndrome. A sign that allows one to suspect this cause of the development of edematous syndrome is swelling of the face and especially the eyelids in the morning.

In this case, you must seek medical help. Progression of kidney failure can threaten the health and life of the mother and child.

Recognition of edema

A pregnant woman herself may notice swelling of the lower extremities if it is severe enough. Hidden and unnoticeable swelling can only be detected by a doctor.

There are several ways to determine whether a pregnant woman has swelling and whether it is increasing.

The simplest signs are the inability to put shoes on in the evening or difficulty removing them from your fingers wedding ring. Helps to see fluid retention and sock marks on the ankle, fluctuations in ankle circumference of more than 1 cm per day.

The presence of edema, including internal edema, is indicated by rapid or uneven weight gain: more than 300 - 400 grams per week.

For more precise definition It is recommended to keep a drinking diary to ensure the balance between the liquid you drink and the liquid you excrete. The “drunk” column takes into account all liquid consumed per day, including drinks, soups, fruits and vegetables. One medium fruit is equal to 50 grams of water.

During the day, you need to collect all urine excreted in one container, and then determine its volume.

Then the amount of fluid drunk in milliliters must be multiplied by 0.75 and thus obtain the normal volume of fluid excreted in milliliters. If in fact it is less, there is swelling.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

Edema during pregnancy requires constant attention from a doctor so as not to miss the development of gestosis and other complications.

For physiological edema, it is enough to consume less salt and spices, chocolate, caffeine, fatty and fried foods. It is better not to limit liquid. However, reducing salt intake will help to physiologically reduce the amount of water you drink. It is advisable to give up salt altogether or reduce its consumption to 5 grams (one teaspoon) per day. There is no need to add salt to the food on the plate.

A rational organization of activity and rest is necessary. A pregnant woman should walk more, but staying on her feet should be alternated with rest. After every half hour of walking, you can sit down on a bench, take off your shoes and raise your feet on the seat, covering them with a light napkin. IN winter time During the course of a year, walks can be shortened in time, but more frequent.

Lying on your back with your legs up is not recommended, because this compresses the inferior vena cava, which further disrupts venous outflow. The woman should take a semi-sitting position or even lying on her side. It is especially convenient to use special pillows for pregnant women for this purpose, which allow you to lean on your back and elevate your legs.

After consulting a doctor, you can take diuretics for some time, in particular herbal ones (canephron). It should be remembered that furosemide can only be taken for a short course, it is better not to use hypothiazide during pregnancy, and veroshpiron is contraindicated.

Video about edema during pregnancy:

Arising from various reasons, but in almost all expectant mothers, swelling is the most common complication. Especially often at risk are women who eat poorly, drink little water, as well as those who are pregnant. large fruit or several at once. And here you cannot do without an individual approach and specially selected methods of combating edema.

The doctor must decide exactly how to treat swelling during pregnancy, so before making attempts to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, you need to consult with him. Most often, the treatment of edema involves the use of complex measures: from diet correction to the prescription of diuretics.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the volume of fluid consumed. Contrary to popular belief, edema often occurs not due to excess water in the body, but due to its lack. The cause of one of the severe complications, gestosis, is precisely the lack of water and albumin in the blood of a pregnant woman: in this case, a natural process of fluid retention and accumulation occurs. Therefore, to avoid swelling, you should drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily.

Movement is the best medicine against swelling

To prevent fluid from accumulating in the body of a pregnant woman, you need to lead an active lifestyle. It is necessary not to stay in the same position for a long time. You can prevent swelling by doing a short warm-up every hour or going for a short walk 2-3 times a day.

Swelling of the arms and legs can be relieved by lying down and lifting them up, placing them on a pillow. Sleeping on the left side also helps prevent edema: in this position, the organs that remove fluid from the body work better. And after sleep, it is recommended to wear maternity underwear or high-waisted tights to reduce the strain on your legs when walking for a long time and prevent swelling in your ankles and calves.

Diet for swelling and gestosis

By following a certain diet, you can also fight swelling. It is undesirable to eat foods containing sodium, such as olives, eat less salty and spicy foods, and also avoid smoked foods.

It is necessary to exclude water, especially sweet water. It is better to switch to compotes and fruit drinks without sugar. By the way, many of them, prepared according to special recipes, are diuretics, for example, cranberry juice, viburnum or celery juice, compote made from dried apple peels. With the permission of a doctor, you can drink herbal teas from lingonberry leaves, horsetail or bearberry.

About 80 percent of pregnant women experience edema sooner or later. Why does this happen, how to minimize the risk of edema and should you panic if it does occur?

Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid in body tissues. They can be obvious and internal (hidden), have a physiological or pathological nature.

Causes of edema in pregnant women

  • Pregnancy. Changes in hormonal levels and a growing uterus are factors that contribute to the appearance of edema. With multiple pregnancies, the risk of developing edema increases significantly.
  • New or worsening health problems.
  • Bad habits.
  • Excess body weight.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Prolonged standing or sitting.
  • Age 35 years and older.

Edema during pregnancy, stages

  1. At the first stage, the legs swell during pregnancy: legs, feet.
  2. At the second stage, swelling of the thighs and abdomen joins the above.
  3. In the third stage, swelling spreads to the hands and wrists. The face becomes puffy.
  4. The fourth stage is general swelling.

The nature of edema during pregnancy

Physiological nature of edema

Humans are 80 percent water. During pregnancy, a woman normally gains 10-12 kg, half of which is water. In tissues and blood expectant mother the sodium content, which retains liquid, increases. As the fetus grows, the pressure of the uterus on the small vena cava and ureters increases, which worsens the discharge of fluid. Therefore, swelling during pregnancy is later- such a common phenomenon.

Minor swelling of the legs and feet, which appears in the afternoon and goes away after a night's sleep, is not a reason to panic. Towards the end of pregnancy, women may experience swelling of the labia. This is also a variant of the norm.

Physiological edema also includes swelling of the nasal tissues with subsequent difficulty breathing.

Pathological nature of edema

  • Renal edema during pregnancy

Pregnant women have a tremendous burden on their kidneys. Renal edema can develop due to the onset or exacerbation of kidney disease during pregnancy. Such swelling is localized mainly on the face: it becomes puffy, the eyelids swell. The wrists and hands may also swell.
Impaired kidney function is also indicated by protein appearing in the pregnant woman’s urine.

  • Cardiac edema during pregnancy

A pregnant woman's blood volume increases by 40-50 percent. Consequently, the load on the “pump” that forces it to circulate – the heart – increases significantly.
Cardiac edema is characterized by a downward tendency. If a woman is in a standing position, her legs will swell during pregnancy. In a lying position, swelling will occur in the stomach or back.
With this type of edema, shortness of breath, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, and persistent palpitations are also observed.

  • Internal swelling during pregnancy

Internal swelling is not visible to the naked eye, but poses a danger to the development of the baby. The fact is that with a latent form of swelling, the uterus, placenta and abdominal wall most often swell. An edematous placenta can compress the umbilical cord vessels, which will lead to fetoplacental insufficiency.

  • Swelling as a manifestation of gestosis

Preeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy, which is the main cause of maternal mortality and increases the risk of fetal/child death by 5-7 times in the first week after birth.
Severe swelling during pregnancy, both external and internal, along with proteinuria and high blood pressure, are classic symptoms of late toxicosis.

Edema during pregnancy, diagnosis

Daily diuresis

When carrying out diuresis, the volume of absorbed, taking into account liquid dishes and fruits, and the volume of excreted liquids, minus the first morning urine, which refers to the previous day, is calculated. About 75 percent of the absorbed fluid should be excreted from the body through urine. A significantly lower reading indicates that fluid is retained in the tissues.
To be more informative, it is recommended to conduct the study for 3 days in a row.

McClure-Aldrich test

In everyday life it is called a blister test. To conduct the study, the woman is injected intradermally into inner side forearms 0.2 ml of sterile sodium chloride solution at a concentration of 0.8%. As a result, a bump forms on the skin, the texture of which resembles a lemon peel. Normally, this tubercle resolves within an hour. With hidden edema, the resorption time decreases in direct proportion to the degree of swelling.

The test is carried out on an empty stomach, the patient should be in a sitting or lying position.
Currently, the blister test is rarely performed due to the length of the study.

Extremity examination

  • Swelling may cause numbness or tingling in your fingers and toes.
  • With swelling, the circumference of the ankle increases by a centimeter or more.
  • When pressing on a swollen limb, the resulting “dent” does not straighten out immediately.
  • Swollen feet show deep marks from rubber bands after wearing socks or golf.
  • Swollen hands indicate difficulty putting on or removing rings. Women who have swelling of their fingers during pregnancy are not recommended to wear rings.

Tracking your weight gain

According to WHO standards, weekly weight gain in the second half of pregnancy for women with a normal body mass index should be about 230 grams. Sudden changes in body weight or a gain of more than 350 grams may indicate the presence of edema.

Physiological swelling during pregnancy, prevention and treatment

Physiological edema does not require drug treatment. In order to minimize the risk of such edema, it is enough to follow simple recommendations.

Healthy eating

  • Extremely important role Nutrition plays a role in the fight against edema. During pregnancy, you should exclude all kinds of pickles, smoked foods, spicy foods, carbonated drinks and limit the consumption of sweets.
  • The volume of liquid, contrary to popular belief, should not be greatly reduced. For normal functioning of the body, a pregnant woman needs to consume about one and a half liters of fluid per day, including first courses and watery fruits. A strong reduction in the volume of fluid ingested can have the exact opposite effect - the body will begin to “store” water, and swelling will only intensify. For the same reason, you should not completely exclude salt from your diet.
  • It is useful to arrange vegetable-dairy fasting days.

Active lifestyle, gymnastics

The only reason to avoid physical activity during pregnancy is the threat of miscarriage. In other cases it is easy physical activity will only do good.

  • To prevent or combat edema, special fitness or water aerobics for expectant mothers, swimming, and not too long walks are good options. Even banal daily exercise will bear fruit.
  • Pregnant women who have sedentary, sedentary work are recommended, whenever possible, to raise and place their legs on a chair during the working day for better fluid drainage.
  • Due to repeated repetition of the same actions, hands swell during pregnancy. Therefore, it is advisable to minimize the time spent at the computer, modeling, knitting, etc. Or, as a last resort, don’t forget to take breaks and do hand exercises.
  • A popular exercise to combat edema is in which a woman lies on the floor and, raising her legs high up, rests them against the wall. In the second half of pregnancy, it needs to be modernized by placing a hard cushion under the woman’s buttocks. Otherwise, due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the small vena cava, the outflow of venous blood will be difficult.
  • To prevent or combat swelling and relieve stress on the back, you can do the “cat” exercise.

  • Staying statically in a knee-elbow position also reduces the load on the kidneys quite well. To achieve a noticeable effect, you need to perform several approaches every day for 10-15 minutes.
  • During long periods of pregnancy, it is most beneficial to rest on your left side.

Wearing a bandage, compression stockings

  • A properly selected bandage supports the growing pregnant belly in the correct position, which reduces the risk of swelling.
  • Wearing compression socks, stockings or tights will be useful if you are prone to varicose veins, which are often accompanied by swelling. A phlebologist will help you determine the required degree of compression.
  • Bandages and compression garments should be worn correctly when lying down.

The right shoes

The risk of swelling is greater when wearing unsuitable shoes. The right shoes: true to size, have a stable heel with a height of 3 to 5 centimeters, stable. There are no straps that tightly tighten the leg.

Getting rid of bad habits

Bad habits during pregnancy can not only harm the baby’s health, but also cause edema.
Nicotine harms all organs and systems human body. The closest connection between smoking and varicose veins, which, in turn, contributes to the development of swelling.

One of the reasons for the appearance of edema, oddly enough, is dehydration. The latter is a frequent accompaniment of alcohol abuse.

Body care

  • When caring for swollen legs or those suffering from varicose veins, it would be a good idea to use specialized cosmetics.
  • Foot baths with sea salt are a good way to relieve swelling of the legs during pregnancy. To carry them out, as much salt water is poured into the container, with a temperature no higher than 37-38 degrees, as is needed to completely immerse the swollen area of ​​​​the legs. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. If you have skin diseases or diabetes, salt baths are prohibited.

  • Swelling of the legs during pregnancy, what to do? Massage! It's nice and effective way improve blood circulation. It is necessary to massage the legs in the direction from the feet to the hips. To carry out the procedure, you can use either special massagers, a washcloth, or just your hands.

Pathological edema during pregnancy, what to do

Don't panic and go through medical examination. Based on the test results, the doctor will determine the need and tactics for drug treatment of edema.

Drug treatment of edema

The attitude towards swelling among doctors in the CIS countries differs from the point of view adopted in Europe and America. Foreign doctors prefer to observe, intervening only in situations that truly threaten the health of the woman and her unborn child. Domestic doctors often prefer to play it safe and, depending on the results of the examination, prescribe diuretics, vasoconstrictors, antispasmodics and sedatives.

  • To normalize kidney function, complex herbal-based products are usually prescribed, such as Canephron or Cyston in tablet form, or Fitolysin paste. They should be used with caution: the annotations contain rather long lists side effects. But these drugs are good at relieving renal edema during pregnancy, reviews of expectant and established mothers confirm this.

  • To strengthen blood vessels, doctors prescribe magnesium, vitamin E, lipoic acid, and against vascular spasm - “No-Shpu”.
  • Treatment of edema due to gestosis is carried out in a hospital setting. The standard measure is a magnesium dropper, which relieves swelling, normalizes blood pressure, relaxes blood vessels and muscles. Droppers of drugs based on pentoxifylline improve blood microcirculation.
    It is strictly prohibited to use diuretics if you suspect gestosis!
  • Nasal swelling during pregnancy cannot be treated with conventional vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. But you can’t remain inactive: due to worsening nasal breathing, the fetus may receive less oxygen. Doctors recommend fighting the “runny nose of pregnant women” by rinsing the nasal cavity with saline or sea salt solution.

How to get rid of edema during pregnancy, folk remedies

Traditional medicine is replete with anti-edema remedies. But they can only be used as directed by a doctor, and not all of them. The fact is that some components of popular renal preparations can cause uterine tone and even provoke termination of pregnancy.

  • Among the safest folk remedies it is possible to extract a decoction from lingonberry leaf, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunostimulating, choleretic, astringent and mild diuretic effects.


Most swelling in pregnant women is not harmful and does not require treatment. But sometimes, swelling can signal the development or exacerbation of diseases and conditions dangerous to the mother and fetus.

Self-medication pathological edema can be extremely dangerous; only a doctor should decide how to relieve swelling during pregnancy, based on the results of the examination.

Edema during pregnancy is not a rare phenomenon. Almost every woman on last weeks gestation faces this problem, but the disturbance can be expressed to varying degrees. You also need to understand that the cause of edema can be different; sometimes this symptom is a sign of a severe pathology that is life-threatening for the mother and child.

Causes of edema during pregnancy

Edema is a condition in which fluid accumulates in the body. This phenomenon can be observed locally, for example with an injury or insect bite, or throughout the body. As a rule, general edema is always associated with pathological condition, which affects the entire woman’s body.

Edema occurs when there is fluid in the body and tissue that retains water.

If a woman drinks a lot, for example in hot weather, then the likelihood of edema increases. Especially if the patient drinks drinks that retain fluid in the body, for example salty mineral water, lemonades, sweet fruit drinks and juices, as well as alcoholic drinks.

Edema may be a consequence of pathology internal organs. Thus, cardiac and renal edema are isolated, and the disorder also manifests itself when diabetes mellitus And hormonal imbalance in a woman. Pregnancy is a condition that itself increases the likelihood of developing edema, and this is not always associated with a serious illness.

The fact is that for the proper development of the fetus, it is necessary to increase the supply of fluid in a woman’s body. Part water is coming to produce blood to provide nutrition to the fetus. Several liters are needed to fill the fetal bladder with amniotic fluid. Water is also needed to prepare the mammary glands for feeding the baby.

Thus, the amount of total fluid in a pregnant woman’s body increases by about 8 liters by the end of the third trimester. And the body does not always successfully remove excess, so water can accumulate in the tissues of the body and the formation of edema of varying degrees.

Pathological edema can occur for several reasons; the mechanism of development of the pathology is quite complex. The following diseases cause general edema during pregnancy:

  • Heart pathologies. In this case, the speed of blood flow is disrupted, which leads to the release of fluid from the vessels into the surrounding tissues. Edema forms long time, they are quite dense, and concomitant cardiac symptoms are also observed. For example, shortness of breath at rest, rapid heartbeat, pale skin, chest pain, etc.
  • Kidney disease. In this case, the kidneys cannot cope with the flow of fluid, which leads to its accumulation in the body. Signs of renal edema: pale skin, swelling of the eyelids, poor appetite, protein in the urine, the edema itself is mild and affects the entire body.
  • Hypertension. With increased pressure, vascular permeability increases and fluid enters the surrounding tissues, causing damage to the kidneys and urinary system. As a consequence - the formation of edema. Usually, in this case, the legs and face swell first.

All these disorders in pregnant women can be combined into a condition called gestosis or late toxicosis, which forms in the third trimester. Preeclampsia is characterized by impaired cardiac and renal function, increased blood pressure and the formation of edema throughout the body.

Risk factors

Doctors identify a risk group whose women more often suffer from edema and other manifestations of gestosis during pregnancy:

  • Too early birth. If a girl becomes pregnant at 15-17 years old, the likelihood of developing gestosis increases greatly. Despite established menstruation, puberty has not yet ended at this age. Unstable hormonal levels often lead to the development of complications during pregnancy.
  • Late birth. If a woman becomes pregnant after 35 years, the likelihood of edema also increases. With age, the body wears out, organs function worse than at 20-25 years old, and a history of various diseases does not have the best effect.
  • Preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy. If a woman has a tendency to develop edema, then most likely the situation will repeat in subsequent pregnancies. Such women should be under strict medical supervision.
  • Severe toxicosis with incessant vomiting in the first half of pregnancy. It may be a consequence of pathology in the body, as well as a cause of impaired renal function.
  • Women who have worked or continue to work in hazardous work.
  • Unfavorable living conditions, poor nutrition, smoking, alcohol consumption, tendency to inflammatory and infectious diseases.
  • Multiple births. When carrying two or more children, the load on the body increases even more; the kidneys and heart may not be able to cope with it.

The likelihood of severe gestosis increases greatly if a woman has internal edema that was not detected in a timely manner.


First of all, it should be noted that swelling can be external and internal. External ones are visible to the naked eye: a woman’s legs and arms swell, her face becomes swollen, and her stomach may become enlarged. Internal swelling is not noticeable externally, which makes it very dangerous. Such a disorder can only be detected by uneven weight gain.

In total, there are 4 degrees of external edema in pregnant women:

  1. At the very beginning, swelling appears only on the legs.
  2. The legs and lower abdomen are affected.
  3. Swelling of the face and hands.
  4. The whole body swells, dropsy may appear.

Most often, pregnant women experience grade 1-2 edema, which does not harm the fetus if treated in a timely manner. Edema of the 3rd-4th degree is considered a serious condition that requires hospitalization, sometimes emergency delivery has to be performed - it all depends on the cause of this complication.

Gestosis in pregnant women can also be divided into 4 degrees:

  • The formation of dropsy is a local accumulation of fluid in the tissues.
  • Nephropathy is kidney damage.
  • Preeclampsia - accompanied by severe edema, high blood pressure, and increased protein in the urine.
  • Eclampsia is the most severe form of gestosis, causing extremely serious complications, including pulmonary edema, placental abruption, fetal death, and renal failure in the mother.

In some cases, pathology can develop very quickly, so women with even the slightest swelling should be regularly observed at the antenatal clinic and treated. If the condition worsens, immediate hospitalization is required.

Signs of edema during pregnancy

It is not always easy to detect edema during pregnancy, so a woman should be regularly monitored at the antenatal clinic starting from 12 weeks. This is very important, since only with the help of weight control, urine analysis, and ultrasound diagnostics can one accurately track the progress of the gestation period.

  • legs began to swell in the evenings;
  • fingers swell, rings become tight;
  • if you press on the skin with your finger, it will form White spot and dent;
  • sudden weight gain. Normally, a woman gains 300 grams per week. With edema, weight can jump by 1-1.5 kg or more, although the woman did not change her diet.

Swelling due to gestosis may be accompanied by headaches, increased drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, and increased uterine tone.

Diagnosis of edema is the prerogative of a gynecologist. The doctor prescribes a number of tests for the woman, in particular urine and blood tests, measuring the volume of urine excreted per day, and measuring blood pressure. All these procedures help confirm the pathology and identify its causes.

Treatment of edema in pregnant women

Treatment of edema during pregnancy is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor. There is no question of any self-medication; this is indeed a very dangerous condition that can lead to the death of the child and the woman herself.

Treatment is usually medication. Prescribed drugs to lower blood pressure, diuretics, and a diet for edema. If the cause of edema is, for example, inflammatory kidney disease (pyelonephritis), then a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.

The diet for edema will be different, depending on the cause of its development.

For gestosis, a balanced diet with an increased amount of protein is prescribed. If kidney function is impaired, for example due to inflammation, protein is removed from the diet in the first few days of treatment to make it easier for the kidneys to work. Then gradually introduce protein food in small quantities.

It is also necessary to maintain a drinking regime. It is very important to use sufficient quantity liquids, at least 1.5 liters, but do not overuse. Lack of water, as well as excess, leads to disruption vascular system and the formation of edema.

The same thing happens with salt. Complete exclusion of salt threatens to disrupt the function of the endothelium (the layer in blood vessels), which is responsible for vascular tone. Impaired contractility leads to increased capillary permeability and edema.

Excessive salt consumption also has a negative effect, because sodium chloride tends to retain fluid in the body. Therefore, salt is not completely eliminated, but its amount is reduced to 3-3.5 grams per day.

As you can see, the diet for edema can be different, so you don’t need to limit yourself too much. It is enough to exclude very salty, spicy, sweet, fatty foods from the diet. It is better to drink simply purified water without gas, and steam, bake and boil food. It is very important that meals are divided, 5-6 times a day in small portions, so that it is easier for the body to cope.

  • fresh cranberries, cranberry juice and juice;
  • lingonberry juice, decoction of lingonberry leaves;
  • watermelons;
  • cucumbers;
  • fresh pumpkin juice;
  • grapefruits, etc.

You can also alleviate your condition with physical activity. Anti-edema exercises for pregnant women help improve blood circulation and fluid drainage. Swimming is one of the most beneficial physical activities. Daily walking is also useful, but not too long, about 30-60 minutes a day, optimally 30 minutes in the morning and evening.

You can do simple things at home effective exercise. You need to get on all fours and, one by one, smoothly pull one leg towards your stomach, then straighten it back, repeat 5 times. Return to the starting position and perform the exercise on the other leg.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

To prevent edema during pregnancy, you must:

  • take a responsible approach to pregnancy planning, undergo a course of treatment for diseases if necessary;
  • It is advisable to become pregnant between the ages of 20 and 30;
  • to be in comfortable conditions, live in a dry, warm room, dress in clean clothes;
  • establish nutrition - it should be healthy, balanced;
  • avoid a passive lifestyle, but do not abuse physical activity;
  • be regularly examined at the antenatal clinic, take vitamins as needed and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Most often, edema during gestosis in pregnant women in the third trimester is associated with a hereditary predisposition, which is quite difficult to combat. A woman can reduce the risk of complications if she follows preventive measures and is examined. Timely detection of edema will help to take timely measures to eliminate it and prevent it. premature birth and other complications.

Gestation is a time when fluid accumulation is a natural response of the body to increased blood circulation. To answer the question of how to avoid edema during pregnancy, it is necessary to understand for what reasons they appeared and, depending on this, begin treatment or preventive measures.

Signs and causes of occurrence

During the examination, the doctor always pays attention to appearance women. During pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, swelling may appear, most often on the feet and legs, as a result of water retention in the tissues.

You can independently determine the edematous reaction by the following signs:

  1. In a week, starting from mid-pregnancy, a woman should gain about 400 grams. But, if after weighing the weight gain exceeds 1-1.5 kg, then this indicates an accumulation of water in the body.
  2. Facial swelling is characterized by swollen lips and a swollen nose. If fluid accumulates on the eyelids, especially in the morning, this may indicate insufficient kidney function.
  3. Numbness of the fingers and toes is accompanied by the inability to bend them, which is direct evidence of the presence of excess water.
The shoes that the pregnant woman wore constantly become smaller. This is often one of the main signs by which water accumulation can be determined. Also, a study of diuresis will help determine hidden edema. You need to compare the amount of liquid you drink with the amount your body secretes.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

Due to the accumulation of fluid, the fetus may develop hypoxia and lack of oxygen, so it is necessary to prevent edema during pregnancy as quickly as possible.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy includes the following recommendations:

  • eliminate salt consumption, as sodium chloride retains fluid in the body and provokes the formation of water reserves;
  • do not reduce the amount you drink clean water so that the body stops storing for the future;
  • feasible physical exercise will help prevent swelling of the limbs during pregnancy;
  • limit smoked, salted, fried and fatty foods, only steamed or boiled dishes;
  • do not consume foods that provoke the accumulation of fluids - coffee, chocolate, carbonated drinks;
  • diversify your diet with plenty of fiber to normalize digestion;
  • accept vitamin complexes with vitamin E and magnesium content.
The third trimester of pregnancy is the most dangerous in terms of edema. Therefore, during this period, prevention involves refusing to wear high-heeled shoes. It is better to give preference to comfortable shoes that will not deform the foot or rub. At home, it is necessary to keep the legs in an elevated position; you can place a bolster or pillow under them to stimulate even distribution of the fluid.

How to avoid edema during pregnancy - traditional methods

The 2nd trimester is characterized by active growth of the fetus, which affects the increase in fluid in the body. Therefore, to avoid edema during pregnancy, you can resort to using a contrast shower. Change of cold and hot water helps strengthen blood vessels. Regular massage of the limbs will improve blood circulation and prevent water from retaining in the tissues. Cool foot baths with added sea salt at the end of the day have a relaxing effect and help reduce swelling reactions.

To avoid edema during pregnancy, you can use folk diuretics, which are not only useful and contain many vitamins, but also stabilize the water balance:

  • Birch juice;
  • apple peel infusion;
  • fruit drinks based on cranberries or lingonberries;
  • infusion of chopped parsley, with the addition of lemon;
  • tea based on rosehip or chamomile;
  • decoction of dried apricots, infused overnight.
Diuretics should not be used continuously. It is necessary to take breaks so as not to harm the fetus or cause dehydration. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor and find out the causes of edematous reactions individually.