Panel houses: the process of insulation from the outside. Insulation of the external walls of a panel apartment building How to properly insulate the walls of a panel house from the outside

Insulating walls in a panel house will make your life comfortable and enjoyable. The highly professional specialists offered today, coupled with modern technologies, do an excellent job of insulating walls, which reduces heat losses, guarantees optimal temperature and humidity level.

There are two ways to normalize the microclimate of a room:

  • internal;
  • external

The preference for one or another option is justified by the type of building, number of floors, with total area premises.

Reasons why walls freeze panel houses many, among them:

  • unsatisfactory heating in winter;
  • lack of normal ventilation;
  • unscrupulous approach to the work of builders when building a house (poor sealing of cracks between panels, window openings);
  • large accumulation of moisture in the wall structure;
  • poor or deteriorated waterproofing.

Most residents are inclined to think that the walls in a panel house should be insulated from the inside, and they are not always right.

Why you shouldn’t insulate walls from inside the house

Note that insulating walls from the inside panel house is associated with disadvantages and is fraught with problems, namely:

It would be more correct to consider the method of thermal insulation of a wall in a panel house from the outside. Benefits this method are the following factors:

It is important to accompany external insulation with protection of the insulation from exposure external factors, for which purpose ventilated facades are installed on the facade surface or the insulation is finished using the wet type.

There are two priority methods of external insulation panel walls ny designs:

  • dry;
  • wet.

Thermal insulation using the dry method involves installation on the surface of a special protective screen- “ventilated facade”, which is based on a metal frame, insulation is fixed on it, external cladding is the next stage.

Insulation wet method is a frameless installation of insulation directly on the problem area, followed by finishing with building mixtures. As a rule, they mean different kinds plasters that differ in relief, color scheme, efficiency and other qualities.

The sequence of work consists of the following operations:

  • repair between panel seams(cleaning of old plaster, seals);
  • priming and drying;
  • installation of a new seal in the seams, then secondary primer and putty;
  • preparation of walls (thorough cleaning of old coating and dirt).

The use of polystyrene foam is used using the wet method; in the form of a finishing coating, they are usually used to protect the insulation. building mixtures resistant to temperature changes and precipitation.

Basalt wool is more applicable when used frame technology insulation of the surface outside the house, placed in cells metal structure ventilated facade and sealed with a vapor barrier membrane. External cladding the frame can be made from plastic panels, profiled sheets, wood and other materials.

At large areas the premises can really be considered existing methods insulation of walls and finishing both outside and inside.

Video of how to insulate a panel house from the inside

The following materials are offered for insulating walls from the inside:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • glass wool;
  • cork insulation;
  • penofol;
  • Styrofoam;
  • fiberboard;
  • foamed polyurethane.

Many people, especially if the walls of a panel house are insulated from the inside independently, are interested in the possibility of using special fasteners for this. In this capacity, fastenings are offered on the construction market - “ fungi", which are securely attached to the surface, for example, extruded polystyrene foam.

The following video shows how to insulate a wall in a panel house from the inside:

It’s interesting to learn how to insulate a wall in a panel house from the video:

Note that insulation for thermal insulation of internal wall structures must have the following characteristics:

  • long service life;
  • high level of TB and increased resistance to fire;
  • low level of heat loss;
  • preservation of the original form;
  • environmental Safety;
  • resistance to rodents.

When sold, insulation must have the necessary certificates for compliance with all fire and sanitary safety standards required for compliance.

When choosing methods of finishing from the inside, there is always an urgent question of maintaining the dimensions of the room as much as possible. Therefore, it is better to refuse to use drywall for these purposes and pay attention to the most reliable and narrow material that performs its functions efficiently, maintains the dimensions of the room and does not cause harm to human health.

Insulation under wallpaper, two priority groups:

  • rolled up;
  • plaster with increased thermal insulation properties.

This issue is well covered in the following video:


Each of the ways to insulate walls in a panel house from the outside and inside is quite good if you follow the recommendations regarding the use of a particular material.

Besides, if you are not a specialist, it is better to work of this type turn to specialized companies that have sufficient licenses practical experience and highly professional specialists. They are the ones who are able to carry out the entire sequence of technological operations quickly and efficiently; in addition, warranty obligations upon completion of the work will not be superfluous, and will be a guarantee of quality and reliability.

The suddenly increased relevance of insulating the facade of an apartment is, in particular, associated with the rapid rise in prices of energy resources and housing and communal services tariffs, which necessitates the need to save money and more efficiently use heating resources.

The problem is that most of those currently in use apartment buildings were built almost half a century ago, and their thermal insulation is not nearly as effective as their owners would like.

Statistics show that heat loss through the walls of a house reaches 50% percent of total number heat loss, which, you see, is more than significant. This indicator primarily depends on the design features of the house itself; for panel houses it is maximum, for brick houses it is somewhat less.

Insulation of apartment facades is beneficial, no matter how you look at it, if you have heating system, then you can save about 20% of the amount previously spent on gas consumption, and if you are connected to central heating– then the average temperature in the room will increase by at least 3-4 degrees (and if you set it, by 5-6).

1 Legal features

According to federal laws, unauthorized changes to the facade of an apartment building are prohibited, therefore, in order to insulate the walls of the apartment, you will need to obtain permission from the relevant authorities (housing and communal services).

Usually, obtaining a permit is not accompanied by any particular difficulties; to do this, you just need to go to the housing and communal services department and talk with the people responsible for this; sometimes you may need to write a petition in your own hand, which indicates that all responsibility for the safety of wall insulation work is on multi-storey building choose for yourself. However, there are situations in which insulation can be refused.

As a rule, it is difficult to obtain permission to insulate the facades of new houses located in the city center. If you refuse, the only thing left for you is to insulate the walls from the inside of the house, which can also ensure high efficiency of thermal insulation of the apartment.

Moreover, joint insulation of facades with is much better in purely technical terms, since the occurrence of a dew point is prevented, which is formed due to the difference in the freezing temperature of insulated and non-insulated sections of facades, as a result of which the walls of the apartment expand and contract in different ways, which can threaten their acceleration destruction.

Also, if the technology for insulating the walls outside the apartment is incorrect, moisture can get under the insulation, which, when freezing in the cold season, expands and peels off the heat-insulating material from the wall of the house. As you understand, monolithic insulation installed for several apartments at once is less afraid of such troubles.

1.1 Selection of performers

As a rule, all work on insulating the facades of multi-storey buildings is carried out by special companies or industrial climbers. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right contractor who has the necessary knowledge, work experience, as well as all required permits.

Since insulating the walls of an apartment from the outside is related to high-altitude work, which is directly related to risk, do not be surprised that the cost of paying the contractor will exceed the total cost of materials for the work - professional industrial climbers know the price of their work, and, as a rule, do not work for cheap.

Be sure to require that the performer show you documents such as “License to conduct construction work" and "Permit to carry out high-altitude work", it would also be a good idea to find out feedback from previous clients of this company or a team of workers - whether they are satisfied with the result, how long it took to insulate the walls of the apartment, how the contractor approaches the performance of his duties, etc.

It is also recommended to check with the contractor the addresses of houses in which they have already performed similar works s, and go and look at the quality of the facade insulation. Such precautions, although they take a lot of time, will help you avoid many problems associated with unscrupulous performers in the future.

Once the contractor has been selected, he must draw up project documentation related to the specifics of the work, namely:

  • Drawings of apartment facades, with detailed dimensions window frames, cornices, and other architectural elements present on the outside of the house;
  • Data on the boundary loads that the walls of the house may experience;
  • Thermal insulation class of house walls - this item is Starting point when choosing the material used to insulate the walls of the apartment both outside and inside.

2 Selection of thermal insulation material

Insulation of apartment facades can be done with the following materials:

  • Foam plastic;
  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Mineral wool (very effective);
  • Foam glass.

Each of these heat insulators has its own advantages and disadvantages, which determine the relevance of their use in a specific situation.

Foam insulation is the most budget-friendly, and therefore the most common option. Polystyrene foam can be used to insulate anything and anywhere, even when the effectiveness of a given heat insulator will obviously be lacking. The pursuit of cheapness is the main mistake of most people, since using low-quality thermal insulators you will not get the expected effect from insulation.

In general, if the walls initially have a normal thermal insulation class, then insulating the outside of the building with foam plastic may be quite sufficient. If you decide to insulate your house with polystyrene foam, keep in mind that the higher the density of this material, the less heat-conducting properties it has, and, as a result, it is better suited for insulation.

Expanded polystyrene is also a fairly inexpensive material, and, at the same time, its thermal insulation properties much better than conventional polystyrene foam.

The advantages of this material include minimal weight, ease of installation (it is excellent for cladding corner apartment), and hydrophobicity - polystyrene foam does not actually absorb water, which has a positive effect on its service life.

The disadvantages of expanded polystyrene are the following: instability to fire (requires the installation of special fire protection jumpers), and lack of sound insulation. Expanded polystyrene, in general, is excellent for both thermal insulation of walls outside and inside the house.

Mineral wool is one of the most effective insulation materials, however, the cost of this material significantly exceeds the cost of analogues, therefore, it is used quite rarely for thermal insulation of facades.

The advantages of mineral wool include fire safety (the material does not burn), hydrophobicity, and good soundproofing properties. Significant disadvantage Mineral wool has only one thing - a relatively large weight, as a result of which its installation on the facade of a building is carried out with a large number of fastenings (dowels).

Foam glass is the most expensive material used to insulate apartment facades. If you are not limited in funds, then you should give preference to it, since this insulation has excellent thermal insulation properties, durability, and hydrophobicity. Foam glass does not burn, it does not harbor fungus, mold, or other microorganisms.

In addition to the insulation itself, you will need to purchase a large number of related materials, such as:

  • Construction adhesive, liquid foam, dowels - for fastening;
  • Plaster mixture - for leveling the surface;
  • Primer - for additional waterproofing of the insulation, and for better adhesion of the plaster to the paint;
  • Mesh for reinforcement - to strengthen the plaster layer;
  • Facade paints for - as a rule, housing and communal services require that the insulation be painted with paint that matches the main color of the building.

Payment to the contractor is made upon completion of all work, according to a report drawn up by the foreman, which indicates the entire range of work performed, and the individual cost of each element.

They are used for insulation of pipelines.

Living in a panel house is not always comfortable, since in winter the facade can freeze, moisture can accumulate on it, and mold can form. This leads to peeling of the wallpaper and an uncomfortable microclimate in the room - the temperature in the room is below a comfortable level. This is due to the properties of the walls of the panel structure, which are not characterized by resistance to change temperature regime And high humidity. To solve this problem, you will have to insulate the walls, and this must be done from the outside.

Photo of an insulated facade of a panel house

Insulation options

Insulating a panel house from the outside allows you to stop the flow of heat through the concrete. An additional layer of thermal insulation will provide protection from the destructive effects of external factors. On the market today you can find many that can be used for insulation inside or outside.

Insulation inside

For a panel house, insulating it from the inside will only make the situation worse. This is due to the movement of the dew point, which will move closer to the inside of the wall. In practice, this means that moisture will accumulate in the walls with even greater force - both the wall and the insulation will get wet, so the service life of the facade will be significantly reduced. To avoid such a situation, and at the same time reducing the usable area of ​​the apartment and destroying the design, you should give preference to insulating a panel house.

Insulation from outside

The difficulty is that insulating a panel house with a large number of floors is only possible with the help of climbing equipment. It is clear that it is almost impossible to get money to pay specialists and buy building materials from utility services. Moreover, an attempt to insulate a house at the expense of the residents also does not always meet with understanding from all project participants. So you can go the route least resistance and insulate a separate apartment.

The main advantages of external insulation:

  • There's no need to break interior decoration premises;
  • The internal one is preserved effective area apartments;
  • The supporting structure of the “socket” is strengthened, that is, the building is strengthened, which has a positive effect on its service life;
  • The insulation is an additional sound insulator;
  • The temperature inside the room increases with the same heating costs, since the walls are protected from freezing - heat loss through the panel box is reduced.

How to choose insulation

When choosing insulation for outdoor use, you should consider the following factors:

  • The climate of the region in which it is located panel house
  • Wind rose and precipitation
  • Available budget
  • Local features, for example, design project facade of the building.

To calculate the estimate and create a project, you must contact the management company or the HOA, while a team of industrial climbers will directly handle the insulation

Thermal conductivity diagram for building insulation

Types of insulation for panel houses

Can be used for thermal insulation of a panel house following materials:

· mineral wool

It is one of the most popular insulation materials for outdoor use. This is due to good performance characteristics, in particular, low thermal conductivity. At the same time, mineral wool is hygroscopic, so it is important to insulate it from moisture. Otherwise, the thermal insulation properties are leveled. For this purpose, it is necessary to lay a vapor-permeable membrane under the insulation layer - it will protect the mineral wool from moisture. You can also create an air gap in the ventilated facade - in this case, a membrane is not needed.

· extruded polystyrene foam and polystyrene

And extruded polystyrene foam or, as it is also called, penoplex, also have low thermal conductivity, so they can be used as insulation for a panel house. Moreover, if you choose from these materials, then most often foam is used as a heat insulator.

This material attracts with its lightness; moreover, such slabs can be mounted on the wall without any problems. In addition to thermal insulation, they provide additional insulation from sounds from the street. At the same time, when selecting a material, it is important to note the marking - the foam should be G1, which means “does not support independent combustion. If the foam is flammable, it should not be used. It is worth considering that the labeling does not always correspond to the real state of affairs. Therefore, when purchasing warm insulating material it is necessary to request a certificate for the product - it must comply with GOST 30244-94.

External insulation

Carrying out work on facade insulation multi-storey building

Insulation of the facade of a panel house is carried out in the following stages:

Preparatory stage

Preparing the surface of the facade is necessary - the end walls of the panel house are leveled, the slabs are cleaned of plaque. It is also important to seal voids and cracks; panel joints are sealed. If necessary, it is worth laying a sealant between the joints, while special mastic is used to seal cracks. Unevenness of the wall surface is allowed within two centimeters - such a deviation does not need to be repaired. When all the materials are dry, the wall is impregnated with a universal primer, which is applied using a sprayer or roller.

Installation of insulation

Since in the vast majority of cases foam plastic is used for thermal insulation of panel houses, it is worth considering the technology for installing this insulation. You can fix the foam using the following methods: placing the slabs on glue, fastening them, or combining these two options is the most reliable choice. The direction of pasting is from bottom to top. In this case, pasting begins with the installation of the starting strip.

After this, we begin to apply glue to the surface of the panel house - the technologies used directly depend on the quality of the walls. If they are smooth, then you can apply glue with a comb. If, as often happens, the walls are uneven, then the glue is simply thrown onto the surface. It is important to carefully fill the seams with glue. All this allows you to get rid of voids under the heat insulator. There is no need to apply glue to the foam.

Installation of foam plastic on the wall

The option when the glue is applied to the foam plastic, and not to the house, is not suitable in this case, since the voids under the insulation will become natural cold bridges, which will reduce the effectiveness of the entire event.

We apply the foam to the glue layer and press it well. After gluing all the plates, you need to leave them alone for several days. During this period, the adhesive solution will dry and shrink, after which it will be possible to perform next stage works As for fastening the slabs with dowels, you can choose plastic mushrooms. This is due to the lightness and low strength of polystyrene foam - such fasteners will save the facade from unnecessary heat loss.

It is worth paying attention to the gaps - they need to be filled polyurethane foam, cutting off the excess after the material has hardened.

As for the dowel caps, they must be covered with an adhesive mixture. All irregularities remaining after the glue has dried can be removed with regular sandpaper.

Preparation for reinforcement

The fragility of polystyrene foam is a serious drawback, so the insulation needs reinforcement - just glue a thin mesh. Such protection should prevent the destruction of the foam due to atmospheric phenomena and other unfavorable factors.

Preparation for reinforcement proceeds as follows: first, the corners are pasted over, after which you can proceed to pasting the walls themselves. To simplify the process, meshes with ready-made corners are used, which minimizes time consumption. If there are no such meshes, then you will have to make the corners from a regular mesh. It is enough to cut a long strip 30 centimeters wide and bend it at an angle - this design is pressed against the corner of the house greased with glue. In general, cutting the mesh into fragments greatly simplifies the installation itself, which allows you to sequentially cover the areas coated with glue with fragments. In this case, the mesh should overlap at the junction.

After gluing the mesh, you need to wait for the glue to dry, after which you can use a plastic float to clean off the excess solution and remove any unevenness.

Scheme of insulation of the facade of a panel house


Before finishing A leveling layer is applied to the entire treated façade. After this, it is necessary to apply a primer and a layer of plaster. The final stage is, preferably in a color that will not stand out too much against the background of the main color of the multi-story panel building.

Just a few years after the construction of a panel house, residents are faced with the question: how to properly insulate it? Over time the ability concrete slabs keep warm air and preventing the penetration of cold is significantly reduced. Heat loss begins not only through windows, but also through walls. In winter, this situation not only begins to bring some discomfort to the existence of the family, but also greatly irritates it. There is only one way out of this situation - insulating the walls of a panel house.

Insulate the facade of a panel house

If you insulate the room from the outside, you can avoid heat loss through the wall, which will also serve as an obstacle to the destruction of the structure. In addition, the use of various finishing materials will give the house a new, more modern look. External insulation has other advantages:

  • residents can continue to live in the house during construction work;
  • the temperature inside the building increases due to the use of thermal insulation material;
  • the dimensions of the room remain the same;
  • the structure of the room becomes stronger, the service life increases;
  • thermal insulation plays a role soundproofing material, reducing the likelihood of noise entering the room.

Insulating a panel house from the outside is very effective because it allows you to reduce heat loss and save on coolant costs. In some cases, the savings reach half the usual cost.

Required materials and tools

Conserving heat without the use of additional electrical appliances can be very effective. For right organized process There are different types of insulating materials. The most popular are:

  • mineral wool;
  • drywall;
  • Styrofoam;
  • plaster.

The materials used in the work must certainly have high quality. Otherwise, obtaining a positive effect will be a big question. Some of the materials presented on the modern construction market are designed specifically for use in outdoor conditions.

How to insulate walls

There are two technologies used to insulate walls:

  1. Wet facade.
  2. Ventilated facade.

For insulation using the materials described above, the first method is used. To organize a ventilated façade, a system for creating metal frame, onto which finishing material is subsequently attached.

The method by which strengthening with finishing materials occurs if the “wet” method of protecting facades is chosen is quite simple. The wall to be treated must be treated with mastic and then left to dry.

The surface that has dried after processing the joints is ready for further work. It will have to be coated with a primer, which can be done using either a roller or a special sprayer.

Thermal insulation material will have to be fixed to the pre-prepared wall. This can be done using glue and fasteners (nails, dowels). A combination of installation methods is possible.


High-quality insulation of a panel house begins with protecting the floor. This issue is especially relevant for citizens living on the first floors. In most cases, they have to resort to such events.

To reduce heat loss through the floor, the builders provided for the construction of joists on the floor of an apartment located on the 1st floor of a multi-story building. In cells that are organized by the intersection of elements wooden structure, lay insulation materials. This can be either polystyrene foam or mineral wool, or more exotic material options: expanded clay or sawdust. (You can read more about the types and brands of expanded clay).

Modern construction and Decoration Materials are presented in such a variety that every owner of the premises will find his own version of floor insulation. In addition, new materials are constantly appearing, but they have proven themselves to be excellent. This can be said about such types of insulation as polyurethane foam or penoizol. The use of even a thin 30 mm layer of these materials will reduce heat loss very significantly.

You can learn how to insulate a floor in a room with your own hands quickly and efficiently by watching the video.


A large amount of useful thermal energy is lost in a panel house through seams. This problem can also be easily solved by processing them. Filling the distance between the slabs with mortar allows you to fill the existing voids in the seams and helps to insulate the entire structure as a whole.

The choice of mixtures that can be used to fill the seams in a panel house suggests how they self-cooking, and purchase in finished form. One way or another, these compositions may contain foam beads to retard the flow of heat, and contain air particles to retain heat trying to penetrate the street.

If the distance between the seams is large, then you can fill it with soft insulating fiber. It is played by the well-known mineral wool. Its key characteristics are as follows:

  • high compression ratio;
  • possibility of use at work negative temperatures air;
  • ease of use, consisting in ease of installation and the absence of a list of tools, without which work would be impossible.

Mineral wool fibers are volatile and can also release formaldehyde components. These facts lead to a decrease in the frequency of use of this material in insulating panel seams. It turns out to be more practical in such a situation stone wool, which is safe for the health of residents and has fibers that do not break.


Modern insulation, which is used very often. It is quite economical, easy to use and easy to install. Carrying out installation work independently is possible even for an inexperienced person, and performing work on high floors requires the involvement of industrial climbers.

After the slabs are outside have been processed, insulation can be attached to them. If polystyrene foam is used as this material, then you should remember the recommended thickness of the material. It should not be less than 50 mm. On inner side Each sheet should be applied with glue, which is specially designed for work of this type.

Laying insulation should not be accompanied by the formation of cracks, because the work will not make sense: precious heat will escape through them. This can only be avoided if competent organization installation work and use, in addition to glue, and other types of fasteners.

Mineral wool

Many manufacturers work with this type of insulation such as mineral wool. It is quite effective, but there are certain nuances when working with this material. So, cotton wool should not get wet, otherwise its thermal insulation properties will be lost. To avoid moisture accumulation in the insulation layers, before installation, the material is protected by laying vapor barrier materials.

The membrane may not be used if an insulation method such as a ventilated façade is chosen. In this case, moisture will be removed thanks to air gap.


The issues of room insulation must be taken seriously. In certain climatic conditions, insulating walls with mineral wool is considered completely justified. In this case, you cannot do without sheets of drywall.

In this way, you can insulate not only facade surfaces, but also residential premises: balconies, loggias, walls inside technical rooms. At the same time, you should be careful with the amount of mineral wool used. Its excess will not only not make the apartment warmer, but will also contribute to excessive cooling.

Preparatory work

Transforming an apartment into a room that meets all thermal insulation requirements is possible. To do this, it is necessary to properly organize insulation measures. A big role is given to preparatory stage. It requires:

  • process the joints between the plates;
  • carefully seal the gaps;
  • clean all crevices from construction debris;
  • seal all parts of the building that will come into contact with the insulation;
  • insulation of large cracks with mineral or stone wool.

If the cracks have been additionally insulated, a layer of mastic must be placed on top.

How to insulate a panel house. Step-by-step instruction

The instructions for insulating a panel house contain the following steps:

  • selection of material and its quantity depending on climatic conditions and purposes;
  • purchase of materials and construction tools;
  • drying walls using a heat gun;
  • deletion possible finishing from walls that are to be insulated;
  • applying an antiseptic composition to surfaces that will soon be closed;
  • applying a primer; (read how to apply primer correctly in the article Primer of walls - surface preparation)
  • sealing seams, if necessary, additional insulation;
  • installation of insulation (using glue, plasterboard sheets and metal frame);
  • usage metal mesh for additional reinforcement;
  • finishing of insulation if necessary.

The start of work should be on the lower part of the wall, because this is where the starting bar is installed. It is most convenient to apply the glue with a spatula.

Specialists with extensive experience in installation work advise:

  • insulate the frame of a panel house in the summer;
  • for external insulation, it would be useful to insulate the internal parts of the wall;
  • the best option would be to use seamless technologies, as this will save additional heat;
  • some modern technologies very convenient, for example, the use of polyurethane foam for insulation, which can even be applied by spraying;
  • do not forget about the use of vapor barrier;
  • the selected material should not be afraid of moisture.

Compliance with the rules for installing thermal insulation materials will not only make the room warmer and more comfortable, but also significantly extend the life of the walls, because an additional layer of coating protects them from destruction.

Over time, the walls of a panel house need additional insulation. Unlike brick buildings, when there is a difference in temperature, they can freeze and accumulate moisture, which leads to the destruction of the external facade of the house, the appearance of cracks, mold and other unpleasant changes. Residents may notice that the apartments are cold, despite the presence of heating. To eliminate the consequences of such changes, and to maintain the level of heat inside as much as possible, it is recommended to insulate the panel house from the outside.

Advantages of external insulation

External insulation of the house will not only avoid heat leakage through the walls, but will also protect the facade from further destruction. Using various options decorative design in exterior decoration the house will look new. In addition, insulating walls from the outside has the following advantages:

  • no need for a while repair work evict residents from the house,
  • increasing the temperature inside the building by protecting walls from freezing and other adverse effects of weather conditions,
  • no resizing interior spaces– the entire living space is preserved,
  • insulation technology strengthens the supporting structure of a panel house, the building becomes more durable and its service life increases,
  • a layer of insulation on the outside acts as additional good sound insulation of the building.

External wall insulation is most effective for panel houses - it can save up to 50% of heat.

Types of insulation

The choice of which material is best to insulate the walls from the outside is influenced by:

  • location of a panel house in a certain climatic region,
  • amount of precipitation, wind strength and speed,
  • allocated budget for insulation of a panel house,
  • other individual factors.

useful in work

The estimate and project for the work is usually Management Company or HOA. A team of industrial climbers directly carries out the insulation process from the outside.

For panel houses, two types of insulation are mainly used:

Mineral wool

For outdoor work, it is convenient to work with mineral wool slabs, which are produced by various manufacturers. It has good performance in basic characteristics, including thermal conductivity. However, you need to ensure that the mineral wool does not get wet, otherwise it will lose its thermal insulation properties. To do this, a vapor-permeable membrane is laid under the insulation layer, which will protect it from vapors.

When finishing a ventilated facade, condensation from the walls of the house will be removed due to the air gap and the membrane does not need to be used.


It is distinguished by its lightness and simplicity when laying slabs on the wall. Also has good parameters for heat and sound insulation. For outside work, it is important to use a material that does not support spontaneous combustion. Manufacturers mark it with the G1 marking, however, the results of many tests confirm that the foam is flammable, and this name does not meet the requirements of GOST 30244-94. When purchasing insulation, be sure to ask the seller for product certificates.

It is important to know

The insulation of a panel house from the outside is limited by the thickness of the insulating material. The maximum value of foam thickness for walls is calculated using special formulas, taking into account average temperatures in a certain climatic region and the purpose of the building (residential, public, industrial).

Stages of the facade insulation process

Depending on the chosen insulation method, installation will vary. There are two main technologies:

  1. Wet Facade
  2. Ventilated facade

The process of insulation using the “wet” method is described below.

Preparing the wall surface

It is necessary to carefully prepare the surfaces of the facade of the house in order to insulate it efficiently. Each wall is leveled, cleaned of various deposits, voids and cracks are sealed, especially paying attention to the joints of the panels. If necessary, they put a sealant in them, coat the cracks with special mastics.
Unevenness of the wall surface is allowed within 1 - 2 cm, but no more.
After cleaning and processing the joints, the walls are left to dry. Next, they are coated with a universal primer using a roller or sprayer.

Installation of insulation

Attaching thermal insulation material to walls is possible in three options:

  • on glue,
  • for fasteners (dowels, plastic nails),
  • combining glue with fasteners.

The video shows in detail the method of attaching foam plastic using dowels for thermal insulation.

For example, polystyrene foam is fixed using a combined method from the first floor to the upper ones. A starting strip is installed at the bottom, from which the insulation begins to be glued. In this case, the glue is carefully applied to the walls with a spatula, filling the existing unevenness. Then the foam sheets are pressed tightly onto the treated surface. The evenness of the rows of insulation is checked with a level. It is possible to correct minor errors before the adhesive base sets. Now you need to wait 2 - 3 days for the glue to dry completely and for the insulation to adhere well to the walls. Next, the foam plastic is additionally secured with dowels - 4 - 5 pieces per sheet. Holes for fasteners are made with a hammer drill.

The second and subsequent rows of foam sheets are laid in a checkerboard pattern so that the joints of adjacent layers do not coincide. All seams between the insulation and the cracks from the fasteners are filled with special polyurethane foam, intended specifically for the installation of foam plastic, in order to minimize the likelihood of heat leaks. This foam is produced in cylinders and is best applied with a special gun. The excess and remaining foam is cut off after drying.

Pinning the grid

Polystyrene foam is a fairly fragile material, so it is reinforced to give strength and rigidity to the insulation elements. To do this, a special stable mesh is installed on the outside of the foam sheets. It is convenient to cut it into separate pieces of the same size and overlap it in small fragments. A layer of a special adhesive solution is evenly applied to the insulated surfaces for facade works, and the mesh is pressed into it. Then another one is applied to level it out. adhesive layer. After installing the mesh over the entire house, wait for the glue to dry before treating the surfaces sandpaper from mortar leaks and unevenness during the fastening process.
The reinforcement provides mechanical stability for the final decorative covering panel house.


After insulation external facades, as a rule, draw up decorative plaster. For the best adhesion of materials, the general layer of thermal insulation is primed again.
In addition, the technology of suspended ventilated facades is often used for residential apartment buildings. The thermal insulation layer has already been completed - all that remains is to install the outer cladding with a ventilation gap.

Today we offer a wide selection of materials for exterior finishing in a curtain façade system:

  • metal products (corrugated sheeting, siding, facade cassettes),
  • aluminum composite panels,
  • slabs made of porcelain stoneware, natural or artificial stone.

Each of them can be selected according to its external structure, color scheme and other characteristics.
Ventilated façade technology not only protects the walls of a building, but also makes it possible to implement a variety of design ideas and solutions.
To attach a ventilated facade, an additional frame will be required.

The process of insulating panel houses can be carried out during their reconstruction or major renovation. If your choice falls on the “wet” facade technology, it is advisable to plan work in the summer or at temperatures above 5°C. When using ventilated facades, installation can be done year-round.