Landscape style in landscape design. Water element in the garden in landscape style

The concept of style is generally known, because any activity today is carried out within the framework of this definition. The stylistic direction includes the features of some art, characteristic of a particular time. Landscape design, however, like many other architectural and construction projects, also occurs according to a certain stylistic trend. Finding the right style of landscape design is not an easy task. Firstly, the types of landscape design are quite diverse, and secondly, not every style will look perfect on a particular territory. But the desire of any owner of a land plot is that when they see his territory, those around him characterize it with the word: "Delightful!" Therefore, creating a landscape masterpiece requires a lot of effort, time and knowledge of what styles of landscape design are and how best to reproduce them. This is what will be discussed below.

Regular style

The landscape design in the regular (classical) style is characterized by symmetrical and graceful forms. It is characterized by the presence of restraint and clear boundaries. This stylistic trend assumes the presence of a large object as the main part of a landscape composition, it can be a water source, a body of water or a statue. There are absolutely even paths around it, covered with pebbles or gravel, and trees are arranged according to the same principle. As a rule, the paths are necessarily decorated with carefully trimmed ones.

Regular or classic

Classic style in landscape design allows organization, planted in a strict symmetrical arrangement. Floral representatives can be from the brightest to the most discreet shades. A flowerbed decorated with tulips, petunias, crocuses will look most suitable for this style, for example, marigolds are also suitable.

The composition of such landscape compositions may include trees of a strict form. For example, the territory can be decorated with linden, catalpa, spruce or are also perfect.

Characteristic feature a garden decorated in a classical style is the organization of bosquets, that is, geometric compositions created through the decorative shearing of densely planted bushes or trees.

Classic style on the backyard

Landscape style

What it is? In short, this direction is the complete opposite of the above-mentioned regular style.

It is characterized by the absence of any symmetry, clarity, restraint, everything is as natural and natural as possible. When decorating a design in a landscape style, it is recommended not to focus on large objects, including the house itself, but it is better to skillfully hide it behind the trees.

Landscape style

The features of such a landscape project are:

  • Wildflowers and those that can be found in forest land. They should be planted in an asymmetric order, according to the principle of a natural landscape. Some experts advise opting for colors of dull colors, close to pastel colors, which will create a greater natural effect;
  • Winding paths. Low-growing grass will serve as the optimal cover for them, you can also use brick chips or sandy cover.

Landscape-style paths are curving

Landscape garden (video description)

Japanese style design

The Japanese trend in landscape design is primarily achieving harmony between nature and man... This style is often referred to as "calming", because the main purpose of the design is to set up for relaxation in the full sense of the word, from physical to spiritual. The main landscape elements are stones and water.

Japanese style

When decorating the territory in this direction, they focus on

  • stone paths;
  • on decorative structures consisting of several stones (5-6 pieces);
  • construction of stone fountains or sculptures.

These ingredients are a must for creating a Japanese atmosphere.

Regarding vegetation, there are several basic recommendations - flowers of calm shades, not tall trees... Irises, ferns, dwarf pines, hydrangea, heather are suitable alternatives.

As for another element - "water", it can be organized as a miniature, decorating it with a bridge and. These elements will give the landscape a Japanese expression and flavor.

A pond for the Japanese style is a must

English style direction

The English style in landscaping has a rich and long history. In view of this, when designing a garden in this style, it is often possible to find an imitation of ancient stylized ruins and statues.

English style

Very often the big picture personal plot complement natural water bodies, although artificial ones are no exception, but created following the example of the former. Tall trees, sandy shores can be used as decorations for reservoirs. The paths can be lined with natural stone or similar, and small shrubs are planted along as usual.

Design design in the English style is carried out over large areas, since there is a need to place a large number of shrubs, trees, grasses. Dense vegetation is one of the main features.

For this flow, the observance of symmetry is completely irrelevant. On the contrary, winding paths, multi-tiered plants, alternating shrubs and lawns and other contradictions are completely normal for a garden created according to the English principle. However, one cannot fail to mention the perfectly trimmed lawn, which is the main ridge in this direction.

English style in the garden

Country style

Such a style in landscape design, which is so far from a complex civilization, and so close to natural primitiveness, is a rustic one. Its characteristic features are uncut grass on the lawn; nondescript and such ordinary plants; wattle, instead of a high stone fence; decoration in the form of aged vessels of various shapes... Among the trees, first of all, fruit trees, such as apple, cherry, pear, find their place, but flower beds are decorated with daisies, cornflowers, tulips - in general, everything that reminds of a distant and carefree childhood. The final touch, emphasizing simplicity and redneck, will be decorating the site with a clumsy scarecrow, wooden cart or wheel.

Country style


The American continent is undoubtedly considered the homeland of this direction; the times of the development of the Wild West remind of themselves to this day. Wooden houses, garden fruit trees, a vegetable garden with a traditional wicker fence - all this is very familiar to the design of this style. In some respects it is very similar to the previous, rustic one: there is still no lawn and natural grass, climbing plants in the extension to the house, trees and shrubs in wooden tubs, everything is quite natural and has no clear boundaries. Clay pots, wooden buckets or a trough are used as decor.

Country style

Chinese style

Landscaping in the Chinese style is, first of all, the unity of principles ancient culture Feng Shui and modern advances landscape design... All design components should be located in their place according to the cardinal points. The basic rules are naturalness, splendor and beauty. Since according to Chinese signs, red is a symbol of life and good luck, as well as wealth and fame, it is easy to assume that a garden plot would be simply unthinkable without plants of different shades of red. One of the central places will be given to a reservoir with lotuses; a small bamboo bridge is an obligatory attribute.

Chinese style

Willow, peach or plum trees are good options for choosing trees. Their number should be moderate so that they do not stand out excessively and do not cover the main elements of landscape decoration. And of course, the main component of the overall picture has always been, is and will be - with a curved roof, built in the traditional Chinese style, which the inhabitants of the East call "the eyes of the garden."

Mediterranean current

The main condition is to preserve sophistication, but at the same time simplicity and nobility. Mediterranean style in landscape design, it assumes the presence of "living" fences, consisting of shrubs, beautiful rose gardens, meadows with herbs and fruit trees.

Mediterranean style

As in other style directions, it will not be superfluous to build some water components, for example, a fountain, a trickle or a waterfall. In some cases, to achieve completeness and maximum compliance with the chosen style, it is recommended to build a gazebo, preferably where there are many trees. It can be decorated with flowerpots and a path leading to a water body can be foreseen.

Consultation with an expert on choosing a style (video)

So, as you can see, the styles of landscape design are diverse and unique. And these are just a few of them, in fact, there are a huge number of them, for every taste. The main thing to remember is that a wise choice and the right approach is the key to making your dreams come true!

Landscape style is a set of artistic techniques, a system of stable and uniform interpretations of forms that determine general form your garden, a certain combination and use of vegetation elements, types of decor.

Landscape Styles - Complete List

Navigation 16 styles:

Styles of landscape gardening art, as well as, can be divided into historically established and relatively new, modern. Let's start with the first ones.

English or landscape landscaping

As the name suggests, this design method has developed. garden plot in England at the beginning of the 18th century.
main idea style - love and respect for the natural flora, the community of man and nature.
English handwriting is a balance between slight negligence, even neglect and homeliness, well-groomed garden.
Harmony is achieved due to the following criteria:

  • smooth contours and lines, absence of straight and sharp corners;
  • the unity of the garden and the house;
  • vertical gardening;
  • stone paved, winding paths that mimic trails;
  • neat lawns as a place for passive rest;
  • the use of plants of various heights to create relief and scenic corridors;
  • an abundance of perennial plants;
  • externally natural reservoir or stream;
  • flower beds in the form of flower "carpets" and mounds;
  • riot of colors, color contrasts.

The landscape garden, stylized as a "wild" corner of nature, begins right outside the door of the house, on the facade and wickets, entwined with ivy, grapes and ramblers - climbing, world-famous English roses.

The English Garden is a flower festival. Among the most popular are: roses, begonias, lobelias, poppies, scarlet sage, multi-colored delphinium.

The attributes of a truly English landscape are wooden or stone benches located at the end of paths, flowerpots with flowers, ceramic slabs mounted in alleys, a romantic gazebo, small bridges, forged lanterns.
A characteristic feature is the presence of one or two antique objects: a statue, a shop.
Coloring - greens interspersed with silver, white, crimson, lilac shades.

Dutch style in landscape design

You can get an idea of ​​it by looking at the paintings of the masters of the Dutch school. It is characterized by pastorality, bright flamboyance, exemplary, sleek look. Dominants of the Dutch style:

  • parterre lawn, the center of the garden and the pride of the owner;
  • hedge;
  • a small number of trees (preference is given to flowers and shrubs);
  • mixborders along garden paths;
  • rustic decor, funny figurines;
  • flower beds in carts.

In front of the facade of the house, hidden by vines, there is a very elegant lawn surrounded by flower beds and ornamental shrubs - the heart of the garden. For its creation, bushy, with narrow leaves, cereals that form a thick, silky cover are suitable. Lawn accent standard tree, topiary, a small fountain or a tiny flower bed with flowers - camassia, hyacinths, crocuses. The parterre lawn is surrounded by a hedge or mixborder, a mixed flower garden with carefully selected crops.
Bulbous ones are the most popular: tulips, lilies, daffodils. Among the favorites are also delphinium, mordovnik, foxglove.

An indispensable condition for a Dutch garden is openness so that passers-by can admire it. Therefore, solid fences are not installed, but are content with a hedge made of juniper, boxwood, dogwood, or a fence made of rare forged rods.
The paths are covered with chips or pebbles, they equip sites on which pavilions are placed, and decorative elements. But the benches are often "cut" right into the mixborder, into a living fence.

A Dutch garden is unthinkable without hand-made decorations: firstly, these are carts “loaded” with flowers. Secondly, decorative mills and wells, as well as wheels, wooden buckets and barrels, even chests of drawers and suitcases adapted for mini-flower beds. Sculptures are often funny, awakening a smile: stone frogs, gnomes, crows, mermaids.
The palette of the Dutch garden is luscious greenery with bright flashes of scarlet, blue, white.

Country in landscape design (rustic style)

Innocent naturalness is the basis of the village garden. He does not declare the idea of ​​unity with nature, he is nature itself.
Free, rustic design does not mean, however, a complete lack of rules. There they are:

  • simplicity and light randomness;
  • gravel paths or paved with grassed stones with gaps;
  • the presence of fruit trees and garden beds;
  • flowers growing not only in flower beds;
  • creeping, climbing plants on fences;
  • decor from "village" objects - fragments of wicker tyna, carts and wheels, clay pots and jugs, barrels;
  • fruits in the role of flowers - pumpkins, physalis, bunches of grapes and mountain ash;
  • combining horticultural and wild crops into one group.

The view of the village plot is the golden mean between the natural neglect and household care, beauty and benefit.
Fruit trees and bushes, beds are required; this, one might say, is the originality of the style. It is better to arrange apple trees or plums not in a heap and in a strict order, but in different corners plot. Forming a full-fledged vegetable garden from the beds is also not worth it, you can limit yourself to spicy, healthy herbs.

Expensive, exotic flowers will not fit into a landscape full of rural spontaneity. But such a garden will not do without sunflowers and mallow, cosmos, chamomile, calendula and marigolds.
Where there is dusk, you can plant shade-loving hosts, textured type of ferns.
Flowers in a similar area do not grow in flower beds, but simply on free lawns, near fruit trees and between vegetable beds.

Attributes of a rustic country garden - wood or wicker furniture of an artless look, birdhouses, swings, rough, self made hedges, funny garden scarecrow.
The variety of country decor is almost limitless: you can use rustic dishes and utensils, all kinds of tubs, drawbars and rocker arms, decorating them with flowers.

Chinese style in landscape design

The world's first park appeared in Suzhou District - Chinese landscape art for thousands of years. It is based on the provisions of Feng Shui. The movement of water and wind, the main elements in the Taoist worldview, generates qi energy, which should permeate both the house and the garden. If the layout does not take into account these wisdom, does not regulate the flow of qi, the garden cannot be called Chinese, no matter how many pagodas you put in it.

The Chinese are sure: qi energy circulates freely only along natural, miraculous lines and contours. Therefore, there can be no symmetry, parallels, right angles in the garden.
In addition, the Chinese garden is subject to the following rules:

  • all items must form a single, complete composition;
  • the garden is obliged to heal, to be a "hall" for qigong and meditation;
  • a new landscape should be visible from anywhere, creating the impression infinity landscape;
  • water is present in the hypostases of rest and movement;
  • the presence of a tea gazebo in a secluded nook is also required;
  • finally, plant diversity is another credo Taoist parka.

The garden in the Middle Kingdom is a model of the world, which means that it looks as if pines, bamboo, boulders and streams appeared on their own, many years ago.
Such a garden must create the impression of infinity, as well as fullness and richness. Wherever you turn, a new facet of beauty should open up from everywhere.
A stream with running water and a pond with standing water are indispensable companions of the Chinese park. Carefully selected stones are located in one area selected according to the rules of Feng Shui. Stones of unusual color and shape are especially appreciated.
The completeness of the composition presupposes a garden fence, which, however, repeats all the bends of the relief and tends to merge with bushes and trees. A wooden gate, crowned with a wise aphorism, leads to the Chinese garden.

Tea house oh round shape set on a dais, from where the distance is clearly visible.
Flora in Chinese garden- solid symbols. Each tree means something: pine - fortitude, peach - happiness, juniper - health, fir - longevity ... In China, they love jasmine, chrysanthemums and peonies, tea roses, dahlias, irises.

Colonial style in landscape design

Colonial garden art combined the traditions of the Old World with the practice of the natives, the inhabitants of the colonies. Signs of a colonial garden:

  • simple, utilitarian materials;
  • a veranda or terrace as the starting point of the garden;
  • plants and topiary in large tubs;
  • white wooden fence;
  • several sentimental sculptures;
  • liberty, slight absent-mindedness, showing through in the manner of design.

The colonial-style garden begins on a veranda lined with spits and hops. Garden paths in the Dutch manner are sprinkled with chips or covered with wooden flooring, flagstone.
The site is decorated with small sculptures made of stone, alabaster, ceramics or wood - these are rabbits and ducks, chubby angels, cherubs and cupids.

V set the colonial garden may also include a fountain - a small, stylized as a washstand, located at the walls of the veranda.
Arches and pergolas, if there is room for them, preferably forged, garden furniture- from planed boards, rattan, vines or bamboo.
Don't forget the rocking chair and hammock.

Plants in a colonial-type garden are enchanting with their variegated variety. In tubs, flowerpots, containers, urns bloom, replacing each other: hyacinths, daffodils, peonies, lilies, phloxes, begonia, fragrant tobacco and peas, carnations, hydrangeas. The dishes in which they grow can be moved, brought into the veranda or into the house during cold weather.

A certain place is assigned to edible and medicinal plants - sage, echinacea, lemongrass, marjoram. Fruit trees prevail among the trees, because at first the colonial gardens were not so much a place of rest as a source of fruits and vegetables.

Moorish landscape design

The Moorish Garden is a fairy tale embodied, an oasis full of colors, sounds and aromas. Splendor and luxury are its main parameters.
The distinctive properties of such a landscape include:

  • isolation, closeness;
  • the chor-bak principle at the heart of the layout;
  • classical norms, symmetry;
  • flower beds in the form of squares, sometimes circles;
  • pools and fountains lined with Arabic mosaics;
  • the obligatory presence of fruit, sweet-smelling trees;
    fragrant flowers and herbs;
  • beds, benches in the shade.

The eastern garden is hidden from prying eyes behind a stone fence. It is a square divided into four equal parts (chor-bak rule). Paths, bushes, less often canals cope with the role of boundaries between squares.
Inside each "puzzle" is a pond, a fountain or even a pool. Peaches, quinces, apricots and pears are huddled alongside jasmine and roses, hinting at heavenly groves... What is missing?
- That's right, birds. Peacocks roam the Moorish garden, and cages with canaries and parrots hang in the trees.

In addition to roses, oriental gardens are characterized by tulips, hyacinths, and lilies growing in oblong flower beds.

The murmur of water, bird trills, the fragrance of flowers and fruits should be felt anywhere in the Moorish arboretum.

Details of the Moorish landscape - comfortable, wide beds with many pillows, gazebos in the form of tents, awnings made of thin, airy fabrics and glass beads, mosaics.
The palette is juicy greens, purples, yellows, violet colors.

Provence style in landscape design

In fact, this is the style of French villages - sweet, soulful, rude and sophisticated at the same time.
Conceptual features french garden:

  • fruit trees with silhouettes formed in the form of palmettes;
  • stone terraces, supports of old, rough tuff, sandstone or shell rock;
  • many colors of pastel shades;
  • beds with Provencal herbs;
  • semi-antique gazebos with the same furniture;
  • pergolas and trellises;
  • stone well and / or fountain;
  • narrow cobbled paths in addition to the wide main paths.

Mostly French vineyards are located on the slopes, so the gardens are usually fortified with terraces and retaining structures made of stone. Actually, a couple of wide steps are enough to remind you of this tradition.

Covered with creepers, gnarled masonry- the trademark of the Provencal style, in which each item is wrapped in a light veil of archaism.

Plants are chosen with foliage of various, but soft shades - apple, olive, linden, apricots, plane trees, Dubrovnik, grapes.
The main tracks cover ceramic tiles, rectangular or square, additional sprinkle with white sand.
The shade in the French garden is created by pergolas that support wisterias and clematis.
The water in the south is a true value, therefore a medium-sized fountain made of wild stone must “register” on the site.
The "highlight" of French gardens is the springs built into the masonry of the retaining walls. Previously, there was also a well, but today it is being replaced by a pool, the sides of which are decorated with ceramic vases with flowers.

There are a lot of flowers: hydrangeas, delphinium, lavatera, cosmeya, lupine ... spices: lavender, hyssop, rosemary, thyme, anise, oregano, mint, thyme.
For color, pumpkins and ornamental cabbage are added to the beds.

Creating a corner of a French village is a delicate matter, because many plants will have to look for an adequate replacement. The main difficulty is to arrange the fruit and decorative trees, shrubs, flowers and herbs in the right tiers to keep the garden a cohesive, colorful picture all year round.

The gazebo and garden furniture are mostly wooden, with patina and cracks. For heightened comfort, pillows are laid out on chairs and benches, and the entrance to the arbor is covered with muslin.
The shades of the Provencal garden are soft green, white, pink, sky blue and, of course, lavender.

Regular (classic, formal) style

The ensembles of Peterhof, Versailles, Sanssouci, Tuileries, Hyde Park and other complexes are excellent examples of such a landscape.
Regular style, sometimes called landscape baroque, originated in France, the core of his concept is “man - the architect of nature”.

Classicism, in the bosom of which this garden design was formed, preached rationalism and advocated logic, clarity of proportions. It is no wonder that the regular style, in particular, is characterized by:

  • mirror symmetry, straight alleys, perfect geometry of flower beds and lawns;
  • the main parterre is a rectangular lawn decorated with an antique statue, an exquisite flower garden, vases, colored sand and gravel;
  • fountains, sculptures and flower beds as centers of compositions;
  • bosquettes - green "rooms" surrounded by walls of trimmed trees and bushes;
  • an abundance of ridges along the paths - elongated flower beds forming a complex pattern;
  • more artificial than ponds of ideally regular, geometric shape;
  • classic gazebos and gazebos at the intersection of the alleys, serving as observation platforms from where you can admire the garden;
  • strict silhouettes of topiary, flowerpots with flowers;
  • antique statues or sculptural compositions.

All small architectural forms in the garden - from fountains and sculptures to garden benches - are placed at carefully selected points, at the intersections of paths, to emphasize the symmetry of the territory. In addition to the listed items, columns and stone balls, wrought iron pergolas and arches, clearly defined, living borders are widely used in classical gardens.

A special role in the regular landscape belongs to low trees and shrubs with dense crowns, which perfectly keep the shape set by gardeners, these are: cypresses, thuja, euonymus, lindens, spireas, maples. Of the flowers, preference is given to tulips and lilies, cyclamens.
Shades of a classic garden, in addition to natural greenery - white, blue, pale yellow.

Landscape in the style of "Russian estate"

You can get into the spirit of this style by reading Russian classics. The only pity is that the Russian scale, typical of old gardens, cannot be embodied in a small area. In addition to the scale, the manor style is distinguished by the following accents:

  • streamlined shapes and smooth lines;
  • old lindens, oaks with large trunks and spreading crowns;
  • shady, secluded corners;
  • antique sculptures;
  • artificial pond;
  • lawns with wild vegetation;
  • pavilion or rotunda;
  • hedges, raised flower beds;
  • forged lanterns.

The atmosphere of the Russian garden is calm and thoughtful; it is good to retire in it with a book, to dream of love.

When equipping a garden-estate, one should avoid too correct forms and pedantry unusual for the Russian mentality.

Benches, swings and gazebos are of a dull color, most often white.
Do not get carried away with exotic flowers, and it is better to prefer lawns covered with clover and dandelions to lawns. There must be several conifers, among which, of course, the spruce - the emblem of the Russian forest.

Among the accessories, in addition to the ones mentioned, there are also flowerpots, old, mossy statues, wrought iron lattices.
The gamut of the Russian garden is watercolor, without loud components, white, heavenly, pink, lilac and cream shades prevail in it.

Mediterranean (Italian) style of garden design

This is a southern version of the landscape, a resort near the house.
Expressive strokes:

  • play of light and shadow;
  • patio as the center of the composition;
  • tropical plants in ceramic tubs;
  • pergolas and umbrellas;
  • wide, white-painted benches;
  • mosaic-paved paths and platforms;
  • stone terraces or wide steps.

Mediterranean garden - a synthesis of stones, terracotta, plants that surround the water in the pool. The layout is strict, because the homeland of the classical canons is the Mediterranean, Hellas and Rome.
The patio is covered with ceramic tiles; for awnings, white, blue, yellow canvas is used.
The territory is greened with palms in tubs, cypresses, magnolias, acacia, silver olives, almonds and pistachios. Show topiary skill, trimming crowns in the form of balls and pyramids. Crocuses, hyacinths are cultivated, curly roses, Snapdragon and levkoi, lilies, primroses. And also dried flowers - immortelle, kermek, decorative bows and cereals.

Pergolas entwined with ivy and hanging over alleys, grottoes will fit into the concept of the Italian garden.

Accessories and decor - amphora-shaped flowerpots, flower pots against the background of white walls and shutters, Corinthian columns and porticoes, imitation of antique ruins.
The colors of the garden are shades of sand and sea.

Japanese landscape design

A traditional garden in Japan is part of the worldview, a territory not for fun, but for thought and contemplation. There are no accidents in it, aesthetics for the sake of aesthetics: all components symbolize certain elements, express yin and yang.
Western rationalism with its straightforwardness, unnatural symmetry and geometry is alien to Japanese gardens.
In fact, this is a cast, a toy copy of a large-scale landscape, in which there are rivers and mountains, tall trees and low bushes.

Signs of a Japanese garden:

  • asymmetry as the basis for planning;
  • many stones from rather large boulders to fine gravel, groups of them (rock gardens);
  • tree crowns formed in the form of hills;
  • a variety of reservoirs: a stream, a pond, a stone bowl with water;
  • paved, step-by-step trails;
  • Dry streams;
  • moss, ferns;
  • bamboo hedges, gates;
  • gazebo - tea house.

The Japanese garden is distinguished by its seclusion - most often it is hidden behind walls, due to which, as well as boulders and grottoes, it is associated with a refuge.

All water bodies in a Japanese garden have a natural appearance - that is, they are not fountains or pools.

One of the important characteristics of a Japanese garden is its off-season nature, it is planned in such a way as to facilitate reflection and contemplation at any time of the year. The garden should be pleasing to the eye and in early spring, and in late autumn, and even in winter. For this, not only evergreens are used, but also Japanese lanterns in the branches, trees with winding trunks, bizarre roots and driftwood.

Garden attributes in japanese style- benches made of roughly sawn wood or stone, graceful, curved bridges over streams, ropes.
The paths in such a park are not easy, they symbolize the path of life and are covered with flat, every step, stones.
Typical flora - pine and maple, cherry, bamboo. It is imperative to include plants whose leaves acquire a scarlet, crimson, crimson color.
The range of the Japanese garden is gray-green, white, brown, red-brown, carmine; transitions from color to color are blurry, blurry.

Despite the fact that the direction implies laconicism and extreme simplicity, it is quite difficult to implement the idea of ​​minimalism in the garden. After all, it has to be implemented using the minimum number of tools.
The principles of such a garden:

  • the use of relief differences for division into zones;
  • spaciousness, isolation of objects;
  • steps, stairs;
  • straight as arrows of the path;
  • geometric regular pond.

Garden accessories and minimalist garden décor have something in common with hi-tech, but are less varied. These are, in particular, polished balls made of metal, stone or concrete, strict but effective diode lamps, painted gravel, lightweight outdoor furniture made of plastic or aluminum.

Gravel and crushed stones can completely replace lawns. Trees and shrubs are distinguished by graphical forms - these are plane trees, spruces and thuja, columnar juniper.

For vertical gardening, hops, actinidia, wild grapes are used. Sedges and ferns, mosses and grasses are suitable for covering the soil.
- Even minimalism cannot do without them, however bright plants there should be a little, two or three cultures. Zinnias, petunias, asters, chrysanthemums are planted in wooden or plastic boxes, which emphasizes the urban spirit of the style.
Minimalist paints - gray, silver, white, beige, light brown.

  • emphasis on the structure of the garden, on small architectural forms;
  • smooth, arched, wavy lines;
  • use of modern materials;
  • an abundance of accents;
  • contrast of color and textures, alternation of well-lit and dark areas;
  • asymmetric flower beds and flower beds.

Modern is closer to the landscape style with its rejection of the correct outlines that are not inherent in wildlife. But the freedom of style is not unlimited; rather, it is even well dosed.

The central point of the Art Nouveau garden is. The vegetation is planted in groups, in the middle of which there is something unusual, an exotic shrub, for example, or a tree with original color leaves, bright berries, a fancy trunk.
To create contrasts, they combine tall oak and squat willow, common species with dwarf ones. Creepers such as wild grapes, ivy and clematis are widely used.

Pretentiousness, mystery, which the style requires, add irises, lilies, nasturtiums, poppies, lilies of the valley, daffodils, variegated succulents and branchy ferns.

Details of the Art Nouveau garden - clear outlines of flower containers, large concrete or terracotta slabs, textured garden parquet, figurines of birds, beetles and butterflies. And also forged lattices with a floral pattern, mounted in gazebos, benches, lanterns and fences.

The colors of the garden are beige, chocolate, silver, pink, burgundy, blue.

High-tech in landscape design

Yes, this fashionable style has made its way into nature, subjecting it to the latest technologies. This landscape is distinguished by:

  • expressive, chopped shapes, clear boundaries, right angles;
  • polished stone and wood;
  • large parts made of glass, metal, finishing with composite materials;
  • straight or zigzag alleys;
  • very well-groomed, smooth lawn;
  • supports for vertical gardening;
  • an embossed pond in a concrete edging;
  • straight, like step keys;
  • modern lamps as a means of decoration and landscape lighting;
  • fences in the form of cubes, rectangles, balls.

High-tech does not provide for bright flower beds, urging to abandon lush flower beds, an abundance of colors.
For landscaping, they choose not very tall trees and shrubs with hard, dense crowns - boxwood, spruce, juniper, plane trees.
Hedge formed from barberry, hawthorn, cotoneaster. Small, peculiar flower beds of ferns, hosts, succulents are laid on the lawns.

Straight paths are neatly and densely covered with concrete tiles, wooden blocks, or sprinkled with white, painted gravel.

There can be several artificial ponds, autonomous or interconnected, necessarily of the correct shape, with concrete "banks".

However, a high-tech garden is not at all devoid of decor. It is decorated with balls and spherical vases made of polished stone and mirror metal, abstract monuments, LED lamps.
Containers for plants, pool sides and steps to it, futuristic sculptures are equipped with even, "space" lighting.
And also among the accessories - spherical arbors made of metal or wood, artificial stones, CDs on branches.

The general color is a mixture of gray, chocolate, silver, blue, purple. Dilute the restrained palette with strokes of red, red, black.

Eco-style in landscape design (naturgarden)

Eco-style landscape design is a fashionable hobby today. The essence of the undertaking is in the minimum intrusion into natural environment in order to preserve the maximum naturalness of the landscape.
Naturgarden is a local, self-sufficient ecosystem in which all elements are connected and support each other. Its signs:

  • materials natural origin typical for the area;
  • authenticity, miraculousness of the relief;
  • a combination of garden flowers with wild plants, plants and stones;
  • natural lawns, covered not with lawn grass, but with wild, field;
  • uneven, intermittent paths, carelessly lined with stones with gaps;
  • forest trees and shrubs.

The basis of the eco-garden is the flora characteristic of the area. And not only because it meets the criterion of maximum naturalness. But also because such plants are resistant to pests and do not require chemical protection.

The paths are covered with stone, turf or pebbles - they should not be straight, but not too winding, so as not to stand out from the environment.

The attributes of ecological design are primitive-looking furniture made of wood, vine or rattan, a stone hearth or fireplace, a hut or a shed. Stumps and driftwood, sawn trees in the eco-garden replace benches and statues, and a small swamp, bordered by reeds, is a fountain.

The decor of the garden is discreet: lanterns, for example, from bottles suspended from trees, bird feeders, crafts made from vines or hemp. Decorate an eco-site and a house for beetles, a beehive.

Vegetation is selected in such a way that it benefits the fauna, gets along with insects and birds. These are, for example, melliferous flowers that attract bees, bushes where hedgehogs will start, berries that birds will feed on.
The palette of the ecological garden is soft, natural colors.

The garden is an extension of the house, and you do not choose its style when you buy flower seeds and tree seedlings. And much earlier, when you decide what it will be like, its setting. You must admit that it is difficult to imagine a garden in a regular style, adjacent to a high-tech house. Or an oriental, Islamic landscape with an English cottage ...
However, it is not at all necessary to try to embody this or that landscape venture, using everything, from A to Z, style resources. Sometimes a few or only a few style elements are enough for the garden to acquire a spectacular, memorable look.

Decide which style of landscape design to choose for suburban area the task is quite difficult. Every person who dreams of his plot or is already the owner of a summer cottage, a country house, cherishes in his dreams the idea of ​​a beautiful garden. To realize your dream, you need to correctly define the tasks that need to be solved. And the most important thing is to choose the strength of the landscape of your future site. Our article will help you in solving this problem.

Styles are conventionally divided into 2 types: regular and landscape.

Regular style- got its distribution in France. Everything should be strict in this style, but in small garden it is difficult to arrange a regular style, since such a garden provides for long walks through the labyrinths. In France, this style matched exquisite fountains and beautiful architecture.

Landscape style much simpler than regular. The characteristic of the landscape style is that it is natural, it implies irregular shapes... For people who have chosen this style, this is a place where you can take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Regular styles

1) French style landscape design was formed in the era of classicism. The humanists of this time strove for clarity of forms and lines, balance of compositions, symmetry and geometric correctness of contours, proportionality and simplicity. The creator of Versailles, the gardener-architect André Le Nôtre can be considered the founder of the French style in gardening art. If you have not been to Versailles, then the less distant Peterhof will allow you to imagine the solemnity and grandeur characteristic of the French style.

Landscapes in this style are characterized by spacious terraces, calm reservoirs without waterfalls, paths paved with artificially aged stone, clipped plants. However, in the parks of the 18th century, spacious and bright, low staircases, wide steps or simply inclined planes were often used instead. The idea of ​​French parks often boiled down to emphasizing the grace of a house or palace. Instead of fences, this style suggests using ditches with water that do not visually limit the space and often appear unexpectedly in front of walking guests. For this effect of surprise, ditches-fences were once called "ah-ah". Now, time-consuming canals have been replaced by graceful wrought-iron grilles.

In regular park construction, every little thing is thought out. Benches, gazebos, bridges, park sculptures, fountains, curbs and even street vases are located in optimal places from the point of view of a landscape architect.

But, perhaps, the alleys can be considered the main feature of the French style. They can be parallel or diverge from the composition center, they can intersect (almost always at right angles) or abut against the shore of the reservoir, but they will organize the symmetry of space that distinguishes the regular style from any other.

The alleys of a French park must be wide, spacious, and impeccably straight. The central alley should face the main building of the composition; it is usually formed by dense planting of one type of tree. Those of you who have been to the old estates, most likely, have seen centuries-old lindens, hornbeams, ash trees, or maples, which are especially beautiful in autumn. Rowan looks elegant on short alleys, and in general it can be noted that exotic trees when the park is laid out in the French style, the palm tree is inferior to domestic tree species.

The second exit of the alley traditionally led to a free space with maximum visibility. Nowadays, when it is not easy to find an unnecessary palace for such design delights, the alleys often lead to garden sculptures, gazebos or fountains.

The most interesting element of the French style is the labyrinth. It became a property not only of royal parks, but also of estates in some Malye Sekhnovichi. A labyrinth in landscape design is, as a rule, a thicket of bushes with paths among them. The layout of the regular park here presupposes, first of all, a geometric shearing of the bush. As with other French-style elements, the labyrinth requires a significant amount of floor space. For their creation, juniper, honeysuckle could be used, although there are also known cases of adaptation to the hazel labyrinth. In the 18th century, when the style flourished, boxwood was popular in domestic parks, which, alas, constantly froze out.

The flower beds in such gardens and parks are bright, and often a symmetrical geometric ornament is also formed from flowering plants. However, historically, flower beds in French-style parks are borrowed from the Dutch school, they do not become the leading elements of park decor. But the planning features french style did not borrow from the Dutch. But there are unique elements here - bosquets, which are essentially a flower bed, but made of trees. They are a compact planting of trees (sometimes at a distance of only 30-50 cm), forming an enclosed space. The area inside such a landing is sometimes called the "green office". A bosquet can be a fountain or sculpture frame.

2) Italian style. This style of landscape design is created according to the laws of the regular style. It is a small garden near the house, often surrounded by trimmed hedges. The surface of such a garden is geometrically divided by straight or diagonal paths. In the center of the garden, there is often a fountain or pond that surrounds a flower garden or paved area.

The Italian garden can be called a real work of art, which combines nature and art in harmony. The Italian garden is often located on rather difficult terrain. If the garden has no height differences, then fill terraces are made and retaining walls lined with stone or decorated with sculptures, niches or balustrades. Decorated stairs and ramps are also used so that the terraces are interconnected and make up a single composition. A lot of stone is one of the important differences in the Italian style. It is used to make fences, stairs and ramps for connecting terraces, and also make fountains, cascades, pavilions in the park, balustrades, etc. Decorative items such as benches, flowerpots and statues can also be stone. Paving sites, paths and alleys are made of stone. In the center or along the axis of the garden, there are fountains, streams and some other water compositions typical of the Italian garden. The noise of the water brings some dynamics into the garden and becomes its musical accompaniment. Vegetation is of great importance for the organization of the Italian garden. The most popular are trees with a wide crown - cypress and oak. For a green hedge, laurel, myrtle or boxwood are used. The components of the green massif are mainly oaks, poplar, chestnut, fruit trees, elm, olives. For groups, conifers are used - cypress and Italian pine. Curly roses, ivy and grapes are used in pergolas. Flowers in the Italian style are used sparingly, since their placement should be well and clearly planned.

One of the main features of the Italian garden is the indispensable use of curly trimming of bushes. There are many trees and shrubs (coniferous and deciduous) that grow quickly and tolerate cutting very well: thuja, barberry, spruce, derain, etc. Often the Italian garden is characterized by the use of hedges and vegetable borders as a backdrop for fountains, decorative vases or sculptures. Also in the Italian style, a combination of both abstract and geometric shapes is used. The main thing in this case is imagination and a bold creative approach.

3) Moorish or Muslim style. A characteristic feature of this style is the use of several squares, the center of the composition is a fountain or pond, and around it plants are planted in a geometric sequence and paths are broken. Pools and fountains are often faced with marble or decorative glass, it is worth remembering that water in Islam is sacred, it is purification and life, without it the Garden of Eden is simply impossible to imagine. The framing of such a garden are galleries that are entwined with roses or wild grapes... A characteristic feature of such a garden is the aroma corner, where herbs are planted - such a heavenly place will surely please the owners who adore spices and unusual aromas. Tiled or mosaic paving is common in the courtyard - it is both simple and elegant.

Landscape styles

1) English style. This style is based on naturalness, it is a harmonious combination of human works with the gifts of nature. There is no place for symmetry, geometric lines and shapes, most often the main role is played not by the house, but by the garden, while the building is hidden behind dense bushes or entwined with wild grapes. Picturesque ponds, winding paths, planted in tiers of plants - all this is a landscape style. If you have uneven area Do not worry, because this style involves the alternation of hills, slopes and flat areas. For ponds, it is worth creating a natural frame - planting near-water plants, sprinkling the soil with sand or pebbles, the paths should be paved with wild stone or cuts from tree trunks. Low bushes are planted along the paths, but there are few flowers in the English garden - most often they are wildflowers and unobtrusive garden flowers - chamomile, calendula, aster, bell, and they are planted not in flower beds, but in chaotic groups.

2) Japanese style. The Japanese Garden is truly one of the most mysterious gardens, and in many ways this mystery lies in its simplicity. That is why he is so attractive. Japanese style is also a special philosophy, and it affects the life of the owner of the garden, actively helping him. In the matter of getting rid of stress, finding inner harmony, the Japanese garden has no equal: here all the elements of the style have been verified for centuries precisely for this purpose. This is an easy-care garden (although it seems challenging at first). But at the same time he is one of the most "professional".

A sense of proportion and taste are very important here, because a Japanese garden is a work landscape art... And therefore, in order for such a garden to look organic in our conditions, it is not necessary to literally copy all of its elements. Do not try to create it exactly as it traditionally happens in Japan, but use the motives, techniques, symbolism of this garden, using your pictorial means. Most often, a garden in this style occupies a small area, its beauty is in symbolism. Stone sculptures and figurines framing a pond, a light gazebo, and natural vegetation will be appropriate here. Blooming sakura, the embodiment of beauty and resilience, occupies a special place in the Japanese garden. Bonsai, a bonsai tree, will live perfectly in our climate, conifers and low bushes. Do not forget about stones - chaotic heaps and intricate compositions will complement the Japanese garden.

3) Chinese style. Has similarities to Japanese. The main feature in the hierarchy of elements in the decor: the subordination of one to another. Another feature is the use of feng shui teachings: maintaining harmony between elements of landscape design and between nature and man. In this vision, the balance between water and land is harmoniously maintained, the harmony of clean areas with planted plants. Japanese-style elements are often used: trees with a non-standard shape, statues of idols or mythical heroes, lined with decorative rocks.

In the foreground in such a garden - water and stones, and only then architecture. Flowers play only a fleeting role, they will organically fit coniferous trees, bamboo, undersized shrubs, but the lawn may be absent altogether. It is definitely worth building a wooden peaked gazebo for outdoor tea ceremonies, stretch a bridge across the pond, and Chinese lanterns can be hung around the perimeter of the site.

Contemporary styles

1) Country style. The country-style garden has a rustic charm, it is a nostalgic peasant garden. His main motto is naturalness and ease. Gardens of this style are common throughout the world; and in each country the rural garden has its own flavor. Country music is characterized by some carelessness, cheerfulness, a motley mixture of bright colors. This is a garden where many things grow and many accessories are present. But the negligence here is actually very thoughtful. A country garden does not require complex maintenance and can be arranged on a plot of any size, but the optimal one is from 6 to 12 acres. There are no special requirements for the shape and location of the site, but it is desirable that it is not in the forest.

Cosy country style: in fact, it is in search of this unique comfort that many people buy summer cottages. A characteristic feature of this style is the use of simple and uncomplicated forms and natural materials. The texture and color of the decorative elements should be similar to the material from which the house is built - it can be stone, wood or brick. The garden is filled with different colors - here are appropriate flower beds with bright flowers - mallow, peonies, phlox, marigold, dahlias and others.

There are no visual restrictions in such compositions. It is advisable to make furniture yourself - as a last resort, chairs can be made from hemp, and a table from several boards. You can decorate the site with clay pots, wattle, old painted buckets or barrels - the main thing is not to be afraid to show your imagination and then your summer cottage will be really unusual and very cozy.

2) Modern- one of the most graceful and mysterious styles, and he came to the garden from the interior. The Art Nouveau style that took shape at the beginning of the 20th century had such a strong influence on the culture as a whole that it simply could not fail to manifest itself in the garden design. The main highlight of the Art Nouveau style is the line.

The lines of the mo-turf are smooth, flowing, mesmerizing, arched. They seem to flow into themselves. The style is not one of the simplest, because here, like nowhere else, the connections of the zones between oneself and the garden with the house must be perfect. A well-made garden in this style is similar to music. It has something of a Japanese garden: the same elegance, meaningfulness. The Art Nouveau plot is mostly decorative, but despite its apparent simplicity, it requires careful maintenance. An optimal site of medium and large sizes is from 10 acres, the shape is best of all complex, irregular. The area should not be too dry.- Repair, decoration of premises

The landscape style in garden design, which is also called English, is more similar to the natural landscape. The main note in such a stylistic solution of the garden is the unity of man with nature. As you can see in the photo, this style does not imply any clear arrangement of elements on the territory, there is even some negligence and asymmetry. At the same time, it is important here that all the details of the territory fit organically into the landscape and at the same time do not violate the harmony of nature.

A hedge in the country

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen perfect lawn in the cinema, in the alley, and possibly on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have at least once tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

The landscape garden, as such, originated in England around the 18th century. Thanks to the development of romanticism, the English style appeared. Here, the single perception of man with nature is of prime importance, in which their interconnection is closely felt. Such architects like William Kent, Charles Bridgeman and Lanceloa Brown contributed to the formation of this trend in landscape design.

In those days, this direction began to be widely used. in France where strict French landscape ensembles prevailed. Also on the formation of this stylistic direction influenced and East where they denied pomp and artificiality, but on the contrary preferred the naturalness and harmony of man with nature.

Garden style

Landscape style today

The landscape style today is a simpler ensemble that can be created in almost any type of garden. The English garden is a little less expensive, and it also requires less work and further maintenance. Since in any landscape design, several adjustments are made and a completely new style is obtained, which is shown in the photo below.

The good thing about the landscape style is that it doesn't require large space... The English garden is also divided into small areas. In creating a garden, the main elements should have soft and at the same time as smooth lines as possible, and there should be a gradual transition from one to the other.

Landscape style on the site

In the design of a park of this stylistic direction, the relief remains the same; there is no need to use retaining walls and other structures. Any type of relief irregularities can be played up, and any territory can be emphasized with the help of individual details. Also, most architects today use such a method of relief transformation as geoplastics, which involves an architectural and artistic change in relief.

A landscape image in the garden can be obtained by including a couple of types of grasses in the lawn seed mixture. Quite often, it is decorated with a Moorish lawn, which looks quite elegant and resembles an excellent carpet. You can also use and alternative options lawn - dumping or ground cover plants.

The English garden and the arrangement of plants in it

The landscape garden is also distinguished by the fact that the plants in it are arranged in tiers - large-sized plants, hedges, shrubs, borders, and also flower beds. All plantings are located independently from each other, in groups. A landscape style is distinguished by a huge number of different flower beds, such landscape design is dominated by:

  • mixborders;
  • rocky gardens imitating mountain landscapes.

You can take a look at the options for such gardens in the photo.

The English garden and the arrangement of plants in it

In such a garden, there are also beautiful tapeworms that give a unique atmosphere to the entire territory. On such a site, honey plants are often planted, which attract bees, as well as bumblebees. The already existing landings of large-sized trees do not generally change. In the shade of large trees, a cozy whist can be located, which can be hidden in the back of the garden. In such a landscape landscape, plants with foliage and flowers of various shades are selected; quite often architects use gardens with continuous flowering in landscaping.

Landscape style water element

A landscape park cannot be imagined without a reservoir . There is no need to choose huge reservoirs that look unnatural for your small summer cottage. This style implies fuzzy coastlines, and coastal plants should be randomly planted. But some owners of private houses already have a natural body of water. In this case, it is necessary to take advantage of the new options for the layout of the park and landscaping. However, this style means the presence of natural bodies of water in the garden.

Water element

Visually, the reservoir will be better perceived if it is oval or round in shape. The pond on the territory is quickly populated by various small animals, which further brings the dacha territory much closer to wildlife... The organization of channels or streams will also be an excellent solution. On flat territories, streams of a flat type are organized, which have a winding channel, on uneven ones, streams of mountain types with drops are created. The movement and noise in the water will bring the garden to life.

Live hedges and flower arrangements

There are also hedges in the garden. However, unlike the regular style, it is supposed to use non-shearing hedges of flowering trees and shrubs. However, hedges and neatly trimmed curbs can also be used. Most architects use a technique called bersot.

Live hedges and flower arrangements

Numerous arches and pergolas, which are entwined with climbing plants, are able to divide the territory into separate parts and serve for its zoning. Also, for the zoning of the site, wood fences, metal fences, as well as various screens are used.

Most of those who purchase suburban areas, dream of silence, peace and harmony. And what could be more beautiful and harmonious than nature itself? We will tell you how to equip your site in a landscape or English style, which is closest to natural natural landscapes. And here is how the landscape design of the courtyard of a private house can look like and how to make it. will help to understand this


The principal feature of this style is clear from its name. The landscape style implies maximum unity with nature and imitation of natural landscapes in the conditions of a site.

One landscape style options in landscaping

What exactly does this mean?

  • Planting vegetation typical for the area.
  • Smooth lines of paths that imitate winding paths.
  • A maximum of natural and again familiar materials for the region in the decor. Preference is given to stone and wood, clay figurines are acceptable from man-made products and forged fences and lamps.
  • Minimal symmetry, because it cannot be found in natural landscapes.
  • Calm and soft colors, no riot of colors and a combination of many different colored decorative elements.
  • Light negligence - you should forget about curly and perfectly even cutting of bushes and lawn "under a ruler".
  • Plants are planted freely.

Also, you may be interested in information about what may be

The video shows how a landscape style can look like in landscape design:

Such deliberate visual negligence in the entire design of the territory in no way means that there is no need to monitor the site at all. It is imperative, everything should be kept clean, the plants should be healthy, well-groomed and actively growing. But the fact that a person had a hand in all this beauty should be as little noticeable as possible. But what the landscape design of a pond can be and how to choose it exactly for your site is outlined

How to create

A real English garden requires a large area, preferably at least 10-12 acres. On a smaller plot, of course, this style can also be applied, but it will not look so natural, that is, it will lose some of its attractiveness.

Site planning

The basis of the layout of the site in the English style is the paths. The recommendation, widespread in landscape design, to lay them as the shortest distances between the components of the site (entrance, buildings, pond, resting places, etc.) does not work here.

The paths are covered with rubble, spread natural stone or tiles of soft gray-beige shades.

This is what landscape-style tracks might look like.

The English style in landscape design does not accept clear zoning - here are flowers, there are trees, here is a pond, and here is a recreation area. All components of the design should be in slight chaos and smoothly replace one another. If it is visually necessary to separate one part of the territory from another, this should be done with a winding path, a dense hedge, a vegetable or an arch entwined with greenery.

You may also be interested in information on how it might look like

Pond design

In Chinese and Japanese gardens, there is no way without a reservoir. On an English-style plot, water is not a must, but it will certainly beautify it. To build a small pond, a spacious lake or lay a stream through part of the territory - the choice is only for the owners, the landscape style allows all these options. The main thing is that the reservoir is of an irregular geometric shape and does not have a clearly delineated coastline.

The reservoir can be decorative

You can decorate the water surface with water lilies, duckweed, and reeds. Nearby, for example, a weeping willow will look great. The shore should be laid out with a stone or large pebbles, to which a lawn or low-growing herbaceous flowering plants are closely selected. But what a Japanese-style landscape design looks like in the photo, you can see

Color combination

The dominant landscape style is green in all its variety of shades from light lime to dark emerald green. A significant part of the territory is covered with a lawn, and there are many other green spaces - grasses and trees.

This may look like a floral combination in a landscape style.

Bright accents of red, yellow, white, purple, orange, and so on are acceptable and even necessary. But they must be present dotted against a green background. Paths, benches, gazebos, figurines and other details should be done in calm colors - shades of beige, brown, white

Rest zone

For recreation on a plot in a landscape style, arrange a gazebo made of wood, stone or a combination of these two materials. Place it in the shade of trees on the lawn and next to the reservoir, if provided on the territory. Low shrubs, ornamental green or flowering plants are planted around the gazebo. And the frame of the building itself should be decorated curly landings- roses, ivy. The backlight is made in the form of forged lamps. In addition to the gazebo, wooden or wrought iron benches dull colors.

A landscape-style seating area can be made up of a table and benches

On the site, you may need something that you will not find in the wild - a space for sports, for example, an area with exercise equipment, a tennis table or a field for ball games. It is advisable to separate such a section of the territory with a tall wrought-iron fence or twined with greenery, or hide it, for example, behind the house.

What plants to plant

  1. Of the trees for the landscape style are typical spruces, pines, fir, oak, holly, , silver willow... Fruits (apple, pear, cherry) can also be used, but not in the predominant amount.

    Spruce, pine, fir in landscape style

  2. Of the flowering shrubs in the English garden, roses dominate - double and non-double, delicate white-pink shades and bright reds and burgundy, small and lush. Roses can be planted in any quantity and combination without fear of overdoing it.

    You can use a large number of roses in combination with other flowers

    Fences can be made of wood

  3. A living fence is created from thuja, rosemary and boxwood.
  4. It is allowed to dilute the greens of the lawn with low flowers - clover, daisies, marigolds.

    The lawn should be chosen only with high-quality coverage.

  5. The flower beds are made lush, dense and tiered, planting there in different combinations of pansies, delphinium, crocuses, daffodils, chamomile, violets, asters, nasturtium, mallow, geranium, begonias of any varieties.

If you want maximum closeness to nature on your own plot, then the English or landscape style will be the best solution. Its main feature is the most accurate imitation of natural landscapes.