List the largest countries by area. The world's largest country by territory

20. Peru is a country in South America. The capital is Lima. Area - 1,285,220 km². It is the third largest country by area South America.

19. Mongolia is a state in Central Asia. The capital is Ulaanbaatar. Area - 1,564,116 km².

18. Iran is a state in southwest Asia. The capital is the city of Tehran. Area - 1,648,000 km².

17. Libya - a state in North Africa on the coast Mediterranean Sea. The capital is Tripoli. Area - 1,759,540 km².

16. Sudan is a state in East Africa. Khartoum. Area - 1,886,068 km².

15. Indonesia is a state in South-East Asia. The capital is Jakarta. Area - 1,919,440 km².

14. Mexico is a state in North America. The capital is Mexico City. Area - 1,972,550 km².

13. Saudi Arabia is the largest state on the Arabian Peninsula. The capital is Riyadh. Area - 2,149,000 km².

12. Denmark is a state in Northern Europe, a senior member of the Commonwealth of States of the Kingdom of Denmark, which also includes the Faroe Islands and Greenland. The capital is Copenhagen. Area - 2,210,579 km².

The territory of the island of Greenland is 98% of the territory of the Kingdom of Denmark

11. Democratic Republic of the Congo - a state in Central Africa. The capital is Kinshasa. Area - 2,345,410 km².

10. Algeria is a state in North Africa in the western part of the Mediterranean basin. The capital is Algeria. Area - 2,381,740 km². Algeria is the largest country in Africa by territory.

9. Kazakhstan is a state located in the center of Eurasia, most of which belongs to Asia, and the smaller one to Europe. The capital is Astana. Area - 2,724,902 km².

Kazakhstan is the largest country without access to the World Ocean.

8. Argentina is a country located in the southeastern part of the South American mainland, the eastern part of the island Tierra del Fuego, nearby Estados islands, etc. The capital is Buenos Aires. Area - 2,766,890 km².

7. India is a country in South Asia. The capital is New Delhi. Area - 3,287,263 km².

6. Australia is a state in the Southern Hemisphere, occupying the mainland of Australia, the island of Tasmania and several other islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The capital is Canberra. Area - 7,692,024 km².

5. Brazil - located in the eastern and central part of the mainland of South America. The largest state in terms of area and population in South America. The capital is Brasilia. Area - 8,514,877 km².

The only country on both American continents that speaks Portuguese.

4. The USA is a state in North America. The capital is Washington. Area - 9,519,431 km².

3. China is a state in East Asia. The capital is Beijing. Area - 9,598,077 km².

China is the largest country in the world by population - over 1.35 billion.

2. Canada is a country in North America. The capital is Ottawa. Area - 9,984,670 km².

1. Russia is a state in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. Moscow the capital. The area of ​​Russia, taking into account the two new regions of Crimea and Sevastopol, in 2014 is 17,126,122 km².

Russia is the largest state in terms of area in both Europe and Asia.

Largest states by area by continent

  • Asia - Russia (the area of ​​the Asian part of Russia is 13.1 million km²)
  • Europe - Russia (the area of ​​the European part of Russia is 3.986 million km²)
  • Africa - Algeria (area 2.38 million km²)
  • South America - Brazil (area 8.51 million km²)
  • North America - Canada (area 9.98 million km²)
  • Australia and Oceania - Australia (area 7.69 million km²)

Largest countries by population

  1. People's Republic of China - 1,366,659,000
  2. India - 1,256,585,000
  3. USA - 317,321,000
  4. Indonesia - 249,866,000
  5. Brazil - 201 017 953
  6. Pakistan - 186,977,027
  7. Nigeria - 173,615,000
  8. Bangladesh - 156,529,084
  9. Russia - 146,048,500 (including Crimea and Sevastopol)
  10. Japan - 127,100,000
  11. Mexico - 119,713,203
  12. Philippines - 99,798,635
  13. Ethiopia - 93,877,025
  14. Vietnam - 92 477 857
  15. Egypt - 85,402,000
  16. Germany - 80 523 746
  17. Iran - 77,549,005
  18. Türkiye - 76,667,864
  19. Thailand - 70 498 494
  20. Democratic Republic of the Congo - 67,514,000

33% of the world's population lives in China and India (1st and 2nd places), another 33% live in the next 15 countries (3rd to 17th places)

Largest states by population by continent

  • Asia - China (1,366,659,000)
  • Europe - Russia (population of the European part of Russia - 114,200,000)
  • Africa - Nigeria (173,615,000)
  • South America - Brazil (201,017,953)
  • North America - USA (317,321,000)
  • Australia and Oceania - Australia (24,104,000)

There are states on our planet that we only heard about in geography lessons. Entire worlds with their own rules and mentality that live on the other side of the world.

They are not well known because they are not active foreign policy, the scale of their lands and production within does not affect other countries.

Other countries are powerful fighters for rights and active helpers for neighboring states.

They are endowed with huge territories and supply their “neighbors” with products and minerals. Their territory is so vast that it is difficult to imagine.

Anyone who went to school knows sample list the most large states peace. Let's refresh our knowledge by remembering their names and the size of the area.

List of the most big countries world:

The first 7 countries on the list are considered giants in terms of territory size. Any state whose size exceeds 3,000,000 km² is gigantic.

The territory of Russia is the undoubted leader. Almost twice the size of second-place Canada.

Interesting fact! Under the USSR, our territory was even larger. Its size almost reached the entire territory North America.

The lion's share - three quarters of the land - belonged to Russia. One sixth of the earth's space belonged to the USSR.

This order was maintained from 1922 to 1991. The area of ​​the USSR is 22,402,200 km². 293,047,571 people lived in these open spaces.

Largest countries by population

Population is another indicator. Territory and numbers vary greatly. The leaders of the previous table are changing abruptly.

Numbers do not depend on wealth, on the contrary: poor countries have larger numbers. Climate matters national characteristics, mentality.

List of countries with the largest population:

  1. India.
  2. Indonesia.
  3. Pakistan.
  4. Brazil.
  5. Nigeria.
  6. Bangladesh.
  7. Russia.
  8. Japan.

Russia occupies only 9th position. China is in the lead; Russians have long been making jokes about the situation with population growth. And in vain, since in Russia the situation is the opposite.

Despite the high population, the birth rate in the country is low. In 2016, the birth rate in Russia was 12.9%, and mortality statistics showed exactly the same.

Today in our country there is an active policy to support mothers with children. New laws are being adopted that will improve the financial situation of families with children.

But, as statistics show, it is not a matter of the country’s material well-being.

Leaders in natural population growth:

  1. Malawi - 33.2%.
  2. Uganda - 33%.
  3. Burundi - 32.7%.
  4. Niger - 32.7%.
  5. Mali - 31.8%.

These countries cannot be called developed and wealthy. The fertility rate is taken from the same ratio.

Another surprising pattern: in these countries the mortality rate is lower than in Russia, which occupies - attention - 201st place in the ranking of population growth! We are in 201st place. These are the data for 2016.

In 2017, due to the wave of the financial crisis, the situation did not improve. The mortality rate has decreased, but along with it there has been a real collapse in the birth rate.

So we are still far from reaching the indicators of Malawi and Uganda. The mortality rate in 2017 was 12.6%. Men do not live to see 60 years of age. The female figure is 71 years.

Ratings of countries by standard of living in 2017

The effect of wealth on fertility is a controversial issue. Developed countries are known for having the lowest birth rates.

Psychologists explain this by the lack of a sense of fear, which activates the instinct of self-preservation in residents with low level life.

The instinct of self-preservation calls on people to leave offspring behind. The worse they live, the stronger desire continue the family line, give birth to more children in order to increase the likelihood of continued life.

Developed countries provide stability, and people do not have such an instinct.

In addition to the survival instinct, the culture of a country influences fertility. In the East it is customary to start large families.

They sincerely cannot understand what childfree is and how such people can even exist.

Interesting information! Childfree - families who reject the idea of ​​having and maintaining children.

Top 5 countries leading in terms of living standards in 2017:

  1. Norway.
  2. Australia.
  3. Sweden.
  4. Switzerland.
  5. Netherlands.

The Netherlands ranks 184th in terms of population growth. It is slightly more than 2%.
Sweden - 180th place.
Switzerland - 182nd place.
Norway - 169th place in the ranking, population growth 4.1%.
Australia - 159th place, 4.9%. The mortality rate does not exceed the birth rate - this is a positive indicator for states.

Many countries have a negative rate of natural population growth.

The list includes world powers:

  • Poland.
  • Moldova.
  • Czech Republic.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Italy.
  • Japan.
  • Portugal.
  • Estonia.
  • France.
  • Greece.
  • Belarus.
  • Romania.
  • Monaco.
  • Germany.
  • Croatia.
  • Slovenia.
  • Hungary.
  • Ukraine.
  • Latvia.
  • Lithuania.
  • Serbia.
  • Bulgaria.

The birth rate in these states ranges from 8 to 10%, and the mortality rate: from 9 to 13%.

Comparative data show that the demographic state of affairs in Russia is relatively good.

Financial crisis recent years affected the birth rate, but the numbers give hope for a better outcome. Mortality and birth rates are at least equal. The current policy of our country is aimed at preserving the nation.

Along with the birth rate, the number of marriages in Russia decreased in 2017.

But the government continues to introduce new laws that will help restore the balance between mortality and fertility in the direction of increasing natural increase.

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Surely everyone knows that the largest in the world is Russia. TravelAsk wants to introduce you to its scale.

Largest territory

Russia is the largest country in the world, with an area of ​​17.1 million square kilometers, which is approximately twice the size of Canada, the country with the second largest area. And this is one sixth of all the land on the planet.

By the way, if Antarctica were a state, it would rank second in the world after Russia, with an area of ​​14.4 million square kilometers.

In the 18th century, Russia was the third largest empire in human history. Its territory began from European Poland and ended in North American Alaska.

Russia grew especially during the reign of the Romanov dynasty. Each monarch left a country to his heir bigger size than he received from his predecessor.

Russia is almost twice as large (1.8 to be precise). The area of ​​the country is approximately equal to the entire planet Pluto.

The Russian Federation has borders with 16 countries, and this is the largest border in the world. Total length borders - 60 thousand kilometers, 20 thousand of them are land.

Russia is the only state whose territory is washed by twelve seas.

The country has 10 time zones, as it has a large extent from West to East.

In terms of population, Russia ranks seventh in the world, the country is home to about 145 million people, and 79% of the population are Russian.

Harsh climate

Russia has a very different climate. So, in winter the average temperature is +5 degrees, and at the same time in Novosibirsk -15 degrees. But the Oymyakon region of Yakutia is breaking records: here the average monthly temperature in January is -61 degrees.

Nowhere else in the world are there places where people constantly live and work at such low temperatures. By the way, it is in Oymyakon that the most low temperature air throughout history -71.2 degrees. This happened in 1924.

Interesting Facts About Russia

Fact No. 1. West Siberian Plain is the largest plain on the planet.

Fact No. 2. Forests occupy about 60% of the territory of all countries.

Fact No. 4. There are many bodies of water in Russia: 2.5 million rivers and 3 million lakes.

Fact No. 5. Russia is considered a European country, but 2/3 of the country is located in Asia.

Fact No. 6. The longest Railway in the world is located in Russia. This is the Trans-Siberian railway. The Great Siberian Way connects Moscow and, at 9,298 kilometers long, it crosses 8 time zones, 16 rivers, and passes through 87 cities and towns.

Fact No. 7. Siberian Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and the largest source fresh water on the planet.

The lake has 23 cubic kilometers of water. All the world's largest rivers must flow for almost a year to fill a basin of this size.

Fact No. 7. Russia is separated from America by 4 kilometers. This is the distance between the islands in the Bering Strait: Ratmanov (Russia) and Kruzenshtern ().

Fact No. 8. Before the 1917 revolution, the Russian family was one of the largest in the world. In Russia it was believed that 8 children in a family was very few. It was normal to have 12–14 children.

Fact No. 9. The Moscow Kremlin is the largest medieval fortress in the world.

The total length of the Kremlin walls is 2235 meters.

Fact No. 10. Russia has the largest reserves natural gas, peat, forests, salt, drinking water, crabs, sturgeon, tin, zinc, titanium, niobium, nickel, iron ores, diamonds, silver.

Fact No. 11. There are 103 nature reserves in the country, 43 giant national parks and 70 reserves. total area specially protected natural areas Russia is about 600 thousand square kilometers, which is approximately 4% of the entire area of ​​the country. The park area in Moscow is much larger than in any other western city.

Thus, Izmailovsky Park has an area of ​​15.34 sq. km, which is six times larger than Central Park, beloved by New Yorkers.

Fact No. 12. The Siberian taiga is the largest forest in the world.

Fact No. 13. 40 percent of Europe's area is territory Russian Federation.

Fact No. 14. Russian oil and gas pipelines are very long: almost 260 thousand kilometers.

Fact No. 15. The world's largest volume of renewable water resources Russia too. It is 4498 km3.

Who else is in the lead?

It ranks second in area, its dimensions are 9,984,670 square kilometers. However, despite high level life, it is sparsely populated: there are only 3.5 Canadians per square kilometer. It's all about the harsh climate.

China rightfully occupies third place. Its area is 9,598,962 square kilometers. It is the most populous country.

Hello, my dear researchers! Not so long ago you and I learned on earth. Continuing the theme, we are making the top ten, which will include the largest countries. We will focus on the territory, but we will not forget about the population.

Let's start, perhaps, from the end.

Lesson plan:


An honorable tenth place in the world among giant countries in terms of area is occupied by the Algerian People's Democratic Republic, or simply Algeria. The largest country in North Africa covers 2,381,740 square kilometers. This is approximately 1.59% of the total land area earth's surface, with about 80 percent of the state covered by the Sahara Desert.

Translated, the name Algeria means “islands”. It became famous for its gas and oil production, occupying the reserves of these natural resources 8th and 15th places in the world respectively. There are also ferrous and non-ferrous metals and ores here.

In Algeria there is an ink lake, which got its name due to its special water composition. Nature has arranged it in such a way that two rivers flow into the lake, one of which is rich in iron salts, and the other collects organic matter from peat bogs on its way. As a result of their connection, chemical reaction, and ink is formed.


In ninth place by square kilometers of area is one of the youngest states on the planet - Kazakhstan, approaching the figure of 2,724,902, or 1.82% of the land area. Most of it is located in Asia, and a smaller part belongs to Europe. The Russian-Kazakh border, at 7,512.8 kilometers, is considered the longest continuous land border.

More than half of the country (58%) is covered by deserts and semi-deserts. Here is the world's second largest salt lake, Balkhash, which has half fresh water and half salty water, and scientists cannot explain why this is so.

Kazakhstan became famous throughout the planet for the Baikonur cosmodrome, from where they launched for the first time in the world.


The Argentine Republic occupies 2,766,890 square kilometers, or 1.85% of the land area. The second largest country in the South American continent and the eighth in the world.

Argentina means "land of silver". There is a lot of uranium and copper, lead and iron ore. The Argentine capital has the world's longest street, Avenue 9 de Julio, with 20,000 houses.

Argentina is also the birthplace of tango dance.


The South Asian state - the Republic of India ranks seventh due to its area of ​​3,287,263 square kilometers, which is 2.2% of the earth's land. Home to ancient civilizations such as Buddhism and Hinduism, India is also the world's second most populous country, second only to China. According to 2016 data, 1.3 billion people live here.

It was here, where the oldest civilization on earth arose long ago between the Indus and Ganges rivers, where the first chess appeared and the first cotton fabric was made.


In sixth place is the country from the Southern Hemisphere, Australia, which occupies the entire continent and several other islands. Its area is 7,686,850 sq. km, or 5.16% of the earth's land surface. Both the country and the continent have been named after it since 1824.

Formerly the territory of the Aboriginal people who settled here about 70,000 years ago, Australia is now an economically developed country, ranked 13th in global living standards, with active mining of uranium, coal and zirconium.

Koala bears, kangaroos and marsupial wolves also live here, which cannot be found in other parts of the world.


The top five includes the largest state in South America, the Federative Republic of Brazil, with an area of ​​8,511,965 square meters, which is equal to 5.71% of all land land. Brazil has several archipelagos within its territory.

It used to be called Terra da Vera Cruz, which translated as “land of the true cross”, then it became known as “land of the holy cross” from Terra da Sana Cruz. Later, according to one version, the country received its modern name from the name of the mahogany species PauBrasil.

Every Brazilian is a football player and a participant in carnivals. The largest river on the planet, the Amazon, flows through Brazil, on the coast of which significant gold reserves have been found.

The jungles of Brazil are called “the lungs of the Earth,” and this country is also considered the largest apple producer.

In addition, Brazil is the fifth largest country in terms of population, which has already exceeded 207 million.


America ranks fourth in the list of largest with a territory of 9,518,900 square meters, occupying 6.39% of the earth's landmass, slightly inferior to the Chinese, and also the third largest in terms of population with a population of 322,762,000 people.

The United States despairs of its unique legal system: the basic law, the Constitution, adopted back in 1787, is in force to this day, supplemented only by a few amendments. Despite this, America has the palm in terms of the number of crimes.

One country has 6 time zones, and its 50 states are so different that the smallest Roy Island is located on 4000 square kilometers, the largest area of ​​Alaska is 1,717,854 sq. km.


Bronze in area goes to China with a territory of 6.44% of the total land area of ​​9,598,077 sq. km. But in terms of the number of inhabitants, the Chinese people's republic no one caught up.

China's population is 1,410,550,000 people! That is, every fifth inhabitant of the planet is a Chinese citizen!

Together with Indian, Chinese civilization is one of the most ancient. The Chinese have one of the most complex languages, containing 50,000 characters in the form of hieroglyphs. There are more than 7 completely different language dialects in the country, so it is not at all surprising that northern Chinese do not understand the inhabitants of southern China.


Canada takes silver. It is located in most of North America on an area of ​​6.7% of the land, or 9,976,140 sq. km, and 75% of its territory is the northern zone, 31% of the total area is forests, so most of the country is uninhabited due to climatic conditions .

The Indian word “kanata” meant “settlement”, “village”. Heard by the explorer and founder of France Cartier in 1536 local residents Iroquois, it took root and began to denote the name of the country.

Canada has the longest coastline, numbering 202,080 kilometers. And also here greatest number lakes than in all countries combined - more than 3 million. They provide 1/5 of the world's total fresh water supply.

On Canadian territory there is the northernmost point on earth - Alert station, where the armed forces Canada.


Can you guess the first time who is on the top step of the pedestal with gold?

We can also be proud of our country because it is the largest in area! Russia has 17,125,191 square kilometers, located on 11.5% of the earth's land surface in both Europe and Asia, sharing common borders with 18 other states. Compare Russian territory possible with the area of ​​Pluto, and the silver champion of Canada, Russia, is 1.7 times larger.

In addition, with a population of 146,544,700 Russians, our country is one of the ten largest in terms of population, ranking 9th.

On the territory of our country there is the largest plain in the world - the West Siberian.

The longest railway on the planet runs here - Trans-Siberian Railway, connecting the distance of 9,298 km between Moscow and Vladivostok, crossing 87 settlements and crossing 16 rivers, passing through 8 time zones.

Russia is the only country washed by as many as 12 seas! And the most multinational state on earth is the largest supplier of natural gas and is one of the three oil leaders.

This is how the top ten giant countries turned out.

By the way, did you know that the area of ​​the Earth is 510,072,000 sq. km, of which 148,939,063 sq. km are on land. In the entire history of states, the largest in territory was the British Empire, which by 1921, together with all its colonies, totaled 36.6 million square kilometers.

That's all for today. With wishes for a successful school finish, your “ShkolaLa”.

This list presents the 10 largest countries in the world solely by area. Keep in mind that countries are ranked in descending order and only area is measured, not population, standard of living, gross domestic product, or other factors. Of course, the largest country in the world by territory is Russia. Each country will be accompanied by a photo of the most popular attraction, or simply a beautiful view.

1. Russia

The largest country in the world, with an impressive area of ​​17,098,242 square kilometers. The photo shows an iconic landmark - St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow.

2. Canada

The second largest country in the world and the largest in the Americas with 9,984,670 square kilometers of area. Canada is a country with a huge water cover (8.93% of the country's territory is covered by bodies of water). The photo shows the Toronto skyline with the famous CN Tower.

3. China

China – The third largest country in the world and the largest in Asia: 9,706,961 sq. km. Shanghai is one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

4. USA

The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world, with an area of ​​9,629,091 square meters. km, the USA is only slightly inferior to China.

5. Brazil

Brazil is the 5th largest country in the world and the largest country in South America and the southern hemisphere, with an area of ​​8,514,877 sq. km. The photo shows the statue of Christ the Redeemer.

6. Australia

Australia is the sixth largest country on Earth by area, and the largest in Oceania. It is also the largest country without any land borders. Australia's area is 7,692,024 square kilometers. In the photo - Sydney Bridge.

7. India

India ranks seventh on this list. The country is almost half the size of Australia and occupies 3,166,414 square meters. km. You probably recognized the Taj Mahal in the photo, one of the most beautiful palaces in the world.

8. Argentina

Argentina, with an area of ​​2,780,400 sq. km., ranks eighth on this list. This is one of largest countries South America.

9. Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is only slightly inferior to Argentina, and ranks 9th among the largest countries in the world, with an area of ​​2,724,900 kilometers. In the photo - the city of Astana.

10. Algeria

Rounding out the top ten countries is Algeria, which is the most big country in Africa, covering 2,381,741 square kilometers.

If you are not a fan of statistics and all kinds of numbers, we hope you didn’t get bored admiring the breathtaking photographs. In continuation, read also about the smallest countries in a separate feed.