Planning pregnancy 2 years in advance. Planning pregnancy: stages of preparation, features and recommendations

Planning a pregnancy should begin with assessing the health status of both spouses:
1. Submission of a urine test and clinical blood test, consultation with a therapist.
2. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, consultation with an endocrinologist.
3. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, consultation with a gynecologist. My husband should consult a urologist, and if necessary, an andrologist.
4. Examination for the presence of sexually transmitted infections (PCR method, ELISA).
5. Determination of immunoglobulins in blood serum to the rubella virus and Toxoplasma Gondi.
6. Determination of blood hormones (according to indications).
7. Spermogram.
8. Medical and hepatic consultation for married couples.

It is good to start such activities 3-4 months before the planned pregnancy.

Pregnancy planning. Prevention.
During the examination period, in order to prevent the risk of defects (especially neural tube defects), we prescribe, 2-3 months before the expected conception, the multivitamin preparation “Elevit Pronatal” (made in Switzerland), which contains vitamins, macro- and microelements in balanced quantities . The effectiveness and safety of the drug when planning pregnancy is confirmed by 15 years of experience of use in more than a million pregnant women in European countries.

Pregnancy planning tips.
First of all, lead a healthy lifestyle!
Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Even passive smoking is harmful to the fetus!
Stop taking birth control pills, they are dangerous for the fetus.
Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
Protect your health from autumn and spring colds, avoid crowded places. Walk in parks and squares away from highways. To prevent a runny nose, use oxolinic ointment to put in the nose or put interferon. You can treat the nasopharynx with a saline solution and instill sunflower oil with garlic or onion juice into the nose. In general, do not regret adding garlic and onions to your food. These activities are harmless to the fetus. Well, if your family has a runny nose, use masks!
Receive only positive emotions. Stress is dangerous for you and is not at all necessary for your unborn baby. Don't quarrel, smile more often! Analyze your work or study from the point of view of harm to the fetus. Therefore, it is recommended to sharply limit your time at the computer during the period of preparation for conception. Pregnant women who work on a computer often “out of the blue” experience miscarriages, premature births, or a child is born with a “defect.” Therefore, if your work activity is related to a computer, your employer must provide you with other work that is not related to a computer during your pregnancy.

Most often, pregnancy occurs at the end of the second - beginning of the third week, counting from the first day of the last menstruation - this is the period most suitable for conceiving a fetus.

Before this period, it is advisable to take a two to three day break from sexual activity. You cannot drink alcohol, even beer, go to the bathhouse, or lie in a bath with hot water (warm shower only). Do not quarrel under any circumstances. Sperm can lose their activity from any even minor stress. Alcohol has a particularly harmful effect on them. They become lethargic and reduce the likelihood of conception by 15 times.

Douching the vagina before sexual intercourse during this period is undesirable, because... The acidity of the vagina may change, because sperm are extremely sensitive to the chemical composition of the environment they find themselves in - even saliva has a detrimental effect on them.
After ejaculation, the likelihood of conception increases if the woman remains in a supine position with a pillow under her lower back.

What tests need to be taken.

1. Therapist (to determine the general state of health), dentist (many infections enter the body from teeth affected by caries).

2. General clinical blood test (taken from a finger).

3. General urine analysis (the morning portion is collected in full).

4. Examination by a gynecologist, do a colposcopy (this will exclude cervical pathology).

5. Both you and your husband must donate blood to determine your blood type and Rh factor. There are two options here:

you have a positive Rh factor - excellent, no problems;

you have a negative Rh factor - you need to take a blood test for antibodies to the Rh factor (even if the man is also negative). If the test result is positive, pregnancy is currently impossible and the condition needs to be corrected. If negative, you can safely plan the birth of your baby. Just do not forget to repeat this test once a month, starting from 8 weeks of pregnancy. If a woman has 1 blood type, and a man has any other; for a woman – 2, and for a man 3 or 4; a woman has 3, and a man has 2 or 4, possible incompatibility in blood groups. An analysis for group antibodies, as well as an analysis for antibodies to the Rh factor, is carried out once a month, starting from 8 weeks of pregnancy.

6. TORCH complex (presence of antibodies in the blood). Only a quantitative analysis with a titer will detect antibodies to rubella, toxoplasma, herpes, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and chlamydia. Don't ask your parents if you've had rubella. It is impossible to know this for sure - the disease often occurs under the guise of an acute respiratory infection, and vice versa. Only analysis can provide accurate information.

7. Tests for infections: regular smear, PCR (polymerase chain reaction, performed on both spouses). Allows you to detect hidden infections that can disrupt the normal course of pregnancy: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, herpes, cytomegalovirus.

8. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

9. The basal temperature chart will give an idea of ​​the work of the ovaries. To compile it, every day at the same time between 6 and 8 am, without getting out of bed, measure the temperature in the rectum with a mercury thermometer. All violations of the regime (for example, if you overslept and measured the temperature later), as well as special circumstances (these include taking medications, ailments, sleep disorders, menstruation, intimacy, bowel movements) are noted in a special column. In order for the data to be informative, it must be recorded for at least 3 cycles. And preferably before pregnancy.

10. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, painful, heavy or, on the contrary, scanty periods, oily skin, excess hair, there is excess or, conversely, a clear lack of body weight, your schedule or ultrasound shows some deviations, then your doctor may prescribe blood test for hormones (determination of hormonal status).

11. Hemostasiogram, coagulogram - this test shows blood clotting. The state of the coagulation system determines the flow of blood and the provision of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. It is better to identify and correct congenital, original disorders in advance.

12. Determination of lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin, antibodies to phospholipids will help identify factors of early miscarriage. Even before conception, you need to know whether there are reasons for concern on this side, and if there are, take action.

How to increase the chance of pregnancy

Most women become pregnant without any problems and even against their wishes. Others have been trying to get pregnant for many years and make great efforts to achieve this. Many women feel guilty if they cannot get pregnant quickly, and often suspect infertility. However, women are quite capable of increasing their fertility levels and thus increasing the likelihood of pregnancy.

Stay optimistic

A woman's physical health plays a huge role in her ability to conceive a child. Think positive. The more stress a woman experiences, the lower her fertility level drops. Find time in your busy schedule to relax. Every woman has her own relaxation methods, so use the ones that work for you.


Acupuncture has a beneficial effect on a woman's fertility, especially in combination with IVF (in vitro fertilization). Research into the effects of acupuncture on pregnancy has not yet been completed, but short-term studies show positive effects of acupuncture.

Acupuncture has been used by Chinese doctors for 5,000 years. This type of therapy helps heal many different diseases, but the healing effects of acupuncture only received official recognition several decades ago.

If you are interested in trying acupuncture, use only a trusted, qualified acupuncturist.


Ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovaries) usually occurs on days 12–18 of the menstrual cycle. The probability of conception reaches its maximum.
It is generally accepted that ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the cycle (we are talking about a regular 28-day menstrual cycle). To determine the probable day of ovulation, it is enough to solve a simple mathematical problem: subtract 14 from the total duration of the individual menstrual cycle. For example, if you have a 28-day cycle, subtract twenty-eight from fourteen and get the date of maximum fertility (in this case, the 14th day of the cycle is the most favorable for conception). However, the menstrual cycle is a purely individual phenomenon, so ovulation can occur either on the thirteenth or fifteenth day.
To determine the time of ovulation, you can also use special tests that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Of course, sex during ovulation also increases the likelihood of pregnancy, but couples trying to conceive should have sex at least three times a week.
After sexual intercourse, try to remain in bed for a while (at least twenty minutes) without moving to prevent sperm from leaking out of the vagina - this will increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Nutrition and diet
Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, foods containing protein, whole grain breads, and foods rich in fiber (wholemeal bread, rice and pasta).

Certain nutrients and vitamins found in foods also increase your chance of conception, including:

– Leafy green vegetables such as kale, broccoli, lettuce and spinach contain high amounts of folic acid, a vitamin that is essential for the health of mother and child. Folic acid is beneficial for fetal development and helps prevent developmental defects, including spina bifida. In addition, folic acid is also very important for a woman's reproductive and general health. Sources of folic acid include bread, cereals and dietary supplements.

– Lean meats and legumes contain high amounts of protein and iron. These essential nutrients help maintain high iron levels in the body. Low iron levels in the blood can affect the general condition of the ovaries and disrupt the ovulation mechanism.

– Dairy products are an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. If you are trying to get pregnant, be sure to include enough calcium-containing foods in your diet to build up reserves for fetal development.

Women who have been trying to conceive for a year or more are often depressed, which does not increase their chances of getting pregnant. Therefore, it is best to seek help from a doctor and discuss all problems with him, including psychological difficulties.
I found an article on where to start planning a pregnancy, it might come in handy.
Girls, I wish all of us who want to get pregnant as quickly as possible and carry our babies to term, and I wish pregnant women an easy pregnancy and childbirth

If you have decided that you are quite ready to become the parents of a little man, then it’s time to think about how to prepare for conceiving a child. Of course, quite often this process occurs on its own, but it is advisable to carry out various activities in advance to be sure that your future son or daughter will be born healthy and strong. We'll talk about how to prepare for it today.

Consult your doctor

Every woman who wants to become a mother is recommended to undergo a medical examination before conceiving. It is best to do this 3-6 months before the expected pregnancy. First, you need to visit a therapist (he will determine the general state of your health), a dentist (since many infections can enter the body through teeth affected by caries) and, of course, a gynecologist.

How to plan a pregnancy: understanding your menstrual cycle

When you have consulted with a therapist and gynecologist, have had your teeth treated, and have passed all the necessary tests, you can start thinking about conceiving a baby. If you are not in a hurry, then there is no point in being puzzled by this issue again. However, if you want the long-awaited moment to come as soon as possible, then you can try to calculate conception in advance, or rather, the most suitable time for this.

Determining ovulation

According to experts, conception can occur on any day of the cycle, but the greatest probability occurs at the time of ovulation. A woman can easily determine its signs on her own. They consist of an increase in mucous discharge from the genital tract and the appearance of unilateral paroxysmal pain in the ovarian area. If you have unprotected sexual intercourse at this time, you will most likely become pregnant.

However, not all representatives of the fairer sex can independently trace the moment of ovulation. If you are one of them or want to be as sure as possible, you can purchase special tests sold in pharmacies. They must be used starting from the 9th day from the start of the last menstruation until you get a positive result.

How to prepare for conceiving a child, based on the length of the menstrual cycle? Most women resort to this method. So, if your cycle lasts 28 days, then ovulation in most cases occurs on the 14th day. However, to avoid mistakes, it is advisable to slightly expand this time range. Calculating conception may be more difficult if you have been taking oral contraceptives (the pill). The fact is that after their cancellation, the duration of the cycle may change, and it will be more problematic for a woman to determine the day of ovulation. Therefore, before trying to get pregnant, it makes sense to wait a couple of months and watch your body.

Is there a position that promotes conception?

When wondering how to plan a pregnancy, you should not mislead yourself with various myths on this matter. Despite the fact that today you can often hear that this or that position used by partners during intimacy helps to get pregnant faster, all this is nothing more than idle speculation. There is not a single scientifically proven confirmation of the correctness of such a judgment. After all, the cervix is ​​always in a state that does not block the passage of seminal fluid. The only thing that can be recommended in this case is to choose positions so that the sperm lingers in the vagina as long as possible (for example, when the woman lies on her back).

Lie down for a while after intercourse

You have most likely heard the recommendation more than once that in order to conceive, you need to lie on your back for about a quarter of an hour after sex, with your legs raised up. Of course, lifting your legs is not at all necessary. But you can relax, lying on your back, for a few minutes and not take a shower right away. This position will allow the seminal fluid to reach the cervix more quickly.

Don't be too zealous

Many, when considering the question of how to plan a pregnancy, become confident that the more often they have sex during ovulation, the higher the chances of conceiving will be. Actually this is not true. Indeed, in some representatives of the stronger half of humanity, the amount of sperm decreases in the case of frequent repetition of ejaculation. Therefore, if you prefer to have sex quite often, then it makes sense for a man to have his seminal fluid analyzed, which will allow him to find out whether its quality and quantity decreases after frequent sexual intercourse.

Take your vitamins

Your gynecologist or therapist probably mentioned this point during your consultation. After all, everyone knows that the human body needs a whole complex of various vitamins and microelements. This is especially true for a woman carrying a child. Therefore, doctors recommend that women planning pregnancy, as well as their husbands and partners, take perinatal vitamins containing folic acid before conception. This element reduces the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus, which include, for example, congenital spina bifida.

Avoid stress

Since constantly waiting for the moment of pregnancy is also a kind of stress, any extraneous factors can only aggravate it. And this, in turn, may affect, for example, a shift in the time of ovulation. Stress can also cause a variety of fears and sexual disorders.

Healthy lifestyle

When considering how to prepare for conceiving a child, make sure to pay extra attention to exercise. However, moderation should be observed in everything. After all, increased physical activity can generally lead to

Proper nutrition

If you are used to exhausting your body with strict diets from time to time, then doing this while preparing for pregnancy is extremely undesirable. However, if you suffer from obesity or, on the contrary, from underweight, you should bring your condition back to normal, and only then try to conceive a child.

Quit smoking

Of course, it is advisable not only for women planning a pregnancy to give up this bad habit. However, if you smoke and want to conceive a child, then getting rid of tobacco addiction will significantly increase your chances of becoming a mother. This is due to the fact that smoking negatively affects the reproductive system of the female body, affecting hormone levels and ovulation.


Many representatives of the fairer sex who are planning a pregnancy are wondering how much not to drink before conceiving. Experts say that drinking alcohol in large doses should be stopped several months before the first attempts. However, drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation is perfectly acceptable. For example, drinking a glass of wine after dinner will not have a negative effect on your reproductive function, but, on the contrary, will promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.

How can a man prepare for conception?

You should not assume that the onset of pregnancy and the proper development of the fetus depend entirely on the woman. Therefore, the future dad also needs to be attentive to his health, at least while planning conception, getting rid of bad habits, eating well and undergoing all the necessary tests and studies that the doctor will prescribe for you.

Until recently, it seemed to you that pregnancy, childbirth and the first months with your baby turned you into an exhausted, deflated ball. But time passes, strength returns, and you want to relive everything again. From this moment on, planning for the second pregnancy begins.

Ideal timing

When is the best time to have a second child? It is believed that the ideal timing is 2-5 years after the first pregnancy.

This is due to hormonal changes in the body. In addition, the first pregnancy and breastfeeding lead to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in a woman’s body. And it takes time to restore balance.

Due to hypovitaminosis, hair may fall out, nails may peel, and the skin may peel and crack. However, this is not the most important thing. For the development of a child, vitamins and minerals are again needed. As a result, the woman’s body will lose them, which can lead to even bigger problems. As a result, the risk of miscarriage increases. Or the child may be born weakened and with low weight.

While the first child is very small, asking to be held in your arms, and you are forced to carry a stroller, it is undesirable to become pregnant. After all, lifting weights over three kilograms (and the child weighs much more) is contraindicated for a pregnant woman: this is fraught with miscarriage.

If you are going to get pregnant after 2-5 years, this is the optimal time frame. The body “remembers” the first pregnancy, there is a good chance that childbirth will be faster and easier.

If you are planning a second child after 7 years or more, the body has time to “forget” about the first pregnancy and childbirth. There is nothing wrong with this, but be prepared for the fact that giving birth will be just as long and difficult as the first time.

But, of course, if you become pregnant earlier than two years or even earlier than a year, this does not mean that you need to terminate the pregnancy. Millions of women gave birth to healthy babies. And you will succeed too.

Important nuances

To decide when to plan for your second baby, it is important to consider many factors.
There is no need to rush into conception if your first child was born by caesarean section. In this case, it is imperative to examine the condition of the uterine scar, which must heal, otherwise there is a possibility that it will separate. It is optimal to become pregnant 2-3 years after cesarean section.

It is also advisable not to rush into conceiving a second child if you have been treated with antibiotics or other potent drugs. This is additional stress for the body, which requires longer period d for recovery.

Boy? Girl?

Many mothers notice a trend: if you conceive in the first year and a half after the birth of your first child, then the second baby will be of the same gender. That is, if the firstborn was a girl, then in one and a half to two years you will give birth to a second one. The same applies to boys. If planning for a second child begins in two years, then there is a high probability that the children will be of different sexes. However, doctors do not confirm this version. The only way that has a scientific explanation is planning the sex of the child based on ovulation.

Firstborn's reaction

We must not forget that the birth of a second child is a responsibility and stress not only for you, but also for your firstborn. He may not understand why another child should come into your life. And even blame himself for the fact that he is doing something wrong and they want to replace him with someone else.

He definitely needs to explain that they will not love him less, that he is not to blame for anything at all, and this, on the contrary, is a great joy. Your first baby should understand that he is also responsible for his brother or sister, that he can take care of him, and in the future the children will be able to walk and play together.

When planning a second child, you need not to delay talking with the first baby so that he can mentally prepare for this. The more time he has, the easier it will be for him to accept this situation. In addition, this can be a good reason to develop independence if your first-born is already at least 3-4 years old.

Planning stages

A prepared and planned pregnancy will be very different from a spontaneous one. Naturally, for the better. Where to start planning for your second pregnancy?

Wanting a child does not mean having such an opportunity.

Which doctors should I go to?

Preparation for a second pregnancy should begin with a visit to the doctors.

  • If you have chronic diseases, visit a specialized doctor and achieve remission.
  • If you take hormonal medications (for example, for thyroid diseases), visit your endocrinologist and tell them that you are planning a child. He will adjust the dose.
  • Treat your teeth.
  • Visit a therapist, get general blood tests and urine. They will tell you if there is causes of inflammation in the body. It is important to get treated before pregnancy. After all, a pregnant woman should not take most medications. And there simply won’t be enough time for treatment.
  • A visit to the gynecologist is mandatory even if you feel well. After all, even slight vaginal dysbiosis (disturbance of microflora) or erosion can lead to pregnancy pathologies.
  • Often women should take medications containing vitamins and folic acid. But you need to consult your doctor about this.
  • It is important for the husband to visit an andrologist or urologist.

Weight and conception

When planning your second pregnancy, pay attention to yours. If it is very different from the norm (in one direction or another), this is a negative factor. Because both excess and lack of body fat affects hormonal balance.

Sometimes the only answer to the question “how to conceive a child?” - this is “losing excess weight.” Obesity should be combated gradually, carefully and proactively. Because extreme diets and excessive intense training again lead to hormonal imbalances.

The ideal weight for conception is not a “model” weight at all. Lack of fat mass is very harmful, it can lead to lack of ovulation and even amenorrhea (absence of menstruation).

Nutrition should be healthy and balanced. You should eat more fruits, vegetables, steamed and stewed dishes rich in vitamins, minerals, and microelements.

What to refuse

Here's what conscious mothers refuse:

  • Alcohol
  • “Unhealthy” foods: fried, smoked, fast food. Read labels: any product, even innocent ones like yogurt or cookies, can contain many harmful artificial additives.
  • Smoking.
  • To conceive a child, you need to stop using hormonal contraceptives. It will take at least 3 months to restore reproductive function.

This last point does not apply to the situation when a doctor prescribes COCs for pregnancy. Sometimes women come to the gynecologist with the question: “How to quickly get pregnant with a second child?” And the doctor, after examining the hormonal profile, may prescribe contraceptives for a short period. Immediately after their cancellation, the likelihood of conception increases (the so-called rebound effect).

Your partner will also need some restrictions, since he also contributes to whether you can quickly become pregnant with a second child. The expectant father should not drink alcohol or go to the bathhouse or sauna. An andrologist may recommend taking medications to improve sperm quality.

First and second - is there a difference?

Planning for the second time should be approached just as thoroughly as when planning your first pregnancy. Now a woman already knows how to get pregnant, what changes occur in her body. But keep in mind that the second pregnancy is different from the first.

  • Usually it is easier (although, of course, there are exceptions). The body “remembers” the process of pregnancy and childbirth and adapts to changes more easily.
  • Varicose veins (if you have this problem) will get worse.
  • You will feel fetal movements about a month earlier.
  • The fetus is located slightly lower than with the first child. This relieves heartburn, but sometimes leads to increased urination.
  • You will most likely need a bandage, even if you didn't wear one during your first pregnancy.
  • Childbirth goes faster. But the pain usually doesn't get better.

Psychological readiness

You need to plan your second pregnancy just as carefully as the first, and often even take a more responsible approach to this issue. Along with the physiological health of the mother, her psychological state plays an important role. For example, if there were some complications during the first pregnancy, then it is quite difficult to decide on the second. After all, experiencing the fear of losing a child again is not easy. Family relationships are also important. It is much easier to prepare for a second pregnancy when you have a trusting relationship with your husband, when he supports, cares and also wants the baby to appear.

If the first pregnancy was easy, this does not mean that the second should be left to chance. There will always be a difference. And if the first pregnancy was difficult, then the second, on the contrary, can pass in one breath. When deciding to conceive a second child, do not forget that two children already means a double responsibility: both psychological and material. Therefore, the issue must be approached very seriously.

Wait a year, two, or take a break of four years. When is the best time to plan a second pregnancy? Believe me, it all depends on the circumstances. Often, parents expecting their first child, having learned on an ultrasound that a girl will be born (and they wanted a boy), say: “It’s okay, the second will be a boy.” This may all be true, but you will have to wait a little. Doctors have already studied the trend well: if you give birth to a girl and become pregnant within a year after her birth, then you will again have a girl. Children who are born one after another with an interval of one and a half to two years, as a rule, have the same sex. And don’t think that only girls, the situation is similar with boys.

This, of course, is not a 100% guarantee, but there is such a trend and statistics, so you can’t escape it. If at least three years pass from the first to the second birth, then the situation changes - children are born of different sexes. This is a feature, so when planning a second pregnancy, pay attention to this fact.

This is not just a whim of scientists - this is how nature itself programmed the woman’s body. He needs time for rehabilitation after carrying and stressful birth of his first baby. Such a break will help the woman’s body rest and gain strength for procreation. Even while the mother is breastfeeding, the so-called lactation period forms, which gives a contraceptive effect and in the first six months after the birth of her first child, the woman will not be able to get pregnant. However, if she does become pregnant, then this should be alarming, because this phenomenon is more abnormal than usual. Such a pregnancy should be treated with extreme caution and always consult a doctor. This way you will reassure yourself and protect your child.

Breastfeeding is stressful for a mother; she spends a lot of strength and energy with her first baby, and an additional pregnancy is another burden.

If the first birth took place with the help, then with the second pregnancy it is even more necessary to wait. There is no need to rush; it is necessary for a full-fledged scar to form and heal on the uterus. You should plan the birth of your second child with your gynecologist. He will tell you when and how to do it safer and less painful.

If you have been treated for infertility for a long time, and then gave birth to your first child, is it possible to rush to have a second child? Definitely - no! If after a normal birth it takes 3-5 years, then after a course of infertility treatment this period should be at least a year longer. Be patient and rejoice that you already have one priceless gift. This will benefit both you and the child.

If you have finally made up your mind and decided to give birth a second time, and have prepared for this step, then do not forget to prepare your first-born, because this will become stressful not only for you. It may be strange to the baby why mom and dad want another child, why he (or she) does not suit them. Why do they need someone else besides him? Help your child understand that the arrival of a second baby will bring positive things, he will be able to take care of him, worry about him, and in a few years they will be able to play together, go for walks and become best friends. The child needs this so that he does not feel deprived. Let the older child feel some responsibility for his future brother or sister.

However, it is not only the first child who will feel that less attention is being paid to him. Often women begin to worry that because of their second pregnancy they have forgotten about their first child and began to love him less! This is absolutely not true. Consider this situation as an opportunity for the child and dad to get closer, because he should be paying more attention to the baby now. This is also a good chance to set your child up for independence. If your eldest is already 3-4 years old, explain that he should help you, clean up his toys, dress himself, and the like. The child must realize that he is loved just as much, but he must also show his love.

In any case, do not delay in informing your baby about the replenishment. The sooner you tell him this, the more time the child will have to come to terms with this thought and understand that he is not being exchanged for another, and this is an incredible joy for everyone, including him.

Now you have already had experience in giving birth to a child, you know how it should happen and are actually ready. However, psychologists say that the second pregnancy is no easier than the previous one. If the first time you had complications during pregnancy or some negative events occurred, then you will immediately project them into the second. Try to get rid of fears, understand the situation and improve your emotional state. Physically, the second pregnancy is easier than the first. Changes in the body may differ from those that occurred last time. Yours may be less intense. Varicose veins will appear stronger than the first time, because the veins are already tired, plus there is an additional load. You may be much more tired than during your first pregnancy. And there will be less time for rest, because you have to take care of the first child, who may be hyperactive, so you simply will not have time to rest. Pain in your pelvic joints may also increase, and you may have to twist and turn for a long time to get comfortable in bed.

The belly may appear earlier than during the first pregnancy. All because last time the walls of the uterus stretched and became elastic. During the second pregnancy, the belly is lower, so don’t worry - this is normal. Also, mom will feel movement inside herself much earlier. If the mother feels the first child in the fifth month, then the second baby will make itself known at least three weeks earlier.

A big plus is that the time is much shorter than the first ones (only in cases of birth). The first birth can last up to 24 hours, the second, due to the rapid expansion of the uterus, can become twice as fast. But not only childbirth, but also prenatal contractions will last less. Keep in mind that during the second pregnancy there are no preparatory contractions. But why should you be afraid, because you’ve already been through this once, you have experience, you’ve gotten rid of fear. Don't even worry about not feeling well after giving birth. This is only the first few days until uterine contractions will be strong. This is a sign that your uterus is returning to its pre-pregnancy state. Also be prepared for the fact that the pain may be severe and you will need medications that soothe the pain.

Now you know all the pros and cons. You know how to behave during pregnancy and what to do to protect your first child from psychological trauma. Take into account every argument, and if you decide to give the world another life, then may everything succeed and be easy for you.

Especially for- Tatyana Tovt

This is an important point and contributes to its favorable course and the birth of a healthy baby.

information Preparing for a second pregnancy is not fundamentally different from planning the first, however, in some cases everything may have its own characteristics: for example, if the previous birth has ended or at.

When to plan

The main thing when preparing for something new is to comply with the recommended time period. The mother's body experiences significant stress during the period of gestation and birth and it needs time for complete rehabilitation.

dangerous According to observations and statistical data, pregnancies that occur over a short period of time occur with frequent complications and the threat of termination, often ending in premature birth.

Preparing for conception

List of necessary studies for both spouses:

  1. : general blood test, general urine test, venous blood coagulogram, biochemical blood test;
  2. for syphilis, hepatitis B and C, HIV infection;
  3. sexually transmitted diseasesTORCH-infections;
  4. Analysis of feces for helminth eggs(especially important if there are small children in the family);
  5. Consultations with a therapist and specialists according to indications;
  6. Consultations with a geneticist in the presence of aggravating factors(consanguineous marriages, presence of relatives in the family with genetic diseases, earlier birth of children with developmental defects, etc.).

List of necessary examinations for a woman:

  1. Consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist;
  2. Smear for oncocytology and pathogenic flora, determining the degree of vaginal cleanliness;
  3. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  4. Colposcopy for diseases of the cervix;
  5. Testing for the presence of antibodies to infectious diseases(especially important if there are children in the family attending child care institutions).

List of necessary examinations for a man:

  1. Consultations with an andrologist (urologist);
  2. according to indications.

Taking the necessary medications

The main drugs in preparation for fertilization are and. Their dosage should be selected by a doctor individually for each couple, but the most commonly used the following regimen:

  1. Woman: folic acid from days 1 to 15 of the menstrual cycle, 400 mcg per day, vitamin E from days 16 to 25, 1 capsule per day;
  2. Man: folic acid 400 mcg and vitamin E 1 capsule per day daily.

If one or both spouses have chronic diseases that require regular medication, you should discuss this issue with your doctor in advance. The doctor will help you choose medications that are approved for use while carrying a child and that do not affect reproductive ability.

Risks of a second pregnancy

It cannot be said that the second pregnancy has a greater risk of complications than the first.

information If the woman’s health is normal, the previous pregnancy and childbirth were successful, the second pregnancy will also proceed favorably.

There are certain nuances if there is a history. In this case, the woman should carefully listen to the doctor’s recommendations and carefully follow them. At this stage, you should undergo examinations in advance to determine the condition of the uterine scar. If it fails, the risk of complications increases significantly (see topic “”).

It is also possible that problems may arise if the father is Rh positive. In this case, antibodies may appear already during the first pregnancy, the number of which can increase significantly with repeated conceptions. With this problem, the expectant mother needs to be examined at the planning stage and undergo repeated examinations after its onset.

How to prepare your first child

Often, when planning a new pregnancy, many spouses are concerned about how their first child will perceive the birth of a brother or sister. Of course, such doubts are justified, because the birth of the first child is always eagerly awaited, and the child, from the moment of his birth, bathes in the love and affection of all relatives and becomes, in fact, a little king in the family, where everyone obeys his desires and needs.

With the advent of another baby, parents will no longer be able to pay such an abundance of attention to their firstborn, which is often perceived with hostility by the child. Jealousy in children is a common occurrence; they can be very sensitive to the manifestation of their parents’ feelings for another child.

important In such a situation, you should not think only about yourself and your needs; you must also take into account the desires of your child. It doesn’t matter what words you find for your son or daughter to explain that your family will soon increase by one more person. The main thing is that your child does not begin to feel lonely and deprived of the attention of his beloved parents and knows that, no matter what, he is still loved and protected.