Platonov multi-colored butterfly brief description. Andrey Platonov "multi-colored butterfly"

Grandma Anisya lived on the sea coast. People around her don't know her age. She lives solely in anticipation of her own son Timosha, who once ran to the mountains for a butterfly. Always rushing after the light-winged creatures, which seemed extremely attractive to him, he always came home. But this time it didn't happen. The butterfly was so wonderful that the child ran very far away. Deciding that he will catch a star, he accidentally falls into the abyss.

He begins to dig a way to return to his mother. Time passes. The child turns into a young man, then into an old man. Mom spends her time waiting. Then the son understands how comfortable and easy it was to be with his mother.

The old woman does not stop believing in the return of her son and a miracle happens. Timosha manages to dig a hole, but he is not destined to see his mother’s facial features due to his own blindness. She conveys her love, warmth, care, affection to him, and he again turns into a baby, and the woman dies.

Every person in life pursues certain goals and their subsequent implementation. Not all aspirations turn out to be correct. Trying to achieve the most beautiful and alluring of them, people often lose themselves. You have to work hard to fix it. Often the work is rewarding. The story “The Multi-Colored Butterfly” is just such a case. The son gets what he wants from the mother who gave him love and life.

This does not always happen, and the author once again reminds us of this. It is important to appreciate and protect the attitude of dear people. Not everyone is able to sacrifice themselves for the well-being of a loved one. Parents require a particularly reverent attitude. Before committing an act, it is necessary to weigh the consequences repeatedly. Not in all cases do events unfold as in this beautiful fairy tale, filled with kindness.

The work teaches patience, compassion, respect for each other, makes you think about the meaning of life, human aspirations and the fact that in any situation there is certainly a way out.

Picture or drawing of a colorful butterfly

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Platonov A. fairy tale "The Multi-Colored Butterfly"

Genre: literary fairy tale-legend

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Multi-Colored Butterfly" and their characteristics

  1. Anisya. An old woman, a mother who is waiting for her son and does not want to die until she sees him.
  2. Ulyan. An old man, Anisya's neighbor. Kind and responsive.
  3. Timosha. A frivolous boy who often forgot about his mother. Became an old man in a cave.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Many-Colored Butterfly"
  1. Anisya and Ulyan
  2. Term Ulyana
  3. Boy Timosha
  4. Path to the sky
  5. Large butterfly
  6. Up the path
  7. Nearby stars
  8. Falling into the abyss
  9. Sheer cliffs
  10. Many years of work
  11. Timosha's suffering
  12. Waiting for Anisya
  13. The last hurdle
  14. Meeting
  15. Death of mother.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "The Multi-Colored Butterfly" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. An old woman Anisya lived on the seashore, who was often helped by old man Ulyan
  2. The boy Timosha loved to catch butterflies and once chased a beautiful butterfly
  3. He climbed to the top of the mountain and reached for a star
  4. Timosha fell and found himself at the bottom of an impregnable abyss
  5. Timosha fought his way through the rocks for many years and became a gray-haired, blind old man
  6. Timosha met his mother, and she, with the breath of love, restored his youth to him and died.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Multi-Colored Butterfly"
Mother's love knows no barriers and is capable of creating real miracles.

What does the fairy tale “The Multicolored Butterfly” teach?
This fairy tale teaches you to obey and love your parents. Teaches us not to forget about them, no matter how busy we are. Teaches you to always return home to your mothers. Teaches loyalty and love. Teaches that you often have to pay a very high price for carelessness.

Review of the fairy tale "The Multicolored Butterfly"
I liked this story and found it very touching. The boy Timosha was wrong when, forgetting that his mother was waiting for him, he began to chase a butterfly. He loved his mother for entertainment and was severely punished for this. And I’m very sorry for Anisya, who saved her son at the cost of her own life.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The Multi-Colored Butterfly"
There are many relatives, but my mother is dearest of all.
Mother's prayer reaches from the bottom of the sea.
The mother cries that the river is flowing.
A mother's heart warms better than the sun
Patience and a little effort.

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "The Multi-Colored Butterfly"
On the shores of the Black Sea at the foot of high mountains lived an old woman named Anisya. Her hut stood in the middle of a flower field, and the beekeeper Grandfather Ulyan lived nearby. He didn’t know how old Anisya was, but he heard that she remembered how the mountains were very young and were not covered with forest.
Ulyan often came to Anisya and helped with the housework. For the last time, he fixed her glasses and told her that his time was up. But Anisya said that her due date had not yet come, because she was expecting a son. But Ulyan soon died and Anisya was left alone.
When Anisya was young, she had a son, Timosha, who was very fond of catching butterflies. He ran after butterflies and often forgot about his mother. He brought home butterflies and was sad that they no longer flew. And his mother explained to him that this was because he took them in his hands and rubbed his wings.
Timosha often went to the mountains along an old path that went from mountain to mountain into the sky. Once upon a time, a man who was tired of people went to heaven along it.
And there, on the path, Timosha once saw a large and beautiful butterfly. He wanted to talk to her, but the butterfly flew onto a boulder. The butterfly flew into the mountains, and Timosha ran after it. Night fell and he heard his mother calling him, but he replied that he would return as soon as he caught a butterfly.
He ran up the path and climbed the highest mountain. The butterfly was nowhere to be found, but a star was shining very close by. Timosha wanted to grab the star, reached out and fell into the abyss.
Timosha found himself at the bottom of the abyss, where a small stream flowed into the lake. It was hot and stuffy there, and there were steep cliffs all around. Butterflies fluttered over the flowers, but Timosha didn’t even look at them. He sat down by the rock and began to scratch it with his nails to get to his mother.
Many years later. Timosha has grown up. He used a sharp stone to chisel the rocks, but over the years he only carved out a small cave. He never caught butterflies again, and his mother’s voice sounded weaker and weaker in his heart. And yet he tirelessly chiseled at the rock.
And his mother looked at the stars and it seemed to her that her son was running there, among the Milky Way. She called him to come back, but Timosha did not come.
Years have passed. Timosha became a gray-haired old man. And then one day he heard the clinking of buckets through the stone. He screamed and his mother heard his voice. She asked who was calling her, but Timosha replied that he had forgotten who he was. He broke through the last barrier and emerged from the rock. Anisya saw a gray-haired blind old man and hugged him.
Anisya regretted that she did not raise her son, that she did not have time to caress him. And Timosha promised that he would always be with her. But Anisya said that she was already old and would die soon. She pressed her son to her chest and wanted her breath to go to her son, so that her love would become his strength and life.
And suddenly she felt that her son had become small and light, and she was holding him in her arms.
And Anisya died happy.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Multi-Colored Butterfly"

Target: Engage intellectual and emotional forces to reflect on the relationship between mother and child.



  • Improve reading skills.
  • Form correct, conscious reading.
  • Actively develop students’ speech skills.
  • Teach children not only to read, but also to think.


  • To develop in children the ability to fully perceive a work of art and to respond emotionally to what they read.
  • Develop the skills to predict, analyze, generalize, draw conclusions, express your thoughts and feelings.
  • Develop skills in working with information.


  • Cultivate respect and love for mother
  • To cultivate moral qualities: kindness, responsiveness, sensitivity, attention to others
  • To develop students’ communication skills (work in pairs)
  • Create emotionally favorable conditions in the classroom.

Lesson type: generalization of material

Equipment: portrait of A.P. Platonov, presentation, text, pictures “Butterflies”.



Summary of a literary reading lesson in grade 3-B

UMK "Harmony"


A.P. Platonov

"Colorful Butterfly"

Lesson developed

primary school teacher

GBOU secondary school No. 29

Yakimenko T.D.

(teacher of the highest category)

Technologies used:

  • problem-based learning technology;
  • information and communication technologies;
  • gaming technologies;
  • health-saving technologies.

Forms of work:

  • individual;
  • group.


2014 – 2015 academic year G.

Topic: A.P. Platonov "Multi-colored butterfly"

Target: Engage intellectual and emotional forces to reflect on the relationship between mother and child.



  • Improve reading skills.
  • Form correct, conscious reading.
  • Actively develop students’ speech skills.
  • Teach children not only to read, but also to think.


  • To develop in children the ability to fully perceive a work of art and to respond emotionally to what they read.
  • Develop the skills to predict, analyze, generalize, draw conclusions, express your thoughts and feelings.
  • Develop skills in working with information.


  • Cultivate respect and love for mother
  • To cultivate moral qualities: kindness, responsiveness, sensitivity, attention to others
  • To develop students’ communication skills (work in pairs)
  • Create emotionally favorable conditions in the classroom.

Lesson type: generalization of material

Equipment: portrait of A.P. Platonov, presentation, text, pictures “Butterflies”.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

People stop thinking when they stop reading.

Only those who don’t read anything think about nothing.

Denis Diderot

How do you understand this statement?

In order for our lesson to be useful for you, we need to remember the “golden rules of the lesson”

1. Be active!

2. Express your opinion!

3. Listen to the opinions of others!

5. Be careful!

II.Motivation of educational activities.

What do we learn in reading lessons?

In reading lessons we learn to speak, read, and retell beautifully.

Therefore, the first place is given to the ability to breathe evenly and deeply - to control your breathing and the ability to speak loudly, loudly, but without shouting.

Speech warm-up

  1. Tongue exercises:“Roll the ball in your mouth,” “Play the clatter of hooves.”
  2. Breathing exercises:“Like a ball letting out air.”
  3. Working on expressive reading(to myself, out loud).

It was quiet in the house in the morning,

I wrote my mother’s name on my palm.

Not in a notebook, on a piece of paper,

Not on a stone wall,

I wrote my mother's name on my hand.

It was quiet in the house in the morning,

It became noisy during the day.

“What did you hide in your palm?” -

They started asking me.

I unclenched my palm, I held happiness.

(Agniya Barto)

III.Updating knowledge.

What work did we learn about in the last lesson?

What is the genre this work? (Legend)

Remember the meaning of the word legend.

Legend - a fantastic story, a poetic legend about an event or person.

Which section is included in the work of A.P. Platonov? (He who honors his parents never perishes.)

What is the legend about? Name topic this work.

What do you think the writer wanted to tell us? What is the main idea ( idea) this work? (Children's statements)

Can you answer this question now? (No)

What needs to be done for this? (Analyze the legend)

IV.Message of the topic of the lesson. Setting a learning task.

Today we will continue to work on the legend of A.P. Platonov “The Multi-Colored Butterfly”.

What learning task will we set for ourselves in the lesson? (Analyze the work of A.P. Platonov “The Multi-Colored Butterfly” and formulate the idea).

At home you read the legend to the end. What thoughts and feelings did you have while reading?

Name the main characters of the legend? (Mother, Timosha, butterfly)

V. Solving a problematic problem. Working with a cluster (characteristics of heroes)

- To solve the problem, I propose to characterize the characters and fill out the cluster.

1. Characteristics of Timosha.

Where did Timosha and his mother live? (On the Black Sea coast in a stone hut)
- What happened to the boy? (Ran away from home and never returned)
- Why did Timosha run away from home? (Play, talk to stones, catch butterflies)

How does this characterize him? (He was curious )
- How did he behave after the walks? (I was sad that the butterfly couldn’t fly.)

What qualities does this indicate? (Pity, compassion)
- What did his mother advise him? Read it. (“She won’t die and won’t live,” said the mother. “She needs to fly in order to live, but you caught her and took her in your hands, wiped her wings, and she became sick... Don’t catch them!”
- Who paved the path up the mountain? Read. (Paved by an unknown man who went along it to heaven through the highest mountain - he left and never returned; he was childless, did not love anyone in the world, the earth was not dear to him, and everyone forgot about him;).

This is a warning for Timosha, but neither he nor his mother understood this.

What did Timosha see when returning home one evening? (A drop of dew fell on a blade of grass).

What conclusion did Timosha make? (This is a good drop!) Why is she kind?

What feature characterizes Timosha in this situation? ( Observant )
- Who was your next meeting? (With a butterfly).
-What was unusual about her? Read. (She was big, like a bird, and her wings were in colors that Timosha had never seen. From the trembling of her wings, it seemed to the boy that the light was leaving her and sounded like a quiet voice calling him.)
- Why did Timosha decide that the butterfly was evil? (Didn't speak, didn't look at him.)
- What desire was stronger than the desire to return home to your mother’s voice? (Catch only one butterfly, the best one, the last one)
- How does this characterize the hero? (
Stubborn, naughty, purposeful)
- What did Timosha see at the end of the path? (The whole sky, and close to it a big kind squinting star was shining)

Where did Timosha end up? (At the bottom of the abyss)

Read the description of the abyss in which the boy found himself.
- Why did he cry? (From separation from mother)

What does this mean? (About repentance, about love for mother)
- What did Timosha do to return to his mother? (He scratched the wall with his nails; he beat and crushed the mountain, making his way)
- How does this characterize him? (
Hardworking )

Physical exercise.

In the morning the butterfly woke up

She smiled and stretched.

She washed herself with dew,

Two-twirled gracefully,

Three-quietly sat down,

Flew off at four.

2. Characteristics of the mother.

How did the mother live all this time? (Waiting for her son, she counted the time, looked into the starry sky, it seemed to her that she saw her son running in the Milky Way, she asked to return, saying: “No need, let everything be, then you will be too”)

How can you characterize it? (Loving, believes that her son is alive, waiting to meet)

How did the meeting happen? (Timosha heard a bucket rattling from inside the stone mountain. By the sound he recognized that it was his mother’s bucket and screamed).

What did Timosha say? Read it. (Mom, I forgot who I am)
- Why didn’t Timosha see his mother? (Blinded)
- What did the mother do when she saw her son? Read it. (The mother pressed him to her breast; she wanted all the breath of her life to pass to her son and for her love to become his strength and life)
- What words are spoken aboutmother's eternal love? Read it. (Her life passed on to her son with love)
- How to characterize the act of sacrificing one’s life in the name of a loved one? (

3.Characteristics of the butterfly.

What role did the image of a butterfly play in the legend? (This is a symbol)

What does the butterfly symbolize in this work?(Dream)

What kind of butterfly was it? (Big, beautiful, colorful, fluttering). Does it look like a dream?

Has Timosha achieved this big dream? Why?

So can we say that the butterfly symbolizes a dream?

VI. Generalization of what has been learned.

1. Compiling a syncwine. (Work in groups)

And now I suggest you work in groups and compose a syncway. What is syncwine?

Sinkwine is an unusual poem consisting of 5 lines.

Each group has its own task. Read it carefully and follow it.

And we'll check it later.

  1. group - cinquain on the theme MOM
  2. group - syncwine on the theme of TIMOSH
  3. group - cinquain on the theme BUTTERFLY

For example:


2. Kind, affectionate.

3. Loves, hopes, grows old.

4. Will always forgive his children.

5. Love.


2. Tenacious, inquisitive.

3. Runs away, catches, hammers.

4. Passionate about your dream.

5. Fate.


2. Beautiful, colorful.

3. Flies, flutters, glows.

4. One of the most beautiful creatures.

5. Dream.

2. Conclusion.

Can we now answer the question posed to us at the beginning of the lesson?

- What do you think the writer wanted to tell us?

  • About the separation of mother and son?
  • About a ghostly dream that takes a son away from his mother?
  • About mother's eternal love?
  • About the epiphany of a son who appreciated the power of his mother’s love?

A. Platanov tried to find the answer to the question: what is most important for a person, what is the basis of life, its meaning. The main idea of ​​the legend: any creature, be it a person, a plant or an animal, fights for life, life on earth is sometimes difficult, joyless, but dear to any living creature.

VII. Lesson summary.

In life, each of you will have a dream, like that colorful butterfly that captivated Timosha. Whatever your dream, do not forget that there is nothing on earth stronger and more devoted than maternal love.No one can love as devotedly and forgivingly as a mother.

R. Gamzatov.

Don't leave mothers alone

They grow old from loneliness.

Among worries, falling in love and books

Don't forget to be kind to them.

I would like to end the lesson with these beautiful words. Thank you all very much for your work and activity.

VSH. Reflection.

The boy didn’t catch his butterfly, and I suggest you draw a sword butterfly, colorful and unusual. It will be yours and will definitely bring you good luck.

Children draw butterflies, cut them out and attach them to the board (for those who find it difficult to draw, butterfly templates and coloring pages should be prepared)

A calm melody accompanies the children's work.

IX. Homework.

To choose from:

  • write a fairy tale or story about the power of mother's love;
  • draw an illustration for the work;
  • choose proverbs about mother.

Platonov Andrey

colorful butterfly

Andrey Platonovich Platonov

colorful butterfly

On the shores of the Black Sea, where the Caucasus Mountains rise from the shore to the sky, there lived in a stone hut an old woman named Anisya. The hut stood among a flower field in which roses grew. Not far from the flower field there was a beekeeper, and beekeeper Grandfather Ulyan also lived there for a long time. Grandfather Ulyan said that when he was still young and came to the Caucasian side, Anisya was already an old grandmother, and no one then knew how old Anisya was, or since when she had been living in the world. Anisya herself couldn’t say this either, because she forgot. She only remembered that in her time the mountains were young and not covered with forest. This is what she once said to one traveler, and he published her words in his book. But the traveler died long ago, and everyone forgot the book.

Grandfather Ulyan came once a year to visit Anisya; he brought her honey, mended her shoes, checked to see if the bucket was thin, and rearranged the tiles on the roof of the hut so that the rain would not penetrate inside the dwelling.

Then they sat on a stone at the entrance to the dwelling and had a heart-to-heart talk. Old Ulyan knew that he would hardly come to visit Anisya the next year: he was already very old and knew that it was time for him to die.

The last time Ulyan saw Anisya, he noticed that the iron temple of the glasses that Anisya wore had become thin, weaker than a thread, and was about to break - the temple had worn out over time on the bridge of Anisya’s nose. Then Ulyan strengthened the bow with wire so that the glasses would still serve and through them you could look at everything that is in the world.

“What, Grandma Anisya: you and I have reached the end of our lifespan,” said Ulyan.

“But no, my deadline is not over,” Anisya responded. - I have something to do here, I’m expecting my son. Until he returns, I must live.

Well, live,” Ulyan agreed. - I have to go. Ulyan left and soon died of old age, and Anisya remained to live and wait for her son.

Her son Timosha ran away from home when he was still small, and Anisya was young, and since then Timosha has not returned to his mother. Every morning he ran away from home to the mountains to play there, talk to the stones of the mountains that responded to his voice, and catch colorful butterflies.

By noon, Anisya went out onto the path leading into the mountains and called to her son:

Timosha, Timosha!.. You started playing again, and you forgot about me.

Now, mom, I’ll just catch a butterfly.

He caught a butterfly and returned to his mother. At home, he showed the butterfly and grieved that it no longer flies, but only walks quietly, little by little.

Mom, why isn't she flying? - Timosha asked, fingering the butterfly’s wings. - Let her fly better. Will she die now?

“He won’t die and he won’t live,” said the mother. - She needs to fly to live, but you caught her and took her in your hands, wiped her wings, and she became sick... Don’t catch them!

Every day Timosha ran up the mountain along an old path. Mother Anisya knew that that path through the small mountain goes to the big one, and from the big one to the high one, where clouds always gather in the evening, and from that high mountain to the fiercest, most terrible peak of all mountains, and there the path goes to the sky. Anisya heard that the path was paved by an unknown man who went along it to heaven through the highest mountain - he left and never returned; he was childless, loved no one in the world, the earth was not dear to him, and everyone forgot him; All that was left of him was a path, and few people walked along that path after him.

Only Timosha ran along this path after butterflies.

One day Timosha was walking home: evening time had come, and the flowers were already dozing in the twilight on the mountainside. A lonely blade of grass grew near the path, its head looked out from under the cliff at the one walking on the ground, and a small clear light shone on its face. Timosha saw that a drop of dew fell on a blade of grass so that she could drink it.

"This is a good drop!" - thought Timosha.

Here a large multi-colored butterfly sat on this blade of grass and fluttered its wings. Timosha was scared: he had never seen such a butterfly before. She was big, like a bird, and her wings were in colors that Timosha had never seen. From the trembling of her wings, it seemed to the boy that the light was leaving her and sounded like a quiet voice calling him.

Timosha extended his hand for the shining, trembling butterfly, but it flew onto a large stone. Then Timosha said to her from afar:

Let's talk!

The butterfly did not speak or look at Timosha: she was only afraid of him. She must have been unkind, but she was so good...

On the shores of the Black Sea, where the Caucasus Mountains rise from the shore to
sky, there lived in a stone hut one old woman named Anisya. The hut stood among a flower field in which roses grew. Not far from the flower field there was a beekeeper, and beekeeper Grandfather Ulyan also lived there for a long time. Grandfather Ulyan said that when he was still young and came to the Caucasian side, Anisya was already an old grandmother, and no one then knew how old Anisya was, or since when she had been living in the world. Anisya herself couldn’t say this either, because she forgot. She only remembered that in her time the mountains were young and not covered with forest. This is what she once said to one traveler, and he published her words in his book. But the traveler died long ago, and everyone forgot the book.
Grandfather Ulyan came once a year to visit Anisya; he brought her honey, mended her shoes, checked to see if the bucket was thin, and rearranged the tiles on the roof of the hut so that the rain would not penetrate inside the dwelling.
Then they sat on a stone at the entrance to the dwelling and had a heart-to-heart talk. Old Ulyan knew that he would hardly come to visit Anisya the next year: he was already very old and knew that it was time for him to die.
The last time Ulyan saw Anisya, he noticed that the iron temple of the glasses that Anisya wore had become thin, weaker than a thread, and was about to break - the temple had worn out over time on the bridge of Anisya’s nose. Then Ulyan strengthened the bow with wire so that the glasses would still serve and through them you could look at everything that is in the world.
“What, grandmother Anisya: you and I have reached the end of our life span,” said Ulyan.
“But no, my deadline is not over,” Anisya responded. - I have something to do here, I’m expecting my son. Until he returns, I must live.
“Well, live,” Ulyan agreed. - I have to go. Ulyan left and soon died of old age, and Anisya remained to live and wait for her son.
* * *
Her son Timosha ran away from home when he was still small, and Anisya was young, and since then Timosha has not returned to his mother. Every morning he ran away from home to the mountains to play there, talk to the stones of the mountains that responded to his voice, and catch colorful butterflies.
By noon, Anisya went out onto the path leading into the mountains and called to her son:
- Timosha, Timosha! . You started playing again, and you forgot about me.
- Now, mom, I’ll just catch a butterfly.
He caught a butterfly and returned to his mother. At home, he showed the butterfly and grieved that it no longer flies, but only walks quietly, little by little.
- Mom, why doesn’t she fly? - Timosha asked, fingering the butterfly’s wings. - Let her fly better. Will she die now?
“He won’t die and won’t live,” said the mother. - She needs to fly to live, but you caught her and took her in your hands, wiped her wings, and she became sick. . . Don't catch them!
Every day Timosha ran up the mountain along an old path. Mother Anisya knew that that path through the small mountain goes to the big one, and from the big one to the high one, where clouds always gather in the evening, and from that high mountain to the fiercest, most terrible peak of all mountains, and there the path goes to the sky. Anisya heard that the path was paved by an unknown man who went along it to heaven through the highest mountain - he left and never returned; he was childless, loved no one in the world, the earth was not dear to him, and everyone forgot him; All that was left of him was a path, and few people walked along that path after him.
Only Timosha ran along this path after butterflies.
One day Timosha was walking home: evening time had come, and the flowers were already dozing in the twilight on the mountainside. A lonely blade of grass grew near the path, its head looked out from under the cliff at the one walking on the ground, and a small clear light shone on its face. Timosha saw that a drop of dew fell on a blade of grass so that she could drink it.
"This is a good drop!" - thought Timosha.
Here a large multi-colored butterfly sat on this blade of grass and fluttered its wings. Timosha was scared: he had never seen such a butterfly before. She was big, like a bird, and her wings were in colors that Timosha had never seen. From the trembling of her wings, it seemed to the boy that the light was leaving her and sounded like a quiet voice calling him.
Timosha extended his hand for the shining, trembling butterfly, but it flew onto a large stone. Then Timosha said to her from afar:
- Let's talk!
The butterfly did not speak or look at Timosha: she was only afraid of him. She must have been unkind, but she was so good. .