Why can't you eat from a knife? Why you can’t eat from a knife: folk signs and superstitions

Everyone has heard that it is forbidden to eat from a knife because something very bad will happen. The reason for this is interpreted differently. Over the centuries, many superstitious explanations have appeared. Interpretations are associated both with the passage of time and with the age category of a person.

Signs prohibiting eating from a knife

Our ancestors did not come to a common opinion on why one should not eat from the edge of a knife. But there are signs that are passed down from generation to generation, in different countries:

  1. Change of character. This is the first and most famous belief. It says that a person who eats from a knife will become angry, jealous, and aggressive.
  2. Losing your mind. The second most popular sign says that people who eat food from a knife risk losing their minds. People say that the mind is shortened.
  3. Loss of a spouse. A belief on this topic says that girls or women who have the habit of eating from the blade risk that their chosen one will walk to the left.
  4. Addiction to alcohol. People interpret it as unmarried girls When eating from a knife, you risk finding a betrothed who will become addicted to alcohol.
  5. Your heart will hurt. Those who are accustomed to eating food from a point or blade will have heart problems. By the way, esotericists and magicians believe that problems can arise not only with the heart, but also with health in general. Therefore, it is not recommended to do this.
  6. Bad relationship with mother-in-law. If you believe people of the older generation, then a girl who uses a knife as a cutlery for eating has every chance of encountering problems in her relationship with her future or current mother-in-law. This is explained by the fact that the sharp blade of the knife seems to cut family ties between these people.

There are other, less frightening signs:

  1. You cannot leave this item on the table after completing work with it; this will greatly anger the brownie, and he, as revenge, will quarrel with family members.
  2. If this kitchen item received as a gift, you need to give the donor some money in the form of coins, as if buying it, in order to avoid discord, scandals and enmity.
  3. If during work, or you dreamed about this in a dream, then the planned serious matter should be postponed until later. late time. Otherwise, you can face not only troubles, but also complete failure.
  4. You can't take it for yourself. It cannot be picked up or brought into the house. He is endowed with a powerful memory, which means there is a high probability that all the negativity of the former owners will migrate to the new ones.
  5. If, while working with a knife, it falls out of your hands, you need to expect a guest soon and it will be a man.

Meaning in magic

A knife is a kind of pointer for magicians, which affects a person energetically. It is considered the most important attribute in the production of most magical affairs. This is a kind of continuation of the will of sorcerers, witches, and magicians in the intangible plane. They draw various signs with it as a symbol of spells in the air, on the ground, on paper and other things.

It can be very difficult to imagine in your mind what a person with such power can “draw” at the bedside of an ordinary person.

If you believe folk superstitions, then a knife is the abode of evil spirits, located at the very tip.

A person who licks the tip will become a hostage to demonic creatures. Nothing terrible, at first glance, will happen except that they will imperceptibly but constantly affect the quality of life and even health, and for a long time and negatively.

In esotericism there are a lot of signs where a knife can become an enemy to an ordinary person, spoil the biofield and aura, waste energy in vain:

  1. The knife should be placed on the table so that the tip is directed towards the bread.
  2. If a guest is sitting in front of the owner, this kitchen item must be placed in such a position that the tip is not directed at him; it is better to remove it from the table altogether.
  3. It is not recommended to sharpen knives after the sun has set, otherwise you will attract thieves to your home. In this regard, there is a belief that after sunset, thieves begin to sharpen their knives. On an energetic level, they will feel that you are doing the same and will be drawn to you.
  4. loved ones, friends, relatives and those who are dear to you. This will become one (if not the main) reason for constant quarrels, discord and hostility. To stop this, you will then need to destroy your gift along with its negative energy.
  5. To smooth out any rough edges that may appear, when buying a new knife, it is advisable to give money without change. It is best to take advantage of the belief about the law “metal for metal” by giving money in the form of coins, rather than paper bills.

Reasons from the past

As a person grows, all explanations of the sign that one should not eat from a knife become more original. People say that anyone who neglects this rule will certainly become angry and aggressive. This interpretation of signs has its roots in the distant past:

  • in those days, a knife was considered not only a kitchen appliance, but also a weapon for defense;
  • it was also used in magic rituals aimed at physical or spiritual suffering.

What did this object symbolize in ancient times?

Today, a knife is a must-have attribute in the kitchen. Few people put forward any special features to him. The same cannot be said about the distant past. Then he played an important role in the life of people, especially in the male part:

  1. For example, men had to wear it every day and without fail.
  2. It was revered as the same attribute as, for example, pants.
  3. In some nations, at birth, a knife (then a blade) was left near the baby so that evil forces would pass by. There were and are countries where this kitchen item was necessarily placed in the grave of the deceased, but it was precisely the one that was always with him during his lifetime.

Signs heard from relatives about not eating with a knife can encourage a person to believe in them or ignore them. A person will always have the right to choose - to believe and refuse these actions or to neglect his health, luck and safety.

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“Don’t eat from a knife!” is one of the first phrases a small child hears when trying to lick a tasty treat from a sharp object. In his case, we are talking about precautions, but there are a number of other reasons why eating from this cutlery is not recommended.

Why you can’t eat from a knife - folk superstitions

The first is that a person who uses a knife for other purposes, but instead of a fork or debt, will be evil. This is the most common superstition, the origins of which are unknown at the moment. But an assumption can be made - most likely this sign is based on the “aggressiveness” of the cutlery, which can also be used as a weapon. That is, if a person eats from it, he himself will become aggressive. Perhaps one of the reasons for this superstition is that warriors once ate using a knife. They cut off pieces of meat, pricked it on a dagger (for lack of more convenient instruments) and ate. But where the idea that eating from a knife makes a person jealous came from is not at all clear.

Another sign says that such a habit can cause unpleasant pain in the heart area. This superstition has no basis and yet it is quite widespread, as is the explanation that droppings lead to... stupidity. Perhaps this is in some way connected with the dark rituals that were carried out earlier, when dolls made to look like humans were pierced with a knife through the chest or forehead, depending on the goal they wanted to achieve. In any case, this is a fairly old superstition, so that it is almost impossible to track the process of its formation.

The last sign suggests that in this way you can spoil the aura. This argument is put forward by esotericists who say that initially, but it was not invented as cutlery, but as a murder weapon. And this makes his own aura bloody and dark. When eating food from it, negative energy invades the human field. And this can cause a number of quite traceable responses, such as depression, apathy, Bad mood and even physical illness - this is precisely how the destructive impulses emanating from him act.

Why can't a girl eat from a knife?

There is a special sign for them: if you eat from a knife, then the husband will be a drunkard and a traitor. There is no direct explanation for this, but people with a sense of humor associate this with the very first of the listed signs: the wife is angry and nagging - the husband drinks to distract himself, the wife is jealous - which means we need to give her at least a reason. However, there are no serious reasons for such a superstition.

There is also a more practical explanation - in this way, the parents taught the girl to strictly follow the rules of etiquette: hardly anyone wants to be a victim of an alcoholic or suffer infidelity, so it was always the fork in the hand and as a result the girl looked well-mannered and graceful.

It is assumed that the sign was invented by housewives whose marriage was not very happy - so the women assured themselves that it was not the husband who was bad and it was not the woman’s fault: a simple cutlery was to blame. A very convenient explanation, if you think about it.

Why you can’t eat from a knife - etiquette

According to generally accepted standards, a knife is designed to separate food into pieces, but the honorable mission of carrying them into the mouth is entrusted to the fork - it is both more convenient and safer. A meal where all equipment is used for its intended purpose is both aesthetically pleasing and safe. And if earlier, as mentioned above, warriors could eat from a knife, then this was done only because there were no more suitable devices for this. Now that they have appeared, there is no point in a dangerous and ugly-looking activity from the outside.

From early childhood, every person is taught that one should not eat from a knife, but even when a person is older, he does not have clear ideas about why this should not be done. Exists great amount various signs and superstitions why you can’t do this.

Food from a knife

It just so happens that for most peoples, a knife is not just a weapon or a household item, but also a sacred object. The knife was inseparably associated with the image of a man, and it was also very often placed with the deceased.

There were traditions when a knife was placed in the crib small child. There was a belief that in this way one could protect the baby from the evil eye and evil spirits. For example, in one of the Scandinavian countries, there was a tradition. When a man asked a woman to marry him, he put a knife in the hands of his chosen one and if she did not put it away, it meant that she agreed.

In addition to the sacred meanings of why you can’t eat from a knife, there is also a completely secular meaning: eating from a knife is simply dangerous, because you can injure yourself. People who lived many centuries before us had a belief that if you eat from a knife, you will certainly have heart problems. This belief was probably due to the fact that the knife is a very dangerous object.

People who are involved in various kinds of paranormal things believe that a knife is an object that destroys a person’s aura. Many people also believe that it is impossible to eat from a knife, since it is very often a weapon of torture and murder.

The emergence of superstition

There is a huge amount of speculation on this topic. Disputes regarding which of them have a place and which are just nonsense do not subside for a minute. So far, no one has been able to prove these theories from a scientific point of view. However, many people seriously believe that eating with a knife is very bad.

There are several reasons:

  1. A person who often eats from a knife becomes angry and aggressive.
  2. Disturbances occur in the human biofield.
  3. A person who eats food from a knife becomes less intelligent, and the person’s mind is lost.
  4. Women are wary of eating food with a knife, as the husband may start drinking and cheat on his wife.

Of course, this is hard to believe, but it’s not worth checking. In any case, even if you are skeptical about such beliefs, eating from a knife is unsightly and very dangerous. Yes and if you hurt oral cavity or tongue, then such a wound will cause a lot of inconvenience and take a long time to heal.

Now we treat the knife as an ordinary item of everyday use, but for our ancestors - the ancient Slavs, the knife was a magical and magical attribute, a symbol of a free person. Moreover, not only men possessed this sharp metal object. Women carried a knife tucked into their belts, and even children, having received this weapon at a certain age, never parted with it again.

The knife served as protection against black magic, the groom handed it to his beloved. Even when a person left for another world, he was placed in the grave together with the deceased. Do you remember oaths on a knife from movies? This actually happened with our ancestors. Therefore, many folk signs are associated with it, there are many superstitions and legends that have become part of our modern life. The most common folk superstition is that you cannot eat food from a knife. Let's look into the reasons and find out why you can't eat from a knife.

Very original popular belief says: if you eat with a knife, you can become a rude, angry and aggressive person. The reason is that in ancient times the knife protected people from enemies and wild animals.

In addition, all kinds of magicians, performing various rituals with a knife, could harm any person. A ritual victim who was not liked for some reason could suffer both physically and spiritually. In other words, not only the aura could suffer from such fortune-telling. The person could die suddenly.

In everyday life, our ancestors ate with a spoon, but the conquerors and external enemies used knives when cutting up animal carcasses. Of course, the enemies were considered aggressive.

Version No. 2. Spoil the aura

This is a very common sign among superstitious people. Any sharp object, as our ancestors believed, has a very negative effect on our aura. The knife is no exception: being a tool of black sorcerers and an instrument of crime, its edge, like a sponge, absorbs all the negative energy that can easily destroy our fragile biofield.

As a result, if you believe the superstition, illness and failure cannot be avoided. Therefore, eating from a knife is prohibited.

Version No. 3. Relationships will fall apart

This sign is not so common, but still occurs. A knife is a cold and treacherous weapon. Therefore, it is believed that taking food from it leads to coldness in personal relationships, in the union between spouses.

If a girl eats from the blade, then her husband will be an alcoholic, and her mother-in-law will be an unbearable and grumpy woman.

In addition, if you eat with a knife, then your spouse will cheat.

Version No. 4. Licking a knife leads to heart problems

To believe this sign or not is everyone’s business. There were no scientific substantiations or cases confirming that the heart got sick precisely because of licking a knife, and no one conducted experiments. Nevertheless, superstitious people scare those who like to lick a blade with heart operations and health problems in general.

Practical explanation and common sense

Before eating from a knife, skeptics advise people to use logic and common sense. After all, you need to eat food, no matter where you are, in a calm environment, using a spoon or fork; you need to chew the food thoroughly, enjoying every bite. This is recommended not only by positively minded people or yoga practitioners, but also by practical doctors. After all, guided by these simple truths, you can avoid stomach problems.

If you eat in a hurry, with a knife, and even thinking about everyday affairs, health problems really cannot be avoided. And stomach pain will make anyone angry and aggressive.

Besides, eating from a knife is a dangerous activity! You may hurt your lips or tongue. Adults should explain this rule to their children, without intimidating the children with a drunken husband or heart disease. From an aesthetic point of view, a person eating from a knife looks ugly.

Knife in esotericism

The knife has negative energy and is a mystical attribute. They use it to cast spells, tell fortunes, make lapels and love spells. Even the most ordinary knife in your kitchen can become the subject of witchcraft. Although if you delve deeper into magic, then you still need an unusual, magical or witchcraft knife, as it is called. These existed and still exist today.

Esotericists have something to say about the magic of the knife. They unanimously claim that if you eat from the blade, then you can become your own enemy, spoil your biofield and lose energy. Negative vibrations of steel will be to blame for all this.

A few more postulates that it is better for superstitious people to know about so as not to get themselves into trouble:

  1. Put yours kitchen knife on the table with the point towards the bread, and if a friend is sitting in front of you, make sure that the sharp end does not point at him or remove it from the table.
  2. Never just stick it into bread. This gross violation all magical and esoteric laws!
  3. Do not sharpen your knives after sunset, otherwise thieves will visit your house. By the way, there is a definite explanation for this: the night before the theft, thieves sharpen their knives, and on an energetic level they will be drawn to where similar “operations” were carried out.
  4. Do not give knives to friends and family. This will lead to quarrels and misunderstandings between you. To make peace, you will have to eliminate the ominous gift itself, thereby getting rid of negative energy. If you were given a knife, then give this person any coin in return. If you see a knife on the road, it’s better to avoid it, so you don’t bring trouble on yourself.
  5. To smooth out the rough edges when buying a knife, try to give bills without change. And if you follow the law “metal for metal”, then it is better to pay with iron coins.

So, if you hear from relatives or friends about signs that prohibit eating from a knife or carrying out any other manipulations with this object, remember that you always have a choice: to believe in signs or not, but first of all you should think about your safety .

An integral kitchen attribute is a knife. It has long been present in the household of every family.

Even in ancient times, a knife was a means of protection, food extraction, and a hunting item. As a result, there are quite a lot of legends, retellings, signs, superstitions, and stories associated with this device.

One of these is the belief that you should not eat from the tip of a knife. Is there truth in these words? Is there a reasonable interpretation for them? Let's talk about possible options and a rational answer.

The sign of eating food from a knife is one of the most persistent. Most likely this is due to the fact that this particular device is rightfully the main one in the kitchen. Behind for a long time the knife played its existence important role in different cultures.

For example, this item is often placed in a boy's cradle to protect against evil forces . In addition, this is a guarantee for the future youth that he will grow up to be a courageous and brave defender of his family.

Some nationalities gifted a boy who reached a certain age with a blade. This symbolized his strength and masculinity. U ancient warrior always had his own personalized blade.

A secret additional knife was kept in the boot, which could be exchanged with brothers in spirit. The ancient Greeks drove away bad and scary dreams using a knife with a black handle.

In Finland, the ceremony of engagement with a girl was not complete without this attribute. Having asked for the girl's hand in marriage, the guy put a knife in her hands. If she accepted the offer, she kept the device for herself. Our people have their own ritual associated with the knife. Pregnant women put it under their pillow to protect the baby and give him health and strength.

Also, before baptism, the child was carried around with a blade three times. Similar rituals (sometimes not very logical, and sometimes gloomy) associated with the blade have different nations, history will tell you enough.

Let's talk about different signs and their interpretation. It is believed that a person who licks from the tip of a knife becomes angry, aggressive, and jealous. This is explained by the fact that the blade is primarily a weapon. If a person eats from it, he absorbs bad energy..

A person who often eats from a knife loses his zest for life and becomes nervous.. A reasonable interpretation of this belief is that people eat from a knife in a hurry, on the go, swallowing food without chewing it.

As a result, a person does not get any pleasure from eating. He simply fills his belly with food.

Sharp objects can disrupt the energy of a person’s biofield. The knife is one of those. By eating from the tip of the blade, a person creates his own future.

Without knowing it, he changes the further outcome of life events. First of all, it affects the work nervous system, as well as life attitudes.

The number of sayings about eating off the tip of a knife doesn’t stop there. Young children were given all sorts of excuses to avoid touching this cutlery.

The most banal interpretation, but very reasonable and real, the possibility of getting hurt.

The sharp side of a knife can cut your tongue, lips, or cheek. Older children came up with an excuse that was impossible to verify. The sign says that eating food from the tip of a blade takes away a person’s intelligence, and then he becomes dull.

One of the folk signs says that a person who eats from the tip of a knife will have heart problems.

A sharp object can cause heart pain. Ultimately, this threatens surgery. To this day there is no real confirmation of such words.

For women they came up with their own versions of signs. It is believed that a girl who eats from the tip of a blade will find a drunkard husband.

Another version says that future husband will change. There is also talk that the woman will have a very evil mother-in-law.

Since ancient times, the knife has been a tool of labor and an object of holy ritual. Therefore, using it as a cutlery is considered disrespectful to perfume.

As a result, they take revenge in every possible way: they send illnesses, illnesses, and change fate. The knife must be treated with special care and respect.

There is still a reasonable explanation for this process. First of all, it is worth remembering that a knife is a sharp object, so it will not be difficult to get hurt with it.

In addition, there are certain rules of etiquette that regulate the norms of behavior at the table and in the company.

Ancestors came up with all sorts of options to protect themselves, their loved ones and relatives from real bad consequences eating food from the tip of a knife. Some of them are stupid and absurd at first glance, but some have some truth. Whether to believe in this is up to each individual to decide.

A knife is an auxiliary cutlery, but not the main one. There are other devices for eating food; they only use a knife to cut and divide the food into pieces.

If you don’t believe in the signs associated with the blade (besides those mentioned above, there are many others that are not tied to the process of eating), then at least protect yourself from real consequences that can harm your health.