A selection of interesting fortune telling for your future husband.

Fortune telling in the name of a future husband can be interesting both for young girls who do not yet have a soulmate, and for those who are already in a relationship and want to check whether this is fate. Most often, girls like to tell fortunes on Christmas Eve, since this time is allocated magical power, however, you can tell your fortune any day, at midnight. The Svadebka.ws portal does not recommend taking the results of the calculations too seriously, since by relying on predictions, you can destroy strong and reliable relationships. Listen to your heart and feel free to try fortune telling for your betrothed, but regard it as a fun and exciting experiment.

Fortune telling for husband's name by date of birth

If you are already dating a young man and your relationship seems quite serious to you, you can tell fortunes in the name of your future husband and find out whether he is destined to become your fiancé, and whether he is waiting for you happy life together. To do this, you need to find out the date of birth of your boyfriend and carry out a simple mathematical calculation: add all the numbers together, for example, 03/07/1992 - 0+7+0+3+1+9+9+2 = 31. Next, add the tens with the ones : 3+1=4. Now all you have to do is check the table:

  1. Digit 1 indicates that the name may contain the letters A, C, I, for example, Alexander, Ivan, Ignat, Anton, Arthur.
  2. Digit 2- these are the letters B, Y, T, which are present in such names as Bogdan, Boris, Timofey.
  3. Digit 3- these are the letters U, K, V. Beautiful male names Kirill, Vladimir, Vladislav begin with them.
  4. Digit 4- these are the letters E, G, F, K. They are found in the names Philip, Gregory, Edward.
  5. Number 5 indicates the presence of the letters Shch, R, Z in the name, for example, Roman, Ruslan, Zakhar.
  6. Number 6- these are the letters Ya, E, N, C, which are present in male names Yaroslav, Evgeniy, Nikolai.
  7. Number 7 indicates the presence of the letters Ch, O, K in the name, for example, Oleg, Konstantin, Kirill.
  8. Number 8- these are the letters Ш, Л, Ж, П. These letters are found in the names Leonid, Peter, Pavel.
  9. Number 9- these are the letters Y, M, X, D, for example, Yuri, Mikhail, Matvey, Daniil.

Fortune telling about the groom using a ring

Fortune telling in the name of your future husband can be done using a wedding ring, which you can borrow from your mother or grandmother. It is important that the ring undergoes a wedding ceremony, since this is what gives it its special power. To find out the treasured name, follow the following algorithm:

  • Thread a thread through the ring and tie a knot.
  • Fill the glass halfway with water.
  • Place the ring in the glass so that it does not touch its walls or water.
  • The ring will begin to rotate like a pendulum, and your task is to count how many times it hits the walls of the glass.
  • Compare the resulting number with the alphabet, for example, number 1 corresponds to the letter A, and number 3 to the letter B. This fortune telling for your husband will help you calculate what the name of your potential betrothed will be.

How to find out the name of your betrothed from a book

Surely you have a favorite book that you have read thoroughly and love with all your heart? With its help, you can very easily carry out fortune telling on your husband in order to find out his possible initials. It is best to choose a pre-holiday day for fortune telling for your betrothed, and the time is evening or night. Take your favorite book and open it to a page equal to your birthday, for example, June 25th - page 25. On a piece of paper, write down the letter with which this page begins. You need to do the same with the month of your birth, for example, you were born in August, so open page 8 and write down its first letter. The same must be done with your father's birth number. As a result, you should have three letters that will correspond to the initials of the future groom. Such fortune telling in the name of a potential husband does not require complex calculations and is suitable even for the youngest girls who are full of romance, dreaminess and love.

How to find out your betrothed's name using wax

There are many options for fortune telling for a wedding with a candle, because it has always been a symbol of something mystical and mysterious. If you don’t know how to tell fortunes about your future husband, use candle wax, which will help you find answers to many questions. For fortune telling you will need a deep bowl of cool water, a candle and matches. Light the candle and wait until the wax begins to slowly melt. Then tilt the candle over the bowl so that the wax drips little by little into the water. Soon you will see various shapes in which you need to try to make out the silhouettes of the letters. This will be a hint about the possible name of your betrothed.

Also, by the flame of a candle you can learn a lot of interesting things about your future. family life, if you perform a ritual of fortune telling for your chosen one on October 14, on Intercession. If the flame is quiet and even, then your life will be sedate and peaceful. If the flame is white and bright, it means that there will be a lot in your life. bright colors and surprises. A bright, crackling light means a life full of colorful moments and bright flashes. The red flame speaks of a possible grief that will befall your destiny. A flame with soot speaks of numerous misfortunes that will befall you.

How to find out the name of the future groom by his hand?

Palmistry allows a person to find out almost everything about his future, from the number of children to life expectancy. Fortune telling about the future groom can also be done by hand, but it is not your palms that will help you with this, but your forearms. It is necessary that your close friend give you a so-called “nettle” in this area. To do this, you need to squeeze the skin between two palms and twist it between them, as if squeezing out laundry. Numerous folds are formed at this place, which will form the letter with which your betrothed’s name will begin.

The wedding portal site has told you many ways to tell fortunes about the groom, but it does not recommend taking the results too seriously, as well as resorting to all sorts of love spells, for example, black wedding. It is best not to trust one fortune-telling, but to perform several rituals throughout the year. If they all indicate the same letter, then most likely you will not be able to escape fate, because it has already prepared a future spouse for you. All you can do is wait patiently for her to give you a loved one with whom you can go through life hand in hand.

    Fortune telling in the name of a future husband will never lose its popularity, since all girls want to know with whom they will go down the aisle. Today we have come to know a lot of ways that will help determine the name of the future boyfriend or spouse.

    In the article:

    Fortune telling for the future husband using a bow

    Today there are many different rituals that will help you find out who your betrothed will be, what he will look like, with a specific person.

    But if you want to make sure exactly what your spouse will be called, then use this ancient ritual. If you believe tradition, it is held on the night of January 13-14, on Old New Year. It is also called generous Vasilyev evening.

    It is believed that on this night you will be able to find out everything about your married life. In order to find out the name of the betrothed, exactly 7 days before the specified date, you should buy several bulbs, write the names of the intended grooms on them, and then put the bulbs in different containers filled with water. When the indicated night arrives, say:

    Oh onion, onion, whisper, who will be the groom?

    Then measure the length of the seedlings using a ruler. Legend has it that the betrothed will be the one whose name is carved on the bulb with the longest feathers.

    How to find out the name of your future husband? Everything is extremely simple, you just need a lot of pieces of paper, a pen and a ring on a string or chain. Write the names of the men on various pieces of paper, then turn the pieces of paper over so that what is written on them is not visible. Now you should take the ring, hang it on a chain or thread, and then say:

    Ring, ring, tell me who to open my heart to.

    Now move your homemade pendulum over all the pieces of paper. The belief says that the betrothed will be the one above whose name the amplitude of the pendulum's oscillation will be the largest.

    Simple rituals for determining a guy's name

    These rituals are very simple and have come down to our time since time immemorial. To carry out the first fortune telling, you will need to go out into the street exactly at midnight, turn to the first male person you meet and ask his name.

    Some believe that it is best to carry out such fortune-telling only on Christmas Eve, but other experts argue that the answer will be correct no matter what time of year this fortune-telling is carried out.

    One of the most common ways to find out who your boyfriend will be is fortune telling with a comb. It's pretty simple. Before going to bed, you just need to arm yourself with a wooden or stone comb, comb your hair and say:

    Betrothed, dressed up, come to me dressed up.

    After which you need to put the comb under your pillow and go to bed. Remember, before going to bed you cannot visualize the image of your ideal guy, since fortune telling will no longer be accurate, just a reflection of your own thoughts.

    Therefore, it is best to completely get rid of any fantasies and thoughts about your future spouse. Your betrothed will definitely come at night and comb his hair with a comb. While he does this, you can ask his name.

    A fortune teller for a future husband with a walnut shell

    In order to carry out this ritual, you will need to use a small bowl of water, a small candle, a shell walnut, plasticine, various pieces of paper. In order to begin the ritual, it will be necessary to write various male names on previously prepared pieces of paper.

    Attach the leaves to the sides of the water container using plasticine. Take a small candle, attach it inside a nut shell, and then lower the boat into the center of the container. Watch your boat carefully, as it should stop near one of the pieces of paper with the name of your future husband.

    Fortune telling with cherry pits

    This is a fairly simple ritual that is more humorous in nature. You will need a lot of cherry pits. Each participant in the task must take a large bunch of seeds. One leader is also required.

    The girl who will conduct the ritual must be armed with a list of male names. When she pronounces one name, each participant in the ritual throws out one cherry pit. For each girl, fortune telling ends when only one bone remains. It is believed that the name on which the fortune telling ends will be the name of her future husband.

    How to find out the name of your betrothed by his hand?

    In order to carry out this ritual, you will need help. Let your friend take your hand and twist it tightly, as if she were wringing out laundry. Will make "nettle". It is important that the distance between the two hands is at least 10 centimeters.

    After this, she needs to clamp her hand on both sides. Among the stains and folds that form on the skin, a letter should appear. This is where your betrothed's name will begin.

    Rules for magical work

    Fortune telling is an art that you can study throughout your life. Experienced practitioners literally know how to perform a prediction on their knees, but novice witches are advised to adhere to a number of conditions that contribute to a more effective and reliable result.

    There are many questions regarding the optimal time to obtain a prediction. It has been noted that some dates are better suited than others:

    It is acceptable to perform the ritual on a regular day, but it is better to then confirm the results on a “special” date.

    The rules of predictive rituals are standard:

    1. Do not tell anyone about the planned work.
    2. Fortune telling alone.
    3. Be confident and not afraid. Fear burns a person's energy resources, making him magically helpless.
    4. Believe in ritual. The ritual needs to be selected for yourself: if it does not cause rejection, then the chances of success increase significantly.
    5. Stay calm and have some humor. A successful prediction assumes that the fortuneteller does not take the process too seriously and gives herself the right to make mistakes. Everything is in this state inner feelings escalate, and it is very easy to get an accurate answer.

    Fortune telling for the betrothed with a ring

    The ring is a unique piece of jewelry. It is a closed circle, which ensures the energetic integrity of the product. This feature gives the jewelry such powerful magical and predictive potential. To find out the name of your betrothed, you need to wait until the evening: when the sun disappears behind the horizon, the world guards its secrets less carefully.

    For the ritual you will need:

    • a simple ring without stone or carving (silver or copper);
    • thin wax candle;
    • strong thread;
    • a piece of paper on which the alphabet is written.

    It is necessary to light the wick: if it doesn’t work the first time, then fortune telling should be stopped, since the answer will not be received today. You need to carefully put the ring on the candle (it will lie on the table or catch on the candlestick) and say the spell:

    “My betrothed-mummer wanders around the world, looking for a ring, looking at the ground, can’t find it, remembers his name and tells me. What’s your name, mummer?”

    When the candle burns out completely, hang the ring on a thread. You will get a kind of pendulum. It must be held above a sheet of paper - the ring, deviating, will point to the letters that will make up the name of the betrothed.

    How to find out the name of your future husband from a book

    Working with the text is very simple, since the answer will be unambiguous: the universe will not have to look for ways to give a sign to the fortuneteller - it is enough for the girl to see the printed word. For the ceremony, you will only need a book (preferably fiction, but a name directory will also work). Technical literature is not relevant for obvious reasons: the likelihood of meeting a name there is low. You should place both palms on the book and, concentrating, pronounce the spell:

    “Where is my betrothed in disguise, sent by fate, given by heaven, led by God, wandering along the paths, not knowing my name, waiting to meet me. Let his name be revealed to me, let it catch my eye, let it not hide from sight, let it become known to me, so that she waits for her betrothed, calls him by name.”

    Fortune telling for the betrothed using pieces of paper

    You just have to make a request - and fate will give an answer. As in the case of a book, it is not difficult to find out the name of your future husband on paper: in a second of insight, the girl’s hand will independently draw out the desired, truthful name.

    You will need:

    • large clay pot;
    • as many chopped pieces of paper as possible;
    • pen or pencil;
    • blue or black thick fabric.

    The first step is to prepare. It is recommended to write a man’s name on each piece of paper: the more there are, the higher the chances that the fortuneteller will come across exactly “the one”. One piece of paper is traditionally left blank; its omission indicates that the prediction failed because the correct name was not available. All notes should be thrown into a pot, covered with a cloth and mixed. Next you need to say the text three times:

    “I cook and cook, I heat the stove, I bake pancakes for my betrothed, but who should I call? How to address the groom? You, little destiny, tell me your sweetheart’s name, don’t hide the truth from me, so that I can invite the groom for pancakes.”

    All you have to do is put your hand into the bowl and pull out the first piece of paper you come across. The name written on it belongs to the future husband of the sorceress. If you wish, after completing the fortune telling, you can bake pancakes and place them on the windowsill, expressing gratitude to higher powers.

    How to find out the name of your betrothed in a dream

    The spirit of a sleeping person is partially freed from the “tyranny” of the body, and many hidden things become accessible to understanding. You should definitely take advantage of this. Not many attributes are needed:

    • a glass of clean water;
    • twig or wooden spoon.

    You need to sit up in bed, pour more honey into the water and mix it well. The resulting liquid is drunk in one gulp, after which the following spell is pronounced:

    “There’s a tall house outside the city, in that house there’s an ancient old woman, she’s making a honey brew, she’s feeding me with it, she’s dooming me to torment, you, my betrothed, come to me, appear in a dream, save me from the old woman and tell me your name, I’ll thank you, my name forever.” I’ll remember yours.”

    Next you need to go to bed. You should not pay attention to thirst: it will soon pass, replaced by an amazing sleep. In it, the girl will be able to recognize the name of her betrothed; it will be named by her or by the young man himself, drawn into the dream, or by some entity. The main thing is to record the information received somewhere immediately after waking up, since it very quickly disappears from memory.

    The easiest way to find out the name of your betrothed

    If you do not want to carry out any ritual actions, you can use the most the easy way predictions. All you need is determination and self-confidence. Focusing on the desire to find out the name of the betrothed, they say:

    “I appeal to fate, I wish to know the name of my beloved, do not hide the truth from me as it is - tell me everything!”

    Immediately after this, they go out into the street and ask the name of the first man they come across: the girl’s husband will wear exactly the same thing. If the stranger refuses to identify himself, it means that the fortuneteller will either never get married, or this event is still very far away.

    In fact, there is nothing easier than finding out the name of your betrothed. But such predictions have one danger: in the future, the sorceress may begin to reject all the guys whose names are “wrong.” Thus, she will make an irreparable mistake, depriving herself of the necessary experience determined by her fate.

    Oh, these girls - at all times they have only one thing on their mind: to lift the curtain of the mystery of their fate and take at least one look at the one who is destined for them by fate. The experience accumulated over centuries makes it possible to perform fortune telling in the name of the betrothed in many ways: girls comb their hair, look in the mirror, light a candle and launch boats to find out the name of their beloved.

    How to find out the name of your future betrothed or husband?

    Option 1

    This fortune telling for a guy's name is one of the simplest.

    It requires:

    • small pieces of paper with the names of men,
    • wedding ring (if not, then a needle);
    • silk (cotton) thread.

    Distribute the leaves on the table. It is most convenient if they form a circle. Thread the thread into the ring (needle) and begin the ritual. Place the ring next to each card and observe its behavior. The name you are looking for can be considered found if the behavior of the ring above it has become restless. You can watch it move like a pendulum or spin.

    Option 2

    Here you need to pick the leaves yourself. Sign each piece of paper male name. Collect all the name tags, place them carefully at the head of the bed, and cover with a pillow. Go to rest. In the morning, before you say the first word, take out a piece of paper with your name on it. The owner of this name will be your faithful one.

    Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

    Option 3

    Prepare small nameplates, a basin filled with water, half a walnut shell, and a small candle. Attach the plaques to the inside of the basin. Place the candle in the shell, lower it into the water, into the very middle of the basin. Wait for the candle to “moor” to the side of the pelvis. Don't be alarmed if the candle sets fire to your betrothed's name, this good sign. You will be happy in your marriage.

    Fortune telling by the name of a passerby

    On New Year's or Christmas morning, don't say a word to anyone. Head out the gate and contact young man, whom you see first, asking you to tell him what his name is. It will be the one you were so eager to know. Take a closer look at this man, maybe this is your destiny?

    In ancient times there were many variants of this fortune telling. In some, the girl went out into the street with a piece of bread in her mouth, in another, she was required to put a pancake on her head. Some asked not the name of the passer-by, but the name of the betrothed; in this case, the passer-by named any name. This is probably even more interesting. By the way, even guys used this type of fortune telling.

    Fortune telling on the skin of the hand

    You cannot do this fortune telling for your future husband on your own. Call a friend for the ceremony and ask her to twist your hand in the forearm area. There should be enough distance between her hands for the lines to be visible. Carefully examine the resulting patterns with inside hands, try to distinguish the letter in them. Your husband's name will begin with this very letter.

    Fortune telling by name by subject

    On cherry pits

    This delicious fortune telling requires a handful of cherries.
    Eat a berry each and list the names of the men; whichever name the seeds end on, that’s what your husband will be called.

    In the same way, you can find out your spouse’s profession, his level of well-being, and the qualities that he will possess. Don't get carried away with cherries, remember that large quantity Your teeth may set on edge, and if you are prone to allergies, you need to be extremely careful.

    On an apple

    You can do another fortune telling for the guy, this time you will need an apple. Focus on getting your family name, peel the apple in a spiral. Throw the clearings over your left shoulder, decipher the results. If the skin has taken the shape of a letter, then the ritual can be considered successfully completed. Your betrothed's name will start with this letter.

    By bulb

    Take a few onions and scribble on them the names of those whom you would like to see as your husband. Place the onions in the water and wait. Whichever one shoots first, that’s the kind of spouse you’ll have.

    With frying pan and straw

    Take a frying pan and straw. Set fire to the straw, cover it with a frying pan and stand on top, ask a question about the name of your betrothed and listen to the crackling of the fire. In its noise you will hear the name of the groom.

    By keys

    For this fortune telling, hang the keys on the gate. When someone moves those keys, catch him by the hand and ask him the name of the man who is destined to become your husband. He must say the name. Our ancestors believed that a demon or goblin comes for the keys.

    Fortune telling in the bath

    Ancient fortune-telling in the bathhouse with a modern twist - we call the image of the future husband

    Such fortune telling in the name of the future husband is suitable only for the bravest girls. It is carried out in a bathhouse or any other room. Our great-grandmothers preferred to tell fortunes in the bathhouse, because this place was considered an excellent guide to the world of evil spirits.

    Lay a fresh tablecloth on the table and set it up for two place settings. There should be no sharp objects in the room, so knives and forks should be removed. Place a light treat on the utensils. These can be both fruit delights and sweets. There is no need to add anything fried, baked or boiled. Sit down at the table and say the spell:

    “Mummer, betrothed!

    Come have dinner"

    Then unexpected things may happen outside: wind or thunder may start, footsteps or jingling sounds may be heard. The betrothed will enter the hallway and sit down at the table. You need to carefully examine the image of the young man and ask what his name is. He will say a name and take an item out of his pocket. At this very moment you need to quickly say:

    "Cheer, my place"

    "Church, my riddle."

    The evil spirits that have taken on the image of your chosen one must disappear. And the object will remain on the table. They say that this is the object of the person whom the fortuneteller is destined to marry, and it actually disappears from him. It is important to keep it until marriage.

    Fortune telling about the image of a sweetheart

    The power of fortune telling is great. There are many ways to find out not only the name of your loved one, but also to see his image. Often, not only girls of marriageable age were curious, but also their mothers. They invited future sons-in-law for a treat, asked to rescue their dear one from captivity.

    On the skin

    Come to the ice hole with a cow or mare skin, draw a circle around you and sit on the skin. After a while, the devils will come ashore, pick you up and take you to the groom’s house. Look around carefully, but don't yawn. Soon the evil spirits will turn their skin and rush as fast as they can towards the ice hole. At the water's edge, you need to have time to say “Keep my place aside” so that the vision dissipates. Otherwise, you risk ending up at the bottom of the hole along with the devils who want to take possession of you.

    In a frying pan

    Take the frying pan and hide it under your mother's bed. Make sure she doesn't notice anything. Say in a whisper:

    “My betrothed betrothed,

    Come to your mother-in-law for pancakes.”

    And go to rest. In the morning, ask your mother if she treated anyone to pancakes in a dream. If yes, find out the details. Does she know him, did she see him, did she recognize his name, if she is not familiar with him.

    Fortune telling with a map

    Before going to bed, hide it under your pillow and say:

    “My betrothed, mummer, dream about me.”

    Don't forget to comb your hair and wash your face running water to appear before your lover in all its glory.

    Fortune telling with a mirror

    At the crossroads

    We carry out fortune telling with a mirror at the crossroads and at home to see our husband

    Take a small mirror with you and go to the intersection. Stand with your back to the moon and make sure it is reflected in the mirror, say:

    “My mummer, betrothed,

    Show yourself in the mirror."

    Expect to appear mirror reflection missus.

    In the bathroom

    Perhaps the most powerful and popular ritual to determine your future husband is with a mirror. Since ancient times, this ritual was performed in the dressing room, but now it is allowed to be performed in the bathroom. Strip naked, wash yourself and stand in front of the mirror.

    Install another one at the back so that both elements are on the same level. Place candles on the sides, take another one in your hands. You should succeed long corridor, lit by candles. Say several times:

    “Betrothed, mummer, appear”

    And wait. After a while, a silhouette will appear in the corridor. Ask him about everything that interests you and, before the young man gets too close, say: “Cheer, me.” The vision will disappear.

    Mother-in-law's fortune telling for son-in-law

    With a loaf

    When the mother of the bride is interested in what kind of family her daughter will live in after marriage, she bakes a loaf of bread. In one of the pieces of the loaf there is a coin, in the second - coal, in the next - a button. Whispers:

    “Mummer, betrothed, come to your mother-in-law for a loaf of bread.”

    Goes to rest. The next morning he looks at what happened:

    1. A piece of loaf with a coin disappeared - to be wealthy young people.
    2. Don't have a piece of coal? The betrothed loves to work, but is not very wealthy.
    3. There is a missing piece with a button - to receive her boyfriend at home, since he will not be able to provide his own for the bride.
    4. Are two or three pieces missing? Having a daughter married several times.
    5. The whole pie is in place - my daughter will remain a girl for a long time.

    On things

    During this fortune telling, the girl should not be at home. She is taken to a friend or relatives. Before going to bed, the mother locks one of the bride’s personal items, takes the key to her headboard, whispering:

    “Betrothed, mummer, come

    Unlock the bride

    To save from trouble."

    Whoever the mother sees that night will become her daughter’s lover.

    Fortune telling about your husband has long been popular among girls. Special ceremonies and rituals helped them find out who will become their betrothed and what will happen next. Today it is not necessary to resort to magic to obtain this information.

    Numerology claims that a person’s entire destiny is encrypted in a person’s date of birth; the main thing is to correctly unravel this code.

    How to find out by date of birth

    In order to find out the name of your future husband, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth so that you end up with a simple single-digit number. For example, the girl’s date of birth is 07/14/1994. We calculate the sum: 1+4+7+1+9+9+4 = 35 = 3+5 = 8. The number eight is the numerological code of a person of a given date of birth.

    Alas, numerology is unable to predict the exact events in a person’s life or name a person’s first or last name. She can only give the right direction and point out probable combinations of circumstances.

    So find out the exact name of your future husband It won’t work with the help of a numerological calculation; it will only roughly tell you what letters the chosen one’s name will begin with and what sounds it will consist of.

    • Number 1 is the sounds a, s, and. Most likely, the name of the future spouse will begin with these letters. Or these letters will appear frequently in the name. This could be Alexander, Ivan, Ilya, Seryozha, Anton, Artem, Anatoly.
    • Number 2 – b, s, t. Names such as Brotislav, Bogdan, Boris, Timur, Timofey begin with these letters.
    • Number 3 – y, k, v. Names with these letters: Valera, Vlad, Vitya, Vasily, Valentin, Kamil, Kirill, Konstantin, Ulyan.
    • Number 4 – e, g, f, k. Names that contain these letters: Edward, Edmund, Emmanuel, George, Gregory, Thomas, Philip, Gleb, Konstantin, Kirill.
    • Number 5 – sch, r, z. These are Roman, Robin, Ruslan, Radik, Zakhar.
    • Number 6 – i, e, n, c. Names with these letters: Yakov, Yan, Yaroslav, Yaropolk, Evgeniy, Nikolai, Nikita, Nathan, Egor.
    • Number 7 – h, o, k. Names: Oleg, Kirill, Kupriyan, Kostya.
    • Number 8 – w, l, g, p. Names: Shamil, Leonid, Georges, Pavel, Peter.
    • Number 9 – u, m, x, d. Names: Julius, Misha, Matvey, Dmitry, Dormidont, Daniel.

    By cards

    Fortune telling on cards is the most accessible and easiest way to determine what will married life be like? and find out the name of your betrothed. If you already have someone in mind or are in front of difficult choice and you can’t decide who to give your hand and heart to, try fortune telling with four kings.

    Take four kings from the deck and give each one the name of a man you know. It turns out that each king will symbolize one of your admirers. The Queen of Diamonds will symbolize you. Place the kings in the deck and shuffle it thoroughly.

    Get started lay out three cards on the table until one of the threes has any king next to your card. If you run out of cards and there is no king next to the queen of diamonds in the top three, then shuffle the cards again and repeat the fortune telling. The king who appears next to your card will be your chosen one in the future.

    Exists another way to find out the name of your future chosen one. Shuffle the cards and place them in a row so that there are nine cards in each row. Next, count the number of letters in your name and take the same number of any cards from the layout. Place them in order in front of you and decipher the meaning using the alphabet. Each card symbolizes its own letter.

    • Six of hearts and diamonds – A, I
    • Six of spades and clubs – O, E
    • Seven of hearts and diamonds – S, S
    • Seven of spades and clubs – B, E
    • Eight of Hearts and Diamonds – F, R
    • Eight of spades and clubs – B, W
    • Nine of hearts and diamonds – G, K
    • Nine of spades and clubs – L, D
    • Ten of hearts and diamonds – M, R
    • Jack of red suit – H, C
    • Jack of black suit - T, X
    • Queen of red suit – H, I
    • Queen of black suit – Y, P
    • King of red suit - T, U
    • King of black suit – Ш, А
    • Ace of black suit - O, D
    • Ace of red suit – E, C

    Compare the resulting cards with their corresponding letters. Of course, it is unlikely that you can form a person’s name from the letters received. But, nevertheless, they can suggest the constituent letters in the name of the future husband. For example, if you have the letters C, O, D, E, G, then most likely your future husband will be Sergei (three letters C, G and E match) or Oleg (three letters O, G and E match).

    By hand

    Palmistry, the science of lines on the palm, allows find out about future marriage and even children who will be born in marriage. ABOUT love relationships they'll tell you marriage lines. They are located under the little finger on the edge of the palm. These lines are small dashes running horizontally.

    The number of marriage lines does not indicate the number of officially legalized relationships. Most often, this is the number of love affairs that have left an indelible imprint on a person’s heart. The boldest and most distinct line indicates marriage.

    Marriage can also be indicated by the longest line extending to the base of the little finger. Loosely defined lines indicate intense emotional romances or cohabitation. The shorter and thinner the line, the shorter the relationship lasted.

    If the marriage line bifurcates at the end, then this promises divorce or frequent quarrels in family life. If there is an island-shaped sign on the line, then the relationship in this union will be very painful and shaky. The husband will probably be a tyrant and despot.

    If next to the marriage line If a thin, barely noticeable line runs parallel, this is a symbol of betrayal. Most likely, the woman will have a lover. If small dashes come down from the marriage line, then this means about unhappy relationships, quarrels, fights, betrayal.

    Small lines emanating upward from the marriage line symbolize children. The number of these lines indicates the number of possible children. The closer these lines are to the edge of the palm, the earlier children will be born.

    Remember that any fortune telling cannot 100% predict fate, since much depends on the actions and decisions of the person himself. So what is predicted for you, you can always change.