Signing certificates for active participation. Texts of letters

The tradition of awarding diplomas and certificates has entered our lives since time immemorial. Along with financial incentives moral is widespread, in the form of beautifully designed documents posted in a prominent place, which are proof of success in professional activity, study or sports, and a source of pride for their owner.

Who is awarded the honorary diploma?

Certificates of honor and diplomas of various levels are awarded for special achievements, recognition of merit, victories in competitions, shows, and Olympiads. These documents recognize companies and individuals who have achieved impressive success in their work, for their contribution to the development of the industry, culture, and sports. Summing up the results of competitions in state and municipal institutions, winners are selected based on the criteria set out in a special document - the Regulations on the Honorary Diploma, then the name of the organization that is given the right to award nominees is indicated, for example, the Meeting of Deputies of the City Council, the Ministry of Transport, the Municipal educational institution and others.

To summarize the results, the document establishes qualitative and quantitative criteria, coefficients that allow assessing the achievements of a company, employee or individual division, school class, student group, sports team. Such parameters may include academic performance, development dynamics, sales volumes, expansion of the geography of influence, a prize place in a competition or competition.

The winners are selected collegiately, at a meeting of the organizing committee of the competition or subject Olympiad, or the organization’s council. The presentation is usually made in a solemn atmosphere.

Types of diplomas

Diplomas for awards have a standard form and procedure for filling out; the text of the nomination may look different, depending on the rank of the event. The phrase, depending on the status of the event, may look businesslike and official or humorous. How to sign a diploma for an award?

Corporate events, especially at the end of the calendar year, are not complete without summing up and rewarding employees recognized as the best in the most categories - Golden Fund, For impeccable work, For high performance in work. Newcomers who have recently joined the team and have shown their professional quality, it’s nice to receive recognition in the category – Successful Start.

According to the results school year schoolchildren and students are awarded diplomas - For excellent studies, For high performance in the study of individual subjects, For a prize-winning place in the student (school) Olympiad in computer science, physics and other disciplines.

New Year is a time of miracles and practical jokes. The heads of many companies and organizations, trying to recognize each and every employee, present them with diplomas, awarding them with funny titles - Miss Genius, Oscar for the power of words, For brilliance in the world around us (cleaning lady), For record achievements in carrying tons of food (waiter).

The recipient of the diploma is doubly pleased to receive a document with informal text, and not differing from other similar ones only by the last name. Each person has positive qualities that emphasize his individuality. When these personality traits are noticed by others and appreciated by management, this becomes an additional incentive for further achievements. How to sign a diploma correctly?

In addition to award certificates and diplomas, there are a number of documents indicating completion of advanced training courses for drivers or secretaries; they look very modest.

Rules for issuing diplomas, certificates, certificates

How to sign an award certificate correctly? Standard format diploma for awarding - A4 (210 x 297 mm). The paper for the form must be good quality, dense, front side coated. There are no requirements for the size of the font; however, its size must be large enough so that the inscription is readable not only at close range. Gold embossing is often practiced to highlight the organization's logo and the name of the nomination.

Usually, award documents are printed, sometimes the organizers order standard forms, where the data of the nominees and the name of the category in which the awardee won are subsequently manually entered. The inscriptions are made beautiful handwriting, clear and legible.

The Coat of Arms is placed at the top of the official document Russian Federation, logo or brand name of the company. Below in the center is the full name of the organization, institution, followed by the inscription “Diploma”. Please indicate below your full name. the owner of the award document and his merits. If the diploma is awarded for sports achivments, be sure to indicate the place taken by the champion.

The position and surname of the first person of the company or organization awarding the diploma and his signature are placed under the main text. Date – day and year in numbers, month in words.

Samples of diplomas and certificates for awards in nominations

the name of the institution



3rd year student

Chumak Anton

For I place in eventing competitions within the tournament

"Student Spartakiad - 2017"

Chief Judge I.M. Plancksky

Text for a diploma for participation in the competition

Manufacturing company "Delivery-trade"



senior sales manager

Vasilkovsky Evgeniy Vladimirovich

Behind high professionalism and victory in nominations « Best industrial equipment salesman.

Chairman of the Board of Directors

companies"Delivery-trade" S.V. Kravtsov

Text of the diploma for awarding in the competition(comic)

Industrial Corporation "Insize-Auto"



sales team leader

Grebennikov Alexander Vadimovich

As the most energetic, positive and cheerful employee.

Director of the Insight Association,

representative of Father Frost A.O. Andryushchenko

Association of gardening partnerships "Pchelka"



Chairman of the founding board of the Barbarian Group corporation

Ternovoy Maximilian Alexandrovich

For selfless assistance in the construction of a water supply system in gardening communities, repair of road surfaces and organization of transport links.

Chairman of the association

gardening partnerships "Pchelka" A.A. Mishcheva

the name of the institution



3rd grade student

Borodina Maria Dmitrievna

For I place in the school Olympiad in natural history,

the will to win, perseverance in learning, curiosity, desire to master new heights and Active participation in class life.

Director schools E.T. Kamenchenko

How to sign a diploma for an award | samples and rules for filling out certificates


The most active
You're like a perpetual motion machine
You sing, dance and are always full of ideas,
And it’s impossible to say definitely about you,
Which talent will manifest itself most strongly in you?

The most independent
You are independent and practical,
You know how to make the right decision,
And you understand our life very well -
Capable of changing everything quickly and dramatically.

The most purposeful
You have a strong character
Proud in moderation, and always
You move forward decisively and proudly,
Having invested a lot of effort and labor into this.

The most fun
Laughs there, laughs here
Will amuse friends and girlfriends.
Cheerful laughter always sounds
To make everyone laugh!

The most flirtatious
Sweet face, beautiful eyes
And she speaks like a princess from a fairy tale.
Dress her like a candy wrapper
You can simply call her a coquette!

Best sweet tooth
No cookies or candy
They don’t give us any for lunch...
You could use some creamy toffee
I thought it would be much better
And from the strawberry waffle
You should have studied "excellently"!

Best artist
Loves to draw very much
And the paintings can’t be counted!
You have a lot of talents
May your path be bright!

The smartest
You don't have time to eat
You don't go online
Day and night you sit and read
There is no time for walks.
You've read a lot
Interesting smart books
On the most difficult questions
You answer quickly, in an instant!

The kindest
You shine like the sun,
You help everyone learn,
You never get discouraged.
If the pie is in your pocket,
You will definitely treat me.
For those who don’t have time themselves,
You will solve all the tasks!

The best singer
You are a soloist in our choir.
After all, you can barely open your mouth.
You can hear it even in the corridor,
Everyone knows who sings.

The most confident
Confidently moving forward
And you always believe in your strength
Luck appreciates such people, you know!
Dare, fight and win!

The most exemplary
You're behaving like...
You are always attention itself.
And that's probably why
You are a role model!

The most versatile
Very talented, smart
The soul of the company and the leader,
Responsive, kind, honest
Such a wonderful picture!

The most sociable

Communication with people comes easily to you,
It's like it happens on its own,
As a diplomat you can achieve a lot
We advise you to apply to MGIMO.

The most modest
Modest and very pretty
Restrained, calm and even with everyone,
Not verbose, but her smile is definitely
Suddenly the moon flashed from behind the clouds in the night.

The strongest in spirit
Thin as a string, but it is a steel string,
I'm used to always deciding everything myself,
She plays music beautifully too,
God gave her everything - both talent and intelligence!


To the shyest
Smart and well-mannered, a hero in life,
You just get shy sometimes.
Always try to be brave in life,
Success will never leave you!

The most athletic
For dexterity, for strength, dexterity
Working hard in training
For composure, for helping others
We would like to sincerely congratulate you.

The most fashionable
Slightly lazy and a little imposing,
Dressed smartly and handsome
And definitely Dandy from the magazine is important
Anyone can confirm this to you now.

For the future traveler
You will be an excellent dancer
Or will you devote yourself to geography,
You will definitely study all the countries
Those that you will, of course, visit someday.

The most fun

Always able to joke about everything
He is an optimist and a joker and a merry fellow,
He goes through life with an open smile,
He loves practical jokes and is good at inventions!

The most hardworking
The class is proud of you
Do you love to study
And you love to work
You make us happy with new successes!
You can achieve so much in life!

To the best debater
Right or wrong, he doesn’t back down in a dispute,
There are no eternal truths - he realized this,
He developed endurance and strength
And I’m used to defending my opinion.

Computer gamer
For a long time with a computer on "YOU"
And you will soon be able to outshine Bill Gates
You're great at playing games
No one can beat you in them.

The most discreet
He is calm and reliable
He doesn't show his emotions
So restrained that it is impossible to imagine
So that he would be very indignant about something.

The sleepiest one
Even though you usually seem to be dozing off in class,
Having withdrawn into yourself, you sit almost not listening,
But when you wake up, you answer logically,
Confident in yourself, that’s what it means to be an erudite!

To the most absent-minded
There are so many thoughts in my head that they feel cramped there,
That's why you're distracted sometimes
You forget everything, and this is a well-known fact,
You often arrive at the wrong place and at the wrong time.

The most artistic
You are artistic, you like to be in the center of attention
You always try to please people
And you have a very important talent -
Find a way out of difficult situations.

The most independent
There are no difficult obstacles for you,
And you know how to win and take a blow,
Nothing is impossible for you
You are ready to give everything for the result!

Best Vocalist

Everyone at our school knows you -
For many years now you have been singing better than anyone else,
In addition to talent, you have willpower,
This means success awaits you in life!

The most delicate
You're a little shy from delicacy,
You know how to make friends and forgive mistakes,
And a wonderful road awaits you in life
Friends will help you with it!

Here you will find ready-made texts (20 options) for a certificate of honor for active participation in events. Design recommendations are waiting for you at the end of the page.

If you would like to send to participants, ready-made texts for this case are available on the website.

All names, surnames, names of organizations and localities are used only for convenience of presentation (for example), do not forget to change them.

Option #1


Andreev Amvrosiy Vasilievich

Deputy Director for Informatization of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the city of Akhtubinsk

"Boarding Lyceum No. 19"

for active participation in organizational events during the regional stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren of 2019.


Administration of Akhtubinsk

T. T. Veniaminova

Option No. 2


vocal group "Domovyata"

head Vladimirova M.Yu.

for active participation in cultural events, performing arts and popularization of children's vocal art.

Director of the Zarya Palace of Culture

P. R. Gavrilov

Artistic director

T. O. Gerasimov

Option #3


Gordeeva Daria Evdokimovna

For high professionalism, many years of conscientious work, active participation in the preparation and holding of cultural socially significant events and personal contribution to the development of the territory of the Babaevsky district.

Head of Administration

city ​​of Babaevo

R. K. Ermolaev

November 2019

Option No. 4

Education Department of the Balakovo City Administration

Municipal budgetary educational institution additional education children

Children's creativity center No. 3


Team MBOU gymnasium No. 28

for active participation in the city sports and entertainment festival “Future Stars”.

Director of MBOU No. 3

Yu. Ts. Zaurova

Option #5


team of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 38

for participation in the city environmental action

"Clean yard"

for cleaning the courtyards of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg.

Head of residential complex "Frunt"

Z. Z. Illarionov

Saint Petersburg

Option #6


Police Colonel


Korney Kuzmich

For active participation in organizing and conducting

patriotic events with the participation of Special Forces Service employees

Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the city of Moscow

Head of the VPSN

N. R. Maksimov


Option No. 7


Moiseeva Nina Prokofievna

for active participation in amateur artistic activities,

personal contribution to the development and preservation

folk art

and in connection with the 55th anniversary of the regional cultural institution.

Head of Culture Department,

sport and youth affairs

P. O. Ramonov

Belovo village 2019

Option No. 8


search and tourism club “Zhuk”,

GBOU secondary school No. 226 named after. Marshal Zakharov

for active participation in organizing and conducting charity events and work in the volunteer movement of the South-West administrative district and the city program “The Path of Good”

Deputy Prefect


administrative district

Vladivostok city

K. Zh. Rufinova

Option No. 9

Department of Education of the Zakharyevsky District Administration

MBOU DOD "Center for Children's Creativity"


Serafimova Agrippina Trifonovna

for active participation in the work on military-patriotic education of children and adolescents of the Zakharyevsky district

and providing assistance in conducting the regional military sports game “Whisper - 2019”

Head of Department


R. Yu. Fedotova

Director of MBOU DOD "CDT"

K. Zh. Fomina

Option No. 10


Khristoforova Galina Yaroslavovna

Chairman of the Russian Club in Berlin

for personal contribution and assistance in holding events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

On behalf of the leadership of the International Meeting of Russian Compatriots, please accept our heartfelt gratitude for the noble work of preserving the memory of the feat of all those who brought us closer Great Victory over fascism and the glorious traditions of celebrating this historical event.

Chairman of the Presidium of the MSRS

R. E. Petrov

Option No. 11

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FGOU SPO "Kemerovo State Trade and Industrial College"


Umarova Anzhelika Stanislavovna,

teacher of the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Kemerovo State Trade and Industrial College",

for organizing and conducting it at a high level professional level weeks of mathematics and natural sciences.

Director of KGTPK

E. Z. Sultanova


Option No. 12


creative group "Creative"

for participation in the First Regional Festival of National Cultures public associations the edges

"Song of Friendship of the Peoples of Mordovia"

and contribution to the preservation of national culture, interethnic peace and harmony.

Chairman of the Board of the Moscow Region

"National Culture Headquarters"

Y. E. Tamazov

Option No. 13


preschool educational institution Kindergarten combined type №82

"Dunno" Kostroma

for active participation in the district action “Ecological Environment” within the framework of the XII International Environmental Conference “Take care of what you have!”

Director of the Department

O. Shch. Sazonov

Chairman of the Committee

G. D. Semenov


Option No. 14

Sergeeva Amelia Rostislavovna

For significant contribution to the implementation of the main goals of ROSTO: participation in the patriotic education of youth, training of citizens in military occupational specialties for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, promoting the development of aviation, technical and military-applied sports, strengthening unity and continuing the traditions of the defense organization.

Chairman of the Central Council of ROSTO

N. Yu. Kolpakov

Option No. 15


Samsonova Yana Romanovna


For providing valuable work experience educational organization as part of the city round table“Effective models of organization and development of teenage leisure centers”

Director of GBOU Gymnasium No. 127

I. T. Danilova

Methodist of the City

methodological center DogM

E. Yu. Platonova

Option No. 16


Municipal budgetary educational institution "School No. 154"

For active participation in the All-Russian Environmental Cleanup Day

"Green environment - 2019".

For initiative and significant contribution to environmental protection.

Chairman of the All-Russian Organizing Committee

environmental cleanup,

President of the Non-Governmental

Ecological Foundation named after E. E. Anikina

Yu. D. Yudin

Option No. 17


Grigorenkova Natalya Pakhomovna,


municipal special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities health "Special (correctional) general education boarding school No. 3" of the city of Kuznetsk

for preparing the winner and prize-winners of the city exhibition-competition “Modern IT technologies for future generations - 2018”

Order No. 333 of 05/16/2019

Head of Department

education administration


U. G. Botova

Kuznetsk 2019

Option No. 18


family of Dinarova Yaroslavna Potapovna,

student of MBU gymnasium No. 91 “Standard” in the city of Magadan

(teacher A. E. Somova)

behind creativity And high quality work presented at the family competition of illustrated stories “Cult of the Family” of the city Magadan educational events dedicated to the memory of A. S. Pushkin.

Director of MBOUDOD "GMID"

R. Kh. Nikolaev

Magadan 2019

Option No. 19


Volunteer team


For active participation in the organization and conduct of the city campaign in support of a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities “A World without Obstacles”,

and also, for the careful preservation and enhancement of the best traditions of the city, Republic, and country.

Chief specialist of the department,

on social issues

Zh. M. Zykov

Option No. 20

Ministry of Culture and Arts

Republic of Karelia


Mitrofanova Lyudmila Nikiforovna

CEO of an insurance company

"Life without fear"

for active participation in the cultural life of the city of Petrozavodsk, sponsorship in organizing and conducting citywide cultural events and in connection with the Republican festival “Resorts of the Lake Region”, the competition “Best Mushroom Picker of the Season”.

E. E. Borovikov

  • In the "hat" ( top part sheet) the name of the page is indicated - “Certificate of Honor”
  • Next, indicate the organization that sends this certificate to the awarded person (group of persons or organization). However, this is not prerequisite registration
  • Below (under the “header”), in the center of the page, is the word “awarded.” It is written in capital letters.
  • Next is the main text and it begins with the name of the person being awarded (or with the name of the organization, team, group of individuals, etc.). It is laid out in the center of the page (as shown in the examples).
  • At the bottom of the sheet (layout on the left edge) write the position of the one who wrote the text or by whose order this award was issued (see in the samples, there it is correctly formatted).
  • A seal and personal signature are placed in the center (bottom of the page).
  • Opposite the position (on the right edge of the sheet) place the initials and surname.
  • The very last entry on the page will be the date and name of the locality. The date can be shortened, leaving only the year of the award.
  • In some cases, the order number and its date (if any) are placed under the main text.

Texts for diplomas

Although this might be even better and more convenient...
for excellent studies, participation

for kindness, attention to people,
for the ability to make friends
and active assistance to the teacher.
for excellent studies, participation
in classroom and school events,

for your kindness and understanding,

You are one of the first with us.
for excellent studies, participation
in classroom and school events,
for all your efforts
they helped you with your studies,
for the most difficult tasks,
what you decide on your way.
for excellent studies, participation
in classroom and school events,
for curiosity, attention,
and perseverance in achieving goals.
for excellent studies,
for the kindness of soul and mind,
for courage in mastering knowledge,
for always making it through
with any of the difficult tests.
for good studies
(for the desire to learn better)
on scary tests
and in difficult home situations,
for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

the beginning of a resounding success.
for the desire to learn better,
for your inquisitive mind and kindness,
for being in a fight with oneself
learned to find correct solution
and manage your behavior.
for the desire to learn better

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,
for courage in making decisions,
for becoming fifth grade
a stepping stone to new achievements.
for the desire to learn better

for the kindness of soul and readiness

for the desire to learn better
and the ability to overcome difficulties,
for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,
for modesty and exemplary behavior,
for becoming fifth grade
the beginning of a resounding success.
for the desire to learn better,
for the kindness of soul and readiness
come to the rescue in difficult times,
for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,
for the sound of joyful laughter,
for becoming fifth grade
the beginning of a resounding success.
for the desire to learn better
and the ability to overcome difficulties
on scary tests
and in difficult home situations,
for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,
for the sound of joyful laughter,
for becoming fifth grade
the beginning of a resounding success.
for the desire to learn better
and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,
for the kindness of soul and readiness
come to the rescue at any moment.
for active work in class,
for an inquisitive mind and ability to make friends,
because you know almost everything,
you read, write and count,
and that patience and labor
they will lead you to victory.

excellent duty,
for the desire to learn better
and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,
for the kindness of soul and readiness
come to the rescue at any moment.
for active participation in class life,
for neatness, neatness,
for the thirst for knowledge and work,
because of difficulties in studying
They only give you strength.
for taking part
in classroom and school events,
for overcoming difficulties
on scary tests
and in difficult home situations,
for neat notebooks,
diligence and perseverance in achieving the goal.
for taking part
in classroom and school events,
for all your efforts
brought you to success
for intelligence, activity, good knowledge
and for the ability to make friends.
for modesty, hard work, diligence,
for the thirst for knowledge and work,
because of difficulties in studying
They only give you strength.

Poetic texts of certificates that can be useful for rewarding students at graduation.


for excellent studies, participation

for kindness, attention to people,

for the ability to make friends

and active assistance to the teacher.

for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for your kindness and understanding,

You are one of the first with us.

for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for all your efforts

they helped you with your studies,

for the most difficult tasks,

what you decide on your way.

for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for curiosity, attention,

and perseverance in achieving goals.

for excellent studies,

for the kindness of soul and mind,

for courage in mastering knowledge,

for always making it through

with any of the difficult tests.

for good studies

(for the desire to learn better)

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

for the desire to learn better,

for your inquisitive mind and kindness,

for being in a fight with oneself

learned to find the right solution

and manage your behavior.

for the desire to learn better

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for courage in making decisions,

for becoming fifth grade

a stepping stone to new achievements.

for the desire to learn better

for the kindness of soul and readiness

for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for modesty and exemplary behavior,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

for the desire to learn better,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue in difficult times,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sound of joyful laughter,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sound of joyful laughter,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

for active work in class,

for an inquisitive mind and ability to make friends,

because you know almost everything,

you read, write and count,

and that patience and labor

they will lead you to victory.

excellent duty,

for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

for active participation in class life,

for neatness, neatness,

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.

for taking part

in classroom and school events,

for overcoming difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for neat notebooks,

diligence and perseverance in achieving the goal.

for taking part

in classroom and school events,

for all your efforts

brought you to success

for intelligence, activity, good knowledge

and for the ability to make friends.

for modesty, hard work, diligence,

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.