Pasting vinyl wallpaper on non-woven fabric is a mistake. How to glue wide wallpaper on a non-woven basis: meter-long canvases

No matter how good the wallpaper looks in a roll, its place is in the decoration of the room, so glue vinyl wallpapers You still have to learn how to use a non-woven base.

But don’t be afraid – working with this wallpaper is very simple. Despite the relatively high cost, these wallpapers are not only in stable demand, but are also rapidly gaining popularity.

There are many explanations for this - among them is the “novelty effect” - the material appeared on the market relatively recently, but there are also objective factors - the quality of the coating is quite consistent with the price.

Pros and cons of the vinyl plus non-woven combination

Formally, this wallpaper consists not of two, but of three layers - the non-woven base carries two layers - opaque, designed to hide the color unevenness of the walls, and decorative vinyl ().

A huge variety of textures (including those imitating other materials) and patterns of such wallpapers allows you to implement quite bold design solutions.

One of the main advantages of using a non-woven base is considered to be ease of gluing. Although from a practical point of view, wallpaper has many other advantages:

  • density and elasticity - allows the wallpaper to hide defects in the wall topography, even small cracks;
  • tensile strength;
  • resistance to abrasion and fading;
  • durability;
  • do not create problems during maintenance - both dry and wet cleaning are acceptable;
  • high level of noise absorption;
  • no deformation - wallpaper does not tend to stretch or shrink when exposed to moisture.

They are most often sold in meter lengths - in this article.

Does this finish have any disadvantages? Basic negative point associated with the likelihood of obtaining a vapor-tight, and sometimes emitting harmful substances surface of the walls.

However, this only drawback of vinyl wallpaper can be practically eliminated by not forgetting to regularly ventilate the room.

Preparation of materials and tools

So, a very pleasant stage - the selection and purchase of wallpaper is completed. What else is needed to realize the idea of ​​decorating a room?

Firstly, you will need special glue. It is desirable that it be specifically for non-woven-based coatings (Premium Non-woven, Special Non-woven).

And secondly, you should make sure that you have at hand at the right time:

  • paint roller and flat brush (several brushes are possible) different sizes) – for applying glue;
  • rubber roller and wallpaper spatula - for smoothing wallpaper;
  • a bucket of at least 10 liters - for preparing the adhesive solution;
  • scissors and construction knife;
  • plumb line;
  • several soft rags and sponges.

If the wallpaper has a regular pattern and there is a need to combine adjacent layers, then you can use a table of a suitable size for cutting, or you can cut and fit the wallpaper directly on the floor, of course, if you are confident in its cleanliness.

Pasting a room - main steps

And now it’s time to see in practice how easy it is to glue non-woven wallpaper (compared to paper, for example). Having decided to do it yourself, you should follow the algorithm:

Step 1 – preparing walls for pasting

Not the “cleanest”, but simple stage, including simple steps:

  • , plaster and wallpaper. Additional tools and supplies may be needed: drill, hammer, special liquids for removing wallpaper;
  • removing wall switches and sockets;
  • primer. Performs many tasks: leveling and lightening the color of the wall, giving strength to the putty (if it was applied), antifungal treatment of the wall. For non-woven wallpaper, you can use their “native” glue as a primer by preparing a solution of weak consistency.

Leveling the cleaned surface. Non-woven wallpaper can smooth out unevenness, but if there is a serious height difference of more than 1 cm,... If there are few irregularities, you can choose a more expensive and easy-to-use polymer putty;

Step 2 – marking the walls and cutting the wallpaper

You will need to mark the walls in any case, but it is not always necessary to cut the wallpaper in advance:

  • marking on the wall of the starting point. Start pasting from the edge of the window opening, this is where you should draw a vertical line using a plumb line;
  • cutting wallpaper. To do this, the height of the walls is measured, and a 10 cm margin is added to the resulting value. This is exactly the length that each cut piece of wallpaper should be;
  • combination of drawings. If the details of the design need to be combined, then you first need to cut a piece from one roll, and then select a “pair” for it from another. This will avoid unnecessary waste of material.

Good news for those who have purchased wallpaper of a chaotic texture, without an ordered pattern: they can do without preliminary cutting at all, gluing the wallpaper directly from a roll - the strength and elasticity of this type of wallpaper create the conditions for this method of pasting. A small overlap is made on the ceiling, which is later cut off with a knife, and the wallpaper from below is cut to fit the baseboard or along it.

Step 3 - creating the finishing coat

Direct work with wallpaper and glue:

  • preparation of adhesive composition. Purchased ready mix diluted with water according to instructions. Important point– if you can’t exactly maintain the proportions, or you don’t want to, it is preferable to make the solution thicker, i.e. add more powder, this will only improve the adhesive properties;
  • applying glue. The non-woven base of the wallpaper allows you to make this stage as simple as possible - the glue is simply applied with a roller to the wall, there is no need to cover the wallpaper with it;
  • gluing the first sheet. Regardless of whether the wallpaper is pasted in a separate piece or directly from a roll, you need to align the vertical edge of the wallpaper with the starting marking line. You should start gluing from top to bottom; it is convenient to work with an assistant who will support the heavy canvas. Smooth with a roller or spatula from the center to the edge of the canvas, squeezing out air and excess glue, this will allow you to get a bubble-free wall;
  • combining and gluing the second and subsequent sheets. All sheets after the first one are glued end-to-end to the previous one (during approximate overlap, a gap of up to 1 mm is possible, which will disappear when smoothed); overlap is not needed here. The joints are smoothed with a roller; it is better to remove excess glue as quickly as possible using a damp cloth or sponge.

In the process of applying glue, it is important not to rush, not to save the solution and to cover with it only the area of ​​the wall where the wallpaper will be pasted right now. If you didn’t succeed in pasting it evenly the first time, then the wallpaper can be removed and placed again without deteriorating the quality of the resulting coating.

As you can see, gluing this wallpaper correctly is not at all difficult. However, in any room, in addition to smooth walls, there are such “obstacles” as corners, baseboards, radiators and electrical sockets.

You can use a small brush to coat hard-to-reach places with glue.

It’s better to start gluing wallpaper in the corners after having acquired at least some experience, and if you don’t have it, then at least read the following recommendations carefully:

  1. If the walls in the room are fairly even, and the corner is located in such a way that it attracts attention, then the canvases are placed without overlapping. To do this, the piece of wallpaper that is pasted first is turned around the corner with a margin of 2 cm. The next one is simply combined with it, joint to joint.
  2. If the walls and corners do not allow the wallpaper to lie perfectly, you can glue the first layer in the same way as option 1. Since the corner is uneven, the overlap will be different. Where it is narrowest, you should step back from the edge of the wallpaper towards the corner by 1 cm. From this point, measure away from the corner an amount equal to the width of the roll. Here, draw a vertical line along the level; it will be the edge of the next layer of wallpaper. This creates an overlap of approximately 1 cm.
  3. You can glue wallpaper in the corners using such a common and quite effective method like double cutting (cutting) a corner. To do this, the strips adjacent to the corner are glued alternately with a large overlap - up to 5 cm. The wallpaper is carefully “imprinted” into the corner. Then use a rigid profile (ruler or strip) located in the center of the corner to cut the wallpaper along the line. After trimming, the excess is removed, and the edges of the wallpaper are smeared with glue and smoothed with a rubber roller.

But what about sockets? It is advisable to turn them off (as well as switches) during pasting and remove them along with the boxes.

Their locations should be marked with a cross, cuts should be made along the same lines and the resulting corners should be folded inward. The boxes can be returned to their places as soon as the glue has dried.

And the wealth of textured and color solutions allows you to independently create a unique and integral room design, where the design of the walls will be harmoniously combined with both the finishing of the floor and ceiling, and with interior details.

Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis is more cheap option wall decoration, compared to completely non-woven material, but they are practically not inferior to it in quality. This type of finish is resistant to damage, environmentally friendly and inexpensive, which is why it has become widespread. To hang vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing (VF) correctly, it is enough to know the basic principles of operation and a few small secrets.

Characteristics of non-woven vinyl wallpaper

This finishing material is an excellent combination of practicality, reliability and flexibility, perfect for carrying out repair work on one's own. To properly glue this type of wallpaper, you don’t need specialized knowledge or experience.

Advantages of the material:

  • resistance to moisture, which allows you to use VF wallpaper in the kitchen, bathroom or basement;
  • contaminants that appear on the surface can be easily washed off with a sponge and household chemicals;
  • such wallpaper can be repainted in a different color up to 15 times;
  • This finish has increased strength;
  • the range of colors is very wide;
  • VF wallpaper is resistant to ultraviolet rays;
  • vapor permeability properties allow the walls to “breathe”, which prevents the occurrence of mold and allows you to create a favorable microclimate in the room;
  • when gluing walls, small surface defects are masked;
  • long service life of the finish, which is at least 10 years.

The disadvantages include the fact that after gluing cheap vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base, a specific smell may be felt in the room for the first few months. Applying wallpaper to the surface will help eliminate the deficiency. acrylic paint or primers. They will form a polymer layer that will serve as an obstacle to the contact of vinyl with air.

Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis should be glued by applying the adhesive composition only to the surface of the wall, which greatly facilitates the work.

Required tools and materials

Do high-quality repairs impossible without the necessary tools. In order to glue non-woven wallpaper, you will need:

  • plumb line or building level;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • putty knife;
  • rubber roller (for smoothing wallpaper glued to the wall);
  • 2 brushes (a large one for applying glue to the walls and a small one for coating the joints of the canvases);
  • container for diluting glue (bucket, basin);
  • ruler.

Advice! You can make a plumb line with your own hands from a long rope by tying a weight (for example, a nut) to one end.

How to choose glue

High quality and reliable fastening Wallpaper can only be applied to a wall using a correctly selected adhesive composition. Save money by buying cheap analogues good glue, it’s not worth it, since non-woven fabrics are heavy and to stick them firmly, you need a high-quality thick composition.

The adhesive solution should be prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the product packaging. Dry powder should be poured into water in a thin stream, stirring constantly. This will prevent lumps from forming. Leave the solution to swell for a while (how long exactly the mass should stand is indicated on the packaging), then mix thoroughly again.

Surface preparation

It is very important to properly prepare the surface of the walls for gluing. To do this, you first need to remove old finishing with a metal spatula, having previously moistened it with water or a weak glue solution.

Any defects, cracks, or curvatures must be repaired with starting putty, and after it has dried, the surface must be treated with sandpaper. Differences not exceeding 1 centimeter can be easily masked by non-woven vinyl wallpaper.

Advice! The best option- cover the walls finishing putty completely, since in this case the surface turns out to be perfectly flat, and the finish on it will look much more attractive and neat.

Be sure to treat walls made of concrete, plasterboard or covered with plaster with a primer with antifungal additives. This is necessary, since such surfaces are characterized by increased absorbency, that is, they actively absorb moisture, including from the glue, thereby significantly reducing the quality of fastening the wallpaper to the wall. Mold (fungus) develops extremely rarely on non-woven fabric, but additional protection should not be neglected.

Advice! It is not necessary to buy a special primer; for this purpose, you can use the adhesive used to install the wallpaper. Apply glue to the wall with a fur roller and let the treated surface dry.

If wallpaper light color, then it is better to paint the primer the same way. This is explained by the fact that non-woven vinyl finishing materials are characterized by transparency, and therefore there is a high probability of stains appearing on them.

The primer applied to the wall must dry completely and only then should you begin gluing the surface.

Using a plumb line, draw a perfectly vertical line where you start gluing the wall. There is no need to rush; even if the glue dries, it can be reapplied to the surface. In addition, non-woven wallpaper can be torn off the wall and re-pasted if something goes wrong.

Gluing instructions

The process of gluing vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base includes four main stages: cutting the roll, marking the wall, mixing the glue, and the actual installation.

Cutting cloths. After the surface of the walls is prepared, measure their height with a tape measure in several places. This is necessary to determine the length of the piece of finishing material. Add 10 cm to the resulting figure - this is a margin of 5 cm at the ceiling and floor. After gluing the first sheet, you will need to align the pattern, if any. To do this, attach the next piece to the previous one and carefully measure. It is also necessary to leave 5 cm for allowances. Each roll is 10 m long, if the ceiling height is 270 cm, then each of them will have 60 cm left in stock. Therefore, you should not be afraid to cut off the excess; one roll is always enough to fit a pattern on three full-size sheets.

Made with a pencil. To do this, you need to hang a plumb line from the ceiling and draw a line along the rope. Through a distance equal to the width of the canvas or roll (it is measured at the ceiling), draw another line using a plumb line. This technique will allow you to glue the finishing material strictly vertically and as evenly as possible.

Preparation of the adhesive composition. Pour approximately 5 liters of water into a bucket or basin (the exact amount is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging with the composition). Pour the glue into the water in a thin stream, while stirring with a stick or any other similar object.

Advice! To mix the glue thoroughly, use a drill with a special mixer attachment.

Leave the solution for 10 minutes to swell (how long the glue should sit is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging). Mix the mixture thoroughly again.

Start gluing the wall from the window or door. Apply glue to the wall, moving from the ceiling to the floor; the width of the coated vertical strip should be equal to the width of the canvas (roll) or slightly wider. Apply a cut piece of wallpaper to the wall surface treated with adhesive.

At the top, near the ceiling, be sure to leave an allowance of 5 cm. Press the canvas along the entire width, first from above, then move down and press it along the marking line on the wall. After this, glue the remaining central, side and bottom parts of the sheet.

Align the joints of two adjacent fabrics - this will not be difficult, since non-woven fabric is elastic and stretches.

Advice! To glue the joint to the wall as securely as possible, roll it with a hard roller or press it firmly with the narrow edge of a plastic spatula.

When the canvas is glued, cut off the allowances at the floor and ceiling. To do this, press the wallpaper firmly at the junction of the wall and ceiling/floor with a long metal spatula. Make a cut along the edge of the tool with a knife. When the blade comes to the edge of the spatula, leave it in place and move the spatula and continue cutting the canvas. The knife should move continuously; there is no need to remove it when moving the spatula.

Remove any air bubbles that appear by filling with glue using a syringe and expelling the air with a wide brush or a special rubber roller. In this case, you need to move from the ceiling to the floor and from the central part to the edges.

Remove excess glue immediately with a damp sponge or cloth so that there are no shiny marks left at the joints of the panels, as well as near the floor and ceiling, which significantly worsen the appearance of the finish.

When gluing a piece in the corner, make a two to five centimeter overlap of the canvases on one of the walls. In the central part of the overlap, use a sharp knife, along the edge of a long metal spatula, to make a vertical cut along the entire length. Thanks to the cut, thin strips on adjacent canvases are cut off. After removing these strips, a perfectly smooth joint is obtained.

All the walls in the room are covered in a similar manner. If the next piece covers a door or window, then simply cut off the excess (emptiness), initially gluing the material to the wall. When cutting, do not forget to make an indentation of 1 cm from the edge, this will provide the necessary margin of material if the opening is not completely level.

It is allowed to open windows for ventilation in a renovated room no earlier than after 48 hours, otherwise the wallpaper will begin to bubble and come off the wall.

Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis is one of modern options wall decor. They are used in offices and apartments. This coating is chosen for finishing the kitchen, living room, hallway and bedroom. It is presented in a wide range of textures and colors, which is why it is in demand.

In order to save money, many apartment owners decide to hang wallpaper themselves, without involving specialists. Before you start working, you need to study the features of the canvas.

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    Characteristics of wall covering

    The wall covering under discussion consists of three layers that perform a specific function:

    1. 1. Bottom – non-woven fabric. Non-woven material, made from cellulose fibers with the addition of polymers, thanks to which it becomes durable and does not deform.
    2. 2. Top layer – vinyl. It can be smooth or foamed. In the second case, the relief is visible on the wallpaper.
    3. 3. A thin opaque layer located between the base and the surface of the canvas. It helps hide small irregularities and cracks and provides additional strength.

    Depending on the texture, the vinyl layer can be smooth or textured. To create the second option, foamed polyvinyl chloride is used. The disadvantage of such wallpaper is that it is easy to damage it due to mechanical stress. This type of canvas is best used for ceiling decoration. Hot stamping is a special technology for processing the vinyl layer; it is used to produce silk-screen wallpapers that are abrasion-resistant and luxurious. appearance.

    Features of vinyl wallpaper

    For many, the thought of hanging wallpaper with their own hands causes fear and uncertainty. However, with modern types wall covering work easier. Features of the products in question:

    • they easily stick to any surface - wood, plaster, concrete, paint;
    • glue is applied only to the wall;
    • such canvases are joined end-to-end, not overlapping;
    • the width of the roll is twice as wide as that of old paper wallpaper;
    • If it is necessary to change the decor, the coating can be easily removed and does not require soaking.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    One of the main advantages of this coating is the ease of working with it. When gluing, the composition is applied directly to the walls or ceiling. Other advantages of the canvas:

    • high density, thanks to this property it is possible to easily hide minor irregularities;
    • elasticity of the material;
    • tear resistance;
    • durability;
    • noise absorption ability;
    • when wet, the fabric does not stretch, and when dried it does not shrink;
    • easy to care for – the canvas can be washed with a damp cloth;
    • low light absorption;
    • Vinyl wallpaper can be painted.

    Modern coating also has disadvantages. Polyvinyl chloride contains harmful chemical compounds, therefore such wallpaper is not used for decorating children's bedrooms and game rooms. Another disadvantage is that non-woven vinyl wallpaper is airtight. They require frequent ventilation of the room to prevent the accumulation of condensation and the development of fungus.

    Preparatory stage

    Before you start gluing, you need to prepare necessary tools and materials. To work you will need:

    • ladder;
    • plumb line;
    • stationery knife;
    • metal ruler;
    • bucket;
    • clean rags, sponges;
    • paint roller;
    • brush;
    • wallpaper spatula;
    • several rubber rollers;
    • glue for non-woven wallpaper.

    Wallpapering begins when the working surface is completely prepared - plastered and covered with a layer of primer. It is convenient to cut the fabric on the floor, but first you need to wash it.

    Having measured the height from floor to ceiling, add 10–15 cm to the result obtained. The allowance will help compensate for existing unevenness and run-up in the drawing. The canvas is cut stationery knife, drawing a line using a metal ruler. The upper part of the canvas is always marked to ensure that it is glued correctly.

    Having finished cutting the rolls, dilute the glue. First, you should study the instructions so as not to spoil it. Adhesive composition It should turn out moderately thick and homogeneous. The presence of lumps in it is unacceptable.

    In the case of plain wallpaper, you can do without cutting. When gluing, the roll is lifted up, the required length is measured with a small margin and cut off.

    Wall gluing

    Having closed all the windows, they begin to wallpaper. It is recommended to start from the very beginning uneven angle or from a window opening. Apply glue liberally to the selected area of ​​the wall using a paint roller. If the wall quickly absorbs the composition, to be on the safe side, lubricate the edges of the wallpaper around the perimeter. Problem areas and the corners are coated twice.

    The wallpaper is applied to the wall perpendicular to the floor and pressed in the central part. Having fixed it in this position, use a plumb line to check whether the strip is positioned correctly. Then the wallpaper is smoothed with a rubber roller, moving from the center to the periphery.

    Excess edges from below and above are carefully removed with a knife, holding them with a spatula. The second strip is glued in a similar way, joint to joint to the first. The joints are carefully rolled with a barrel-shaped rubber roller.

    If a small gap occurs, it can be easily eliminated by creating tension, but it is better not to allow distortion, but to immediately correctly direct each subsequent sheet in relation to the previous one.

    When working with wallpaper that has a pattern, it is important to try on the next fragment of the canvas each time to avoid inconsistencies.

    For the first time taking up similar work, you need to know how to hang vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing at the junction of the canvas with ceiling moldings. To prevent the sheets from coming off, they top part press it straight into the corner with a spatula.

    When selecting a pattern, it sometimes happens that the top surplus turns out to be very large. In this case, after forming the bend, the edge is cut with a stationery knife, holding the canvas with a metal ruler or spatula blade.

    How to glue corners - work technology

    Wall joints are the most problematic areas. They are often uneven, so experienced builders never glue a whole canvas onto a corner. The distortion will certainly make itself felt - the wallpaper will fall into folds, and if there is a symmetrical pattern on it, the distortion will be visible to the naked eye.

    Overlapping will help to avoid troubles when gluing corners. Those who do not yet have experience in decorating premises with their own hands should take it into service. The point is that at the junction of two walls, not one wallpaper strip is used, but two - the first is glued to one wall with an overlap of 2 cm around the corner, and the edge of the second is overlapped with this allowance.

    Before gluing the canvas in the corner area, you should use a plumb line and draw a vertical line, it will serve as a guide.

    Before gluing the corners, they are equipped with special plastic overlays. They are attached in advance when dirty work is done indoors. Finishing work. The places where the walls meet are generously lubricated with glue. The prepared section of wallpaper is processed only along the edges. The sheet is applied to one of the walls so that it overlaps the adjacent wall by 2 cm.

    The canvas is pressed to the center of the corner with a spatula and leveled with a round roller, removing air from under it. If the distortion is too obvious, you will have to make cuts with scissors on the edge of the glued sheet, this will allow it to take the correct position.

    Now you can move to the adjacent wall. Glue is applied to it, capturing the overlap itself. Having fixed the canvas in the central part, it is aligned strictly along a vertical line and glued with a roller.

    To remove excess material, use a utility knife to draw a line along the center of the corner. The top fragment will fall off, and to remove the bottom one, bend the edge of the wallpaper and remove it manually. After this, the canvas is returned to its place and the remaining air is expelled. If necessary, apply glue under the edge again.

    Do not allow a draft to occur until the wallpaper is completely dry, otherwise it will come off.

    Features of wall decoration in hard-to-reach places

    Gluing non-woven vinyl wallpaper is not difficult when it comes to a flat surface. However, in any room there is hard to reach places and various obstacles in the form of heating radiators, sockets and switches.

    To make your task easier, it is better to remove the batteries and dismantle the electrical components during repairs, then the work will become more convenient. The locations of sockets and switches are marked in advance on the canvas and cut out there round holes suitable diameter.

    Ceiling finishing

    The technology for gluing vinyl wallpaper to the ceiling is similar to wall decoration. For a beginner, this work may seem difficult due to the inconvenience, but it is quite possible to cope with it, because you will have to deal with an absolutely flat surface. When choosing wallpaper for finishing the ceiling, take into account their weight. It should not exceed the recommended value of 110 g/m2.

    To complete the work you will need the help of one or two people. First, markings are made for the first canvas, taking into account that the wallpaper sheets are glued parallel to the flow of light. Otherwise, the joints will cast a shadow during the daytime.

    To mark, the width of the roll is retreated from both ends of the room, subtracting 2 cm from it, and a straight line is drawn there with a pencil. Vinyl wallpaper comes in meter (1.06 m) or 0.53 cm.

    Based on the mark, they begin gluing, but first the canvas is cut, measuring the required length with a margin of 8–10 cm. Wallpaper with a pattern requires adjustment. Each subsequent sheet is numbered so that it is glued in the correct order, and they begin to work.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. 1. The canvas number 1 is coated with glue (if the wallpaper is heavy), folded in half and left to soak, and at this time the composition is applied to the desired area of ​​the ceiling, covering a little more of the allotted area.
    2. 2. The sheet is applied to the ceiling, guided by the marking line, pressed in the central part and smoothed with a rubber roller in the direction from the middle to the edges. Excess glue is removed with a soft, clean cloth.
    3. 3. At the junction of the walls and ceiling, press the canvas with a spatula and cut off the excess with a stationery knife.
    4. 4. The glue is applied to the next area and to the fragment of wallpaper numbered 2. If necessary, additionally coat it with a brush under the edge of the first sheet and stick it.
    5. 5. Cross-shaped cuts are made with a knife at the place where the chandelier is attached. The wires lead out through the hole and press the wallpaper tightly to the ceiling.
    6. 6. The joints of the canvases are rolled with a barrel-shaped small roller.
    7. 7. Having completed the work, the windows are left closed for a period of 1 or 2 days. If painting is necessary, it is carried out after the wallpaper has completely dried.

    Gluing vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base with your own hands is not so difficult if you follow the instructions. You should not neglect marking the working surface before fixing the first blade. An error at this stage may result in skewed subsequent sheets.

Despite the abundance modern market finishing materials, wallpaper still occupies a leading position. This is due to their diversity, both in the color palette and in many other parameters.

However, when choosing them, this very variety can play a cruel joke on the buyer. As a result, wallpaper may be selected that does not meet your own expectations. Therefore, you need to choose the right color and pattern, but also their type.

Advantages of vinyl wallpaper

  1. Abundance of models. The beauty of vinyl wallpaper immediately catches your eye. Their the lineup is not limited to drawings and color palette. In addition to the usual smooth wallpaper, you can also purchase textured ones that can imitate fabric, plaster and even stone.
  2. Improved sound insulation. Many residents apartment buildings There is a known situation where they have to eavesdrop on their neighbors’ conversations against their will. Vinyl wallpapers have a much better soundproofing effect than their paper counterparts.
  3. Hiding flaws. Vinyl wallpaper does not require perfect smooth walls. Small cracks and the pits will become completely invisible under this material.

In addition to the above advantages, durability and resistance to moisture and mechanical damage can also be noted. Those who are worried about the air quality in their own home can also rest easy. Vinyl wallpaper paint is produced using water based, therefore does not emit any harmful substances.

If the lines that were written earlier were able to convince you to choose vinyl wallpaper, you should understand their types. So, these wall paintings come in following types: on paper and non-woven basis.

The advantages of the second option are obvious. Vinyl wallpaper with a non-woven base is more durable and better hides wall unevenness. In addition, gluing them is much easier, since the glue is applied only to the walls.

The top layer, that is, the vinyl itself, can also be different types. There are 4 types of them:

  • Smooth;
  • Foamed;
  • Solid;
  • Silkscreen printing.

To figure out which option will be best for your room, it’s worth taking a brief look at each of them.

Smooth (thick) vinyl
Smooth vinyl is an excellent solution for a kitchen or bathroom. They endure high humidity. In addition, they can even be washed using various detergents. To solve various design problems, there are also relief models that imitate stone or brickwork.

Foamed Vinyl
This type of wallpaper is the most popular. Its main feature is the skillful hiding of even irregularities noticeable at first glance. They have a porous foam structure, which allows them to pass air well. To clean them, you can use a damp cloth.

Hard Vinyl
Hard vinyl wallpaper can imitate various wall materials (fabrics, plaster or tiles). Also, this species best tolerates various mechanical damage. It is also worth noting that it is highly breathable.

Silkscreen printing
A special manufacturing method makes it possible to ensure that their appearance resembles elegant silk fabric. In addition to looking great, wallpaper is durable and long lasting. However, the price for such material will be slightly higher than other models.

Stages of gluing

When all the pros and cons have been weighed, the wallpaper has been purchased, the furniture has been removed from the room, and the walls have already been prepared - there is no turning back, you should move on to wallpapering the room. The entire procedure can be divided into 4 conventional stages, each of which will be described below.

Stage one. Preparing wallpaper
Each roll should be checked for shade matching (it is better to do this before purchasing), since identical models from different batches may differ slightly. After this, you can proceed to cutting the canvas. In this case, it is important that the drawing when joining the segments is complete.

Stage two. Pasting
Pasting wallpaper is the main and most important stage, so you need to treat it with maximum responsibility and attention. The first step is to make precise markings on the wall for gluing each section. After this, glue is applied to its surface. By the way, right choice glue is very an important condition when pasting wallpaper. Therefore, you should only choose quality product, which is suitable for non-woven vinyl wallpaper. So, it has already been mentioned that there is no need to apply glue to the canvas. However, for better fixation, it is still recommended to lubricate their edges with adhesive.

After gluing, carefully trim off the excess wallpaper at the top and bottom. You only need to use a sharp knife for this. In addition, everything should be done smoothly. But if some mistakes were made, they can be covered from below with a plinth and from above with molding.

Stage three. What to do with sockets and switches
If you are wallpapering for the first time and don’t yet know how to cover areas with switches and sockets, the following information will definitely be useful to you.

In fact, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. First, you should turn off the power to all objects in the room and remove the boxes from them. After this, the wallpaper is pasted, and a cross-shaped cut is made in the place of the sockets. The canvas is wrapped inside and left to dry. The boxes are then reassembled and electricity is supplied. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this, so even a “green” master can master this procedure.

Stage four. Drying
All procedures have been completed, and the matter remains small. It is necessary for the wallpaper to dry completely. This will take no more than a day. In this case, you don’t need to do anything. The main thing is to ensure a positive temperature and absence of drafts.

Before implementing each of the stages, you should also learn how to glue vinyl wallpaper in the corners. After all, this place can cause a lot of trouble. The thing is that quite often the corners in the room are uneven and this will definitely affect when gluing. You can verify this using a plumb line or level.

What to do in this case? First of all, you should make sure that all corners are uneven. If you are lucky and at least one of them is level, the process should start from this place. If all the corners turn out to be uneven, there are two ways out. The first is suitable for serious deviations and consists of carrying out preliminary procedures for leveling using putty.

In other cases, you can do without it. However, the wallpaper should be glued overlapping. The first piece is glued so that one of its edges overlaps the adjacent wall by about 4 cm. Afterwards, using a spatula, the canvas is well attached to the corner. The second canvas is glued with an overlap of no more than 2 cm. The remaining parts are glued in the usual way, that is, butt.

By following all the above tips, the room will definitely look great, and the quality of vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis will preserve the original appearance of the room for a long time.

Video: how to glue non-woven wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis is becoming increasingly popular when renovating apartments and houses, and this is not surprising; they combine many positive qualities.

Vinyl wallpaper holds color well and does not fade over time, like paper wallpaper; the polyvinyl chloride layer is poorly saturated with water, which means they can be washed. Embossed vinyl wallpaper has a sound absorption effect, which adds comfort to the room.

Non-woven wallpaper does not need to be coated with glue during gluing. Non-woven fabric absorbs glue well, you can apply glue to the wall and apply wallpaper to it, this will be enough to get high-quality finished walls. This technology has several advantages: firstly, the walls are glued quickly and easily, and secondly, you can make overlaps on the ceiling and floor without fear of getting them dirty.

Due to the fact that there is no need to apply glue to the wallpaper, non-woven wallpaper is very easy to glue to the ceiling. It is enough to spread glue on the surface and carefully apply the wallpaper, gradually smoothing it with a spatula.

Vinyl wallpaper consists of two layers, the outer vinyl and the bottom - on a non-woven backing. During next repair, when you want to change the wallpaper, just remove the top vinyl layer and stick new wallpaper onto the remaining non-woven material. Taking this into account, you need to be well prepared for the first wallpapering of walls and ceilings with vinyl wallpaper.

You need to prepare the base well, clean off all unnecessary elements, prime the surface to prevent mold and mildew from appearing, because vinyl wallpaper does not allow air to pass through and dampness can develop under it. Next, you need to putty the walls and ceilings well so that there are no cracks, holes, or bumps. It is advisable to take putty good quality, because we glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing for several repairs and during the next repair we will not need to putty the base again.

If you have a flat surface, you do not need to apply several layers of putty; non-woven vinyl wallpaper can also be glued to concrete wall, and on drywall. It is enough to simply fill up small holes.

For the same reason, take higher quality glue for heavy wallpaper, so that the remaining non-woven base will serve as solid foundation for new wallpaper. For vinyl wallpaper, you need to use non-woven glue, since the base that is glued to the wall is made of non-woven material and this kind of glue will give the best result.

Photo of butt vinyl wallpaper, wallpapering tool

Tool for gluing non-woven wallpaper

So, we bought wallpaper and glue, the walls were primed and dried, it’s time to start hanging wallpaper. For this we need a tool.

  1. Paint roller, with medium or short pile, for applying glue to walls and ceilings.
  2. Use a small brush to coat the joints with glue if you missed a section.
  3. Use a rubber roller or plastic spatula to smooth out the pasted wallpaper.
  4. Use a small rubber roller to roll out the joints between the wallpaper.
  5. Building level or plumb line, pencil or marker, make a vertical mark on the wall.
  6. Glue container.
  7. Any object for stirring the glue, it can be a drill with a special attachment for glue, a special glue whisk, or, as a last resort, any stick or thick wire.
  8. Knife and scissors, cut the wallpaper and cut off excess pieces.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper to a wall

Armed with the tool, you can start gluing vinyl wallpaper. You need to start gluing vinyl wallpaper from the window, using a plumb line or level, draw a vertical line along the wall, this will a starting point, from which you will cover the entire room. Spread the wall from ceiling to floor, slightly wider than the width of the roll. As a rule, most vinyl wallpapers on a non-woven basis are made either narrow, 57 centimeters, or wide, meter long.

Video tutorial instructions on how to glue vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing

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Before gluing wallpaper, it is necessary to remove all sockets and switches, and it is also advisable to unscrew all the screws on which pictures and cabinets hung.

When you apply glue to the wall, immediately apply the roll of wallpaper to the wall; it is not necessary to cut the wallpaper into sheets; you can cut off the roll near the floor when you paste the sheet onto the wall. If you have vinyl wallpaper without a pattern, you can save a lot of money; each new canvas will start from the end of the previous canvas. Even if you have vinyl wallpaper with a pattern, it is still much easier to glue the wallpaper when it is rolled into a roll and you roll out the roll as you glue it.

You only need to glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing end-to-end, applying the new sheet to the edge of the already glued sheet. The fact is that non-woven wallpaper does not shrink when it dries, as you pasted it, it will stay that way, so there is no need to glue vinyl wallpaper overlapping and make overlaps on the ceiling and baseboard, as is done with paper wallpaper.

There are situations when you need to combine two canvases together and it is not possible to do it end-to-end; as a rule, this happens in the corners of the room and when the first and last canvas are brought together. In such cases, we glue the wallpaper with an overlap, take a sharp knife and a level (long ruler), apply the level to the seam so that the edge of the level falls on both canvases and carefully cut both canvases with a knife, remove the cut strips and coat with glue under the seam and smooth it with a rubber roller or with a spatula.

Sticking vinyl wallpaper in the corners is the most difficult and responsible process; it is almost impossible to get the corners in a room perfectly, and any defect will lead to a wavy edge of the canvas. Therefore, experts recommend gluing the canvas in the corner, so that it overlaps the second wall by about 5-7 centimeters, glue the next canvas overlapping and cut the joint with a knife. Before gluing the next sheet, it is necessary to draw a vertical line on the other side of the joint so that this sheet is glued vertically.

Photo of how to glue non-woven vinyl wallpaper to the ceiling

How to glue non-woven wallpaper to the ceiling

The technology for gluing vinyl wallpaper to the ceiling is very similar to that described above, even simpler. You can glue vinyl wallpaper yourself. Draw a line parallel to the wall, coat the area of ​​the ceiling under the canvas with glue, apply the edge of the roll to the ceiling, smoothing it with a roller, and gradually unroll the roll, making sure that the edge of the wallpaper is always on the line. When you reach the wall, simply cut the roll from the canvas with a knife and continue on.

In this way, you can glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing in any room, in the kitchen, in the living room, and even in the bathroom.