Useful properties of camel wool. Camel wool is one of the warmest fillings for duvets and pillows.

In the old days, the power of all eastern states almost completely depended on camels and their endurance. The territory of these countries is cut off from the outside world by many kilometers of deserts, which can only be overcome by such hardy animals. After all, a camel can replace a horse, a ram, and a cow. From him a person could get such valuable products as felt, milk and meat.

Camel's wool. Reviews. Properties

First, this material is very warm. First of all, it is an excellent insulator, which tends to constantly maintain body temperature. Many, probably, have thought more than once about whether it is hot for a camel with such wool. In the heat, this animal feels more than comfortable. His coat in the sun can heat up to eighty degrees, while the body temperature will not exceed forty. In a storm and cold, the body of a camel will always remain dry, since wool will provide not only the fastest absorption of moisture, but also its rapid evaporation.

Camel hair is an excellent temperature regulator. It retains heat well and protects from moisture. Not without reason in our country in winter time clothing made from this material is popular. Good gift for New Year can become, for example, wool will warm its owner even in the coldest winters.

Until about one year old, a camel has wool white color. It is this fluff that is most valued, as it is the thinnest, softest and most delicate. The color of the camel changes as the outer hair grows. By the way, camel hair cannot be dyed, so color palette products from it are not too wide. Judging by customer reviews, it is white camel wool that best shows its positive properties.

Pricing for camel hair

Fabrics made from camel hair premium class will cost about ten times more than similar ones, but from sheep. And all due to the fact that camel hair is very difficult and time-consuming to process. All products made from this material are highly valued for their lightness, softness, hygroscopicity and durability. That is why you cannot buy cheaply made from

Camel wool is a valuable material for making clothes

The first thing that catches your eye when looking at a camel is two large humps covered with thick thick hair. It performs several functions at once. Firstly, camel hair protects its owner from sudden changes in temperature. The structure of the camel's coat is very heterogeneous. The outer hair is coarse and thicker, while the inner hair is fluff. The length of camel hair depends on the age of the animal. The older it is, the bigger it is. According to world standards, Mongolian camel wool is considered the highest quality. If you calculate, then on average from one animal you can get from 400 to 900 grams of fluff. This makes up about eighty-three percent of the animal's entire coat.

Camel wool products. Yarn

Today you can see on sale a variety of things made from this material. These are stoles, blankets, pillows and bedding, mattresses and much more. In addition, excellent clothes and the best knitting yarn are obtained from this wool, from which delightful items of women's, men's and children's knitwear are then created. Camel wool yarn is popular with needlewomen. In addition, it is used in the textile industry.

A little about healing properties

Camel hair has long been used by man to treat diseases such as neuritis, arthritis, rheumatic pain and osteochondrosis. Warming up the skin, camel hair improves blood microcirculation and dilates blood vessels. Thus, tissue repair is faster. In addition, for many centuries people have used bandages for bruises and sprains.

About Mongolian cashmere

“Life is too short not to wear cashmere,” Coco Chanel once said.

Cashmere is unlike any other material. This is a rare gift from nature. “Soft gold of Asia”, “precious thread”, “woolen diamond”…

Cashmere is soft and warm, always fashionable, sophisticated and fairly expensive!

Mongolian cashmere is the result of the height of the Mongolian plateau above sea level and the harsh climate, considered the best in the world. In order to protect themselves from extreme frosts, Mongolian goats grow long hair like a soft protective coat. Magnificent fluff under long hair is technically competently and carefully combed out by shepherds, passing on experience from generation to generation. Thick and long wool is never sheared from goats. Down fibers are the raw material for the production of skin-caressing cashmere yarn.

Each cashmere goat gives no more than 150 grams of fluff per year, only one third of the sweater! Hence the low prevalence of this wool and the high price of raw materials. Strict production methods guarantee the purest yarn without any impurities.

Mongolian goats produce cashmere with an average fiber diameter of 15.5-16.0 microns. This thickness is considered the best in the world. The average length of Mongolian cashmere fibers is also the best in the world and is 38-43 mm. Therefore, products made from Mongolian cashmere are incredibly soft, it is very pleasant to wear them on a naked body.

In some countries, cashmere goats live in captivity. In Mongolia, goats graze freely in the endless steppes. This also has a positive effect on the quality of the fluff. One of the unique features of Mongolian cashmere is its organic (undyed) colors.

Undyed Mongolian cashmere comes in four colors:

1. White

2. Silver

3. Beige

4. Coffee with milk.

Due to its characteristics, Mongolian cashmere provides long-lasting and comfortable wear without loss of appearance. Only Mongolian cashmere can be delicately washed without harming the quality of the products.

Well-known European fashion houses prefer to use Mongolian cashmere as a raw material. Many place their orders with Mongolian factories. To date, the quality of workmanship in Mongolian factories is in no way inferior to European. Cashmere clothes are especially tender, they do not roll down. Wearing cashmere on a naked body is extremely pleasant.

Allergy sufferers can easily distinguish real cashmere from fakes - it is a hypoallergenic material, it does not irritate the skin at all. Even babies are shown to wear cashmere.

About camel hair

Warm and soft blankets, cozy sweaters, scarves and other favorite things that serve us right long years keep many secrets of their uniqueness. And the first is a special breed of camels that give wool.

For more than three millennia, camels of a rare breed - Bactrian, famous for their wool, have been grown in Mongolia. top quality. Shepherds comb it out by hand and only in spring. Only young camels are used, which give the softest, lightest and smoothest coat to the touch. To save best qualities, it is not customary to dye camel hair, especially since its original color is noble in itself: the color of baked milk, beige, and brown.

Camel wool is twice as light as sheep, because the hair of camel wool is hollow, and at the same time it is twice as warm as it. Due to the special structure of camel hair, as well as the record content of lanolin (animal wax), camel wool has a unique ability to retain heat and absorb moisture, which means that in camel wool socks, the feet will be warm and dry - both in cold and in heat. And yet, with its help, they treat joints, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, relieve pain and improve blood circulation.

About yak wool

Living in the highlands at a constant low temperature, the domesticated yak - a descendant of the Tibetan wild yak - has acquired long, shaggy hair that is very similar to cashmere. Products made from yak down are even lighter and softer than products made from camel hair. At the same time, they are just as unpretentious in care and very durable. Yak wool is hypoallergenic and does not accumulate static electricity.

Yaks wear both long and thick wool, as well as short and soft fibers. These fibers are used for the production of woolen products: stoles, blankets, knitwear (sweaters, jumpers, vests, pullovers, socks, etc.).

Yak wool comes in several colors - gray, dark gray and brown. 80% of all yaks have Brown color. The wool is so light and soft that it will touch your skin like a gentle breeze. And at the same time will give you a pleasant warmth.

Yak down is the warmest of all types natural wool soft, light and very practical. Resistant to crushing, strong and durable.

About sheep's down

In one of the most severe places in the world with severe cold and piercing winds in winter and hot heat in summer, in conditions of constant food shortage, numerous herds of Mongolian sheep are bred by nomads. Unique new technology allows you to get pure sheep's down without coarse fibers. This unique material used to create yarn from Mongolian sheep down, which is much softer than traditional sheep wool. Mongolian sheep down products combine carefully selected raw materials and high-quality production to preserve best properties this unique material.

Camel wool is a natural, environmentally friendly raw material from which clothes are made for representatives of different sexes and age categories. Such wardrobe items have a whole host of advantages and a rather rather big price. Currently, they are in great demand among the population of our planet. Although a decent number of people do not even know about medical and healing properties camel hair, just paying tribute to modern fashion. And it would be worth thinking about useful qualities this material.

How is camel hair obtained?

Currently, the main suppliers of camel wool are two varieties of camels:

  • dromedaries or one-humped animals;
  • Bactrians are two-humped individuals.

The homeland of the first species are the expanses of Africa and Western Asia. Eastern and central Asia- the place of residence of two-humped animals. It is this type of camel that is the main supplier of fine fluff worldwide. well-known manufacturers. These animals have a very coarse coat and a delicate soft undercoat. This warm down is used as a raw material for making clothes. It makes up almost 90% of the mass of the entire wool of one animal.

Bactrian down from Mongolia is considered by world manufacturers to be the most healing and of very high quality. It contains beneficial substance lanolin. Real camel down cannot be dyed. This fact should be known when purchasing products of this kind.

Camel wool clothes: benefits and healing qualities

The list called the benefits of camel hair is a pretty impressive list of different qualities. The down of camels is a couple of times lighter and much stronger than sheep's. The hairs of the "ships of the desert" wool are hollow inside. Thanks to this design, they provide additional thermal insulation. Currently, many manufacturers are creating clothes from camel down for professions such as astronauts and sailors, who have fully appreciated why it is useful to wear camel hair clothes.

However, ordinary consumers can also purchase such products. Such products can perfectly disable the toxic substances that are produced by human body, cosmetically affect the skin (increase the smoothness and elasticity of the skin). The benefits and benefits of camel wool are simply invaluable.

The down of bactrian camels also has such useful qualities as high conductivity of air masses and hygroscopicity. It doesn't electrify. Due to this, it can eliminate the stress of a statistical nature and repel dust particles. Another question about the usefulness of camel hair can be answered as follows. This material is completely hypoallergenic. In this regard, it is much better than the wool of other animals. Camel hair does not irritate the human body. On the contrary, she calms him down and sets him up for comfort.

The advantages of camel wool clothing are also resistance to moisture. Due to this quality, camel down is recommended for people with increased sweating. Clothing made from this material can be an excellent prevention of colds. It is great for individuals with a weakened immune system.

Camel wool products allow you to relax and get rid of nervous tension without . Therefore, they must be worn by people experiencing stable nervous tension.

Useful properties of other camel wool products

The benefits of camel wool products also lie in some medicinal qualities. Camel down - excellent tool for the treatment of many diseases. With the help of this remedy, arthritis, rheumatic pains, neuritis and other diseases are expelled from the human body. Warming up, natural wool dilates blood vessels and increases blood microcirculation.

Camel hairs are also involved in the prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. They have a unique property - antistatic. This property helps to calmly respond to the aggression of electrical appliances that produce static voltage.

Currently, manufacturers produce an impressive list of quality products from camel hair: bed linen, mattresses, blankets, etc. However, magnificent items of women's, men's and children's knitwear are especially popular among the inhabitants of our planet. Such things make people's lives more comfortable and cozy.

Camel hair has long been considered special. The great healer Ibn Sina mentioned her in his medical treatises, and some Eastern peoples believed that she could cure and protect not only the body, but also the spirit. In many families camel wool blankets several generations were passed on by inheritance.

All this is no coincidence, because camel hair really differs from all other types of wool. It is thanks to their “clothes” that camels are able to withstand sudden temperature changes inherent in their usual habitat without much discomfort. Hence the amazing quality. camel wool blankets: Not only do they keep you warm in the winter, but they also keep you cool in the hot summer.

Camel hair is a coarse, hollow hair with a soft undercoat - fluff. The hollow structure of the hairs provides additional thermal insulation to the camel and the weightlessness of the wool itself. Blankets with such a filler are very light in weight.

Home Doctor: Camel Hair Blanket

It has long been believed that camel blanket is excellent remedy from a cold. Medicinal properties doctor blankets are in three of its properties.

1. dry heat: camel hair is hygroscopic, and, thanks to its structure, it conducts air well. Under such a blanket, a person does not sweat.

2. Camel hair prevents reabsorption harmful substances, which are excreted from the body with sweat.

3. Stinging hairs seem to massage the skin, while blood circulation improves, which helps relieve inflammation and swelling.

The content of animal wax (lanolin) in camel hair is higher than in any other wool. Warming up from body temperature, lanolin has a beneficial effect on the skin, joints and muscles of a person. Due to this warming effect, vasodilation occurs, metabolism improves, blood microcirculation increases and recovery processes are activated in tissues. All these properties can be useful for neuritis, osteochondrosis and rheumatic pains. A nice bonus for allergy sufferers and asthmatics: camel hair is absolutely hypoallergenic and has the ability to repel dust.

Another one unique feature this natural material- antistatic, protecting a person from exposure to electromagnetic fields. If present in each modern home sets electrical appliances this is amazing property camel hair can be especially valuable.

To strengthen healing effect, in their production, fibers are used to coat natural breathable fabrics such as cotton or satin.

Clothing and underwear for astronauts and long-distance sailors are made from camel down.

The wool is collected during the molting period, so there are no casualties and the production of natural things from camel hair does not harm any camel.

Washing is "contraindicated" camel wool blankets. Only dry cleaning and occasional airing is recommended.

Camel blankets still have a couple of drawbacks: the pricklyness of their hairs and the price, because of which they may not be suitable for people with sensitive skin and a thin wallet.

Camel down clothing is 100% natural and environmentally friendly. That is why she is so highly regarded. Such things cannot be cheap. The low price of camel down clothes and accessories should alert you when choosing. Pay attention to the composition of the product and its color. Items purchased in our store are 100% (97% in socks) consist of the down of two-humped camels from the territory of Mongolia and have not been dyed.


Two types of camels are known: one-humped - dromedaries and two-humped - Bactrians. Dromedaries are widespread in Western Asia and Africa. In the Central and East Asia: in Mongolia, Northern China, Kazakhstan, in the Caucasus, Bactrians predominate - the main suppliers of wool to the world market. Bactrian - an animal weighing 450-500 kg., main feature which - two high humps, covered with a dense layer of thick wool, which reliably protects against sudden changes in temperature, strong winds, sand and dust storms. The coat of a camel is heterogeneous - it consists of a coarse outer hair (25-100 microns) and an inner layer of soft, warm fluff (17-21 microns). More valued, of course, downy undercoat. In a camel, the volume of such fluff is 80-85% of total weight wool or 4-9 kg per animal.

According to world standards, Mongolian Bactrian down is considered the highest quality. By the way, camel down is almost impossible to dye.

Lanolin makes up to 12% of the weight of raw wool. This substance is very healing. But! All camel down is processed to some extent in the production of yarn and in finished goods. Therefore, all information about the benefits of lanolin is true and irrelevant at the same time. Here we report only the actual benefits of wearing camel down clothing.


Camel down is more than twice as light as sheep's wool and, in addition, is much stronger. Camel hair is hollow, which provides it with additional heat-insulating properties and lightness. Camel down is used to sew clothes for astronauts and seamen. Camel hair neutralizes toxins produced by the body and has a cosmetic effect on the skin, rejuvenating and making it more elastic and supple. Moreover, the warmth that camel hair gives is dry. In products from it, a person never sweats. And all because this wool is very hygroscopic, plus, thanks to the structure of its hairs, it conducts air well. It does not electrify and removes static stress better than others, has the ability to repel dust.

Another unique property camel wool is that it is hypoallergenic, that is, it does not cause allergies, like other types of wool, which is especially important given the increase in the number of patients with allergies and concomitant diseases. Camel down absolutely does not irritate, but on the contrary, soothes irritated skin.

The healing properties of camel hair are widely known, and clothing made from it is highly valued. With a cold, and for its prevention, one can hardly think of best clothes than clothing made from such wool. It is soft and elastic, comfortable and convenient. In such clothes it is very easy to take a break from stress and relax, forgetting about everyday chores.

The outer surface of the camel wool fibers is resistant to moisture penetration, and the inner surface has absorbent properties up to 30% of its own weight (recommended for people with excessive sweating, with a weakened immune system, during puberty, for the elderly, as a prevention of colds).

Camel wool is often used in the treatment of neuritis, neuralgia, arthritis, rheumatic pains. In Mongolia, camel hair is used in the treatment of fractures.

Wool hairs gently massage the skin, increasing its tone. Camel hair repels dust, which is very useful for asthma and for the prevention of upper respiratory tract diseases.

If you have the opportunity to purchase socks from camel hair (namely, it is in the first place in terms of the strength of its healing effect), be sure to do so. It never injures the skin with scars and almost always maintains the nerve endings in a healthy state.

The unique property of camel hair is anti-static, i.e. neutral attitude towards static electricity. This is an excellent protection against techno-aggression coming from all electrical appliances in the house. In the East, they also claim that camel hair protects against the aggression of society, negativity environment(accelerates the swallowing of energy holes)


Products made of camel wool must be washed in warm water, not higher than 30C, using detergents designed for processing natural wool. It is advisable to use a special shampoo with lanolin extract. Products made from camel hair should not be spun in a centrifuge and dried in the sun. Woolen products are very well influenced by ventilation on outdoors in the days high humidity. Products made from natural camel wool are easy to clean at home. In winter, they can be taken out on freshly fallen snow, knocked out a little on both sides and dried at home in a straightened form.