Wash the ceilings and walls in the apartment. How to clean a suspended ceiling

Cleaning your home is an integral part of any person’s life. During general cleaning, the housewife strives to clean the entire house, paying attention to even the smallest details, but during such global operations we do not always look up to the ceiling to wash it too. Of course, the ceiling needs to be looked after, because dust and dirt also accumulate on it, although not so noticeable to the naked eye. The ceiling in the kitchen especially suffers from contamination due to the soot from cooking that settles on it. Let's look at the main types of ceilings in modern homes and ways to care for them.

Prepare convenient access for work:

  • A stepladder or table is ideal, from which you can easily reach the surface to be cleaned.
  • It is advisable not to use mops, hard-bristled brushes and brooms - they can easily scratch the surface of the ceiling. For preliminary cleaning of visible dirt, a brush with short soft bristles or a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment is suitable.
  • To carry out wet cleaning, use a sponge, flannel or any other soft cloth.

  • Small stains can be easily removed with a simple school eraser. After this procedure, wipe the cleaned area with a dry cloth to remove the streaks.
  • You will also need a basin or bucket.
  • When cleaning the ceiling from dirt, splashing is inevitable. detergents and possible droplets falling from above - it is advisable to protect yourself by wearing safety glasses.
  • Prepare rubber gloves to protect your hands.
  • Before starting work, treat with a cleaning agent. small area canvas in a less noticeable place - for example, above the door. This is necessary to ensure that it is safe for the color and texture of the surface.

Painted ceiling

Since ancient times in Rus', ceilings were whitened using ordinary chalk and bast wool; there was no talk of washing such a ceiling, so the whitewashing was updated approximately once a year. If the bleached surface began to crumble, the ceiling was simply washed and whitened again.

Currently, the ceiling is often painted with latex-based compounds., acrylic or oil paint. And although the latter is generally considered not very environmentally friendly, since the coating clogs the ceiling pores and prevents sufficient ventilation, such a coating allows for unhindered wet cleaning painted surface.

For washing such ceilings will do regular soap solution: whip up soap suds and stir it in warm water; a solution of dishwashing detergent is also great. After the procedure, wipe the surface dry and let it dry.

Kitchen ceilings are often coated with water-based emulsion - such a composition is afraid of water, as streaks and drips may form. To clean such a cloth, use special wipes.


Involves dry cleaning only with a brush or vacuum cleaner. You can remove dust using a slightly damp cloth or sponge, but you should not get carried away with this method to avoid damage to the wallpaper. The same recommendations apply to plasterboard ceilings.

Plastic tiles

This type ceilings are loved for their resistance to stains, relatively low cost and ease of maintenance.

A soap solution is perfect for cleaning such a ceiling. But please note: laundry soap consists of 72% alkali, which can negatively affect the appearance of the ceiling surface.

Vinegar and vodka work well for removing stains, but it is not recommended to use them on plastic with a pattern - there is a risk of damage to the image.

Bleach will help restore the color of yellowed tiles - 2-3 tablespoons of the product per 2 liters of water. Try to wash the panels in one direction to avoid streaks.

The use of a melamine sponge is widely used in the fight for the cleanliness of plastic panels, but first it makes sense to test it in an inconspicuous place, since a negative reaction of the plastic is possible.


This type of coating is often used in living rooms and children's rooms.

The problem is the accumulation of dust by textiles, so to care for such a ceiling you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • regular vacuuming;
  • timely removal of emerging stains;
  • It is better to clean the stain from the edges of the stain to the center;
  • do not get carried away with excessive use of liquid - fabric surfaces do not tolerate excess moisture and may react with the appearance of unwanted stains;
  • avoid using chlorine-containing cleaning products;
  • After cleaning, wipe the surface with a paper towel.


It is somewhat easier for owners of suspended ceilings, because such coatings hardly accumulate dirt, and, as a result, are excellent for the kitchen, where grease is constantly adjacent to temperature changes.

Stretch ceilings should be washed carefully, avoiding excessive pressure on the surface. A soap solution and a piece of soft cloth or a sponge are also suitable for cleaning such a ceiling.

Do not use aggressive detergents containing acetone, kerosene or acids. Be careful with sharp objects - if there is a water-based paint stain on the ceiling, soften it first warm water, and then remove with a rubber spatula.

You should also refrain from using abrasive and soda-containing powders.

Glossy ceiling Can be cleaned with alcohol-based products for washing glass and mirrors. An aerosol for any glass surfaces or an ammonia solution, popularly known as ammonia, is also suitable. They will also help get rid of traces of pens and markers on the ceiling surface. To add shine, you can simply wipe the canvas with an alcohol solution, then rinse with water and wipe dry.

Currently there are many special means for the care of stretch ceilings, which are available in the form of a spray.

After work, it is necessary to ventilate the room to allow the ceiling film to dry completely.


Ceilings of this variety are now widespread due to their ease of use, in particular moisture resistance. The only difficulty in caring for foam coating is the porous surface of the tiles, as well as the presence of textured elements on it. To wash out dirt from the recesses, it is better to use a soft foam sponge and a solution of sodium orthophosphate with water. Use this product to carefully rinse the surface until the ceiling surface is completely free of dust and ingrained yellowness. To subsequently remove the smell, the tiles can be washed with a vinegar solution - the smell will disappear within a short period of time.


When choosing a cleanser for? suspended ceilings Preference should be given to chemicals without acetone; dishwashing detergent without granules and abrasives is quite suitable. Options for cleaning liquids containing alcohol or ammonia are also possible. When washing the ceiling, pay attention to the baseboards, then rinse them clean water and wipe dry soft cloth or paper towel.

Suspended ceilings can also be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, but before starting work, you must make sure that the structure is securely fastened to avoid any damage to the slabs.

Rack and pinion

Slatted ceilings are not uncommon today. When caring for models of this design, do not use powders or any cleaning products containing abrasives, as they will damage the smooth chrome surface and ruin appearance metal When choosing a sponge, it is better to use something lint-free or nonwoven fabric. Aerosols for cleaning glass will quickly add shine to such a ceiling.

After the fire

In this situation, the surface is covered with soot and soot; if you try to wash it with a brush, small particles will clog into the pores of the surface and it will be impossible to remove them from there.

Regular cleaning helps keep your home clean. But how often do housewives look at the ceiling? But the plane also attracts dust, particles of debris, plus water evaporation, which is especially abundant in the kitchen. Let's figure out what and how to wash the ceiling before painting with water-based paint, as well as during general cleaning. Let's consider the compositions that can be used, and which are better to avoid, folk remedies to remove particularly difficult contaminants.

Coloring is the most a budget option renovation of the decor, which also does not take much time. Anyone can do the job - the technology is extremely simple and does not require any experience other than the ability to hold a roller in your hands.

Other advantages of the water-based composition include the following:

  • environmental friendliness - the composition does not contain harmful substances, so you can paint with water-based emulsion even in a child’s room;
  • ease of application;
  • low cost of compounds;
  • efficiency of work.

And you shouldn’t think that the water-based emulsion is applied only to concrete and wood - when finishing a gypsum board ceiling, it is also recommended to paint the sheets with a water-based composition as a finishing touch.

The downside of the paint is that it is not resistant to water. Water emulsion washes off easily plain water, but this is both a disadvantage and an advantage, because you can quickly prepare the ceilings for changing the decor. The paint does not require frequent cleaning, except in areas where the level of contamination is quite high, for example in the kitchen. This is where you will have to choose how to wash a ceiling painted with water-based paint in such a way as to remove combustion products and grease, but without damaging the coating.

Products used for cleaning ceilings

When thinking about how to clean a kitchen ceiling painted with water-based paint, evaluate the degree of contamination. A warm soap solution is suitable from ready-made products. And you can prepare it either from dishwashing compounds or from a piece grated into shavings laundry soap. Usually, a concentration of 1:15 (1 part product to 15 parts warm water) is enough to wash a ceiling painted with stains and streaks. But if water-based composition not supplemented with acrylic and silicone components, it is impossible to clean the ceiling surface - you will have to re-paint it.

For particularly stubborn stains, baking soda is useful. For 8 liters of non-hot liquid add 0.3 liters soap composition(for washing dishes) and 3-4 tbsp. sodium bicarbonate. Stir everything and wash the surface. Even stubborn stains are removed.

Advice! If we consider how to wash a ceiling painted with water-based paint, which has not been washed at all for 3-4 years, then no means will help - remove the paint and paint it again. In addition to the fact that dirt is firmly ingrained into the decor, there is a risk of mold and mildew forming under the paint layer - this must be eliminated.

Sometimes housewives leave the soap-soda mixture on the surface for about a quarter of an hour, then wash it off. This technique works well on the walls, but the soot may not leave the ceiling; the gray tint will remain, and it will not be distributed over the entire plane, but in patches - it looks very ugly. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

Ready-made detergents for cleaning ceilings:

  1. Fairy, Cinderella for washing dishes. They cope well with dirt and grease drops that have not dried out.
  2. Mister Muscle for painted surfaces. A liquid that removes stubborn stains.
  3. Crystal, other glass cleaners with ammonia. Removes soot and adds shine. It is important to rinse the surface thoroughly after application and polish with a soft cloth.
  4. Tikkurila ceiling cleaning product. A special powder composition that copes with particularly difficult stains.
  5. Altezza – spray for cleaning suspended ceilings. The product removes any dirt very well and gently removes dried greasy spots and drops.

What should not be used when cleaning ceilings? If you are looking at options on how to wash a painted ceiling, do not pick up abrasives, hard brushes or other scratching things/substances. Even back side A washing sponge can ruin the surface, so only foam rubber, rags or a microfiber cloth - it cleans well and absorbs moisture without leaving streaks. It is also not recommended to use toxic and caustic substances; they corrode the decor, leaving bald spots - the ceiling will have to be sanded and repainted.

Materials, tools for washing and cleaning the ceiling

What may be useful for the work:

  • ladder;
  • container for cleaning solution;
  • mop with soft cover;
  • rags;
  • a brush with soft bristles for removing dust;
  • soap, soap composition;
  • water.

You should also protect your hands and face from droplets. Cobwebs in the corners can be easily removed with a mop, vacuum cleaner, or broom with a clean, damp cloth wrapped around it. If you remove the dust efficiently, sometimes this is enough to avoid washing the ceilings.

Preparing a Painted Ceiling for Renewal and Repainting

Knowing what and how to wash a painted ceiling, it is not difficult to cope with the procedure. However, it is impossible to do without surface preparation.

If the surface is being prepared for painting, it is permissible to use more aggressive agents to clean stains:

  • rub the dirt with gruel from baking soda and water;
  • try rubbing it off with an eraser.

After such procedures, try to wash the surface again. If that doesn't help, use baking soda, and how to wash water-based ceiling With soda solution, you already know too: for 7-8 liters of not hot, but warm liquid, 0.3 liters of soap composition and 3-4 tbsp. regular baking soda - stir and wash. If stains of rot, mold or fungus form, be sure to treat the surface with antiseptics.

Advice! To clean areas with mold, use a strong saline solution. For 1 liter of warm water, take 4-5 tbsp. salt. Stir until the grains of salt disperse, saturate the affected area, then wash with soapy water, rinse and, after drying, treat with an antiseptic.

Neglected ceiling surfaces that have not been cleaned for a long time and are heavily affected by mold cannot be washed off with salt. A solution of copper sulfate comes in handy here. Wash the ceiling wearing gloves and a protective mask on your face. After washing with vitriol, rinse the surface with clean water, dry and also treat with an antiseptic. After drying, you can paint with water-based emulsion.

On a note! When preparing ceilings for new painting, do not be afraid to add a lot of soap - it is permissible to use the compositions in a higher concentration than during normal cleaning. The main thing is to rinse the surface with clean water and let the ceiling dry after washing before applying paint.

Knowing how to wash a ceiling painted with water-based emulsion, coping with the task of renovation will not be difficult. But if after cleaning you are not satisfied with the results, do not be upset: wash the surface, dry it, paint in 1-2 layers, and the ceiling will be clean and beautiful again

December 1, 2016
Specialization: master in construction plasterboard structures, finishing works and laying floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

The article is addressed to those whose kitchen ceiling has turned yellow and stained. In it I will tell you how to wash the ceiling from soot and grease with minimal costs time and effort. You need to do several simple recommendations, which are tested by experience and proven to be effective.

How to clean different types of ceilings

I will talk about ways to clean three types of coatings:

  1. Surfaces painted with water-based emulsion;
  2. Ceilings coated with oil and alkyd paints;
  3. Tension fabrics.

Each option has its own characteristics, so what is good for a stretch ceiling is not suitable for paint and vice versa. It is important to choose what you need and follow all the tips to ensure you get good result and not spoil anything.

Option 1 – washing ceilings painted with water-based compositions

First, you must understand one thing: you can wash only those surfaces that are painted with moisture-resistant compounds. Therefore, when carrying out repairs, choose washable acrylic or latex-based paints. This will save you a lot of problems later.

If your ceiling is painted with regular paint, then you can clean it only this way:

  • First, the surface must be vacuumed to remove all dirt from the surface;
  • Take a dry brush with medium-hard bristles. The surface is treated with it wherever it is required. If cleaning does not help, then it is better to repaint the ceiling with a moisture-resistant composition so that you can easily clean it later.

Always use safety glasses when cleaning the ceiling. When working, splashes of detergent inevitably fall down, and without eye protection it will be difficult to work.

If your ceiling is painted with washable paint, then this greatly simplifies the work process. Let's figure out how to clean the ceiling from soot in this case:

  • To work, we will need a rag or sponge, as well as dishwashing detergent. The same Fairy is great for the job;

  • You will also need a bucket for the cleaning solution and a stepladder or one from which you can freely reach the ceiling;

  • The work begins with the surface being vacuumed;
  • The cleaning solution is being prepared. To do this, add a little detergent to 5 liters of warm water, after which the composition is stirred until foam forms;

  • Work begins from any area; you need to thoroughly wipe the surface with a sponge. If necessary, the work is repeated until all contaminants are removed;
  • You can use a microfiber mop instead of a sponge. Then you can wash the ceiling much faster. But if you don’t have such a device, you can do without it;

  • After using the detergent, you need to walk with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture and remove all stains from the surface.

Option 2 – cleaning surfaces painted with oil paint

This type of finishing is often encountered, so you should deal with it as well. Paints of this type protect the material from moisture very well and create a durable film on the surface that is convenient to clean.

Let's figure out how to wash such ceilings:

  • For work, use a sponge or rag. Brushes should not be used, as they can damage the surface;
  • As a detergent, it is best to use special compositions for washing dishes from soot. They perfectly wash away soot from ceilings painted with an oil or alkyd composition. I usually use MasterCleaner, and I am completely satisfied with it;

    • Prepare a cleaning solution according to the instructions on the package. The surface is thoroughly wiped with it. If necessary, processing is performed again;
  • After washing, you need to moisten a cloth in warm, clean water and wipe the surface again. This will remove any remaining dirt and stains.

If you have places where soot has accumulated (most often they form near the hood), then they need to be treated with a special composition. Take 100 grams hot water, in which 50-100 grams of copper sulfate are dissolved. This product is very effective in removing soot deposited on a smooth surface.

I’ll briefly tell you how to clean lime. Whitewash does not tolerate water, so it can only be treated with a soft brush. If such cleaning does not help, you will have to reapply the composition.

Option 3 – washing suspended ceilings

This type of coating is becoming increasingly popular. It is perfect for the kitchen: it does not absorb dirt and grease and is easy to clean if you know how to do it correctly. To work you need a certain list of tools and devices, everything is in the table.

Instructions for doing the work yourself look like this:

  • If there is dust on the canvas, it must either be wiped off with a dry cloth or removed with a vacuum cleaner. In the second case, you do not need to touch the surface so that the vacuum cleaner does not damage the material;
  • It is better to purchase detergent in aerosol form, then you can quickly apply it to a separate area. If you have a composition that is diluted with water, then after preparing it you should moisten the mop head, wring it out and put it on the working unit;
  • Washing is simple: wipe the surface with a mop with little effort. If you press too hard, you may damage the blade. You need to carefully go section by section until the entire surface is cleaned;

  • The question is often asked, how to wash off the ceiling after cleaning it? In fact, you don’t need to wash off anything; the work is done with a dry microfiber cloth. The surface is carefully wiped with it to remove all stains from the mop. Just look at the ceiling and where you see streaks, scrub them off.

Further information: Cleaning up after a fire

I want to tell you about how to clean the ceiling after a fire. In such cases, the surface is covered with a thick layer of soot, and if you just start washing it or scrubbing it with a brush, it will clog into the pores so that you are unlikely to remove it. To achieve the best result, you need to follow the surface cleaning technology.

First, let's figure out what you need to get started:

  • First of all, purchase protective equipment: a respirator, goggles and gloves. There should be a hat on the head, and clothes should be such that they can be thrown away after work - it is impossible to wash soot off things;

  • Vacuum cleaner with powerful dust suction;
  • Brush with hard bristles;
  • Sponges for soot (several pieces);

  • A basin for the detergent composition and detergent (you can also use “Fairy”). Gather more rags, you will need them.

The work is done in this order:

  • The floor is covered with a covering film to prevent soot from falling on it;
  • Take a vacuum cleaner and use the most powerful suction mode to remove everything that is possible. Do not touch the pipe or brush to the ceiling, move along the surface;

  • Next, you need to take a stiff brush and sweep away the soot from the ceiling with sharp movements. Try to scrape off soot rather than rub it into the surface. It is better to move in one direction, so the cleansing occurs better;
  • A special sponge allows you to remove even more soot; it also needs to work with jerky movements in one direction. As the sponges become dirty, they are thrown away and new ones are taken;
  • A cleaning solution is prepared, after which the surface is wiped several times using rags using the same sweeping movements. As the rags become dirty, they are thrown away and the detergent is replaced with a fresh one;
  • The finished base is primed several times with a penetrating compound, after which it can be puttied and painted.

Cleaning the ceiling in the kitchen is not a daily or even weekly procedure. If the kitchen is equipped with a good hood, then cleaning is carried out no more than once every six months. However, cleaning surfaces is not always easy: the contamination here is very specific.

Means and tools

How to clean a kitchen ceiling depends on the nature of the surface: the properties of water-based paint and stretch film are very different. But the tools are almost always the same:

  • a mop with a soft attachment, preferably with a movable one;
  • long-handled brush;
  • water container - basin, bucket;
  • soft cloth for wiping, napkins;
  • detergents appropriate for the type of ceiling surface.

It is also advisable not to neglect protective equipment: glasses protect your eyes from small solid particles, and gloves protect the skin of your hands from the aggressive action of detergents.

Cleaning the ceiling – painted or whitewashed

Despite the variety of ceiling designs, the most common finishing methods still include painting or even whitewashing. This method is the most affordable, but, unfortunately, it is not durable and wear-resistant.

  • Whitewashing with chalk or lime eliminates wet cleaning, even the simplest. The only way to bring the ceiling surface into relative order is to carefully clean the soot stains with a dry brush. Grease and colored stains cannot be removed: touching a damp or wet cloth, even if the stain can be removed, will leave streaks or gray stains.

Whitewashing has to be repeated every year, or even six months, to keep the kitchen in order.

  • Painting with water-based paint provides a more durable result. This paint dries quickly and has no odor. However, its solvent is water, and therefore the painted ceiling is afraid of the action of water.

If possible, the surface should be cleaned with a dry brush.

If stains from soot and grease are persistent, use warm water with the addition of laundry soap and soda. It is better to do without a mop and brushes and clean the surface manually.

  • Rarely, painting with oil paint also occurs. The latter is not afraid of water: you can wash the ceiling with warm water with the addition of washing powder. At heavily polluted pressure and the use of special means are allowed.

Wallpapered ceiling

if used paper wallpaper, then it is not possible to cook anything from them. The surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Noticeable stains from soot or grease can be carefully removed with a damp cloth. But this method is only suitable for small areas, since the stains leave abrasions and the design is erased.

Water-repellent or non-woven wallpaper allows for wet cleaning. Of course, we are talking about a damp cloth and a solution with a weak detergent.

Plastic ceiling panels

The material is resistant to wear and can withstand both high dampness and hot steam. Another useful propertyplastic panels They do not absorb dirt, grease and soot, so they can be washed without much difficulty.

  • Use a weak soap solution, water with the addition of a neutral detergent. If the slats white, then you can wash the ceiling from soot with water and bleach - 2 tablespoons of bleach per 10 liters.
  • It is most convenient to work with a mop with a microfiber attachment, or a brush with a long handle.
  • After using the soap solution, rinse the plastic with clean water and wipe dry with a napkin. Especially when it comes to glossy panels, on which stains are very noticeable. The photo shows a working moment of cleaning.

Cleaning suspended ceilings

PVC film does not absorb dirt and grease at all, so cleaning it is quite easy.

  • You can also clean the film during dry cleaning using a vacuum cleaner, but you need to make sure that the nozzle does not touch the surface.
  • Wet cleaning is carried out with a napkin or soft cloth - microfiber. Hard brushes are not used; they can easily damage or scratch the surface.
  • For washing, use warm water with the addition of a mild detergent - ordinary or special. If the canvas is glossy, alcohol-containing window cleaners are perfect.
  • After cleaning, the surface must be wiped dry to avoid streaks. Glossy canvases wipe with solution ammonia– in this way it is easy to return the varnish shine to the surface.

The video demonstrates the cleaning of ceilings of various types.

If the apartment is constantly kept clean, then the owner rarely gets around to cleaning the ceiling. Still, this is not the floor or walls, where much more dust and dirt collects than on the ceiling. But, nevertheless, at least once a year you have to do this difficult work, especially in kitchen areas. And then the housewife is faced with the question of how to wash a ceiling painted with water-based paint.

The advantage of ceilings painted with water-based emulsion

Not all owners install suspended ceilings in their apartments, preferring more economical option finishing – surfaces painted with water-based paint, which has a number of positive characteristics. Modern views This coating differs:

  • moisture resistance;
  • environmentally friendly (do not emit harmful fumes even when high temperatures indoor air);
  • easy application;
  • relatively low cost compared to suspended ceilings;
  • ability to quickly execute redecorating without extra financial costs.

IN last years multi-level ones have become very popular ceiling structures, made from plasterboard, for decoration of which water-based paint, pure white or tinted, is used.

This coating does not require frequent cleaning, with the exception of kitchen areas. As a rule, gas combustion products, fumes from cooking food, dust settle on the surface of the kitchen ceiling, and this whole symbiosis quickly creates an unsightly greasy film. And if in living rooms the question of how to wash ceilings painted with water-based paint does not cause problems, then with the kitchen ceiling surface much more difficult.

What products can be used to clean water-based coatings?

First of all, it is necessary to determine what composition the ceiling is painted with. What and how to wash? The simplest method is the usual warm water with a detergent, which, using a soft sponge or an old clean rag, can easily clean the surface from dirt and dust.

However, this method is not always effective in removing soot and grease, given that not all water-based coatings can withstand intense friction with a sponge or rag. If a regular water-based emulsion is applied to the surface, without adding acrylic or silicone, then clean kitchen ceiling It will be almost impossible from ingrained soot and grease. In this case, there is only one way out - to repaint the ceiling.

Preparing for general cleaning of ceilings

Before washing a ceiling painted with water-based paint, you need to prepare everything necessary tools, devices and protective equipment. To do this you will need:

  • a stepladder with the widest possible platform to eliminate the risk of the container with the cleaning solution falling;
  • a mop that has the function of removing the cleaning cover;
  • soap or detergent compositions;
  • a vacuum cleaner or brush with a long handle and soft bristles;
  • containers for cleaning solution and clean water;
  • foam sponge;
  • clean, non-fading rags;
  • protective equipment for hands, head and eyes - rubber gloves, goggles, hat.

If general cleaning of the house is carried out regularly, then cleaning the ceilings will not be difficult, especially in residential areas. You can remove dust and cobwebs using a vacuum cleaner, a soft-bristled brush or a broom wrapped in a clean, well-wrung out rag. After this procedure, you may not have to use wet cleaning.

Mopping the ceiling

It is necessary to observe safety precautions, even with such a seemingly simple task as washing the ceiling.

Safe work

The stepladder must be installed securely and not used to avoid injury; there are various supports under its legs in case of uneven floor covering. You shouldn’t reach out while standing on the stairs, trying to grab as much as possible large area ceiling. It’s better to get off once again and move the stepladder to a new place than to go to the emergency room after an unsuccessful fall.

Particular care must be taken when moving the ladder if flooring made of smooth tiles. During the process of wet cleaning of the ceiling, water will still fall on the floor, and on such a covering the housewife herself can easily slip and the ladder can move out of its place.

The container for the soap solution must be chosen in such a size and shape that it fits firmly on the platform of the stepladder. It is better to wear an apron over your clothes large pockets, where you can put a rag or sponge when changing washing stages. For example, you washed the surface with a damp sponge, and then you need to blot the ceiling with a dry rag. At this time, you can put the sponge in your apron pocket, since there is unlikely to be room for it on the stepladder platform, and it can easily fall. This means that you will have to once again get down from the stepladder and get back up again.

Effective washing

After the ceiling has been cleaned of dust using the dry method, if necessary, proceed directly to the procedure using a cleaning solution. It is not recommended to add strong detergents with a bleaching effect to the water. In this case, stripes with lighter areas will inevitably form on the ceiling, or worse, the paint will simply wash off from the surface and a new coating will have to be applied. Do not rub the ceiling too hard with a wet sponge or rag. Movements should be soft and smooth.

You can add a small amount of baking soda to the water to clean particularly dirty areas or remove stains. If after treatment soap solution the dirt could not be eliminated, then you can use soda. Approximately three or four tablespoons of ordinary baking soda are taken per bucket of water and the heavily contaminated surface is washed with this solution. After 10 - 15 minutes, the surface treated with this method must be rinsed with clean water and blotted (not wiped, namely, gently and carefully blotted) with a dry rag.

In rooms such as a bathroom or toilet, it is not uncommon for mold to form on the ceiling and walls. In this case, before starting to wash the surfaces, problem areas it is necessary to treat with special antifungal drugs produced in the form of an aerosol. After this, you can try to wash the surface with a soap solution. If traces of mold cannot be removed, you should resort to copper sulfate, but after such drastic measures there can be no talk of any cleaning of the ceiling. There is only one way out - to paint the surface once with the same water-based paint.

The main point of the article

It is not difficult to wash a ceiling painted with water-based paint, but the expected effect will not always satisfy the owner. A coating that does not contain acrylic or silicone does not withstand strong mechanical stress and the use of aggressive detergents. It is easier to get a clean and fresh surface by painting with a new water-based composition.