Correct sides of a Rubik's cube. How to quickly solve a Rubik's cube: step-by-step instructions with video lessons

So, the assembly itself consists of 7 stages, which will be described in detail below. But first you need to prepare a little. Don't be afraid, it won't take long :)

I understand that learning the basics is often boring and discourages any desire, but they are needed!
Let's take it briefly.

Basic elements of a Rubik's cube


This is the only component that cannot move, that is, it is around the centers that we collect the remaining elements.


Elements that have 2 colors (stickers) “connect” the center.


Combines 3 colors at the same time.

Surely you have already spun your cube and discovered that it does not rotate chaotically, but quite certain rules. Have you given it a spin yet? Well, let's quickly explore all the possible turns!

L- rotation of the left side

90 clockwise.

R- rotation of the right side.

U- rotate the top edge 90 clockwise.
D- rotation of the bottom edge.

F- rotate the front face 90 clockwise.

- the stroke indicates that the rotation is directed counterclockwise.

Russian-language designations for a cube

Since our people are Russian, we will also give Russian-language designations for the components of a Rubik's cube:

It may not be so elegant, but it is extremely clear and understandable.

In what follows, the formulas will also be presented in two versions.

Also during the assembly process you will encounter such miracles as P2 (R2) or F2 (F2)

Don't be alarmed, in this case you just need to rotate the edge twice, that is, make 180 degrees.

Spin language

To solve the cube correctly and quickly you need to know the language of rotations. Let's consolidate our knowledge and scroll through one of the formulas. It's long, so be careful:

R2 F R’ F’ D2 R2 U F U’ B L2 F2 R F2 U’ L F2 L B R’ D’ L’ D’ R F

(P2 F P’ F’ N2 P2 V F V’ B L2 F2 P F2 V’ L F2 L B P’ N’ L’ N’ P F)

Phew, you did it!! Right or wrong? Well, this is not so important here, because the cube will break in any case. This formula is called.

Great, the cube is broken, as you can see, no violence was required. Now let's get started with the assembly!

Stage 1 - Cross

Actually, as my assembly teacher said, anyone can assemble the first layer using only logic, and it’s really simple. Therefore, if you are not devoid of passion, then try to handle it yourself, it will be even more useful

And for those who did not risk losing their self-esteem, we will continue

So our target at the first stage - collect correct cross which looks like this

In general, there is nothing to explain here, it is important that you get exactly the right cross, that is, the colors on the edges correspond to the centers of the cube. Before you start next stage, check that everything is correct. Let's call this point EXAMINATION. A check should be performed after each step to make sure that you are doing everything correctly.

Video: how to assemble a 3x3 cross

So, you have chosen and bought your first one. It's time to learn how to assemble it.

You can either learn how to assemble it directly from this page. So, how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube? Let's start!

3x3 cube design

The 3x3 Rubik's Cube has six different colored sides and consists of 26 elements that are fastened together and move freely among themselves.

Cube elements are divided into three types

What does a 3x3 Rubik's Cube consist of?

Fig.1 basic elements of a Rubik's cube

Fig.2 The crosspiece is the internal mechanism for attaching the Rubik's cube.

To solve a Rubik's cube you need to know the formulas for assembling it. Therefore, first of all you need to learn the language of rotations.

The language of rotations. What do the letters mean in the formulas for solving a Rubik's cube?


  1. The cube has a top, a bottom, a right, a left. When rotating, keep the cube in one position relative to you and simply rotate the right side. REMEMBER THIS!
  2. The centers of the cube do not move anywhere, they always remain in their places relative to each other, because they are fastened together by a cross (Fig. 2).

Rubik's cube formulas are written with letters that indicate the rotation of a certain side of the cube 90° clockwise. If there is an apostrophe (’) next to a letter, the side is rotated counterclockwise. The number before the letter indicates the number of turns.

We remind you: when you rotate the sides, the cube itself remains motionless, you simply rotate the desired side.

Practice rotating the desired sides of the cube clockwise and counterclockwise. Let your fingers remember the movement, and your mind – what and where to rotate if there is a certain letter in the formula. This will make it a lot easier for you to learn assembly algorithms.

As a respite, we recommend that you learn about the differences between professional speed cubes and beginner cubes. And is it worth it for a beginner to immediately invest in the purchase of an expensive sports cube? Briefly, our opinion: on the one hand, it’s damn nice to twirl the cosmically mobile MoYu Hualong in your hands, for example. An elite cube can be a great motivation for speed building. On the other hand: beginners may not notice the difference between a budget cube and a sports one, if the budget cube is good and fast, but we don’t keep others :)

Stage one - assembling the first (bottom) layer of the Rubik's Cube.

Assembling the cross

Assembling the cross is the first step in assembling the first (bottom) layer. Take the cube at your convenience and study the position of the centers. Remember the color of the bottom and top. In our case it is blue. Until the end of the first assembly stage, keep the blue center at the bottom and the green at the top.

Your task when assembling the cross: one by one, find four on the cube ribs With blue color and move them down to blue center so that they second rib colors coincided with colors of the lateral centers. The picture shows ribs with a blue color that have become at the bottom, and their second colors yellow And red matched the colors of the side centers - this is correct.

In order to assemble a cross, you do not need special algorithms, but for example, let’s look at situations that may occur and test your understanding of simple algorithms.

Attention! As soon as you have started to perform an algorithm not an algorithm for assembling a cube, do not twirl the cube itself in your hands until you complete the combination. Centers different colors must maintain their position. For example, yellow is in front of you, blue is below, red is to the right.

Assembling corners

So, the cross is assembled. We move on to assembling the corners - the final stage of assembling the first layer. Take the cube with the cross facing down. pay attention to colors of the three centers, between which there should be corner, find it on the cube. In our case we are looking for blue-yellow-red corner. There is only one in the cube.

We put the corner in the top layer above the place where it should go down and do the URU’R’ algorithm. If the corner is in its place and the colors from the centers match, then we move on to the next corner. If not, then we repeat the algorithm until it becomes as we need.

Interesting fact: if the cube is solved and we repeat this algorithm (URU’R’) six times, then the cube will get confused and then solve.Let's see what happens to our corner after each algorithm. All of the options below may be available to you during assembly.

Stage two - assembling the second (middle) layer of the Rubik's cube

Hold the cube with the blue side facing down and the green center facing up.

In order to assemble the second layer, we need only one algorithm, but before executing it we need to prepare the cube - bring it to one of two possible situations shown below. Find V top layer any edge which one no green. Rotate the top layer (movements U or U') so that the side color of the edge matches any of the side centers. Now take the cube so that the coinciding center is facing on you, and blue, as before, remained at the bottom. In our example we found yellow – red edge. Lateral rib color – yellow. Rotate the top layer and align the edge with the yellow center. You may also have an option when you combine red edge with a red center, and yellow the rib color remains on the top side.

We take the cube with the yellow or red center towards us and get one of three possible cases.


The rib is already in place, but twisted. We need to “replace” it with any edge with green from the top layer, then again we bring to the two cases that are indicated above and solve.

The third stage of assembly is assembling the top layer of the cube

Let's approach last stage– assembly of the 3rd (top) layer of Rubik. First, we need to arrange the edges on the top layer so that they form a green cross. After assembling the first two layers, on the top layer you will get one of the four cases shown in the pictures. Find the one you have and perform the algorithm FRUR'U'F' to make a cross. You can start with a “dot” and consistently come to a “cross”.

Important! Before each start of the algorithm, hold the cube in your hands exactly as shown in the pictures!

So, at the top we have a cross.

We combine the side colors of the ribs with the side centers.

By rotating the top face (U or U’) trying to combine side ribs colors With lateral centers. All four colors must match (yellow, orange, white, red). If four do not match, then put the layer so that they match at least two ribs.

If you don't find two matching edges, then run the algorithm R U R’ U R 2U R’ U and look for the ribs again.

So, on the top layer we have a cross assembled and the ribs are correctly placed.

We put the corners in place.

Check that the corners of the top layer are in place; the corners may be twisted. But the main thing is that they have the same colors as the centers between which they stand. If so, then skip this step and move on to the next one.

If the corners need to be placed correctly, then take the cube in your hands so that there is a corner on your right that is in its place and perform the algorithm without changing the position of the cube: U R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L

If there is not a single corner that stays in its place, then do the algorithm given above from any position and the corner will appear.

The cube is almost complete, all that remains is to twist the corners.

You may have two, three or four twisted corners. Corners are twisted by a simple algorithm R' D' R D R' D' R D,

Important!!! This algorithm only works for one corner, which is located to your right. The secret is that when the corner becomes correct, you need to turn the top edge (U or U’) and substitute the next corner that needs to be twisted in its place. We can repeat the algorithm from 2 to 5 times and it will seem to you that the cube is confused, don’t worry, it will come together. The main thing is not to let go of the cube, not to twist it in your hands until you have completed the entire sequence of algorithms.

Let's consider the most difficult case with four twisted corners:


Now you know exactly how to solve a Rubik's cube! Disassemble and assemble your cube according to these instructions until you remember all the algorithms!

And then a huge world of mechanical puzzles will open before you, the assembly formulas of which are based on the formulas of a 3x3 cube!

Rarely can we allow ourselves the joy of doing absolutely nothing, when we give rest to our arms, legs, head and the entire body as a whole. Most often it only seems to us that we are idle. This is because man is very active by nature. He is bored and incomprehensible to the amorphous movement through life. If he has a free moment, he can set himself an original goal. For example, solve a Rubik's cube. The instructions for assembling this puzzle are very specific, but it is quite possible to understand it.

Some historical facts

More than 40 years ago, the Hungarian sculptor Erno Rubik showed the world his famous puzzle, which was named after the author’s last name. Then the inventor was teaching industrial design and architecture. There is a version that he invented the cube for teaching aid, with the help of which you can clearly explain the foundations of mathematical group theory. The inventor gave the students difficult task- make individual cubes rotate freely in place without damaging the structural unity of the puzzle. Accordingly, the first testers were Rubik's friends and students.

In 1975, the Rubik's cube was patented, but only two years later the production of an industrial batch of cubes was launched. The first to produce them was a small Budapest cooperative, which positioned the Rubik's cube as a New Year's toy. Assembly instructions were not included, but the item was captivating with its abundance of colors and its mystery. The toy became truly universal and was offered to all categories of the population. The second surge in popularity occurred when the cube was seen in the hands of a waiter by German entrepreneur Tibor Lakzi, who is interested in mathematics. He began promoting the product in tandem with Tom Cramer, a successful game inventor. Together they were able to launch a “cubic” invasion and produce more than 100 million toys.

Time frame

So, how long does it take to solve a Rubik's cube? The instructions are not particularly attractive to novice puzzlers. Therefore, it will take a long and painful time to collect. Many people can’t stand it and quit what they started halfway through. But assembling this puzzle perfectly develops motor skills, stimulates the mind, calms you down and helps you understand yourself. Over time, people realize that it is very difficult to assemble a puzzle at random. We have to resort to proven algorithms. Many people get hooked and switch to high-speed assembly. Such people are called “speedcubers”, and the process itself is called “speedcubing”. There are even official competitions held under the auspices of the World Cube Association. The current world record is 5.55 seconds. It was installed by Mats Volk. Before him, the world record was 5.66 seconds. According to unofficial data, he achieved a result of 4.79 seconds.

For beginners

So, you have a Rubik's cube in your hands. You have not yet studied the assembly instructions and you want to figure out for yourself how the puzzle works. The toy has 6 sides different color. When purchased, all sides are assembled and have cubes of the same color. Let your imagination run wild and spin the cube on all axes for a minute. As a result, you are faced with a confusing puzzle that, it would seem, cannot be unraveled. Many people recommend completely disassembling the cube into parts before direct assembly to ensure the correctness of the mechanism. If everything is correct, then you can begin the process. Assembly for beginners consists of seven stages, each of which is quite achievable even for a child.

Step-by-step instructions: how to solve a Rubik's cube

You will need to focus on the white side. Imagine that this is the base that holds the entire structure. After each “machination”, check the white side so that its integrity is not damaged. At the first stage, collect where the white square is in the center. Note that the center sectors on each side tell you which color to collect where. At the second stage, you need to assemble the corners of the white side. Next come the ribs of the white layer, the cross in the last row. Then you need to move on to arranging the edges and corners of the last layer and rotating the corners.

Among the most common

The instructions for solving a Rubik's cube by the author are very popular. This is a high-speed assembly method that does not require memorization large quantity formulas The main thing is to understand the principle. In the process, a cross is assembled on one of the sides. The first layer is assembled simultaneously with the second. Next comes the orientation and rearrangement of the elements of the top layer.

On intuition

If you don’t want to memorize formulas at all, then you’ll have to taste them step-by-step instruction Rubik's cube using the method of Valery Morozov. Here you need to memorize the basic principles of assembly. First, eight corner elements are assembled. Next, the four ribs in the middle layer are gathered into a cross on the side. The remaining eight ribs must form correct pairs. Finally, the six central sectors are installed on their edges.

We walk along the stripes

If you have already tried and even managed to complete the puzzle, then you can try the so-called stripe method. It is suitable for a 5*5 cube, but it is better to train on a smaller version - 3*3.

To master the method, you need to be able to distinguish between sides and be able to rotate the cube clockwise and counterclockwise. The assembly begins with the notorious white cross. Next, it needs to be extended to the corner elements. Your task is to ensure that the central elements of the sides coincide with the upper ones, which extend from the white cross. The white corner elements need to be moved to the same side. An inexperienced person can master the Rubik's cube this way. The beginner's assembly instructions for this type are not that simple, but they give consistent instructions. Be prepared for the fact that this is not an easy task.

Basic knowledge

So it turns out that many people themselves come up with an algorithm for how to solve a Rubik’s cube. Step-by-step instructions are not particularly important to them. Maybe you can invent your own method too? Anything is possible, but there is basic knowledge, which will be useful to every person. So, the cube has a frame - a cross, on which the central parts are attached. All elements are movable, and the cube itself rotates in all directions. The base side is usually taken to be the white side, and the opposite side is usually yellow. Rotation of parts is possible clockwise, counterclockwise and 180 degrees. It is further known that simplest scheme assembly includes seven successive stages. The white cross is always assembled first

Main stage

So, in front of you is a Rubik's cube, instructions for beginners, and about half an hour to spare. This is enough to master the basics of assembly. Initially, you should not chase time. Practice and only practice will help you become a speedcuber. In the meantime, try to master main stage- assembly of the cross. By the way, successful speedcubers perform it intuitively, since there are no formulas. The main thing is to find the side with the white cube in the center. Remember that each edge cube has two colors and, accordingly, it must coincide with two centers - white and colored. Now check the side with the white center for any white ribs. If they are, then simply rotate the bottom of the cube to align the edge with the second center. Now look at the opposite side: if there are white edge edges there, then it is quite easy to return them to the white side. The remaining elements can be adjusted to the top by lifting the cube with the white side to the top and turning it towards the center.

Start the build process

The first two layers can be laid out quite simply. This is a very problematic moment for those who are wondering how to solve a Rubik's cube. Instructions for beginners will be visual aid, but in general this step can be done intuitively. The main problem with this is installing the corner cubes in the first layer. Speedcubers have a special technique for this, which they call “bang-bang.” By the way, it also has its own formula. Try to always keep the cube with the white center (and side accordingly) down. Look for a side cube that matches the colors of the border sides. Side edge lift it up, and then take it to the side, opposite from the side of the cross that “went” to the other side. The mechanism for lining up corner cubes remains identical - searching for a cube in the color frames, bringing it to the desired field, and then moving it to the side with a “new” cube. After installing the corner cubes in the bottom layer, you can move on to the second one from the bottom. The algorithm is similar, but searching for cubes becomes more difficult and longer. These same rib cubes are set in place using one formula and its mirror image. Before lining up, you need to rotate the top layer and place the rib cube in the right place. Always make sure that the color of the side edge matches the color of the central sector of the middle layer. Yes, and don't destroy the top white cross. If you are building the white side, then a priori its integrity will not be violated, but if the colored side is being assembled, the destruction of the white cross is fraught with complete chaos in the puzzle. With similar mirror repetitions you can completely assemble the white side and the two lower layers on each side. Plus, as a result of your work, the central sectors of the sides should coincide with the centers. Now you are left with the final step - collecting the corner cubes on the top side.

Many people in free time solve a Rubik's cube and try to do it faster and easier than others. Since 1980, the search for the so-called God algorithm for high-speed assembly began. Mathematicians, programmers and simply lovers of scientific riddles are looking for a method that allows them to solve the puzzle in minimal amount moves. In 2010, programmer Thomas Rokicki, mathematicians Herbert Kotzemba and Morley Davidson, and engineer John Detridge were able to prove that any puzzle configuration can be solved in a maximum of 20 moves. In this case, any rotation of the face is considered a move.

The most exciting activity is solving a Rubik's cube. This fun puzzle for adults and children allows them to practice logical thinking, as well as develop your mathematical abilities. Our article will tell you how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube for beginners, plus a diagram with pictures and an educational video will help you understand this issue.

Solve a Rubik's cube 3×3 diagram with pictures

The standard design is a cube with six sides of different colors. The cube size is 3x3 separate sectors that can rotate in different directions. Such actions are achieved through a special crosspiece inside the puzzle, which cannot be seen from the outside. Based on the “classic” Rubik’s cube, many variations of this puzzle have been invented. There are cubes with two, four and even five sectors, as well as triangular and pentagonal designs. The so-called mirror cubes, in which the parts are of the same color but of different sizes, deserve special attention. It is assembled according to the same rules and patterns as the classic cube model. The task in this case requires more attention and concentration, because you need to switch your brain from colors to sizes.

To assemble a cube, there is a special algorithm compiled by its developer. Subsequently, many more algorithms of varying complexity appeared, allowing one to assemble the puzzle from various positions and even set speed records. It is better to look at the instructions clearly in pictures so that you can apply the described algorithms.

How to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube quickly and easily for beginners

To use such instructions, it is imperative to master the theoretical basis. In the process, do not forget that this is a mathematical puzzle, to solve which it is necessary to understand and remember a certain sequence of actions.

Basic facts, terms and concepts:

  • Each 3 by 3 cube has 6 centers, 8 corners and 12 edges.
  • The central part never changes its location and is always stationary. It is by the color of the center that the edge of the cube is determined.
  • Each edge has two colors, which also cannot be changed during rotation.
  • The colors of the corners are determined in the same way. They remain unchanged and are a combination of three colors.

The designation of edges and direction of movement is also important. It is this information that will help you solve the cube according to the proposed formula.

The following values ​​are officially accepted:

  1. F (front or Ф) - the front (front) side of the cube.
  2. B (back or T) - back or rear side.
  3. L (left or L) - edge on the left.
  4. R (right or P) - edge on the right.
  5. U (up or B) - top part.
  6. D (down or H) - the bottom of the cube.
  7. Fw (f) - front (front) side together with the middle layer.
  8. Bw (b) - back part together with the middle part.
  9. Lw(l)- left side and middle layer.
  10. Rw(r)- Right side along with the average.
  11. Uw (u) - the upper part together with the middle layer.
  12. Dw (d) - the bottom part of the puzzle together with the middle part.

The central cubes have a letter designation similar to the names of the middle part. For ease of identification, they are written with a small letter. The rib parts are designated by two letters, and the corner parts by three.

If there are simply letter designations in the diagram, the rotation of the faces is carried out clockwise. In formulas, you can find the designation of the apostrophe sign (`) next to the letter. This means that the specified face should be turned counterclockwise. If there is a number 2 next to the designation, this means that you will have to scroll in the indicated direction the specified number of times. Usually with such notation the apostrophe sign is not indicated. Essentially, the result will be the same when rotating in one direction or the other.

It is also worth studying the notation of interceptions. This is the name for moving (changing the position) of a cube in space.

Intercept designations:

  • x - rotation occurs from itself along the plane R and L. As a result, side F turns into U.
  • x` - rotation occurs towards itself along the plane R and L. As a result, side F turns into D.
  • y - rotation occurs in a horizontal clockwise direction. As a result, the F side turns into an L.
  • y` - rotation occurs in a horizontal counterclockwise direction. As a result, the F side turns into an R.
  • z - rotation occurs in the frontal plane clockwise. As a result, the U side turns into an R.
  • z` - rotation occurs in the frontal plane counterclockwise. As a result, the U side turns into an L.

Interesting fact: the creator of the fascinating puzzle Erno Kubik derived the ideal mathematical dimensions of the cube as 57 mm. Many puzzle manufacturers still adhere to this standard.

How to solve a mirror Rubik's cube

Having mastered the basic techniques of assembling a cube, you can begin to develop more complex variations. Before solving a mirror Rubik's cube, you need to perfectly master the techniques of assembling a regular puzzle. After this, the task will not be so difficult, because the assembly algorithm will not differ significantly.

Video of assembling a Rubik's cube

You can clearly see the assembly of the mirror cube in the proposed video clip. It should be noted that now you can purchase not only a model with “classic” silver edges, but also colored cubes with different sizes faces. It will be even easier to assemble such designs, because not only the shape, but also the color will serve as a clue.

How to solve a Rubik's cube: diagram from the magazine "Science and Life" 1982

When did the puzzle first appear? former USSR, many people puzzled over the solution to this problem. At the same time, the solution published almost immediately helped to assemble the puzzle in the simplest way, and in a way that is still used today.

How to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube:

  • Placement of a cross on the top layer of the basic four elements and orientation of the side blocks.
  • Installing the four corner pieces on the first layer of the puzzle.
  • Exhibition of the four side elements of the cube by color.
  • Assembly of corner elements of the second layer.
  • Turning the cube over, exposing the four side elements of the third layer.
  • Assembling corner blocks into their positions, but they can be turned over.
  • Correct orientation of corner blocks.

Thanks to the given diagrams in color, it was also possible to perform several atypical assemblies, so-called solitaire games. This will ensure a fun time with the puzzle even after the solution has been mastered until it becomes automatic.

Algorithm, scheme and formula of God

Most easy way How to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube is modestly called “God’s algorithm.” On the task of developing the simplest and fast way Many people have been thinking about solving the cube for more than one year. At first, the most “advanced” algorithm included a minimum of 38 moves and required more than 119 variants of events to study. Of course, there are fans of such a system even now, but for a record quick assembly this won't be enough.

The “algorithm of God” or the Lord includes a sequence of several moves:

On the first pass, you may not be able to solve the Rubik's Cube. You should repeat the above sequence of actions one or more times until the desired result is achieved. You can clearly see how to solve a 3 by 3 Rubik's cube as quickly as possible in the video.

At the stage of its discovery, this entertaining puzzle drove many people crazy, because out of many options, only one algorithm made it possible to collect all the edges by color. Our article provides step-by-step instructions in pictures, and also describes detailed algorithm steps to solve a Rubik's cube.

- that's half the battle. Now it needs to be assembled. And here this most detailed video instruction will help you.


The internet is full right now a huge amount instructions on the topic "how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube". The methods for solving a Rubik's cube for beginners, taught by numerous instructors, are practically no different.
Except for one thing, the most important thing - simplicity and accessibility of explanation. This is what determines how quickly you or your child will solve your first Rubik's cube.


Simplest method of teaching how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube developed by the hero of the show “Ukraine’s Got Talent” Maxim Chechnev. Maxim, while working in children's camps, taught many children how to solve a 3x3 cube. And based on my experience I developed the simplest technique learning that is understandable and accessible to children even of primary school age.

The learning process is divided into 9 lessons with tasks. Don't be intimidated by the number of lessons - all of them can be completed within a few hours. But in the end, you will not only solve your first Rubik's cube, but you are also guaranteed to remember the assembly steps and the second time you will definitely solve the Rubik's cube without any hints, on your own.

How to solve a Rubik's cube video from Maxim Chechnev.

Stage 1. Basics of the structure of the cube.

Stage 2. Putting a cross on one of the sides + theory about the elements of a 3x3 Rubik's cube.

After you have assembled the cross, before watching video 3, you MUST disassemble and reassemble it several times. Reinforce the steps and Rubik's cube formulas immediately, so as not to forget in an hour!

Stage 3. Put the elements of the cross in place.

Stage 4. Assemble one side completely.

Stage 5A. We assemble the second layer (second floor) of the Rubik's cube + securing the material.

IMPORTANT! After completing step 5A, disassemble your cube - and be sure to secure the previous 4 steps of solving the Rubik's Cube on the orange side (solve the cross, and then the entire orange side).

Stage 5B. We collect the second layer (second floor) of the Rubik's cube + additional possible situations.