Orthodox pectoral cross. Christian cross - what it is like

Hello everyone, I decided to start publishing articles about what else, besides coins, is most often found on the mine and what is sometimes more valuable than the treasured round pieces, not counting, of course, gold and silver rings. I’ll start with pectoral crosses, since I think their history and typology will be very interesting for those who dig into the old days.

Types of crosses

A pectoral cross is a cross worn around the neck as a sign of belonging to the Christian church. According to tradition, it is received at baptism. It is believed that the predecessors of the cross-vests were encolpions - miniature chest arks, inside of which particles of the relics of saints or consecrated prosphoras were kept.

The first mentions of crosses worn on the body under clothing are found in documents from the beginning of the 4th century. In Rus', the custom of wearing such jewelry spread with the adoption of Christianity - at the end of the 10th century.

Popular forms of crosses in Orthodoxy

Although there are no written rules regarding what a pectoral cross should look like in Orthodoxy, masters in different times Still, they tried to adhere to certain unspoken canons. On the form and appearance products, in addition to church tradition, were influenced by artistic trends characteristic of a particular era, and the personal preferences of the author. Women's pectoral crosses differed from men's, below is the Old Believer female pectoral cross.

Artistic techniques used in the design of products often had regional features. A striking example of this is the Novgorod crosses, reminiscent of the Templar type, complemented by a circle. It is noteworthy that in other ancient Russian lands a similar form is practically not found.

Most common following types body crosses:

  • Immissa is a four-pointed cross with a crossbar located above the middle of the vertical line. This form is considered one of the oldest, but is currently more common among Catholics.

  • The Greek cross or “korsunchik” is a type of four-pointed cross that has equal sides. This form was traditional for Byzantium. It was from there that she migrated to Kievan Rus. During times Russian Empire The Greek cross formed the basis of the insignia.

  • The petal cross is another variation of the four-pointed cross, characterized by smooth lines and the absence of corners. Products based on immissa have a leaf-like outline. Symbol c equal sides more like a flower. Petal crosses are considered feminine.

  • The teardrop-shaped four-pointed cross is a popular shape among Christians of all directions. This type can be recognized by its characteristic elements in the form of droplets located along the edges of the rays. This decor symbolizes drops of Christ's blood.

  • The six-pointed Orthodox cross has the same shape as the immissa, but has a crossbar at the bottom. This detail depicts a scale with good on one side and evil on the other.

  • The eight-pointed form is the most canonical from the point of view of the Orthodox Church. This cross looks like a six-pointed one, but at the top there is a short crossbar, symbolizing a tablet that read “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” Some pieces depict the crucified Christ or a crown of thorns in the center.

Old Russian pectoral crosses

According to archaeological finds on the territory of ancient Russian cities, the first crosses on the body were of the Greek type - four-pointed, with equal rays. Some products have widening or three-lobed termination of branches at the ends, others are decorated with round medallions at the edges. Among the copper cast plastics of the 11th–13th centuries, encolpions are often found. The suffering Savior was depicted on the reliquary crosses, with John the Theologian and the Mother of God on his sides. As a rule, the vertical branches of the products were decorated with images of saints and archangels. In many ways, ancient Russian pectoral crosses were similar to Byzantine ones. But the Slavs often supplemented Christian symbols with pagan ones, for example, they enclosed a cross in a crescent (Moon) or a circle (Sun).

Features of cross-vests of the XIV - XVII centuries

Masters of the 14th–15th centuries who created crosses on body crosses often took monumental crosses, which play a major role in the decoration of famous churches, as a model. The four-pointed shape is replaced by an eight-pointed one. Tin inlaying is becoming a common technique; just like the pre-Mongol invasion, crosses are again decorated with cloisonné enamel and blackened. The iconography of crosses also undergoes changes. Demon fighters are increasingly depicted on vests. Particularly popular is the image of the Archangel Michael, which adorns the metal, bone and wooden crosses of soldiers.

TO XVI century In Rus', there has been a tradition of supplementing images on products with letter symbols and texts of prayers.

What pectoral crosses looked like in the era of Peter I - Nicholas II

As Baroque penetrates into Russian art, the shape of pectoral crosses becomes more complex. The lines become more sophisticated and pretentious. The image of the crucified Christ disappears, and a crown of thorns appears on the middle crossbar.

Old Believer pectoral crosses of the 18th–19th centuries are mostly eight-pointed. If there are four-pointed products, then they have an inscribed eight-pointed cross. The "vests" of the Old Believers are often decorated with multi-colored enamel, with reverse side contain an excerpt of prayer.

Nikonian crosses are more varied and have elements borrowed from the West in their design. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, crosses with a “Catholic” crucifix and the inscription “Save and Preserve” became popular in the Russian Empire.

What do the inscriptions and letters on the cross mean?

That's it for anyone who has any additions, write below in the comments, I will be glad to supplement the article.

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Crosses: the most common forms. A class of signs identical in shape to geometric elements, widely used in emblems and heraldry. Published on the web portal

Crosses: the most common forms

The common symbol of humanity is the cross. It can be found in the most ancient religions, in the most ancient civilizations: in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, etc. Who invented the cross? Nobody - because he exists in nature. This is an ancient universal symbol and, above all, a symbol of the connection between the micro- and macrocosm, spirit and matter in their connection. The cross symbolizes the involvement of the spirit (vertical line) in time (horizontal line).

The shapes of the cross are varied. They differ in the number of crossbars, the number of ends of the cross, and proportions.

Greek cross

Greek cross

The cross has the simplest form: square, with ends of equal length, the horizontal crossbar is located in the middle of the vertical one. Cross of St. George. This sign, also called crux quadrata, has been used since prehistoric times in the most different meanings- as a symbol of the sun god, the rain god, the elements from which the world was created: air, earth, fire and water. In early Christianity, the Greek cross symbolized Christ. It is also a symbol of secular, earthly power, but received from God. Used in medieval heraldry.

Hammer Cross

Hammer Cross

The hammer cross is a type of Greek cross. One of the main heraldic crosses, named so from the French potenee - “support”, since its shape is similar to the supports used in antiquity.

Latin cross

Latin cross

Another name for the Latin cross is the long cross. Its horizontal crossbar is located above the middle of the vertical crossbar. It is the most common Christian symbol in the Western world. It is believed that it was from such a cross that Christ was taken down, hence its other names: the cross of the Crucifixion, the cross of the West, the cross of Life, the cross of Suffering. This form, so similar to a man with outstretched arms, symbolized God in Greece and China long before the advent of Christianity. For the Egyptians, a cross rising from the heart symbolized kindness.

Saint Peter's Cross

Saint Peter's Cross

The cross of St. Peter is an inverted Latin cross. Since the 4th century it has been one of the symbols of St. Peter, who is believed to have been crucified head down on an inverted cross in 65 AD. e. during the reign of Emperor Nero in Rome.

An inverted Latin cross, that is, the cross of St. Peter, with pointed ends, is the emblem of the Templar Order.

St. Andrew's cross (oblique cross)

St. Andrew's cross (oblique cross)

It is also called diagonal or oblique. The Apostle Saint Andrew suffered martyrdom on such a cross. The Romans used this symbol to mark a border beyond which passage was prohibited. The oblique cross also symbolizes perfection, the number 10. In heraldry, this cross is called the saltire.

Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Russia, and when Peter the Great created the Russian navy (in the 1690s), he adopted a blue oblique cross on a white background for the navy's flag.

Tau Cross (St. Anthony's Cross)

Tau cross

Saint Anthony's Cross

The Tau Cross is so named because of its resemblance to the Greek letter "T" (tau). It symbolizes life, the key to sovereignty, the phallus. IN Ancient Egypt- a sign of fertility and life. In biblical times, it was a symbol of protection. The Scandinavians have Thor's hammer. In Christian churches - the cross of St. Anthony (founder of Christian monasticism, 4th century). From the beginning of the 13th century - the emblem of Francis of Assisi. In heraldry this is the Almighty Cross. Also known as the "gibbet cross" because of its resemblance to a gallows, as it was made in ancient times.

Ankh (Egyptian cross)

Ankh - the key to the gates of death

Ankh - the most significant symbol among the ancient Egyptians, also known as the “cross with a handle.” This cross combines two symbols: a circle (as a symbol of eternity) and a tau cross suspended from it (as a symbol of life); together they mean immortality, eternal life. The Ankh also represents “the life that will come,” “the time that will come,” hidden wisdom, the key to the secrets of life and knowledge, and the key that opens the gates of death. Perhaps it symbolizes the Tree of Life, as well as the sun rising above the horizon.

Maltese cross

Maltese cross

The Maltese cross is also called eight-pointed. It symbolizes the four great gods of Assyria: Ra, Anu, Belus and Hea. Emblem of the Knights of the Order of Malta. The white cross of this form on a black background was from the very beginning the emblem of the military and religious order of the Hospitallers (Johannites), who moved their headquarters to Malta (in 1529) - hence the name.

In philately, the Maltese cross was the first postmark used to cancel postal items from 1840 to 1844.

Patriarchal cross

Patriarchal cross

The Patriarchal Cross is used by archbishops and cardinals. It is also called the Catholic cardinal's cross and the double-bar cross. The top crossbar represents a titulus (a board for writing a name), introduced by order of Pontius Pilate. Called the archbishop's cross, it is often found on the coats of arms of archbishops.

This cross is widespread in Greece and is sometimes called the Angevin or Lorraine cross. It is sometimes mistakenly called the Cross of Lorran.

Papal cross

Papal cross

The papal cross with three horizontal bars is also known as the triple cross. Used in processions in which the pope participates. The three crossed lines symbolize power and the Tree of Life.

Russian cross

Russian cross (cross of St. Lazarus)

This eight-pointed cross is the cross of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is also called the Eastern cross or the cross of St. Lazarus. Symbol of the Orthodox Church in the Eastern Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Russia.

The upper of the three crossbars is the titulus, where the name was written, as in the patriarchal cross, the lower crossbar is beveled.

Cross of Constantine (Chi-Rho sign)

Cross of Constantine

Magic seal with the symbol "Chi-Rho" (Agrippa, 1533)

The Cross of Constantine is a monogram known as “Chi-Rho” (“chi” and “rho” are the first two letters of the name of Christ in Greek). Legend has it that Emperor Constantine saw this cross in the sky on his way to Rome, and along with the cross he saw the inscription “By this victory.” According to another legend, he saw a cross in a dream the night before the battle and heard a voice: “With this sign you will win”). They say that it was this prediction that converted Constantine to Christianity. And the monogram became the first generally accepted symbol of Christianity - as a sign of victory and salvation.

Rosicrucian cross

Cross with rose (Rosicrucian)

Another name is the cross of a rose (five-petalled). Emblem of the Rosicrucian Order. Symbol of harmony, center, heart. The rose and cross also symbolize the Resurrection and Atonement of Christ. This sign is understood as the divine light of the Universe (rose) and earthly world suffering (cross), both feminine and masculine, material and spiritual, spiritual and sensual love. The cross with a rose is a symbol of an initiate who, thanks to work on himself, has managed to develop in himself love, life-giving and transforming matter.

Masonic cross

Masonic cross (cross in a circle)

The Masonic cross is a cross inscribed in a circle. It means Holy place and a space center. The four dimensions of space in the celestial circle symbolize the totality that includes the Great Spirit. This cross represents the Cosmic Tree, spreading horizontally over the Earth and touching Heaven through the vertical central axis. Such a cross was either made in stone or depicted on the walls of Roman Gothic churches, symbolizing their sanctification.

Pacifist cross

Pacifist cross (peace cross)

This symbol was developed by Gerald Holtom in 1958 for the then emerging movement for nuclear disarmament. To develop the symbol, he used the semaphore alphabet: he made a cross from its symbols - for "N" (nuclear, nuclear) and "D" (disarmament, disarmament) - and placed them in a circle, which symbolized a global agreement. This cross soon became one of the most common signs of the 60s of the twentieth century, symbolizing both peace and anarchy.

Among all Christians, only Orthodox and Catholics venerate crosses and icons. They decorate the domes of churches, their houses, and wear them around their necks with crosses.

The reason why a person wears pectoral cross, everyone has their own. Some pay tribute to fashion in this way, for some the cross is a beautiful piece of jewelry, for others it brings good luck and is used as a talisman. But there are also those for whom the pectoral cross worn at baptism is truly a symbol of their endless faith.

Today shops and church shops offer a wide variety of crosses various shapes. However, very often not only parents who are planning to baptize a child, but also sales consultants cannot explain where the Orthodox cross is and where the Catholic one is, although it is, in fact, very simple to distinguish them.In the Catholic tradition - a quadrangular cross with three nails. In Orthodoxy there are four-pointed, six- and eight-pointed crosses, with four nails for the hands and feet.

Cross shape

Four-pointed cross

So, in the West the most common is four-pointed cross. Starting from the 3rd century, when similar crosses first appeared in the Roman catacombs, the entire Orthodox East still uses this form of the cross as equal to all others.

For Orthodoxy, the shape of the cross is not particularly important, much more more attention is paid to what is depicted on it, but the eight-pointed and six-pointed crosses are the most popular.

Eight-pointed Orthodox cross most corresponds to the historically accurate form of the cross on which Christ was already crucified.The Orthodox cross, which is most often used by the Russian and Serbian Orthodox churches, contains, in addition to a large horizontal crossbar, two more. The top one symbolizes the sign on the cross of Christ with the inscription "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews"(INCI, or INRI in Latin). The lower oblique crossbar - a support for the feet of Jesus Christ symbolizes the "righteous standard" weighing the sins and virtues of all people. It is believed that it is tilted to the left, symbolizing that the repentant thief crucified according to right side from Christ, (first) went to heaven, and the thief, crucified on the left side, with his blasphemy of Christ, further aggravated his posthumous fate and ended up in hell. The letters IC XC are a christogram symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ.

Saint Demetrius of Rostov writes that “When Christ the Lord carried the cross on His shoulders, then the cross was still four-pointed; because there was still no title or foot on it. There was no foot, because Christ had not yet been raised on the cross and the soldiers did not know where their feet would reach Christ's, did not attach the footstools, having finished it already on Golgotha". Also, there was no title on the cross before the crucifixion of Christ, because, as the Gospel reports, first “they crucified Him” (John 19:18), and then only “Pilate wrote the inscription and put it on the cross” (John 19:19 ). It was first that the soldiers who “crucified Him” divided “His clothes” by lot (Matthew 27:35), and only then “They placed an inscription over His head, signifying His guilt: This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.”(Matt. 27:37).

The eight-pointed cross has long been considered the most powerful protective agent from various kinds of evil spirits, as well as visible and invisible evil.

Six-pointed cross

Widespread among Orthodox believers, especially in times Ancient Rus', also had six-pointed cross. It also has an inclined crossbar: the lower end symbolizes unrepentant sin, and the upper end symbolizes liberation through repentance.

However, all its strength does not lie in the shape of the cross or the number of ends. The cross is famous for the power of Christ crucified on it, and this is all its symbolism and miraculousness.

The variety of forms of the cross has always been recognized by the Church as quite natural. According to the expression of the Monk Theodore the Studite - “The cross of every form is the true cross” Andhas unearthly beauty and life-giving power.

“There is no significant difference between the Latin, Catholic, Byzantine, and Orthodox crosses, or between any other crosses used in Christian services. In essence, all crosses are the same, the only differences are in shape.”, says Serbian Patriarch Irinej.


In Catholic and Orthodox Churches special meaning is given not to the shape of the cross, but to the image of Jesus Christ on it.

Until the 9th century inclusive, Christ was depicted on the cross not only alive, resurrected, but also triumphant, and only in the 10th century did images of the dead Christ appear.

Yes, we know that Christ died on the cross. But we also know that He later resurrected, and that He suffered voluntarily out of love for people: to teach us to take care of the immortal soul; so that we too can be resurrected and live forever. In the Orthodox Crucifixion this Paschal joy is always present. Therefore, on the Orthodox cross, Christ does not die, but freely stretches out his arms, the palms of Jesus are open, as if he wants to hug all humanity, giving them his love and opening the way to eternal life. He is not a dead body, but God, and his whole image speaks of this.

The Orthodox cross has another, smaller one above the main horizontal crossbar, which symbolizes the sign on the cross of Christ indicating the offense. Because Pontius Pilate did not find how to describe the guilt of Christ, the words appeared on the tablet "Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews" in three languages: Greek, Latin and Aramaic. In Latin in Catholicism this inscription looks like INRI, and in Orthodoxy - IHCI(or INHI, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”). The lower oblique crossbar symbolizes a support for the legs. It also symbolizes the two thieves crucified to the left and right of Christ. One of them, before his death, repented of his sins, for which he was awarded the Kingdom of Heaven. The other, before his death, blasphemed and reviled his executioners and Christ.

The following inscriptions are placed above the middle crossbar: "IC" "HS"- the name of Jesus Christ; and below it: "NIKA"Winner.

Greek letters were necessarily written on the cross-shaped halo of the Savior UN, meaning “truly existent”, because “God said to Moses: I am who I am.”(Ex. 3:14), thereby revealing His name, expressing the originality, eternity and immutability of the being of God.

In addition, the nails with which the Lord was nailed to the cross were kept in Orthodox Byzantium. And it was known for sure that there were four of them, not three. Therefore, on Orthodox crosses, Christ’s feet are nailed with two nails, each separately. The image of Christ with crossed feet nailed to a single nail first appeared as an innovation in the West in the second half of the 13th century.

IN Catholic Crucifixion The image of Christ has naturalistic features. Catholics depict Christ as dead, sometimes with streams of blood on his face, from wounds on his arms, legs and ribs ( stigmata). It reveals all human suffering, the torment that Jesus had to experience. His arms sag under the weight of his body. Image of Christ on Catholic cross plausible, but this is an image dead person, while there is no hint of the triumph of victory over death. The crucifixion in Orthodoxy symbolizes this triumph. In addition, the Savior's feet are nailed with one nail.

Meaning death on the cross Savior

The emergence of the Christian cross is associated with the martyrdom of Jesus Christ, which he accepted on the cross under the forced sentence of Pontius Pilate. Crucifixion was a common method of execution in Ancient Rome, borrowed from the Carthaginians - descendants of Phoenician colonists (it is believed that the crucifix was first used in Phenicia). Thieves were usually sentenced to death on the cross; many early Christians, persecuted since the time of Nero, were also executed in this way.

Before the suffering of Christ, the cross was an instrument of shame and terrible punishment. After His suffering, it became a symbol of the victory of good over evil, life over death, a reminder of the endless God's love, a subject of joy. The incarnate Son of God sanctified the cross with His blood and made it a vehicle of His grace, a source of sanctification for believers.

From the Orthodox dogma of the Cross (or Atonement) undoubtedly follows the idea that the death of the Lord is a ransom for all, the calling of all peoples. Only the cross, unlike other executions, made it possible for Jesus Christ to die with outstretched hands calling “to all the ends of the earth” (Isa. 45:22).

Reading the Gospels, we are convinced that the feat of the cross of the God-man is the central event in His earthly life. With His suffering on the cross, He washed away our sins, covered our debt to God, or, in the language of Scripture, “redeemed” (ransomed) us. The incomprehensible secret of the infinite truth and love of God is hidden in Calvary.

The Son of God voluntarily took upon himself the guilt of all people and suffered for it a shameful and painful death on the cross; then on the third day he rose again as the conqueror of hell and death.

Why was such a terrible Sacrifice needed to cleanse the sins of mankind, and was it possible to save people in another, less painful way?

The Christian teaching about the death of the God-man on the cross is often a “stumbling block” for people with already established religious and philosophical concepts. Both to many Jews and to the people of the Greek culture of apostolic times, it seemed contradictory to assert that the omnipotent and eternal God descended to earth in the form of a mortal man, voluntarily endured beatings, spitting and shameful death, so that this feat could bring spiritual benefit to humanity. "This is impossible!"- some objected; "It is not necessary!"- others argued.

St. Apostle Paul in his letter to the Corinthians says: “Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not in the wisdom of the word, so as not to make the cross of Christ abolish. For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and the understanding of the understanding I will reject. Where is the wise man? where is the scribe? where is the questioner of this age? Has not God turned the wisdom of this world into foolishness? For when the world through its wisdom did not know God in the wisdom of God, it pleased God through the foolishness of preaching to save those who believe. For even the Jews demand miracles, and the Greeks seek wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to the Jews, and foolishness to the Greeks, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ, God's power and God's wisdom"(1 Cor. 1:17-24).

In other words, the apostle explained that what in Christianity was perceived by some as temptation and madness, is in fact a matter of the greatest Divine wisdom and omnipotence. The truth of the atoning death and resurrection of the Savior is the foundation for many other Christian truths, for example, about the sanctification of believers, about the sacraments, about the meaning of suffering, about virtues, about feat, about the purpose of life, about the upcoming judgment and resurrection of the dead and others.

At the same time, the atoning death of Christ, being an event inexplicable in terms of earthly logic and even “tempting for those who are perishing,” has a regenerating power that the believing heart feels and strives for. Renewed and warmed by this spiritual power, both the last slaves and the most powerful kings bowed in awe before Calvary; both dark ignoramuses and the greatest scientists. After the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles personal experience They were convinced of the great spiritual benefits that the atoning death and resurrection of the Savior brought them, and they shared this experience with their disciples.

(The mystery of the redemption of mankind is closely connected with a number of important religious and psychological factors. Therefore, to understand the mystery of redemption it is necessary:

a) understand what actually constitutes the sinful damage of a person and the weakening of his will to resist evil;

b) we must understand how the devil’s will, thanks to sin, gained the opportunity to influence and even captivate the human will;

c) we need to understand the mysterious power of love, its ability to positively influence a person and ennoble him. At the same time, if love most of all reveals itself in sacrificial service to one’s neighbor, then there is no doubt that giving one’s life for him is the highest manifestation of love;

d) from understanding the power of human love, one must rise to understanding the power of Divine love and how it penetrates the soul of a believer and transforms his inner world;

e) in addition, in the atoning death of the Savior there is a side that goes beyond the human world, namely: On the cross there was a battle between God and the proud Dennitsa, in which God, hiding under the guise of weak flesh, emerged victorious. The details of this spiritual battle and Divine victory remain a mystery to us. Even Angels, according to St. Peter, do not fully understand the mystery of redemption (1 Peter 1:12). She is a sealed book that only the Lamb of God could open (Rev. 5:1-7)).

In Orthodox asceticism there is such a concept as bearing one’s cross, that is, patiently fulfilling Christian commandments throughout the life of a Christian. All difficulties, both external and internal, are called the “cross.” Everyone carries their own cross in life. About the need personal feat The Lord said this: “Whoever does not take up his cross (deviates from the feat) and follows Me (calls himself a Christian), is unworthy of Me.”(Matt. 10:38).

“The cross is the guardian of the entire universe. The Cross is the beauty of the Church, the Cross of kings is the power, the Cross is the affirmation of the faithful, the Cross is the glory of an angel, the Cross is a plague of demons,”- states absolute Truth luminaries of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross.

The motives for the outrageous desecration and blasphemy of the Holy Cross by conscious cross-haters and crusaders are quite understandable. But when we see Christians drawn into this vile business, it is all the more impossible to remain silent, for - in the words of St. Basil the Great - “God is betrayed by silence”!

Differences between Catholic and Orthodox crosses

Thus, there are the following differences between the Catholic cross and the Orthodox one:

  1. most often has an eight-pointed or six-pointed shape. - four-pointed.

  2. Words on a sign on the crosses are the same, only written in different languages: Latin INRI(in the case of the Catholic cross) and Slavic-Russian IHCI(on the Orthodox cross).

  3. Another fundamental position is position of the feet on the Crucifix and number of nails. The feet of Jesus Christ are placed together on a Catholic Crucifix, and each is nailed separately on an Orthodox cross.

  4. What is different is image of the Savior on the cross. The Orthodox cross depicts God, who opened the path to eternal life, while the Catholic cross depicts a man experiencing torment.

Material prepared by Sergey Shulyak

The cross in Orthodoxy is not just an object of worship, it is a powerful tool for repentance and atonement for sins, for receiving God's grace. There are many crucifixes and they are different. It is common among people to divide them into male and female, for the domes of churches, etc. There are Orthodox and Catholic. There are no canons in the church that separate crosses by gender, just as there are no special ones for baptism and other holidays.

There are many secrets hidden in the crucifixion. For the Orthodox, this is a kind of strongest amulet against evil spirit, evil eye, unpleasant accidents. They are worn without taking them off. Once upon a time, when a child left home or left Father's house, a cross was hung around the neck. It was called wearable.

The mind must honor the words of prayer, the laws of God. The heart must be in repentance and tears for sinful actions.

During baptism, a cross is also worn. It is believed that by removing it, you open the way for dark forces to reach the baby. Therefore, the rope or chain is made so long that it is comfortable for the child and cannot be removed.

When you enter church, you mark yourself with a cross, this is a righteous sign and faith in its power.

Image of orthodox cross

The meaning of the Orthodox cross

The cross is an integral part of Orthodoxy. Denotes the crucified Jesus and the life he gave for us sinners. Atheists think that Orthodoxy worships the instrument that killed Christ. But this is far from true. Believers worship the symbol of eternal life. The Church says “the life-giving cross,” which means that Jesus, in terrible agony, begged the Almighty for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life for the laity.

By putting a cross on themselves, Orthodox Christians honor the Almighty, His laws, and fulfill the Word of God. They accept humility and receive blessings. That is why the cross is the redemptive power of faith for the life Jesus gave.

Types of Orthodox crosses

Patriarchal Cross

Used in the middle of the last century. Such grand cross located in the Museum of Russian Art.

Four-pointed cross

“All-honorable cross, four-pointed power, blessing to the Apostles.”

Six-pointed cross “Russian Orthodox”

This crucifix has its purpose. The lower bar serves as a kind of scale of good and bad deeds. This is how Jesus defined the two criminals who were crucified on either side of him. One of them repented and departed into another world with a pure soul, and the second blasphemed Christ and ended up in hell.

Eight-pointed cross

Christ was executed on a four-pointed crucifix. And only when they drove the nail into the feet, the lower bar, the foot, appeared at the crucifix. After this, they attached the top bar at the headboard with the inscription.

This is how the eight-pointed cross, now known throughout the world, appeared.

Seven-pointed cross

Such crosses were depicted in 1500 in northern Russia. They are also installed on the domes of Russian churches.

Cross “crown of thorns”

“The whole earth is cursed because of you. Only thorns will grow,” these were God’s words to Adam. Jesus, without coercion, took upon himself all the sins of mankind, and the crown of thorns is like the thorny road he passed while carrying the cress for crucifixion. Completely atoned for Adam's sin.

Cross “gallows”

Such crucifixes can be seen in almost all churches. All church objects are crowned with them.

Cross “grapevine”

I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser” (John 15:1). This designation was given by Jesus to himself and to the Lord God. The combination of a crucifix and a vine can be found on the domes.

Cross “Greek”, or ancient Russian “korsunchik”

One of the oldest in Rus'. Saint Prince Vladimir was baptized with this cross.
This designation was given to the micro-ecumenical cross.

Domed cross with crescent

The domes are topped with such crucifixes. This is the form of the distant 1570s. It is designated as the birthplace of Christ, as an anchor of hope for eternal life, as the enemy of the Lord God at the feet of Jesus.

Trefoil cross

Altar crosses in churches are crowned with this design. It is on the symbols of the Russian state.

Cross “Maltese”, or “St. George”

It got its name after the murder of Pavel Petrovich the Russian Emperor. He was an adherent and trustee of the Order of John of Jerusalem in Malta. This organization opposed Freemasonry. That's why the Masons killed the Emperor.

The cross of St. George the Victorious was used to award cavalry.

Cross “Prosphora-Konstantinovsky”

The very name already suggests that they place it on prosphora. You have the opportunity to see and eat them in church after communion.

Old printed “wicker” cross

Such drawings can be seen on printed ancient books in Russia.

Four-pointed “drop-shaped” cross

When Christ died in terrible agony, drops of his blood dripped onto the cross on which he was crucified. Giving it special power.

Cross “crucifixion”

Before the 1800s, Jesus was presented as living or resurrected. Since ancient times, crosses had a footstool, and the legs were nailed separately, and Jesus seemed to be leaning against the crucifix. And only Catholics have a clear image of Christ with sagging arms. It is clear in what terrible agony he died. The bottom line is this: the laity must see the power of Christ’s love for his people, that he gave his life for them.

Schema cross, or “Golgotha”

They are embroidered on the priests' clothes. This is an image of a spiritual cross. Used to illuminate a room, glued to 4 walls. His designation is true guardian.

Gamma cross

It was used in ancient times to decorate church objects. It is also visible under the dome of the Hagia Sophia, on the door drawings of Nizhny Novgorod Cathedral.

Correct Orthodox cross

A four-pointed crucifix is ​​considered correct. It should have an image of Christ, his feet nailed with two nails.

Eight-pointed Orthodox cross

Christ was executed on such a crucifixion.

And only when they drove the nail into the feet, a foot appeared at the crucifixion. After this, they attached the top bar at the headboard with the inscription. This is how the eight-pointed crucifix appeared, now known throughout the world.

It can also be considered as eight periods human life. The eighth is another world, a future life. One end looks towards the Kingdom of God. The crossbar for the legs speaks about sin on earth, that Jesus broke stereotypes, showed people that there is God, explained to them what sin is.

Proportions of the Orthodox cross

The cross consists of a base and three additional parts:

  • Inscription plate;
  • The one in the middle is intended for the hands with which Jesus embraces the world, showing his love for it;
  • Bottom, foot base.

The base for the feet has this shape for a reason. According to scripture, believers will stand on the right hand of Christ, sinners on the left. Those on the right will go to the Kingdom of God, those on the left will go to utter hell.

By standards. Hands spread out in width are proportional to the person’s height. Accordingly, part of the middle bar of the cross must correspond to the length from the middle to the beginning of the bottom bar. This means that with a base of 1, the length of the bar will be 0.618, from the middle to the bottom it will also be 0.618. From the top to the beginning of the crucifixion 1-0.618=0.382. Difference 0.382/2=0.191

What is the difference between an Orthodox cross and a Catholic one?

On the Catholic cross, Christ's legs are crossed, nailed with one nail. He is depicted alive, experiencing terrible torment. The inscription has the designation INRI.

The Orthodox crucifix shows us Christ after the resurrection. Legs are not crossed. The inscription has the designation ІНЦІ. It is also on back side"Bless and save"

Orthodox cross for men

Crucifixes are in fashion these days. Silver stands for earthly life, gold is heaven. They have a simple look, a little rough. There may be no crucifixion at all.

Women's Orthodox cross

Women are supposed to hide the crucifix under their clothes. It is believed that this way she will be closer to God. Her prayer comes from the heart, and the cross nearby gives her strength. A woman has the Lord's blessing when she carries a child under her heart. In defense, she is given the same pectoral cross.

Nowadays, the cross also serves as a beautiful decoration.

Orthodox crosses on churches

Inscriptions on the Orthodox cross, meaning

  • The designation NIKA (victory) is Jesus' victory over death and his resurrection.
  • The ICXC designation is Jesus Christ the King of Glory.
  • The designation INCI is Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
  • The head of Adam signifies his sin and death, located at the feet of Jesus as a sacrifice for the atonement of sins.

Dimensions of the Orthodox cross for the grave

The cross is a symbol permitted by the canons of the church, which takes place during burial. Its life-giving power allows the soul to say goodbye to the world and fly away with relief into the Kingdom of God.

What does the crescent on the cross of an Orthodox church mean?

It was used in ancient times to decorate church objects. It is also visible under the dome of the Hagia Sophia, on the door drawings of the Nizhny Novgorod Cathedral. Quite common. Has a crescent, which is located at the base of the cross. They are installed on the domes of temples and churches. It signifies the birth of Jesus. They can also interpret it as the Mother of God.

There is an opinion that such a designation gives the Orthodox faith an advantage over the Muslim faith. But Muslims had such an image of the cross much earlier than it appeared in Orthodoxy.

In reality, it is a cross anchor. In the old days, the church was a lifeboat; it guided the laity to the true path, showed them the way to the Kingdom of God.

Prayer orthodox cross

"Lord Jesus, save me, a sinner"

On the back side of the crucifix there is a prayer stamped - a petition, this is the most important prayer for the Orthodox.

Pectoral cross- a small cross, symbolically representing the cross on which the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified (sometimes with the image of the Crucified One, sometimes without such an image), intended for constant wear Orthodox Christian as a sign of his loyalty to Christ, belonging to the Orthodox Church, serving as a means of protection.

The cross is the greatest Christian shrine, a visible evidence of our redemption. In the service for the Feast of the Exaltation, the tree of the Cross of the Lord is sung with many praises: “the guardian of the entire universe, beauty, the power of kings, true statement, glory and plague."

A pectoral cross is given to a baptized person who becomes a Christian to wear permanently. important place(at the heart) as an image of the Cross of the Lord, external sign Orthodox. This is also done as a reminder that the Cross of Christ is a weapon against fallen spirits, having the power to heal and give life. That is why the Cross of the Lord is called Life-Giving!

He is evidence that a person is a Christian (a follower of Christ and a member of His Church). This is why it is a sin for those who wear a cross for fashion without being a member of the Church. Consciously wearing a cross on the body is a wordless prayer, allowing this cross to demonstrate the true power of the Archetype - the Cross of Christ, which always protects the wearer, even if he does not ask for help, or does not have the opportunity to cross himself.

The cross is consecrated only once. It needs to be reconsecrated only in exceptional conditions (if it was severely damaged and restored again, or fell into your hands, but you do not know whether it was consecrated before).

There is a superstition that when consecrated, the cross acquires magical protective properties. teaches that the sanctification of matter allows us not only spiritually, but also physically - through this sanctified matter - to join the Divine grace that we need for spiritual growth and salvation. But the grace of God does not act unconditionally. A person is required to have a correct spiritual life, and it is this that makes it possible for the grace of God to have a salutary effect on us, healing us from passions and sins.

Sometimes you hear the opinion that the consecration of crosses is a late tradition and that this has never happened before. To this we can answer that the Gospel, as a book, also once did not exist and there was no Liturgy in its current form. But this does not mean at all that the Church cannot develop forms of worship and church piety. Is it contrary to Christian doctrine to invoke God’s grace on the creation of human hands?

Is it possible to wear two crosses?

The main question is why, for what purpose? If you were given another one, then it is quite possible to reverently keep one of them in a holy corner next to the icons, and wear one constantly. If you bought another one, then wear it...
A Christian is buried with a pectoral cross, so it is not passed on by inheritance. As for wearing the second pectoral cross somehow left over from a deceased relative, then wearing it as a sign of memory of the deceased indicates a misunderstanding of the essence of wearing a cross, which testifies to the Sacrifice of God, and not family relationships.

A pectoral cross is not an ornament or an amulet, but one of the visible evidence of belonging to the Church of Christ, a means of grace-filled protection and a reminder of the Savior’s commandment: If anyone wants to follow Me, deny yourself, and take up your cross, and follow Me... ().