When forming the overall style of the room. Current interior design: basic principles

Today, it is a rare householder who remains indifferent to fashionable design techniques and techniques, described in detail from television screens and the pages of magazines. Having watched several programs in which, through the efforts of a designer and construction workers, a fashionable or classic interior, many decide to renovate their own home and go to the nearest construction supermarket and furniture showroom.

For many, renovation has become both a hobby and a norm of life, and not everyone has the taste and design skills to even come close to the interior design of their dreams. In order for design experiments to be beneficial, along with newfangled trends, it is better to adhere to classic, time-tested rules and techniques for decorating your home space.

Let us say right away that there are universal rules that must be followed when setting up your home interior, at least not yet officially exists. And the point here is not only in different views, tastes and design preferences - simply the visual effect created in the room by color schemes, the texture of furniture and decoration, various accessories can be described in words, but they will be different for each interior. Moreover, when looking at the same photograph of a room made in one or another designer style, opinions different people may not coincide: to some, the classic design may seem deliberately strict or pompous, others do not accept “high-tech”, etc.

For example, a living room in a classic Western European style, with all its grace, impeccability and originality, may seem gloomy to many due to the abundance of dark tones, partial shade and restrained colors of decoration and furniture.

Perhaps, if not for the picturesque fireplace, this interior could really be called dull and uncolorful. This example shows how important Lighting and color schemes play a role in shaping the overall impression of a home's design. Even with a substantial estimate of repair costs new interior rooms can be disappointing if design tools and techniques are not used correctly without taking into account the style of the premises.

Moreover, each style has its own characteristics, determined by the design techniques and concepts used. For example, the presented photograph of a living room with windows overlooking the garden demonstrates the effective use of large mirror surfaces in the design of rooms, creating the impression of the immensity of space and adding lightness to even the most solid interior.

The photograph demonstrates ample opportunities use mirror reflections, adding “volume” and charm to the room. Of course, this is largely due to the beautiful view of the garden opening from the wide windows of the living room. Mirror wall allows you to admire not only the view itself: the colorfulness of fresh greenery and the sophistication of architectural forms, but also the reflection of the garden.

Interior work these days own home or apartments has become a fascinating hobby, and sometimes the main occupation of many owners, especially those who have enough money and time for this. “On the topic of the day,” a lot of specialized literature has been published: colorful reference guides on repairs, fascinating magazines and books.

On television, issues of organizing your own interior are discussed in all program formats. The presence of many styles and design directions suggests various options creation cozy interior. At the same time, the style of individual rooms ideally strives to harmonize with the rest of the home, thus creating an overall combined design inherent in a particular home.

Kitchen interior design in fusion style. The kitchen countertop with graphite fronts is made of Corian. Cesar kitchen, Corian countertops, Artemide lamps.

Indeed, it is not so often that you can see a combination of “Provence” and “high-tech”, “modern” and antique style in neighboring rooms. The fact is that each room is usually perceived not separately, but as part of a single architectural ensemble of the entire house, so the main task of the designer becomes the harmonization of the color and architectural solutions used in the interior.

Against the background of the dense gray walls, the pearl trim of the bed and the silver bedspread look especially elegant. Furniture by Savio Firmino, lamps by Foscarini.

Let's look at a few basic rules classic design , which successfully combines simplicity and elegance. The main importance in the perception of any interior is played by the decorative and color scheme of the rooms, determined by their geometry, as well as the amount of incoming light. If, for example, the room faces sunny side, then for wall decor it is better to choose wallpaper or paint in gray-blue or greenish tones.

It is advisable to paint shaded or north-facing rooms in yellow-orange or other bright, but sufficient light shades, the saturation of which should also vary depending on the illumination. Among other things, color preferences are determined based on the shape of the existing room.

If renovations are done in small or elongated (long) rooms, it is also advisable to design them in a more light colors– this may make them seem larger. In this case, it is better to choose wallpaper either completely plain or with the smallest possible pattern.

Speaking about the material of execution, we note the emerging trend of using natural textures: timber, wood, decorative brick and stone. True, preference is often given to these materials when working in small spaces or on certain sections of the walls to create spectacular accents or decorate natural irregularities. Room walls large sizes usually painted or wallpapered with a bright ornamental pattern.

As an example color scheme specific room, take classic cuisine or dining room. It is believed that kitchen spaces are more suitable tones of yellow, green or orange flowers. Facing ceramic tiles It is not customary to cover all the walls - it is enough to cover only the workspace above the stove and sink with tiles or glazed tiles. Wall shelves and cabinets are selected taking into account the shades of the tiles and other surfaces of the walls and floors.

They will also look great in the dining room and kitchen. natural materials: natural stone, burnt brick, wood and timber. In combination with them or separately they go light wallpaper and paints of various shades, close to the tastes of household members.

Note that kitchen design is on average 50-60% determined by kitchen appliances, furniture and accessories, approximately 30% - colors and textures finishing materials, and for the rest - little things and trinkets dear to the heart of any housewife: kitchen utensils, flowers, figurines, creating indoors warm atmosphere, comfort and charm.

Video - interior design rules, lighting:

In principle, when working on any interior, it is the tastes of the future owners that should be taken into account first of all, since unless they are conceptually close to the stylistic approaches used in the interior, no fashionable design trends alone will be able to make the home truly warm and cozy .

Application of the described rules and approaches along with the use modern technologies finishing can help everyone get as close as possible to the interior of their dreams - after all, creative work It’s not so much important to be a professional designer, but to feel inspired and strive to make your life, home and entire lifestyle better.

Interior design is a major concern for many people. Some even confuse interior design with interior decoration. What is the difference? Interior design solves the problem of implementing a plan for placing the internal structure of a room. While decoration solves the problem of decorating already existing architecture and order.

Basic principles of interior design

Decorating the interior of an apartment is an exciting experience. You can visit the website housesdesign.ru and see examples of wonderful works. People often decorate their apartments with various elements, but they lack style and harmony. Creating a warm and cozy space It's actually not that difficult if you know the basics of interior design and decoration.

Focus on these simple principles and you will have more confidence in your decision-making and will be able to achieve success. Let's consider the important points:

The colors convey the mood well

Scale and proportions

This is the basic principle of interior design to give the room a balanced look. The term "scale" should refer to the size of each design element. This could be an element home decor. Thus, a good result can be achieved if the proportions between each element and space are respected.

Colors and lines

One of the famous designers said that color is the most wonderful element that affects emotions, so its choice is one of the very first tasks that need to be solved when decorating and renovating a space. Lines, from an interior design point of view, help to arrange elements so that our eyes enjoy the view of the room.

These lines can be seen on doors, windows, columns, arches, tiles, furniture, wallpaper and even curtains. They can also convey sensations and influence emotions. For example fine lines may indicate uncertainty, thick ones indicate balance. Broken lines indicate restlessness, while various zigzags and patterns can be a sign of activity and life.

Lines are a great tool in interior design

Balance is very important in the interior. It refers to the combination of all the elements that must be in balance with each other. The sense of balance can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. This is the only way to really achieve beautiful view interior of the room. As examples, it is advisable to study different photographs of the interior from professionals.

Here the emphasis is on repetition of shapes and colors. The repetition of colors, sizes and shapes creates a sense of unity and harmony.


Creating contrast in a room helps draw attention to certain things. This maintains the atmosphere of the room.


Room harmony is achieved by using all the principles (balance, rhythm, contrast, etc.) in the room. The main rule here is the union of unity and diversity.

The main elements of design and the means of its implementation are space, form, line, texture, color and light.

Space. The space limited by walls, ceilings, floor planes and furniture was and remains the most important and complex of design elements. When a person is in the interior space, his relationship with it continuously changes. Space itself can be defined as positive or negative. Positive spaces are formed by masses - pieces of furniture, equipment, walls, while negative space is usually the "air" itself. surrounding objects. It is the ratio of positive and negative spaces, expressed by their volumes and configuration, that creates the atmosphere of the interior. In other words, a room with a large number positive spaces will feel complex and closed, while an interior with a higher proportion of negative spaces will feel simpler and more open. The way positive and negative spaces interact determines the structure of the space and the paths through it. This circumstance is especially significant in determining whether the character of the interior will be static or dynamic. In a more static interior, the boundaries of positive and negative spaces are defined as clearly as possible, as is the case with rows of seats in an auditorium. In a dynamic interior, the boundaries between positive and negative spaces are changeable - in a restaurant, for example, where there are many tables different sizes and the shapes are located at different angles to one another.

Shape and Contour. Both positive and negative space are defined by shape and contour. The contour refers to the external outline of objects expressed in a two-dimensional projection, while the shape is the three-dimensional volume of an object. Designers classify shapes and contours according to their relationship to elementary geometric shapes- square, rectangle, circle, oval, triangle and rhombus. The vast majority of interiors are based on squares and rectangles. They are stable and give stability to the space. Triangles and diamonds are more dynamic and have their own direction. Finally, curvilinear figures, circles and ovals give the interior softness, variety and dynamics.

Line. The main directions of lines are horizontal, vertical, diagonal. They themselves can be thick or thin, straight or curved. At the same time, the designer of the room has to reckon with the linear pattern given by the architecture: angles and lines delimiting the floor, walls and ceiling. In addition, he is obliged to take into account the structural lines of furniture and the design lines of fabrics or wallpaper. Usually one direction of lines is the main one in a space and determines its overall mood. With the dominance of vertical lines, the interior will appear higher, but at the same time more official and static. The interior, in which horizontal lines dominate, gives the impression of informality and calm. Diagonals bring dynamics to the interior; their discreet use, for example, a sloping ceiling or installing furniture at an angle to the wall, brings a touch of unusualness and intrigue to the room. At the same time, excessive use of diagonals threatens to create a feeling of anxiety and even chaos. Indirect lines, curved shapes and contours lighten the rigid grid of straight architectural lines. If they are long, they convey a combination of grace and peace; if they are short, they convey playfulness and excitement.

Surface texture. The surface quality of any object is one of the main elements in design, as it is perceived visually and to the touch. Texture largely determines the degree of formality of the interior; it can give the space a touch of coldness or warmth. Texture is used to create a feeling of diversity with unity of color. Thus, the gleaming chrome tubes of the chairs, contrasting with the rough carpeting of the floor, can add charm to an otherwise dull interior. Surface textures include rough and smooth, hard and soft, shiny and matte, transparent and opaque. As a rule, rough matte surfaces, whether masonry a fireplace or the loose weave of wool upholstery are considered informal, while smooth, shiny surfaces, such as piano black lacquer, emphasize the formality of the setting. Soft carpeting provides a feeling of warmth and comfort, while smooth hard surfaces are typical for cold, business-like interiors. If the designer did not take into account sufficiently architectural textures defined by walls, windows, fireplaces and floors, as well as furniture textures, then there may be an excessive variety of textures in one interior. This will almost inevitably lead to a feeling of chaos and disintegration of the interior into different elements.

Color - essential element, which determines the mood of the interior, it often has a physiological and psychological impact. Regarding color, three areas have formed theoretical knowledge: physiological influence of color; relationship between color and light; color and its dependence on dyes. The color tone (shade) determines the name of the color. All colors are formed by mixing three basic tones - red, yellow and blue. Red and yellow form orange, blue and red form violet, blue and yellow form green. Color tones are determined in their pure form, without the addition of white or black, and the relationship between the shades is shown on the so-called color wheel. The closer the shades are to each other on the circle, the calmer their combination; the shades lying on opposite parts of the circle contrast sharply, their juxtaposition is exciting. Shades of color are also divided into warm and cold.

Light is usually associated in our minds with the amount of black or white pigment in paint. It is usually measured on an achromatic (gray) scale ranging from black to white. Although people often pay attention to shade when choosing a color scheme, in reality, variations in light density have the greatest impact on the character of the interior.

Saturation, or color richness, is determined by the proportion of the main pigment in the total volume of paint. The hue formed, for example, by pure red pigment has maximum saturation. Saturation will change when adding black or white pigment, or a pigment that matches a hue on the opposite side of the color wheel. Similar to the gradation of light density, the gradation of saturation is adjusted depending on the proportional addition of black, white or contrasting color. Tones of zero saturation (gray tones) are called colorless (achromatic); they are formed by mixing black and white or two contrasting colors in equal proportions and differ in light density.

Interior color schemes are based on various combinations color tones, light density and color saturation. The main color schemes are monochrome, analogous, complementary and achromatic. In a monochrome scheme, only one shade is used, this gives the interior a feeling of absolute integrity, diversity to which is introduced by varying the density of light and color richness. Analogous or similar schemes are based on the use of shades that are located close to one another on the color wheel. Due to the proximity of shades, an effect of harmonious calm arises, which, in order to overcome possible monotony, requires the introduction of different variations in light density and richness of color. Complementary schemes are based on the shades of opposite parts of the color wheel; their contrast adds intrigue to the interior and gives it an exciting sound.

To somewhat obscure the effect of such contrast, the shades of color are usually softened. Achromatic patterns can only be built on black, white and intermediate gray tones, or with the addition of some shade to enrich the overall effect. Achromatic color schemes are often used to visually unify space or visually enlarge it. It should be remembered that these schemes are not a rigid set of rules, but only basic principles; moreover, not all color combinations fit into clear schemes.

In the field of interior design scale means the size of an object in relation to the size of everything else in the room, including other objects, people, and the area in which everything is located. Proportion means the relationship between objects or their parts based on size. The correct scale is achieved when all objects are proportionally consistent with each other and everything else in the room. The principles of scale and proportion apply to everything in a room, from architectural elements such as windows, doors, and molding to furniture, color scheme, window decoration, accessories and even patterns on fabrics. All these elements must correspond to the size of the room and be proportional to other objects.

When furnishing a small space, always consider the relationship of the sizes of the items you choose to the size of the room (scale) and to each other (proportionality). For example, a large piano will not fit the scale of a small living room, and a reclining chair may be too large compared to other pieces of furniture, visually reducing everything around it, and other items will seem insignificant against its background. An elegant coffee table will look faded against an overly large, rough sofa.

It is usually easy to see if a particular element is too small or too large for an area, but of course it takes practice to achieve perfect proportionality.

Develop your abilities by reading interior design books and magazines. Study photographs of rooms whose interiors were created by professionals, and try to understand why they look so good. In a word, train. And soon you will become unusually insightful.

Rule 2: Define the lines

Lines define space. Flat surfaces such as walls, floors, and ceilings are two-dimensional spaces formed by intersecting lines.

By adding depth or volume to flat surfaces, we create a three-dimensional space that we immediately perceive when entering a room. However, the lines play more important role than the definition of space - they have different properties.

Vertical lines imply strength and pride, and the emphasis on vertical lines in the room creates an austere atmosphere. For example, a classic column always seems majestic. Vertical lines also add height and offset the horizontal lines of most furniture pieces.

Horizontal lines, such as beds and tables various sizes, cabinets and other built-in furniture express relaxation and confidence.

Diagonal lines and, such as a gable roof or stair railings, imply movement, development and attract attention.

Curved linesround table or the arms of a comfortable soft chair - mean freedom, softness and sensuality.

When creating a design for a small space, look for ways to combine different lines. The architectural form of most rooms is rectilinear, so most of furniture is the same. To soften the harshness of rectangles and squares and make a room more vibrant and interesting, add a few curves or diagonal lines on windows, furniture, molding or accessories. If you want the room to appear taller, add vertical lines; if wider, add horizontal lines.

Rule 3: Create a balance

Another important concept in design is balance. Balance refers to the balance of objects in a room. A successfully balanced room involves carefully arranging objects depending on their visual weight. If balance is achieved, the relationships between objects will seem natural, resulting in Nice picture called visual balance. The room will be characterized by a feeling of peace and quiet.

Two framed paintings hung in rows will please the eye if they are approximately the same size, while a combination of two paintings of different sizes will look unfortunate. The same applies to furniture, regardless of whether it is large or small; in a balanced room, pieces of furniture will be arranged evenly, and not collected in any one part of it.

There are two types of balance − symmetrical and asymmetrical.

Symmetry- this is the same arrangement of objects on both sides of the intended or existing line of symmetry, the so-called “mirror” approach. It is formal in nature. Imagine that there are chairs and candlesticks on either side of the fireplace. For symmetry to be pleasing to the eye, chairs and candlesticks should ideally be identical, or at least the same weight and size. If they are different, it can be annoying.

At asymmetrical balance used to achieve a sense of balance various items the same visual weight. Imagine several long, narrow candlesticks on one side of the mantel and a low, wide vase on the other. If you get the scale right, this layout will be balanced. Asymmetry can be just as pleasing to the eye as symmetry. Since it is informal, it is often even more suitable for the relaxed atmosphere of modern living spaces.

Rule 4: Remember harmony and rhythm

These two principles relate mainly to patterns. Harmony appears when elements combine with each other and create a connection that is pleasing to the eye. It is achieved when all the elements are related to each other, that is, when they are all combined according to the color scheme and design motif.

Following the principle of harmony does not mean using one color and one pattern; such repetition seems boring and lifeless. But to create harmony in the decor of the room, these elements must be combined in a certain way, for example, be close or, conversely, contrasting. You can combine several patterns or designs; Try mixing florals, stripes and checks, for example, as long as they match in scale, motif or color scheme.

Rhythm in decoration, a certain sequence or lack of an element is often referred to, resulting in a stimulating design. This is achieved by repeating lines, shapes, colors, patterns or textures. If harmony ties a room together, then rhythm leads the eye in a circle: colors, textures and shapes that smoothly move from one part of the space to another. The color scheme may not change, but emphasizing a certain color in one part of the room and muting it in another part will create rhythm and “liven up” the living space.

"Rhythm is effective design technique for small living spaces, says Patricia Gaylor of Little Falls, New Jersey. — To make a small room seem larger, there should be no visual clutter in it. The gaze should travel in space, without lingering anywhere and without being distracted by anything. Objects that distract the eye stop the flow of vision, interrupting the initial reaction to the room.”

“This may seem a little strange,” warns Patricia, “but it’s true. When the eye can move around a space unimpeded, you experience a kind of visual calm.”

What can distract the eye from its calm journey around the room? “Using too many colors,” says Gaylor, “or patterns that create sharp contrast. Even using light and dark wood in the same room will likely fail; objects made of wood must be strictly the same tone. Overly large pieces of furniture that take the room out of scale also distract the eye.

Learning the rules of order in design

Everyone’s approach to creating an interior is individual, and if you are not a professional designer, mistakes are inevitable. What can I say - from time to time even the pros step on the same rake. To save you from this rake, we have collected 9 common mistakes.

1. Don’t try to replicate an interior from a magazine exactly.

When decorating a space, do not forget that this is an interior for comfortable life, and not a photo shoot for an interior publication. Don't turn your home into a design museum. The shine of polished parquet and the ideal distances between vases - all this makes the interior soulless and toy-like. Breathe life into it and make it yours rather than trying to recreate a magazine cover.

2. Don't combine small items in a small space.

M the legs are scared small spaces and try to fit the maximum into it, choosing small interior items. We advise you not to do it Dollhouse, but buy medium-sized items so as not to reduce their functionality and usefulness. 5 medium elements are better than 10 small ones.

3. Don’t overload the interior with details

It's easy to go overboard when playing with decor, especially if you're working with a multifunctional space. When buying the 105th candle for the living room, think about whether it is unnecessary? Know how to stop in time to avoid overloading the space. Everyone needs air, even things.

4. Don’t try to adhere to the unity of one style

Don't get attached to one style in the interior. Your home will be able to combine both modern and classic elements. It is important to try and develop your own decorating style, regardless of traditional gradations.

5. Don't overuse symmetry

A common mistake when decorating walls: the images must be on the same line and located symmetrically. Down with boring and correct forms- come up with a new picture from paintings. But try not to hang them from the ceiling, unless it is a full-wall canvas.

6. Don't forget the importance of lighting

Size matters. This also applies to lighting. When choosing fixtures and lamps, take into account the size of the room and the height of the ceiling. Large space- a large chandelier.

7. Don't be afraid to use minimalism

There is a misconception that minimalist modern design– boring, cold and not at all suitable for life. If you are afraid of turning your house into spaceship, just add neutral accessories and personal items - they will domesticate the interior. And remember about natural materials - they will refresh a strict and restrained image.

8. Don't leave windows unattended

Our plans often do not include panoramic windows, and in some houses they are small from the word “completely”. To visually correct this, raise the curtain rod to ceiling height and lower light wavy curtains. This will make small windows look larger and more solid.

9. Don’t create an interior around one item

A common mistake not only by designers, but also by amateurs is to put one element of the interior at the forefront. It's simple: set the reference point of the future image and surround it with compatible details. But the end result may be boring and one-sided. It is much better to make several accents and place various objects around them. And instead solar system you will get a real constellation of comfort and beauty.
The road to beauty and comfortable interior thorny and complex. Remember the 9 main “DON’Ts” and we’re sure you’ll be able to create a cozy atmosphere in your home!