Cool VK statuses for teenagers. Cool statuses for girls

Status of a 14-year-old girl. Your opinion. .) and got the best answer

Answer from Ekaterina Gavrik[guru]
strange people... married at 20! So what? did you fall from the moon?? ? I was already married at 17 and already have a child. Now 19, my daughter is 8 months old. It’s strange for you, don’t get married until you’re 40. What do you care about others? so strange! Such smart people are infuriating!! ! strange to them... and education at 20 is quite possible... after 9th grade you can enroll! if at 9 - 14-15 years old... it happened to my classmate! Missed 4th grade! the other will be 20 and she is graduating! And what? you fucking reality fell from the moon!!! village....

Answer from Oliya Tymoshenko[guru]
On the one hand, it is possible and correct. Falling in love for the first time probably really means getting high from his smile. And when else would you fall in love if not at fourteen... Although the form itself and the comparison with drugs are jarring, of course. Don't be afraid to give birth to a daughter. Girls, thank God, are still different now. My own daughter is an adult. Of course, no thoughts about the plank even come close. She graduated from school with a gold medal, studies at university, works part-time, and leads scientific work, meets young people, of course, but they are all very good guys, they study, work, play sports. And they are more likely to send homework to each other on social networks higher mathematics, than such a status will be composed. What you sow is what you reap.

Answer from Dina[guru]
at least childish stupidity.
or the girl is already a drug addict

Answer from Alexey Zolotov[guru]
-Daughter, you have grown up and it’s time for us to talk about it!
-oh, yes, mom, ask))

Answer from MTS[guru]
I think this is normal. For most people, their first love is at school... and especially in the lower grades.
Now, if thoughts were about sex... or something like that - it’s certainly too early and you need to talk about this issue with the child... but this is the task of the parents.
I’m just remembering myself... I also grew up in a period of time when we didn’t think about sex at all, not even about makeup. But I had my first love in the 5th grade... and I had dreams of just holding hands... And I also enjoyed his smile... and his whole behavior.

Answer from Evgenia Grigorieva[guru]
Twenty years? Married, educated, expecting a baby?
Are you paying attention to some baby talk...)))
Do boys sniff glue? Isn't it scary to give birth?...))

Answer from Ast-ReYa[guru]
Following your logic and looking at the avatar and nickname that belongs to you, we should conclude that you are a nationalist?)

Answer from Black_guitar[guru]
Now 10-year-old girls write that they are actively looking.... Children are different NOW. She probably didn’t really understand what she wrote. And even if she did understand, it doesn’t mean that she knows exactly what the thrill of a plank is)

Answer from In silence[guru]
It also seemed strange... what kind of education does one have at 20 years old? ?
and married at 20... for me, let’s say, it’s also strange. .
So.. . each about his own))

Answer from Kora Luri[guru]
I heard or read somewhere. And I gave myself this status to show off in front of someone. And regarding “it’s scary to give birth to a daughter yourself” - my daughter is 16, my son is 8... it’s fun with both of them :))

Answer from Moon[guru]
yeah it's all a show off

Answer from Yoolnyshko[guru]
Such an age!

Answer from Yatyana[guru]
And I thought there would be social. network and worse than anything I could write. This means absolutely nothing.

Answer from Riki Tiki[guru]
do not mind it

Answer from Yoman Lazarev[guru]
Married at 20? well...that's also very strange
although this may be normal for you
BUT THIS...I'm married at 20 years old, wow

Answer from Allegoriya[guru]
And with what education at 20??))
When I was 14, I thought about boys and about school. Not for sex, of course.
The most “seditious” thing about the status is the hint of a drug, IMHO.

Answer from a tiger just a tiger[guru]
what scares you???? the girl is simply amazed by the smile of the boy she likes.

Answer from Victoria Ivanova[guru]
It’s difficult to say what they actually meant, I’m 22 and I don’t understand what she’s talking about. It’s just that everyone has their own upbringing and perception of the world and others. I think it all depends on you what status your child will assign. Decency can be instilled

Status is a concept that denotes the state of a person or phenomenon. Nowadays, this word has become especially often mentioned in connection with the development of social networks. After all, statuses are used everywhere - in various messengers, and in profiles on various sites, and on resources such as Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. Both adults and teenagers love to use these short recordings.

Features of adolescence

One for teenagers is as follows: “A teenager is a creature who is well aware of what he was not taught at school.” This age is a transition between childhood and adulthood. That is why the desire for independent life especially pronounced in adolescents. He wants to grow up and make his own decisions.

The teenager strives to loudly declare himself to the whole world around him. If others do not accept young man or ladies the way they are, that won't stop them. “If I'm too loud for you, then you're too old for me” - this phrase, which was once uttered by rock musician Steve Bators, may well be suitable as a status for teenagers.

Almost an adult

As a status, you can use a wide variety of phrases - uttered by great people or friends. These can also be quotes from movie characters, or words from stars. “If you have a problem, solve it. If you can’t, then don’t make a problem out of it” - this status for teenagers will perfectly decorate any page of an independent young person. It reflects an idea that psychologists have just begun to approach: in many situations, a teenager is able to behave and control his own emotions no worse than adults do.

The importance of communication

Also great importance for a young man to have friends at this time. If before the onset of adolescence the main role belonged to the elders, now it is to the company of peers. After all, a young adult learns to build partnerships with his own kind. This is reflected in many statuses for teenagers: “Without true friendship, life is nothing.” “A friend is a person who does not undertake to judge.”

The opinions of friends become much more important for a teenager than the judgments of adults or parents. In the process of communicating with others like themselves, a teenager learns to gain authority, decide problematic situations, remain faithful and experience betrayal. This is where the most important tasks for young “adults” lie.

Most popular phrases

Statuses for teenagers help to talk about their emotional state and worldview. On social networks, information is conveyed well to friends through these short messages - after all, this is the most the best way, which also does not require much time. Adolescence is one of the most difficult years. Perhaps this is why young people need frequent changes so much short statuses. Here are examples of such phrases:

  • “Stop worrying, live as you please.”
  • “Don't teach me. Get on with your life."
  • “The cry of the soul is always unheard...”

Statuses for young ladies

Very young girls are frequent visitors to various social networks. Who else, if not them, would enjoy a conversation with a close friend, meeting a guy, or discussing current affairs. It is for this reason that statuses for teenage girls are so in demand. Here are the most popular of these phrases:

  • “Do you want me to cry for you? Yes, my mascara costs more.”
  • “Everything is in my hands, and what is not in my hands lies at my feet.”
  • “What I forgive you - I will still remember you...”

Love between teenagers can be short-lived, or it can last a long time. It is very important for young girls to receive attention from the opposite sex. It is during this difficult period that they learn to take care of themselves, to notice which guys pay attention to them.

Of course, adolescence is one of the the most important stages when girls first try to build relationships. And the statuses are in a great way, which will allow you to talk about your feelings without resorting to direct conversation.

There are times when neither your friends nor your parents understand you. This is felt especially acutely at a tender age. It seems that only music and VK statuses can understand what is really in your soul at 14 years old.

Phrases for young dreamers

  1. I don't want to love anymore, I just want to sleep peacefully at night.
  2. Sometimes I'm so glad that she lives. But I’m upset as soon as I remember that she doesn’t live for me.
  3. Only the strong can express everything in person; only the strongest can be patient.
  4. Love can be hidden for years, but it can be revealed in an instant.
  5. Fate has constrained suffering in my heart, I am here alone, there is no place for me with you.
  6. I want to disappear from the bustle in which no one notices me.
  7. What never happened will remain between us forever.
  8. Yes, I'm not perfect, it's hard to call me beautiful. But what makes me worthy is the ability to feel other people’s pain.
  9. The simpler you approach life, the more joy there is in it. Happiness does not tolerate reasoning.
  10. The meaning of life may well replace the bitterness of routine.
  11. After meeting you there is always a sad song on repeat.
  12. It's amazing how we can be both at the same time true friend to someone, and an intolerable enemy to someone else.

Notes from a boy

A real man is noticeable at 17, 14, and 12. Honor and pride do not depend on age. See statuses on VK for boys 14 years old.

  1. Even though I can’t get married yet, I will definitely take you home.
  2. And, you know, I'm not afraid to die. I'm afraid that someday those I really value will no longer exist.
  3. Let's dream less often about money and cars, and more often appreciate the little that we already have.
  4. The fashion for thinness is created by gays, and an attractive girl is always curvy.
  5. I don't owe anything to you, or her, or him. I am only infinitely indebted to my parents.
  6. As soon as the speed exceeds one hundred, remember about your mother, who is always waiting at home.
  7. If you ask me for help, don’t you dare sling mud behind your back.
  8. How more complex character, the purer the soul.
  9. Time is like cigarette smoke: it never goes back.
  10. Betrayal can be forgiven, but then be prepared for the fact that you will have to forgivemore and more.
  11. No matter how beautifully you know how to speak, you also need to be able to remain silent. Sometimes this is much more important.

About the complex in simple words

If you are completely alone on this sleepless night or hard day, these phrases will help you. Perhaps others will finally understand that you want to explain so much, but have been silent for so long. About this in VK statuses for teenagers 14 years old .

  1. I wonder if she also secretly visits my page?
  2. You know, I envy myself the way the gossips describe me.
  3. Madness is not so scary when you are crazy about your loved one.
  4. We all make mistakes; only the strongest can sincerely ask for forgiveness.
  5. There is so little air, so much fatigue in every day without you.
  6. Love for life is very rare. Everyone else needs to be able to connect the dots.
  7. Living without trust is difficult, but much easier.
  8. If you don't see something significant, you just need to close your eyes.
  9. You cannot prolong youth, just as you cannot end true love.
  10. I don't like a world where you have to explain why you don't do what you don't want to do.
  11. You don't need to love me for “something”. You just need to love me!

Phrases of young ladies

Your status should be bright and impressive. Don't be afraid to stand out from the rest, remember that you are superior! Choose a status for a 14-year-old girl on VK!

  1. I'm so used to being sad that, frankly, I'm afraid of my own good mood.
  2. What a pity that we both spend our evenings with the wrong ones.
  3. I'm not offended by you, baby, I can't be loved by the weak.
  4. Yes, I have a bad character. The main thing is that this does not prevent me from being myself, how do you like your politeness!
  5. Let each of my friends get a chocolate bar, and let my enemy get a hit in the face.
  6. They say I'm annoying someone? Don't flatter yourself, I'm bored.
  7. The more I live, the more I understand that the years do not change me.
  8. The worst thing is not the problems, but the lack of support from loved ones.
  9. Few people know that I often cry, that’s why I laugh so radiantly.
  10. Do I need a handsome man? Don't know. I’m not sure that he won’t quit at the most difficult moment.
  11. Well, don't let you come! As always, my beloved cat is waiting for me at home!

Tell the world about your feelings, and you will definitely hear an answer!

The best statuses for girls on! The most beautiful creatures on planet Earth are, of course, women! After all, for the sake of beautiful ladies men perform feats and dedicate poems and songs to them. All of you know the great heroines Tatyana Larina, Natasha Rostova and young Juliet from school. Thanks to them, the classics sang the purity, beauty, wisdom, playfulness, kindness, love of life, and sacrifice of women. And this is exactly what our statuses, carefully selected for this section, are about. And how many magnificent female portraits can be seen in the most famous museums in the world. Today the girl chooses her own path. Who should she become, what profession should she choose, should she be a housewife or a businesswoman. Do you want to be talked about? Then you need to look at our website and find the most interesting statuses for girls.

Original and cool statuses for girls!

The phrase in a status is often used to judge a person’s character. Therefore, incorrectly chosen words can cause a bad impression about you, to put it mildly. pleasant impression. It is necessary to choose your status very carefully and thoughtfully, especially for girls! After all, the most important thing is that cool statuses for girls correspond to your personality. A wide selection of beautiful and original phrases from our website will help any girl choose the status she needs for social network.

The coolest quotes for girls!

As you know, beauty is a very terrible force, and beautiful statuses for girls will allow any of you to find the perfect frame for your beauty. And let your friends envy your excellent taste and your excellent status. Girls are different, some like to read classics, while others can’t imagine themselves without a guy on a Harley. For you, brave young ladies, our cool statuses for girls. And let everyone know that you are the coolest in the area! Your friends always know that you are just a real sparkler. Not a single party can do without you, you are the life of the party and simply a real treasure. Your sense of humor amazes everyone; you are not afraid to laugh at yourself. Then our funny statuses about girls for you! Visit our website and you can change your status on the social network at any time.

Quotes for VKontakte for girls!

The girls are so different, your mood changes like the wind. Today you are funny, but by the evening you want to cry into your pillow. Or watch a romantic comedy for the soul with your best friend. Or maybe you decided to take up painting or learn to cook better than your mother-in-law. On our website you will find deep and wise statuses for girls with meaning. And let your envious people rack their brains over deciphering your status. Every self-respecting girl has a page on a social network, and perhaps more than one. With our help you can convey your mood. Tell about yourself briefly but succinctly, both in happy moments of your life and in difficult moments. Your friends and simply visitors to your page will have only a pleasant and positive opinion about you from the first seconds. And our VKontakte statuses for girls will try to help you with this. You will always find selected statuses for girls on our website! Every girl should know that they think only positively about her and treat her with respect.

This morning Robert Pattison called me ten times to wish me a happy birthday, but I hung up and hung up... and then the damn alarm clock woke me up...

I know what infuriates almost every girl in her family! The eternal question: “Haven’t found your groom yet?”

All girls seem stupid. But only before they show their intelligence.

At your age, only a girl has the right not to know what she wants. Men do not have such a privilege!

Best status:
Women's logic has been in an irreconcilable struggle with the male psyche for hundreds of years.

Let not every girl be a decoration for her man, but anyone can become his treasure!

Until I was 15, I was a smart girl, and then... I fell in love!

At the age of 3, I confused vodka with water... and I loved it!

No the best way shut up a girl than give her flowers!

As soon as a girl leans on a man’s hard shoulder, she instinctively climbs onto his neck.

Any thing suits a beautiful girl, but most of all, the complete absence of them.

Girls, don't let your eyes down and they won't let you down!

In order to sit on a man’s neck, a woman needs to be able to spread her legs well!

A woman is ready to do anything for love, even make love.

Girls are divided into 3 categories: - I will give! - I will not give! - I will give but not to you! (No offense to girls) x))

If men knew what women were thinking, they would be twenty times more impudent, just as if women knew men better, they would become even more flirtatious.

Lips in a bow, eyebrows like a house... again mixed rum with gintonic...

Trouble is when you shaved in the evening, and in the morning you get up and you have stubble again... and you are 12 years old and you are a girl

You deleted me from VKontakte friends... from friends in my world... deleted my phone number.. deleted me from ICQ.. from the agent... WHAT FROM MEMORY, WEAK?!

In the lower grades, boys beat beautiful girls with briefcases to the head, and then they wonder why all the beautiful girls are fools

Every time I leave the hairdresser, I am tormented by the same question - why did they ask me how I wanted to cut my hair?

A girl is like a calculator: it adds problems, takes up time, multiplies expenses, divides property

A man's problems begin not when a woman begins to undress for his money, but when she begins to dress with it.

The girl is the only divine intellect who doesn’t know what she wants))

Kind, sweet, childishly jealous, uncontrollably cheerful, in love with a secret, proudly free, soaring in the sky, eternally happy, giving joy

The weaker sex is stronger than the strong due to the weakness of the stronger sex towards the weak

Well, this was necessary in response to my mother’s humorous question. Daughter, do you smoke? reply What exactly?

Hysteria is a woman's way of having fun...

What could be worse than female logic is collective female logic

There is only one woman in the world destined for you, and if you do not meet her, you are saved.

I'm a poor girl who's bad at arithmetic! Above two, higher mathematics immediately begins for me!

The two most useful books for a girl are her mother's kitchen book and checkbook father.

Do you know what really hurts? It’s when you’re lying on the sofa, chatting on the phone, you want to lean your feet on the wall and then a slipper flies off and right into your eyes

wonderful girls do not lie on the road. they need to be recaptured from idiots who don’t value them...

A woman must do three things in her life: cut down a tree, blow up a house and raise a daughter...

so the guys say that we are slow, but it’s nothing! We understand everything, they just always ask the questions incorrectly))

Women's logic: I'm waiting for you online so as not to write to you

A woman is such a CAT who, at her own request, can arrange a DOG'S LIFE for any man!

What difference does it make what's going on in my soul? The main thing is how I look. Admire it.

The higher the slit on a woman’s dress, the easier it is for her to run away from a man, but the more he wants to run after her.

An insane woman is a woman who, at the end of sexual intercourse, screams “Not at me!!

I’m just one of those girls who invites me over for tea and actually goes to put the kettle on.

When a man feels bad, he looks for a woman. When a man feels good, he looks for another one.

There are three periods in the life of every woman: in the first she gets on the nerves of her father, in the second she gets on her husband’s nerves, and in the third she gets on her son-in-law’s nerves.

Some girls can get any man they like; others like any man they can get.

In order not to get bored of a man, a woman changes dresses, and in order not to get bored of a woman, a man changes women.

Women are the best psychoanalysts, until they are in love.

All men are bought by the fact that all women are sold (Oscar Wilde).

A woman wants many things, but from one man, and a man wants one thing, but from many women.

She doesn't consider herself beautiful, but she knows that she can easily make anyone fall in love with her...

When a woman says that she has nothing to wear, it means that everything new has run out. When a man says that he has nothing to wear, it means that everything clean has run out.

I went to the store to buy a handbag, but I liked the boots and bought a blouse)))

A woman is almost helpless until her nails are dry...

If a woman quickly surrendered to a man, this is not his merit, but all those who were with her before.

I’ve never understood those girls who, after 2 days of dating a guy, change their last name to his in contact..

I am free and at the same time not alone, in search, but not actively! I think I found it, but it’s not mine yet...

I would be a good girl if it weren't for these bad boys...

If you cut yourself and don’t bleed, that means you’re a heartless bitch!!!

The only one I will run after will shout to me “catch up, mom”)))

Girls are different, the consequences are the same =)

TO beautiful girls Not only guys stick, but also gossip...

The man leaves quickly, but often returns. The woman thinks for a long time before leaving, but leaves forever.

The girl wants to first go to restaurants to understand whether she should go to bed with a guy. And the guy wants to get the girl into bed as soon as possible in order to understand whether it’s worth taking her to restaurants?

It's better to be alone and not love anyone! What to love and be alone!

Girls are amazing creatures, they want to please even those who don’t like them.

Finding a husband is an art, keeping a husband is a profession!

One must be able to often obey a woman in order to have the right to sometimes command her V. Hugo

To check a man’s feelings, you need to find out not what he is ready to do for you, but what he is ready to give up for your sake.

Calm down, finally think about it, the mascara is running, Superman actually wore panties over his leggings... and nothing... everyone loved him

Women are smarter than men... Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?

Girls don’t think at first, and then they wonder why they didn’t think when they should have thought...)

You never learn the truth from a woman. From the beginning they have a girlish memory, then women's secrets, then senile insanity

Hm. As a child I was VERY modest, but now you can’t say the same about me, where did that go??? It probably went to the boobs

It’s a pity for the girls who won’t sit in vanilla heaven and cry into their pillows, since the 14th is a school day.

If you cut a woman's wings, she will sit on a broom

IN female soul there are corners where no man will look, and if he looks, he won’t see anything, and even if he sees, he won’t understand anything...

You sit in the evening, paint your nails beautifully, paint them, repaint them, and in the end it turns out beautiful, you like it. The next morning you come to school and your friend says: “Wipe off that varnish, it turned out ugly!”... it’s so offensive (((

A man is ready to do anything to make love, even to love.

A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man knows its price

She does not forgive betrayal. She hates betrayal, lies... And if she leaves once... then you will never bring her back...

Women are very clean; before sitting on a man’s neck, they carefully wipe their feet on him.

Women's logic: I'm waiting for you online so as not to write to you.

Forget you? What you. I would like to remember you first.

Girl, were you cute as a child or what are you like now?

There is no greater disappointment for a woman than the inattention of a man for whom she wants to be inaccessible

I'm not jealous of my exes. Since childhood, my mother taught me to give away old toys to those less fortunate.

Mmmmm when I saw you, my heart was in my chest... Speaking of breasts. I bought myself a new bra.

A real woman should be able to throw three things: banks, eyes and hysterics.

If a man gives a woman everything she asks for, then she is asking for too little.

A man commits violence against a woman, taking her by storm, and a woman commits violence against a man, remaining unapproachable.

The deeper the neckline on a woman’s dress, the easier she breathes, but the harder it is for a man...

The first sign that a girl doesn't have a boyfriend is painted lips.

Probably every girl has experienced what makeup means at -30 degrees and what it turns into