Antique clothing projects for kindergarten. Pedagogical project "clothing" project on the topic

Relevance of the project: Children need to know a basic understanding of the world around them. Children do not know the history of clothing, its types, purpose. Several centuries ago, people wore skins that they mined themselves. Such clothes were not comfortable and did not retain heat. Nowadays, there are many fabrics, both artificial and natural. A long time ago, people realized that the functions of clothing can be very different and used this accessory as one of the main ones on their body. As for leg clothing, its appearance was much later.

Thus, there was a need to familiarize children with the history of the origin of clothing, to form in children an idea of ​​its purpose and the properties of clothing.



Project in the senior group on the topic “Clothing”.

Project description:My project consolidated knowledge about the history of clothing and its properties.

Program content:To consolidate knowledge about seasonal clothing, give its classification. Learn to explain why seasonal clothing differs; take care of your health, dress correctly for the season.

Relevance of the project:Children need to know a basic understanding of the world around them. Children do not know the history of clothing, its types, purpose.Several centuries ago, people wore skins that they mined themselves. Such clothes were not comfortable and did not retain heat. Nowadays, there are many fabrics, both artificial and natural. A long time ago, people realized that the functions of clothing can be very different and used this accessory as one of the main ones on their body. As for leg clothing, its appearance was much later.

Thus, there was a need to familiarize children with the history of the origin of clothing, to form in children an idea of ​​its purpose and the properties of clothing.

Objective of the project: To consolidate the concept that over the centuries man has created objects for himself to live; how these items changed from century to century, teach children to understand the purpose and functions of many items of cutlery and household appliances; cultivate a caring attitude towards surrounding objects.

Project objectives: develop a long-term plan for a given topic.Conduct a series of classes on the topic “Clothing”, “History of clothing”. ABOUT organize an exhibition of children's drawings. ABOUT introduce children to history on the topic “Clothing in the old days.” Prepare, through the joint efforts of parents, the album “Fabrics”. Introduce children to different types of clothing, their purpose, and what materials they are made from. Expand children's knowledge about the history of clothing, develop children's skills and abilities to dress according to the weather.

Project type: creative, educational, short-term. 2 weeks

Project participants:teachers, older children, parents.

Necessary materials:slides on the topic, developing the cartoon “Studying words: clothes, shoes”, albums “Fabrics”, “Paper”, subject pictures, a diagram for a descriptive story about clothes. Presentation “Clothing in the old days.”


Exhibition of children's creative works.

Presentation “Clothing in the old days.” Systematized literary and illustrated material on the topic “Clothing”. Developed recommendations for parents on the topic: “Dress for the season.”

Children have formed ideas about the history of the origin of clothing, its types, and parts. Parents are involved in project activities.


1.Arushanova A.G. Speech and verbal communication of children: A book for kindergarten teachers. – M. 1999

2. Komarova T.S., Zaryanova O.Yu., Ivanova L.I., Karzina G.I., Milova O.M. Fine art for children in kindergarten and school. – M. 2000

3. Knyazeva O.L., Makhaneva M.D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture. – St. Petersburg, 1997.

4. Invent a word: speech games and exercises for preschoolers (O.S. Ushakova, A.G. Arushanova, E.M. Strunina, etc. - M., 1996.

5. Education and training program in kindergarten. (Edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova - 2nd ed., revised and supplemented - M. 2005.

6. Amazing stories. L.E. Belousova (St. Petersburg “Childhood-press” 2000).

7. Visual activities in kindergarten. Senior group. Planning, notes, methodological recommendations. I.A.Lykova. (“Karapuz” Creative Center SPHERE. M.-2009).

Project implementation stages:

Preparatory stage:

1. setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project;

2. selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, abstracts, etc.);

3. selection of visual and didactic material; fiction.

4.organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in the group.

Main stage:

Introducing children to fiction.

1. Russian folk tale “The Golden Spindle”.

2. V. Oseeva “The Magic Needle”.

3. N. Nosov “Patch”.

4. E. Blaginina “I’ll teach my brother how to dress.”

5. L. Charskaya “Big wash”.

7. K. Ushinsky “How a shirt grew in a field.”

8. Z. Aleksandrova “Sarafan”.

9. V. Orlov “The Dressmaker”.

10. A. Barto “One Hundred Clothes.”

11. “A tale about how clothes were offended.”

12. R. Zheleznova “The Adventure of the Pink Sandal.”


1. Conversation “What dangerous objects does a seamstress have?” goal: to provide knowledge about the dangers of this or that object.

2. Conversation “Clothes of the future” goal: To develop the ability to come up with clothes of the future. Develop imagination, speech, logical thinking.

3. Conversation “Who makes clothes?” Goal: To teach children to recognize in the picture and name the items that are necessary for making clothes.

4. Conversation " What are the fabrics for? Purpose: to introduce the properties of fabrics, to help determine their features; give an idea of ​​the history of the needle, teach to understand the purpose of objects, navigate the past and present, develop logical thinking and intelligence; give an idea of ​​the need for man to create everyday objects.

Looking at scraps of fabric.

Goal: To activate children’s interest in various types and names of fabrics (chintz, nylon, fur, flannel, silk, etc.)

Experimenting with fabric.

Goal: To form children’s ideas about which fabric gets wet faster, which fabric tears and wrinkles faster.

Creative workshop: “Sewing Factory”

Goal: To teach children to create paper clothes for plane dolls using a variety of art materials (colored paper, markers, colored pencils, plasticine, etc.)

Looking at illustrations of what clothes our ancestors wore.

Goal: To continue to expand children’s understanding of the history of clothing, its varieties, social purpose, and the ancient name of some items of clothing.

Experimentation: “What is the difference between paper and fabric?” goal: to consolidate the properties of paper and fabric.

Working with a parent(development of recommendations)

“Dress according to the weather”, “Advice for parents on instilling neatness and orderliness in their children.”

Conducting educational activities:

FCCM "How clothes appeared."

Tasks: To form children’s ideas about the history of the origin of clothing, what kind of clothing was in ancient times, and what they were made from. To form children’s ideas about clothing production in the modern world, about professions in the clothing industry. Develop attention, memory, thinking, speech. Expand and activate children's vocabulary: seamstress, tailor, fashion designer, cutter, atelier, thimble, garment factory, loom. To develop children’s ability to transform words: seamstress - sews - sewing, weaver - weaves - weaver - fabric, etc.

FCCM “Types of fabric”.

Tasks: Summarize children's knowledge about different types of fabric.

Introduce cotton growing. Learn to compare the qualities of different fabrics, develop the ability to find products from different types of fabrics.
Improve children's thinking skills by discussing and proving their point of view, using common suggestions. Foster a culture of verbal communication of respect for the work of adults.
Vocabulary work: cotton, flax, wool, silk, spindle, spinning wheel, fabric, weaver, etc.

Speech development: Compiling a descriptive story on the topic “Clothing”.

Target: Develop children's coherent speech. To form a generalizing concept of “Clothing”. Fix the color scheme. The ability to solve riddles. Learn to write a descriptive story using a diagram. Expand and activate the vocabulary of adjectives. Develop memory, attention and thought processes. Introduce the clothes that were worn in the old days.

ChHL Ushinsky “How a Shirt Grew in a Field” goal: to consolidate knowledge about the features of the story, its composition, differences from other literary genres.

Drawing " Let's decorate the doll's dress."

Tasks : Introduce children to the Dymkovo toy. To develop children’s ability to create a simple pattern based on Dymkovo painting, using lines, strokes, dots, circles. Improve the technical skills of painting with a brush (paint with the tip of the brush or the entire bristle, move freely in different directions). Cultivate accuracy when working with paints. Develop imagination, creativity, aesthetic taste.

Drawing “Girl in a smart dress.”

goal: To teach children to draw a human figure, to convey the shape of a dress, the shape and arrangement of parts, their ratio in size is more accurate than in previous groups. Continue learning to draw large, on the entire sheet. Strengthen the techniques of drawing and coloring drawings with pencils. Develop the ability to evaluate your own drawings and the drawings of other children, comparing the results obtained with the object depicted, and marking interesting solutions

Drawing "Painted fabrics"

target: instill accuracy when working with paints.

Develop imagination, creativity, aesthetic taste; be able to draw patterns according to plan, filling the entire space of a sheet of paper (draw “fabric”); find beautiful combinations of colors depending on the background; use elements of decorative and applied art in your drawing;

improve the technical skills of painting with a brush (paint with the tip of the brush or the entire bristle, move freely in different directions).

Drawing "House of Models".

goal: to introduce children to the work of a fashion designer. Teach children to create their own clothing models. Develop aesthetic taste.

Modeling "We'll dress boys and girls"

goal: training in smearing techniques, to cultivate cognitive interest in the classification of clothing, a careful and respectful attitude towards things, hard work, to cultivate a culture of communication.

Drawing “I am a designer”

Goal: To develop the ability to create a pattern on clothing (cardboard blank). Strengthen your drawing skills with watercolors. Develop creativity and color perception. Cultivate accuracy when working with paints.

Application “Miracle Tree”goal: To arouse interest in creating a collective composition based on a literary work. Learn to plan and distribute work between participants in a creative project. Improve appliqué techniques: cut out clothes and shoes from paper previously drawn by the child.

Role-playing games: “Atelier”, “Clothing store”, “In the fashion designer’s workshop”, “Model house”.

goal: to instill goodwill, politeness, friendly relationships in the game. Strengthen ideas about types of clothing and professions. Continue to teach children how to build dialogue in games.

Didactic games:

D/I: “Let’s go for a walk in the fall” Purpose: to teach how to select appropriate patterns.

Didactic game “Find out by touch.”

Goal: to be able to identify children by touch and name some types of fabrics (fur, flannel, nylon, silk, leather, drape, corduroy, etc.)

D/game according to FEMP: “Clothing store” goal: laying out subject pictures by type of clothing (outerwear, underwear, women's, men's, children's, winter, summer, holiday, special) - to practice classifying items.

Did/games for speech development: “Who does what?” goal: to be able to select words-verbs that denote the actions of a particular profession (seamstress - sews, cutter - cuts, ironer - irons, etc.)

D/game for FEMP “Who has more?”

D/I: “Dress the doll for a walk”Goal: consolidate the classification of clothing.

The final stage

Analysis of project results.

1. Making the “Clothes” label.

2.Drawing a flat doll and clothes for it.

3. Exhibition of children's creative works.

4. Showing the presentation “Clothing in the old days.”

5. Screening of the cartoon “Cintz Street”, “Clothing Machines”.



1. It will warm you from the cold and snow, no matter where you are.

Even if you look like a teddy bear in it, what will you wear in winter?(fur coat)

2. It is made of wool or drape, made of fur - a rich collar.

And so that you don’t get sick, it will warm you from the evil blizzard! Guess what this is? This -(winter coat)

3.Come on guys, who can guess: two fur coats are enough for ten brothers?(mittens)

4. As soon as there is a breath of winter, they are now always with you. Two sisters will warm you up, their names are ( mittens).

5. Like an umbrella, I don’t get wet, I protect you from the rain. And I will protect you from the wind. Well, what am I?(cloak)

6. Long or short sleeves, placket, or blouse, pockets on the chest. What is this?(shirt)

7. There is one entrance, but two rooms. Masha enters the house and goes for a walk in it(tights)

8. I was walking along the road, I found two roads and followed both(trousers)

9.How to get rid of boredom? Tired of jeans and trousers. What will help me become more cheerful?(dress)

10. Snow outside, frost! What should I wear, that’s the question. Sandals are no good, everyone around you will laugh. To keep our feet from freezing, we need to wear...(boots)

11. We are under the table at dinner, and under the bed at night(slippers)

12.Put me on your head and run on the hottest day.

If you take it off, your mother will be dissatisfied. I am a summer hat...(Panama)


1. One, two, three, four, five - we’re going for a walk. Katya tied it upstriped scarf.

Put it on your feetfelt boots, let's quickly go for a walk, jump, run and gallop

2 times! Two! Three! Four! I'm jumping along the path. Once! Two! Three! Four! I'm teaching the shoe to jump.
Once! Two! Three! Four! The heel broke off. Once! Two! Three! Four! The shoe got lost.



Irina Gurina

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Andryusha. He really didn't like to dress. In the summer, grandma managed to cope with it, because Andryusha didn’t have to wear anything special, but with the onset of cold weather, difficult times began.
“I don’t want to, I won’t, I won’t wear it...” Andryusha shouted and ran away from his grandmother.
But one day this happened.
Andryusha and his grandmother were going for a walk as always.
“Put on tights,” granny begged.
- I won’t! – Andryusha pushed away his grandmother’s hands.
- Why? - Grandma was upset.
“They are ugly,” Andryusha answered.
- What kind of tights would you like?
- I would... I would... I would like green ones, like the leaves on the trees. Here! – Andryusha blurted out and looked triumphantly at his grandmother. At that moment, the tights suddenly turned into two thin branches covered with thick green foliage.
- Oh, what is this? – Andryusha was surprised.
“Tights, just as you wanted,” answered the grandmother.
The branches bent and loudly slapped the harmful Andryusha on the butt.
“Oh, they’re fighting,” Andryusha got scared.
“But you yourself wanted these,” answered the grandmother. – Don’t you like the sweater either?
- I do not like! He's nasty and prickly!
- What kind of sweater do you want?
- I want it to be soft, like bird's feathers! - Andryusha answered.
Suddenly the sweater flapped its sleeves and turned into a huge bird. The bird stretched out its neck and tried to pinch the naughty boy on the knee.
“Oh, he’s pinching,” Andryusha was scared.
“But you yourself wanted one,” answered the grandmother. – Will you wear overalls?
- No. It has too many fasteners, I don't like putting my arms in the sleeves and my legs in the legs! I want it to be alive and put on me by itself!
Once! And the overalls came to life, stomped its legs, flapped its sleeves and swung at Andryusha.
“Oh, what is he doing?” Andryusha got scared.
“But you yourself wanted one,” answered the grandmother. – Don’t you like boots either?
- No, they have laces. I don't want to tie them. I want them to fit on my feet themselves, and there are no laces!
At that moment, the laces, like two nimble snakes, jumped out of the shoes and crawled away somewhere. And the shoes themselves turned into two small dogs and, with their tongues dangling, began to jump at Andryusha, trying to bite him. “Oh, they bite,” Andryusha got scared.
“But you yourself wanted these,” answered the grandmother. - Well, don’t you like the hat either?
“No,” Andryusha answered stubbornly. - She’s bad, with a pom-pom! And I want her to have ears like a bear cub!
Immediately the pom-pom jumped up like a ball and ran off after the laces. And the hat turned into an eared bear head, and how it roared:
- Well, what else don’t you like, bad boy? Let's get dressed. Now all things are the way you wanted!
“Grandma,” Andryusha cried. – I want my old things back. Unenchant them, please!
- How can I unspell them if you made them like this? Only you can bring everything back.
- Tights, sweater, overalls, boots, hat! - Andryusha shouted. – Please come back to me! Now I will always dress myself and won’t argue with grandma!
Once! And the green branches turned into Andryushin’s blue tights. Two! And the angry bird folded itself into a neat sweater on the chair. Three! And the overalls obediently lay down next to him. Four! And from somewhere the laces came crawling, and the dogs stopped yapping and turned into Andryusha’s shoes. Five! A pom-pom galloped up like a colorful ball, jumped onto the bear’s head, and it again became Andryusha’s hat!
- Hooray! – Andryusha was delighted. – Hello my dear things! How wonderful you turn out to be. Granny! Let's get dressed and go for a walk. I definitely have to tell my friends this magical story.


Konstantin Ushinsky

Tanya saw her father scattering handfuls of small shiny grains across the field, and asked:
- What are you doing, daddy?
- But I’m sowing flax, daughter; a shirt will grow for you and Vasyutka.
Tanya thought: she had never seen shirts growing in a field. About two weeks later the strip was covered with green silky grass and Tanya thought: “It would be nice if I had a shirt like that.” Once or twice Tanya’s mother and sisters came to weed the strip and each said to the girl: “Your shirt will be a nice one!”
A few more weeks passed: the grass on the strip rose, and blue flowers appeared on it. “Brother Vasya has such eyes,” Tanya thought, “but I’ve never seen such shirts on anyone.”
When the flowers fell, green heads appeared in their place. When the heads turned brown and dried out, Tanya’s mother and sisters uprooted all the flax, tied sheaves and put them in the field to dry.
When the flax dried out, they began to cut off its heads, and then they sank the headless bunches in the river and piled another stone on top so that they would not float up. Tanya watched sadly as her shirt was drowned; and the sisters said to her again: “Your shirt will be a nice one, Tanya.”
About two weeks later, they took the flax out of the river, dried it and began to beat it, first with a board on the threshing floor, then with a whip in the yard, so that the poor flax sent fire flying in all directions. Having frayed, they began to comb the flax with an iron comb until it became soft and silky.
“You’ll have a nice shirt,” the sisters said to Tanya again. But Tanya thought:
“Where is the shirt here? It looks like Vasya’s hairs, not a shirt.”
The long winter evenings have arrived. Tanya's sisters put flax on their combs and began to spin threads from it.
“These are threads,” Tanya thinks, “but where is the shirt?”
Winter, spring and summer have passed, autumn has come. The father installed crosses in the hut, pulled the warp over them and began to weave. The shuttle ran quickly between the threads, and then Tanya herself saw that canvas was coming out of the threads.
When the canvas was ready, they began to freeze it in the cold, spread it on the snow, and in the spring they spread it on the grass, in the sun, and sprinkled it with water. The canvas turned from gray to white, like boiling water.
Winter has come again. The mother cut shirts from canvas; The sisters began sewing shirts and for Christmas they put new shirts as white as snow on Tanya and Vasya.

E. R. Zheleznova " The Adventure of Pink Sandals"

Fairy tale

Every day, trade was brisk in a small shoe store called “Kabluchok”.

Satisfied customers walked out of his doors with large and small boxes in their hands, carrying a new pair of shoes in them. Late in the evening, the owner closed her shop and went home to rest. After waiting until it got dark outside and the lights came on, all the inhabitants of the store carefully descended from their shelves. They made themselves comfortable on a soft striped rug to relax and chat with each other after a hard day of work. (I hope the reader guessed who these interlocutors were?)

“Today a pretty girl tried us on, but, unfortunately, we turned out to be too big for her,” the pink sandals said with annoyance, coquettishly adjusting the white bows on the buckles.

And we were tried on three times. Oh, we are so tired! - the elegant patent leather shoes sighed, stamping their heels.

Friends, do you remember blue sneakers? - leather sneakers addressed those present. - So, they were bought today for the little boy who lives in that house opposite. And imagine, he tied his shoelaces completely on his own.

Everyone whispered in admiration, since the boy was very small. They decided that the sneakers were in good hands,

and even a little, just a little, envied them.

Gentlemen, have you noticed that there are not a single slippers left in our company? - exclaimed the orange sandals. - It’s terribly hot in the city, and people went to the beach to swim and sunbathe. But everyone knows that flip-flops are the most comfortable shoes for these purposes. No laces, no fasteners...

“I wish it would rain soon,” the rubber boot said thoughtfully.

I really want to walk on wet

streets! - his brother answered him.

And if we’re lucky, we’ll visit the forest, wander through the morning dew, or at least once fall into that magnificent puddle that happens near the candy store every time after it rains, the rubber brothers dreamed.

The couples talked for a long time, taking turns telling each other how their day went and making plans for the future. Soon the first stars began to appear in the sky.

It's time to sleep! - the black soldier's boots commanded the end, sternly clicking their heels.

Everyone, having wished each other good night and pleasant dreams, went to their places. Only the pink sandals disobeyed

They ordered and hid under a small fitting bench, while everyone unanimously climbed onto the shelves.

Soon the inhabitants of the store fell into a peaceful sleep. The bold sandals grabbed the straps tightly and quietly, moving on their toes, set off on a journey. It must be said that the sandals were big dreamers and had been planning to go on the road for a long time, but after standing on the shelf for almost the whole summer, they were tired of waiting for their owner and, in desperation, decided on such a daring act. The sandals climbed up the stairs leading to the attic to the roof. It was quiet and calm around. Little sandals admired the twinkling of the starry sky. The shining stars had fun playing hide and seek with their kind grandmother Luna. They then went out and then lit up again with a bright light. “You naughty ones,” grumbled the worried Luna, beginning to count her restless granddaughters for the hundredth time.

“It’s so nice here, but it’s quite cool,” the sandals thought and decided to quickly go back to the warm, cozy store. Suddenly someone pinched my right sandal painfully from behind. She screamed pitifully and, turning around, saw a large black rat. This rat had lived in the basement of the store for many years, and in the summer it moved to the attic. Her character was disgusting. She survived all the pigeons from the roof, and even the crows were afraid of her sharp teeth. Sandals trembled from the sock

right up to their heels and couldn’t move from their place out of fear.

“How dare you enter my territory, little one,” the enraged rat hissed and threatened, showing his teeth: “Now I’ll chew you into a thousand tiny pieces.”

But before she had time to move, she felt that someone was tightly holding her tail. These were the same soldier's boots with heavy thick soles that gave the command to hang up. It turns out that they themselves never slept, but stood at their post all night, as befits a good soldier.

I beg you, let go of my tail, Mr. Shoe! - the rat squeaked. “I assure you, I had no intention of offending these nice sandals,” she justified herself, slyly narrowing her evil eyes.

But it was not so easy to deceive the experienced soldier.

Get off our roof,” the boots commanded menacingly, stamping their heels. - Otherwise you’ll meet my company!

The frightened rat quickly descended from the roof along the drainpipe. No one ever saw her again. It was rumored that she settled behind an old barn on the edge of the city and lived there until she fell into the clutches of night-hunting cats. The sandals thanked the brave boots for their help, promising to continue to behave well and obey their elders in everything.

Soon, small pink sandals were bought as a gift for the girl Christina. And now they travel together around the big city.

Daria Zheleznova. The adventures of Levik's sandal.

In the most unusual city, on the most unusual street, in the most unusual house, there lived Sandalik Levik and his brother Pravik. They lived with the boy Artie and his family: mom, dad and gray fluffy cat Kesya. Artie, Levik and Pravik were true friends: they walked together, walked, danced, ran, rode on swings, and sometimes they fell and broke their noses together too.

One day, on the most ordinary...

- Unusual!

- Oh, of course...

One day, on the most unusual day, when Artie, Levik and Pravik were returning home in a stroller, Levik’s Velcro came unfastened and he fell.

- Pravik! – Levik shouted, “Wait, I’m overboard!!!” – Levik didn’t know exactly what “overboard” meant; he had heard these words in some cartoon, but Levik suspected that this exact expression would be appropriate in this situation.

- Levik, oh-oh-oh! – Pravik shouted.

“Oh-oh-oh,” cried the boy Artie.

But the boy’s mother was in a hurry and did not understand what Artie was telling her, and she did not understand the language of sandals (to tell the truth, only children understand it and only in this unusual city).

Levik watched as Pravik and Artie drove further and further and became smaller and smaller. And then he lost sight of them and suddenly realized that he was left completely, completely alone in a completely unfamiliar place. He wanted to cry, but decided that he would definitely return home.

Serious men's shoes were just passing by Levik.

- Excuse me, could you help me? I'm lost…

- Sorry, baby, we're in a hurry for an important meeting. We saw police boots nearby, contact them, they should take you home.

– What do these police boots look like? – Levik was about to ask the shoes, but apparently they were really in a hurry, because Levik asked the question only to their backs.

Here, next to Levik, women's black patent leather shoes with high heels floated slowly and clearly in no hurry.

“Oh, how cute,” the shoes sang, looking at Levik, “are you lost?”

- Yes, I'm lost. Oh, I forgot, hello,” Levik always tried to be well-mannered and therefore hurried to say hello to such beautiful shoes, “My uncle’s shoes advised me to turn to police shoes, which are somewhere nearby, but I don’t know what they look like or where they are.” . Can you help me?

“Yes...” the shoes said thoughtfully, “we saw police boots, they are big and black and not at all fashionable, no taste or sense of style...” the right shoe disdainfully raised its pointed toe up, and the left one clicked its heel.

“These police boots must be scary, since these beautiful shoes speak so highly of them,” Levik thought.

“So,” the shoes continued, “the shoes crossed to the other side of the street, and there was a puddle... But we don’t walk through puddles - we’ll get dirty.”

Ask someone else, baby, or cross the street yourself - the shoes sang and the heels clicked rhythmically.

It was impossible to cross the street by yourself - Levik knew this well. This is what Artie’s mother constantly said, then she took the boy by the hand and led them (Artie and Levik and Pravik, of course) across the road.

Suddenly Levik saw sports sneakers running towards him.

– Hello, could you help me? - Levik shouted to them.

“Sorry, baby, run, hurry,” the sneakers stomped and instantly disappeared from sight.

Levik was about to burst into tears when orange ballet flats and white sandals stopped next to him. He wanted to address them, but they were talking to each other so quickly that Levik simply did not have time to get a word in.

“So, we were in this boutique,” ​​said the ballet shoes.

– Is this the one around the corner? - asked the sandals.

“Yeah, everything for stylish Vax Factor shoes,” answered the ballet flats.

And then:

“And Gutt’ Allin cream doesn’t suit us at all,” the sandals slopped to the side displeasedly.

“We told you a long time ago that it dries out the skin,” answered the ballet shoes.

And so endlessly...

“Sorry,” Levik came closer to them, “forgive me for interrupting, but I got lost.” Can you help me?

- Oh, little one, how long have you been standing here? - asked the ballet shoes.

- How did we not notice you? – the sandals were surprised.

“If only you would chatter less...” thought Levik, but he was a well-mannered sandal, so he said out loud:

“I was lost, the men’s shoes told me that I should go to the police boots, and the women’s shoes told me that these boots were on the other side of the street.” Could you take me to them so they can bring me home?

- Oh, of course! - said the ballet shoes, - By the way, we are Bolli and Belly.

“And we are Bossy and Bussy,” said the sandals.

- Very nice. “I’m Levik,” Levik said and became a little shy, because it’s not every day that you come across such pretty ballet flats and sandals.

“Bussy, unfasten the clasp, it’s already loosening a little,” Bolli’s ballet flat turned to Bussy’s sandal, “then your mistress will look down and see Levik.”

“That’s right, girls, I’ll do it now,” Bussi said and unfastened the clasp.

The owner of Bossi and Bussi leaned over to button it up and saw Levik:

- Someone lost a sandal...

“It seems like there’s something written inside it,” the owner of Bolly and Belly answered and picked up Levik, “Yes, there’s a phone here.” Let's call? – and started dialing the phone number.

But, either the connection at that moment was faulty, or the boy Artie’s mother was busy with something, in general, no one answered the call of the mistress of the ballet shoes.

“I saw a policeman nearby,” the owner of Bossi and Bussi remembered. “Let’s take this sandal to him.” And if we don’t find him, we’ll take him with us and call him later.

Levik, to be honest, would have preferred to be given ballet flats and sandals, because he was a little afraid of those big black police boots. But, of course, he didn't tell anyone this.

And here they are all together: Bolli and Belly, Bussi and Bossi, and, of course, Levik crossed to the other side of the street and found a policeman. While the owners of the ballet shoes and sandals explained the whole situation to him, downstairs the shoes were having their own conversation. True, Levik dangled a little higher, because the owner of the ballet shoes took him by the Velcro and held him in her hand.

“Hello, gentlemen, police boots,” Levik’s ballerinas, sandals and sandals greeted in unison, because they all knew that you need to be polite to the police.

“Good afternoon, young people,” the black boots polished to a shine boomed in response, “How can I help you?”

“Here he is,” the ballet shoes began, pointing at Levik.

“His name is Levik,” the sandals interrupted them.

“Yes, Levik,” the ballet shoes continued, “so, he got lost.”

“And we saw that the phone number of his owners was written inside,” the sandals again suggested.

“He needs help getting home,” the ballet shoes finished.

“Come on, baby, turn around, we’ll look at you carefully,” the boots turned seriously to Levik.

Levik was a little shy in front of the police with such large and important shoes, but he quickly pulled himself together and twirled a little on the Velcro in the hand of the owner of the ballet shoes.

- Bah, yes, I know you. Every day you walk along this alley with your brother and your boy Artie and his mother. Right?

– Yes, that’s right, uncle’s police boots! – Levik exclaimed joyfully.

- Well, then everything is in order. My master is a policeman, if he doesn’t get through on the phone today, then tomorrow he will be on duty here again and will definitely meet your masters,” the police boots said slowly and importantly – it’s immediately clear that they are very, very serious and thorough.

“Oh, thank you very much, gentlemen, police boots,” said Bussi and Bossi sandals and Belly and Bolli ballet shoes, “then Levik will stay with you, and we will be calm that he will definitely return home.”

“He’ll definitely come back, we’ll see to it,” the police boots swollen their sides importantly.

“Then goodbye,” the owners of the sandals and ballet shoes turned simultaneously to the policeman, and Bolly and Belly, Bossy and Bussy to the policeman’s shoes.

– Bye, Levik, good luck to you, maybe we’ll see you someday! – the ballet flats and sandals said goodbye and quickly mingled with the crowd.

- Goodbye! It was nice to meet you! Thank you! - Levik shouted after them - he never forgot that one must be well-mannered.

This time everything was fine with the telephone connection and the policeman quickly got through to the boy Artie’s mother. It turned out that everyone at home was very upset when they saw that Levik was lost and were wondering where to look for him. The policeman told Artie’s mom that he would bring Levik home right away.

And then ten minutes later (or maybe more or less, because Levik still didn’t quite understand time and distance), the policeman and his boots brought Levik home.

- Levik! – Pravik shouted joyfully when the doors opened.

- Hooray! - the boy Artie shouted.

“Thank you very much,” the boy Artie’s mother said to the policeman and treated him to homemade cherry pie.

“You’re welcome, this is my job,” the policeman answered contentedly and took the pie, because it looked so appetizing and smelled very tasty.

“Always make sure that the Velcro is fastened,” as always, the police boots said to Levi in ​​a farewell manner.

“Of course, of course,” Levik assured them, “thank you, uncle, police boots, and goodbye!”

The boy Artie’s mother closed the door, took Levik in her arms and said:

“Don’t get lost anymore, okay?” And then Artie cried a lot - she spoke so much that you would think that she understood the language of shoes. But we know that this is not so.

Then Levik and Pravik were washed and, as soon as they were placed on the shelf next to all the other shoes, everyone around them immediately began asking Levik about his adventures. He was interrupted many times - they were surprised when Levik talked about indifferent men's shoes:

“How can you do this to a child?” the old house slippers wailed.

They oohed and aahed when it came to beautiful women's shoes:

“If only we had heels like these, then we too would be so beautiful,” dreamed Levik’s mother’s small-heeled shoes.

And they laughed when Levik talked about the continuous chatter of ballet shoes and sandals:

“All women are like this, I come across people like this every day,” they commented on dad’s shoes.

In the evening, when everyone went to bed, Levik thought: “How nice it is to be at home!” He moved closer to Pravik (although he now did not leave Levik a single step), they wished each other good night and fell asleep. And at night, Levi again dreamed of all his adventures and new acquaintances...

– Levik was no longer lost?

- No, now he always makes sure that the Velcro is fastened well. And not only at home, but also at Pravik too.

“I will also make sure that my sandals are fastened well so that they never, ever get lost.”

- Fine. Now, goodnight, baby.

- Good night, mommy.

Yulia Shakina

Duration project:



Children of the second younger group, teachers, parents of children.

Relevance project:

In a programme "Childhood" it is said that children should have specific ideas about objects clothes and shoes. Children should know the purpose of these objects, the specific meaning of their parts, compose the first descriptive stories about them, treat them with care and use them in accordance with their intended purpose. We should encourage children to perform self-care activities with these items on their own.


Introduce children to species clothes. Classify clothes for the season. Enrich children's vocabulary.


To train children in the ability to identify and distinguish clothes.

Cultivate neatness and attention to one’s appearance, activity, observation, and independence.

Support children's natural interest and curiosity.

Subject development Wednesday:

Book Center: books with illustrations ( cloth,

Pictures from the series « Cloth» ,

Creativity Center: coloring books,

Center for role-playing and didactic games: Mummers Corner "We're getting dressed".

Preparatory stage: Collection of information, preparation of equipment.

Implementation project:


Conversation: "What is it for? cloth,

Looking at illustrations about clothes, hats, shoes.

Di "Find a Pair", "Whose is this cloth» .

Reading literature: L. Voronkova "Masha the Confused".

"Cut pictures".

Finger game: "Pants", "Tights".

Role-playing game: "Our dolls".

P/n: "Who is faster?", "Round dance".


Conversation: "Which clothes happen.

Di: “Whose, whose, whose?”, "Paper Dolls", "What changed?".

P/n: "Who gets dressed faster", "Who's wearing what?"

Finger game: "Shirt".

S-r/i: "Tailoring studio" clothes» .

Mat. a game: "Comparison of scarves by length and width".

Reading literature and viewing cartoon: "Miracle Tree" (K. Chukovsky).

GCD: "Introduction to the properties of fabric"


Situation (communication): "Where do we buy clothes» .

Di: "Whose is this cloth, “What’s extra?”, "Funny Boots".

S-r/i.: "Shop clothes, shoes, hats".

Finger game: "Shoes".

Game situation: "We erase clothes» .

P./i: "Carousel", "Do as I do"

Reading nursery rhyme: "Our little Masha".

Construction: "Doll's House".


Conversation: “What We wear clothes when is it cold?.

D./i: “What do they wear?”, “When do we get dressed?”, “What are you wearing?”.

S-r/i.: “Doll Katya chooses a new blouse”.

Application: “Let’s dress the doll for a walk”.

Finger game: "Lacing"

Reading literature: P. Voronko "New things".

Surveillance of passers-by: "Who's wearing what?"

P./i: "Collect a picture", "Catch the ball".


Situation (communication): “How did Masha lose her mitten?”.

Finger game: "Glove" (S. and E. Zheleznov).

Memorizing Sakonskaya's verse: “Masha put on a mitten”.

Reading literature: Fairy tale "Mitten".

D./i: « Clothes are mixed up» , “Call it in one word”.

Drawing with cotton swabs: “Paint the mitten”.

S-r/i.: "What why?"

P./i: "Name clothes» , “Find what I’ll name”.

Bottom line project:

Exhibition of children's works;

Album production topic: « Cloth» ;

Folder moving “We are going to kindergarten. Correct cloth and shoes for preschoolers."

Working with parents (consultations):

Sewing clothes for dolls;

Excursion to the store « Clothes» ;

We consider and study clothes with children;

Examine and draw clothes;

Together with parents, instill in children the habit of taking care of their appearance.

Strategy and mechanisms implementation:

Developmental educational situation at the playground basis: “My closet is tidy.”, “Teaching the doll Katya to ask for help”, “Cleaning the mittens”,

Computer presentation: "Our cloth» ,

Individual conversations: "Neatness in children's clothing» ,

During the week, reading poems, nursery rhymes, asking riddles about clothes, shoes, hats."

Expected Result:

Increasing emotional, psychological, physical well-being.

Mastering spoken language and reading poetry by children on this topic.

Development of independence.

Decrease in incidence throughout the year.

Development of fine motor skills of hands in direct educational activities.

Increasing children's activity in interaction with adults and peers.

List of sources used

1. “Lesson notes for the 2nd – junior group of kindergarten” V. N. Volchkova, M. V. Stepanova.

2. “Speech development classes in the second junior group”. V. V. Gerbova

Publications on the topic:

“What are our clothes made of?” Project for middle (senior) group children Project type: By dominant activity: informational and educational. Content: pedagogical. According to the composition of participants: group.

Children's research project "Winter clothes of the earth" Winter clothes of the earth. Research project. I'm Denis Drozdov. I am six years old. I attend kindergarten “Teremok”, group No. 10, which is called.

Child-parent project “Clothing” (second junior group) CHILDREN AND PARENTS EDUCATIONAL PROJECT “CLOTHING” TYPE OF PROJECT: creative DURATION: from 02/18/2013 to 04/18. 2013 PARTICIPANTS:.

Our kindergarten pays great attention to the issues of preserving the culture of the Russian people. They have become traditional in our kindergarten.

Odintsova Yulia Alexandrovna
Sitnova Olga Evgenievna

Teacher, MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 "Smile", Semyonov, Nizhny Novgorod region

Odintsova Yu.A., Sitnova O.E. Introducing preschoolers to the profession of clothing designer (project) // Sovushka. 2018. N1(11)..03.2020).

Order No. 58630

Annotation. The project reveals the experience of working on the formation of cognitive activity, value-based artistic and aesthetic perception of the surrounding world of preschool children through familiarization with the profession of a clothing designer using the local history principle.

Keywords: artistic and aesthetic perception; arts and crafts; integration; cognitive activity.

Project type- cognitive-creative

Children's age- 6-7 years

Project participants. Children, teachers, parents.

Project duration - short-term (2 weeks)


The social environment at the present stage is developing very rapidly and therefore, in the preschool education system, there is a need to familiarize children not only with traditional professions, but also with modern ones, which are organically included in the educational process. Familiarizing children of senior preschool age with the professions of adults is one of the important tasks of a child’s socialization. Familiarizing preschoolers with professions helps to develop an interest in work and show a value-based attitude towards the results of work. The relevance of the formation in children of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person is justified by the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education: “Cognitive development involves the development of children’s interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity...”

As practice shows, modern preschoolers have poor knowledge about modern professions and a low vocabulary on this topic. To introduce preschoolers to creative professions, we decided to use the project method, which will provide an integrative approach to working with children. Working on a project will help you acquire knowledge about the profession of a clothing designer, increase your independent activity, develop creative thinking, and the ability to independently find information about objects or phenomena. We cultivate artistic and aesthetic perception in preschoolers through observations of nature, familiarization with works of art, and this project will help children see the beauty in clothing, reveal its role in a person’s appearance and cultivate personal qualities such as neatness and frugality.

At the beginning of the work, we defined goal setting and formulated tasks.



- formation of children's ideas about creative professions, including fashion designer, interest in collective, playful, cognitive and research activities.


Development of children's cognitive activity.

Development of aesthetic perception of the world, artistic creativity of adults and children through familiarization with the creative work of adults;

Encourage children to show imagination, fantasy, and courage in presenting their own ideas;

Expanding children's ideas about the profession of fashion designer;

Encourage children to engage in search and research activities when familiarizing themselves with fabric and its properties;

To cultivate in children interest and an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding reality;

Cultivate respect for the work of adults, careful attitude towards the results of work.

Planned results of the project:

Formation of skills and abilities to work with various materials (natural, waste)

Expanding and systematizing children’s knowledge about the work of a fashion designer;

Development of creative imagination, sense of color and style.


We began our work by creating conditions to familiarize adults with the work, so that this process would become an exciting activity for preschoolers. Creating conditions ensures that children are enriched with knowledge about the environment: objects, phenomena, events; about the relationships between people in the process of work. A properly created subject-development environment allowed:

Activate the cognitive activity of pupils;

Identify the interests and abilities of students;

The group environment was replenished with didactic games, attributes for role-playing games, materials for visual and research activities. During the preparatory stage the following work was done:

  1. Methodological literature has been selected.
  2. Illustrative and visual-didactic material was selected.
  3. Developed activity notes according to the project plan.
  4. A long-term project implementation plan has been developed.


When conducting educational activities with pupils, we tried to use various means and forms of work, constantly change types of activities, thereby increasing the cognitive activity of pupils. Traditional and non-traditional forms of work were used in working on the project. Didactic and role-playing games play an important role in introducing preschoolers to professions. The most interesting form of introducing adults to labor is excursions. Observing the work of adults has a positive effect on their attitude towards people at work and allows you to learn in more detail about a particular profession. Modern information and communication technologies allow preschoolers to make virtual excursions; they use the knowledge acquired by children in organizing role-playing games.

Work on the project took place across five educational areas.

Speech development.

Guessing riddles, reading poems about clothes and professions.

Reading fiction:

V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”; K. Ushinsky “How a shirt grew in a field.” Alexandrov "Sarafan". S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?” Brothers Grimm "The Brave Little Tailor" S. Marshak “He’s so absent-minded”; N. Nosov “Living Hat”, “Patch”. V.D. Berestov “Pictures in Puddles”.

Cognitive development.

Conversations : “Why do people change their clothes in the fall?”

"Shoes and hats"

“What are clothes made of?”

OOD social world"Fashion designer - designer of modern clothes"

OOD quiz“All professions are needed, all professions are important”

Watching a video"Profession of fashion designer - clothing designer"

"Fashion shows"

cartoon"Who to be?"

presentations"From the Clothes Past"

Experiments with fabric: We introduce you to the properties of fabric: it does not tear, does not get wet, or wrinkles.

“Determine by touch”, “Properties of leather and fabric”.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Drawing OOD"Khokhloma tunes"

Drawing OOD"Who do you want to be?"

Collective application"We are designers"

Reviewing magazines with fashionable clothes,

Creation of the album “Clothing from the past to the present”, “National costumes of the peoples of the world”,

Creation of a collection of fabrics.

Creative task “Draw a dress for a doll”; “Decorate your clothes with the Khokhloma pattern.”

Didactic games“Professions”, “Women’s and men’s professions”, “What is needed in order to...” lotto game, “Choose clothes for the season”

Social and communicative development.

Excursion with children of the preparatory group:

To the garment factory

To the clothing store

Excursion within the kindergarten “The work of a housekeeper”

Carrying out a day of parental professions

Role-playing game“Fashion boutique” “Atelier” Creative games “Getting ready for the ball”, “Fashionistas”, “Fashion agency”, “Photo session with the best models”

Board games“Dress the doll according to the season”, “Atelier”, “I am a designer”, “Professions”, “Clothes”

Physical development.

Finger gymnastics "Cloth"

Physical education lessons “Professions”

Dynamic pause with elements of visual gymnastics.

Parents of students are our active allies and assistants in achieving our goals. Consultations were held for parents on “How to introduce children to the work of adults”, “An example of adults in choosing a profession”, “Introducing children to the work of adults in kindergarten”. The parents showed their imagination and creativity when designing the exhibition of children’s and parent’s works “I am a fashion designer”, “Who should I be?”

STAGE 4. During the presentation of the project, which took place in the form of entertainment “Fashion Show”, children guessed riddles about professions, played games and demonstrated different types of clothes (sports, business, festive) in accordance with the created image.

Range of activities.

1. A collection of fabrics has been created.

2. Summaries of organized educational activities with children have been developed.

3. A didactic game “Atelier” was made.

4. Attributes for the role-playing game “Fashion House” were purchased and manufactured.

5. A lapbook was created on the topic “Fashion House”.

Introducing preschoolers to the profession of clothing designer helped to form an artistic and aesthetic perception of the world around them, contributed to the development of creative activity and interest in visual arts. When creating their original models, children often used non-traditional materials and decorated their products with Khokhloma patterns, thereby showing their individuality.


  1. Alyabyeva E. Let's play in the profession. Book 1. Activities, games, conversations with children 5-7 years old. M.: Sfera, 2014.
  2. Gribovskaya A.A. Collective creativity of preschool children. M., 2004.
  3. Dorozhin Yu. Art for children: First design lessons. M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2013.
  4. Federal state educational standard for preschool education. Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155.

To form children’s ideas about clothing, its types, parts of clothing;

To form children’s ideas about the history of the origin of clothing;

Develop children's speech, expand vocabulary;

Strengthen children's ability to work with templates;

Teach children to generalize, classify, systematize;

Teach children to take care of their clothes, cultivate a caring attitude towards clothes.



Project “Clothes” (for older children)

Kirsanova Tatyana Lavrentievna

Project name: “Clothes”

Project type: creative, short-term, collective.

Participants: older children, teachers, parents.

Implementation deadlines: one week.


To form children’s ideas about clothing, its types, parts of clothing;

To form children’s ideas about the history of the origin of clothing;

Develop children's speech, expand vocabulary;

Strengthen children's ability to work with templates;

Teach children to generalize, classify, systematize;

Teach children to take care of their clothes, cultivate a caring attitude towards clothes.



1. Didactic game “Find out by description.”

Goal: To teach children to recognize peers by description of appearance (clothing, eye color, hair color).

2. Examination of scraps of fabric.

Goal: To introduce children to the types and names of fabrics (chintz, nylon, fur, flannel, silk).

3. Experimenting with fabric.

Goal: To form children’s ideas about which fabric gets wet faster, which fabric tears and wrinkles faster.

1. Cognition: Formation of a holistic picture of the world.

Topic: “How clothes appeared”

Objectives: to cultivate respect for people in the garment industry; develop speech; expand and activate children's vocabulary: seamstress, tailor, fashion designer, cutter, atelier, thimble, garment factory, loom; teach children to transform words: seamstress - sews - sewing; weaver - weaves - weaver - fabric and others; to form children’s ideas about the history of the origin of clothing, what kind of clothing was in ancient times, what it was made from; to form ideas about clothing production in the modern world, about professions in the clothing industry; teach children to lay out the “River of Time” diagram, based on the knowledge they have acquired.

Methods and techniques:

1) Didactic game “Say it in one word.”

2) Questions: What clothes do you know? What are the clothes for?

3) Didactic game “Clothing Store” - arranging subject pictures by type of clothing (winter, summer, demi-season).

4) The teacher’s story “How clothes appeared.”

5) Reading the poem “The History of Clothing.”

6) Didactic game “River of Time” (laying out pictures from clothes of the past to clothes of the present).

7) Conversation on the topic “Who makes clothes?”

Questions: - How are clothes made? (It is sewn and knitted).

Who designs the clothes? (Fashion designer).

Who sews the clothes? (Tailor, seamstress).

Who cuts clothes? (Cutter)

What are clothes made from? (From fabric).

Which factory does the tailoring? (At the sewing room).

Which factory produces fabric for clothing? (At the weaving shop).

8) Didactic game “Who is doing what?”

9) Analysis of the lesson.

2. Music:

Listening to “My Russia”. Music by Struve.

Singing the Russian folk song “Spinning”, arranged by T. Lomova

Russian folk dance "Flax" arranged by Ruhverger.


1. Excursion to a clothing store.

Goal: To introduce children to the variety of departments in a clothing store: outerwear, sports, holiday, children's, men's, women's clothing, underwear.

Questions: - What is the name of this store?


Who works here?

What departments are there in the store?

2. Outdoor game “Color dashes”.

Purpose of the game: to teach children to find the named leading color in their clothes, quickly respond to the signal, running to the opposite side of the playground.


1. Examination of illustrations about what kind of clothes our ancestors wore.

Goal: to continue to expand understanding of the history of clothing, its varieties, social purpose, and the ancient name of some items of clothing.

Questions: - Which illustration corresponds to our time? Why?

Show pictures of where clothes have just begun to appear?

Didactic game “Cut pictures” (clothes).

Goal: Learn to assemble a whole from 6-9 parts.

Working with parents: Offer to prepare a cardboard doll with the children. (Girls - a girl doll, boys - a boy doll and 2-3 items of clothing).

Goal: To involve parents in the educational process in preschool educational institutions on the topic “Clothing.”



1. Reading “Patch” by N. Nosov, conversation based on what was read.

Objectives: to cultivate independence, hard work, careful attitude to clothing; develop attention, memory, speech; develop the ability to answer the teacher’s questions about the work read; teach children to highlight the main idea of ​​the work and characterize the actions of the main character.

Questions: - What is the name of the story?

Who is the main character?

What happened to Bobka?

What does this story teach us?

2. Word game “Who does what?”

Purpose of the game: to teach children to select words - verbs that denote the action of a particular profession (a seamstress - sews, a cutter - cuts, an ironer - irons, etc.)

2. Board and printed game “Pick up a patch.”

Goal: to learn to correlate the color pattern and shape of the “patch” and “fabric”.

Directly – educational activities

Topic: Riddles, proverbs and sayings about clothes.

Objectives: to cultivate a love for Russian folklore; develop attention, memory, speech; continue to teach children to solve riddles, to understand the allegorical meaning of riddles; introduce children to proverbs and sayings about clothing.

Methods and techniques:

1) Riddles about clothes.

2) Word game “Continue the proverb.”

3) Physical education session “Washing”.

4) Didactic game “Find out by description” (parts of clothing)

5) Word game “Make a wish on clothes”

6) Analysis of the lesson.

2. Artistic creativity. Modeling.

Topic: Girl in a beautiful dress.

Objectives: to cultivate accuracy when working with plasticine; consolidate sculpting skills: rolling, unrolling, flattening, smoothing, connecting parts; teach children to sculpt the figure of a girl in a dress, based on a sample and a diagram of the sculpting sequence; teach children to apply a pattern on a dress according to their own design.

Methods and techniques:

1) Questions: - What clothes are the most beautiful? (Holiday)

When do you wear festive clothes?

2) Looking at a doll in a beautiful dress.

3) Review of a work sample.

4) Explanation, focusing on the diagram of work stages.

5) Imitation of sculpting methods (circular and straight movements of hands in the air).

6) Children's work.

7) Analysis of the lesson.


1. Outdoor game “Needle, thread, knot.”

Goal: to foster a sense of cohesion and collectivism; teach children, joining each other, to move through the children’s hands and not separate.


1. Didactic game “Who needs what for work?”

Goal: to teach children to recognize pictures and name items that are needed in the clothing industry.

2). Creative workshop: “Sewing Factory”

Goal: learn to draw using stencils and cut out paper clothes for flat dolls.

3. Role-playing game with flat dolls “Let’s get ready for the ball.”

Goal: To teach children to develop the plot of the game, build a dialogue, and develop the ability to select clothes for a doll. Develop aesthetic taste.


Educational activities in special moments


1). Reviewing clothing models in fashion magazines.

Goal: to form children’s understanding of the variety of clothing.

2). Conversation on the topic “Clothing of the future.”

Objectives: to cultivate respect for the answers of comrades; develop imagination, speech, logical thinking; learn to come up with clothing models of the future, based on a diagram - a model for describing clothing.

Questions: - What clothes do you know?

What clothes do you like to wear?

What do you think the clothes will be like in the future?

3). Word game “My, May, mine, mine...”.

Goal: to teach children to select a noun - the name of a piece of clothing - to a pronoun, to correctly coordinate them in gender and number, to answer the question: “What piece of clothing can we say - mine (mine, mine, mine?

Direct educational activities.

1. Cognition: the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Theme: Dress for Cinderella.

Objectives: to cultivate responsiveness and a desire to help those in need; develop attention, memory, logical thinking, speech; develop children’s ability to add numbers by solving simple mathematical problems; develop children’s ability to solve riddles, navigate the group’s space: find the necessary objects according to verbal instructions; teach children to write graphic dictation.

Methods and techniques:

1) The riddle of Cinderella.

2) Creating a problematic situation: Cinderella would really like to go to the ball, but she has a lot of work and does not have a ball gown. How can you help her?

3) Exercise “Count the vegetables.” (Solving math problems - adding numbers).

4) Game for orientation in space “Place the objects in their places in the group.” (The teacher gives verbal instructions, and the children place the toy in the group).

5) The teacher reports that all the work has been done, now you can start dressing up Cinderella.

Riddle - “Guess what pattern will be on Cinderella’s dress”:

I've been your acquaintance since childhood.

Every angle of yours is right.

All four sides

Same length (square).

Question: What to call a pattern on a dress if the main elements are squares? (in the box).

6) Graphic dictation “Dress for Cinderella.”

7) Analysis of the lesson.

2. Artistic creativity. Decorative drawing.

Topic: Painted fabrics.

Objectives: to cultivate accuracy when working with paints; develop imagination, creativity, aesthetic taste; teach children to draw patterns according to plan, filling the entire space of a sheet of paper; find beautiful color combinations; depending on the background, use elements of decorative and applied art in your drawing; improve technical brush drawing skills (paint with the tip of the brush or the entire bristle, move freely in different directions).

Methods and techniques:

1) Looking at each other's clothes

2) Questions: - What are the clothes called?

What fabric is it made from?

What does the fabric look like? (plain or patterned).

3) Examination of pieces of fabric (texture, color)

Questions: - What kind of fabric can be sewn from such fabric?

What fabric is suitable for festive, everyday


4) The teacher’s story about who draws patterns on fabric.

5) Showing how to draw a pattern.

6) Children's work.

7) Analysis of the lesson.


1. While dressing for a walk or undressing, the game “Who has more?”

2. Low mobility game “Where we were, we won’t say...”

Goal: To teach children to expressively depict various actions (washing clothes, sewing, dressing, etc.).


1. Reading V. Livshits “Valina’s Gloves”.

Tasks: to cultivate neatness, careful attitude to clothing; develop attention, memory, speech; teach to understand the instructive meaning of the poem.

Questions: - What is the name of the poem?

What is the poem talking about?

Who was looking for Valya's gloves?

What things did the relatives find?

Where did you find the gloves?

What can you call Valya?

Does Valya do well with clothes?

2. Didactic game “Good - bad”.

Goal: To teach children to see positive and negative sides in a given situation.


Educational activities in special moments


1. Word game “Guess it.”

Goal: To teach children to guess items of clothing based on the purpose of its parts.

2. Didactic game “Find out by touch.”

Goal: To teach children to identify by touch and name familiar types of fabrics (fur, flannel, nylon, drape, corduroy, etc.).

Direct educational activities

1. Communication. Speech development.

Topic: Writing a descriptive story about a doll.

Objectives: to cultivate respect for the answers of peers; develop attention, memory, logical thinking; teach children to compose short descriptive stories about a doll, based on the teacher’s example and the sequence diagram for composing a story; teach children to use complex and common sentences in speech.

Methods and techniques:

1) The riddle about the doll.

2) Looking at a new doll.

3) Questions:

What is this?

What kind of hair and eyes does the doll have?

What is the doll wearing?

What's on the doll's legs?

How can you play with a doll?

4) Physical exercise “Wind-up dolls”.

5) A sample of the teacher’s story, based on the story sequence diagram.

6) Talking about the doll “in a chain”, individually.

7) Analysis of the lesson.

2. Music.

Listening to the Russian folk song “Dunya the Fine Weaver” arranged by Zharov.

Singing “The sun is a dress.” Music and lyrics by E. Gomonova.


1) game “Riddles in a bag”.

Goal: to teach children to guess riddles about the tools of the clothing industry, to find a picture from a bag that corresponds to the answer.

2. Game – competition “The fastest and most accurate”

Goal: To develop children’s ability to quickly, accurately, correctly put things in a locker, and evaluate the result of their work.


Educational activities in special moments:


1. Organizing an exhibition of flat dolls in paper outfits created by children and parents.

Goal: to recognize the efforts and responsiveness of all exhibitors and to reward the winners.

2. Verbal game “Recognize the doll by its description.”

Purpose: to teach children to wish for a certain doll; describe her appearance: clothes, hair color, eyes.

Direct educational activities:

1. Artistic creativity. Application.

Topic: New doll dress.

Objectives: to cultivate careful handling of scissors, accuracy when working with glue; develop symmetrical cutting skills from a sheet of paper folded in half.

Develop creativity, imagination, decorate the dress with a pattern according to your design.

Methods and techniques:

1) Examination of flat paper dolls in clothes.

2) Creating a problematic situation: the dolls are going to the ball, but they don’t have dresses.

3) Questions: - What can you wear to the ball?

How do you imagine a ball gown?

4) Examination of samples of ball gowns.

5) Showing the methods and sequence of applique, based on the diagram of cutting methods.

6) Children's work.

7) Summary. (Creating a game situation “The dolls go for a point”).


1. Household work: washing doll clothes.

Objectives: to cultivate hard work and accuracy; learn to wash clothes thoroughly, rinse and wring them.

2. The plot-role-playing game “Clothing Store”.

Goal: to cultivate goodwill, politeness, friendly relationships in the game; consolidate ideas about types of clothing; continue to teach children to build dialogue in the game.

3. Didactic game “Which one”.

Goal: to teach children to form adjectives from nouns by answering the question “Which one?” (What kind of clothes are made of chintz? - chintz, what kind of collar is made of fur - fur).

4. Design of the album “Clothes, shoes, accessories.”

In children of early preschool age, the foundations of personal culture and self-service skills are being formed. Children should have specific ideas about items of clothing. Getting acquainted with the objects of their immediate environment, with which they actively interact in everyday life, children learn not only the name of items of clothing, but their purpose, their features, the meaning of their parts, learn to compose the first descriptive stories, treat clothing with care and use it in accordance with appointment.

Project participants: d Children of junior group No. 5, teachers.

Duration: k short-term - 1 week.

Project type: educational, playful, creative.


Introduce children to types of clothing. Classify clothes by season. Enrich children's vocabulary.


To train children in the ability to identify and distinguish clothes

Identify the main features of clothing items (color, shape, size)

Cultivate a neat attitude towards clothing.

Support children's natural interest and curiosity.

Expected result.

Children can:

Know and name items of clothing;

Possess a general concept;

Distinguish between clothes for boys and girls;

Know what clothes are made from and by whom;

Identify items of clothing by descriptive riddles.

Forms of work.

Conversations: “What is it for? cloth

“What We wear clothes, when is it cold?

“Why do you need sportswear? cloth

"How to take care of your clothes

"Where do we buy clothes?»

"Which clothes happen

Target: Expand children's knowledge about clothing

Viewing the presentation “Clothing”, looking at pictures on the topic

Target: cultivate a culture of speech, build phrasal speech, expand vocabulary about types of clothing.

Didactic games: “Find a pair”, “What’s extra”, “Funny boots”, “Whose, whose, whose?”, “Patch”, “Paper dolls”, “Whose is it cloth?”, “What’s gone?”, “What’s appeared?”, “What’s changed?”, “Cut-out pictures.”

Outdoor games: “Who is wearing what”, “Name the clothes”, “Find out who?”, “Dress the doll”, “Collect a picture”, “Round dance”.

Finger game “Pants, tights”, “Shirt”.

Fiction: poems, riddles, nursery rhymes about clothes,

K. Chukovsky “Miracle Tree”, L. Voronkova “Masha the Confused Man”, L. Mileva “Swift-legged and Gray clothes».

Direct educational activities:

Informative - research activities:

“We introduce the dolls Sasha and Masha to clothes» .

Productive activities:

modeling "Buttons for clothes»;

applique “Let’s dress the dolls for a walk”;

drawing "Let's decorate clothes for boys and girls", "White dress with polka dots."

Subject development environment:

book center: picture books (clothing);

pictures from the “Clothing” series;

mummers corner “We are getting dressed”;

creativity center: coloring books.

Role-playing games: "Shop clothes"; “Mothers and Daughters”; "Family".

Game situation “Washing clothes”

Working with parents: conversation “Tidiness in children's clothing"; homework "Sew" clothes for dolls"; consultation “Consider and study clothes with children"; excursion with your children to the store clothes.