Profession mechanic, repairman. Locksmith (general description of the profession)

The faucet at home is leaking. “We need to call a locksmith!” - says mom. The bike broke down. “We need to take it to the locksmith,” says dad. What kind of jack of all trades is this? This is an old profession. A mechanic works with metal. A metallurgist smelts metal. A blacksmith makes nails, horseshoes and other things from heated metal.

A locksmith works with cold metal, which is very strong and hard. To deal with metal, a mechanic has special tools, for example: a hammer and a chisel.

He put the sharp end of a chisel to the metal, hit the other end with a hammer - he chopped off a piece of metal! You can cut off the desired piece of metal with a special hacksaw. This saw has very sharp teeth and is made of durable metal. A mechanic has a drill with a drill and a cunning tool for work - a tap. A tap is used to cut a thread in the hole so that the screw can then be screwed in. The mechanic screws in the screws with screwdrivers, but for the bolts and nuts he has wrench. Files help the craftsman to make the surface of the metal completely smooth. To make all parts exactly to size, the mechanic uses special measuring tools. They have very difficult names: calipers and vernier calipers.

A mechanic repairman is a very common profession. But, since these specialists are required for various types production, there is a narrow specialization of mechanics, whose training is carried out specifically for the industry where they will work. A repairman is engaged in installation, adjustment, adjustment and diagnostics of mechanisms.

A mechanic makes new things from metal and repairs old ones! Many schools have locksmith workshops where students are introduced to locksmith tools, and they can also work with them in the school workshop!

HISTORY OF THE PROFESSION FITTER: The profession of a mechanic dates back to the moment when humanity began to invent machines and mechanisms, when specialists were needed to assemble, maintain and repair them. The first mention of metalworking was in 1463 in the Vienna archives, and in 1545 a metalworking workshop was formed in Germany. The name of the profession comes from German word "schlos"- lock. Schlossers were the name given to the craftsmen who made locks.

HOW TO BECOME A FITTER: The work of a mechanic belongs to the category of work with average physical activity. He must have good health in the field of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. He must have good eyesight, memory and an accurate eye. This profession can be obtained in vocational schools, technical schools, directly in production, by getting a job as a locksmith apprentice and taking appropriate professional courses.


I need these things:
And ticks,
And a hacksaw
And all that is needed is


The work of a repairman can be described by the saying when seven are waiting for one. And, indeed, in the event of a breakdown, the entire production stands still and waits for this specialist to fix it, fix it, set it up. Without him, a small cog, the entire large mechanism of the enterprise will not work.

At enterprises various industries National economy a great variety of different machines and mechanisms are concentrated. The uninterrupted operation of all these mechanisms, and therefore the production of products, depends on repairmen.

Repairmen produce current, medium and major renovation, as well as installation, testing and adjustment various equipment, machines and units.

It is impossible to list the mechanisms that repairmen have to deal with. This is true creative work. Repairmen identify faults, disassemble, repair and assemble various components, mechanisms and machines in general. They also produce some parts and accessories for repair and assembly. In this regard, a repairman must have a large stock of knowledge and skills.

The profession of a mechanic dates back to the moment when humanity began to invent machines and mechanisms, when specialists were needed to assemble, maintain and repair them. The first mention of metalworking was in 1463 in the Vienna archives, and in 1545 a metalworking workshop was formed in Germany. The name of the profession comes from the German word schlos - castle. Schlossers were the name given to the craftsmen who made locks.

Video Profession "Repairman".

Personal qualities

The work of a repairman falls into the category of work with average physical activity. He must have good health in the field of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. He must have good eyesight, memory and an accurate eye.

average salary

From 25,000 to 40,000 rubles per month, depending on experience and place of work.

Education (What do you need to know?)

In addition to the design and principles of operation of the machines being repaired, you need to know the basics of metal technology, be able to use a wide variety of metalworking and testing tools, lifting vehicles, know the techniques of metalworking and assembling parts, and safety rules.

The basis of a repairman's work is observation and technical savvy. A worker in this profession must correctly determine the cause of the malfunction and develop a plan to eliminate it. From the right decision These tasks significantly affect the labor productivity of a repairman.

Place of work and career

Working conditions for a repairman can be very different. He can work in a mechanical repair shop or team, as well as individually as an on-duty repair mechanic. Repairmen work both indoors at stationary workstations and at fresh air, in particular when repairing agricultural equipment.

Related professions:

Where to study?

Colleges and technical schools by specialty Speciality

Reception at the base
9 classes

Reception at the base
11 classes

Cost per year

Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry)

3 g 10 4 g 10 2 g 10 3 g 05

44 100 (in person)
37,976 (in absentia)

3 g 10

free (25 seats)

Installation and technical operation industrial equipment(by industry)

3 g 10

for free

Mechanical Engineering Technology

3 g 10

for free

Mechanical Engineering Technology

3 g 10

31,200 (in absentia)

Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment.

3 g 10 3 g 10

free (25 seats)
31,200 (in absentia)

Ekaterinburg Industrial and Economic College

Mechanical Engineering Technology


Technical operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment

3 g 10 3 g 03

free (50 seats)
69 620
69 620

Installation and operation of equipment and gas supply systems

4 g 10 2 g 10

Ekaterinburg Mechanical Engineering College

Mechanical Engineering Technology

310 210 210

free (25 + 15 seats)
45 400
27 000

Good evening to you! I think it’s time to consider the question of what a toolmaker does at a machine-building plant or any other enterprise. There are toolmakers in any more or less large production.

That's probably it main question which worries you since you are reading this article. In this post I will tell you what a toolmaker does and what difficulties he faces when doing his job.

Of course, a toolmaker relates more to the repair personnel who serve. And as the song says, their service is both dangerous and difficult. Although it’s about police officers, locksmiths are also worthy of these words.

What he does, what he does... and actually repairs equipment and some types of tools. Yes, exactly a tool, because a tool is not only cutters and drills and so on. There are quite complex tools, both assembly and cutting, that require high qualifications to assemble them.

For example, in our production we use prefabricated broaches that consist of carbide parts that are mounted on a metal rod and set with a certain accuracy, this is where a highly qualified toolmaker comes into play.

What does a toolmaker do depending on his category?

There are 8 categories of tool makers in total. And depending on the category, a toolmaker can perform various works from the simplest to the most complex.

Toolmaker 3-4 categories.

This specialist... yes, even though the rank is not very high, 4-5 rank as a toolmaker is not bad enough. In general, these are guys who have to quickly grasp everything on the fly. Much, of course, depends on the production where they work. Well, what can they do:

  • Assembly and disassembly of not too complex mechanisms.
  • Preliminary finishing of details.
  • Adjustment of conical surfaces.
  • Installation of mandrels and tools on the machine.
  • Replacement of device units.
  • Replacement of lathe chucks of any diameters.

Actually, it’s not possible to describe everything at once because it largely depends on the production where our toolmaker works.

Toolmaker 6-8 categories.

Now these guys are aerobatics. These locksmiths work wonders. This is truly true in our production. heroic people. They do everything that needs to be adjusted, assembled, sorted, aligned with a certain accuracy, and much more. They can do professionally:

  • Iterate complex mechanisms and devices.
  • Collect what is not collected
  • Repair division and positioning mechanisms.
  • Align mandrels with micron precision on the machine.
  • Assemble precise cutting tool.
  • Adjust and lap mating parts with high precision.
  • Repair what cannot be repaired :)

Well, what can I say, in general, the qualifications of a toolmaker do not mean that he good specialist. There are also 7th and 8th category mechanics with crooked hands, and sometimes, on the contrary, 4th category guys do things that will make you shake.


If you want to understand in more detail what does a toolmaker do?, then you should read about it in ETKS. This is if you didn't know" E long T arifno- TO validation WITH reference book." Everything is described there in boring bureaucratic language, which I try not to write at all in my blog.

I am generally opposed to any kind of cramming and memorization of material. I believe that you must understand the material and try the acquired skills in practice, then you can consider yourself a real .

That's all for me!

I will be glad to see your comments and clicks on the buttons at the bottom of the article.

Bye everyone!

Read my blog! Andrey was with you!

Locksmith mechanical assembly works- This is a difficult profession, and not everyone is able to master it. The reason lies in the fact that future specialists will have to study the structure of many mechanisms, and this requires an innate talent for memorization. In addition, a mechanical assembly mechanic must have excellent endurance and strength, because the specifics of the work will repeatedly force him to deal with heavy parts and mechanisms.

And yet, those who master this specialty can be sure that they will have a decent job. After all, mechanics are always needed in enterprises, especially highly specialized ones.

What is a fitter?

This branch of specialists is engaged in the assembly of mechanisms and devices. In particular, they install various types of turbines, motors, nozzles, heating units, and so on. If we compare an ordinary mechanic with his mechanical assembly colleague, the second differs in that he has more in-depth knowledge in the field of mechanics.

If in ordinary enterprises there is no particular need for such specialists, since their duties can be performed by an ordinary mechanic, then in factories producing various equipment they are simply irreplaceable. Especially where they create high-tech mechanisms and assemblies that require increased attention during manufacturing.

How to become a mechanical assembly mechanic?

You can obtain a locksmith qualification at a technical school or college. Upon admission, you will need to pass an exam in physics and mathematics. They cannot be called simple, so you should prepare in advance and, if necessary, hire a tutor.

Another way is to get a job as an apprentice to an experienced specialist. After several years of such training, you will become a real mechanical assembly mechanic. The duties of an apprentice exclude operations of increased complexity, so you should not count on full payment. But still, given that this is only a step on the path to the desired profession, such a budget distribution can be tolerated.

Finding a suitable job

Finding a job as a mechanic will not be difficult, because they are necessary in any enterprise. Remuneration will depend on the size of the organization and the responsibilities that will fall on the shoulders of the mechanic.

As for searching for vacancies in the specialty "mechanical assembly mechanic", everything is more complicated here. After all, in small enterprises there is no need to divide mechanics into categories, and no one will pay extra for highly specialized education.

Therefore, it would be wiser to look for work in large enterprises. The modernization of machinery and equipment is constantly carried out here, which means that the services of a fitter will be relevant. Also, do not forget about factories that produce machines, various kinds of tools, units, and so on.

If there is nothing suitable, then you can get a job with a related specialization. For example, an automation control mechanic or a tool maker.

What are the responsibilities of a mechanical assembly mechanic?

A lot in future profession depends on the specific production chosen. After all, it’s one thing when a person works at a car plant, and quite another thing in the metal rolling industry. Nevertheless, it is possible to draw certain parallels.

A mechanical assembly mechanic has the following responsibilities:

  1. First of all, a locksmith must be able to work with various mechanisms: assemble them based on drawings, adjust parts, configure and check for suitability.
  2. The responsibilities of a locksmith also include repairs. Firstly, he is responsible for the serviceability of the products he produces. Secondly, he is obliged to repair all the mechanisms on his site in order to prevent downtime in production.
  3. Regardless of the type of production, he must report to higher management.

Job description for mechanical assembly mechanic

When starting a job, each mechanic must sign a number of documents. Among them there are instructions for a mechanic for mechanical assembly work. It specifies all the duties and rights of this worker.

The job description of a mechanical assembly mechanic is a set of rules, and violating them is strictly prohibited. In general, such a document can be divided into four large sections.

  1. Basic provisions. Here are the requirements for the future employee: list necessary documents, his position in production, at whose disposal he will be, and so on.
  2. Tasks and responsibilities. A list of all operations that a specialist will have to perform at the specified production site.
  3. Rights. A list of what a mechanic is supposed to do: length of the working day, availability of lunch, and the like.
  4. Responsibility. This paragraph identifies all situations that could lead to financial punishment.

Mechanical assembly mechanic: categories

There are 5 tariff categories. The youngest is the second, the oldest is the sixth. To be admitted to work of increased complexity, you must have a category of at least 5.

Naturally, the higher the rank, the greater the chances of finding a high-paying job. And yet, a mechanical assembly mechanic is a profession where experience is valued above all, not a diploma. Consequently, there is a high probability that you will have to work in a small enterprise for the first 2-3 years and only then apply for more promising vacancies.

A locksmith is a kind of jack of all trades. Previously, in Rus' there were masters and apprentices, over time this concept was replaced by a new one, borrowed from German language in a word. Schlosser- locksmith, this was the name given to specialists in manual metal processing. Then the word conspired and acquired a rather pleasant sound.

Nowadays, the specialty of a mechanic involves a number of professions. The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory (ETKS) lists slightly less than a hundred professions in the specialty of mechanic. The responsibilities of a locksmith include:

  • maintenance and repair of equipment and mechanisms;
  • construction and installation work on laying communications;
  • mechanical processing of metal and metal products;
  • production of parts and assembly of components and assemblies;
  • troubleshooting systems and identifying their causes.
  • Of course, this is far from full list duties of a mechanic, but it allows you to form an understanding of his work.

In order to obtain a specialty as a mechanic, you must graduate from a vocational technical school, a specialized technical school, or complete courses in production with direct practice there. Today there is great amount courses that allow you to retrain or improve your rank. IN educational institutions You can obtain the specialty of a mechanic of both a narrow and a wide profile.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of professions in the specialty of a mechanic. We all use household appliances, communication and water supply systems, heating systems and air conditioning and ventilation systems. Specialists in installation, repair and maintenance of all these systems are in great demand.

In production, mechanics perform:

  • preventive maintenance to prevent breakdown or failure of mechanisms;
  • lubricate rubbing parts, replace gaskets and seals;
  • assembly, dismantling work; replacement of expired parts;
  • control and maintenance uninterrupted operation cars

This type of activity requires the ability to read drawings, understand design diagrams, and knowledge of the tactical and technical parameters of the mechanism being serviced. A mechanic must be able to use instrumentation and know their accuracy class, have an understanding of tolerances and fits of prefabricated parts, and use them in their work special tool and consumables.


A repairman is akin to a doctor; he must diagnose and then “cure” a faulty mechanism. Thanks to the acquired experience and experience, such a person is able to make diagnostics by ear. Except repair work he often produces revisions and .

Timely replacement of worn parts, detection of unacceptable play or increased clearance, often prevents serious consequences, including failure of the entire mechanism. Adjusting spindles and tensioning bearings is not an easy task and requires a certain skill that is acquired through experience.

A repairman in a certain area must have knowledge in the field of physics, chemistry, mathematics, and geometry. The ability to apply this knowledge in practice characterizes him as a competent specialist. As he accumulates length of service and gains experience, the specialist gets the opportunity to improve his qualifications to the next category, with a corresponding entry in the work book. The work book also indicates admission to a certain type of work. For example, in work book a note is entered stating that the specialist is authorized to work with lifting mechanisms, to work with hydraulic systems and shut-off valves.

The responsibilities of a repairman include:

  • Comply with occupational health and safety requirements.
  • Apply means personal protection– special clothing, shoes, headgear, protective gloves, helmet, safety glasses.
  • Before starting, familiarize yourself with the work plan, construction diagrams, technical characteristics repair units and assemblies.
  • Ensure suitability metalworking tools. The tool must not have any damage or visible defects.
  • Maintain vigilance and attentiveness when working at the machine. Do not allow foreign objects to get into rotating parts. To not allow unauthorized persons into the area of ​​operation of machines and mechanisms.
  • Be careful when washing parts with special liquids and chemical solutions. Use gloves, goggles and a respirator.
  • Do not perform work for which you do not have permission, as specified in the work book.
  • If a malfunction is detected, turn off the operating mechanism and notify your superiors.
  • Upon completion of work, take care of the safety of the tools and cleaning of the workplace.
  • In the event of an emergency, provide assistance to the victim first aid, eliminate the traumatic factor, report the incident in the prescribed manner.

Must: understand the equipment design; know the rules for debugging mechanisms; know how to eliminate defects and assemble equipment; be able to use control and measuring instruments; be able to use tolerance and fit tables; be able to determine the accuracy of surface treatment; know the properties of metals and alloys; know how to use equipment and special device. As a specialist improves his or her qualifications, the level of required knowledge and skills increases.

must: know how to determine premature wear of components and parts, as well as methods for their restoration; understand design features equipment; be able to test and adjust machines and complex units; be able to determine permissible load for repair equipment; know the rules for testing equipment; understand diagrams and drawings; be able to diagnose normal operation cars A fifth-class repairman is distinguished by his level of knowledge, skill and work experience.

must: be able to control general process production work; repair equipment of any complexity; use control and measuring equipment during inspections and diagnostics of machines and complex units; carry out a set of measures to prevent wear, breakdowns, and failure of repair equipment; use technical literature and teaching aids in your work.

The work of a mechanic involves the use of cutting tools, equipment, lifting and large-sized mechanisms, etc. This creates a certain risk and danger. It is imperative to comply with the requirements of the labor protection instructions.