Permille of alcohol: methods of calculation and punishment for violating established standards. Severe degree of alcohol intoxication, signs, treatment

13.12.2017 Lawyer Viktor Voloshin 0

Permille of alcohol: methods of calculation and punishment for violation established standards

Most drivers in our country are aware of the penalties for driving while intoxicated, but few know what the ppm of alcohol is and how to relate it to specific volumes of alcohol. Since 2013, the country has reintroduced the concept of “permissible ethanol content in the blood of a motorist.” To understand what the permitted norm is, you need to have an understanding of converting the amount of alcohol consumed into ppm.

To learn how to determine the degree of intoxication in ppm and not to drive when it is punishable, you need to learn how to independently convert the amount of alcohol you drink into this indicator.

Promille is the concentration of alcohol in the driver's blood or in the air he exhales, which shows the degree of his intoxication. Essentially this is mathematical term, which means thousandth percent of the whole. Often this term is applied not only to drivers who risk getting behind the wheel while being “chauffeured,” but also in other areas of activity. For example, the slope of a railway track is measured in ppm.

Permille as a percentage shows the content of breakdown products of alcohol-containing drinks in the body. With the help of knowledge about alcohol content, you can determine your condition and decide whether to travel or not.

Different alcoholic drinks are eliminated from the body differently, and they require different periods of time to do so. The table will show what is the time frame for removing a particular drink from the body in the amount of 100 grams.

Type of alcoholic drink/Weight of person 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
Beer 4% from 21 to 35 minutes
Beer 6% from 31 to 52 minutes
Cocktail 9% Gin-Tonic from 47 minutes to 1 hour 18 minutes
Sparkling champagne (11% turnover) from 57 minutes to 1 hour 36 minutes
18% Port or wine from 1 hour 34 minutes to 2 hours 37 minutes
Alcohol tincture 24% from 2 hours 05 minutes to 3 hours 29 minutes
Alcoholic product – liqueur 30% from 2 hours 37 minutes to 4 hours 21 minutes
Vodka 40% from 2 hours 37 minutes to 5 hours 48 minutes
Cognac 42% from 3 hours 39 minutes to 6 hours 05 minutes

By observing the time periods indicated in the table, you can accurately calculate the period of complete elimination of alcohol from the body and the time for safe driving. The motorist can check his own condition the next day using a portable breathalyzer, which are sold in electronics stores.


To avoid the mistake of relying on standard tables that present average results without taking into account individual characteristics person, it is better to calculate the number of ppm yourself.

To make the calculation, take the following indicators:

  • person's weight;
  • the volume of alcoholic beverage consumed and its strength.

A person suffering from alcoholism and drinking alcohol regularly will experience the greatest degree of intoxication, since the concentration of ethanol in his blood is increased. The driver must understand the full responsibility of drunk driving and prevent this from happening.

Calculation example

Formula permissible norm ppm of alcohol in the blood is called Eric Widmark. The calculation is extremely simple and does not require special knowledge, but it will perfectly help to avoid traffic violations.

The formula looks like this:

C=A/(m X r), Where

C is the blood alcohol concentration;

A is the grams of alcohol consumed;

m is the person’s weight;

r is a constant value, which for women is 0.6 ppm, for men - 0.7 ppm.

For example, a woman with a body weight of 50 kg drank 50 grams of cognac the night before, which means C = 50/(50 X 0.6). That is, a woman’s blood will contain 0.6 ppm.

It is almost impossible to fool modern breathalyzers used by the police, due to their absolute precision. Therefore, if you have doubts about your condition and the dose of alcohol was too large, it is better to refrain from traveling by car, so as not to receive a fine, lose your driver’s license, or get into an accident.

Alcohol ppm tables

The degree of intoxication of a citizen can be determined by certain symptoms and, accordingly, the amount of alcohol contained in his blood can be approximately determined. The ppm alcohol table clearly shows the classification of a person’s intoxication.

Amount of vapor in exhaled air (BrAC, mg/l) Permille value (g/l) Human condition Characteristic behavior
0,0 – 0,29 0,0 – 0,4 Sober Some talkativeness and a “good” mood can only be noticeable to close people who are well acquainted with the person’s character. Considered the norm.
0,15 – 0,5 0,3 – 1,0 A state of euphoria, a manifestation of impudence Self-confidence, violation of generally established rules, lack of control over coordination of movements. There is a high risk of getting punished for drunk driving.
0,40 – 1,0 0,8 – 2,0 Nervous excitement Unsteady gait, lack of coordination, lethargy, drowsiness. Angry or apathetic behavior is common. Conflicts with traffic police officers are possible.
0,70 – 1,2 1,4 – 2,4 Inappropriate behavior Disorientation, visual disturbances, attacks of anger. The feeling of pain is often drowned out.
1,1 – 1,6 2,2 – 3,2 Apathetic state Lethargy, apathy towards everything, with reduced immunity, paralysis occurs. Possible death.
1,50 – 2,0 3,0 – 4,0 Clinical coma, near-death state Reflexes are severely suppressed or completely absent. There is a decreased body temperature and poor functioning respiratory system and blood circulation
1,90+ 3,8+ Fatal outcome The probability of death is 100% due to paralysis of the respiratory system.

There are a number of signs that clearly indicate that a person is drunk:

  • persistent smell of alcohol;
  • tremor, unsteady gait;
  • speech disorders;
  • change in skin color (red or pale);
  • aggression, increased sociability, inappropriate behavior.

These signs, without any examination, may indicate that the person has been drinking and has not yet come to his senses. At the same time, the body of each citizen is individual. Some people need to drink just a glass of beer to get very drunk, while others need a significant dose of strong alcohol. Allowing a motorist to get behind the wheel in this condition is extremely dangerous. He may suffer himself and injure other people. Pedestrians are especially likely to suffer from drunk drivers. Serious accidents occur quite often due to the fault of alcoholic beverages, so compliance with established rules State traffic inspectors strictly monitor, periodically conducting special raids to identify “drunk” drivers.

Information for drivers

Drinking before driving is very dangerous. Impairments in coordination and thinking often lead to serious accidents. The stage of severe intoxication, as a rule, occurs within half an hour after drinking strong alcohol.

The Ministry of Health, together with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, has developed standards in accordance with which drivers are checked for alcohol intoxication. For some time in our country there was a law according to which the driver had to have zero ppm when tested. This indicator had to be present both when tested with a breathalyzer (exhale) and detected in a blood or urine test. But then changes were made that allow a certain amount of alcohol in the blood of a motorist.

The reason for this is some products consumed every day:

  • kefir, curdled milk, yogurt;
  • overripe bananas;
  • kvass;
  • warm fruit juices;
  • some medicines;
  • chocolate candies;
  • cigarettes;
  • sandwiches with sausage and black bread and other products.

Contrary to popular belief, non-alcoholic beer also increases blood alcohol levels. Therefore, you should not drink this drink or other low-alcohol products before your trip.

The permissible limits for ppm of alcohol while driving in 2017 are 0.16 ppm in exhaled air and 0.35 milligrams per liter of blood. This ratio is precisely the permissible error of the instruments that are offered to the driver for testing. Measuring alcohol content is carried out either by police officers at the scene of a stop using a special breathalyzer device, or in a clinical setting using blood and urine tests. Saliva may also contain information about the content of ethanol breakdown products, but often the results are not accurate. Therefore, this method is considered unreliable.

For violation of the permissible amount of ppm established by the Ministry of Health, the country provides for punishment in the form of:

  • a fine of 30 thousand rubles and deprivation of rights for up to two years, upon initial detection of alcohol intoxication while driving;
  • a fine of 50 thousand rubles, deprivation of rights for up to three years or criminal prosecution;

The criteria by which drivers are selected for verification are left to the discretion of the police. The inspector may be suspicious of the behavior of the motorist, a professional eye can easily see signs of alcohol intoxication in a person and then he will immediately go for an examination.

"Milligrams per mille"

People are accustomed to considering the degree of intoxication in ppm, but official documents usually include information about grams per amount of air exhaled. In order not to have difficulty translating these values, there is a certain scale on which both indicators can be easily converted. In any case, even a small amount of alcohol can harm the body, including causing irreparable changes and serious poisoning. To take care of your health, you need to strictly limit your alcohol consumption.

Measurement in ppm Milligram/liter
0,1 0,045
0,2 0,09
0,3 0,135
0,4 0,18
0,5 0,225
0,6 0,27
0,7 0,315
0,8 0,36
0,9 0,405
1,0 0,45
1.1 ppm 0,495
1,2 0,54
1,3 0,585
1,4 0,63
1,5 0,675
1,6 0,72
1,7 0,765
1,8 0,81
1,9 0,855
2,0 0,9
2,1 0,945
2,2 0,99
2,3 1,035
2,4 1,08
2,5 1,125
2,6 1,17
2,7 1,215
2,8 1,26
2,9 1,305
3,0 1,35
3,1 1,395
3,2 1,44
3,3 1,485
3,4 1,53
3,5 1,575
3,6 1,62
3,7 1,665
3,8 1,71
3,9 1,755
4,0+ 1.8 or more

It is important to understand that every ppm changes a person’s personality, reduces his ability to work, increases nervousness, and causes aggression. A ppm counter will not help you avoid intoxication. Before traveling, it is better not to drink alcohol at all to be sure own strength and ensure the safety not only of yourself, but also of other road users.

It is also important to understand the rules and follow them not only for the traffic police, but also to preserve your own health. Natural alcohol levels do not exceed 0.3 ppm. To maintain normal life and avoid harm to health, you should not exceed the level of 0.75-1.5 ppm. 2.2 ppm of alcohol characterizes the average degree of intoxication and does not cause danger, but should be an alarm bell that the standards have been exceeded.

More than 2.7 ppm of alcohol is considered a severe degree of intoxication, which causes serious changes mental state and disorders of human life. Exceeding levels above 3.5-4.2 ppm is considered a lethal dosage. Either death occurs or the person falls into a coma. From a medical point of view, there are standards for acceptable alcohol consumption per day that will not cause harm to health:

To exclude possible consequences negative effects of alcohol on the human body, it is better to completely avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, limiting yourself only to rare holiday feasts with a small amount of booze. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated for motorists, provided that they need to drive in the near future. This can cause harm not only to the driver, but also to other road users.

Alcoholism is a pathological disease formed by the incessant consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is characterized by psychological and chronic dependence on them. Every year, several tens of thousands of people suffer and even die from overdose. In is committed most of crimes. Road traffic accidents are increasingly caused by drunk drivers.

Detection of blood alcohol level

When determining the alcohol content in the blood, the alcohol concentration is determined, measured in ppm. Translated from Latin, “pro mille” means “for a thousand.” This should be understood as a thousandth of a number, or one tenth of one percent.

For example, 1 ppm should be considered one tenth of a percent. Up to a level of 0.5 ppm, alcohol has no effect on the human condition.

Degrees of intoxication

There are several degrees or stages of this condition:

  • first degree – mild

From 0.5 to 1.5 ppm of alcohol is found in the blood. It takes effect within a few minutes of taking it. At the same time, skeletal muscles relax, tension and fatigue go away, mood improves, and a pleasant warmth is felt. Fun, increased activity, sociability, boastfulness and self-confidence appear. When moving, coordination decreases and the quality of pronunciation is lost;

  • second degree – average

The level of alcohol in the body ranges from 1.5 ppm to 2.5. It starts soon after his next portion. Monotonous, less intelligible and inexpressive speech is already observed. At this stage, a person is no longer cheerful and joyful, but irritated, rude and aggressive, and, depending on the situation, easily starts an argument or fight. Low coordination of movement, uneven gait and loss of balance. In such a stay, a person does not remember everything that happens;

  • third degree – severe or strong

Alcohol in the body already contains from 2.5 to 3 ppm. In people with this level of intoxication, coordination of movement is completely lost, speech is poorly perceived, loss of consciousness is possible, and epileptic seizures may occur. Often such people experience involuntary urination, even defecation. Partial amnesia often occurs, the person does not remember anything that happened;

  • fourth degree - from 3 to 4 ppm

Speech slows down or is completely absent, and unintelligible mooing appears. It is difficult for a person to move, he often does not know where he is going, and cannot hold himself straight. In such a situation, a person no longer recognizes other people. The next morning he may not remember what happened to him yesterday;

  • fifth stage of intoxication, from 5 to 6 ppm in the blood

Possible damage to the nervous system, dysfunction of the respiratory system, heart rhythm, sometimes with cardiac arrest, and then death. The person is in a state of absolute misunderstanding of everything that is happening and loses his reaction to the people around him.

The level of intoxication may also depend on the person’s state of health, on his fatigue and tension, on the food he consumed before or after drinking alcohol, as well as on the type of drink. As a rule, a drunk person’s self-esteem is too high, and more often it is biased.

Except official degrees Intoxication sometimes reveals its atypical form. It is found in those people who have had a head injury and in those who long time drinks alcohol.

The effect of alcoholism on the body

The body gets rid of alcohol using the liver. The rate of its elimination in women is about 0.08 - 0.1 ppm per hour, and in the male population - 0.1-0.15, that is, this process is long and destructive for the liver. For example, a person consumed alcohol to a level of 2.0 ppm, the liver will almost completely cleanse the body only by the evening of the next day after drinking it. Each person has individual body characteristics. Some people sober up quickly, while others have a hangover that lasts a long time. Unfortunately, there are no medications that can cleanse the body of alcohol. Cold shower or hot tea won't help here.

You will not be able to accurately determine the level of intoxication yourself. Moreover, the effect of alcohol on different people is not the same: for some, 100 grams of vodka is not enough, but for others, even two sips of beer is enough.

Alcoholism is one of the socially dangerous and quite common diseases nowadays. The number of sick people under the control of a narcologist significantly exceeds the number registered with a psychiatrist. Drunkenness is constantly on the rise, especially among teenagers and women, and this is a serious concern for society.

Becoming an alcoholic is very easy, but getting rid of this disease is much more difficult. And various external and internal factors lead to this.

Alcohol intoxication is a condition familiar to every person. It is characterized by an improvement in mood, a feeling of relaxation and cheerfulness. Undoubtedly, drinking alcohol can give a person a lot of emotional and physical pleasure. However, severe degrees of alcohol intoxication entail a lot negative consequences, and in some cases result in death.

It should be noted that drinking alcohol affects different people differently. Some experience emotional uplift, joy and euphoria, others experience a feeling of depression, oppression and despair, and some people even become aggressive and prone to antisocial behavior. Moreover, the degree of manifestation of all these symptoms directly depends on the amount of alcohol consumed.

In order to somehow classify this state, stages of intoxication were identified. They are determined by the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood. Intoxication is measured in ppm (‰) - this is an international unit of measurement that shows how many milliliters of ethanol are contained in 1 liter of blood. It should be noted that in this case it is the volume (ml) that is taken into account, and not the mass (g).

Determining the amount of alcohol in the blood is only possible in laboratory conditions. Breathalyzers and breathalyzers used to detect it in everyday conditions show only an approximate result. The devices measure the level of ethanol in the air exhaled by a person, which only indirectly indicates its amount in the biological fluids of the body. You can calculate the approximate degree of intoxication yourself, but to do this you need to know your body weight and the amount of pure alcohol in the drink you drink.

Alcohol first enters oral cavity, pharynx and esophagus, and then into the stomach. Its absorption occurs in almost all parts of the digestive system - from the oral mucosa to the enterocytes of the small intestine. The maximum concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood is observed 30-60 minutes after drinking alcohol.

Together with the blood, alcohol spreads to all organs and penetrates all tissues. human body. Its breakdown occurs in the liver with the participation of its enzyme systems. Some of the ethanol is excreted through sweat, exhaled air and urine.

Ethanol has the ability to affect the cortex cerebral hemispheres and many brainstem structures. As you know, the cortex is responsible for thought processes, the cerebellum is responsible for motor functions and orientation in space. The brain stem contains the respiratory and vasomotor centers. Therefore, after drinking alcohol, people’s reflexes weaken, slight disorientation occurs, and their heartbeat and breathing become more frequent. The severity of these symptoms depends on the stage of alcohol intoxication.

Ethanol has Negative influence and to other organs:

  • Stomach and intestines. Alcohol and toxic products of its metabolism are irritating digestive system, disrupt the digestion process and, with prolonged use, lead to dysbacteriosis. Alcoholics are much more likely to suffer from gastritis, ulcers and cancer than non-drinkers.
  • Liver. After drinking alcohol, transient necrosis (death) of hepatocytes is observed. With prolonged alcohol abuse, the organ suffers much more severely. Degenerative processes often continue even after a person stops drinking. This often leads to the development of fatty hepatosis and subsequently cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Organs of the genitourinary system. Since ethanol is excreted by the kidneys, its partial sedimentation occurs in them. In addition, the substance accumulates in sperm, prostatic secretions, and testicles. This negatively affects the potency and reproductive abilities of a man.
  • Heart and blood vessels. A person who drinks has an increased risk of developing alcoholic cardiomyopathy, various arrhythmias and other problems. Ethanol affects the membranes of red blood cells, partially destroys them and changes the charge of the cells. As a result, the red cells stick together and clog small vessels. This leads to tissue ischemia and cell death (including brain neurons).

As a rule, alcohol intoxication persists for 4-5 hours. The table below shows the elimination time of various alcoholic beverages from the body, depending on their quantity and the person’s body weight.

Alcohol output table

After processing by the body large quantity alcohol, a hangover may occur - a condition that appears due to the fact that the liver enzyme systems cannot cope with the load. As a result, an excess amount of acetaldehyde, an intermediate metabolite of ethanol, accumulates in the blood. It is this substance that causes unpleasant symptoms such as headache, nausea and psycho-emotional discomfort.

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication

It is not difficult to recognize a person who has been drinking - he is distinguished by his unusual relaxedness, sociability, lack of self-criticism and positive mood. All this - external signs intoxication. The degree of their severity directly depends on the volume and strength of alcohol consumed. However, such correspondence is observed only up to a certain time.

More severe degrees of alcohol intoxication are characterized by pronounced neurological, somatic and mental disorders. Men and women in this state are prone to inappropriate actions. Heavy alcohol intoxication is dangerous because people lose the ability to control their behavior and be responsible for their own actions.

The following clinical symptoms are characteristic of intoxication:

  • Changing habitual behavior. The person may become overly excited, active, and verbose, or become withdrawn, sleepy, and apathetic. Some people show signs of alcohol intoxication such as rage and aggression. This condition is very dangerous.
  • Unreasonable mood swings. A person can be in good location spirit, and within a minute begin to cry or fly into a rage. It doesn’t take much effort to identify this - just watch the drinker for a few minutes.
  • Disorientation in time, space and situation. The person does not respond adequately to environment and other people.
  • Slurred speech. A man or woman cannot clearly formulate his thoughts, confuses his words, and says meaningless things.
  • Dilated pupils, slow reaction to light, nystagmus. If you ask a person to look at one point for some time, you may notice a slight trembling of the eyeballs.
  • Sweeping movements, unsteady gait, tremor. Such people usually cannot perform the finger-nose test and stagger in the Romberg position.
  • Autonomic disorders. These include changes in heart rate, increased (or, conversely, decreased) pressure, increased sweating and salivation, pallor or cyanosis of the skin.

All degrees of alcohol intoxication are characterized by the appearance unpleasant odor from a drunk person. It can come from the mouth, hair, clothing and even the body. As you know, alcohol contained in the blood is released through sweat and exhaled air for several hours after a person stops drinking.

With severe alcohol intoxication, a person’s vital functions are disrupted: breathing slows down, the pulse quickens, and blood pressure drops sharply (even to the point of collapse). Pain sensitivity also decreases or disappears, reflexes weaken, convulsions occur, and others. dangerous symptoms. This condition can cause coma and further death.

Degrees of intoxication

The first signs of alcohol intoxication appear quite quickly - within half an hour after drinking an alcoholic drink. How more people drinks - the more noticeable the main symptoms are. However, when drinking a small amount of ethyl alcohol, intoxication may not manifest itself at all, and to detect it, you will need to conduct a laboratory blood test.

Depending on the amount of ethanol in the blood, the following clinical stages of intoxication are distinguished:

  • <0,3‰ – алкогольное опьянение не проявляется никоим образом;
  • 0.3-0.5‰ – a small content of ethyl alcohol in the blood, which has a minor effect on the body;
  • 0.5-1.5‰ is a mild degree, at which mood slightly improves, peripheral vision deteriorates and slight disorientation occurs;
  • 1.5-2.5‰ – average degree of intoxication – all of the above clinical symptoms become more pronounced;
  • 2.5-3‰ – this concentration of ethanol is detected in severe intoxication, the person is in a depressed state, brain activity is impaired;
  • 3-5‰ – typical for a very severe degree of intoxication, death is possible;
  • >5‰ – severe poisoning. In the severe stage of alcohol intoxication, the functioning of all organs and the brain is disrupted, which can lead to the most severe consequences for the body.

What determines the speed of intoxication?

It's easy to see that different people get drunk at different rates. Even sitting at the same table, some people feel cheerful and cheerful, while others may already be pretty intoxicated.

The fact is that the rate of intoxication depends on a number of factors. These include:

  • human body weight;
  • gender (male or female);
  • amount of food in the stomach;
  • general health;
  • strength of alcoholic drink;
  • amount drunk;
  • presence of gas in the drink;
  • the speed at which alcohol is drunk;
  • mixing drinks of different strengths.

Naturally than more weight It is a person, the less he will get drunk. To get drunk, he will need more alcohol. Women are more sensitive to the effects of ethyl alcohol, and not only because they are shorter and weigh less than most men. The point is that in female body Metabolism occurs differently - that's why women get drunk faster than men.

Food that fills the stomach slows down the absorption of ethanol, so alcohol intoxication develops faster in hungry people. Therefore, alcoholic drinks should always be taken with a snack. Carbonated drinks are also absorbed into the blood faster.

To avoid getting too drunk, you should not drink too quickly. If you stretch out the drinking of a bottle of wine throughout the evening (instead of drinking it in one gulp), you can avoid severe intoxication, discomfort and a terrible hangover the next morning.

In accordance with existing system measurements, the amount of alcohol in the blood is determined in ppm. This value characterizes the ethanol content in grams in one liter of blood, that is, 0.5 ppm means that there is half a gram of blood (1 liter) or 0.05% alcohol. determine the degree of intoxication, which is equivalent to severity.

Stages of intoxication

Depending on the amount of ppm in the blood, a gradation of degrees of intoxication has been developed. They have a clear system of symptoms and are therefore easily identified. It is worth immediately clarifying that alcohol content up to 0.5 ppm does not have a noticeable effect on the human body. So the lower limit of intoxication is considered to be exactly 0.5 ppm.

First degree

The first degree is considered mild and is characterized by a blood alcohol content of 0.5-1.5 ppm. This stage of intoxication is typical for the first minutes after drinking alcohol. At this time, a person feels comfort, relaxation, warmth spreads throughout the body, and fatigue is relieved. Under the influence of alcohol, the mood rises, a person becomes cheerful, active, and sociable. The expansion of the boundaries of what is permissible is typical - the mood rises, boastfulness appears, self-confidence increases, while the conversation may be unsystematic, the interlocutor may lose control of himself during discussions.

Second degree

The second degree is considered medium and is determined by the alcohol content in the blood from 1.5 to 2.5 ppm. This amount of alcohol is already overwhelming, which is expressed in monotonous, sluggish speech, the person cannot keep the thread of the conversation, becomes rude, hot-tempered, abrupt, and the mood noticeably drops. As for the coordination of movements, at the middle stage of intoxication a characteristic swaying gait appears, and loss of balance is possible. In this state, a person is overly irritable and can deliberately cause a quarrel. Under the influence of alcohol toxins, nerve connections cease to form, so in the morning a person feels a memory loss. Since there are simply no nerve connections, the memory is not restored even over time or is partially restored.

Third degree

The third degree is considered severe - to bring the body to this state, it is necessary to bring the concentration of ethanol in the blood to 2.5-3.0 ppm. affects all human organs, especially the excretory and nervous system. The person does not stand on his feet, does not let go even in a lying position. Spontaneous urination and defecation occur. Speech and movements are slurred, unsystematic, insensitivity to external stimuli, cold, heat, increased pain threshold, complete, possible and.

Dangerous dose

A dose of alcohol at which 5-6 ppm appears in the blood is considered fatal. In this case, death is not at all necessary. Death is guaranteed only if the entire dose is taken within 30 minutes. For an adult man, it is about 3 bottles of vodka, but a man can drink the same amount of alcohol during the evening and only get acute toxicosis, but without death.

The impact of third-party factors on the degree of alcohol intoxication

The effect of alcohol on the body depends not only on the amount of ethyl alcohol that a person consumes with alcohol-containing drinks, but also on many other factors:

The presence and presence of food in the stomach at the start of drinking,

  • Health status,
  • Human nervous activity
  • Fatigue,
  • Stress and tension,
  • Quality and type of alcohol, etc.

Forms of alcohol intoxication

Separately, it is worth mentioning those alcohol consumers who are allergic to alcohol, have a head injury or have been exposed to alcohol for a long time. The characteristics of the body of such people determine inadequate high degree alcohol intoxication when drinking a relatively small amount of alcohol. This form of alcohol intoxication is called atypical. In addition to the atypical one, the following forms are distinguished:

  • epileptiform,

The rate of alcohol removal from the body

In any case, with the help of the liver, which processes alcohol using special enzymes. As for the rate of alcohol processing, in men it is higher and amounts to 0.10-0.15 ppm/hour; the weaker sex is able to process ethanol at a rate of 0.085-0.10 ppm/hour.