Explanation of steel 45 GOST 1050. Mechanical characteristics at elevated temperatures

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Official publication



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, acceptance, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Transport University" (MGUPS (MIIT)) and the Open Joint Stock Company "Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport" (JSC "VNIIZhT")

2 INTRODUCED by the Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization “Railway Transport” No. 524

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated August 29, 2014 No. 69-P)

Short name of the country according to MK (IS0 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body



Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan






Gostpotrebstandart of Ukraine

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 10, 2014 No. 1494-st, the interstate standard GOST 15.902-2014 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on March 1, 2015.


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standardinform, 2014

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

can be recorded on the approved document with a direct signature or a link to another document containing the decision on approval (order, act, protocol, etc.).

3.78 disposal: Use for other needs of products that are not suitable for use for their intended purpose and cannot be restored.

3.79 examination of technical documentation: Study of technical documentation and assessment of its compliance with established requirements.

operational document: A design document that, individually or in combination with other documents, defines the rules for operating the product and (or) reflects information certifying the manufacturer-guaranteed values ​​of the main parameters and characteristics (properties) of the product, guarantees and information on its operation during the specified service life .

5.4 In order to respect the exclusive rights of third parties, ensure a high technical level of the PS (SP), and increase its competitiveness at all stages of development and launch of production of a new (modernized, modified, improved) PS (SP), patent research is carried out. The need for patent research and its scope is determined by the customer, (development initiator) or developer.

5.5 In order to reduce the likelihood of errors in the process of further work, the technical information initial for the development of the PS (SP) must be set out in the terms of reference, which is agreed upon with the owner of the infrastructure.

The main work on the creation of a PS (SP) from the beginning of the “technical specification development” stage to the end of the “putting into production” stage is given in Appendix A.

Specific development stages are established in the technical specifications in accordance with GOST 2.103.

6 Development of technical requirements

6.1 The development of technical specifications is carried out by the customer, who is responsible for their completeness and quality. The customer may involve third-party organizations as a TT developer.

6.2 The initial data for developing technical specifications can be:

Results of research work (subject to their implementation);

Proposals for commercial parameters of PS (SC),

Model of operation of the substation (SS) indicating the schemes and operating areas, parameters and characteristics of the infrastructure, as well as, if necessary, the basic structural units carrying out maintenance and repair of the substation (SS);

Forecasts of changes in the volume of transportation processes and the results of relevant marketing research;

Trends in the development of production processes in the system of maintenance and repair of substation (SP).

Forecast of the need for a new PS (SP);

Feasibility study for the creation of a substation (SP).

6.3 TT can be developed as part of scientific research work (R&D) in accordance with GOST 15.101. Registration of research results is carried out in accordance with GOST 7.32.

Conditions for the effective use of the new PS (SP);

Requirements for the technical level and quality of the new substation (SS), corresponding to the achievements of scientific and technological progress and trends in the development of railway transport;

Operating conditions for the new substation (SS) and its technical compatibility with the existing substation (SS) and infrastructure;

Basic functional requirements, parameters and characteristics of the new PS (SS);

Requirements for safety, health and environmental protection, energy efficiency, resistance to external influences, interchangeability, reliability, compatibility of components and products as a whole;

Conditions for assessing the life cycle cost of a substation (SP);

Proposed form of confirmation of compliance.

6.5 Composition, content and presentation of TT

6.5.1 TT must consist of the following sections:

Section “Purpose and scope of PS (SP)”;

Section “Requirements for PS (MF) and operating conditions”;

Section "Additional requirements".

6.5.2 In the section “Purpose and scope of application of the PS (SC)” the name, purpose of the PS (SC) and the objects where it will be used should be given.

6.5.3 The section “Requirements for PS (MS) and operating conditions” should contain:

Requirements for the PS (SP), established by all technical regulations applicable to it;

Requirements for the stability of the substation (SS) in relation to external influencing factors (temperature, humidity, acceleration, seismicity, power supply conditions, etc.);

Terms of Use;

Safety requirements.

6.5.4 In the “Additional Requirements” section, the requirements for the place and duration of operational tests of the prototype PS (SP) are given, and also indicate the requirements for maintenance, repair, transportation, storage, patent clearance, as well as other requirements at the discretion of the customer.

6.5.5 It is allowed to introduce or exclude sections of technical specifications when developing a modernized (modified, improved) PS (SC).

6.5.6 By agreement between the customer and the developer (model 1 and 2 according to 5.1) or by decision of the development initiator (model 3 according to 5.1), it is allowed not to develop Technical Requirements. In this case, all necessary information must be provided in the Technical Specifications or a document replacing it.

6.5.7 By decision of the customer, the TT is agreed upon with the owner of the infrastructure of the planned operation site, as well as, if necessary, with supervisory authorities and related organizations.

6.5.8 The TT development stage is considered completed after approval by the customer.

7 Development work

7.1 Scope of work

7.1.1 The OCD stage includes the following stages:

Development of technical specifications;

Development of a technical level map (the need for development is determined by the software developer);

Development of electronic signature;

TP development;

Development of working design documentation;

Manufacturing and preliminary testing of prototypes;

Acceptance tests of prototypes and acceptance of R&D results.


1 It is allowed not to carry out the stages of development of electronic design and (or) technical specifications as part of the development work, if this is provided for in the technical specifications. In the absence of one of the stages (EP or TP), work related to these stages must be carried out at one of the ongoing stages of work, that is, in the absence of an EP - at the stage of development of TP, and in the absence of TP - at the stage of development of EP.

2 When modernizing, modifying or improving a PS (SP), it is allowed not to carry out the stages of developing an EP and TP, if this is provided for in the technical specifications.

7.2 Development of technical specifications

7.2.1 The technical specification is the main initial technical document for the implementation of design and development work, establishing a set of requirements for the content, implementation, volume and timing of the design and development work for the creation (modernization, modification, improvement) of the substation (SC).

7.2.2 For models 1 and 2 (according to 5.1), the development of technical specifications is carried out by the developer of the PS (SP) based on:

Initial data contained in the TT;

Analysis of the latest achievements and prospects for the development of domestic and foreign science and

Experience in previous developments of similar products and their operation.

7.2.3 In case of proactive development (model 3 to 5.1), the technical specifications are developed by the development initiator.

7.2.4 The TOR establishes the purpose of development and purpose of the PS (MS) being developed (upgraded, modified, improved), a set of technical, operational, techno-economic, special and other requirements, requirements for the types of support required for the PS (MS), stages OKR (including the procedure for testing and acceptance of prototypes of PS (SP)), deadlines for their implementation, a list of regulatory and technical documentation containing the initial data necessary for performing OKR.

The TOR indicates the form of mandatory confirmation of compliance of the developed PS (SP) with mandatory requirements.

7.2.5 In general, the technical specification should consist of the following sections:

Name, design code, basis, developer and deadlines for completing the work

The purpose of performing R&D, the name and scope of application of the PS (SC);

Technical requirements for PS (SP);

Technical and economic requirements;

Requirements for types of security;

Requirements for raw materials, materials and components;

Requirements for preservation, packaging and labeling;

Requirements for educational and training facilities;

Special requirements;

Stages of implementation of OKR;

The procedure for performing and accepting the stages of development work;


The technical specifications provide for the implementation of all mandatory requirements established by technical regulations (standards) for these products.

Depending on the characteristics of the substation being developed (upgraded, modified) and its operating conditions, other sections may be included in the technical specifications. Specific

7.3.4 For models 1 and 2 to 5.1, the results of the development of the electronic signature are reviewed by the customer. The stage is considered completed after the ES is agreed upon by the customer and approved by the developer.

In the case of proactive development, model 3 to 5.1, the stage is considered completed after the approval of the electronic signature by the development initiator and approval by the developer.

Approved ES documents are assigned the letter “E”.

7.4 Technical design development

7.4.1 The TP development stage is carried out by the developer on the basis of the approved ES (or technical specifications, if the ES has not been developed).

7.4.2 The purpose of the TP development stage is to determine the final technical solutions for the PS (SP), giving a complete understanding of its design and fundamental technological solutions for its production in industrial conditions, and, if necessary, tests mock-ups.

When carrying out technical tasks (if provided for in the technical specifications), the developer prepares proposals for promising areas for further improving the technical level of the substation (SP), taking into account their suitability for subsequent modernizations and modifications.

7.4.3 The set of TP documents includes design documents in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.102 and GOST 2.120.

At the customer's request, if specified in the contract, the developer provides information support for technical documentation in the form of electronic documents at all stages of the product life cycle.

When transferring documentation to the customer (consumer) in the form of interactive electronic documents, the delivery includes, if necessary, software and hardware tools that provide visualization of the information contained and interactive interaction with the user.

Note - In the Russian Federation, requirements for information support are established by GOST R 53393.

7.4.4 For models 1 and 2 to 5.1, the results of the TP development are reviewed by the customer. The stage is considered completed after the TP is agreed upon by the customer, the owner of the infrastructure and approved by the developer.

In the case of proactive development, model 3 to 5.1, the stage is considered completed after the TP is agreed upon by the development initiator, the owner of the infrastructure and approved by the developer.

For freight cars (FC), by decision of the customer (development initiator), it is allowed not to coordinate the TP with the owner of the infrastructure.

Approved TP documents are assigned the letter “T”.

7.4.5 The scope and content of tests at the stage of manufacturing prototypes and experimental samples, development tests necessary to verify design solutions when developing design documentation, are determined by the developer, taking into account the novelty, complexity, features of production and use of the PS (SC) and organizes their implementation in accordance with program approved by him

and methodology.

The program and methodology for these tests are developed by the developer and agreed upon by the customer (the initiator of the development - model 3 to 5.1).

7.5 Development of working design documentation

7.5.1 Design documentation for the manufacture of a prototype PS (SP) is carried out by the developer in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications. The developer coordinates the design documentation with the manufacturer and makes adjustments if necessary.

7.5.2 The purpose of the stage is to develop a design documentation for the manufacture of a prototype, ED, RD, posters, training aids, special technological equipment and fixtures intended to ensure operation, maintenance and repair of the substation (MS).

7.5.3 During the implementation of the stage, the following documents are developed:

Design documentation for a prototype PS (SCh);

TD for the manufacture of a prototype (if necessary);

RD for repair of substation (SS);

ED for operation of substation (SS);

Program and methodology for preliminary testing of a prototype PS (SCh) in accordance with GOST 2.106.

7.5.4 The design documentation kit for the prototype includes design documents in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.102. The developed design documentation for the prototype is transferred to the manufacturer.

7.5.5 The developer also provides the prototype manufacturer and the customer (development initiator - model 3 to 5.1) with an ED for the substation (SCh) in accordance with GOST 2.601 taking into account GOST 15.601 to assess its sufficiency during maintenance and operation of the substation (SCh).

GOST 15.902-2014

7.5.6 For models 1 and 2 to 5.1, the results of developing a design documentation for a prototype are agreed upon by the customer with the participation of the infrastructure owner.

In the case of proactive development, model 3 to 5.1, the results of developing a design documentation for a prototype are agreed upon by the development initiator with the participation of the infrastructure owner.

For freight cars (FC), by decision of the customer (development initiator), it is allowed not to coordinate the results of the development of design documentation for a prototype with the owner of the infrastructure.

The stage is considered completed after approval by the customer and approval by the developer of the design documentation kit for the prototype (without letter).

7.6 Manufacturing and preliminary testing of prototypes

7.6.1 The purpose of the stage is to manufacture a prototype PS (SP) and conduct tests for a preliminary assessment of the compliance of the prototype PS (SP) with the requirements of the technical specifications and issue a conclusion on the possibility of submitting it for acceptance testing.

7.6.2 The basis for starting work is the design documentation kit approved by the developer.

7.6.3 For all models according to 5.1, stage contains the following work:

Development (revision) of technical documentation for the manufacture of a prototype PS (SP) (performed by the prototype manufacturer);

Preparation of production for the manufacture of a prototype PS (SP) (performed by the prototype manufacturer);

Manufacturing of a prototype (performed by the prototype manufacturer);

Conducting acceptance tests of a prototype (performed by the prototype manufacturer);

Conducting preliminary tests of a prototype PS (SP), according to the test program(s) and test method(s), agreed upon with the customer and the owner of the infrastructure (if necessary, tests can be carried out by testing centers). During testing, certified testing equipment and verified (calibrated) measuring instruments are used. Tests are organized by the developer or manufacturer in agreement with the developer;

Carrying out examinations provided for in the technical specifications (organized by the developer with the involvement (if necessary) of expert organizations and specialists);

ED adjustment based on the results of preliminary tests (performed by the developer);

Adjustment of the design documentation based on the results of manufacturing and preliminary testing of the prototype with assignment of the letter “O” to it (performed by the developer);

Production (if necessary) of a pilot batch of PS (SP) according to the documentation of the letter “O” (performed by the prototype manufacturer);

Conducting, if necessary, a trial run of the substation (organized by the manufacturer or prototype developer in agreement with the owner of the infrastructure);

Review of the results of preliminary tests (performed by the preliminary testing commission);

Acceptance of a prototype for presentation for acceptance testing (performed by the preliminary testing commission);

7.6.4 In the process of manufacturing a prototype PS (SP) and conducting preliminary tests, the following documents must be drawn up:

Developer's order to appoint a commission for preliminary tests and conduct preliminary tests;

Preliminary test reports;

Act on conducting a trial run of the substation (subject to a trial run).

7.6.5 The procedure for conducting preliminary tests is established in the test program and methodology, which is drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.106.

7.6.6 The results of preliminary tests are reviewed by a preliminary testing commission, which is formed at the initiative of the developer. The commission includes representatives of the developer, manufacturer and testing center specialists. If necessary, the commission may include representatives of the customer, component suppliers and specialists from expert organizations. As a rule, the chairman of the commission is a representative of the developer, who provides general management and organizes interaction between organizations whose representatives are members of the commission for conducting preliminary tests.

7.6.7 The final stage of preliminary testing of locomotives, multiple unit rolling stock and passenger cars includes a trial run (in conditions

test site or a specially designated section of track), which is carried out to check:

Performance of the prototype;

Interaction of all its units and systems;

Implementation of design operating modes under operating conditions.

The volume of trial mileage must correspond to:

At least 5000 km - for mainline (freight and passenger) electric locomotives, diesel locomotives, gas-diesel locomotives and gas turbine locomotives with freight or passenger trains (without passengers);

At least 5000 km - for multi-unit rolling stock (electric trains, diesel trains, railcars and rail buses) without passengers;

At least 300 hours of operational time in shunting work - for shunting diesel locomotives and gas-diesel locomotives;

At least 1500 km - for locomotive-hauled passenger cars without passengers.

Test runs are carried out according to programs agreed with the customer and owner

infrastructure. The developer ensures control over the safety of the crew. Experimental runs are carried out in a testing ground. In some cases, it is allowed to conduct a trial run at a designated testing site in agreement with the owner of the infrastructure.

7.6.8 Based on the results of the trial run, the PS (SC) draw up a report in which they indicate the actual trial run, the weight of the trains on a specific section of the railway, malfunctions and failures that occurred during the trial run.

7.6.9 If malfunctions, design defects of the test sample and (or) non-compliance of parameters and technical characteristics with the specified ones are detected during testing, as well as if conditions arise that prevent the determination of product parameters, the tests are suspended, the preliminary testing commission draws up and signs a suspension act tests. The act indicates the following information:

Reasons for suspension of testing (types of malfunctions, defects) and measures to eliminate them;

Possibility and conditions for further continuation of testing;

Dates, location and performers of work to eliminate malfunctions and defects;

Changes or additions to the test program as they continue;

Adjusted test completion dates and other measures necessary to continue and complete tests.

7.6.10 Upon completion of the preliminary tests, the organization that conducted the tests submits to the commission for preliminary tests preliminary test reports, or a report on the results of preliminary tests (if it is provided for in the test program), and the organization that conducted the trial run - a report (protocol or report if they are provided for by the program) on the results of the trial run of the PS (SC).

7.6.11 Based on the preliminary tests, the preliminary testing commission draws up a preliminary test report, which provides for the implementation of measures to ensure the implementation of the conclusions and proposals.

7.6.12 Based on the results of preliminary tests, the developer, if necessary, adjusts the design documentation for the prototype and assigns it the letter “O”, and the prototype manufacturer develops technological documentation and, if necessary, finalizes or manufactures a new copy of the prototype according to the design documentation and the adjusted design documentation to a prototype for acceptance testing.

The stage is considered completed after the chairman of the preliminary testing commission approves the preliminary testing report.

7.7 Acceptance tests of prototypes and acceptance of the results of development work

7.7.1 The purpose of acceptance testing of a prototype is:

Checking and confirming the compliance of the prototype with the requirements of the technical specifications;

Evaluation of the results obtained at the previous stages of development work;

ED assessment.

7.7.2 The stage contains the following work:

Conducting acceptance tests;

Adjustment of CD, ED and TD (if necessary);

Assignment of technical documentation (CD, ED and TD) of the prototype with the letter “O-i”;

GOST 15.902-2014

Refinement (adjustment) of the software based on the results of acceptance tests of the prototype (if necessary);

Review of the acceptance test protocol(s);

Review of the results of the design and development work as a whole by the acceptance committee.

7.7.3 Tests are organized by the developer or manufacturer, who is responsible for their conduct and content. The program and methodology for acceptance testing are developed in accordance with GOST 2.106 by the developer and the testing center, agreed upon by the manufacturer, infrastructure owner and customer (development initiator - model 3 to 5.1), approved by the developer.

Acceptance tests are carried out in accredited testing centers.

7.7.4 The developer or manufacturer notifies the customer (development initiator - model 3 to 5.1) about the readiness of the prototype PS (SP) for acceptance testing no later than 20 calendar days before the start of the tests.

The compliance of prototype PS (SP) samples submitted for acceptance tests with the requirements of the technical specifications must be confirmed by positive results of acceptance and preliminary tests carried out in the full scope of the test program.

7.7.5 For substations components manufactured at third-party enterprises, and the testing of which does not require the organization of special operating modes and for which the service life indicators are not assessed, it is allowed, by agreement with the customer, to combine acceptance tests of components with acceptance tests of rolling stock at the place and time in general, if this is provided for by the test program and methodology. The place and procedure for acceptance testing are determined by the manufacturer, developer and customer, indicated in the test program and methodology and agreed upon with the owner of the infrastructure and the testing center.

7.7.6 The basis for starting testing is the availability of the following documents:

Order of the customer (development initiator - model 3 to 5.1) on the appointment of an acceptance committee and on testing;

Notification (or other document replacing it) from the manufacturer (developer) about the readiness of the prototype PS (SP) for acceptance testing;

Decisions of the customer (development initiator - model 3 to 5.1) on the possibility of conducting acceptance tests;

Certificate of conducting a trial run (subject to its implementation).

7.7.7 The results of acceptance tests are considered by the acceptance committee, which is formed by the customer or, with the consent of the customer, the developer, by order of appointing an acceptance committee. Members of the acceptance committee must be informed about the work of the committee one month before it takes place.

Materials according to 7.7.10 must be sent to members of the acceptance committee no less than 30 calendar days before the meeting.

7.7.8 The work of the acceptance committee is carried out at the manufacturer. The acceptance committee includes representatives of: the customer (development initiator - model 3 to 5.1), developer, manufacturer, testing center and infrastructure owner. Representatives of supervisory authorities and other organizations specified in the acceptance testing program are invited to work on the acceptance committee. If the development is initiative, model 3 to 5.1, then a representative of the development initiator is appointed chairman of the acceptance committee. If the development is carried out on the instructions of a specific customer, model 1 and model 2 according to 5.1, a representative of the customer is appointed chairman of the acceptance committee. In the absence of a representative of the supervisory authorities, it is considered that the supervisory authority agrees to accept the development without the participation of its representative.

7.7.9 The acceptance committee checks:

Completeness, reliability and objectivity of the results of preliminary and acceptance tests;

Completeness of information and documentation of the results of preliminary and acceptance tests;

completeness of the developed technological, design, including repair and operational documentation, to make a decision on the possibility of putting it into production.

7.7.10 The developer presents to the acceptance committee:

Approved technical specifications;

Draft technical specifications in accordance with GOST 2.114 or a document replacing them;

Patent Research Report;

Set of design documentation with the letter “O”;

A list and set of technological documents, the consideration of which is carried out by decision of the acceptance committee;

Certificate of readiness for acceptance testing of the software used for the prototype PS (SP) (if provided for in the technical specifications);

Prototypes, and if their production was not provided for in the technical specifications - a head sample or a single copy of the PS (SP), created as part of the development and development work;

Program(s) and method(s) of preliminary tests;

Protocols (reports) of preliminary tests;

Preliminary test report;

Acceptance testing program and methodology;

Acceptance test reports,

Report on the results of the trial run (if it is carried out).

The results of preliminary tests carried out in accredited testing centers, by decision of the acceptance committee, can be taken into account when conducting acceptance tests.

7.7.11 Based on the results of acceptance tests and consideration of the submitted materials, the acceptance committee draws up an acceptance committee report. The form of the acceptance committee report is given in Appendix B.

The acceptance committee report states:

Compliance of the sample(s) of the developed PS (SP) with the requirements of the technical specifications;

Possibility of putting into production (delivery to the customer) the developed PS (SC);

Results of assessment of the technical level and competitiveness of the PS (SP), including in the patent and legal aspect;

The results of the evaluation of the developed technical documentation with the assignment of the letter “O-i”;

Comments and suggestions for improving technical documentation and PS (SC) (if necessary).

If necessary, by decision of the acceptance committee or the owner of the infrastructure, controlled operation of the prototype or samples from the installation series is carried out in accordance with 8.4.5.

If controlled operation of the prototype is necessary (subsection D1 of Appendix D), the acceptance committee assigns the design document and TD the letter “O-i” with positive results of acceptance tests. Based on the results of controlled operation of the prototype(s), the volume of the installation series is determined.

If the PS (SP) is made from mastered components produced using proven technology, then based on the results of acceptance tests it is possible to assign the letter “A” with a positive conclusion from the acceptance committee that production is ready.

If the development results are negatively assessed, the acceptance committee's report indicates the directions for further work and the conditions for re-submitting the results or the inappropriateness of continuing the work.

7.7.12 The stage is considered completed after approval of the acceptance committee act by the chairman of the acceptance committee, which means the end of development, termination of the technical specifications (if it does not apply to further work), approval of the submitted technical documentation.

8 Putting into production

8.1 General provisions

8.1.1 Preparation and mastery of production are carried out in order to ensure the readiness of production for the manufacture and release (delivery) of a newly developed (modernized, modified or improved) or previously produced by another enterprise PS (SP) in a given volume that meets the requirements of design and regulatory documentation.

8.1.2 The basis for carrying out work on putting into production is an agreement (contract) for the supply of PS (SP), concluded between the manufacturer and the customer (consumer).

In the absence of a specific customer (model 3 to 5.1), the basis for carrying out work on launching production is the decision of the development initiator at his own commercial risk.

8.1.3 To organize the execution of work at the stages of putting into production, the manufacturer of the PS (SP) develops an organizational and administrative document (order), in which for the stages of pre-production and development of production he indicates:

Name of the PS (SP) to be put into production;

Manufacturer of PS (MF);

Manufacturers of PS components (midrange parts);

GOST 15.902-2014

PS developers (midrange parts);

Developers of PS components (SP);

Holders of original CDs;

Suppliers of materials, semi-finished products and components;

The volume and timing of activities for the preparation and development of production;

Timing and volume of supplies of products used to complete substations (SCs) of our own production;

The volume of production of PS (SCh), on the basis of which the CCI should be carried out, production time, the number of PS (SCh) units (installation series) manufactured upon launching production;

Executor of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

Organizations (officials) monitoring the implementation of this order.

8.1.4 During the period of launching production, the manufacturer carries out all necessary work for subsequent confirmation of compliance.

8.1.5 The procedure for launching production of products according to the technical documentation of foreign companies is established by GOST 15.311.

8.2 Pre-production

8.2.1 At the pre-production stage, the manufacturer performs the following work: development of a comprehensive action plan for launching production,

providing for the interaction of all enterprises (organizations) involved in the preparation of production (including in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry), manufacturing, testing and acceptance of PS (SP);

Development (testing) of working design documentation for the manufacture of substations (SC);

Establishment of parameters and characteristics of technological processes subject to control and measurement;

Carrying out metrological examination of technical documentation for the manufacture of PS (SP);

Development and implementation of measures to prepare the divisions of the manufacturer for the conduct of the technical and industrial process and the production of PS (SP);

Receiving CDs (accounted copies or duplicates) with a letter not lower than “Oi”, as well as software from the holder of the originals;

Receiving from the developer or from the manufacturer of a prototype PS (SP), special means of technological equipment for mastering the production of PS (SP) according to the customer’s decision;

Purchase and receipt of technological equipment and technical documentation for them (including control programs) from their suppliers (manufacturers);

Carrying out calculations to justify the sufficiency of the existing and the need for the required production capacity of the manufacturer for the stable production of PS (SP) in a given volume in order to implement the TPP within the planned time frame;

Organization, if necessary, of new specialized areas and workshops;

Mastering new equipment, as well as testing, control and measurement tools;

carrying out verification, (calibration, certification) of measuring instruments, certification of test equipment and measurement techniques used in testing and production of PS (MS);

Training and certification of production personnel to work on new equipment and new technological processes;

Testing the design for manufacturability;

Manufacturing, testing and debugging of special means of technological equipment for manufacturing and control, as well as special means used for testing PS (SP);

Conclusion of agreements (contracts) with suppliers of components and materials and licensing agreements with copyright holders for the use of industrial and intellectual property;

Other activities for production preparation, ensuring the technological readiness of the enterprise for the production of PS (SP) in specified volumes that meet the requirements of the design documentation, using advanced achievements of science, engineering and technology;

8.2.2 To complete the pre-production stage, the enterprise holder of the originals transfers to the manufacturer:

A set of design documentation with the letter no lower than “O-i”, as well as other documentation listed below and, if necessary, special technological equipment;

Patent form (if patent research took place during the R&D process);

RD kit;

ED set (compatible with maintenance guidelines valid for the infrastructure owner);

1 area of ​​use............................................... ........................................................ ............................ 1

3 Terms and definitions................................................... ........................................................ ....................... 2

4 Symbols and abbreviations.................................................... ........................................................ .................. 8

5 General provisions................................................... ........................................................ ................................. 8

6 Development of technical requirements.................................................. ........................................................ ... 9

7 Development work................................................................. ........................................................ ........... 10

8 Putting into production.............................................................. ........................................................ ................ 16

9 Modernization, modification, improvement.................................................... ........................... 21

10 Special requirements for testing PS software.................................... 21

A copy of the acceptance committee report;

Information (if necessary) on the scope of warranty service, maintenance and the composition of single and group spare parts;

Special testing and measuring instruments, special technological equipment, developed and manufactured during the development of a prototype PS (SP), if available;

Approved reference samples, if available.

8.2.3 In the process of pre-production, the manufacturer develops (tests) a set of technical specifications for the manufacture of PS (SP) at the stage of mastering production.

8.2.4 The holder of the originals transfers to the customer (the development initiator - model 3 to 5.1) a set of design documents with the letter not lower than “O-i” in the amount provided for in the contract for development work. The owner of the infrastructure is given a registered copy of the main set of design documents in accordance with GOST 2.102 with the letter no lower than “O-i”.

8.2.5 The stage is considered completed when the manufacturer, customer (development initiator - model 3 to 5.1) and the owner of the infrastructure have received all the necessary documentation, developed (worked out) technical specifications for the manufacture of products, tested and debugged technological equipment and technological processes, trained personnel, engaged in the manufacture, testing and control of products, and readiness to master the production of products has been established.

8.3 Development of production

8.3.1 The manufacturer begins mastering the production of PS (SP) after completion of preparation for production in accordance with 8.2.5

8.3.2 When mastering the production of PS (SP), the following is carried out:

Production of the number of PS (SCh) units (installation series) established by the organizational and administrative document for putting into production (8.1.3) in accordance with the requirements of the design documentation letter “O-i” and the developed technological process for the production of PS (SCh) according to the TD letter “ O-i";

Acceptance tests of each PS (SCh) unit of the installation series, with the results being recorded in accordance with GOST 15.309-98;

Controlled operation of the substation (SS) from the installation series, if necessary;

Development of a program and methodology for qualification tests;

Qualification tests;

Further development (if necessary) of the substation (SS) design for manufacturability;

8.3.3 PS (SCH), manufactured during the development of production (installation series), is subjected to qualification tests.

8.3.4 Qualification tests are carried out in order to verify the developed technological process, which should ensure the stable production of products corresponding to design documentation of the required quality, as well as to confirm the readiness of the manufacturer’s production for the production of PS (SP) in a given volume.

8.3.5 The program and methodology for qualification tests, agreed with the owner of the infrastructure, must indicate:

Number of PS (SP) units subjected to testing;

Types of tests provided for in the design documentation (specifications) for the substation (sch), necessary to determine the compliance of the substation (sch) with the requirements of the design documentation, as well as checking the possibility of performing the work provided for in the ED and RD for the product, using equipment, tools, measuring instruments and control specified in the ED and RD;

Test methods regulating the procedure for performing and checking the compliance of the PS (SP) with the requirements of the design documentation, and measurement techniques used during testing;

Test location.

The program and methodology for qualification tests are developed by the manufacturer with the participation of the developer, agreed upon by: the customer (development initiator - model 3 to 5.1) and the owner of the infrastructure. The manufacturer approves the program.

8.3.6 The selection of PS (SP) for qualification tests is carried out by the customer (development initiator - model 3 to 5.1) from products that have passed control in the scope of checks provided for in the technical specifications.

8.3.7 The manufacturer informs the customer (development initiator - model 3 to 5.1) and interested organizations about the readiness of the substation (SC) for qualification tests by notification (notification) of readiness for qualification tests no later than 20 calendar days before their start.


System for developing and launching products


The procedure for development and production

System of development and launching into manufacture.

Railway rolling stock.

Procedure of development and launching into manufacture

Date of introduction - 2015-03-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the procedure for the development and production of new and/or modernized (modified, improved) railway rolling stock (RS), including: locomotives; multiple unit rolling stock; locomotive-hauled passenger cars; freight cars; special railway rolling stock and components of railway rolling stock (SC). This standard applies to the following stages of work at the stages of the PS (SP) life cycle:

Formation of initial requirements for development;

Experimental design work (R&D);

Production (in terms of “putting into production”);

3.35 product sample: A unit of a specific product used as a representative of that product in research, control or evaluation.

prototype: A sample of a product manufactured according to newly developed working documentation for verification by testing of compliance with its specified technical requirements in order to make a decision on the possibility of putting it into production and (or) intended use.

[GOST 16504-81, article 8]_

3.37 pilot batch: A set of prototypes.

3.38 development work (R&D): A set of works on the development of technical documentation for a prototype (head) sample or for a pilot batch, carried out to create new products, modernize or modify existing ones.

3.39 test run: Mileage of a prototype PS (SP), carried out during preliminary tests in order to check the performance of the prototype, the interaction in general of all its units and systems, and the implementation of design operating modes under operating conditions.

3.40 mastering production: The final stage of putting products into production, including checking the developed technical documentation and testing the technological process of manufacturing products during the production of the installation series in order to achieve stable compliance of product characteristics with established requirements for given production volumes.

3.41 patent research report: A scientific and technical document containing systematic information about completed patent research.

assessment of the technical level of products: A set of operations that includes the selection of a range of indicators characterizing the technical excellence of the products being assessed, determining the values ​​of these indicators and comparing them with the basic ones.

[GOST 15467-79, article 32]_

3.43 patent purity: Independence of a piece of technology from the protected rights of third parties to industrial property objects.

patent research: Study of the technical level and trends in product development, its patentability, patent purity and competitiveness.

[GOST 15.101-89, paragraph 3.7]_

3.45 production preparation: The stage of putting products into production, containing measures to ensure the readiness of the enterprise for the production of PS (SP) in specified volumes.

3.46 controlled operation: Operation of a given number of products in accordance with the current operational documentation, accompanied by additional monitoring and taking into account the technical condition of the products in order to assess the compliance of the PS (SP) with the established requirements.

3.47 purchased product: A component product received by an enterprise in finished form.

3.48 production launch: A set of measures to organize

industrial production of newly developed, modernized (modified, improved) or previously mastered products at other enterprises. Consists of two stages: preparation of production and development of production.

preliminary tests: Control tests of prototypes and (or) pilot batches of products in order to determine the possibility of their presentation for acceptance testing.

[GOST 16504-81, article 43]_

acceptance tests: Control tests of products during acceptance inspection. [GOST 16504-81, article 47]____

3.51 acceptance committee: A collegial body appointed to assess the technical level of newly developed products, technical documentation, acceptance test results, determine the possibility and feasibility of putting these products into production.

acceptance tests: Control tests of prototypes, pilot batches of products or single-production products, carried out accordingly in order to decide the feasibility of putting these products into production and (or) use for their intended purpose.

3.63 improvement of PS (SP): A change in PS (SP) that increases the efficiency of its production or use without significantly changing the main indicators. The PS (SP) obtained as a result of improvement is called improved.

Note - With improvement: the scope of application is maintained, the technical level is maintained, production of the original product continues with the changes made, the interchangeability of the main components is maintained, the designation remains unchanged.

3.64 document approval: Official confirmation by interested parties of agreement with the developed document.

3.65 development co-executor: A developer who, on the basis of the relevant document, performs a certain share of joint work on product development.

3.66 component part (SP) of a product: A product that performs certain technical functions as part of another product and is not intended for independent use. A component can be any product (part, assembly unit, complex, kit).

3.67 life cycle stage: Part of the product life cycle, characterized by certain processes, the state of the product, the type of work provided and their final results.

bench testing: Testing of objects carried out on testing equipment.

[GOST 16504-81, article 54]_

3.69 technical documentation for a product: A set of design, technological, organizational, methodological and other documents necessary and sufficient for direct use at each stage of the product’s life cycle.

technical level of products: A relative characteristic of product quality, based on a comparison of the values ​​of indicators characterizing the technical perfection of the product under evaluation with the basic values ​​of the indicators.

[GOST 15467-79, article 24]_

Manufacturability of a product design: A set of product design properties that determine its adaptability to achieving optimal costs in production, maintenance and repair for given quality indicators, output volume and work conditions.

[GOST 14.205-83, article 1]_

3.72 technical specification for R&D: Initial technical document for R&D, containing general information about product development, requirements for the product and the process of its development itself.

3.73 technological document: A graphic or text document that, separately or in combination with other documents, defines the technological process or operation of manufacturing, repair or maintenance of a product.

3.74 technological documentation: A set of technological documents that define the technological process of manufacturing, repair or maintenance of a product.

3.75 improved PS (SCh): PS (SCh), in which new components are used,

that do not change its basic characteristics and do not require work on mandatory confirmation of compliance. When improved: the scope of application is preserved,

the technical level is maintained, production of the original product continues with the changes made, the interchangeability of the main components is maintained, the designation remains unchanged.

3.76 installation series: The first industrial batch manufactured during the development of production in order to confirm the readiness of production to produce products with established requirements and in specified volumes and manufactured according to TD with the letter “C^” and CD with the letter not lower than “C^”.

3.77 document approval: Official certification of an authorized official or body that the developed document is being put into effect. Certificate

Ensures long service life of the chain drive.

Chemical composition of steel.

Although the main share in the composition of Steel 45 is iron (Fe) - up to 97%, the determining indicator of the grade is carbon (C), its share is 0.42 - 0.5%. This is the number indicated in the steel marking. Here is the full chemical composition:

  • iron (Fe) - up to 97%;
  • carbon (C) - from 0.42 to 0.5%;
  • silicon (Si) - from 0.17 to 0.37%;
  • chromium (Cr) - up to 0.25%;
  • manganese (Mn) - 0.5 - 0.8%;
  • nickel (Ni) - up to 0.25%;
  • copper (Cu) - up to 0.25%;
  • phosphorus (P) - up to 0.035%;
  • sulfur (S) - up to 0.04%;
  • arsenic (As) - 0.08.

The low percentage of chromium and nickel determines the susceptibility of products made from Steel 45 to corrosion, which must be taken into account during maintenance and lubrication of gearboxes and chain sprockets.

Steel 45 GOST.

Steel 45 is used as a blank for a wide variety of products. Depending on the shape, all rolled metal products are regulated by GOSTs. More details:

  • Long products, including shaped steel - GOST 1050-74, GOST 2590-71, GOST 2591-71, GOST 2879-69, GOST 8509-86, GOST 8510-86, GOST 8239-72, GOST 8240-72, GOST 10702 -78.
  • Calibrated rod GOST 1050-74, GOST 7414-75, GOST 8559-75, GOST 8560-78, GOST 10702-78.
  • Thick sheet GOST 1577-81, GOST 19903-74.
  • Thin sheet GOST 16523-70.
  • Tape GOST 2284-79.
  • Strip GOST 1577-81, GOST 103-76, GOST 82-70.
  • Wire GOST 17305-71, GOST 5663-79.
  • Forgings and forged blanks GOST 8479-70, GOST 1131-71.
  • Pipes GOST 8732-78, GOST 8733-87, GOST 8734-75, GOST 8731-87, GOST 21729-78.

Steel 45. Mechanical properties.

Mechanical characteristics at elevated temperatures

test t, °C s0.2, MPa sB, MPa d5, % d, % y, % KCU, J/m2
200 340 690 10 36 64
300 255 710 22 44 66
400 225 560 21 65 55
500 175 370 23 67 39
600 78 215 33 90 59
Specimen with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 30 mm, forged and normalized. Deformation speed 16 mm/min. Strain rate 0.009 1/s.
700 140 170 43 96
800 64 110 58 98
900 54 76 62 100
1000 34 50 72 100
1100 22 34 81 100
1200 15 27 90 100

Mechanical properties of rolled products

Heat treatment, delivery condition Section, mm sB, MPa d5, % d4, % y, %
Hot-rolled, forged, calibrated and silver steel of the 2nd category after normalization 25 600 16 40
Calibrated steel of the 5th category after hardening 640 6 30
Steel, calibrated and calibrated with a special finish after tempering or annealing <590 40
Normalized and hot rolled sheets 80 590 18
Normalized or hot rolled strips 6-25 600 16 40
Hot rolled sheet <2 550-690 14
Hot rolled sheet 2-3,9 550-690 15
Cold rolled sheet <2 550-690 15
Cold rolled sheet 2-3,9 550-690 16

Mechanical properties of forgings

Section, mm s0.2, MPa sB, MPa d5, % y, % HB
100-300 245 470 19 42 143-179
300-500 245 470 17 35 143-179
500-800 245 470 15 30 143-179
<100 275 530 20 44 156-197
100-300 275 530 17 34 156-197
Hardening. Vacation
300-500 275 530 15 29 156-197
Normalization. Hardening. Vacation.
<100 315 570 17 39 167-207
100-300 315 570 14 34 167-207
300-500 315 570 12 29 167-207
<100 345 590 18 59 174-217
100-300 345 590 17 54 174-217
<100 395 620 17 59 187-229

Mechanical properties depending on tempering temperature

holiday t, °С s0.2, MPa sB, MPa d5, % y, % KCU, J/m2 HB
Quenching 850 °C, water. Samples with a diameter of 15 mm
450 830 980 10 40 59
500 730 830 12 45 78
550 640 780 16 50 98
600 590 730 25 55 118
Quenching 840 °C, water. Workpiece diameter 60 mm
400 520-590 730-840 12-14 46-50 50-70 202-234
500 470-520 680-770 14-16 52-58 60-90 185-210
600 410-440 610-680 18-20 61-64 90-120 168-190

Mechanical properties depending on the section

Section, mm s0.2, MPa sB, MPa d5, % y, % KCU, J/m2
Quenching 850 °C, tempering 550 °C. Samples were cut from the center of the blanks.
15 640 780 16 50 98
30 540 730 15 45 78
75 440 690 14 40 59
100 440 690 13 40 49

Technological properties of steel.

Forging temperature:

  • Start - 1250 o C;
  • End - 700 o C;
  • Sections up to 400 mm are cooled in air.

Weldability - difficult to weld, welding methods: RDS and KTS. Heating and subsequent heat treatment are required.

Cutting machinability - in the hot-rolled state at HB 170-179 and sB = 640 MPa Ku tv.alloy. = 1, Ku b.st. = 1.

Tendency to release ability - not inclined.

Flock sensitivity is insensitive.

Them temperature of critical points

Impact strength

Impact strength, KCU, J/cm2

Delivery condition, heat treatment 20 -20 -40 -60
Rod with a diameter of 25 mm. Hot rolled condition. 14-15 10-14 5-14 3-8
Rod with a diameter of 25 mm. Annealing 42-47 27-34 27-31 13
Rod with a diameter of 25 mm. Normalization 49-52 37-42 33-37 29
Rod with a diameter of 25 mm. Hardening. Vacation 110-123 72-88 36-95 31-63
Rod with a diameter of 120 mm. Hot rolled condition 42-47 24-26 15-33 12
Rod with a diameter of 120 mm. Annealing 47-52 32 17-33 9
Rod with a diameter of 120 mm. Normalization 76-80 45-55 49-56 47
Rod with a diameter of 120 mm. Hardening. Vacation 112-164 81 80 70

Endurance limit of Steel 45

s-1, MPa t-1, MPa sB, MPa s0.2, MPa
245 157 590 310
421 880 680
231 520 270
331 660 480

Hardenability of steel

Hardness for hardenability strips HRCе (HRB).

Distance from the end, mm / HRC e
1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 12 16.5 24 30
50.5-59 41.5-57 29-54 25-42.5 23-36.5 22-33 20-31 (92)-29 (88)-26 (86)-24
Heat treatment Quantity of martensite, % Crit.dia. in water, mm Crit.dia. in oil, mm
Hardening 50 15-35 6-12

Physical properties

Test temperature, °C 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Modulus of normal elasticity, E, GPa 200 201 193 190 172
Modulus of elasticity under torsional shear G, GPa 78 69 59
Density, pn, kg/cm3 7826 7799 7769 7735 7698 7662 7625 7587 7595
Thermal conductivity coefficient W/(m °C) 48 47 44 41 39 36 31 27 26
Test temperature, °C 20- 100 20- 200 20- 300 20- 400 20- 500 20- 600 20- 700 20- 800 20- 900 20- 1000
Linear expansion coefficient (a, 10-6 1/°С) 11.9 12.7 13.4 14.1 14.6 14.9 15.2
Specific heat capacity (C, J/(kg °C)) 473 498 515 536 583 578 611 720 708




GOST 1050—88

Official publication




UDC 669.14-422:006.354

Group B32




General technical conditions

Carbon structural quality steel gauged bars with special surface finish. General specifications

OKP 09 5000, 11 4100, 11 5000

Valid from 01/01/91
until 01/01/96

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard establishes general technical conditions for hot-rolled and forged long products from high-quality carbon structural steel grades 08, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 58 (55pp) and 60 in diameter or thickness up to 250 mm, as well as rolled products calibrated and with special surface finishing of all brands.

In terms of chemical composition standards, the standard applies to other types of rolled products, ingots, forgings, stampings made of steel grades listed above, as well as steel grades 05kp, 08kp, 08ps, 10kp, 10ps, 11kp, 15kp, 15ps, 18kp, 20kp and 20ps .


1.1. The grades and chemical composition of steel according to the ladle sample must correspond to those given in table. 1.

Official publication

Reproduction is prohibited
Standards Publishing House, 1989

Table 1

Mass fraction of elements, %



chrome, no more

No more than 0.06

No more than 0.03

No more than 0.40

No more than 0.03

No more than 0.07

No more than 0.06

No more than 0.07

No more than 0.06

No more than 0.07

No more than 0.20


1. According to the degree of deoxidation, steel is designated: boiling - kp, semi-calm - ps, calm - no index.

2. Steel grade 05kp is not allowed for use in newly created and modernized equipment.

1.1.1. The mass fraction of sulfur in steel should be no more than 0.040%, phosphorus - no more than 0.035%. For steel grades 11kp and 18kp used for cladding, the mass fraction of sulfur should be no more than 0.035%, phosphorus - no more than 0.030%.

1.1.2. The residual mass fraction of nickel in steel of all grades should not exceed 0.30%, copper in steel grades 11kp and 18kp - 0.20%, in steel of other grades - 0.30%.

1.1.3. In steel grades 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60, intended for the production of patented wire, the mass fraction of manganese should be 0.30-0.60%, nickel - no more than 0.15%, chromium - no more than 0. 15%, copper - no more than 0.20%. The mass fraction of sulfur and phosphorus is in accordance with the requirements of the wire standards, but does not exceed the standards given in clause 1.1.1.

1.1.4. In steel grades 08ps, 10ps, 15ps and 20ps, intended for the production of rolled sheets for cold stamping, a mass fraction of manganese up to 0.25% is allowed at the lower limit.

1.1.5. In steel grades 08ps, 10ps, 15ps and 20ps, a mass fraction of silicon of less than 0.05% is allowed, provided that deoxidizers other than silicon are used in the required quantities.

1.1.6 The mass fraction of arsenic in steel is allowed to be no more than 0.08%.

1.1.7 The mass fraction of nitrogen in oxygen-converter steel should not exceed 0.006% for rolled sheets and strip and 0.008% for other types of rolled products.

1.2. In rolled products, billets, forgings and products of further processing, deviations in chemical composition from the standards given in table are allowed. 1, in accordance with table. 2.

table 2

1.3. The range of rolled products must meet the requirements:
GOST 2590 - for hot-rolled rounds;
GOST 2591 or other regulatory and technical documentation - for hot-rolled square;
GOST 1133 - for forged round and square;
GOST 2879 - for hot-rolled hexagonal;
GOST 103 - for hot-rolled strip;
GOST 4405 - for forged strip;
GOST 7417 - for calibrated round;
GOST 8559 - for calibrated square;
GOST 8560 - for calibrated hexagonal;
normative and technical documentation - for calibrated strip;
GOST 14955 - with special surface finishing.
Examples of symbols are given in Appendix 1.


2.1. Characteristics of the basic version

2.1.1. Rolled bars of unmeasured length with maximum deviations for normal dimensional accuracy, curvature, ovality and other requirements for shape, crescent shape and non-flatness of class 2 according to GOST 103 (for strip).

2.1.2. Calibrated rolled products of unmeasured length with maximum deviations for quality - h11, ovality - no more than maximum deviations in diameter.

2.1.3. Rolled products with special surface finishing of unmeasured length with maximum deviations for quality - h11, ovality - no more than half of the maximum deviations for diameter.

2.1.4. Long-rolled products without heat treatment, calibrated and with a special surface finish, hard-worked - H or heat-treated (annealed, highly tempered, normalized, normalized with tempering, hardened with tempering) - T.

2.1.5. Long-rolled products of two groups of surface quality: a and b. Rolled products of surface quality group a are intended primarily for hot forming, group b - primarily for cold machining.

2.1.6. On the surface of rolled products of surface quality group A there should be no rolled bubbles, rolling films, sunsets, cracks, dirt, or stress cracks. Defects on the surface must be removed by flat cutting or grinding, the width of which must be at least five times the depth.
The depth of cleaning defects, based on the actual size, should not exceed:
half the size tolerance - for rolled products with a size of less than 80 mm;
size tolerance - for rolled products with sizes from 80 to 140 mm;
5% of diameter or thickness - for rolled products with sizes from 140 to 200 mm;
6% of diameter or thickness - for rolled products larger than 200 mm.
In one section of rolled products with a size (diameter or thickness) of more than 140 mm, no more than two strippings of maximum depth are allowed. On the rolled surface, individual scratches, dents and ripples with a depth within half the size tolerance are allowed without cleaning, as well as rolled bubbles and dirt (hairs) with a depth not exceeding 1/4 of the size tolerance, but not more than 0.20 mm, counting from actual size.

2.1.7. On the surface of rolled products with surface quality group B, local defects with a depth not exceeding the minus maximum deviation per size are allowed for rolled products with a size of less than 100 mm; size tolerance - for rolled products with a size of 100 mm or more.
The depth of defects is calculated from the nominal size.

2.1.8. Rolled products must be cut. Crumpled ends and burrs are allowed. The bevel of cutting long products up to 30 mm in size is not regulated; over 30 mm, it should not exceed 0.1 of the diameter or thickness. Rolled sections up to 40 mm of unmeasured length may be produced with uncut ends.

2.1.9. The surface quality and requirements for cutting the ends of calibrated rolled products must comply with GOST 1051 groups B and C, with special surface finishing - GOST 14955 groups B, D and D.
In rolled products with special surface finishing, decarburization is not allowed.

2.1.10. The hardness of long products should not exceed 255 HB, calibrated and with special surface finishing - 269 HB.

2.1.11. The mechanical properties of rolled products must comply with the standards given in table. 3.

Table 3

Mechanical properties, no less

Yield strength

σ t, N/mm 2

Temporary tensile strength

σ in, N/mm 2

Relative elongation δ 5

Relative narrowing ψ


  1. The standards of mechanical properties given in table. 3, refer to rolled products with a diameter or thickness of up to 80 mm. For rolled products with a diameter or thickness over 80 mm, a reduction in relative elongation by 2% (abs.) and relative contraction by 5% (abs.) is allowed. Standards of mechanical properties for workpieces forged from rods with a diameter or thickness of over 120 to 250 mm for rolled products with a diameter or thickness of 90 to 100 mm must correspond to those given in Table. 3.
  2. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, for steel grades 25-60, a reduction in tensile strength by 20 N/mm2 (2 kgf/mm2) is allowed in comparison with the standards specified in table. 3, while simultaneously increasing the elongation rates by 2% (abs.).

2.1.12. The macrostructure of rolled products should not have shrinkage cavities, looseness, bubbles, delaminations, internal cracks, slag inclusions and flakes.

2.2. Customer specifications

2.2.1. Rolled steel grades 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 with a mass fraction of boron of 0.002-0.006%.

In this case, the letter P is placed at the end of the brand designation.

2.2.2. Rolled steel from mild steel with a mass fraction of silicon of 0.17-0.27%.

2.2.3. Rental of cut lengths.

2.2.4. Rental of lengths that are multiples of the measured length.

2.2.5. Calibrated rolled products of length limited within unmeasured limits.

2.2.6. Long products in heat-treated condition.

2.2.7. Rolled products with surface quality of group G - without rolled bubbles and contaminants (hairs).
Rolled products are intended primarily for hot upsetting, heading and stamping.

2.2.8. Rolled steel grades 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 with impact strength control on heat-treated (hardening + tempering) samples.
Impact strength standards must correspond to those indicated in the table. 4.

Table 4

2.2.9. Rolled products calibrated in a cold-worked or heat-treated state with standardized mechanical properties in accordance with the requirements specified in table. 5.

2.2.10. Rolled products with a macrostructure standardized in points in accordance with the requirements specified in table. 6.

2.2.11. Rolled products with standardized hardness in accordance with the requirements given in table. 7.

Table 5

steel grade

Mechanical properties of rolled products, not less


Relative extension

Relative narrowing ψ, %

Tensile strength σ in, N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2)

Relative extension

Relative narrowing ψ, %

Table 6

Macrostructure of steel in points, no more

Central porosity

Point heterogeneity

Liquation square

General spotted liquation



Shrink segregation for rolled products of size

Subcortical bubbles

Intergranular cracks

Not allowed

Note. For rolled products with a size of 70 mm or more with a surface quality of group B, subcortical bubbles of point 2 are allowed to a depth of no more than 1/2 of the tolerance for diameter or thickness.

Table 7

steel grade

Hardness number НВ, no more

for hot rolled

and forged steel

for calibrated rolled products and with special surface finishing

without heat treatment

after annealing or high tempering


annealed or highly tempered

2.2.12. Rolled products with ultrasonic inspection of internal defects in accordance with GOST 21120.

2.2.13. Rolled products ensuring weldability.

2.2.14. Rolled steel grades 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 58 (55pp), 60, intended for surface hardening with high frequency currents, with decarburization (ferrite + transition zone) no more. 1.5% diameter or thickness per side.

2.2.15. Rolled products with surface quality of group G with hot upsetting test.
Testing of rolled products of size St. The manufacturer may not carry out 80 mm, provided that satisfactory testing is ensured by the consumer.

2.3. Characteristics established by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer

2.3.1. Rentals with reduced compared to those given in the table. 1 limits on the mass fraction of carbon, but not less than 0.05%.

2.3.2. Rentals with reduced compared to those given in the table. 1 limits on the mass fraction of carbon, but not less than 0.05%, without taking into account the permissible deviations in finished rolled products specified in table. 2.

2.3.3. Rolled products with a mass fraction of sulfur of 0.020–0.040%.

2.3.4. Rolled products with a mass fraction of sulfur not exceeding 0.025%.

2.3.5. Rolled products with a phosphorus mass fraction of no more than 0.030%.

2.3.6. Rolled products with a mass fraction of copper not exceeding 0.025%.

2.3.7. Long products with a diameter or thickness of over 30 to 140 mm with removal of burrs and crumpled ends.

2.3.8. Cold-worked rolled products with increased HB by 15 compared to that given in the table. 7 hardness.

2.3.9. Rolled products with standardized mechanical properties, determined on samples cut from heat-treated blanks (hardening + tempering) of the size specified in the order, in accordance with the requirements of Table. 8.

Table 8

steel grade

Mechanical properties of rolled products

GOST 1050 88 P. 9

from 16 to 40 mm

from 40 to 100 mm

Impact work

KS, J (kgf m)

Yield strength σ t, N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2) not less

Temporary tensile strength σ in, N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2)

Relative elongation δ 5, %

Impact work

KS, J (kgf m)

Yield strength σ t, N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2) not less

Temporary tensile strength σ in, N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2)

Relative elongation δ 5, %

Impact work

KS, J (kgf m)


1. Standards of mechanical properties before 01/01/92 are not rejected; determination is required.

2. The mechanical properties of steel 30 apply to rolled products up to 63 mm in size.

3. The values ​​of mechanical properties are given for rolled products with a round section. For rectangular sections, ranges of equivalent diameters are given in Appendix 2.

2.3.10. Rolled products with normalized hardenability in accordance with Appendices 3 and 4.

2.3.11. Rolled steel grades 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 58 (55pp), 60, intended for surface hardening with high frequency currents, with decarburization (ferrite + transition zone) of no more than 0.5% of the diameter or thickness per side.

2.3.12. Rolled products in pickled condition.

2.4. It is allowed in the technical specifications for specific products to provide for additional or increased characteristics not provided for by this standard.

A list of additional characteristics is given in Appendix 5.

2.5. Marking and packaging of rolled products - in accordance with GOST 7566.

2.5.1. Packaging of calibrated rolled products is in accordance with GOST 1051, with special surface finishing - in accordance with GOST 14955.

2.5.2. The marking is applied directly to the product if the product is not subject to packaging, and on the label if the product is packaged in bundles, skeins and coils.


3.1. Rolled products are accepted in batches consisting of steel of one heat, one size and one heat treatment mode (when manufactured in a heat-treated state).

By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, batches are formed from steel of the same grade of several heats of the same size.

Each batch is accompanied by a quality document in accordance with GOST 7566.

When deoxidizing agents other than silicon are used for semi-quenched steel, a corresponding indication is made in the quality document.

For rentals accepted with characteristics established by the consumer in accordance with paragraphs. 2.2 and 2.3, the quality document indicates the test results for the ordered indicators.

3.2. The rolled products are subjected to acceptance tests.

3.3. To check the quality, the following are selected from a batch of rolled products:

1) for chemical analysis - one sample from a melting ladle in accordance with GOST 7565. The manufacturer periodically controls residual copper, nickel, chromium, arsenic and nitrogen, at least once a quarter. When producing steel, taking into account the manganese equivalent, control of residual copper, nickel and chromium is carried out at each heat;

2) to control surface quality and dimensions - all rods, strips and coils;

3) to control the macrostructure by fracture or etching, to test for impact bending, to determine the depth of the decarburized layer - two rods, strips or coils;

4) to test hardness - 2% of rods, strips or coils, but not less than 3 pieces;

5) for tensile testing - one rod, strip or coil for control in a normalized state, two rods, two strips or two coils for control in a quenched and tempered state;

6) to determine hardenability - one rod, strip or coil from a ladle melt of steel of all grades that do not contain boron, and two rods, two strips or two coils from a ladle melt of steel grades containing boron;

7) to determine the grain size - one rod, strip or coil from a melting ladle;

8) for upsetting testing - three rods, strips or coils.

3.4. If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one of the indicators, repeated tests are carried out in accordance with GOST 7566.

The results of repeated tests are applied to the entire batch.


4.1. Chemical analysis of steel is carried out according to GOST 22536.0—GOST 22536.9, GOST 22536.13, GOST 12359 or other methods that are not inferior in accuracy to standard ones. If disagreements arise, chemical analysis is carried out in accordance with GOST 22536.0—GOST 22536.9, GOST 22536.13, GOST 12359.

4.2. The quality of the surface is checked by inspection of the rolled product without the use of magnifying devices. If necessary, the surface is brightened or etched, and for rolled products with a special surface finish with a diameter of up to 3 mm inclusive, the inspection is carried out at a magnification of up to 10×. The depth of defects on the surface of the rolled product is determined by control cleaning or filing with a file.

4.3. Geometric dimensions and shape are determined using measuring instruments in accordance with GOST 26877, GOST 162, GOST 166, GOST 427, GOST 2216, GOST 3749, GOST 5378, GOST 6507, GOST 7502, or tools certified in accordance with GOST 8.001 or GOST 8.326.

4.4. Sampling from coils for all types of tests is carried out at a distance of at least 1.5 turns from the end of the roll.

4.5. From each rod, strip or coil selected for control, one sample is taken: for tensile and upset testing, to determine the grain size, hardenability and depth of the decarbonized layer;
for impact bending testing - one sample of each type;
to control the macrostructure - one template.

4.6. Sampling for slump testing is in accordance with GOST 7564.

4.7. Sampling for testing mechanical properties is carried out according to GOST 7564 (option 1).

4.8. The hot upset test is carried out according to GOST 8817.

The samples are heated to a forging temperature of 850–1000°C and upset by 65% ​​relative to the original height. There should be no open cracks or sunsets on the deposited samples.

4.9. Brinell hardness is determined according to GOST 9012. The hardness of rolled products with a diameter or thickness of less than 5 mm is not determined.

4.10. The tensile test is carried out according to GOST 1497 on samples of five times the length with a diameter of 5 or 10 mm.

For rolled products with a diameter or thickness up to 25 mm inclusive, testing may be carried out on samples without mechanical treatment.

The impact strength test is carried out according to GOST 9454 on type 1 samples.

The direction of the sample axis is along the rolling direction.

4.11. Samples for tensile testing of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of Table. 3 is cut from normalized blanks with a diameter or square side of 25 mm. For rods with a diameter of less than 25 mm, normalization is carried out in the finished section of the rod (without cutting the workpiece).

Note. For rods larger than 120 mm, sampling for mechanical tests can be carried out from forged or re-rolled blanks with a cross-section of 90-100 mm.

4.12. Samples for tensile testing of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of Table. 8 is cut from heat-treated blanks to the size specified by the consumer.

4.13. Heat treatment modes for workpieces (samples) for testing mechanical properties are given in Appendices 6 and 7.

4.14. Inspection of the macrostructure for fractures or etched templates is carried out without the use of magnifying devices in accordance with GOST 10243.
It is allowed to use ultrasonic testing (UT) and other non-destructive testing methods, agreed upon in the prescribed manner.

4.15. The depth of the decarbonized layer is determined according to GOST 1763.

4.16. Hardenability is determined by the method of end hardening according to GOST 5657.

4.17. The grain size is determined according to GOST 5639.

4.18. On steel of one heat that has passed tests for macro-structure, hardenability and mechanical properties on large rolled sections, the manufacturer may not carry out the above tests when producing smaller rolled sections.

4.19. The manufacturer is allowed to use statistical and non-destructive testing methods according to a methodology agreed upon in the prescribed manner. In case of disagreement and during periodic checks of product quality, the control methods provided for in this standard are applied.


5.1. Transportation and storage - in accordance with GOST 7566 with the following addition.

5.1.1. Products are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods in force for this type of transport. By rail, transportation is carried out depending on the weight and overall dimensions in covered or open cars in accordance with GOST 22235. The weight of a cargo item should not exceed 10,000 kg for mechanized loading in open vehicles, and 1,250 kg in covered ones. Packaging means - according to GOST 7566.

When sending two or more packages, the dimensions of which make it possible to arrange a transport package with overall dimensions in accordance with GOST 24597, the packages must be formed into transport packages in accordance with GOST 21929. Fastening means are in accordance with GOST 21650.


Examples of symbols

Hot-rolled round steel, 100 mm in diameter, normal rolling accuracy B according to GOST 2590-88, made of steel grade 30, with surface quality group A, without heat treatment:

Rolled strip, 36 mm thick and 90 mm wide, normal accuracy, sickle shape class 2, non-flatness class 2 according to GOST 103-76, from steel grade 45, with surface quality group b, without heat treatment:

Calibrated round rolled products, 10 mm in diameter, with tolerance range h11 in accordance with GOST 7417-75, made of grade 45 steel, with group B surface quality in accordance with GOST 1051-73, cold-worked - N:


10- h11 GOST 7417 - 75

45 - B - N GOST 1050 - 88

Calibrated square rolled products, with a square side of 15 mm, with a tolerance range of h11 in accordance with GOST 8559-75, from steel grade 20, with surface quality of group B in accordance with GOST 1051-73, cold-worked - N:


15- h11 GOST 8559 - 75

20 - IN - N GOST 1050 - 88

Calibrated hexagonal rolled products, inscribed circle diameter 8 mm, with tolerance range h11 in accordance with GOST 8560-78, made of grade 45 steel, with group B surface quality in accordance with GOST 1051-73, heat treated - T:


Conversion of rectangular sections into round ones with the same mechanical properties



Steel grade 35

Steel grade 40

Steel grade 45



Table 9


from| end, mm

Hardness for strip hardenability steel grades

GOST 1050 88 P. 19

HRC 56 (HRC e 57)

HRC 48 (HRC e 49.5)

HRC 57 (HRC e 58)

HRC 49 (HRC e 50.5)

HRC 58 (HRC e 59)

HRC 49 (HRC e 50.5)

HRC 54 (HRC e 55)

HRC 43 (HRC e 44)

HRC 56 (HRC e 57)

HRC 44 (HRC e 45.5)

HRC 56 (HRC e 57)

HRC 44 (HRC e 45.5)

HRC 48 (HRC e 49)

HRC 25 (HRC e 27)

HRC 51 (HRC e 52.5)

HRC 27 (HRC e 29)

HRC 53 (HRC e 54)

HRC 27 (HRC e 29)

HRC 36 (HRC e 38)

HRC 21 (HRC e 23)

HRC 36 (HRC e 37.5)

HRC 24 (HRC e 26)

HRC 41 (HRC e 42.5)

HRC 24 (HRC e 26)

HRC 29 (HRC e 3I)

HRC 18 (HRC e 20)

HRC 32 (HRC e 33.5)

HRC 22 (HRC e 24)

HRC 35 (HRC e 36.5)

HRC 22 (HRC e 24)

HRC 28 (HRC e 30)

HRC 30 (HRC e 32)

HRC 20 (HRC e 22)

HRC 31 (HRC e 33)

HRC 20 (HRC e 22)

HRC 27 (HRC e 29)

HRC 28 (HRC e 30)

HRC 18 (HRC e 20)

HRC 30.5 (HRC e 32.5)

HRC 19 (HRC e 21)

HRC 26 (HRC e 28)

HRC 27 (HRC e 29)

HRC 29 (HRC e 31)

HRC 18 (HRC e 20)

HRC 25.5 (HRC e 27.5)

HRC 26 (HRC e 28)

HRC 28 (HRC e 30)

HRC 25 (HRC e 27)

HRC 25.5 (HRC e 27.5)

HRC 27.5 (HRC e 29.5)

HRC 24.5 (HRC e 26.5)

HRC 25 (HRC e 27)

HRC 27 (HRC e 29)

HRC 24 (HRC e 26)

HRC 24.5 (HRC e 26.5)

HRC 26.5 (HRC 28.5) (HRC 28.5)

HRC 23.5 (HRC e 25.5)

HRC 24 (HRC e 26)

HRC 26 (HRC e 28)

HRC 23 (HRC e 25)

HRC 23.5 (HRC e 25.5)

HRC 25 (HRC e 27)

HRC 22 (HRC e 24)

HRC 23 (HRC e 25)

HRC 24 (HRC e 26)

HRC 21 (HRC e 23)

HRC 22 (HRC e 24)

HRC 23 (HRC e 25)

HRC 20 (HRC e 22)

HRC 21 (HRC e 23)

HRC 22 (HRC e 24)

HRC 20.5 (HRC e 22.5)

HRC 20 (HRC e 22)


1. Rolled products with a normalized mass fraction of nitrogen in electric steel.

2. Rolled products with a lower mass fraction of manganese, reduced against the standards of Table. 1 by the value of manganese equivalent equal to: Em = 0.3 (Cr%) + 0.5 (Ni%) + 0.7 (Cu%), where Cr, Ni, Cu is the residual actual mass fraction of chromium, nickel, copper in steel, not exceeding the standards specified in table. 1.

3. Rolled products calibrated from steel grades 08, 55 and 60 in a cold-worked or heat-treated state with control of mechanical properties.

4. Rolled products with normalized impact strength on type I samples at a temperature of minus 40°C.

5. Rolled products with normalized impact strength on type II samples at a temperature of plus 20°C and sub-zero temperatures.

6. Rolled without control of relative contraction.

7. Rolled products calibrated and with a special surface finish with normalized hardness in a normalized and tempered state and hardened with a tempering state.

8. Long-rolled products with standardized hardness in a normalized state.

9. Rolled products with standardized hardness within specified limits.

10. Rolled products without hardness control.

11. Rolled products with a standardized austenite grain size.

12. Rolled products with standardized purity for non-metallic inclusions.

13. Rolled products with standardized cleanliness but with hairs revealed on the surface of finished parts by magnetic method or etching.

14. Rental of small-tonnage lots.


heat treatment of workpieces to control the mechanical properties given in table. 3 and 4

Table 10

steel grade

Heating temperature, °C


Tensile test

Impact bending test


heat treatment of workpieces to control the mechanical properties given in table. 8

Table 11


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy


V. T. Ababkov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (topic leader); V. D. Khromov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; N. I. Elina

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated November 24, 1988 No. 3811

3. INSTEAD GOST 1050-74


Number of paragraph, subparagraph

GOST 103—76

GOST 162—80

GOST 166—80

GOST 427—75

GOST 1051-73

GOST 1133—71

GOST 1497—84

GOST 1763—68

GOST 2216—84

GOST 2590—88

GOST 2591—88

GOST 2879—88

GOST 3749—77

GOST 4405—75

GOST 5378—88

GOST 5639—82

GOST 5657—69

GOST 6507—78

GOST 7417—75

GOST 7502—80

GOST 7564—73

GOST 7565—81

GOST 7566—81

2.5, 3.2, 3.4, 5.1, 5.1.1

GOST 8559—75

GOST 8560—78

GOST 8817—82

GOST 9012—69

GOST 9454—78

GOST 10243—75

GOST 12359—81

GOST 14955—77

1.3, 2.1.7, 2.5.1

GOST 21120—75

GOST 21650—76

GOST 21929—76

GOST 22235—76

GOST 22536.0—87

GOST 22536.1—88

GOST 22536.2—87

GOST 22536.3—88

GOST 22536.4—88

GOST 22536.5—87

GOST 22536.6—88

GOST 22536.7—88

GOST 22536.8—87

GOST 22536.9—88

GOST 22536.13—77

GOST 24597—81

GOST 26877—86

GOST 8.001—80

GOST 8.326—78

Group B32

Change No. 1 GOST 1050-88 Long rolled products, calibrated, with special surface finishing, made of high-quality carbon structural steel. General technical conditions
Approved and put into effect by Resolution of the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated December 27, 1991 No. 2188

Date of introduction 01.05.92

Clause 1.1 Table 1 should be supplemented with note - 3: “3. The profile for oblique washers according to GOST 5157 is made of steel grades 20 and 35.”

Section 1 should be supplemented with clause 1.1.8: “1.1.8. In accordance with the order, a residual mass fraction of nickel and chromium of no more than 0.40% each is allowed in quiet steel produced by the scrap process and the scrap ore process.”

Paragraphs 2.1.1—2.1.3 after the word “unmeasured” should be supplemented with the designation: (ND);

Replace the word: “non-flatness” with “deviations from flatness”.

Clauses 2.1.2, 2.1.3. Replace the word: “quality” with “tolerance fields”.

Clause 2.1.4. Replace designations: N with NG; T to TO.

Clauses 2.1.5, 2.1.6. Replace the designation: a with 2GP.

Clauses 2.1.5, 2,1.7. Replace the designation: b with ZGP (3 times).

Clause 2.1.10 shall be stated in a new wording: “2.1.10. The hardness (TB1) of long rolled products without heat treatment should not exceed 255 HB, calibrated and with a special surface finish of cold-worked steel - 269 HB.”

Clause 2.1.11, after the word “rental”, add the words: “in a normalized state (M1)”.

Clause 2.2.3 after the word “measured” should be supplemented with the designation: (MD). Paragraph 2.2.4 should be supplemented with the designation: (КД).

Clause 2.2.5 shall be stated in a new wording: “2.2.5. Rolled products calibrated and with a special surface finish with a tolerance range of h12.”

Clause 2.2.6 should be supplemented with the words: “(annealed, highly tempered, normalized, normalized with tempering) - TO.”

Clause 2.2.7. Replace the designation: g with 1GP;

the first paragraph should be supplemented with the words: “and hot upset test (65)”;

add the paragraph: “Test of rolled products with the size of St. The manufacturer may not carry out 80 mm.”

Paragraph 2.2.8 after the word “viscosity” is supplemented with the designation: (KUV).

Clause 2.2.9 after the word “properties” is supplemented with the designation: (M2).

Clause 2.2.10 after the word “macrostructure” is supplemented with the designation: (KMS).

Clause 2.2.11 after the word “hardness” is supplemented with the designation: (ТВ2).

Clause 2.2.12 after the word “control” is supplemented with the designation: (UZK).

Paragraph 2.2.13 after the word “weldability” is supplemented with the designation: (ГС).

Clause 2.2.14 after the words “to the side” should be supplemented with the following symbol: (1C).

Clause 2.2.15 should be deleted.

Clause 2.3.6. Replace value: 0.025% with 0.25%.

Clause 2.3.7 after the word “burrs” should be supplemented with the designation: (UZ).

Clause 2.3.8 after the word “hardness” is supplemented with the designation: (TVZ).

Clause 2.3.9 after the word “properties” is supplemented with the designation: (МЗ).

table 8. Head. Replace the designation: KS with KU (3 times).

Paragraph 2.3.10 after the word “hardenability” is supplemented with the designation: (PR).

Clause 2.3.11 after the words “to the side” should be supplemented with the following designation: (2C).

Paragraph 2.3.12 after the word “etching” is supplemented with the designation: (T),

Section 2 should be supplemented with paragraphs - 2.3.13—2.3.17: “2.3.13. Rolled products calibrated with tolerance range h10.

2.3.14. Hot-rolled bars with increased (B) and high (A) dimensional accuracy.

2.3.15. Rolled products with surface quality group 2GP with hot upsetting test (65).

Testing of rolled products of size St. The manufacturer may not carry out 80 mm.

2.3.16. Rolled steel grades 45, 50, 50A with hardness control (TV4) on hardened samples in accordance with the requirements specified in table. 8a.

Table 8a

2.3.17. The mass fraction of nitrogen is not more than 0.008% in oxygen-converter steel for thin sheets.”

Clause 3.3. Listing 1. Replace the words: “for chemical analysis - one sample from a melt - ladle in accordance with GOST 7565” with “for chemical analysis - samples in accordance with GOST 7565”;

listing 5. Replace the words: “hardened and tempered” with “hardened, annealed, highly tempered or hardened and tempered”;

supplement with listing - 9: “9) To determine hardness after hardening - two longitudinal samples from melting.”

Clause 4.7 shall be stated in a new wording: “4.7. Sampling for testing mechanical properties according to table. 3 and 5 are carried out according to GOST 7564 (option 1), according to table. 4 and 8 - according to GOST 7564 (option 2)."

Section 4 should be supplemented with clause 4.7a: “4.7a. Selection of samples to determine hardness after hardening is carried out according to the scheme given in Appendix 8.

Samples for control can be cut from finished rolled products or conversion billets (in heat control),”

Clause 4.8. The first paragraph should be stated in a new edition: “The recommended heating temperature for samples when testing for hot upset is 850–1000 °C. The heating temperature of the samples is indicated in the quality document.”

Section 4 should be supplemented with paragraphs - 4.9a: “4.9a. Rockwell hardness after quenching is determined according to GOST 9013 on a site located in the middle of the length of the sample. The surface of the hardness testing area is cleaned; in this case, the surface roughness Ra should be no more than 1.25 microns according to GOST 2789.”

Paragraph 4.13 should be supplemented with the words: “for hardness control after hardening - in Appendix 9.”

Clause 5.1.1. First paragraph. Delete the words: “according to GOST 22235”;

second paragraph. Delete the words: “according to GOST 21929”;

replace the words: “Packaging means - according to GOST 7666” with “Packaging, means and methods for forming packages - according to GOST 7666”,

Appendix 1 shall be presented in a new edition: supplemented with appendices - 8, 9.


Examples of rental symbols
Diagram 1 of rental symbol

Cross-sectional view of rolled products

- circle, square, hexagon, strip, profile

Precision of rolled products


Curvature, deviation from flatness

Rental sizes

Standard number for assortment

steel grade

Surface quality group

Mechanical properties


GOST 1050—88

In the design documentation it is allowed to provide examples of symbols in accordance with Scheme 2.

d Type of cross section of rolled products -

circle, square, hexagon, strip, profile

Precision of rolled products


Curvature, deviation from flatness

Rental sizes

Standard number for assortment

Condition of rolled products (heat-treated, cold-worked, without heat treatment)

Additional requirements according to clauses 2.2 and 2.3


Mechanical properties

Surface quality group

steel grade

(Continuation of changes to GOST 1050-88

Examples of symbols

Long-rolled products, round, of normal rolling accuracy (B), class II in curvature, of unmeasured length (ND), with a diameter of 100 mm according to GOST 2590-88, from steel grade 30, with surface quality of group 2GP, with mechanical properties according to table 3 (M1), with hardness according to clause 2.1.10 (TV1), with impact strength control according to table 4 (KUV), with deburring (US), with hot upset test (65), without heat treatment :

Circle B-II-ND-100 GOST 2590—88/30-2GP-M1-TV1-KUV-UZ-66 GOST 1050—88

Long-rolled products, square, with increased rolling precision (B), class I in curvature, cut length (MD), with a square side of 25 mm according to GOST 2591-88, made of steel grade 35, with surface quality of group 1GP, with mechanical properties according to the table . 8 (M3), with hardness according to table. 7 (TV2), with the macrostructure (MS) normalized in points according to table. 6, with decarburization according to clause 2.2.14 (1C), heat treated (HT):

Square B-I-MD-25 GOST 2591—88/35-1GP-M3-TV2-KMS-1S-TO GOST 1050—88

Rolled strip, normal rolling accuracy (B), sickle shape class 2, deviation from flatness class 2, multiple measured length (CD), thickness 36 mm, width 90 mm according to GOST 103-76, from steel grade 45, with surface quality ZGP group, with mechanical properties according to table. 3 (M1), with hardness according to clause 2.1.10 (TV1), with normalized hardenability (HR), without heat treatment:

Strip V-2—2-KD-36×90 GOST 103—76/45-3GP-M1-TV1-PR GOST 1050—88

Hot-rolled profile for oblique washers, measured length (MD), with dimensions 2B×H×h = 32×5.8×4 mm according to GOST 5157-83, made of steel grade 35, with surface quality of the ZGP group, with mechanical properties according to table. 3 (M1), with hardness according to clause 2.1.10 (TB1), without heat treatment:

Profile for oblique washers MD-32×5.8×4 GOST 5157-83/35-3GP-M1-TV1 GOST 1050-88

Calibrated rolled products, round, with a tolerance range according to h11, cut length (MD), diameters 10 mm according to GOST 7417-75, made of steel grade 45, with surface qualities of group B according to GOST 1051-73, with mechanical properties according to table. 5 (M2), with hardness according to clause 2.3.8 (TV3), with decarburization according to clause 2.3.11 (2C), cold-worked (NG):

Circle h11-M D-10 GOST 7417—75/45-V-M2-TV3-2S-NG GOST 1050—88

Calibrated rolled products, square, with a tolerance range of h11, a multiple of the measured length (CD), with a square side of 15 mm in accordance with GOST 8559-75, from steel grade 20, with surface quality of group B in accordance with GOST 1051-73, with mechanical properties in accordance with table 8 (M3), with hardness according to table. 7 (TV2), ensuring weldability (GS), cold-worked (NG):

Square h11-KD-15 GOST 8559—75/20-B-M3-TV2-GS-NG GOST 1050—88

Calibrated rolled products, hexagonal, with a tolerance range of h12, of unmeasured length (ND), with an inscribed circle diameter of 8 mm according to GOST 8560-78, made of grade 45 steel, with surface quality of group B according to GOST 1051-73, with mechanical properties according to table. 3 (M1), with hardness according to table. 8a (TV4), heat treated (TO):

Hexagon h 12-ND-8 GOST 8560 - 78/45-V-M1-TV4-TO GOST 1050 - 88

Rolled products with special surface finishing, round, with tolerance range h11, unmeasured length (ND), diameter 8 mm, with group B surface quality according to GOST 14955-77, made of grade 20 steel, with mechanical properties according to table. 5 (M2), with hardness according to table. 7 (TV3) cold-worked (NG):

Circle h 11-ND-8 GOST 14955 - 77/20-V-M2-TV3-NG GOST 1050 - 88

Examples of symbols that can be given in design documentation:

Rolled products with special surface finishing, round, with tolerance range h11, irregular length (ND), diameter 8 mm, surface quality group B according to GOST 14955-77, made of grade 20 steel, with mechanical properties according to table. 5 (M2), with hardness according to table. 7 (TV3), hard-worked (NG):


— cross section of the sample; sample length 55-60 mm, B - platform for hardness measurement.

Modes of thermal treatment of samples to determine hardness after hardening, given in table. 8a

Table 12


  1. Holding time during hardening (after reaching temperature, order) 20 min.
  2. Oil temperature (65 ± 10) °C.”






General technical conditions

Official publication

Standard" |fo(SH 2014


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards. rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development and adoption. application, renewal and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Central Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy named after. I.P. Bardin" (FSUE "TsNIIchermet im. I.P. Bardin")

2 INTRODUCED by the Interstate Technical Committee MTK 120 “Cast Iron, Steel, Rolled Products”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated December 3, 2013 No. 62-P)

Short name of the country no MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK1ISO 3166)004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body

Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus




Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan





Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 28, 2014 No. 1451-st, the interstate standard GOST 1050-2013 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2015.

1 area of ​​use............................................... ...................1

3 Terms and definitions................................................... .................2

4 Classification................................................... ......................3

5 Steel grades........................................................ ...........................3

6 Assortment................................................... ........................7

7 Technical requirements........................................................ ................7

7.1 Characteristics of the basic version.................................................... ...7

7.2 Requirements for metal products, established by agreement with the manufacturer

with the customer........................................................ ....................10

8 Acceptance rules......................... 17

9 Test methods................................................... ....................18

10 Labeling, packaging, transportation and storage.................................................21

11 Safety and environmental requirements.................................................21

12 Manufacturer's guarantees.................................................... ...............21

Appendix A (mandatory) Requirements for the ends of hot-rolled and forged metal products

when removing burrs and crumpled ends....................................................22

Appendix B (mandatory) Conversion of rectangular sections into steep ones with some

and the same mechanical properties...................................................23

Appendix B (mandatory) Parameters of branded strips (hardness fluctuation limits HRC

and HRB along the length of the end specimen)..................................................24

Appendix D (mandatory) Scheme and examples of symbols....................................25

Appendix E (mandatory) Sampling scheme for hardness control on hardened

samples................... 27

hardness given in table 8...................................................28

mechanical properties given in tables 4, 5 and 11.................................29

mechanical properties given in table 10....................................31

Bibliography................................................. .......................32




General technical conditions

Metal products from nonalloyed structural quality and special steels. General specification

Date of introduction - 2015-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to hot-rolled, forged, calibrated and specially surface-finished metal products intended for use in various industries.

In terms of requirements for the chemical composition, the standard applies to ingots, blooms, slabs, rolled, forged and continuously cast billets, forgings, stampings, sheets and other types of rolled products.

This standard applies to metal products made from steel grade 05kp. 08kp, 08ps, Yukp. Yups, 11 kp, 15 kp, 15 ps, 18 kp, 20 kp and 20 ps only in terms of requirements for the chemical composition.

GOST 9012-59 (ISO 410-82. ISO 6506-81) Metals. Brinell hardness measurement method

3.1 heat; melt cast at MHJ13: The volume of steel smelted at one time in a steelmaking unit (open hearth furnace, oxygen furnace or electric furnace). When smelting steel in large-capacity furnaces and releasing it into two or more ladles, each ladle is considered an independent smelting (melting-ladle).

3.2 quality alloy steel: In accordance with ‘.

3.3 unglazed special steel: In accordance with *.

3.4 residual chemical element: a chemical element that was not added intentionally, but got into the melt from charge materials, refractories or air:

3.5 wasp looseness: a defect in the macrostructure of products made from continuously cast billets, the description is similar to the term “shrink looseness” according to GOST 10243.

4 Classification

4.1 Metal products are divided into:

By type of production: hot rolled: forged: calibrated;

with special surface finishing;

According to steel quality classes: unalloyed high-quality; unalloyed special:

According to the degree of deoxidation: kp - from boiling steel;

ps - from semi-quiet steel:

without an index in the brand designation - made of mild steel;

By type of length - in accordance with the standards for the assortment.

By quality and surface finish:

Group 1GP. 2GP and ZGT1 - hot-rolled and forged; groups B and C - calibrated;

groups V.G and D - with special surface finishing;

According to the presence of secondary furnace treatment of oxygen-converter steel: with secondary furnace treatment (FO);

without after-furnace treatment (BVO),

As delivered: without heat treatment: heat treated - TO.

and hardened - NG (for calibrated and with special surface finishing).

5 Steel grades

5.1 The grades and chemical composition of steel according to the ladle sample must correspond to those given in tables 1 and 2.

5.1.1 The mass fraction of N should not exceed: in oxygen-converter steel:

Without after-furnace treatment (BVO):

0.006% - for thin sheet metal products and tape;

0.008% - for other types of metal products.

With extra-furnace treatment (VO) - 0.010%;

in steel smelted in electric furnaces - 0.012%.

The method of smelting and processing of steel, if not agreed upon when placing an order, is chosen by the manufacturer.

* In the Russian Federation, GOST R 54384-2011 (EN 10020:2000) “Steel. Definition and classification by chemical composition and quality classes.”

* Table 1 - Chemical composition of steel according to ladle sample

Steel grade

Mass fraction of elements. %



No more than 0.06

No more than 0.03

No more than 0.40

Without getting sick 0.03

No more than 0.07

No more than 0.06

No more than 0.07

But more than 0.06

No more than 0.07



End of table 1

Table 2 - Chemical composition of steel according to ladle sample

Mass fraction of elements.%

Steel grade



The mass fraction of N in steel is not standardized or controlled if the mass fraction of total AI in the steel is not less than 0.020% or acid-soluble A1 is not less than 0.015% or aeobinding elements are introduced, individually or in any combination (Ti - no more than 0. 04%, V - no more than 0.05%, Nb - no more than 0.05%), while the total content of aeobinding elements (Ti. V. Nb, AI) should be no more than 0.015%. The mass fraction of nitrogen-binding elements in steel must be indicated in the quality document.

5.1.2 In steel grades 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60, intended for the manufacture of patented wire, the mass fraction Ml should be from 0.30% to 0.60%. Ni - no more than 0.15%, Cr - no more than 0.15%, Cu - no more than 0.20%, which must be indicated in the order.

5.1.3 In steel grade 08hp. Yule. 15ps and 20ps. intended for the manufacture of sheet metal products for cold stamping, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of the mass fraction of MP to 0.25%.

5.1.4 In steel grade 08ps. intended for the manufacture of tin, it is allowed to reduce the mass fraction of C. Si and Mn below the established lower limit and increase the mass fraction of total AI to 0.07%.

5.1.5 In steel of all grades, it is allowed to reduce the mass fraction of Si below the established lower limit, subject to the use of materials other than Si. deoxidizers simultaneously, individually or 8 in any combination. (AI. Ti. V. Nb) in the required quantities, as well as subject to the requirements for mechanical properties according to tables 4. 5. and also, if agreed upon in the order, according to tables 9, 10. 11 of this standard, or the standard for the corresponding metal products. The mass fraction of other deoxidizers must be indicated in the quality document.

5.1.6 In mild steel of all grades according to Table 1, intended for the manufacture of metal products according to this standard, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of the mass fraction of MP by no more than 0.20%, provided that the requirements for mechanical properties according to Table 4 are met, and also if agreed upon in the order, according to tables 9.10.11 of this standard. Maximum deviations in metal products according to the lower limit MP are not allowed.

In steel of all grades according to Table 1, intended for the manufacture of other types of metal products listed in the scope of definition of this standard, a reduction in the lower limit of the mass fraction of MP is allowed, provided that the requirements for mechanical properties provided for in the standard for the corresponding metal products are met.

5.1.7 In mild steel produced using scrap metal, a residual mass fraction of Cr and Ni of no more than 0.40% each is allowed. The quality document indicates the actual values ​​of the mass fraction of Cr and Ni in the steel.

5.1.8 In steel of all grades indicated in Table 1, the mass fraction of As is allowed to be no more than 0.08%.

5.1.9 In steel of all grades indicated in table 2, the mass fraction of residual elements is allowed, no more. W - 0.20%, Mo - 0.15%. V - 0.05%. introduction of Ti - 0.03%.

5.2 Deviations in chemical composition from the standards given in tables 1 and 2 are allowed in metal products. 5.1.1-5.1.5. 7.2.2, 7.2.4, 7.2.7. 7.2.10, 7.2.11, 7.2.17 in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3

6 Assortment

6.1 In terms of shape, dimensions and maximum deviations, metal products must meet the requirements for: hot-rolled:

Round in rods and coils - GOST 2590;

Square in rods and coils - GOST 2591 or according to another standard or with other requirements. agreed upon when placing an order;

Hexagonal in rods and coils - GOST 2879;

Strip - GOST 103. GOST 4405;

Profiles for oblique washers - GOST 5157; forged;

Round and square in rods - GOST 1133;

Strip - GOST 4405; calibrated;

Round in rods and coils - GOST 7417;

* square in bars and coils - GOST 8559;

Hexagonal in rods and coils - GOST 8560;

Strip - regulatory documentation agreed upon when placing an order;

With special surface finishing in rods and coils - GOST 14955.

Note - When delivering metal products in coils, no more than 5% of coils consisting of two pieces are allowed in the batch.

7 Technical requirements

7.1 Characteristics of the basic version

7.1.1 Hot-rolled metal products, round, square and hexagonal, of irregular length in bars and coils, with maximum deviations in size (diameter, side of a square, diameter of an inscribed circle) for normal rolling accuracy (B1). class IV curvature (when supplied in rods) and other shape requirements - in accordance with GOST 2590. GOST 2591, GOST 2879.

7.1.2 Hot-rolled strip metal products of unmeasured length, with maximum deviations in thickness and width for normal rolling accuracy (VT1, VSh1). normal crescent shape (BC), normal flatness (PN) and other shape requirements - in accordance with GOST 103.

7.1.3 Forged metal products - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 1133 and GOST 4405.

7.1.4 Calibrated steel products, steep, of unmeasured length, with maximum deviations in diameter for grades h9, hi 0. hi 1, hi 2 in accordance with GOST 7417, ovality - no more than maximum deviations in diameter.

7.1.5 Metal products with special surface finishing are round, of unmeasured length, with maximum deviations in diameter for grades h9, h10. Ml. hi 2 no GOST 14955. ovality - no more than half of the maximum deviations in diameter.

7.1.6 Hot-rolled metal products, calibrated, with special surface finishing in coils consisting of one piece.

7.1.7 Profile for oblique washers according to GOST 5157 made of steel grades 20 and 35.

7.1.8 Hot-rolled and forged metal products of surface quality groups; 2GP or HRT1.

7.1.9 On the surface of metal products of surface quality group 2GP there should be no rolled out (unchained) bubbles and contaminants, caps, sunsets (chains), cracks, rolled scale and scale shells. On the surface of metal products, individual risks, dents and ripples with a depth within half the sum of the maximum deviations of size (diameter, thickness), as well as hairs, rolled out (unchained) bubbles and contamination with a depth not exceeding '/ 4 of the sum of the maximum deviations are allowed without removal size (diameter, thickness), but not more than 0.2 mm. based on actual size. Unacceptable defects on the surface of metal products must be removed by flat cutting or grinding, the width of which must be at least five times the depth.

Interstate standard GOST 1050-2013


(put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 28, 2014 N 1451-st)

Metal products from nonalloyed structural quality and special steels. General specification

Introduction date: January 1, 2015
Instead of GOST 1050-88 and GOST 4543-71
regarding steel grades 15G, 20G, 25G, 30G,
35G, 40G, 45G, 50G, 10G2, 30G2,
35G2, 40G2, 45G2, 50G2


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption , applications, updates and cancellations"

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to hot-rolled, forged, calibrated and specially surface-finished metal products intended for use in various industries.

In terms of requirements for the chemical composition, the standard applies to ingots, blooms, slabs, rolled, forged and continuously cast billets, forgings, stampings, sheets and other types of rolled products.

This standard applies to metal products made from steel grades 05kp, 08kp, 08ps, 10kp, 10ps, 11kp, 15kp, 15ps, 18kp, 20kp and 20ps only in terms of requirements for the chemical composition.

2 Normative references

GOST 103-2006 Long-rolled hot-rolled steel strip. Assortment

GOST 1051-73 Calibrated rolled products. General technical conditions

GOST 1133-71 Forged steel round and square. Assortment

GOST 1497-84 (ISO 6892-84) Metals. Tensile Test Methods

GOST 1763-68 (ISO 3897-77) Steel. Methods for determining the depth of the decarbonized layer

GOST 2590-2006 Hot-rolled round steel products. Assortment

GOST 2591-2006 Hot-rolled square steel products. Assortment

GOST 2789-73 Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics

GOST 2879-2006 Hot-rolled hexagonal long steel products. Assortment

GOST 4405-75 Hot-rolled and forged strips made of tool steel. Assortment

GOST 5157-83 Hot-rolled steel profiles for various purposes. Assortment

GOST 5639-82 Steels and alloys. Methods for identifying and determining grain size

GOST 5657-69 Steel. Hardenability test method

GOST 7417-75 Calibrated round steel. Assortment

GOST 7564-97 Rental. General rules for sampling, blanks and specimens for mechanical and technological tests

GOST 7565-81 (ISO 377-2-89) Cast iron, steel and alloys. Sampling method for determining chemical composition

GOST 7566-94 Metal products. Reception, labeling, packaging, transportation and storage

GOST 8559-75 Calibrated square steel. Assortment

GOST 8560-78 Calibrated hexagonal rolled products. Assortment

GOST 8817-82 Metals. Slump test method

GOST 9012-59 (ISO 410-82, ISO 6506-81) Metals. Brinell hardness measurement method

GOST 9013-59 Metals. Rockwell hardness test method

GOST 9454-78 Metals. Impact bending test method at low, room and elevated temperatures

GOST 10243-75 Steel. Test methods and macrostructure evaluation

GOST 12349-83 Alloy and high-alloy steels. Methods for determining tungsten

GOST 12354-81 Alloy and high-alloy steels. Methods for determining molybdenum

GOST 12359-99 (ISO 4945-77) Carbon steels, alloyed and high-alloyed. Methods for determining nitrogen

GOST 12361-2002 Alloy and high-alloy steels. Methods for determining niobium

GOST 14955-77 High-quality round steel with special surface finishing. Specifications

GOST 17745-90 Steels and alloys. Gas determination methods

GOST 18895-97 Steel. Photoelectric spectral analysis method

GOST 21014-88 Rolled ferrous metals. Terms and definitions of surface defects

GOST 21120-75 Rods and blanks of round and rectangular cross-section. Ultrasonic flaw detection methods

GOST 21650-76 Means for fastening packaged cargo in transport packages. General requirements

GOST 22235-2010 Freight cars for mainline railways with 1520 mm gauge. General requirements for ensuring safety during loading, unloading and shunting operations

GOST 22536.0-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements for analysis methods

GOST 22536.1-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining total carbon and graphite

GOST 22536.2-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining sulfur

GOST 22536.3-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Phosphorus determination methods

GOST 22536.4-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining silicon

GOST 22536.5-87 (ISO 629-82) Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining manganese

GOST 22536.6-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Arsenic determination methods

GOST 22536.7-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining chromium

GOST 22536.8-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining copper

GOST 22536.9-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining nickel

GOST 22536.10-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining aluminum

GOST 22536.11-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining titanium

GOST 22536.12-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining vanadium

GOST 24597-81 Packages of packaged piece goods. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST 26877-2008 Metal products. Methods for measuring shape deviations

GOST 27809-95 Cast iron and steel. Spectrographic analysis methods

GOST 28033-89 Steel. X-ray fluorescence analysis method

GOST 30415-96 Steel. Non-destructive testing of mechanical properties and microstructure of metal products using a magnetic method

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, in addition to the terms and definitions specified in the reference standards, the following terms with corresponding definitions are used:

3.1 heat; melt cast on a continuous caster: The volume of steel smelted at a time in a steelmaking unit (open hearth furnace, oxygen converter or electric furnace). When smelting steel in large-capacity furnaces and releasing it into two or more ladles, each ladle is considered an independent smelting (melting-ladle).

3.2 quality unalloyed steel: In accordance with *(1).

3.3 unalloyed special steel: In accordance with *(1).

3.4 residual chemical element: a chemical element that was not added intentionally, but got into the melt from charge materials, refractories or air;

3.5 axial looseness: a defect in the macrostructure of products made from continuously cast billets, the description is similar to the term “shrink looseness” according to GOST 10243.

4 Classification

4.1 Metal products are divided into:

By type of production:

hot rolled;


with special surface finishing;

By steel quality classes:

unalloyed quality;

unalloyed special;

According to the degree of deoxidation:

kp - from boiling steel;

ps - made of semi-quiet steel;

without an index in the brand designation - made of mild steel;

By type of length - in accordance with the standards for the assortment.

By quality and surface finish:

groups 1GP, 2GP and 3GP - hot-rolled and forged;

groups B and C - calibrated;

groups B, D and D - with special surface finishing;

Based on the presence of after-furnace processing of oxygen-converter steel:

with out-of-furnace treatment (VO);

without after-furnace treatment (BVO);

As of delivery:

without heat treatment;

heat treated - TO;

cold-worked - NG (for calibrated and specially finished surfaces).

5 Steel grades

5.1 The grades and chemical composition of steel according to the ladle sample must correspond to those given in tables 1 and 2.

5.1.1 The mass fraction of N should not exceed:

in oxygen-converter steel:

Without after-furnace treatment (BVO):

0.006% - for thin sheet metal products and tape;

0.008% - for other types of metal products.

With out-of-furnace treatment (VO) - 0.010%;

in steel smelted in electric furnaces - 0.012%.

The method of smelting and processing of steel, if not agreed upon when placing an order, is chosen by the manufacturer.

Table 1 - Chemical composition of steel according to ladle sample

Steel grade

steel grade

Mass fraction of elements, %

Unalloyed quality

No more than 0.06

No more than 0.03

No more than 0.40

No more than 0.03

No more than 0.07

No more than 0.06

No more than 0.07

No more than 0.06

No more than 0.07

Unalloyed special

No more than 0.20

No more than 0.20

60pp "select"

No more than 0.20

Table 2 - Chemical composition of steel according to ladle sample

Steel grade

steel grade

Mass fraction of elements, %

Unalloyed special

The mass fraction of N in steel is not standardized or controlled if the mass fraction of total AI in the steel is not less than 0.020% or acid-soluble AI is not less than 0.015% or nitrogen-binding elements are introduced, individually or in any combination (Ti - no more than 0. 04%, V - no more than 0.05%, Nb - no more than 0.05%), while the total content of nitrogen-binding elements (Ti, V, Nb, AI) should be no more than 0.015%. The mass fraction of nitrogen-binding elements in steel must be indicated in the quality document.

5.1.2 In steel grades 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60, intended for the production of patented wire, the mass fraction of Mn should be from 0.30% to 0.60%, Ni - no more than 0.15%, Cr - no more than 0.15%, Cu - no more than 0.20%, which must be indicated in the order.

5.1.3 In steel grades 08ps, 10ps, 15ps and 20ps, intended for the manufacture of sheet metal products for cold stamping, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of the mass fraction of Mn to 0.25%.

5.1.4 In steel grade 08ps intended for the production of sheet metal, it is allowed to reduce the mass fraction of C, Si and Mn to less than the established lower limit and increase the mass fraction of total AI to 0.07%.

5.1.5 In steel of all grades, it is allowed to reduce the mass fraction of Si below the established lower limit, provided that deoxidizers other than Si are used simultaneously, individually or in any combination (AI, Ti, V, Nb) in the required quantities, as well as when provided that the requirements for mechanical properties according to tables 4, 5 are met, and also, if agreed upon in the order, according to tables 9, 10, 11 of this standard, or the standard for the corresponding metal products. The mass fraction of other deoxidizers must be indicated in the quality document.

5.1.6 In mild steel of all grades according to Table 1, intended for the manufacture of metal products according to this standard, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of the mass fraction of Mn by no more than 0.20%, provided that the requirements for mechanical properties according to Table 4 are met, and also if agreed upon in the order, according to tables 9, 10, 11 of this standard. Maximum deviations in metal products according to the lower limit Mn are not allowed.

In steel of all grades according to Table 1, intended for the manufacture of other types of metal products listed in the scope of this standard, a reduction in the lower limit of the mass fraction of Mn is allowed, provided that the requirements for mechanical properties specified in the standard for the corresponding metal products are met.

5.1.7 In mild steel produced using scrap metal, a residual mass fraction of Cr and Ni of no more than 0.40% each is allowed. The quality document indicates the actual values ​​of the mass fraction of Cr and Ni in the steel.

5.1.8 In steel of all grades indicated in Table 1, the mass fraction of As is allowed to be no more than 0.08%.

5.1.9 In steel of all grades indicated in table 2, the mass fraction of residual elements is allowed, no more than: W - 0.20%, Mo - 0.15%, V - 0.05%, introduction of Ti - 0.03% .

5.2 In metal products, deviations in chemical composition from the standards given in tables 1 and 2, 5.1.1-5.1.5, 7.2.2, 7.2.4, 7.2.7, 7.2.10, 7.2.11, 7.2.17 are allowed according to table 3.

Table 3

Item name

Maximum deviations, %

Si for mild steel

For steel grades indicated in table 2

For steel of other grades

N (at mass fraction up to 0.012%)

* Used when normalizing elements in a range.

Note - When supplying metal products made from steel of all grades according to Tables 1 and 2 without standardizing the lower limit of the mass fraction of carbon, silicon, manganese and sulfur, only positive maximum deviations are taken into account.

6 Assortment

6.1 In terms of shape, size and maximum deviations, metal products must meet the requirements for:

hot rolled:

Round in rods and coils - GOST 2590;

Square in rods and coils - GOST 2591 or according to another standard or with other requirements agreed upon when placing an order;

Hexagonal in rods and coils - GOST 2879;

Strip - GOST 103, GOST 4405;

Profiles for oblique washers - GOST 5157;

Round and square in rods - GOST 1133;

Strip - GOST 4405;


Round in rods and coils - GOST 7417;

Square in rods and coils - GOST 8559;

Hexagonal in rods and coils - GOST 8560;

Strip - regulatory documentation agreed upon when placing an order;

With special surface finishing in rods and coils - GOST 14955.

Note - When delivering metal products in coils, no more than 5% of coils consisting of two pieces are allowed in the batch.