Growing grass instructions. Grasshopper or toy with grass hair

We will make the next herb ourselves!)

How to make a grasshopper

Taken from here.

What is a grasshopper
Travyanchiki , or as they are also called, eco-men, in Lately regaining lost popularity. They first appeared in Soviet time and decorated many kitchens. A grasshopper is a small fabric figurine in the form of a man or animal, which, after watering, grows a small forelock of grass. By regularly watering your “pet,” you can get a real green corner in your home that doesn’t require special care. Ready-made herbal teas are available in many stores, but it is much more interesting to invite children to make it themselves.

To create an eco-human, you need to prepare the following materials:
base for grasshopper;
grass seeds;
needle and thread;
plate or tray.

As a base, you can use any available materials - an old sock, gauze, a wide bandage or a nylon stocking. Grass seeds should be selected according to your own preferences. So, for example, if you want to make a grass plant that will delight the eye with greenery for several years, you can buy seeds of a perennial lawn grass.

If you have pets, you can add special grass seeds to the grasshopper for them. This delicacy will appeal to cats, dogs, guinea pigs and even parrots. Seeds of this grass are sold in pet stores. If you cannot find grass seeds, you can pour any cereal into the grasshopper - rye, wheat, oats or barley. It is advisable to first sort out the grains from the husks and straws. Sawdust can be purchased at any pet store - they will serve as the main filler for the toy. To create one person you will only need a few handfuls of sawdust, you should take this into account when purchasing.
If desired, in craft stores you can purchase eyes and other details that will bring the eco-man to life.

Step-by-step instructions for making herbal tea

1. The stocking or sock should be cut with scissors so that you get a small sleeve up to 10-15 centimeters long. If gauze or bandage is used, it must be sewn together to form a similar sleeve. Immediately you need to cut several thin strips of material - they will be useful as ties. The strongest ties are made from nylon tights.

2. One end of the stocking should be tied with a previously prepared tie. After this, the workpiece needs to be turned inside out to form a kind of bag with the knot inward.

3. If the grasshopper is a vertically positioned toy, first of all you should pour the seeds into the bottom of the bag, and then the sawdust. The main thing is that the seeds are at the top of the craft. If the herb will be located horizontally (for example, you can make a hedgehog or a turtle out of a stocking), then you should first pour sawdust into the bag and only then add seeds to one side, which will be at the top. It is advisable to pre-soak the seeds for 5-6 hours.

4. The sawdust should be slightly moistened - this way they compact better and form a good shape. After filling, the top edge is also tied tightly. It is very important to make strong knots so that the contents do not spill out in the future.

5. At this stage you need to use your imagination and come up with one for the herbalist appearance. So, depending on the location of the seeds, you can make a hedgehog, frog, tiger cub, bear, dog or caterpillar. In order to make the head, legs or segments of the body, you need to tie the filled bag in a certain place. You can get ideas for creativity from other people’s works or invent something of your own; you don’t have to make an existing animal, it could turn out to be an alien or some kind of miracle. Using ties, you can shape not only the head, but also the nose, ears, horns or tail. During the process of creating a toy, you should periodically check it for stability.

6. In order for the grasshopper to come to life, it needs to glue its eyes and mouth. As eyes, you can use both blanks from craft stores and the most ordinary buttons. You can also make eyes from cardboard or felt by cutting out a light oval for the eye itself and a dark oval for the pupil.

7. You can add brightness to your craft by painting its surface. acrylic paints. Gouache and watercolor are not suitable for this, as they stain your hands and are washed off after exposure to water. Acrylic is resistant to water, and the toy will remain beautiful for a long time.

8. At the final stage, you need to thoroughly soak the herbalist with water. In order for the grass to germinate, the toy must be kept in a container of water for at least 2-3 hours. It's good if the water is slightly warmed up. If you intend to create several herbal plants, you can conduct a small experiment. So, one figurine needs to be soaked plain water, and the second with an aqueous solution of a plant growth stimulating agent. Then all that remains is to observe the growth of grass on the crafts together with the child and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Grasshopper care

The finished toy must be placed on a plate or a special tray - this is necessary so that it does not drip onto surrounding objects, but lingers in the stand. Next, the eco-man needs to be placed in some bright place (for example, a window sill or balcony) and wait until the first shoots appear from it.

Periodically you need to monitor the moisture level of the fabric enveloping the grasshopper. From time to time it is necessary to moisten it with water from a watering can or from a spray bottle. Children will be happy to care for their new pet and watch the results of their labors. The first grass sprouts will appear on the surface of the toy within 2 days.

If the child’s age and level of perseverance allows, you can create an observation diary. So, in a notebook or an ordinary piece of paper, you need to draw the fields of the table and note how much the stems grow three times a day. As the grass grows, the child can also take photos of his craft. When the grass grows strong and begins to decay into different sides, you can get your child interested in cutting grass. Using scissors or just your hands, you need to remove the tips of the sprouts, leaving up to 2/3 of their length. So you can experiment with various types haircuts - half-box, mohawk and everything that your imagination allows. By dividing the blades of grass into two parts and tying each with a bow, you can make a little grass girl. By the way, cutting has a beneficial effect on the toy - removing long stems gives the grass new strength, and over time the appearance of the grass will only improve. If there are pets in the house, they can do the “haircut” themselves - this grass is very useful for them, it contains many vitamins that are not available to animals living in the apartment. If you have to leave the grasshopper alone for several days, in order to prevent it from drying out, after watering the toy should be wrapped plastic bag. It will help reduce evaporation and conserve valuable moisture.

Travyanchik is a fun educational toy for children, a real pet with lawn grass growing on its head and back.

Herbal teas come in the most different shapes, usually these are cute animals or fairy-tale people that children really like. And the herb is an excellent living decoration for a child’s room.

How to care for a grasshopper

You need to take care of the grass plant - water and feed it, cut the grass regularly, but this is not at all difficult and is accessible even to children. Having bought a herbal tea in a store, you need to immerse it in warm water for 3-4 hours, and then put it in a warm and bright place. After 4 days the grass will sprout, and after about 10-14 days the grass can already be cut, giving your pet different hairstyles. It is better to water the grass by completely immersing it in water for 15-20 minutes; you can add liquid fertilizer to the water. Keep in mind that the herb will delight your child for about 6 months, then you need to either throw it away or tear it up and replace the seeds.

How to make a grasshopper with your own hands

It’s not at all difficult to make a herb with your own hands together with your child. In order to make a grass garden with your children, you will need small sawdust and lawn grass seeds, as well as a shell for the grass plant (for example, nylon tights or even a sock), decorative elements for decoration (eyes, artificial flowers, bows, ribbons - optional) , glue, scissors, nylon threads, acrylic paints and a brush (if you paint).

The closest thing to a store-bought one will be one made from nylon tights or knee socks. We come up with a character and get to work.

1. Cut out a fragment about 25-30 cm long from the tights. Sew up one end, and then pour sawdust and seeds into the resulting bag and seal it. We sew up the stuffed piece of grass.
The grasshopper can be of any shape, but usually a ball or cylinder is used as a blank for a character. The seeds should be located in the area of ​​the back and head of the future grasshopper.

2. Using thick nylon thread (or strips cut from tights) we form the head, paws, ears and other elements you need. To do this, grab a piece of grass, twist it and tie it.

3. You can move on to decorating. Draw eyes with acrylic paints or glue ready-made eyes with waterproof glue. You can paint the whole grass, you can tie a bow around its neck or give a flower to its paws. Whatever you want, the main thing is the water resistance of the decor. We place the finished herb on a plastic plate, which can also be decorated, for example, to imitate a lawn. Next, with the grass we made ourselves, we proceed by analogy with the store-bought one: soak it, let the grass grow in the light, trim it and rejoice. Don't forget to give the grasshopper a name and write a funny story about it.

How to make a grasshopper with your own hands: a simplified version

You can do it differently. Buy grass seeds for cats and plant them in plastic cups with soil (or eggshells). The cups can be painted with a marker or decorated using ready-made elements: glue on eyes, paper clothes, etc. Such herbs need to be watered in the usual way. The grass grows very quickly and is also suitable for cutting. Group the herbs on a small tray to create an impressive and very inexpensive decoration for a child’s room (and the window sill will not suffer when the baby waters his green friends).

Travyanchik- perhaps the ideal option for teaching a child how to care for indoor plants. Funny, grows quickly, very unpretentious. And also, as you have seen, it is easy to make a herbal garden with your own hands.

Travyanchik is a bright children's toy with a lush head of a living plant. It is also called ecolive, ecoludic or florik. Herbalists are the most different sizes, shapes and even colors. Most often these are cute animals or funny fairy-tale characters. They are made from nylon, sawdust and lawn grass seeds. They will be an excellent decoration for a child's room and an educational toy at the same time. Grasshoppers come in a variety of sizes, on average ten to twenty centimeters, but you can find a giant up to forty centimeters in size. Small herbal flowers decorate the shelves and window sills of the house, and large ones can be used to decorate a flower bed, garden or cottage.

Grasshopper care

But now you brought home a little herb. How to care for it? Caring for this toy is simple and accessible even to small children. Soak it for an hour in warm water, and then place it on a tray or saucer in a warm, bright place, but make sure that there are no hot items nearby heating devices. The first blades of grass will appear in about four days, and after two weeks the grass will be long enough to start doing different hairstyles. You need to water it every day, and once a week - completely immerse it in water for fifteen minutes, sometimes adding liquid fertilizer to it. If the room is dry, you need to spray the herbalist with a spray bottle.

Herbalists “live” from several months to a year. This depends on the set of seeds that was used to create the toy. In addition, to extend its lifespan, do not forget to feed it with flower fertilizers from time to time.

When purchasing a toy, pay attention to the release date. The shelf life of an unused herb is two years, then the grass seeds lose their viability, and the toy’s hair may not be so lush.

If a cat gets to the weed sitting on your windowsill and thins out its hair a little, don’t worry, this weed will not harm the furry weed. On the contrary, it will only benefit him. Some pet stores sell these herbs just for cats.

The herbal tea will be a good gift not only for a child, but also for some adults for almost any occasion. The grass toy will become ideal option to teach your child how to care for indoor plants. He is funny, grows quickly and is very unpretentious.

You can do it in the store or order it online. In the catalog of the Sphagnum Moss online store you will find wonderful herbal animals that will bring joy to your home!

This master class is intended for teachers and parents.

The presented work is a unique ecological toy, made by hand. Its highlight is that you water it with water and after a while, a juicy, tender, thick grass, creating a very cool head of hair. It will be interesting for both you and your children to watch the process. After the grasshopper’s “hair” has grown a little, you can use it to create hairstyles, carefully trimming the grass the way you like best. Later it will definitely grow again. Moreover, green grass can be used to feed animals in this corner of nature.

Purpose of this craft: This toy will not only decorate your home and bring joy, but also benefit those who have pets.

The purpose of the master class: dissemination and transfer of pedagogical experience, training in techniques for making an original toy - a herbalist.


Improving the professional skills of teachers;

Introducing teachers and parents to the techniques of making grass.


“Tell me - I will forget,

Show me - I'll remember

Let me do this

And it will be mine forever.”

A person is always drawn to something new, unknown, and in Everyday life, among the gray everyday life, we are looking for joy and celebration. I'm not an exception. I suggest you try it too! In honor of the first month of summer, let's make a unique environmental toy. I present to your attention a master class on making herbs!

To make a grasshopper we will need:

2. Cereal seeds (barley, wheat) or lawn grass seeds.

4. Scissors.

6. Acrylic paints

7. Pieces of colored self-adhesive wallpaper

Step-by-step process for making herbal tea

Step 1. Let's start making our herb. First we will make the body. Cut off part of the stocking or tights as shown in the photo. For tightening, prepare small pieces of the same nylon. Tighten the end of the stocking with a piece of nylon.

Step 2. Turn our base inside out so that the tail goes inside.

Step 3. Now take a tablespoon and add the seeds. Distribute the seeds in the place where you plan for your grass to grow.

Step 4. Now we fill the stocking with sawdust. We put more sawdust, we are not afraid to crush it so that more can fit.

Step 5. These are the heavy bags we got.

Step 6. When there is enough sawdust, we tie the tip of the stocking with a nylon trim and cut off the excess with scissors.

Step 7. Now we begin to shape the future herbalist. It depends on your imagination. We separated a small amount of sawdust, made, for example, a spout, tied it, tightened it with trim and cut off the excess. And so whatever you want: noses, ears, paws...

Step 8. This is what I ended up with.

Step 9. We bring our babies to life. Glue the eyes, nose, and mouth with “Master” glue. I cut them out of self-adhesive wallpaper. In general, eyes are sold directly in sets in office supplies. If desired, paint the grasshopper with acrylic paints.

Step 10. Our herbalist is ready!

Step 11. Now you need to soak the grasshopper in water for 1 hour so that it absorbs the water.

Step 12. Place the herb in a warm and bright place and water it every day so that it is constantly moist.

Step 13 We did it with the children kindergarten of herbs on Friday evening, so, fearing that they might dry out over the weekend, I put them in a plate and covered them with a bag. You don’t have to do this at home, just water it regularly.

Step 14. This is what a surprise awaited the children on Monday.

Step 15 Our herbalists in 7 days.

Step 16. Herbalists before cutting.

Step 17. Trimming grass plants.

Step 18 After the haircut.

Educational toys are extremely popular these days. And this phenomenon can be easily explained, because every parent wants their child not only to have fun, but also to learn something new or gain practical skills. A very interesting and, most importantly, completely safe and natural toy - a grasshopper. It’s not at all difficult to make it with your own hands and believe me, it’s much more interesting than buying a factory-made version.

Travyanchik - what kind of animal is this?

A few years ago, eco-men or herbalists appeared in many flower shops and children's departments. When packaged, the souvenir simply resembles an interior toy. This is a small figurine of a man, a fairy-tale character or an animal. Often grasshoppers look like just “weirdos” or can be just bags with eyes glued on. The essence of the game-experience is simple - inside the grass box, in addition to the main filler, there are grass seeds. It must be soaked or sprayed generously with water and placed in a bright place. Very soon you will be able to watch how green “hairs” will begin to grow on your “pet”.

Craft materials

Before discussing how to make a grasshopper with your own hands, let’s see if you have all the materials for this toy? The craft consists of a bag for stuffing, filler, seeds and decorative elements. You can use nylon socks or tights as a basis for the herb. If you want your handmade grass to be bright, try using children's knee socks. There is no need to make any special holes; through the fabric of the tights, the grass sprouts will independently find their way to the light. You can use sawdust, padding polyester or cotton wool as the main filler.

Simple DIY herbs: a master class for the little ones

Invite your child to make such a toy together. This work can be entrusted to three-year-olds. Prepare nylon socks in advance if the craft is being done at all Small child, it is best to choose something soft as a filler: cotton wool or padding polyester. Advice - if you want the grass to grow in a certain place, place the seeds there. However, many people like grass plants whose green sprouts grow in a chaotic manner. In this case, the seeds should be mixed with filler. So, your goal is to fill the sock with padding polyester or cotton wool. Don't forget to add seeds, arranging them according to your idea. Sew the bag, you can form a circle or an oval. In fact, making a herb with your own hands is very simple, you have almost completed this task, all that remains is to design the craft. Glue the eyes onto waterproof glue; you can also draw something on the figure, but only if you are sure that the paint will not run when in contact with water.

How to germinate grass?

The point of the herbalist experience game is to germinate grass seeds. To do this, you need to immerse the finished craft in a container of water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then take out the toy and place it on a saucer or some other stand. Now all you have to do is wait for a miracle - in 5-7 days the first shoots will appear. Knowing how to make a grasshopper with your own hands, if you wish, you can assemble a whole green zoo or a family of eco-men. Try experimenting with shapes and sizes of figures.

Educational toy, pet and interior decoration

Travyanchik is a long-lasting craft. The child will receive a lot of positive emotions during its production and will be able to show taste and imagination during its design. After finishing the work, a hand-made grass toy will not become another useless souvenir. After soaking, you can observe the appearance of the first shoots. From time to time it is also useful to spray the grass, and you can even gently water it. But the game with the eco-figurine doesn’t end there either. If you decide to make your own grass grass, be sure to try cutting it. This game will bring a lot of positive emotions to any child. What is especially interesting is that the “hairs” will grow back and, if desired, they can be cut again and again.

Making curly herbs

Interesting and unusual craft- grass-hedgehog. You can make it with your own hands according to the same principle as simpler toys of this type. The animal can sit upright or stand on four legs. Your craft will look most interesting if grass grows only on its back and head, representing needles. Accordingly, when filling the stocking base, arrange the seeds accordingly. It is most convenient to make the paws separately in the form of small balls. They can also be tied with threads to form fingers. Sew them to the hedgehog's body using threads. A little secret- nylon, heavily stuffed with padding polyester or cotton wool, is a very plastic material. It can be given the most interesting shapes, fixing them with simple stitches of thread and tightening them well. You can work out the features of the animal’s face in detail, give it plump cheeks and a pronounced, sharp nose. How to make a grass-hedgehog with your own hands, what details will help emphasize the image of this animal? In addition to the eyes, sew a nose from a large bead onto the toy. If you have paint that is not afraid of water, you can draw eyebrows, a mouth and blush on the cheeks.

One of the most popular questions among those who make eco-toys for the first time is where to get grass seeds and which ones are suitable? You can use lawn mixture. However, this only makes sense if you are planting such grass in your dacha, since they sell it in large packages. If your own personal plot If you don't have it, buy a small bag of grass seeds for domestic cats at the pet store. Almost any agricultural crop is also suitable: oats, wheat, rye. Interesting idea- seeds can be placed in grass boxes herbs: dill, parsley or basil - in this case you will get not only a beautiful toy, but also a constant source of fresh herbs in your own kitchen. It is possible to make a craft using the described technique even more complex. An interesting idea: sew a doll and place grass seeds in only one of its elements. Don’t be afraid to stuff each element of the toy tightly enough, observing this simple rule will help keep the figure in shape. When making a souvenir, remember that it will have to be soaked and sprayed with water. Accordingly, you should not use elements made of cardboard, paper and other materials that are dangerous for decoration. high humidity. Be sure to try making herbal teas with your own hands. The master class given in our article will definitely help you with this and you will succeed!