Speech games with preschoolers. Speech games

For those preparing for the main school exam

"What is good and what is bad?" - the question is not new, Mayakovsky asked it almost a hundred years ago to every father and every mother. The concepts of good and evil, native and foreign for not yet talking baby are revealed exclusively in sensations, like the concepts of warm and cold, bitter and sweet, soft and hard. Only when a child declares his own “I” to the world in words will concepts acquire semantic clarity for him. And not only for himself, but also for those around him, to whom he will be able to clearly and fully express his attitude to anything - both good and bad.

Therefore, along with words that denote positive things, the child should be given others that are suitable for negative phenomena. Moreover, if we undertake to talk about the good, about the right, deeply and fully, as it deserves, then we should talk about the negative in the same way.

Always, from a very early age, explain to children the difference between negative, primitive and simple. Words that mean negative qualities, warn that there are unpleasant aspects to an object, event or character of a person. And there are no fewer such concepts in our language than words of praise and gratitude. Disgusting - the one that disgusts, makes you turn your eyes away and not perceive what you see. This word describes a specific attitude towards a phenomenon or object in a voluminous and yet so simple way.

Well, what about the word “sucks”? When does it have the same meaning, and when does it mean not “disgusting”, but, say, “nondescript”? Without additional explanations it is impossible to understand. Or maybe you need to use facial expressions to give your interlocutor an idea of ​​the true meaning of this word? Then welcome back to the Neolithic.

So it turns out that simplicity and naturalness in speech help us quickly exchange information without distorting it, and primitiveness, which is often confused with simplicity, not only makes speech and thought rude, but also prevents us from conveying the necessary information to the interlocutor.

Discovering the world begins with speech. How we can talk about a subject determines how deeply we will comprehend it.

Exactly the level speech development influences how our knowledge will be formed in the future. Yes, acquiring, consolidating and reproducing knowledge begins with speech and occurs in the family. Not at school, not at kindergarten, no matter how wonderful, elite and expensive they may be. It all starts with the first words of a child addressed to his parents.

Our games editor Anastasia Lebedeva (and editor of my children's book "Lexicon") has come up with several games that will help parents at home with “negative” words.

Game "Detective Identification"

Bullshit, vanity, restless, worthless, lame, deceitful, uncool, lame, unworthy.

Here, in order to help the Lexicon, we should remember: words that denote negative qualities are not bad, but very necessary! They warn that there are unpleasant aspects to an object, event or character of a person. And there are no fewer such concepts in our language than words of praise and gratitude.

How to distinguish these concepts? Very simple. They name the opposite of good quality, for example:

beautiful - ugly;

modest - arrogant;

calm - fussy;

good - evil.

Game "It's the other way around"

Do you know the poem by Genrikh Sapgir “The Ogre and the Princess, or Everything is the other way around”? If not, find and read it with your parents. In this poem, characters and things are transformed when the author changes just one word in their description. Try to create a description “on the contrary”. Replace the highlighted words with words with the opposite meaning.

Poem about the word Bow from "Children's Dictionaries":

One day young general

Behind cowardice received the order,

Yes, not simple, but with a bow,

He was ashamed of him, went with him

Go to the park to listen to musicians.

But one day his wife

With an inexorable hand,

She took that bow off his chest

For granddaughter nasty.**

**Here are the words that have been replaced: old, a feat, he was proud of him, beloved.

A game "The Magic Bag of the Lexicon"

Find word friends in this bag:

capricious (fastidious, fickle, fickle);

sloppy (sloppy, disheveled);

bothersome (boring, tiresome, annoying, persistent);

sadness (sadness, melancholy, despondency);

lie (untruth, deception, lies);

offend (insult, oppress);

spoil (break, worsen, destroy).

Dear parents, let's not get confused native language ourselves, then our children will never make mistakes. And they will clearly explain to their children what is good and what is bad. Thank you.

PS. Book "Children's etymological dictionary» publishing house RIPOL Classic will appear in 2017.

Speech games with preschoolers

The material was prepared by Belousova L.A.

for children 5 – 6 years old

"Pick up a word"

Goal: expansion vocabulary, development of the ability to coordinate an adjective with a noun.

This game can be played with a ball, throwing it to each other.
What can we say “fresh” about... (air, cucumber, bread, wind); “old”... (house, stump, person, shoe); “fresh”... (bun, news, newspaper, tablecloth); “old”…(furniture, fairy tale, book, grandmother); “fresh”… (milk, meat, jam); “old”…(chair, seat, window.

"Whose purchases?"

Goal: consolidation of general concepts, development of vocabulary.

For this game you will need a toy hare and bear, a bag, fruits and vegetables. You can use pictures of vegetables and fruits or dummies. Invite your child to listen to what happened to the bunny and the bear in the same story.
“The bunny and the bear went to the store. The bunny bought fruits, and the bear bought vegetables. The seller put their purchases in one bag, and now the bunny and the bear can’t figure out which of them bought what.” Shall we help the bunny and the bear? The child takes turns taking out all the items from the bag and explains whose purchase it is. At the end of the game we summarize: “What did the bunny buy? What fruits did he buy? What did the bear buy? What vegetables did he buy?”
In this game, purchases can be very different: shoes and clothes, dishes and food."

Say the opposite"

This game has two options. The first option is easier, since the child in his answers relies not only on the adult’s speech, but also on picture material. The second is more difficult, since it relies only on the speech of an adult.

1.Based on pictures:
Grandfather is old, and grandson...
The tree is tall, and the bush...
The sea is deep, and the stream...
The road is wide and the path...
The pen is light, and the weight...
In summer you need summer clothes, and in winter...

2. Without relying on pictures.
The cake is sweet, but the medicine...
It's dark at night, and during the day...
The wolf has a long tail, and the hare...
The bread is soft, and the crackers...
The tea is hot, but the ice...
It's hot in the summer, and in the winter...me, hats and toys, tools and electrical appliances.

"Who will overtake whom?"

Goal: developing the ability to correctly agree words in a sentence in the accusative case.

For this game you will need pictures depicting animals, vehicles, people or insects. It all depends on your imagination.
We show the child two pictures and ask the question: “Who will overtake whom?”

The hare and the tortoise... (The hare will overtake the tortoise).
Caterpillar and snake... (The snake will overtake the caterpillar).
Train and plane... (The plane will overtake the train).
Motorcycle and bicycle... (The motorcycle will overtake the bicycle).

Dunno mistakes"

Goal: development of auditory attention, the ability to coordinate words in a sentence in the accusative case.

Tell your child a story about how Dunno went into the autumn forest. He liked it there so much that he shared his impressions with his friends, but made mistakes in the story. We need to help Dunno correct his mistakes.

In the autumn forest.

I walked into the autumn forest. There I saw a gray hare, a red squirrel, and a prickly hedgehog. The hare ate a carrot. The squirrel was shelling a fir cone. The hedgehog ran along a forest path. Good in the autumn forest .

"Mom is Lost"

Goal: developing the ability to correctly agree words in a sentence in the genitive case, developing vocabulary, consolidating the general concepts “Wild Animals” and “Domestic Animals”.

In this game we will need pictures depicting wild and domestic animals and their cubs. The cubs are lost, and the mothers are looking for them and cannot find them. We definitely need to help mothers find their babies.
Example: A cow is looking for... (a calf). Here's a calf. The horse is looking for... (foal).
The pig is looking for... (pig).
The dog is looking for... (puppy).
The cat is looking for... (kitten).
The goat is looking for... (kid).
The sheep is looking for... (lamb).
The fox is looking for... (fox cub).
The hare is looking for... (bare).
The she-wolf is looking for... (wolf cub).
The hedgehog is looking for... (hedgehog).
The bear is looking for... (a bear cub).
The squirrel is looking for... (little squirrel).

At the end of the game, you can ask the child which animals he would place in the forest, and which ones near the person’s house. What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (Wild animals.) What are the names of animals that live next to humans? (Pets.)

"Fedorino grief"

Goal: development of attention, auditory memory, ability to agree nouns in the genitive plural.

We read an excerpt from the poem "Fedorino's grief."
Then we ask the child to remember which dishes ran away from Fedora, and what she now doesn’t have. You can look at pictures of dishes or use real ones.
When reading the poem again, the child suggests the word and shows Fedorino’s grief
All the dishes ran away!
Fedora doesn't have any left
No can, no bottles,
No toothless, dirty...(forks).
There are no abandoned orphans -
Black, bent...(pans).
There are no dirty dirty ones -
Broken, broken...(pots).
People haven't seen it close
And dirty fragments... (saucers),
Escaped from bugs
Many days of unwashed...(cups),
Hiding from cockroaches
Cloudy, cracked...(glasses).
No matter how Fedora looked,
I didn’t find anywhere...(plates).
The knife disappeared from Fedora,
There are no large tableware...(spoons).corresponding picture.

"Mishutka's Birthday"

Goal: developing the ability to correctly agree nouns in the dative case.

For this game we will need pictures of fish, carrots, mushrooms, grain, grass, squirrel, fox, hare, hedgehog, chicken, cow and bear.
Mishutka invited his friends to his birthday party. The guests have not arrived yet, but a treat is already ready for them. Let's try to guess who Mishutka is expecting to visit

Nuts for the squirrel. Teddy bear is waiting for the squirrel.
Fish... - Mishutka is waiting...
Carrots... - Mishutka is waiting...
Mushrooms... - Mishutka is waiting...
Grain... - Mishutka is waiting...
Grass... - Mishutka is waiting....

Speech games

for children 6 -7 years old

"Similar words"

Goal: expanding the vocabulary of synonyms, developing the ability to identify words with similar meanings.

We name the child a number of words and ask him to determine which two of them are similar in meaning and why. We explain to the child that similar words- these are friend words. And they call them that because they are similar in meaning.

Friend - friend - enemy;
Sadness - joy - sadness;
Food - cleaning - food;
Labor - factory - work;
Dance - dance - song;
Run - rush - go;
To think - to want - to reflect;
Walk - sit - step;
Listen - look - watch;
Cowardly - quiet - timid;
Old - wise - smart;
Clueless - small - stupid;
Funny - big - huge.

"Family Olympics"

Goal: clarification of syntagmatic connections between adjectives and nouns, development of a dictionary of features.

This game is more interesting to play with the whole family, and the competitive passion will contribute to the child’s interest in such games.

We think of any word denoting an object. Each of the players must select as many words as possible to answer the questions “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?”. For example: grass (what is it like?) - green, soft, emerald, silky, tall, thick, slippery, dry, swampy... The winner is the one who names the word-attribute last.

"Two brothers"

Goal: development of word formation using the suffixes -ISCH-, -IK-.

For this game we will need pictures of two different people.
We invite the child to listen to a story about two brothers.
Once upon a time there lived two brothers. One was called Ik, he was short and thin. And the other one was called Isch, he was fat and tall. Each of the brothers had their own home. Ika had small house, and Ishch has a big house. Ik had a nose, and Ishch had a nose. Ik had fingers, and Ishch had fingers. We invite the child to think about what each of the brothers could have in their appearance, home. If the child finds it difficult, you can continue further, naming the object of only one of the brothers.
Glazik - eye; mouth - mouth; tooth - tooth; cat - cat; bush - bush; scarf - scarf; knife - knife; rug - carpet; elephant - elephant.

"Call me kindly"

Purpose: strengthening the agreement of an adjective with a noun, education diminutive forms adjectives.

Today we will play sweet words. Listen to how beautiful it sounds:
The flower is red, and the flower is red.
Next, we say only part of the phrase, and the child finishes it.
The apple is sweet, and the apple... (sweet).
The cup is blue, and the cup... (blue).
The pear is yellow, and the pear... (yellow).

The bucket is blue, and the bucket... (blue).
The sun is warm, and the sun... (warm).
The chicken is fluffy, and the chicken... (fluffy).
The house is low, and the house... (low).
Carrots are delicious, and carrots... (delicious).

"Dishes shop"

Goal: expanding the vocabulary, developing the ability to select a generalizing word, developing speech attention.

For this game it is better to use real dishes.
Let's play shop. I will be the buyer, and you will be the seller. I need some utensils for soup - a tureen. Dishes for salad - salad bowl; utensils for bread - bread box; utensils for milk - milk jug; utensils for oil - butter dish; utensils for sweets - candy bowl; utensils for crackers - cracker; tableware for salt - salt shaker; utensils for sugar - sugar bowl.

After pronouncing all the available dishes, you can change roles. Our task is to encourage the child to pronounce the names of the dishes independently.

"Find by color"

Goal: to consolidate the agreement of the adjective with the noun in gender and number.

For this game we need pictures depicting objects different color.
We name the color using an adjective in a certain form (gender, number), and the child finds objects of a given color that fit this form of the adjective. For example:
Red - apple, chair, dress.
Yellow - turnip, paint, bag.
Blue - cornflower, eggplant, pencil.

"Choose the right word"

Goal: development of thinking, speech attention.

From the proposed words denoting the characteristics of an object, we invite the child to choose one that is most suitable in meaning. Think and tell me which word is more suitable than others?
In autumn ... (cold, strong, wet) wind blows.
... (green, blue, red) poppies bloomed in the meadow.
Mom took ... (bag, package, basket) into the forest.
Santa Claus comes to visit...(in autumn, spring, winter).
The dog lives... (in the forest, in a kennel, in a den).
The train travels along...(road, water, rails).

"Find the picture"

Goal: development of analysis and synthesis.

Goal: development of analysis and synthesis.
We will need pictures showing various types transport.
Look at the pictures and name the one that you can talk about using the words:
airport, sky, pilot, flight attendant, wings, window;
rails, compartment, station, carriage, conductor, platform;
pier, sea, captain, deck, sailor, shore;
highway, conductor, driver, stop;
escalator, turnstile, platform, train, station, driver.

"Say it the other way around"

Goal: expanding the dictionary of antonyms.

For this game we need a ball.
We throw the ball to the child and say the word. The child, returning the ball, names a word with the opposite meaning.
Now you and I will turn into stubborn people who do everything the opposite. I throw you a ball and say a word, and you say the opposite. For example: dark, but vice versa - light.






The teacher selects one child who moves 8-10 steps away from everyone playing and turns his back to them. He must guess what the players are doing.

Children agree on what action they will portray. According to the teacher: “It’s time!” The driver turns around, approaches the players and says:

Hello children!
Where have you been?
What did you see?

Children answer:

We won’t say what we saw
And we’ll show you what they did.

If the driver guesses correctly, he chooses another child instead. If he answers incorrectly, the game is repeated with the same driver.

"Clapping" (game for children 5–7 years old)

Children move freely around the hall (playground).

For one clap from the driver they must jump, for two clap they must sit down, for three clap they must stand up with their arms raised up (or any other movement options).

All children depict some action, for example, playing the accordion, riding horses, etc. The driver guesses the action being depicted. If the driver does not guess correctly, then he loses. The children tell him what they did and come up with a new action. The driver guesses again.

Then another driver is chosen and the game is repeated.

"Clean" (game for children 5–7 years old)

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements.

Wash your neck, wash your ears, (Rub your hands over your neck and ears.)
We wipe them dry. (Imitate rubbing with a towel.)
Cleanliness is more valuable than anything else. (They shake a finger.)
We brush our teeth too. (Imitate brushing teeth.)
One-two-three, one-two-three, (Clap their hands.)
Brush your teeth three times cleaner! (Imitate brushing teeth.)

“Everything is the other way around” (game for children 6–7 years old)

Children stand facing an adult. The teacher rhythmically changes the position of his hands, and the children perform the same movements, only in reverse. For example, the teacher raises his hands, and the children lower their hands; The teacher moves his hands back - the children stretch their hands forward. We offer the following movement options (adults – children):

Raise your arms up - lower them along your body;

Pull forward - pull back, behind your back;

Lower along the body - lift up;

Pull back - pull forward;

Right hand up, left hand down – right hand down, left hand up.

“Do the opposite” (game for children 6–7 years old)

Children stand scattered around the hall.

The teacher shows the exercise, and the children perform it in the opposite direction.

For example, the teacher tilts to the right, and the children tilt to the left; the teacher takes a step forward, and the children take a step back, etc.

"If you like..." (game for children 6–7 years old)

Children stand in a circle.

The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements and text.

(Two claps of hands.)
If you like it, then do it. (Two claps of hands.)
If you like it, then show it to someone else,
If you like it, then do it. (Two claps of hands.)

Then the words are repeated, but with different movements: children clap their knees, press their hands to their cheeks, say: “Ay-ay,” touch their nose with a finger and say: “Beep.” You can come up with other funny movements.

In conclusion, after each line, the children sequentially repeat all the movements shown earlier.

It is important not to make a mistake in the sequence and perform the movements at a fast pace.

"Forbidden Movement" (game for children 6–7 years old)

The players form a circle.

The teacher agrees in advance with the children about what movements cannot be made, for example: squatting, clapping, waving their arms.

Then, to the music, the teacher shows various movements that the players must repeat after him. The more varied and fun these movements are, the more interesting the game.

Suddenly the teacher shows some prohibited movement.

One of the players who inadvertently repeats the forbidden movement will then have to dance, sing, or read a poem (at the child’s choice).

You can complicate the game: agree that there are two movements that cannot be repeated, but others must be done instead. For example, when the teacher puts his hand on the back of his head, the players squat with their legs crossed, and when the teacher leans forward, they clap their hands twice.

“My triangular cap” (game for children 6–7 years old)

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher explains the rules of the game. Words in the text of the poem are replaced by movements. And the text is like this:

My cap is triangular.
My triangular cap.
And if not triangular,
This is not my cap.

First, we replace the word “cap” (show the place of the cap on the head), pronounce all other words in the text; then – the word “mine” (point with our hand to the chest), and pronounce the rest of the words, except “cap” and “mine”; and then - the word “triangular” (we show a triangle with our hands).

Now, pronouncing the text, we replace three words: “cap”, “my”, “triangular”.

The game can be repeated several times, speeding up the pace.

"Left right!" (game for children 6–7 years old)

Children sit on chairs in a circle.

In the center is the driver with the ball.

The driver throws the ball to one of the guys. If the driver shouts: “Take it!”, then, having caught the ball, the child must name the name of his neighbor on the left. If, during the throw, the voice said: “Give it back!”, you need to say the name of the neighbor on the right.

The one who makes a mistake replaces the leader.

"Ogre" (game for children 6–7 years old)

They choose a “cannibal” driver.

The cannibal is blindfolded and sits down on a chair. The remaining players form a chain and, taking turns passing in front of the cannibal, touch his knee.

The ogre tries to catch the player's hand. The one he catches becomes a cannibal.

"Find the ball" (game for children 6–7 years old)

Children stand close in a circle, facing the center.

One child, as assigned by the teacher, stands in the middle of the circle; this is the driver. The players keep their hands behind their backs.

The teacher gives the ball to one of the players.

From this moment on, the ball begins to be passed to each other behind their backs. The driver, standing inside the circle, tries to guess who has the ball. To do this, he can ask any child to show him their hands, saying: “Hands!” According to this requirement, the player instantly extends both hands forward, palms up.

The one who has the ball, or the one who dropped the ball, stands in the middle, and the driver takes his place.

The game repeats itself.

"Salute!" (game for children 6–7 years old)

Salute right hand, A left hand simultaneously pull forward with protruding thumb, saying at the same time: “Wow!”

Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.

"Horns and Legs" (game for children 6–7 years old)

Average and ring fingers bent, held on top with the thumb, index and little fingers extended; the hand is raised up - these are horns.

Index and middle fingers extended, the ring and little fingers are pressed to the palm and held with the thumb; the hand is lowered down - these are the legs.

One hand shows the horns, the other shows the legs. Then the hands simultaneously change roles.

"Neighbor, raise your hand" (game for children 6–7 years old)

The players stand or sit (depending on agreement) in a circle.

A driver is chosen by lot to stand inside the circle. He calmly walks in a circle, then stops in front of one of the players and loudly says: “Hands!” The player to whom the driver addressed continues to sit (stand) without changing position. And both of his neighbors must raise one hand up: the neighbor on the right - the left, the neighbor on the left - the right, i.e. the hand that is closer to the player standing (sitting) between them. If one of the guys made a mistake - raised the wrong hand or forgot to raise it altogether, then he changes roles with the leader.

The game continues for the set time.

The child who has never been a driver wins.

The player is considered a loser even if he only tried to raise the wrong hand.

The driver must stop exactly opposite the player he is addressing. Otherwise, his command is not executed by the child.

"Stop!" (game for children 6–7 years old)

All players stand on a line drawn along one side of the court (hall). On the opposite side, a circle (diameter 2-3 steps) indicates the house of the driver. The driver, chosen by lot (counting table), stands with his back to the children and says: “Walk quickly, watch, don’t yawn! Stop!”

At every word from the leader, everyone steps forward.

As soon as the driver says: “Stop!” - the children stop, and the driver looks around and sees which of the children did not have time to freeze in place and moved.

He names these children and they return to the starting line.

Then the driver again turns his back to the players and says: “Walk quickly, look, don’t yawn! Stop!” Everyone stops at the place where they were caught by the stop signal. Children who return to the starting line move from there.

The game continues until one of the children comes close to the driver and gets into his house before he says: “Stop!”

A variety of speech games allows you to maintain interest in language and speech creativity.

Dear parents, on these sites you can play online speech games with your children

Speech games

It is known that speech games and entertainment foster interest in the environment and stimulate the cognitive activity of preschoolers. Promoting the development of thinking and speech activity, the game relieves the tension that usually arises in children during classes. Children who are captivated by play increase their ability to involuntary attention and sharpen their powers of observation, and this necessary qualities to prepare for school.

R speech games for children 5 – 6 years old

"Pick up a word"

Goal: expanding vocabulary, developing the ability to coordinate an adjective with a noun.

This game can be played with a ball, throwing it to each other.

What can we say “fresh” about... (air, cucumber, bread, wind); “old”... (house, stump, person, shoe); “fresh”... (bun, news, newspaper, tablecloth); “old”…(furniture, fairy tale, book, grandmother); “fresh”… (milk, meat, jam); “old”…(chair, seat, window.

"Whose purchases?"

Goal: consolidation of general concepts, development of vocabulary.

For this game you will need a toy hare and bear, a bag, fruits and vegetables. You can use pictures of vegetables and fruits or dummies. Invite your child to listen to what happened to the bunny and the bear in the same story.

“The bunny and the bear went to the store. The bunny bought fruits, and the bear bought vegetables. The seller put their purchases in one bag, and now the bunny and the bear can’t figure out which of them bought what.” Shall we help the bunny and the bear? The child takes turns taking out all the items from the bag and explains whose purchase it is. At the end of the game we summarize: “What did the bunny buy? What fruits did he buy? What did the bear buy? What vegetables did he buy?”

In this game, purchases can be very different: shoes and clothes, dishes and food.

"Say the opposite"

Goal: expanding the dictionary of antonyms.

This game has two options. The first option is easier, since the child in his answers relies not only on the adult’s speech, but also on picture material. The second is more difficult, since it relies only on the speech of an adult.

1.Based on pictures:

Grandfather is old, and grandson...

The tree is tall, and the bush...

The sea is deep, and the stream...

The road is wide and the path...

The pen is light, and the weight...

In summer you need summer clothes, and in winter...

2. Without relying on pictures.

The cake is sweet, but the medicine...

It's dark at night, and during the day...

The wolf has a long tail, and the hare...

The bread is soft, and the crackers...

The tea is hot, but the ice...

It's hot in the summer, and in the winter...me, hats and toys, tools and electrical appliances.

"Who will overtake whom?"

Goal: developing the ability to correctly agree words in a sentence in the accusative case.

For this game you will need pictures depicting animals, vehicles, people or insects. It all depends on your imagination.

We show the child two pictures and ask the question: “Who will overtake whom?”

The hare and the tortoise... (The hare will overtake the tortoise).

Caterpillar and snake... (The snake will overtake the caterpillar).

Train and plane... (The plane will overtake the train).

Motorcycle and bicycle... (The motorcycle will overtake the bicycle).

Dunno mistakes"

Goal: development of auditory attention, the ability to coordinate words in a sentence in the accusative case.

Tell your child a story about how Dunno went into the autumn forest. He liked it there so much that he shared his impressions with his friends, but made mistakes in the story. We need to help Dunno correct his mistakes.

In the autumn forest.

I walked into the autumn forest. There I saw a gray hare, a red squirrel, and a prickly hedgehog. The hare ate a carrot. The squirrel was shelling a fir cone. The hedgehog ran along a forest path. Good for the autumn forest.

"Mom is Lost"

Goal: developing the ability to correctly agree words in a sentence in the genitive case, developing vocabulary, consolidating the general concepts “Wild Animals” and “Domestic Animals”.

In this game we will need pictures depicting wild and domestic animals and their cubs. The cubs are lost, and the mothers are looking for them and cannot find them. We definitely need to help mothers find their babies.

Example: A cow is looking for... (a calf). Here's a calf. The horse is looking for... (foal).

The pig is looking for... (pig).

The dog is looking for... (puppy).

The cat is looking for... (kitten).

The goat is looking for... (kid).

The sheep is looking for... (lamb).

The fox is looking for... (fox cub).

The hare is looking for... (bare).

The she-wolf is looking for... (wolf cub).

The hedgehog is looking for... (hedgehog).

The bear is looking for... (a bear cub).

The squirrel is looking for... (little squirrel).

At the end of the game, you can ask the child which animals he would place in the forest, and which ones near the person’s house. What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (Wild animals.) What are the names of animals that live next to humans? (Pets.)

"Fedorino grief"

Goal: development of attention, auditory memory, ability to agree nouns in the genitive plural.

We read an excerpt from the poem "Fedorino's grief."

Then we ask the child to remember which dishes ran away from Fedora, and what she now doesn’t have. You can look at pictures of dishes or use real ones.

When reading the poem again, the child suggests the word and shows Fedorino’s grief

All the dishes ran away!

Fedora doesn't have any left

No can, no bottles,

No toothless, dirty...(forks).

There are no abandoned orphans -

Black, bent...(pans).

There are no dirty dirty ones -

Broken, broken...(pots).

People haven't seen it close

And dirty fragments... (saucers),

Escaped from bugs

Many days of unwashed...(cups),

Hiding from cockroaches

Cloudy, cracked...(glasses).

No matter how Fedora looked,

I didn’t find anywhere...(plates).

The knife disappeared from Fedora,

There are no large tableware...(spoons).corresponding picture.

"Mishutka's Birthday"

Goal: developing the ability to correctly agree nouns in the dative case.

For this game we will need pictures of fish, carrots, mushrooms, grain, grass, squirrel, fox, hare, hedgehog, chicken, cow and bear.

Mishutka invited his friends to his birthday party. The guests have not arrived yet, but a treat is already ready for them. Let's try to guess who Mishutka is expecting to visit


Nuts for the squirrel. Teddy bear is waiting for the squirrel.

Fish... - Mishutka is waiting...

Carrots... - Mishutka is waiting...

Mushrooms... - Mishutka is waiting...

Grain... - Mishutka is waiting...

Grass... - Mishutka is waiting....

Speech games for children 6 - 7 years old

"Similar words"

Goal: expanding the vocabulary of synonyms, developing the ability to identify words with similar meanings.

We name the child a number of words and ask him to determine which two of them are similar in meaning and why. We explain to the child that similar words are buddy words. And they call them that because they are similar in meaning.

Friend - friend - enemy;

Sadness - joy - sadness;

Food - cleaning - food;

Labor - factory - work;

Dance - dance - song;

Run - rush - go;

To think - to want - to reflect;

Walk - sit - step;

Listen - look - watch;

Cowardly - quiet - timid;

Old - wise - smart;

Clueless - small - stupid;

Funny - big - huge.

"Family Olympics"

Goal: clarification of syntagmatic connections between adjectives and nouns, development of a dictionary of features.

This game is more interesting to play with the whole family, and the competitive passion will contribute to the child’s interest in such games.

We think of any word denoting an object. Each of the players must select as many words as possible to answer the questions “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?”. For example: grass (what is it like?) - green, soft, emerald, silky, tall, thick, slippery, dry, swampy... The winner is the one who names the word-attribute last.

"Two brothers"

Goal: development of word formation using the suffixes -ISCH-, -IK-.

For this game we will need pictures of two different people.

We invite the child to listen to a story about two brothers.

Once upon a time there lived two brothers. One was called Ik, he was short and thin. And the other one was called Isch, he was fat and tall. Each of the brothers had their own home. Ik had a small house, and Ishch had a large house. Ik had a nose, and Ishch had a nose. Ik had fingers, and Ishch had fingers. We invite the child to think about what each of the brothers could have in their appearance, home. If the child finds it difficult, you can continue further, naming the object of only one of the brothers.

Glazik - eye; mouth - mouth; tooth - tooth; cat - cat; bush - bush; scarf - scarf; knife - knife; rug - carpet; elephant - elephant.

"Call me kindly"

Purpose: to consolidate the agreement of an adjective with a noun, the formation of diminutive forms of adjectives.

Today we will play sweet words. Listen to how beautiful it sounds:

The flower is red, and the flower is red.

The apple is sweet, and the apple... (sweet).

The cup is blue, and the cup... (blue).

The pear is yellow, and the pear... (yellow).

The bucket is blue, and the bucket... (blue).

The sun is warm, and the sun... (warm).

The chicken is fluffy, and the chicken... (fluffy).

The house is low, and the house... (low).

Carrots are delicious, and carrots... (delicious).

"Dishes shop"

Goal: expanding the vocabulary, developing the ability to select a generalizing word, developing speech attention.

For this game it is better to use real dishes.

Let's play shop. I will be the buyer, and you will be the seller. I need some utensils for soup - a tureen. Dishes for salad - salad bowl; utensils for bread - bread box; utensils for milk - milk jug; utensils for oil - butter dish; utensils for sweets - candy bowl; utensils for crackers - cracker; tableware for salt - salt shaker; utensils for sugar - sugar bowl.

After pronouncing all the available dishes, you can change roles. Our task is to encourage the child to pronounce the names of the dishes independently.

"Find by color"

Goal: to consolidate the agreement of the adjective with the noun in gender and number.

For this game we will need pictures depicting objects of different colors.

We name the color using an adjective in a certain form (gender, number), and the child finds objects of a given color that fit this form of the adjective. For example:

Red - apple, chair, dress.

Yellow - turnip, paint, bag.

Blue - cornflower, eggplant, pencil.

"Choose the right word"

Goal: development of thinking, speech attention.

From the proposed words denoting the characteristics of an object, we invite the child to choose one that is most suitable in meaning. Think and tell me which word is more suitable than others?

In autumn ... (cold, strong, wet) wind blows.

... (green, blue, red) poppies bloomed in the meadow.

Mom took ... (bag, package, basket) into the forest.

Santa Claus comes to visit...(in autumn, spring, winter).

The dog lives... (in the forest, in a kennel, in a den).

The train travels along...(road, water, rails).

"Find the picture"

Goal: development of analysis and synthesis.

We will need pictures depicting various types of transport.

Look at the pictures and name the one that you can talk about using the words:

airport, sky, pilot, flight attendant, wings, window;

rails, compartment, station, carriage, conductor, platform;

pier, sea, captain, deck, sailor, shore;

highway, conductor, driver, stop;

escalator, turnstile, platform, train, station, driver.

"Say it the other way around"

Goal: expanding the dictionary of antonyms.

For this game we need a ball.

We throw the ball to the child and say the word. The child, returning the ball, names a word with the opposite meaning.

Now you and I will turn into stubborn people who do everything the opposite. I throw you a ball and say a word, and you say the opposite. For example: dark, but vice versa - light.

















Speech games on the way home for children 5 – 6 years old (recommendations for parents)

Better develop speech skills in free communication with the child, in creative games. Children, captivated by the concept of the game, do not notice that they are learning, although they have to face difficulties in solving problems posed in the form of a game. Playful activities in games and exercises always include a learning task. The solution to this problem is for every child an important condition personal success in the game. These speech games contribute to the development of speech, enrichment of the child’s vocabulary, attention, and imagination. With the help of such games, the child learns to classify and generalize objects.

To achieve a positive result, you need to play daily.

1. “Guess the object by the name of its parts”

Body, cabin, wheels, steering wheel, headlights, doors (truck). Trunk, branches, twigs, leaves, bark, roots (tree). Bottom, lid, walls, handles (pan). Deck, cabin, anchor, stern, bow (ship). Entrance, floor, stairs, apartments, attic (house). Wings, cockpit, tail, engine (airplane). Eyes, forehead, nose, mouth, eyebrows, cheeks (face). Sleeves, collar, cuffs (shirt). Head, torso, legs, tail, udder (cow). Floor, walls, ceiling (room). Window sill, frame, glass (window).

2. "Guess what it is"

Guessing a generalizing word based on functional characteristics, based on the situation in which the object called this word is most often found. For example: They grow in a garden bed and are used for food (vegetables). They grow on a tree in the garden, very tasty and sweet. Moves on roads, on water, in the air.

3."Name the extra word»

The adult names the words and invites the child to name the “extra” word, and then explain why this word is “extra.” - “Extra” word among nouns: doll, sand, spinning top, bucket, ball; table, wardrobe, carpet, chair, sofa; coat, hat, scarf, boots, hat; plum, apple, tomato, apricot, pear; wolf, dog, lynx, fox, hare; horse, cow, deer, ram, pig; rose, tulip, bean, cornflower, poppy; winter, April, spring, autumn, summer; mom, girlfriend, dad, son, grandmother. –

“Extra” word among adjectives: sad, sad, sad, deep; brave, loud, courageous, daring; yellow, red, strong, green; weak, brittle, long, fragile; strong, distant, durable, reliable; brave, courageous, courageous, angry, determined; deep, shallow, high, light, low.

- “Extra” word among the verbs: think, go, reflect, think; rushed, listened, rushed, rushed; arrived, arrived, ran away, galloped; came, appeared, looked; ran out, entered, flew out, jumped out.

Game "Black Box"

The child gradually determines what is in the box by asking questions about certain properties of the objects: “Is this a toy? Is it wooden? Is it plastic? Can you ride it?” And so on.

Game "Continue the sentence"

Game “Proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters”

The child must explain the meaning of the proverb and saying and pronounce it expressively:

The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.

A person's neatness is beautiful.

A small task is better than any idleness.

If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

Game "Chain of words"

Children form a “chain” of words (the last letter of each word should become the first letter next word): cancer – cat – tank – cow – stork...

A game "Answer in one minute"

Option 1 Option 2

Name Hottabych’s “plane”. – What is the name of the stork’s wife?

What does grandma keep losing? - In which fairy tale is the hero made of flour?

What is the name of the drake's wife? - What is the name of our kindergarten?

What street do you live on? - Is birch a fruit tree?

Name the baby sheep. – Name Baba Yaga’s “plane.”

How is your mother's name? - What time of year is it now?

Game "Who is the smartest?"

Questions to activate logical thinking:

What is the name of adult Oleg if his father's name is Ivan?

Andrey is the son of Vladimir. Who is Vladimir Andrei?

Masha is Larisa’s daughter. Who is Larisa Mashe?

Katya is Roma's sister. Who is Roma Kate?

Yura is more fun than Sasha. Who is sadder than Yura?

Task “Make a sentence with the conjunction “a”

An adult names pairs of objects:

Newspaper and pan - comb and tie - fork and spoon

Shovel and bucket - dog and cat - pencil and pen

For example: “They are reading the newspaper and cooking soup in a saucepan.”

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